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THE DAILY YELLOWSTONE JOURNAL. VOLUME VI. No. s3. MILES C*Y, MONTANA. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7, sUy. PRICE FIVE CENTS. THE DAILY JOURNAL 055 G $w .f mmwrcr cGu.. Ewyº Morning Except Mondq'. tqul e e! Nil. City, -- $000. Tamns of Subsciptio: T AL-INA IJVANCZ-POITAI PAID. DuA r si: y.ei...---*-l LW D ~thu 1Jdi.»LU, LW TO CITY 1U11CI31333 by can't, 3,.,, Kaora. s 5 s '. pe Wekh. WI=LY 3DITIONI-IYLLOW PPIA . ...................-. . 'I-r-zzU: LWO AdyerttiliDE Rates. 1 .. » 10 401, 47.0W11.00 LW. 0 1. 1.0 1 100 W0110.514.01L 11.00 05W 1 .Ih.M.. 12.00 15.60 10.0S0.00 01.W 50055 5W. P M..tb.. 10.072.t00 7034.WaW 55 6 .0,105.05 6 YwLL.,II n a o00,40.55 0.00 74505100.0019.06 IeI e-twM-T-s- u Mr F ru hr N~k urr Oa.. mwrltr sm p., urse. Ai,.. VEU.LsWT@UI JOURUAL. JOURNAL 5UILDINU, MILES CITY. M. T. CONTRACTORS. MAhPLE S TUART, CONThA4CII AND BVILDBU ýssimst uum~b on all kinds of carprtet werk 1 3OFI'KIONAL. LýiMOND BUTLER. 6lb~ ATTOMkNT AT LAW. mi C oeztoaye. Main street, Mila City. PfT5ICIANt, B) . U. BEDD, kLifulnIAN AND SUtRGEON. Oie at W. B. Msaige'. drug store. 12 i \L 3. J. WOoD. P'aayCIA, AND SkUREON. at tTaege's drug uure. Me e MLii. FISH , Pt acuM, gvMMON AND ONT.TrtICIAM (Am1 W.d~a lr sI TbrW~) L49" a Fj7 V. GREEN. V. D., a loxaowATahC PYel*a&N AND SnMDON. Beare N o.1, bock Growers Bank Block, NflM CiLy, Y. T. T~LU. SIrPes. Li PTUWCIAx AND 5ogNMD. in e.d ieBue Milding. up tairn. C. WITIIY, DL nTK Nk Mel.ant, .'sr e Lost, .,w w Ntiol Baek. Ii week gwarlus and at s memoe ino. CHUIICIM manauel Churcb (Epluaepal) Palmer --er vlina daylr 9:1u a. m. and 7:1) p. a. Wm. Ceb-r-~o-tear Malda1y, 11 a. a., 7 p. m . D. Dwny, pater. umedsI" Chauhre.45 Sle n day, 11 a. m., TSi p. m. 6 . L lder, paetor. Pltpe-i-a Chnh-borlcsa Saunday, 11 a. m., . . .. . T. C. Arstrong, peater. s(haw of Caci et. b.Uoeday, 10 am. t . I.L.desmnth, chaplain, U. . A. .OCIuTIm. A. . .-Dlviadeo No. I mesets and seea L £et. -Mse sMs nd thrd Wedleslays at T:sb . at Od d leUowr Hall. A. M.-LTeI.wtme Ledp. *e. .S, ,r.t 01 C 1 wGChapier. No. 6, scoad Ge.aadery, em-eead and -leged N. I.. every L O. O .. LpOst, o. , gurt Cot tom Cr a, No. 7, Thuresy T el A.-Miles Qtp betamch. every beaday at oe L.-FIait eel thlunlrtd e. GAA. L-U. U. OGreat Pl w 14, nrt and I. O. .T.. .r e the West. Ne. AW, vaery h *mll = oawSm_. LI U. C. RICHMOND1 * waols $qsir mlwut Ii.e. Emias BbIbhB 9, saud 90 Coat COUNTERS Ooatn Grist Bargains to Uvuything. TUIN dOSIII OUD~ 31531 'IAL WOOL BE14%, N INCH VIDE, ON NM. COUNTED. LEIGHTQN & JUORAN, WHOLESALE GROCERS, RANCEMEN'S SUPPLIES, Goods Delivered at Ranches. TDI OLDEST Tn LIREIST 10SE IN EASTERN MONTANA. NATIONAL BANK. o0 THE OLDEST AID LARGEST BAIl IN EASTER! IDITAOL CAPITAL - - m0oo00o SURPLUS AND UNDIVIDED PROFITS 660,000 JOSEPH LEAIHTON, PrsMait. W. B. JODAiJI, Vice Prmddat. B. B. WBIRICI, Oahier. H. B. WILEY, Assistsat Oushir. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. STOCK GROWERS NATIONAL BANK, MII.aEi CITY, MONT'. THE LAIGEST BANK IN EASTERN IONTANA CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $105,000OOOO INTEREST ALLOWED ON TIME DEPOSITS. W. K. ITEBBINS. Prsident, WI. rHAMON. Vice Prmsidat. H. . . BATOHE LO, asuhier. ELME lE..BATOHELOI, Asst. Oaah. CHARLES W. SEYDE, -TNOTARY PUBLIC Beal Est1e, Insumrce and Coveyacing LIVE STOCK BOUGHT and SOLD ABE HIill1LE ItCIEL, IU I I CITY FboEITT m SlA. ZKOVe:S o.m3 a.,. Agent For First Class Steamship Lines For Europe. Foreign Zchaa*, ateraatal Oleetus 5ad Omsular hula. AtteIdd to 00VEZNMNT AND PFSIO OLAIMS A UFlIALTT. Live Stock, mons, Real state and Notary ublic LIVE STOCK A SPECIALTY, MAeat for the olMt sad meet relibl IB1, IBE AND ACCIDENT WISURANCE O01 And the OMt agest tLaw. Money Loaned on First Clam Security. Cattle and sheep rnaches, and improved farms for sale at a bargain with easy terms of payment. rouses to Rent and Colletions Made. everal eomlbrtable and commodious dwelling houses and well located business and residence lots for sale cheu; also N. P. . . Co.s lots and lands, sad graidng lands in the Northwest Territory for lease or sale. Moatsu, Womei., wy ani, . lie au ase GATTLE FOR SALE a: prade bulls for male WILLIAM COURTENAY, MAIN STREET. Miles,. Strevell & Ulmer. I-I WUAID 'IflAl'. Di Iron, N dh sq. -- ad P iingapUmhAUi THEY LIKE THE PLACE Montana Shippers Have a Good Word to Say tor the St. Paul Union Stock Yards. South St. Paul Destined to Be come a Rival of no Mean Pretentions. THE |T. PAUL STOCK YARIS Views of Heammme hippers. The Pioneer in an account of the opening days of the St. Paul Union stock yards, say*: Ttere were in the St. Paul Union stock yards on Sunday, over one thou and five hundred bead of prime Mon. ana beevee. Yesterday the number had ncreased to 2,500. Thee. reoelpt begasn September 0th with 480 head from E. Ramsay, of Mile. City. The Harmon A Hale cattle company, Mile City, followed with twelve cars, and Staey Bres., of the same plae, brought in forty.eigbt cars on Batur day and Sunday. All of the cattle will go forward to Chicago In the new stable care, wbloh have carried most of the live stook eastward from St. Paul the seasou. Silty earloads of cattle will be sbipped from BS. Paul during thbl week in stable compart. ment oars over the Minnesota & Northwestern road. In fact, thib is now the middle of the season for handlinl western range cattle. Thirty ear loads arrived at South St. Paul yeeterday from the Boice cattle com pany, Montana. The comments of the stock growerse upon theme St. Paul Union stock yards were very gratifying to those toter ested in St. Paul. Mr. Ramsay, who aoeompanied hie bhipment, said: "I like the arrangements here. Every. thin[ is well planned and I consider that this new enterprise will beagreat sucesos if the feeding of cattle Is deter mined in favor of this district. You know that thus far a lack of fat, or rather 'beef' cattle has oerated against the sueeas of large slaughter ing establishments upon the North wster ranges, but with successful feeding here the year round, the result will, I tbink, be satisfactory." Wm. Riley, shipper in charge of the Harmon & Hale cattle, expressed great satisfaction at the manner In which their stock was transferred and fed. He said: "The water from the South St. Paul artesian wells is excellent. The cattle rested and improved here rapidly and that such failitles will not only make the new yards popular, but will make South St. Paul a place of great Importance. I am only sorry that the packing house are not ready for business. I tbhnk they will make this a desirable market, epecially for Montenians." A. W. Stacy, of Stacy Bros., said: "This stock yards will be one of the greatest business enterprises of the northwest. kouth St. Paul will be lm. portant like Armourville sad Farm Ingdale, near Kansa City, and like these, it is about the right distaneo from the bualne section. These yards are quiet and free from cross tracks, they have the valuable Im provemeat. In stock handling and are well 3eodueted. There is just enough Iroa In the water to make it excellent for cattle, and I am well pleased with our experiences nr stopping her." Of the oow boys one as a county attorney, another we a legislator, most of them a promineat represet a.ive of the great athweterm stook grownlg terrltory. The Monteas lle stook inobeto', J. R. Landn, exam Ind th ceortleate. from the terrllor. Ila board of 'he sek eommlsslones, and rode his La. gray bose Into the pens whre bhe amned the brands of abh anilmal and noed the "strays" atle of ethers that oeselesally get Into a shipment I the bhurry of lead lag car on the b ange. The lnapeeton In Montana snd t. Paul keeoop areal resord of thbee and when tbhe sattlsare eold the proesds of the "strays" an nturmed to the rlghtfhl ownea by the Moatana tehek (rowers' amoslatles. The inspectors also preveat the moye. moet aleag the Iles of live otek that shows any ladiatioas of dslese. Tk Mealsa Counts. The Montaa Central Is expeced to rwo OGea Falls this week,oad every nerve blang stralnd to 9gt the tek IL to Helea, wbhib will probably be s.oomplihed very arly I November. The pople of Helena an lookiag btr ward to Il enaloc aM to. epeaehl de. Ilveraoo. Their experalo with the Northerm Paofic hab mrmabl* that of Btte with We Union PaMfl, tWh f mkse noU er tl tl e ekam mmM. r aes ruB e anm n eliod et.t. The ristl will be Uthat whaM ae a a road gets to Helena It will meet with a very warm and cordial reeption. and will undoubtedly get away with a large share of the railroad buelnem. Broadwater remarked the otber day tht be would soon give the Northern Pacifie a few pointe in railroading whbich will make them sorry they did not haul that railroad Iron for the Montana Contral. It will be reme. bered that last year the Northern Pa cfio refused to haul iron to Helena for M. C. for less than several times the regular rate. Otherwle the Broad water road would have been complet. ed to Helena long ago, as It was the intention to lay track from both ends, If their iron could be delivered at oele. na. About one thousand feet of the big tunnel at wicks is now completed. It will, however, he Impossible to falnh the work in time for tracklaying whea the rest of the BJtte extension is laid, It has been decided to put in an over head line something similar to the Mullan tunnel. It has already been located, but will not be built until spring.-Independent. A Merm. seomeo. Washington Special: A story that is told with a good deal of clrcumstah tiallty is one to the effect tuat the Mor mon lobby is to make a vigorous effort during the approaching session of Congress to secure the repeal of the Edmunds law. The leaders of the Mormon church recognising the fact that if polygamy is to be saved from extnoction in Utsh, the law muot be broken down. For this purpose the lobby Is to direct attention towards making the law odious in Wasbington by a vigorous en oreement of the fore niaetion clause under which Surgeon Crawford, of the navy, was recently convicted and thus bring about its re peal. To secomplish this end the lob by is to be liberally supplied wilh funds, whihob they are to use in bring. ing to trial every Influential and re 4pectable citizen who may violate the clause of the law. As the law makes the woman in the case as well as the man liable to imrisonment for six months it is said that a number of women of loose character are to be em ployed for the purpose of entrapping men of prominence and social stand ing, and are tb appear against them in court with the understanding that if they are prosecuted they will be paid well for the time they spend ii jail. Congressmen eannot be selected for the victims of this schbeme, as they are by the constitution exempt from arrest, except for treason, felony and breecb of the peace, but other ofliclals and prminent business and society men, it is said, will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. The FIoe Agreud. Col. W. F. Wheeler has returned from Townsend, briuging the ilteiLl gence that the steamer Fern, whiobh made her trial trip on the upper MiS souri last week, is aground on a sand bar about two miles and a half below Townsend. They had been working for two days before he left to get her of, but not having the proper tackle and implements, were unsucoersful. Now the proper appliances have been obained, and the boat will protably be afet again in a few days. Her trial trip was unfortunate all around. In backoing out from the shore the boat struck a pile of slag to the river, near the bridge piers, and knocked a bole in her bottom, the water rushlng in and sinking her in a few feat of water. The hole was patched up and the boat raised, only to meet with aa* other set back on the sand bar. How ever, she is perfectly sound and he owners think will eventually prove a seoses. At last ccounts she was still stek on the sand bar.-- eaMl. Only Jeeleiday the MUl sIty boys wler having -ee fun with that miwt indscribably .delotuuons drug whie the Butt. ItatsMo.mmI dilat. up.. m Irows: "If thu. Is ay .me thing that melle wors te m amoihur it is bislphide of carbon. Along eMd of It th. Polsed u tIs delightful imen.e snd sh het b .t flmbnugs boh.. a vswo vaiing host Araby the blot. Thrs. Uirns . ysudey while the qne to bost N lay... " Toura's w1.miw ~wmY1· .eui4h emmnutned ~ hor AlvaJim jsl diemmshe N' GM sees. MnpI( ap uh ainl phiel of de iss"Tovsheif Mrsg aboema oem whisk he obsroa th idewulk lathe middle o1 t wo. TM took of pdaisfl guspiie egmise his selgbbem whisk - appns.e she hr.s of makh - In She rNo, whle "One awq. wee ~ ~ ~ o is'sMRissr bsism SUl 410 'aI = a wuak sr a s petty mu Bmu r ~r b rr brwlllu fir ; -·1 wcr -- llJ14 Gregor Wster, railway company, bI merolessly evietiag aettlers, tile to the land being In dispute ia the Iate courts. A settler writes: "I omver O0 years of age, sLek sad In bed. I have been taken by six men and ear ted out Into a bllnding aterm. Dell. ea.t women h had their hands tied with eords autil ti le wes bruised and the dragged shrieking from Lher bhome. Children have been born premarely at the eight of a band of evietsm. Strong men have been run down by roman on bore. back and handoued and drgged from their little pemase~ s . I might go om and multiply inmea where the sheriffwith a writ of ed st la one hand sad a British eaontet Is the other gave thee peer people thebele of which evil they woueald tabh." Dvi denese of the cruelty commidtted being collected, the writer esa, sr use at Washlngtoa next wlt, snd will be read in both bouoe of Cos. gre.. They are expeeted to eeae a snsation when the people of the ewt are brought to reallse wLbt ntive Amerlcan ploneer am eufiring at the hands of the Invadem. The reduction of Internal revenue and the taklng of of revenue from Proprietary Medlcine, no doubt has largely benefited the eonsumuers, as well as relieving the bordea of boh e manufactb.rer. Especially ls ibis tb cae with Green's August Flower saM Basbcee's German Syrup, as the re duction of thirty-six cents per doses has been added to increase be teue of the bottles containing thee remedies, thereby giving one.ffth more medi cine in the 75 cents else. The August Flower for dyspepsia sad Liver Oem plaint, and the German Syrp ar Cough and Lung troubles, bovedper hap., the largest sle of say medlaess in the world. The advantages at In creased sas of the bottles will be great ly appreciated by the sick and alated in every town and village in dlvlad countries. Sample bottle for 10 geos remain the same sire. leias a mshe KIspah. The other day a small, Impromptu rae meeting was held on the KMipab. There were several spectators, amng whom were Mr. and Mrs. Arebdale, Lord George 8tewart, Mr. and Mm. L Kennedy, Mr. and Mrs. Cowlm and several others. There were mi events on thbe ard. First race, a matob, 500 yards-Mr. Lidsay's Sam. 160 pounds, ower, 1st; Mr. Chaplin's., The Devil, 188 poads, owner, 2nd. The pair kept dewss t gather till the turn o the straiugs, when The Devil ran our of the .smgs mad by that mean. spseld his ohances. Second race, open aI ram, 00 yards-Mr. Lambent' Beaver, IL pounde, owner, let; IMr. Chaplin. The DevIl.lM poundsowser,bnd; Mr.Lid may's Sm,1l6 poueme.owner, b d* l Elmblrst's Mesquito. IM pomnde, Mr. Boy.e, 3rd;Mr.Arebdale'sVaity Fair, 170 pounds, owner; Mr. Aabdile's mun Flower, 180 pounds. Lord Gee. Stewart. The Beaver LgettLg a good start retained It till the ead. A grenI race for second paine, wlIe emied Ia a dead heat. Third race, handleap, b00 yad - Mr. Cbapdla's Clubby, IN poIeds, war, las; Mr. Areydale'.o odgr, I11 poused, owner, ad. Mr. Arehdale's Sunbower, 180, Lord G. 8tewart.d. A very f net em wor by halt a long' . -,-re diatase betwees semd and third. Fourth rae. fall hadilea, 1 yards-Mr. Iladmy's Sam, 10 posae, owaw; Capt. Elmakst's Nimrod, II posnad, Mr. Chaplle.; Mr. Aubiadtl Vanity Fair, 170 pouade, aow.. A very fine rase, all thre bous haqiog elmn together; 8am eaming n wi a rush wei by aread, half a klhdI. vidlag ..eoed and shed. Fifth tnew, the Mispok ea hopn e . lnp, g yards-Mr. Iladm.g% U. , 10 poseds, owner, ls; Mr. I.rab g Deaver, 160 pomads, owner, ei . Clark'. Barr. US pods,, eML 11, s-d; Mr. Arehd.l.'s saes, l* ponds., owner; Capt. amlhumS h b 1O poad, Mr. De; M.. A tihdi . salsower, l1 pomade, JAsi A. art. Was emlly by twe hmgths, rms sr smoed. Stath moe, The Wells ma ,. yard*-Capt. ULahtut'. Nlins& psead., Mr. Liadmay; Ma Drm s, 10 poemde, Ms. versy - ts, inued A deeudsin 0golg oathe