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SiIEDAILY JOURNAL uJi CI r. MONlrTwA. ..... of s.eens X*sL la"s LML. LOCAL ITEMS. Trea free the west reported hour " -lat__e. .ia bb Iaab h I Oh (m . sheep rner is Ina town t his hually. ts & Jordan will today ship s iared of wool to the east. Mr. Ore, the sheeop aleer of Al blh s quartered at the Maoques. hClem ia wanted at asbl omoe. " Win. Boek, of Eran Oalatin. has a di 1e whseat thbtuameds Ave feet high. Albert Pepusm. breuma of the LAe. aeats satle eoeipeny returnad yests day to bhis duties a the ranoh. Lee, a eand 'Teemer won the Idl bae i tla e the Tbdays prolsalea al rqaply at Lake Qolasegamend. O" I Bln Bullasr for Beet's 1iI. wankes beer in asy qgstty. John Magule is reported as lylng I1 of arvems pematLti at Heles. His phyi~les epea him to be about In a hw days. Owing ithe raid on theAreasury by gIr" d squrrel zerts, territorual warrena ae mnow soaling at a discount aeme per oot. Bke Holliday, the pioneer of west. 4l eklliastlon. Is deed, ad notwitb elanding his many giganti enter priae, he died poor. Liet. H. Llgget. Fifth infantry, ha. eeon appointed poet oommlssary at Fort Topen, vice Lieut A. J. Ruo. eell, Sevathb avalry. t.he balsae of stock of the Frew._ uStA wil be o sa le today at tbhe Lesk yauiJjust below the oily. Time of the sale will be 4 n'olook. Blmarek uore the erstblisbmen of a owag amd polishlg worksb fr workag oever the graslte botldere t are ustsred over the prairie l that vielalty. -urs was"e A spable wemma t do conklag, wublag sad gea nIl beasowork for a aly two; ood - wage. Apply b * car. MonvLa, Fort Kse The arrivals at the Masgemo R-oose have b,.s: T. K. Wisbell, MYspab; W. R. Moelroy, Cbleago; Jobshn d, Madalo, Dak.; Miss Carlstee, Misno 44*Lk eobert Hurdsmlbeo, "The Drumo er By of the appsbuanuao" Is at PariUmd, givtl drum eonooerts. He will probably the lm Motana o his way e _ _ J. L. Doe arts d ee, B. B. D. art, o tbe Do Har lad and eatle ampeasy Mspped off thbe mormnig's 4amd sad r*gitered at the Maequeee, emu Lins, Wi. a.uII ar Soo. Ninty (99) grade Durham bulli tw's and thre'e.-doubla wintered - 1LAMet lam ramg bulle. Apply to Wu. CoTartXAY, Mile City, or S. J . D. Y, Gleodive, M. T. MirN Boo Sullrva ad lke LIll lRyolds who have been at the Dover RIae fr th lat tyear, were pasgeam on the weas bound train hbi moalug sad Intead to make Bill. t0 their Ihater home. u,, Ws L Mar. aUarTwoo Wmw r wa @ ID w.rkln partonrhlp wihb Coloel abuet., arrived yeterday from eol ema. They will soon it out a party sad eommena work on the contrus te : rvu y the land on the upper Teomsu river. A myMrleh same robber at Ana eada Is exuling the woeder of the - people of that towa. A merahets a .rged .H.H 8tmtoo to have had O$,00 abutraets fom hri mrh wl may foro keing used or say evidease of burglary. 1.kWm PrbM ay has reeolved a or thtre .can orf CHOI m ndi1d D ibam thoroughbred isd bigh Irade bullk hem the oler beate Wreeding hm of D~avi., Whtt rq a Ow, ObI$ WI eol eheap and as ketslo sl t yem The bulk can haisee St one's putheseer tow.* The Sollowlus weale will ha a.a aeMtered at the Muaqua Rooe, that we arrivals yesterday: Tamp. UM , Alseda, Mont.; R. L. Word. wil, Mloneapoli; Mrs. J. W. Lewis CIaJasl; W. R. Cannon and R. H. WaMlt, Powder River. The artbe had a Plesant oall at the eoart hoes yrsterday and was shows over the jail department by the Jalel Jaek Hawkins. The ag :oontelne only five prLsor In all, who *eem too well oontented ader the olrom aMMoes. The courts have leaned the dAhe prat t asm hw a that the jl m n* in the e.u4o d aldtloe. It need to be. X]jrtytla about the Iherisf depar. t s kept Iola ppl ple doder,plawty of d fehn ter to make It healty and eleh. The omoopante food I pai but wholeoome, ad plea ty of It, gi. l to hm Ltwie day, with estres oas huday. The kid take luaslaealy to the peort of ber ball as well aU their eldes. Ye+stedq the youag stalwarts froa Ieogh same to town and eeooped Sthe Mil City athletes, the yeung _Marooa. The oooe was 16 to b ln ivoer of the reservaleoa. armra. SWord ha ben reoeved by Tom Al. Ion, of the marriage In bChilo of his brother Lieut. H. T. Alle, of the U. 8. A. The bride is a Miss Johnbn. who as a guet of Col. Ris st Fort Keogh some time ago. The ereomony was performed on be 1ath et thbi mobth and the bhappy couple will Im. mediately sell for Europe on their weddlag tour. The Liestenast has rena ly re;ved a si month's leave of abseoe whloh be will now put to a good use. The groom is well known n tblis volnlty and was at one time stationed at Fort Keogh. Slooe then he was In oharge of a government expedition for the exploratie. of a e srtaln part of Alaska. Whloi gave blh a reputation as a brilllnt explorer of that almost unknown region. The bearty well wishes and oongratula tons of all their friends In this ose tloo go with the newly made couple In their; pilgrimage abroad uad also through lift. A V'ew. We had a view from the court house Syesterday for the Brst time, and were surprised at the panorama whloh was spread out beneath us. It is the deas position In the country to view the town sad its surroundlnpg. A sight is obtained of the glstenoling Yellowstone and the line of green trees that mark the beak of Tongue river. The town whieh, looked di reootly at our feet, displayed broad streets that were laid out in a regular. Ity that was pleasing to the eye, well grassed lawns sbaaed by busby trees, und relidences that would do otedit to a town of larger proportions. Mali showed an almost unbroken line of brisk business houses, giving a metropolitan air to that portion of the eity. The foundes of this our western home did their work well. Nothing mae the symmery of the whole exeept the Ilse of railroad that makes Its entrance ianto town sames ways. One earn hardly realise that eight years ago his spot was free from olvilsation, where now staad town of several thousand souls. Su-h rapid development ls known nowhere e. ept in the west. ag Mew raru. A stranger arrived In town yeste day who brought news from the Ynlt. row.'ox JovnxAL expeditioo. They have resobd the ity of 8beolda, where they are reouperauieg awhile, before pueeing o Into Ibe mouataius. This stranger resolved a verystarthg but withall a very piemasat itrodue tion to the membert f Ioexpedition. It seems that Gov. Mooollght, of Wy. omlng wase xpected ln town that day, and everybody was on watch for the distinguished personage, ready to give him a herty welcome, the coterie of four were a sxioues any to show what a Montana weloume could be, espying this individual acro. the street, the manipoulatr of sourdough stopped to the door, sayinl, "Hey, there, come over," and without fur. ther ceremony be proceeded to ntro. duos "'ov. Moonlight" to his rends. The gentleman In question became rather uneasy. seeing the situation he was placed in before a mob of wild looking men with unkept beards, flannel ebarts, and dirty bands, when the sour dough man turned around and very quietly remarked, "'It'd your tarn to set 'em up, Gov.," wbioh he willinagly did, and soon after the mis. take was retlld. Everyone of the party is n good health and full of spirits, whib I believed will last till they return. n".. . R . On Tuesday evening, July 19h, Mle. Rhl will premon hb now sad ver nmsese aloomedy of Fairy Fla gI.: The BuPlo ia prees of this play: "The play has the old-hlowd ro.uatUo eaStve undeylalng itl plot bhe lmpedlmimte to the union of two young heaim whlkh result In tempor ary estragumeat, but Inevitably are swept away to prmlt a bileMl el.* minstion. In ose easethe obsteele to earll matriamoy are proposed by the desigingl villiat; In the present Inslance, by designigl puaris. In some the hero makes the mealoes nla this It is the heroaine. Alike In all, the ostanoy of the one who goes Oth Is maloonstrued Into peedy o eter, and the msunadesteading s _eaiNd up by bhe defeat of he 'op. Ig bes.w. In "Fairy Flags' a daibM mtes dresmaker; and em pes Almthy nus ss a mdIte enable um n aly the man she loves, de 9G s plasn of the dowen aý. She i , o ones le--ah he b .liadw of .m appaurda hs mllwsety ame eaue all the glass of the Idl la the m dissea to be leveled as th sada. Mil4 Ihes plays with alvegnsepau d hsrella address; uad, raokiu an st tempttobe melodramle Ia the mild A emas of the play, Is easmleuttiy and emably demoanstra.ti thoeqh A Wmeal West. Two of the boys of the I--N smp at Crow Rock had p sdvetereo with buflo reonetly. They disovoerd two of the animals ea am opposite bloff, and pro.ulnag dbr started in peurslt. They soooedod In bringing, down one of them as they appesd, pad then tared their attention to the other, whleh was not so easy to 0cap ture; It took to llght and was followod by the irst one. The boys started after the couple and puonud them for twenty-fve miles sad then did not bring them down. Budsloes an sly birds In this country now, where onoe the plains and buttes wero eovered with themn. fiLa lrW als.& Most .eryone talking inoorpomr. tion-aod why not? What is there of more vital importance to the welfare ofthil community ? If thre are to be objections advanced, as of course there surely will be, will not the pressing need of ouch an ot be so selfevldent and apparent as to sweep away nay and all petty obstructIon? Bome economist may my that the extra oet willbegreat. It does follow that it will be. To be e tbhere will bea small outlay at the beginning to get things In running order, and then, after the expense for offiias can be reduced to a nominal amount. After it Is once sacompllshed, a pride for home institutions will be gnerated among o~r people, and everyone will feel like helping by word and deed the mantenanoe of all home enter. prises. Mile City Ie known abroad for its hospitality and generous treat. ment of all strangers that come within its midst. With how moch more prestige could a wecome obe made If it were known to come from an ergtn. lIed body, rather than Individuals? That if capital should cas an eye to our town for investment there would be some appolnted body of oltsses that could lay to view the advantages of sne a venturend t readyin the name of the town to welcome seek partles. T!i O 0I C u0W, Th spreme woart In neas at He-l ins e. Wedaesday made the followlig rra gemenb and bterm o eoort: First Jodtle KeCosnel presidlag lJdg, eompris. eg the ooatle of Lewis sad Clarke, JeffArs and Cheteaw. Seoand Dstrle,-Assolate Justley Galbralth presidnlg, aomprag the #eates of Bliver Bow, Der Lodge and Mlmouls. Third Distr.te-Assoolale Jotloes MoLeary presedlng, eompr lmg the PoOutlee.of (Galeat, Park, Medlean and Beaverbhed. eForth Distrlct-Asselate JeuSe Bseb presidlng, comprlsag the maon es of Meagher, Fergus, Yellowstoeo Wad Uster. The tm, for holding term of ooue veo been ixed s follows: UKITUD WTATm COURTS. At Helens-FlrstMoedays Marob, fuly and November. At Der Lodge-First Mondays in May and Deeember. At Bosema--Thlrd Mondays of May and November. At Miles City-Third Monday In April and fifth Monday In October. The terms of the distrlit court have been .ized as follows: FIRMT DIUIRICT. Lewis and Clarke county-First Mondays in March, July and No vember. Aprif sad d.plimbs,. O7bosu oounay-FIrst Tuuiqe other tbs tint Moodyq Ia April sad SNOOND DUW3ZVT. Wielvr Bow soumly-Falis Yo@dy o N.Iuh mad Osobsr. DssE sopty-1Ius Mmid.s~ MII. suamy-aosssd Mindyr otlune sad Naysober. T!'IN DIEIUT. GasmA. eshaty-FiM lomd s ls May mad Norombr. .Park eoasly-VIM Meade" Is Msrb sad Sptsmbsr. Madsoa oonaty-Thbld Yomsys o April sad Oieber. Usaverbead oofly-FIlM ~amby. In April sad Otober. Inn, npu ff3m. Meagher county-Fourth Monday In Mamh and N aond Mobday in Sep. Ilumber. Forgum muty-Firt Monday in April and fourth Modar In loep. tember. Yellowstone ouabty-FbuS Aftday In March, and third Monday la Oo. lobar. Coster movuly-Third Moadi in April sad FIth Monday Is OIsbr. Dwsma oanoty-Third Monday in Kat, sad Fbeu Momiw h X.0 ?S.a. · swmo amd Eouimas. Thu. an bw who oad. bho llssboH wkbh PU- hosa LIM roeu .owmm&i wwas S aso lbos hare bu-m WIth a ysilewlk a"S 01 "mass"o aMA a"th i~ oat aalu iPausgmily rhhsh go Mmatmaprotii eye" mesplem No the ievil a U rnwr&d , 11" r. mat & em. "ist, MA Pa" be, of - tho s o the M in, baL ws o dyoeoIo symIP14o. soupaisan ad headashe? Of Youn "Nad. Md ad i the imuidual was NOT uo* Hoittu' iomink UNM or bae met so have lo a havs souglalaui To p_"f the hhsd wh Watammsowd Wih hile, "d *"dse the moitie to Its omeese l, thama. roawiblhgbaulwity 4ih bthe h. aLah billoUw hUadahe nmd mos uP"si'mA to aviu eo dmupt-ookutbe cam Wretseh inLa omss th * eshl.ausimio MA *mis. Malautal las ways oebtthe l.v ead Idy ""Aj TAIY., ans rm. Uby it. lsias Is a ppfthnr. S would asJoy you diosi an usprtevd byDYu -SIM I am k Dapejala T".Mas Mayarsa Pddy ors or MIA I Veosmotuo Sham. t , ald 50 Glo. John Wright. Druggist. %%Nks Of the good things of this life ao orron rw ally Wt lome on account of Dyspepsia. Ackois Dyspepsla Tablots will cars Dysopula, Indigestion and ConLstpatlon; sold on a positive guarantee at 2 sad 50 cents. bI John Wright. Drggist. 40t BUSINESS NOTICE!. Prof. Bamb I. sole m t for An beumer.Bueb St. Iol e beer, 8e1. eaoberr's Ie Rev Wear sad La Uon eslon, oelebrated Cuban hand-made 9gars. Aiieuee IBelles. Notle l hbereby given that Louis Payette, of Mile ClIy, i She county rf Custer sad territory of Montana, bus this day made ao aesigament to th undersigoed of all his property of very desoripton for the bonetl of his rediton, who re requested to pre. a-t their claim. for settlement; and ill indebted to said Louoi Payete are hereby notiied to make paymeit to re. CHAs. W. BBYD3L Ad nt C Je. Dated at Miles City, July 8, 1681. ~- *m-.1 -. e• .... s wrlhs, rl . t o n n t r. -M ýý u IlK OPEIA 10IIOK imus . e dsiagmaabs4 aseses MLL B. RHEA, . -s--essi hr - .msllsm uempamar, emnDuii R. ARTHUR FORREBBT. JULY 18th a 19th. MONDAY, JULY 18th, Pygmalion and Galatea TUESDAY, JULY 19th, Fairy Fingers. VilWMaia% 't. 6W UIvuu d V Iatrt~n . d S ,U 'do' re J. i. L 1Iim of* wiLt AU Ib M t t Is"p s e r e m e/ a u bm i m ,1 g tet lwll ri toWW f ý 004 lý' ( $ ti N nt1alh l M Yt MuI 0==%9 164 bame I o1mab #agshn D~ul Jima ib liy. Pui3TY r~ Ai ""V rh r brfkA auLhruy sm be hrL~ ~*W &~ME kft IL- "-7-ilj' CIAI The Biggest C In Summer Weih 'os Of CLOTHING Furnishin Goods, FINE SHOES, Seersucker or Linen CoatsiVes ,• ,; EVER KNOWN AT I. ORSCHEL& BRO.'SI Bargains! Bargains!! wm.U CaliforniaFruit 2 oanIm fr 45 oQes. TOMATOES Per cam S$8.00. W. B. SKINNER. i . I. !loers &Co. J I On p d Gouts aid Urn be k $LVwk pff p*ir, a dkr O Fritz&Leonard's MIT.S (ImY EXCELSIOR BREWERY [s now prepared to ftis. rh the best BEER in th market in any diered quantity, by the keg or Family trade molintt orders promptly filbd and deliveries made t omy part of uMil O1V mee of harge. A In M d WE fV a q im iwn WATER I an mY prom" Wft b NUII * ra wf a w t&& i at*u a" md MuftS 30U.m 191~ BRICK O BZ W "a' amox~s