IrrWmJ"1 rwtma
Mt L ia m Y, DDW e" sni Ili p I:
S11 86hnIS¶M?706I e' sk. p.ma.
U *Peao~ Inn 9 10., M.. rs.
Moran, Collins & Co. buy furs. *
Referring to spring-we retfrain.
Ales Prenatt is in the city from
Knox Hat at Orsehel's. *
t Glendive was well reprewsened in
his city yesterday.
There will be no servtie at the
Methodist church to night.
Onion sets at Filaharty'.
Roseubsum' rustler, ~mithy, will
attend the stock convention.
Johnny Zook, of Zonk & Alderson,
bas been in town since Friday.
spring styles in finue dress and busi
ness suits arriving daily at Orachel'e.*
The cow man's ganme of Hpnishb
mouse had quite a run ls.t night.
8. F. B. Biddle is in from Powder
river and will attend the conventio.
Clean rags wanted at this office.
W. M. Bnell and wife, the Hatba
way sheep man, was at the Macqueen
J. M. Mbarp ramre in fromu his ranch
on Tongue river yesterday for the
to Bill Bullard for Bent's \Iil
w ee beer in any qluantity. *
Tbe stock outtlts (if the Muwselibell
will hold a ruerting at Lavina on the
28th of May.
There will be solg .ervlce at the
Methodist church for the children at 3
o'clock, p. m.
Leave orders .for coal and wood at
kioonner's store. Coal $3.50 Ier too.
The reserved rooms at the Macqueen
house foot up nearly the entire accom
modations of the hotel.
Train from the east was nearly three
hours late; No. 2 has not yet arrived,
bezing reposted seven hourn Ipte.
Dr. Wyuae,
Eye, Ear and Throat Surgeon, of Hel
ena, will be professionally at the Mac
queen House, Miles City, April 18th
and 19ti,.
The Rev. H. F. Williamt will speak
at the Presbyterian churcb bthis morn
ing at tie usual hour for services.
Fmok Tin ling stole a march on the
rival agents by posting the town with
"Royal Route" notices after mad
Toum J. Allen has arrived from i b
ranch up Tongue river and will re.
main in town through the stock con
E. Remington and Al. Jansen,
both former well known residents' are
at Buenos Ayres, Argentine Republic,
South America.
The ladits of the I'resbyterian
church will have lunch tables at the
Reading Rooam during the stock grow.
era' convention.
The fair price of$300 for a good work
team is gladly paid by Kufel, Kauf
enbsum & Larsen. They want plenty
of teams for contract work.
"Fisherman'. iuck" expresaes the
afternoon expedition rpade by Messrs
Bullard, Dear. E:arly and Cummings,
with Pete Athi.,,n as walron bos.
Rloadnia-ter HWyman, of the Yellow.
atone divaislo. was ill the city yeter
day. The crews worked by him near
ilendive consumed daily I~.0 loave of
Miles City baker's bread.
Copies of the 'IEEKLY YELIOW
STOZNE JoIHSNAL containing the .inan
Dial statement of Custer county for the
year ending February 2N, 1i87, can be
had at the JOUI'AL of1ce.
Mr. and Mrs,. Robinson, late of
Bloomdale, are at the Macqueen. Mr.
Robinson has disposed of his mercan
tlle interests at Bloomdale, as has also
hbl partner, Fred Middleton.
Yesterday's arrivailat the Maucqueen
were: 8. Bean, H. E. Dey, E. 8.
Johnson, W. B. Morton, J. C. Taylor,
(Jleadive; W. 8. Moell and wife,
Hathaway; L. B. Moore, Forsyth.
On April S.tb the Musselshell out.
Ats who have been giraing their
herds on the Crow reserve will begin
mioving them off, in oompileoe with
an order from the interior department.
The trains from both eat and west
whloh will arrive here Tuesday morn.
log will be heavily laden with visitor.
to the stook convention, these being
the sole trains upon whlob excurslon
rates are exteded. The taflux of via.
itors will be great pJ MUJ City will
aoaroely be able to ass~ae all l
the syle of luxurlople magulloenoe
which a limited numt or could com.
wund. We will do lb t #e can to
make thelr stay ileasant.
Dr. Byal, who Is Interested In sheep
on tlH north side, thinks that pre
vious esteliate of lose given by the
JOURNAL are altogether too low.
Over 60 per cent i claimed by the
Ayer's Cathartic Pills are suited to
every age. They are mild and pleaes
ant In action, thorough and seerohlog
in effect, and, being sugar-coated, are
easy to take. Tbece pill, never fall to
give eatifascl ion.
The bar V hormse and mule which
Frank Westervelt ie out rounding up,
(Freweo's) are raid to be worth up
wards of =$0,000. The stock Is under
ataeburant io a suit brought by the
took Gruwers' National Batik of
Miles City.
Pierre Wibaux and wile will be here
on Monday morning. Mr. WVimaux
has Just returned from Europe and
will take in the convention. He left
St. Paul Friday. will stopover a day
at Minguaville, aqd then take the
next train for Miles.
The Dakola Bell is one of the latest
additionu tour exchange table. Car
ruth, who tmade a reputation aa editor
of the Eteilline Bell i 4tlll at the
helmr and the I)akota Bell I. an excel
lent holmorous weekly. It ls now pub
lished at Pilux Fall'.
J. R. McKay, of Tongue river, bha
purchased three Cleveland Bay stall
lone, and ix fline Shetland ponoles,
two of them being stallions. The
Cleveland Bays are in Dakota and the
Shetlands will soon be brought out to
his Tongue river ranch.
Mlanagers of all outfits are requested
to meet Monday, the day before the
conveunton, to arrange some Import
ant round-up mattero. The place of
meeting loa not been designated but
most probably the Macqueen house
parlori will be tender d.
The members of last year's citizens'
committee for the entertainment of
visiting stock men during the oonven.
tlon, who hold over this year, and are
in the territory, are Major Logan,
John M. Holt and E. H. Johnson.
They are making preparation..
J. J. McLaughlin bea resigned ble
position sq stock agent of the Rock
Island road to accept a position as
local agent with the Minneapolis A
Nortbwestern at Minneapolis. Mac's
genial presenoe will be greatly missed
during the coming shipping season.
A perfectly sound body and a mind
unlimpaired are possibleooly with pure
blood. Leading medical authorities
indorse Ayer's Harsaparilla as the best
blood purifying medicine in existence.
It vastly lncreases the working and
productive powers of both hand and
What a great thing ii fame! The
announcement :of the arrival in At.
Paul recently of two Irish wolf dogs
belonging to Theodore toouewelt, and
en route to bhi Montana ranch, occu.
pies a prominent position in a Minne
apolls publication. Incidentally it Is
stated that the brutes are valued at
.)00 each.
Edward Seymour has taken his
brother, W. W. Seymour, into part.
nership, and their cattle firm will in
tie future be known as the Seymour
Bro.berm. They have bought out the
7H, whi.h cattle will be talley marked
with their old hrand U S, and then
driven to t-)e old U' range. The
purchase was made on the first day of
April in ('hicago.
Dr. liurltegh enjoys the unusual dis
tinction of Ibeing retained to defend
nine murder ea.e.at thle coming term of
court-a reoord which is probably nout
puseaesed by any ot ter attorney in the
o'untry. Lent our Irlelnds lil the states
should think from tbi, that murder is
Inoulged in an a pantime in thib vicin
ity we hasten to explain that the ao
oused are all full olooded aborigine.,
who have fallen under the ken of the
white man's law for golong on the war
path and slaughtering their red
brothers and sisters.
Among the visitors from St. Paul,
who left via the Northern Palific on
Friday and probably were aboard
thibs orning's delayed train were O.
B. Bowland, of the Pontiac Live Stock
company; J. L. DeHeart, MaJ. Towers,
of Towers & Oudgell; Mr. Belcher, of
the (. P'. railroad; Hon. Then. loose
velt, E. Ramsay, Col. Harden, C. B.
Ferris and wife, of St. Paul; N. C.
Deerlng, of the Deering cattle comn.
pany; C. (. Mtrause, Milwaukee; Col.
Malone; R. B. Briggs; Dr. Alloway,
Dakota Veterinary Surgeon, Cola.
Gould,Keenan and Hamilton.
Although losses in sheep are not dl
inishlbing any on close investigatioo,
It is believed by many that the oatte
losses have been greatly exaggerated.
Only yesterday a gentleman who has
been riding over the north side ranges
for a week called our attention to tblhi
ht and says he has closely obeerved
ad that loees on the north side
eeoeded to have been greater than
Sotherw contiguous range-will not
oertalnly foot up 15 per cent, sod be
*zpresat Ibts opinioo ias Joutly.
It is time foe the cruokers to let bow
and awat lurtber developmets, which
must assuredly be more and more .a
Of Iateret to It.sw neos.
County Clerk and BReorder L. C.
Dear ha received a letter from Gen
eral Claim Agent 1). K. Ford of the
Northern Pacific railroad announcing
that as the company deslrtsto conform
to the recent enlitment of the legisla
tive aheembly of Mootana, relative to
the paymenet torm t. ck killed or Injured
through the actual negilgence of rail.
road compeoie,-, In c'niiltallle with
.ectio one of the act meutiued, a
record of all toctk killed or injured in
Curter ouulty will ti kept at Miles
Cith ~latioUn fr the Ila.spctI'I of tIole
whom it may concern.
U. A. 5.
U. S. Grant Past, No. 14, Depart
ment of Montan, G. A. R.. will give
its second annual promaeunde concert
at the Rink In Miles City on the even
inK of Wednesday, April 20, 1887.
There will be a drill by a detachment
of the Fifth ilfas.try. Music by the
Fifth infantry bind. Tickets, admit
ting geutlemln and lady, $2.00; tickets
to gallery. S. .cents each.
Drill will c'.m.lmence at 8:30 ash'rp.
Dancing ilnuwedlately after drill.
Tickets are now on sale and can bhe
had of the rembuhers and at the usual
places. HItERY RotY EYN,
= Poat Commander.
The uong service.
The choral service last evening at
the Presbyterian church was very well
attended. A large and appreciative
audience assembled to hear the Rev.
H. F. Williams and wife in their song
service, every seat in the church being
taken. As a singer Mr. Williams has
a rich. powerful voice, whieh filled
the entire space in the church. But
those portions rendered by Mrs. Will
lhain were more than pleasing, and
many were the expreslaons of satisfac.
lion front the members of the congre
gation. They intend giving ",ong
service" to-day at the Methodist
church at 3 o'clock, p. m., for the ben
efit of the Sunday school children;
and the Rev. Mr. Williams will preach
this morning at the Presbyterian
church. Services at the usual hour.
Trebelll and Musn.
To-morrow, Monday evening, April
18th, at the Rink Opera House Thea
tre, we will bave two artlsts such as
we have never heard in our city be
fore. Zelle Trebelli belongs to the
greatest musical stars of the world. In
England she occupies a position se
and to no other artist. Her annual
appearance in London and bthe prov
inces are always crowned with the
greatest possible triumphs, and she is
an ever welcome guest at the Queen's
drawiag rooms. She has a phenome
nal voice, powerful and yet soft and
sweet. Add to this the most wonder
ful cultivation and artful blending of
her registers, and we can account for
Trebelli's great popularity. Musin, the
Iviolinist, is without exaggeration at
the head of his profetsion in this coun
try. He has a beautiful round tone,
deep soulful, Mympathy, and ,marve
lous execution. His bowing is per
fect, and tone effects are such as no
other violinist of the present has at
tained. Besides these two phenome.
nal stars, the company has two great
artists in Herr Steindorfl and Signor
Duzensi. Trebelil will be heard as
"Carmen" which is considered her
greatest part. Let all reserve their
seats for the grand opera concert. A
large house is certain on account of
the many strangers in town.
The "i" (Compllcaetln.
When the annual general meeting
of the Powder River Cattle Company
was held at London recently, Moret on
Frewen etaIde a great talk. A re-or*
ganized company known as the Inter
natioual Cattle C'ompany had previ
oumly been formed, to which the as
sets of the Powder Itivec Cattle ('om
pany were to be transferred. A liqul
dator in the person o' Mr. Kemp was
appointed to wake this transfer to the
new company. Mr. Kemp made his
re:)ort and stated that the company
had had a severe struggle during the
past year, owing to the lack of funds
and that he had borrowed by permis
slon of the court of obhancery £20,000,
and that until the same could be paid,
the transfer could not be made. Here
a rather heated seeson began. It ap
pear. that in 1872 Mr. Moreton Frewen
bought out his partners in the ranch
buslones and turned over the entire
plant to the company for £52,000, ome
£50,000 of whloh he took in shares and
it was agreed as £20,000 of share were
not to be turned over to him for five
years he should have the management
of the company, as he put it, "the
management wr part of the price to
be paid for my property." He was
forced to resign the management, and
in the course of time Mr. Plunket as
sumed the maunskement, to whom
Mr. Frewen lays all the misfortunes
and losnse of the company.
He then gave notice that as the by
law under which he was appointed
manager was still unaltered, an he hen
never been removed by a two-thirds
vote and ua the company was in a
hopeless state of complications, he
would sue for damagep, tlbe ootraer rf
the cnmpany with him having olearly
been be.n broken; he felt sure that a
weatern Jury would give him back his
own with a iubeta, tial addition.
Little work uav done after Mr.
Frewen's talk and the stockholders
A Life Meade Miemrtb
By dysppsls is scarcely worth the lilir . A on,
prlelou appite, bnmrheur, pussllg nervous
sympltas. liereased amtci o.f the heart arter est
Ig, siaklag Is tho abdome h boewem meal. sad
.•ul' os after, are wmea the aesomesir indict i
of 'his baraasin coumpla.t. Two thrngs oaly i3
needtul for its renoval. A reort to Hosteuer'
tomach i..er-, arid pnerste4me oa i uw 1 teso
remnedial liuasure- tIlrig adoped. a cure Iertain.
Tabeu immedialely belore or after mwals. Ibls
grelat slomchiie mitm Itdr see-s uon of the glulrie
Juica, the nalur.l solv et of M lfood. The nery.
on and blHous symuptooalceaqunul u"p n chronic
inditg.stln d m.ap·pr, as the cemp aint gradully
vields to the torrective and lvl.torating influeneo
of the Bitter. Appetlee returns. sleep becoame
mor Slrealilng. rnd a a sequH"ee. the body Io
etctenl y nnurished, muscal. r p~:wer iuncreses.
and the mind gnrows sntman . 'se the ittelr lfor
chills and fe.vr aid hematsm
S Blood Elizir is the only
S Blood Rmnedy guar
teed. It is a postlive ou for Uleer, Erop.
tiosor 8philitie Poisalag. It priets the
whole system, and h.L besall .ll maticl
sad Neuralgic paine. We guarstee it.
Johnil W right. rruggleltl.
Te Oeaoa ,wiyAeLkeL
o warmnted, is because it is the bet
Blood Preparation known. It will pos.
tvely cure all Blood Disease., purlles the
whole system, and thoroughly builds up the
Oonstitution. Jlemember, we guarantee it.
Johi, \V rllfht, Druggi.t.
I'replo,als for Fresh Ieef and Muttom.
Fr. I'AtL, inn March 1!, liS7.
F A l.)D i'R ,PiAI.BAL, Il triplicae, subject to
the Iualoleonditioals. wll be ieceived at his
ce or at the oflesa of the Acting (ommilaraes
of tubaistence, at each of the posts named herein
until 11 o'clock, Tuesday. April 19, 1887, fer dehlv
ery at Forts Abraham I.InCOln, Assinaibolae.
tBennett. Buford, Caster, Keogh, Maginnia, Meade,
Missoula. I'eutbin, Randall. Shaw. liseetoo,
Snelling sully, latien. and Yatre and amps Pep
lar River and 8heridau, of such qusutileieof
fresh teef and mutte u may be requitred by the
Bui.ter ce Department aat thee posts from July
I. Ibl;.to June 910, 1888. o such less time as the
('ornuisary Generalef 8helasaence may direct
reparate p lropsl will be received and opened
as above for furnishlig at the respective posts,
during the came period, such choice cu's of Fresh
IBef and Mbuton for sale to oSmers. su may be
requi red
Bids will state the price per pound, net, on the
For conditions, etc.. apply to th. undersigned or
to the Ac'tngCommi.eartln of bubsiatence at say
of the posts named.
The overnalent reseervee the right to reject any
or all bids.
Proposals should beenclosed in sealed envelopes
and marked "Proposals for Fresh Beet and
Capt. C. 8., Ut. S. A., Chief C. 8,
Prof. Bach is sole agent for An
beuser-Bush tSt. Loute keg beer, 8..
denber'a fine Key Wers and La .on
femiou, celebrated Cuban band-jpade
eeee., * Nm.ese.g.
Notice is hereb yrivenl that the cornm
ml.wioners of Custer county wi!l luret
in speclal selniln on Monday. April
18th, at the oftce of he county clerk at
Mile. City. M. T., fir the transaction
of such busine~ as may properly conme
before them.
By order of the board of County Corn
mlsloners. L. C. DE:AN. Clerk.
Dated. Miles City. Ar. 15, 1887.
Opera House.
The Wor'd'. Greatest C.ntralto. M 1 E. ZELIE
The Renowned Violinist, M. OVIZDl
The Celebrated Pianist. The brilliant tenor
rAlL NTEI.h)kY. 816. 'lZE18I.
II PAItT-Neee. In Full (Cotume., E.t.
General Admission.................... ............. $1 00
R uerved f ate .... .... ........................ ....... 1.2
tale of mast* comownces on Thursday. April 14th,
at -avage's drug store
C. B. Tourz & Co.
lhd t es brat bw on
4 ý win ýt tkllbreu' ur Itm
tJki hLW c1~ash L r pr; d
mutr atIbUu ire err tb hr
gId for a art the.
J.i wir &Cao.
Grand Opening
Dry Goods,
Gents' Fornishing Goods
Hats, Caps,
And the largest and beet asorted stock of
Staple and Fancy
Ever brought to Montana.
These goods wore pcil selected to meet the
watts of the people or le City and vicinity, sad
we etead to all a cordial invlkatie to an ls..s.e
tion of our goods and price belore purchasing
elesehere: and a thle goods were all bought for
rah from l hg tesee they will be sold for
At pries. that
11NDAT, AFURL 1lth.
Goods Delivered at Ranches.
ias, miv
Wagons, Plows,
DM, m d b 3M Ow Geiin ie . aeism h m le
msee ma bi watf I r sallng h ag-es pe r , u . f
Miles Streovll & M'.
iUTTES rr..Y
1. UIJAN, Preprietr.
Fittings in brass, iron, pipe
and hose.
lea..r is epgs., biler, ai
all kids of rtea, lrce ad Id
4goarln out ntb * a l ksin. ot Mac aemy
N ..et m ath arg epeNsiwe Imtr Ofh
Munal Marnsl kI
61epelulege SM
em.rY Nel waist Heelin
All wort don* wsth piwapeumw sd .sw.
bleestem guauysagted.
(Wetop Wegt. Osatiseter.)
Wbepo Eig gasg.m~tw Peutbwu Puws
el rwee
the terrible ·flcu of jle , · "j~
reen such e.eav rra:Yaq loso dww~s d,
ar or. noeqsee (oeictlhrb··irlli
.ober.d * the n. sd odae -tI
to NiDLTAYI.NVld Mack. Ts
botl r ouaqhr ttu gsM 1~021
toa aou uumg frobm dn zb smd~A
oece. l~ 11tr1·1 -'
lullUWE55.U ,AL wuuwriousA ,
includi ngtorug Uhs. oa V-e .-:--Baca
furnish man Mpºolli~ id r
A""tr7 t> r. TIIý net $ e
bottle or fS t=' ýý
7.. U K~smT IS, ft e Wv.M~i~gYO,.