Newspaper Page Text
THE DAILY JOJURNAL EITABLL1811E1 1981. ,Y;l, CITY. MONTANA. TIE (OFFICIAI. PAPEK OF (CURtROOUNTY W. D. KNIGHT. S. OORDON. Ae S 1 apilat TN Tl.oaweuous JoolU AL, etrasteld any oe te empaloues ct aid Doper or herke. iwill ba mrualaad lml asmororompaie. .. writia eeder signed b the pubtlaher or bustae T ite of TaBn Y.IuowrOIOsuJoaAL is not upeslible for say ed the opiiore or utterances of it sronseoeadeti. lltiee is hereby gpea to all conieraed that Tat T1lmwra aeom JOmrnaL bolds the omtrset from the pwsws of Mo~ Iersa t do all printing and adveetlng, o whale . c sta eshargeable to Cu. ter cowst; ,ad i also the deignated sad Dw paper i ltr eoaty it whLeh sewvile by pub tiatls ea be le rp aede. Legal notieos pub· lshed li ether papen of Causer oounty, are fod sad lesthl.., as has been decided by the courte of t urd. , Otob Saturday, October 85, 18U7. CITIZENS' TICKET. For Mayor. Ect;:NI: H. JoHNSON. A Idermen-F-irt Ward. CHAS. E. BRowS. CHAR. B. TOWERS Aldermun--eonad Ward. WM. H. BULLARD. W. L. LANSINO. Pollce Magistrate. NEWIMAN BOR('HAK1T. City Treasurer. HARRY F. BATt'HEI.IR. City Attoroey. WMi. H. Ross. THEt Peoria Journal says: If you would boomu a river, dam It and tlhn break the dam. If you would damun a town, boom it and then break lthe booul. A CHIMERICAL PIROJE(CT. The Knights of Labor, it appears, are warranted in the u.e of the fantas tic Quixotisni in their title by their sup. rior courtesy to women, lsnce tbe.r order is said to be the only organ izaion in the world that reoeives w*,nmeu on terms of perfect equality. According to the report of Mrs. Barry, the general investigator of the order, there is room for a large revival of the spirit of knight-errantry that received its coup de grace at the hands of ('er vantel to the inimitable humor of "Don Quixote." The treatment of girls who work in or for factories in the large centers of population io some. thing unknown in the west, and the mere pittance in compensation they receive incredible in this laud of goxl wages. It is such thalt an hIounet woman can hardly keep body and .oul together by the poorest and cheapest food. Mrs. Barry propl,,o the iu-ti tution of co-operative enterprises, par ticularly in manufmcturing men's, women's and chbildren'. garmoeuts. to which the order shall devote its eer gies in fostering and building up. 4orte such plan would Ite plite feesi ble, provided Its sUltii.iot were giuarTn teed by the entire I,.tr.ousge of the order itself anod it% frieandý. But any attempt to c.ontr.l thie ·our-e of trade by any other thlia tihet Itw. of suIIpli and striand alnd .irvi 'el of the flt's s' OaIL IIt't tlit eat that aliu ii hr ul , tidt ther liowest taut ha- alwit% - hitti,," been a.ignzl tailturi. It tIezl Iid eii iie'lllilint hll Iles- ullanag'-went Mi thoroui~h c *rxi~rriirul Ira, Iiitl to (illil pete wiith. rit In-tuoi,i the whoie-tale i tn,l,'i~ht it- tir lmrwr! readymuteKar t,r- ' i1v %t uij.l it -',trvatioli 1ave., tradl.- I- *titIyu *hzlr ell. It neeulr ,"lolr 1,11 ; ins lit the Iowe-t uarkt'. tail aindil tat in tlih iuii vritl of the g-nij. to Iake Iit pay. Tni IKrnighut, o' tkhor, to muiiehrate tlier i.:iilitoin of workiig Woln ii, woud hiaae to paty theni lIving wagsi-anl increaae of iot.t In ai flu iit im)piortant I (cii, an! thbe chaiee.. are thiat tile cooperat ive Kniaglut of Lu. lur ,.tore 'iuhld never comipete with t.Ihe ord nlary retailer. ['hi diacijirinr of the ordier would have to tie ;uwei lut igili-ed to siuake rneihi tiera iuy at t liiir 'o".i lrat ivte itori, what tbey i'iuhil lurihaae for Ives. clii.. where It woiuld, inI ta.t, -all for fii revival of the knight-e-rrant i.pirit auiuoug iueriwrr" if toe order. 'They would thenl e--atalhh their righti to ther title '.f K night III that ieature of the old truer, of K night luoiil thast in-ul eateilt tie protetioniu ciii ileteti-, of tl~e poor Mill hi-rlu' oa.'i of the. eart h at It i i'ey o0 II~i iii-.xiv. to the actoo hiliihliutli. if tli+ 1a4. hety will tine. itertake 'til t hat n hi, ialttld hilaulii throli;iti ever) wheri lir ti Ity v'ar+, ever miner it it, It iii l , " ntT. f pok, I" tint, haLfvf ifrefflf* fbv "r f,w4JE. with huave beeni d rivenIt -w.ell tilt ran ks 'f tierpravity. .Audl t tley .alll Nufccfl nll tis' tak anl In *onne way relievte the~ ferrulle conflitifii of worse. thani slavery amlKlo working wornrnn that id one of the Ilut~ l oli fe rc'i\.llzl(ti l of the age. the. Kuighu fif I~aifsfr will be. entitla-d In Lto . the udy'"'1Y1''i u i Ilut of nilj tIgýiffs. - Hutll' Miler. SUd Nahlt. of l ngthrn RnoyafaIity-T Inan hofiur te)') iiar.' in teino I ,NIvfaf At hiii hffg I~~'~l therf wefI ~p ui' r in wbclnH is widehlf lofw. many~f {rfIllfriat hernae, c&i;l its IppfnfIflga oit dtiliijif'lideed sW(I~ (ijUirt I I, 'an niileglected4 fnru l azndsa -. grin). I)ary wrffvk of prosJr'r TIN daysI. Thea 51w. whtChb MUI al in flrrf ,In t p, hidl nme.T.d lerifronm Lhiie aalron stubble fields. The houses usually ap pearedl to be over full; all of the windows shone redly in the closing dusk; the rooms were alive with children, with gay young people; matrons with delicate, fastidious faces bent over their work; portly, handsomely dressed men loitered in the galleries or rods down the long avenues. "You would find the old habits of hox pitality kept up in these houses," said Lola. "Family connections are large in the south. A Georgian of the higher class has cousins all through the Caro linas and the gulf states, Just as the Vir ginians and Kentuckians are really all of one blood. From five to ten guests may drop in uninvited for any meal or clme to stay a week. They are always sure of a welcome. The old class of southerners would rather give up their chance of heaven than the pleasure of keeping open house for their friends on earthi." Mr. Ely's face flushed. "It is a gre clous, beautiful custom:" he exrlair.ed. "We losht much thiat wast we , keeping with the old feudal systems.' "Yes," said Miss Pogue iryly: "I have known a dinner prepare. an our house for four persons, and bef.,re it was served twenty gue-ts arrive, unexpectedly. So it goes on all the year round." "That is delightful." hesitated Mrs. Ely. "It takes one quite back to patri archal life. But it would not suit north ern housekeepers nor northern cooks and chambermaids. " "It does not suit here," said Lola, promptly. "Our mothers were used to it when they had plenty of money and of servants. But now that we have not enough of either, the custom keeps many a family poor, and makes life a treadmill for most women. The generation I belong to, Mrs. Ely." she said, after a pause, her thin, decisive features heating. "have learned to practice small economies in poverty. and they are forced to see that there is a great leakage in their incomes through these old customs which seem to you so beautiful and grand. Yet," she added, with sudden pride, '"I doubt if the southerner will ever give up that custom." Mrs. Ely. talking matters over that night as usual, declared that "the Geor gian girl talked and thought precisely like a New EInglander. And, as far as I can see. she is Inot an uncommon type now in this new south. I have met women, since we came here, capable, shrewd 4nd alive with energy. Tley manage planta tions and -hops. they raise stock, hold of flees. pnIh*h newspapers. Indeed, while northern womeu have beer clamoring for their right-. -outhern women have found their way into more careers than they. They keep up with all the questions of the day. l.I , Lola actually gave ume some new hiiltt on drainage. I suppo~e we American-t have but one blood, tafter all, and a hard struggle with poverty will pro duce the same woman in Georgia as in Connecticut. "-Rebecca Harding Davisin Harper's Magazine. VlPRICEb CREAM AKINWO POWDER cl S PERFECT MAD0 (*o f " " l' A I .ll of1 . l tob t tI\ ' h I, ," I"1 ' '. T , -,r-. . :'-r h - llf lll Ir " ' , l " ' , ." ,".I. .t Ie, it I t ' 11 I' K II, I I: 'II. ' -h ' ,lll% " !Pr n ' . !',, , f i I 'I , t La rI t hatl 1. l. Iin l I K ll 'u', i II . i llll, 1g I: 1l th',n i ) - )l.t i " - lldri,t'li.,-ri, \ ,Igh 'rii it. .,' '.or Igr ill t 'h i ' . i ', :l- , " i' r t i . f li'ri . gr it r i .-1r ,* fin. , -sit l- - .r l h _I -r If 'av F. InIut t of he N ,t I l ' IIfa ent of -;It F- r t - a-,1 t', ih. cnI r to , in nf r -e ll EXi ,n U it ii ..t1 ,.. I tI-ratiejit at -aria - Iarir'. de. .-et ig aih r I' CORDON & FERGUSON mmuflaelurers and Jeobbers of Hats, Caps, ,F s, GLOVES AND MITTENS. BUFFALO ROBES - - AND ALL NO OF -- FUR COATS. Large Stoolk SAND - LOW PRICES. ,16 ,'8, 2.!0. AhT FOURIIU ST. St. Paul Minn Summons. In the District Court of the Pourth Jud'cial Dis. trlt of the Territory of Montana, within and for the county of I uster. Action br.ought in the ilstrlict Court of the Fourth Judicial District C.*o'te I Vose. ot the Territory plaintiff, of .'ontansinand AGAINST for the tountyof I E Newton and E. A. t'soter, and the it'hl iney, tt'omplaint nred in defendants. +ait (ounity of iuster, in th of fiee of the Clerk of said District ('ourt. The pople of the Territory of Montanh send greeting to C. E Newton and E A. Whitney. defendants. You ae berebyr required to lipear in an action brought against you by the above named plantif, in the District Court of the Fourth Judielci District of the Territory of Montana. in and for the said County of Custer, and to answer the complaint Sled therein, within ten days (eocluslve of the day of service) after the service on you of this summOun-if served within this county, or. If served out of this county, but in tbeis district then within twenty days; otherwise within forty days or Judgment by default will be taken against you, accordlng to the prayer of said complaint The said action is brought to recover the suIUof $ B61.t for taking care of and feedintg about 4it head of stock cattle branded "N" on both hips. alleged to have belonged to ('. . Newton, on which E. A. Whitevw was the owner and holder of a cer tain chattel mortgage in the year of 18t. 1 he said Whitney for the purpose of Icreclosing the aid mortgage upon said stock caused C. W. Sav age.the sheriff of aid county, to eize the said property under and by virtue of said mortgage. That while the said mortgAged property was so in the possession of said sheriff he the said sheriff die on the tth day of August. 146ti. request the plantiff to take the said cattle from him the said sheriff oan keep, feed, care for and pasture the said cattle. The said plaintiff did take the said cattle on the 4th day of Audust. 186. and ever since that time has kept possession of said catle and taken eare of them in tCunter county. Montana Territory. I'laint demands that he may he deemed to have a lien upon said cattle as will tno e fully appesa by reference to the complaint on tle herein. And you are hereby notified that if you fail to appear and answer the said complaint, as above required, the said plaintif will apply to, the court for the relief demanded in the complaint. Given under my hand and the seal at the District Court of the Fourth Judicial District of the Terri tory of Montana, In ad lor the said County of Custer, this Aib day of fs!nt.] October. to the yearof our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighty seven. JAMES McFARI.ANE.('lerk. tW. fTRElVaLI.L Attorney for plaintiff' In the District Court of the Fosrth Judiclal Disttrict of the Territory of Montana within sad for the county of Curter. Action brought In the District Court of the Fourth Judicial Distria of the Territory of Mon. scve\'.lVEitK . tans In and for Ilaintif the eousty of AOAIN.T 'Custer. and the Andres F \'anEpp,. eeoplaint filed In Defendant said county of ('uster, in t e of tice of the clerk of maid Dtstrict Court. I he, people if the Territory of M~ontana end greetini to Andrew . \'VanElps. de endatit. You are hereby required to appear in an action brought against you by the above named plaintiff, in the )istrict Court of the Fourth Judicial Dis of the Territory of Montana, in and for the said county o (usater, and toanswerthe complaint filed therein, within ten days (exclusive of the day ofservlce) after the service on you ofthis summons -if served within this coust,, or, if served out of this county. but in this district, then within twenty Idays: otserwise within forty days-or judgment by default will te taken against syou i C cordi' g to th" prayer of said conlplaint. The said lcion is tbroug t ti dtssolbe the aonds of latl imosv existing letweesl the said plaintif anid the sail defendant, iupon the ground that ,,n or about the lnt day of .tdemier. . Ift. t ,, the said defendant. divsrearding the solentuety of his uiarrtage sow, wil:ufliy a.d without cause. desert ed ad and abandoned te t.aintltff aln everr since., has and still continues so to desert saud abanldon said plaintlff, and to live -elparate atnd apart from her wit host any suthcieltt . ause or any reason and. against her will and aIlthbuut her consent, and dur ing all ofrsad tittme hi, sltire y s flied. fai ,Id and negletestl, tofurn;sh this plaintiff ally tootley or means of supllrt whatever, as will nmore fily uap pear by rtfrenere to Iltlh com, laillt on lle. herein And you are hereby notiled that if you fall to app ar and answer the cnomplaint, s above required.the said pIlaintil will apply to the court for ie relief dnmautd d in the collalsi t ,lvten Sti der Isy hand and the weal of the ai-strlet I',lourt of the Iourth iudicial llstract of the Territory of Montana. in an for the said tounty of Custer.this 'th dilay il. eptemtisr in the year of our Lorid a"e tlihoutsatl .i-h"t hb.nidr, and 5? 't, , ,it5 y"l "sI %.lli ,tt 1111 ,. ir1n ,ii ' *. ,rt.f tihe Fourit, I" Ii I. C iIfa i, iu l.| t .t t, t .I rr ithe !i .i ItIou rt lamle 1. 11 I the I. r'h 1 I I' I. ' i al I tI. i , ,, of tiII 1, rrdir¶ of rl .n rl ,.I, I hiIa- I .iorill IC I i .i'i I . a..i i 'I :rl- Ii l-ri for'h* .... it ,f .i,,nl i.r. II Ir , Hrtvn ll telr ti l l e. .1 , ,, I n . m.lii \' I m I il ia p iit file*I In I n i rn-,e ,partli r- a t "u.i 'ihte of I I rer - a.i? l at k fIliUter. Il thteot -11 1th ieml 'dl nlut- fire of l the ril rk of idli It-frittr, t f 'iirt The pi lopl of riCe frrtort i Montalli ennd rli.lin to iIh roi VIreelanldI 1 linta- J HryiV. I harlle lar i oll .hi [ lly. Willia iio -rl.. e :liil ii Iark -inithi dlefetl ntiile Cio are hereby reqil.ui, to aipl ar i Iia Iaction brought ag!aini i li,, by tIhe a'"re a,niie l aitll iif,. lll n the lin coiirt of t I' oI Fourth .Iui ti t lt l cJ i tpjt of the Tierrtiry of Montiali ill aol| for the %aid ,C nty I lrt I , I te all, t a-ir', i the 'ln pliaint iledi therein. withi ten itar.. i liieve of t ihe day -i r*ite aifteir the "errtV, i n oiill of thl" i-fm. ... . -it- ervred withinii tl is " tfr ' ,r if nerved iu iioif tIn> rfi l. liltC in f lt fi l a it t fit len with Il twiilty days; trlienrlle whliii fiorty' dl..s -or jidgtlment Iby defaull will b. taken aiait a ia tatii ac Sorlingi to t1.e prayery l tail Ou i rnplaini Ih.. .al ai tt ion In broughit to Ie ,, n Clir ' nhuiln of i117 with Interet t t if-rFE lfr..C C the h n I tar of I ebriiar liAT. it ,e C.lte t'l I" 1, r C, ofr per i ai i liutl ., anfi to folre lo.i a Ih , i r In ..i ,i nii o li!,I to Iblie ..tliie of e It. oritiler il IC.Itr t ll t , of oi thie : |2il Marn h. IM., agrain-t vih ollo .,n di. Sri. ' piremniiltC.l rtei rtira ' i.i -. C it,., or par etl of Ilaid "ftiatel. lyinig aiIl C. i1n in InC, Co' ntit ,If litter anI Territory of i fiolftC i i t I [atri ai ailry tdecrtlmed iio iCllow, to wit la - anI ftilal. i- .terli fiat I l fL' . nC I . . I Cf tfh liiw iotl \lile i, o1 lit rld f r . f Cf t Ct 4F a ll t urn ' tlli e a tiim C i te( f i. li I , h .1 l C , ph .nt vf n fill- CC I. in tVi l i on r he'-' liil tiiil l that iC fal to apl i 'r a l ndi , w. r thr lx I : f L; ,, I . h re. ifllred' , I l "i al IC li nf ltii' If"i I l C f IC Cm ai CIo -rt f ,r the relff f le-rfia, 'Cd ii 'i . rilt .,a" I i,'I fir 'C li 'n andi i ii tiii' ha ,l .iil C i. ,C'. f hi Iitt-Irict IC irt f hI' .IIrI t ICa, l . i ii triet iii tie Terlin tory \f lnt iC ,1 andl for tih -Of I CiC tsCC% ii ii rli' i i th 'l Ih -ii dtar of gftf mlfr In tCCe nrin ofour Lord (ifh,,-, o it ,,:gh,!tl h li, Ir,.,I ami m i t h y-..m'll If l F.- Mi f liI fA\l C C*lk (f)'t ..\'\..Ri i& itl.lit'R . Attorne as for I'ialtilkl.. McAUSLAND'5 CREEDIOOR ARIORY. GUNS. REVOLVERS, AMMUNITION ofv ,ry4. . vrij p lon 1 hI AKl'VKI1 k of H-arv y.h r9,' Ih I'e * ·. . '-.I,-. (. uni yllthiK a v4 K.pailii of ail kiund Neatly 1one soI W1 'arrnterd. CURES ALL HUMORS, from . common lieteh, or Er ite , ton worst Uerefsja. Salt.rheum, revor.oren ScaJly or louhL sik In ahbort, a dLosLe aused by bad blood a conquered by this powserful. purfltinr.g nvigoetl modicin. Great a.nnng u1. e rs bheal under it benign inluenee. a It mani.f'ted ifs pntenc In ~curing1 rr W Eash 3lls Care. hb:eletNr ye., Sero ulouse ores sad IWel at t Bll DIes Whe _ I's, oltre, or T. r Neek nand arged lans. Mend - cents in stamps for a large tratise, with col ored plates, on Skin DIerMar or the acme amount foratrntlar onl M(rofu loo e Atections. "THE ILOOD iS THE LIFE." Thoronughl cleanse it by using Dr. Pierces Golden Medicale Dlcoery, and good digestions a fair sklal buoyant spir iti, vital streabth, ani soundness of consitutln, will be established. CONSUMPTION, which lis srofulous Dleease of the Loane, rL pmptly and ~eartlinly arrested and cund by this G.l-rlvc n nt.d)y, if taken before the t staesof the disase are renched. From its wonderful power over this terrby fatal diacse, when firt ofering this now el. etrated remedy to the public. DI) PIERCE thought seriously -, calling it his "Con. sumption,! u.t abandoned that name a too limited for a Ili.dicine which, from its wonderful omtnbination of tonic.or srngntbe Ing, alterative, or blw-lun-chaing, anti-bil. y pectoral, and nutritive prop'rt ks. I uneq ualse not only as a remedy for consumption of the lungs, but for all CHRONIC DTISEARER or :.qI Liver, Blood, ad Lungs If you feel dull. trowey. debhltated, have Inlow color of skin, or yE llowlth-brown spot Son fea. or body, frequent beadache or dtis. Dnes, bd tute In nIouth. internal beet or chills, liternatin with hit flan"hS klow pirits an.. gloomy orebodtinga irrvgular Iapptite, Ild conated tongue, you are sutffring frim Ia. 1. estion.Dpepel~~ Iand Torpid Liver, or "illlailnest . In nnllllly eI.y ODnly part of these symptoms are e..l*rienvd. A. a rem~dy for all s.reb cows. Dr. Plerce'e IGolden Medical Discovery b*' -'or Weak Lungr, ptlplinl of Ilood, Shortnoess of Ireaih, ronehirLat Severe Coughn. Coasnumptione at. lindred affections, It i a sovre.igan remedy. Send ten c.ts Ian staunlp for I)r. Pierce' bookonConsumptioL. . 'oll by ,ragglll t. PRICE $1.00, O.R WETTO W IrM'I soiry acl AIIssiatid , Proprietors, t Main St.. B.IrAI,.. NY. 1e reE s LITT'tE 91919 PILLS. A ~"klT* LIOU· and CATRARTIC. lN by Braggllles. ~. nts a aud. $500 REWAdi of Dr. .a' c 's atarrh Rimed, lfr a fu.r f tetarrh which ther elannot cunm. I f you have a dischatie from th I", *, off(enai'ie or other. wis. plarta llossof , smell, taste or wearinkr. weak e'S. dull .reo or pre. ure In ' ad, )yu have(tarrh. ETL anids of c ta Ltrminate In consumption. 1)r. ag.~' ('ATANHn RN MkIiv 'IIna9r the worg easesof CatarrhL "Cold In the Heiad and Catarrhal keedache. .u coWs NOR TURN ACcIlIt RAILROAD. THE DIP.ECT LINE BETWEEN SAINT PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS. Or DULUTH And all Points itn Minnesota, Di kota, Montant, OREGON, BritI Colmbia, Polct Sond acd ALASKA. NO CHANGE OF CARS BETWEEN ST. PAUl, and PORTLAND. 'HI An)y aL.. of licketA. EMIGRANT SLEEPERS FREE ''The Ouly All Rall lln. t' the , YELLOWSTONE PARB pturn Tnrali Dally, to whleh are attached PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPEIR AND ELI AAiT DINING CARS. rnr full liformstlon as to 1 lat. RIate. IrA.., Addre". OHAS. S. FEE. 'en'I Prseb. All e5, FAMLl, bd11e SACRIFICE • SALE I We are offering our entire stock of MEN'S, BOY'S & CHILDREN'S CLOTHING, Furnishing Goods, Hats, Boots and Shoes, Blankets' Etc., at ACTUAL COST & BELOW Hard times and a desire to maintain our stand ing as the leaders in our line, induce us to take this step. Our facilities for purchasing goods at the lowest market value, enable us to sell you at such prices as cannot be duplicated by any other house in the city. Your farther advantage will be that 'our goods are of the latest fall styles and no shelfworn, out of date goods. Our interests in this Territory are sufficient guarantee that we will stay and retain your patronage, regardless of times. An inspection of our stock and prices will con. vince you of the absolute and positive truth of our assertions. OUR TERMS ARE STRICTLY CASH, I. ORSCHEL & BRO. "'The Burlington'' NORTH!,'EST UNITED STATES ANU hANAU, ýNNECTONS MADE IN UNION DEPO` AT ALL BUSINESS CENTERS 4. 4O*(C~41, ) BUSINESS CENTERS PLEENLEss DINING CAFE AND PULLMAN S SLEEPERS rýN A L A ROJG - ,A RE'/ :-,,.A"UHIPoU CHICAG . 0O ST LOUIS ;;, THEONLYLINE K RUNNING DINING CARS BETWEEN THE TWIN CITIESA,io ST LOLnu FOR T.CR( T.. RTAY AthfR., 1~, 'AI.A , t' CALL ON ANT TI(IE T AGI ,T *! -T ' . 'I "t- *t. OR A'ID.Dl " OGE B. HARRIS W . cr,,, ", S• AUJL MINN Chicago, Burlington & Northern R. R. TIME TABLES. " I I II I, " I ',II1 I - I I i ] CH S III Ar 1 ,\I \ 1 'i I *I.1,. i:1 I ,\ T 'T I't'h., 12.'.,f," .No~u.. 'II. iI.,. WV. IA'si ....... .' "rri t72.mIn 1111Ar WINOSNA .......... 991" 11A.. 1:12 I'1A ('ROO E............112 A COS? ............ VM " IIJ·~(pm1 191 PR. III('HIKN . - 11.44 ±.s 11 OALKNA ..-..... T... 4...ý qfi " SAVANNA .............··.. 'W 1 (ºREiON. ..................". 4.101'0: 41 1~I 11 A O ... . ... 7 :0) 1 . 7 1542 NEW YORK............. 0 140' HOI'rO)IN._................. #i,?i . ..... 419·· PI;KlA. ..... . .....anI III IU '.1 c7 ( ( INNATI .........7 1 jn 71 ., 7n ' T. I.OU .......... ......' 5 ,,.I' ll y. t Ex. I'i a.u,, Traallia 1,'h hsiiK of º'',r. I., 4r l. i' Ir !1L Tables and, ,,l,.'r lnt,.rn.1 itI pi 1.11 4 U. .1.II. IbEIIU Agent. Or aidrema N 111,014 1 .1 IU. . KIVO). 1 1 '1404114 F'ICII THE NORTHWEST. TICKLT t'1 cll·%'1c:LS. 4 1114' %E./1-1 i . J I 4 %k 10- . 10 P,.lk ls I 5tha Av. I',qmi.,iIst II,,ml w I. 14111 I'., 1..4k I 1 ~Y1ER DESKS 3A'\K COUNTbltS. Woth Low... S. LeuuSt. INOa. 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