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*THE DiLY IhJROWSTONE JOURNAL VOLUME V. No. 135. MILU C . MONTANA. TUESDAY. JUNE Z4. iu8. PRICE MVFIV CENT. . - .. .. .. . . . T ~... . ... ' "'""9"" ••". .. . .. . . . .. . . . . .. . . .. . . . . THE DAILY JOURNAL Iris 'rrd~u (u~ Z"Ir wiiý Zscpt Monday.. ?.IM of rirl~is City, ·- -5000. -populm d Iffift loq: Terms of Subscription: IT MAIL-IN ADVANCU-POWSAGI PAID. odur mn. 010solow- .- to TO CflT UDoUIDIIL y Wery m a' #A, MS eo. per wek. WUNK IDITION-TZILLW PAPE. Qe Trn...~.- ... .-63.00 ~.~UI..,1 00 Adveuatun Rates. &WLU 4.0~ LOG 1.0 KA*M M E t t: 40?.1uaS0*Lo SweeL. 7.6SIUSU04AW jui3J a * Wllrs41..0 ILSI 8..A! I VeMoL It*tU ILU a' U, 0601ir m. 4S U 100* M. lowi aeiaeee-TIm P ier ftsekan sa. Wi. A Mee - (~ JOURNAL SUILDING, MILES CITY. 3. T. PFRSICIANIL I) YL. 'LLN AND SURGEON. 08at W. L Smqss Iug ataw. 12 tg L I J. J. WOOD. PUTSESAN AND MUGORON. ,a, "Two ading amer. 'T j& L F. 1185 JLI lT690". SUMMON A31 OMUUTAIQ£N. lukdtMAd Goitaboolr.) Osog at wrws &%mow%, Kilo City, M. T. ~37 FI. GREEN. M. D.. yy*VouoATHIC KUu:aZAX ANID SURUON. at so.1. aftt Growers bmk Block. MInaoMr. X.T. 3L R. MARSUALL. U WSIMCUN AND Posn0. at W. a flovagwo 4M stem re gSIBS £tTO3I3Y AN t! LAW. .ieap a%*, OMai ss GMe 1 rL WKITX r rrorrru w~t gpwýý-Iw t "Imbw os @a Onnsears, main MMIN Una City. CONTRAC!03L £1I.U 4T TART ; = 0i=*shemd oe all kinds of eapomt ST." Cbmerb-Ser-aft eamday. 11 a. a., 7 p laD. D. . e, poster. hU taa Chureb-Smia. Snday, I11 a. sm. Ptimbioub Cbemb-4krk Busb, 11 a. a. b0Vs. T. C. Armstreq, ~ate. IL i..r.. slaepal-DaIIy eUsa Istrda 90 L. m.; suaday, 7A p. s. Wm. EOZt Cb.m.h o f ared Heart, Cathollhe-4uadm, 1' a. L W . J.Uadea , U. 13. A. bOC1ZET1. --A-.0. 5.-Diviatem No. 1 now im aed seamo Iuadepeeemab smat. X. el f.-Momearm mad third Wedaudays a 70 a at 0d Follows' Hall. X.-YOUDWS9408ELedp, NI. U, Jm A. U-Yelow sChapter. lo. k 86ofl2 am w staadaye. D. amam Oommndery, wcood ma tomb Thuas. L Ck O.e"Ceey Ledge, ies. Is ever M·mwmhe haM. -Sem Masmpment, So. 6. in, "POWe ?. -, Tharda tid ATu m~rDaw m~ad 40. . .Ifter ofhem We1t No. 25 .eyeI 11mader evealm. WATQHBR 0LOOB, AND PLATED WARE. R. C. RICHMOND A IWatm elia Uhsrt uea. SILsV2W W& SUM il s iATOI CARD ROOK Winie unoh. IRSH D BUmlid LIQUORS FINE CIGARS mo. a SILVERWsr | . m . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . f m y m mm a .q m, m LEIMTTON q SWHOLEALEGROE ", AND SRANCIMEN'S SUPPIE8, Goods Delivered at Ranches. IN REASTERN ImrONTAN FIRST 1 SL NATIONAL BANK OF THI eLiS1 AID IRDGS Bill II ETRl MIOmAI SURPLUS AND UNDIVIDED PROFITS 860,00 ioFWR L ITO, Tr imet. W. B. JO .DA . Vie Preidsa . 3 B. WILlYa, Ama o.m INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. STOCK GROWERS NATIONAL BANK, AMILrr OITY. MONT. TDI ImAMT IANK BSIll' IITAlll CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $10,000.00 ,.-TRUW ALlOWZD ON .ImN DPOS-ITI W.5. 3.5L hrsiumt, WE. 3AZf. nlt 31 A~fWWA flah ~ UL~~ , Y~ *a. I. I. IATCHLOS, Oacr r. 2 s OSTP aM, I r" Ou IMPORTANT TO INSURERS The amy t the sewed depeds s muc upe the ikill ad huewdge t 401iN as pe. * the "mmSt a the "e"rW. The ati prrsaat to ri.te pena"il mad ik. * esm nsemt.t so nmatly fed br, as well as *. the osdie nae. mad ased e. byL Sverry eron assurem , is set ae red a bw days a. m atr, tut rsuls the study at espede" u TIAU. It is well known at mut t t*3 delay ami mreMe atteading the settleme"t of luis ae e m .1th.r Igaure . A. Ts tregh whom thetI,,rsue Is dusted, amd their ablia y to read aloeded sastuasa at 0 tl% o ad marb a . te. TTT T T A I r ffTTD r1T1ht A T VI I IJ.JL L YJ I LV - i OHAR'LES W. BEYDE, NO T ARY PT.E LIO. Real Flte, suce and Covojyauci LIVE STOCK BOUGHT and SOLD Ne 51i3 m CmoI I&(2 I A 1T TT S .I Agent For First Class Steamship Lines For Europe. OOVWUNY AWDPIMW OLLIXS A IRIALIT. I st Ilalrtant I1 Insfrers! That certain Imrrase companima reprsuented In mals Olw ha. ot 7$ pat i a loa which oooaund three ms tgp. That pfhole have been dvme b . the aured without the agt'M u threb~y rendering them m adM no embot. That pree ' bom i nsured tbr DOnS! b I N in.ome in eby ac a .l ! re Opera House Bookings. The Lists and Dates oT Appear anace of Some of the Best Troupes That Adorn the Mimic Stage of America-Miles City in Luck. Tll ASIKmIIm RAsONex. Simething Abeat te m ersalamest that are sebek br o kse Cls. While it Ie true that the nteetate bill has had the partial eset of do. priving this locality In semmo with many others of the pleasure derived from travellngsbows, It bhas n work ed complete embargo of the bsnlaess, as wil be seen by the followlag list of attractions now booked by Manager Russell for future appearasee at oar opera house. Firt on the list is the eminent tra gedian, Gee. C. Miln, who will give us a one night performanus on Fridy evening next. Mr. Mlhn is so straag r bhere, having filled two very atile. faotery engagements here In the p-et, In which he appeared in a round of hakesperlan characters. He Il sup ported this season by Miss Adele SPayn, who was with blhm as leading lady on the occasion of his first en. gagement here. She is a very talent ed actres and has, we are Informed, improved very much In the Interval of her last appearanoe. Thesame may be oaid of Mr. Miln, who, aeeording to the best accoous, has ueceaeded Ia dl vesting himself of the mannerism as qunred during bli pulpit career, and is now a tboroug-paced actr, with all the advantages derived from a sobol arly profession anterior to his adoptlnr Cloely .olowing tbhe ilen enag meat eome GOerge 8. Knilght s wife, German dialeet comndias, lt known to the Amerlcan poblie as I ing one of the moat deligbtdtl a amuslg eatrta4nmenta oa the ro Ml. Knight gei sted, as bave -ma other ezellesk eharseter esmedle from the varity stage, and hi.s tal * M. ad ebarmlat wife was knewn the theatre goer of ten or oftoe yj . ago, as 8ophe Wonll, oe of the ti . poted Wrnell satle, whose has w the atloa il. A raue treat may lookemd for is the entrztalament gt by the Kanght cospany. Nest tll wrng s FPedolek Wau who appears July 4th and 5th Bhakensper ebaraeten. Fred Wa Is now one of the recognimed trag m of tbhe Amertoan stage, bhal worked his way up from the low round of the ladder, and br ra nmd of yea has played a worthy scond Edwin Booth in New York and ot metropolitan eles. He was one the elebrated quartette that praod. Julius Casar i such magnlfoent set sad with ueh marked efaot, at Ni * York some yars ago, when Boe played Cesar; Barrett, Caeius; E Davenport, Breus, aad Wards, Me g Anthony. He is athoregh artist one whose like Miles City will not again this year at least. The beautiful and talented Rhea fol low@, having eecored the house for July 10th. when she will play a return engagement, probably producing Pygmalion and Galatea. In which abe will be seen to better advantage than In the sombre and unfortunate Ca. mille. Mile. Rhea, having so lately appear before a Miles City audieuce renders it uonecessary tosay anything in her favor. 8he has made her repo tation bere as elsewhere, and will on her return be enthusiastllally releved. After Rhea there are no definite bookings, although several applica tions, until September Wrd, when Gil1 more's "Devil's Auction" holds the boards for one night. This is one of the most celebrated spentacular pleoes of the day, and require for its preo sentation over forty people. The man agement earries li own soenery and meohanical appratus, and barring the extent of the stage will pr6dee the piece Just as it l gves li the hlae citles. Next comes the Alvin Jeolyn Corn edy Company, who as booked fe September 6th. Alvin Joelyn's speo laty is In thesme time u Dee Thomp. son, and while Jwalyn may be iesed an Imltato, he a meoat oseomplabed one and his paesen e of te *ld New Eaglad lme will be frcnd true toll f ad w mmlag a Dae Tbompesm' "*Jm WhI tesa Anaehr gr tMo b lal be tge uastolNov. d ea Mi, her wbhI dates e I r La mLt M--utl ometr O. sm tent. Of tba we kmaew b t, bts pmesme te toi ma a "t as 0a -*a~iC^ *aaaof t -M sona aIlfehse thatb bses avellag sopsap this sasmo. In addition to the. a'ho. asmer sted, ther ame probably , dose Slrt elase comblnations in eorepemdmes with Mr. Russell for date, ad the majority of them wiU doubSdt be booked deanitely ere Olng. It will be seen therefor that we will have our abare of shows tblh year, aUd all S1tn class ones. too, for the main remao that the provisions of the inter-**ate bill makes it too expensive for say but irst eles attraetioens b travel. 3en Abeut ab Clsiag of the PabUe EXP08ITION. One of the prmninent fetures of the day, Friday. June 10, was the display b of the work of'b. varous grades. h This epoaLton of the aecul work of the pupls Ln their o eo pea, peadl sad orbyo In ltudytlag and entg their lesne was very lonastivw. Men and women in the everydeay af. r hi of libm musake otheo, peadl or tool wberewith they labor "talk." asd the pupils are trained to this In their school work. For this purpose writtn lessons and other exeurles in sead of tbe mere memorlit study of pale after page of thbe text book age gives, and whenever a pupil puts a thougbht on paper he is required to do his best, understandlng that he will not bo permitted to copy ble work afts Is has been oorerted by tbh teaeber. Whatever can be des as all in expressing thought upoo paper, blsakboard, or by spoken words, eught to be doe swell the flzt time ILs attempted as at any time, even after Srepeated trials. This idea of best of ort first and no repetitie relneves pm pllr and teaobe of mueh of the e SIns drudgery whbh oftentime abar IWKI M UIU. so INI VUW -YW pupils' skln Is tbhiking. wr'tltg sad speaklng, ead give them a slf.eloL. saee apes their ows powers benaems they know how to ueo them sed kmaw tht they am sadewthr . aelm easet fall to eeplead to the emusa o( their wills. Pupils areo tagh to believe that they wgll "nt kbaeauds to perform ay teak beyee. thei powers ad they sub eessed is every e uerse or lesson mgetd them by ' their teasbe. This sthed et e-ls. lgiss at topow so may pgem of feate Into the alads of pupils au b a ivate (a them the deJsie sad pewer to Mars. The prmry uoem ls Ia eabep Sof Miss Many Ms all. Hes tohe. nti fellows lam to read, to write, to spell, to "sumber," hbeh mesas the fnbdameotal uperatIsa of aulthmease, i sad to siag and talk. Thisbl ream was i deaited with boeequets of owes sabd evergreens sad sab pupils' desk bade sample of work em paper or s mlate. Tbhe sOt nroem Miss BRees ~ Ullas'. It preseste a bsidkhll p. parosea. Tbhe sbaeme of de's tions and the vwrity of wwk displayed Smakes one tblhk that the pupil bhave "lesnrd to labor," sad not to wadt. We notleod that one of their asop said "Theol Itle buy oee the type for yoe sad me," sad we ooseded, that wo estalnly were In a b l hive of obeerfubl learer. The next room is Ml. B.asie Moriratb's. Prof. Psers say that ahe pupils a.ways go to soep s atnight sd wake In the maorslg saying "Miso Beusl, plase sbow em ow tbis is ?" However tht tay be, Sher room uad br pupils show Der Sthemuelve that the past tas moeths have not been wasted. Mir Tl.s Jobaeos's reem was next visited. The room was heaadomely deoorated with Slowes and .poe the blekboards wer eo:ollent maps, sad on the des k wer the wrtleo ererless at the pupill ' ily aragead. The shbowed pe aerlag ey. Prof. Peuter's eno wM. proisely deened with ve gMesas, resse, and other Sowess. bet Sth asps, drawig. sad wdrites le aose ef the pupil, were likewls ables dat sad laterestlag. As we puss/ bes th e asebeol buldlag, we eWsed that he hool boaeerd has bees delag Ssomethlag I keeplg with the spills Sof impeevemest whisk elgtned l T lag t Fricy, sad we sl a t - di,,..,,, . .,.n -- ,... 5.Yevel0a nis fWPINa BW 5EME am@ awyQpleased. p. Tbs szoolbt omupany wo b"rn. di adM Sdsy by t.ddM emuka* M d Q008 MY, qsafli*so rpmsei f d ba erslam bm pef"Umf 0160u6W Shit? INGO said hoemsausm wsem * Thisahol .4W.' wtU md mhe Nory wvat iamer* of ase OOW y aa 6 w p aIethess to givm. W- so 6 s el Is every Z119:1 ka, atleso tb. a blhoue... 0 "saiuglb. WD Ui~, 00 # Urn . -,ad M a £at qji 4r~ mtlal r-. It l. to be r" vngmguIIewrtr it mat.h pftvaglj vi~ m "M " "notb r .ot rtatpm If^ " t rY * trb. ddlkiw of thme uo w 4bI F " would hba. far .s- adid/r loop " dip 3igot'O ,wn'rrn., ,w Ur Shoegh ezesihot . te. mile, mr ýt w" od V our watths" * without doubt tb aumguof lbýt N £ Lu We guinue. & w ,rl 4- - - vs. wrr, hk iai rs as Us ll C Bs. weeks age she 4 kids a e 'misuse of the we.mlul h eft fumed at Mess's Lqaps hr a i4 man aimed Wailim Ullq. 4UIb "the humamn, king~." tbs. moust uas rldkleud.sad isuhud 44 Igmusafly. being sorndsiud the M. L duut ofvlvldl qllnds. m Wbac of then ebted, hswev didsot· egmpo , thlrd af wht twLmm lseepeie st doing in th water. Kuawing that. the gtest majoulty O Nagle eaingaii Sdoubted Daley'. owers, riumr l gs tsim Dually peinseudb him nMassa 6day fo pblbi ehlbstl.. Yauuav, V a!Irnoom. tbhmtaw. minuy a bhunbei a people bd ausmbled at the Irs, whleh Is Iaoealnboutes alrl ura .' 11the .euen bounded el Ise sly um th. tfny ra/. Dineuhing at en ml. b1 hswum dewntetbe apen~s abe at wate lbres he crowd. ; Qanl*, but witsh hedy a pgls et. te -plkd rse, . he sah ban"th shewatee. Up Se MLs dsa and when a lile ball sssy dope and tUhl bbadmteessw Mhe tp ,, ti bhdoubting sese sit .ells that M was a upll o1om kind. "Nell.! tshe. he lo." "'Tb baumr rmseu ese M s . '" teolik·a as. Wilms bath hae/a u~awl:I in smgppindng a .irs e. ~t SWubwitqhisprey " n ibin"~ be wt dwan spin. ThIs. we k or wbsa be cae up test ell rd 60 ' bet"ee iteese~ub li. bu tem.~ Itsef to satisf e did a l thoqgh mm en .1 tha aplerl re m he bad tworthese b Md at the bell. Durlg thew .saes he Sugh two or n th. henekes, mmd wens in sin at a 'er stk. ft wale loupe themss sbet. U~sepuuud egt or Wea &b, ewevee. nlnuldte Weat. spereb, bneam and uadab. Itu wm . e deeM week, . Wmi, sad. vi/ W -. It were .meuai. Om Iuaus m wh $b sea .beeh like a hat sad manews l y semped a ehUL-Agpeh In chasm ' his. 1 rOT ALARMIMx. Ne in the Slt men st TeTmble Ameag tihe . W.. T. lars. Winnipg spelal of re"e das: As SOttaw dispa ab may that alrmal Sdispatebhe appear ln te papes re Sspecting trublo la the northbwet on the authority of a broSher of a Man tob railnedaer, who sav It is *otle* able that th haelfb4e-is ladiew between Portage and Swift Carges ar moren nolent thea before the a bellion. Anotber dtspaeh s that menator Girad resOlved a Mltr frtm Prince Albert, whleh taee tt the half-breed in "hrt Tiokltt4 0p17 , Sspeak of e prspets of ad oher p Srislog, ad tbat wo itebeAge of StO Sbeco is going on between them sad the Cree sad southebrn laas. Th . senator said e had meeelv d tMte trhm leading MetM e Sk UMiaMeh a wi, sad while tkhee Was eemdeorm ' dissatishton az f amagt them there was et the a.lightest ames say appueheasis of tmoble. The > 1 port w ouerest th (tht * he tO W Spw ad Meast eauri, bt bhe h r respoadest dd mot believe te MpM. e itheuh 6me 1m0lease6ts Immred d It with easmiideble aUeMe. . , I LaurOMa Clark telegraphe fhm - k. Prl M Alb tt tbhebre is s k te 1> MIsafM sy no&t111 s-na w U th~t sCe neS Ui lear kuned that abbesg SaneIs apmt there Ise se 12 Ig IQ @ MMim. At. I sL,' M. » sa*th ewyetiag is qulsM Med t 1.e die aed h&Alf-brios Me east, ihaise htt be wes n Wved by o a hPri9breeil tm eilbr esuetln i ' . jmesai w um e is . aIt r Msjb" am ist t"-"a fuja "aen h w Is Surn