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riHE DIAILY JOURNAL MILER CITV. MJNTNIA. Ar,45c of r.umu. q.~WYiPouu,rUlsmM7 01 *w.. GPM bm 9 o I.'d... M. LOCAL ITEMS. Fall styles of the fashlonable Knox Est at Orsebel's. * The Crow ageney troubles seem to baye died a natural death. Lousl King bha been quite siok but was up and about yesterday. Three-year-old Kentucky whiskey .eots. per pint at Ben Smith's. " Theo. Weekmano, of Forsyth, was noticed on the streets yesterday. C61. Banders, of Helena, hbe return ed from a visit to the 0. A. R. reun. ion at St. Louie. John Knona, a prominent and wealthy citizen of Helena, one of the pioneers, died Tuesday last. A cold, disagreeable rain bega fll Ing at midnight. It will have the ef feet of laying the duet, anyhow. Jobs Holt will commence loadlnog at O'Fallon, to-day, his first abipment of beef steers for the Chicago market. We learn that Rev. 0. D. Downey thinks of accepting a call further west and in that event will leave here in side of two weeks. The soda water days are gone and Will Savage has cleaned and packed theapparatus away until next sum mer calls it forth. Yesterday is reported among mer chanta as being the most depressing as regards trade that has been exper ienced for many months. But three days befort the ml ae meet ing after which many weary wonder ers' anxiety as to the candidates and party lines will be set at ret. The train from the east was delayed -everal hours this morning on aooount of trouble with a freight somewhere in the neighborhood of Terry. The Montana Central has invested in right-of-way deedegsO,808,80,mostly for that portion lying between Butte and the eastern line of the county. The benefit fund oollected in Butte for the widows and orphans of the vi time of the (Ould & Curry disaster at Virginia City amounted to $2,688.60. Post teams are bhuling a large quan tity of building sand from the banks of Tongue river to the tort, where some brict improvements are being made. Olrl Waint. For general housework. Apyly at Mrs. P. H. Gallagher's residence. " W. D. Smith's shipment of Monta no prime steers sold at Chicago on Wednesday for four cents, the beest price reoeived siaone the opelnng week of western range shipment. Dr. Jay J. Wood returned this moro· ing from the National Park, where he has been all summer. The Dootor's buelness beinl ended there fcr the eseaon be will again take up hib prac tins in Miles. It isa general sentlmeat in loeal base ball edrcles that Billings has been blufted out, as no declaration of their intentlon regrading the game offered them on Sunday next has been 'ouobsafed. Deputy Rogers leaves on this moron. ljg's Spearfish stage for the Hills, car rying along with him the bungling horse thief Jimmy O'Connor, who in wild attempt to run a band of .tolen horses acreustbree territories,was natu. rally caught on the fy. The Independent devotes two col. umno of its Wednesday edition to the reception aooorded Cardinal tibbons by hbe Catholics of Helena. Major Maglanni delivered an addr',e of welcome wbiob was teeming with apt scriptural quotations. You should not permit yourself to forget the Dutch dance to-morrow night. The omoeer of the society do not feel Battered by reases attendance and as it is the most ooonomial place to spend a joyous evening the number atMadJni Baturday night's dance eh to be of the old Ue else. The elolo Ilbght pole and stro lmp whleh has been reset on the I X L enomer shed Its brilllaoy oeer that part of ho edly last lght. The ee Is very good but that portion of the edty le not the e. mostly in need o iliumIstion from that source as the bulsness porties kept that sfolcently lit up by the refleotion from indoors. The JOURNAL end of the town is mostly in seed of some meah Imno. Though the day was blustery and disagreeable and with the geing down of the sun did not visibly improve, the g.y throng at the Argedlo hop pe..t an eveninl of almost unmltt. gated pleasure. The doanews flt at their beet and the maoe was web as ealways produoed by the Keogh band. The dance did not continue long a usual owing to the anxiety of many present who lived on the outaklrts of town to get home before the roads be* name muddy. On this asoount the floor was olered of dancers by I o'clock. The first train of Otto Frano's ship ment of Wyoming cattle, loaded at Billings, oaned through at 2 o'clock, a. m. There will be another train, forty-eght care in all, having been loaded. These attle are from the Big Horn Basin country and are sald to be in excellent condition. G(o to Bill Ballard for Beet's Mil waukee beer in any quantity. " Certainly by all appearanoes early winter or late in the fall weather is upon us. The wind bowled mourn fully and unceasingly all night and not even a drunken oowboy's yell die turbed :he stillness. Beta were about even as to whether it would snow or rein and overcoats and slouch hats have taken the place of straw head covering and linen dusters. A. M. LeRoy departed on thlb morn ing's train en route to Dillon, Mont., where he hae accepted a position as salesman in the leading mercantile es tablishment of that town. Everyone will mies Abe and that his new em ployers will flud in him a jewel (some what in the rough) is a guarantee to which any and all of his large circle of friends would make their affidavit. Bon voyage. The Butte Miner very pointedly re marks: "Considering the fact that the Crows have a knack of replenith ling their eqluine stocafrom the herds of the Piegans, Agent Williamson neen not be so anxious to have his pets recompensed for glandered horses killed on the reservation, espeo tally as his attempts to punish the Crows for horse steallng are taken with such bad grace by them. wanted. After October 17th, a situation as copyist, governess or housekeeper. No objections to leaving Moreland. Ref erenoes must be exchanged. Address Edith F. Prues, Moreland, Mont. * The oommilsloned omlloers at the post have formed a base balt club and have been practeiing with the laten tion of playing the soldier nine on Sunday. Among the oficers there are some excellent players, many of whom have played excellent ball on uni versity teams and the soldiers will have to be pretty spry to down their superior offioer who will in all likell hood prove to be their superiors in ball playing. Riobhard Ashworth returned this morning from the Crow agency, where he has been on business. He says that the younger Indians are much excited over the situation, but that the older Indians counsel moder ation and will support the agent in his policy. The disaffecoted members of the tribe are all camped together on Rotten Grass and are holding war dances and making every indlcation of resisting the agent.-Billings Gazette, Oct. 5. Charley Smith, who has just re turned from the Cheyenne agency on Lame Deer creek, says that twenty four hours after the trouble at the Crow agency there was not one Indian in the Cheyenne camp unacquainted with the details. A mewneager came during the night and by daybreak the Cheyennes were thoroughly and uni vereally posted. Trade at his store at the agency he reports as rushing, the Indians having been paid off at about the time he was there. Very True. An old newspaper man in giving his experience in an exebhauge, says: "My experience in journalism has been that In nine cases out of ten the people whom a newspaper man be friends or bolsters up are the very first to give you a keen thrust under the rib, whenever the opportunity pre sents itself. I can look baek over my connection with various papers, and in most .uses the very critters whom I have befriended In many ways, are the ones who give me the cold shoul. der whenever I may have happened to have said something not in aecord ance with their own: exalted ideas." Leltir Jit. The following Ietters remaln un oalled for in the Miles City, M. T., postomfoe, October 7, 1887: L Loyle, R W Fox, Miss Mary arris J Hogan, John J J.efvon, T C, 2, Jones, DJ Jobneon & Co L LeItaer, Wa, 2, M Mapel, C I) YWea. n w. Wleon, M MaYl Wells, Mil Dora White, James, Wldner, Sam. Personme lag hbr the above letters will pleme r y thq are adverdim d. JoUx MaAvs.uma, P. M. A Uulaa P rne teaU. It is a uaell uaImetheM for the tourist, the eom maereal treler, or the mlgrea to the wr, to take stea HeUtaMe~r ultemab Iht e. Iavaida who tra vl sembea or rail ahebid provide themseles with it, Inener to pae or remedy the smaun whis tbhe jelnug admrieae of re hiele la temaita olte e. me theme. Vrtly pfof erable i it fr thib eladmp, but seedu l purpese, to the heady unamedaed tUmeulet of oammero, On boeard sep, i8 d enlyr semadee me aekasm, but neutsrale the pIniaul estb of vetr .sughUy bruakiu, whi, itusquamIu , is apt to give rleW tIragnulrMlt m the kabos, ernmps in the abdemlsal reis, mad dpapaiJ. To the rser Ial poisem of imela it is as aSdee: matatdot 81k heedaehe. hathurm.aad wind pean the stom ach. aLu promptly msbLahd by it, It healthfully mulatee th kidaesy sd bladder. Vad alUiMeI the early ymptoUme o rheumatism. Propomsals fr Dry afWood, at Fort Cue ter. M. T. Bu.&DUArTrTu DIUPArTM I or D)AKOTA, orvcs CUisr QUA STIEr urta, Ma . PAUL, MsU., IrPrsaasa 10, 1I7. SEALED PROPOSAIS, In triplicate, subject to the usual eeadlties, will be recelved at this o.aee, until 12 o'elock moon on the 19th day of O tober, laT, at whihe time and place they will be opeard In the presence of biddern for furnishing and delivering during the scal year eadg Jne 30, I., as Frt Ouster, M. T. 1.mA Coerd oefeft Wood. Propesal sand previeas of lastruetions free this oele, under advertisement of March 2rh,will govern. Preferen will be givs to artiles of demetlc production and manufacture, conditlons f pries and quality belng equal, an such pre lereee will he given IA articles of American produution aid manuaeture produeed on the Padlse est to the extent of the cosumption required by the public serviel there. The ,overanmet reserves the right to arect any or all propoesls. Blanks and full instructions as to bidding, die., may be had on plcleatien to this olce, orto the Quartermaster at Fort aCuter, M. T. JAMES M. MOORE, Deputy Quartermaster General U. S. A., ChiedQuartermaater. BUSINESS NOTICES. DIs.lerwtme Netler. The firm of J. S. Collins & Co., of Miles City, Montana, is dissolved. All who are owing accounts to the firm are requested to make prompt sttle ment with Chua. R. Kelsey. J. S. COLuLINr & Co. Mile City, Mont., SBep. 28, '87. COME FOIRWARD AND BETTLE. All who are yet owing accounts to the late firm of Moran, Collins & Co. are urgently requested to make imme" diate settlements of same, either at the First National bank or at the store of Moran!' Co. J. S. COLLINS & Co. Miles City, Mont., Sep. 28, '87. SHILOH'S COUGH and Consump. tion Cure is sold by us on a guarantee. It cures Consumption. For sale by W. E. Savage. SHILOH'S VITALISER is what you need for Consump'ion, Lose of iApetite, Dizziness and all symptoms of Dyspepsia. Price 10 and 75 cent per bottle. For sale by W. E. savage. CROUP, WHOOPING COUGH and Bronchitis immediately cured by Shiloh's Cure. For sale oy W. E. Savage. For lame back, side or chest, use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Price 50 cents. For sale by W. E. Savage. Nettee. It appearing from an official canvase of the votes cast on the 9th day of September In Miles C'lty, Montana Territory on the question of inocor porating the city, which said canvass war made by the board of commission. era of Custer county, at Miles City on the 9th day of September, 1887, that a majority of said votes were out in fa. vor of incorporation; We, the board of oommissioners of Custer county do hereby declare the said Milis City to be incorporated as a city of the second clmas, under the general incorporatlon act of the Territory of Montana. L. A. H'FFMAN, Chairman of the board. L. C. DEAR, Clerk of the board Call for Mauve Meeting. We the undersigned request the presence of the citizens of Miles City at a mad meeting to be held at the court house on Monday, Octobor 10th, at b p. im., for the purpose of making nominations for one mayor. touralder. m'o and one police judge, one city treasurer and one city attorney to fill lthe r.spetive oflece in the wunlci C. B. Towers, Joe. Hanauer, E. B. Weirlok, J. W. Watson, J. Wright, N. Nathan, H. F. Batchelor, John J. Carter, W. E. Savage, J. B. Collions, C. N. Strevell, H. Orschel, John Carter, J. A. C',l'man, J. Basuski, Hugh Moran, J. W. Strevell, Ed Jones, S. A. Pepper, Thee. H. Irvine, (Geo. B. Silverberg,John Uibbs, J. D. Hicks, L. A. Huffman, W. B. Skinner, W. 0. Comstock, H. W. Melntire, W. H. Ross, Wm. Courtenay, Lee Eiseenberg, Edgar Campbell, B. T. Smith. A. M. Leltny, Wm. M.Tompkin., A. E. Flager, T. J. Thompson, A. H. Swerdfiger, L. C. Dear, James McFarlane, Wm. C. Staehle, P. P. Whited, Thos. J. Bryan, S. (;ordon, (Geo. It. Milburn, Notoee of Munieipasl Eletion. Whereas, the inhabitants of Mile. C'ty, Custer county, Montana, having petitioned in due form for an election to be held for the purpose of incorpor ating as a city of the second class, under the general nooorporation act of the Territory of Montana, and Whereas, Due notice of said eleo tion was given, and the said election was held on the 9th day of September, 1887" and Wheruea, The result of mali eletion u aeoraltied by a legal mavat of the votes, was a m sjority n hvor of ln. ror adon; ad bereaa, Due a nd hgal preolsam ien of the resilt of said elsetn was made deola.g the r ade of the Inoore poratlon to be that ofr a olty of the No. ond clas. Therelbre NOTION IS HUERuY GIVEN That an oelotion will be heold within the corporate lijln.i of Mile CIty, Custer county, Montana, on FKIDAY, o(roaER 21sT, 1887, from 8 o'clock, a. m., to 6 o'oloek, p. m., for the eleotion of ONE MAYOR, FOt'R ALDIEMEN and ONE POLI('C MAGISTRATE, to serve until the next gmeral else tlon of olty offeers and until their srm easseor qualif. Theoro shall be two aldermen eleted from seea ward, the leoton of the first eard belg quali sed to vote for mayer, ples Justice and aldermen for the wrd, ad the eletors of the second ward being quallAed to vote for mayor, polse jio. Usl sad aldermen for the soesod ward. In accordaneoo with the petition for locorporation the city is divided into two wards s follows: All that per tion of the city lying north of the ooenter line of Man street and within theoorporte limits is dsolared to be the FIRST WARD and all that portion of the city lying south of the center lane of Main street and within the corporate limits is de elared to be the BIKCONI WARD. For the election now ordered, the pLae of polling votes in the First Ward shall be the building on Main street, next aedJolnir the YRLWaW rTONE JOURNAL building on the west, and the Judges and clerks of election at snob polling plecesball be: C. B. Towers, ) F. M. Kreidler, Judgee. A. E Flager. W. E. avage, Clerk. Chas. W. 8eyde, j The plane of polling voteq in the Sec oond Ward shall be in the Leighton & Jordsn block on Main street, and the judges ano clerks of electidn at such polling place shall be: W. L. Lansino, W. N. Macqdeen, Judges. J. W. Watson. H. W. McIntire, Clerks H. B. Wiley. Cl By order of the Board of Commission ers of Custer County. L. C. DEAR, Clerk. Miles City, M. T., Sept. 20. 1887. SCHOOL! SCHOOL!! We have concluded to continue our offer and ell a Childs Sole Leather Tip Shoe for $1.00. Eery child canu ow prowide thm selve with a good pair of SCHOOL SHOES For the eztrmely low prieo of SNLCC Per Pa9ir. Our $8.00 Ladies id Button Shoe grows more in favor every day. TRY TIEM. O.B.Towers &Co. Fritz&Leonard'. MILES CITY EXCELSIOR BREWERY Is now prepared to hirn ish the best BEER in the market in any desired quantity, by the keg or case. Family trade solicited; orders promptly filled and deliveries made to any part of Miles City free of charge. las Citj& SpearfisD Stage Line, Connecting at Spearfbh with Rodgers' Daily stags for DEADWOOD e"M` . Iw.Mas sam, isms to "" Cdld, (bugha, Croap, WheaIag -q se.o We guaftate As h,'I g Imily ~ ~ a etteOum12au 5dms Wright, Drugglal 'M alari lathar hd . It I. th .sly medda- S d that will team an fahntllsdlsssiss ýýl I,,ýýsoasa a rr~ ~ ~~udn USMU, rdr ·~1 1- olab Wright Deub Jobs Wright, Drygbl. THE LARBGET STOCK OF CANNED GOODS, DRIED FRUITS, DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, Gents' Furnishings, Hata, Caps, Boots and Shoes Ever brought to Eastern Montana, are now being opened up at the mammoth store of J. H. CONRAD & CO. These Coods were all bought for cash and will be SOLD FOR OCAS at prices lower than you have ever bought these goods before. REMEMBER THE PLACE. J. H. CONRAD & CO. WE ARE 601N6 TO LEAVE THE WEST, $25,000 Worth of Goods MUST BE SOLD BEFORE JAN. 1st, 1888. NOT BELOW BUT AT ACTUAL COST! Our stock consists of Clothing, Gents'Furnishing Goods,Hats,0aps, Boots,Shoes,Bedding, Gloves,Mitta, Trunks and Valises, which will be sold at cost and FOR CASH ONLY. 0O OLD CfHESTNuT, Left over 4qm lIt mem. Do not heite, aL Grab 'em quick if you want a bargan ad a good lestiomi. Step in and waOder how we quote muoh exfrmely low pAoi AT THE I STOp.l MU ordui promptly Uld. AI ftLvwuImsm