The Strange and Terrible Hysterical At
fectieo C'alled "Kulnalag Amuek."
"Running amuck'" is a phraie derivetl
frno theI 1 Mat1ay wolrd "'unk" (-.kill
ing") and c'n -titutes a well marker)
hvyterlcal alhletion of certain racesL m
hahit ing, or ital countries. It it r;uarly
if a %er. amolln)g the quiet teill
pered flim, .us. and but slidm aiuong
the Indian .Museultansn. which. wheln
ever it hes cl t cur in llinds.tai. the
muliady may generally be tracedl to the
abol i' of opium or the extract of heuiip
calleld .llng. ganja or charri. The
Hind.) tolaucrclonist seells a slwial confec.
tion made of |i haiing. o .liumi. datura.
cloves, maltic. Cilnnamon anId carda
mnumns, which is Iuixeel with milk anid
ugar and eateln as a sw(eetmIit. This
diabolical cake- -known as imalJuniii will
drive a man mad about as son as anilliy
thing. With the Malayv. I c', whoe
have. given a name to the terrille menilal
aberrationl of which we delak. and who
are by far the most addicted to it of all
eastern lxoiple, thlere it seldom any
such penlanation of the outbreak.
bsutr rIi tsallhauI tOf 0 r s '"U
Sthldenly. without rhyme or reason,
a man will spring up from his bhop
board or his couch, draw his kris- the
wave bladed dagger which they all carry
.-and.with a scream of "Amok! Amnok!'.
strike its point into the heart of the near
est wayfarer and dart down the crowded
bazar like the lunatic which he is. stab
bing and cutting on all siloe. .\Amok!
Amok!" issues from a hundredl mouths.
and everybodly hurries for a pince of ref
uge, fleeing in all directions. except those
Iolder spirits who snatch up weapons of
defense and join the armn, throng which
pursues the desperado. The laithi of the
chase is soon strewn with hrlie' of men,
women and children, dead or bhIlcdng to
death, until some lucky shot or daring
thrust disa.lha the murderer, who is
piorced with a dozen ilades ^. soon as he
falls to the ground t" asionally it
turni out that the ":.moker" has received
oimejsrsoi.lal atffrot or injury or was
hopelessly in debt cr disappointed in love;
but more commonly there an nothlng
whatever to accol tit for the will fury of
hisproceedings, r'l the streat tweels-rs
drag his carcas ,.- away as if
a klepard had 'sen slain in the |public
streeth. . 'r r:mary. ini la. tl t-he (.
currence that manyi tow is and eit tije
where there I .esa lar:.-. M .h11' ipula
tion. an intri 'ient is kept in
every lich e -:atio,: call.'i the- .i n kerlll
catclh r. i, ~amething hk.- an eel
spear with a very Ioni Il aidle. landl .,
contrived t!. it two tla.-stic' i-llnte.l tpikes
close arm -i the aiad ni:man'- a . andl
secure lii.m helplth.lly wlh ii the iron
pron,.s are pushed agaait the nape tfraom
.\.ither rank nor wealth keepy a Malay
from tlii suhldden access of hiousicidal
miania if he ha.s the, n or has
been greatly excited. There w as an in
stance at Salatiga. in the island if Java.
where the regent was c leblrating the
Maarriage of two of his dauightcr". and
everybody was in a festive :and jioous
mood. Just, however, at the gayest nmo
ment of the ceremonies the regent's
brother-in-law, a high official, came ruslh
ing through the procession. btabbing
everybody he could get at with his jeweiled
kris. The regent himself. coming up to
inquire into the uproar. ware killed by a
single thrust, and it was the brother of
the :rinlce who ran the -"moker" through
the back with a spear and orought him
down. vet not before he had slaughterol
nine of the palace people and wounded
six others more or les severely.
It ut;Cht he supII OJI-d that a race sub
ject to s.uh ferociiusl its wouhl ew nat
urally excitabl,l an nervous in manner;
but the contrary is the case. The Malay
is of all men the most quiet. dlignitied and
slow of splech and action in his ordinary
life. Hle seilomq~utaks loudlyl rqyuickly.
has the must coutfllus and even gentle
demeanor and quarrels very rarely with
his fellows. Yet he is coldly and siletitly
cruel: cha, no regard for human lifl'e and
derives from the Mohilanelld.,;Ian faith.
which he Irofe'sse. its Itterest andl un t
relentlesis dou:l ua. ()Cice startld on the
"death nim" bI, insult. desp:ur or some
brain trouble. hi.s only thouglht is to "kill
and kill anld kill." and in the fierce ex
ultatiton of his insanity he dues not feel
the blow which lets out his burning bl..x
and put. a stol tI, hla dreadful career.
London Teleg.aphl.
Nreids of C'Ivllzed Doga.
Th'r- i. a certain re'pI Ii'-,llr't, about
keepe;; Ipitm that few Iy.,Ib- think ef.
An anjimal w' leei we' r Il'iavr- :i'i~'.
into an iinnntzral Ii(e t-Ir ur (o\r n rIp ,
ure. has a right tno I In: il of u, Iit. tuum'i
him. Nut hiz:g .he ert of nalmxlute ailuu~u'
cani lee lre .rc' *el than to relirine tile
areti+*e. *opei ai iving d,. in a draiwing1,'
roemn i-lih IN,-ly ii I liii·t tw t uo (CPY
hizn, Ir wt:!, hlit 'etzi an ! .leifl,4 g.
There are I"- tihings 'w li t'he !l -huull
alwn mvs hay.,. at m h . ntr-%er m, ,w. e nce
tee hii, wie;r, - a ehilva ri oult of e!,Mir5
(not an ai r Rg ini a carriaeig' and al ways
free aucre'-. to, 'windeews 'llNug ujeen the
much interxt ase his ll-tn -,, wlen tuhe
happenis to Iel shlult Uji ili ihe' sou«'i~. il
watt linig the draa o f life. aj- it uinI olds
itself in the strc'ets.
"It is lit fasihioabelile toe hI'M & ut of
windows e.q eje I ienar' -er (i~ uie: b uit
the best trained dog he gcirae :i pro. k ig
w-ay of lutopepirig just she it 4 r he':arit 1ii1
plflf manner,. .t eryr at Iratc t le sighlt
tO Mei ai fiw ebeyu iigre iw:ic i ,:eir ef dEli' '
mllour+ younlg !it. BhernarId elog. -it lu; One
in eache fronut winelcw oef an lij4cw~n re-si.
denc.-, hireking wihi the' ii.. t :ilec'-e ering
inltAerest uijiRi the clieilgm illh, ýtrhe t
Thty wre a iuiuc Itluere chau iiitg will
d,'w oreiamenet t ian aiivtluuig Re ii niL-c
tiT4 teeilel huti'e jehic'eI fmIit 1 11 the
Trip Around thme World.
Ernest M1icjhe. th.t tI Jttvl'I( Ii Iravel.
ar iWho Ii;I4 jlu.;t nu,1In a lii. :u 'i! the
world in 2'ý In ayir. Nas tlc:1 (hR. . ti:c
lh'I nlow uI'mdIe mIIU(hL i I :.. 1
and ciiifirrtiI~y thanE a f- *., I4 n
and that Ir. nyý rtati uI( I , -11 = 1 -Silt·
ymuitaimu fr Mtll "I'l dIii -:ht
Seeing. AºN f(r tIc' t lIM·r1. I,. , that
he jiturnmly irinund tj'n i dl . I .1u O
egmufortahly ziuh~le ii' In.r a lnnrw
3mew to travel at a crmt of N' a jI:r.. Fur
U000 he saya the tripj cau IA i1,:lo1 with
tdm geatest comfort. 1114 evtiiu, i t", how.
"r, doe. not leave much margin for the
putobm of knick knacks and souweahim
td Os jourmsy.-N&v York $un.
some Curious Rerelettoma of the Dredge
*ad the MBscroleop.
We utade f Irtluenlt trips faur oult toward
the Item iiiiiila.&. ir here the g'r'afn twatters
cItend dotIwnwalrd to at depth of fully
18.0410t fret, and tiwn we cait our dredge.
aid M~rlii w al ad 41t ill Iti ind I ilanner
ai IIfter whailtever w e Io la tiedl. It ei
plorwl.:uur~ ll our r·1·zult. wire uu tst won-n
lit Hiii. rTh I 1II Ilo t th a iw f lound to
Irt at miiai.- t dclark IiItue. very sticik% thud4.
Ku11.Cl:.. tt ii4n 11 o IIN- l 44IiiIi ll in large
14111 :1,11'4 .1 titi urIinteI t~hilk of ea:ier).4C
lo\tl\ " to nat. d annual miiitJ I) conttººon~N
I'.it. 1 . i ti llhrw l 4 int ' c ll Iie il f401141 ti) i
1`a 1 ' 111111 tutºJ e.%i'tt(l evict t w h I'. B and.
1111.1n1-It . Hough). it is found to lit illlllct
.cvactiine I. tii foai jthe elhalk cifs it
wuithdy irnt kicr ott it mill Ist foun!reax to litf
COUtlrt.4"1 of urllltitlldls of I*ulutifll
she·ll.. andl therrc is in,, doubtt thalt thisa
could be exl". tMt l to the atir. Each t ine
muddy particle~.l~ is the( casLrt off TreIII1utt of
aein aeitaliit that hltil anti died in the
irreael dilitthi. of the' sea.
OU this gr :at Iedl of iumd t he ol(Mt re
ml;rk:able crealturen live in vast numnbers.
There are orlitet like startirlhes. lheauti
ful branching corals. ugly black fishes,
pure white ".41a ''Iunhmer'." bright
pink. iurple aind ridl sea anemones and a
h~lt of otiier creature,.. Tlk fishes are
always strange and uncouthl, with huge
mntuth. a~id stomachs all in one. but with
the tail hardly noticeable. When the
fi-heu ar.e brought to the surface their air
lladi"*r- and Ntoltuachs protrtaie from
their Lmouth.. their iyes huIlge out and
the lhMul i, forctll through the 4kin.
Life has ilw.n cnrusheil out of therl by the
suddenll hanlllge of pireKsure. the gases
within haI ing huIrr-t ith ti--lne- and hsily
wall- a.iundelr. Thetreiwendo, pre-slure
of the water war well ,howii by lower
ing an empty bIrttle., which was crushed
tit ut. illip.
Ti l t' e il.llt. ei- uri s l tl . ltI t l an r.1
ra'.s. Tiwft-. fillu t a -oft antid
Ill t,- :iii ,.l' thl h i- to r'sh I. oln flora u .
,,i.rt, i, -.1 -ntlt -t II t rners thte ir un
lrt t. i,,l part-. Thti- -hell tlt. hn rm it
Itre. ,"tti t, .. atitl th aln t. lj. '+ t. tlut
*s..* t I, . t- ,h lh . T h - il l ..i r l n, I t 1 llr .a
f w lllt l -. sIt'IInt, lr a- wt ,, ti ll hurotI
trtlial itni lt-ire It. tt'ttle in iift, athl ac
exrlin l- hi- -nft tall t, th" gaii t e .tf hlln
tfllohw hcra,it litl, are alt;t to g- i al t it u il.
atJli o r lr. atn irni tlit lin l t him-,.lf tm ll',.
tints h i. of n. wt ai tlhi- 'I rl' . it ro
with tih tail g. h. tin t f I l;t.ach. r nl v
ltt.rn in the Ntlt wi-liters there it a
(tli i ll Iply l. or i ll lllflontl I lllitd
wav. i*lntilic'ally 1 .lwaking. l *.tween, a
ttrue aneore.i' la t coraitl t-,lyp. 'nIlike
thie otalht-r wfr i tla t jianc., its itoly
alls are Ir tillt. with ftutnd. so that iti
'I.ts iiw-. form go..I fe..l f'o.r tishl.s.
tShortly aftct birth this an.lll "r ne. whi!ch
has1 Iw"n wimnulg around for a
few -.I h . is s. I1.z*' with an uncon
troilahl,. d,.ire tottlte in life. and ac
cording)ly - reu. plurnpagain.t the shell
if ai herunilt crab. lhit v aery tnt rom uits'
his mark. and intlttn.liat ilt cot.tunenctsut
tving himself on to stay. 11." grows
rapid}ly. and in a few dayh(scrnmpletely
surround.wl "our hrulit's .h,,ll. leaving
on,+ opening abox,, uncu-o."r+il. The next
-te], i- to all..rb the hard slh*,ll. and all
this is acwanpll-hed Ibefor,. the hermit
hat felt thi. n.rv.--ity for achangeof ri"si
dn lie. Once ha'vi^ tlhe hard -hell al
the crab shall lhave it. s. I,, coillmmllences
the'growth of the henrit. S,. the two
lire together through lif.. each ,hcing the
other a favor. the hermit carrying. the
anemont" from Plh.e to placht and prob
ably heaving hits of h..l for its satisfac
tion notw and then. wthile the anemone
f.ºrnishe- th,. h,,rrit with a ,mufortabhh.
tran l...rtalhh houn,,. hich grows to suit
the grtowlng dem.and. of the tenant.
IH'ttord Corant.
The Argen( tie Rieputtic'. H. t Tra. e.
Till- .\Irgi lliln.·E g " 11:w RI
thee ful ~hething , 1' thee e.xjrt oef h6e-f.
Netheiue'_ i, iie~eiee to el lp thee tire7.e' iceut
te ii tri.ade. ieee(,1Al It . 411 h h .l 111 ii f:ere :e.eI
he eriie; 1~ m4ii Iueeqee 'h1 iricig tee.,) we.,ks ine
M~arche. Oile bellt. .r. tlit eul T~rree-enn
at San r Nieo:,-. heI- II ;4.heii.II I 5.teLi m I
tite hegIeIeeieý -d the" \eir. .1.' ,ee :1,
tje. her-.-. h f e';ity "- :iejlr'.eeeI theeAr
I cle j e neh.:,';111 I."1' TIi rit X11e1 j4l toIg
to .I'e lit- r it :I h.:cee'".;. ceecerke.t.-.
J(tilf-w, .I ' re- " t:erehereh.
It Was the Real Article.
Kin;;t Iran'.,. trflasIrrE :IuiI,Itnt-il to
W3,110 It liii Is' .i1 1. :ahei tii t ee !o ii 1 . it
calll " ina; ItC iuut" a r ul one inch
sqiuare" it %%.'ii~d reach I.-.110,00O feet.
or 2:,i .;- I ,uiuw': :a rd ,,uue.-fu,,rth if an
666ie;; pilt juto a frir, sIx t~i thIs' flxit,
wuiubl I . III 2.1 f,.t. *r utflici'crt to
mIiake. :I .tId f. it,-. oe r lift' I11114l4 long.
--( 'hu i ra, . \ ,w s.
TIher. Are Many. t.Lke. Jlin.
''(fl ,''. iil thi·at .J'ui " 1H. "ii nuver
*l" h~e~ Ii, P i~f'our
X"Y'- andii Ii-.' a~keI hlu ii (107.P
tinms.. I r it.
·\'.1r I.'' .'.\FY ~l!'
I t t- I in as a trut uii 'i~trese
and (, Ii ".1' the" am~iount II, -%-i me."
-I'il · i il I ii-I f~l~ll Ilch.rr
It I I rly n Trali l I.·rIq..
'l!I,. ..\ Ic }.. u ;'iU in to
"I.i I 1 u ki,lw?,
t'" 1,'79,4 r (I:.."- I, '. at
er'. it tm.
1 I til d'elgi of mrmim., eon't
whe t, i .. I k miow.' p hue( I,, NCpfd the
amlms, r awi, ng European guiIe book"'
--Tbe Eoch.i
it"-66100 of 141rrr rmale
It has I.en det.rulined 1)V rttenlt oh
irraa ions rthat the average ital'l! rt et
aFion of the 'Ihol contoullr -if the
IhorI 'w t.ll h111 lce 18142 Ilha,. hlil 2.4
fea.t, !,tt ; the acute nnu'll.-. %%lire
ttue hulk of the water Ila--ý. the
ret ('hMi(ll silllee P'42 hasn IR4'11 :,ell 1'(·'t. (K
feet lM' 11':r. literate jilt rl:eug 1i re
cent \.:ir.. - New Orleans. 'i l i.-I kwo
Si'IIt i)otuI... In T,.nqitm..
Thi ('t 'injir iF Iaiphiht ii ai~s t hat a
Slrg Ut I rllll r of the ddllant i-u 11,y the
ha;nk of hido. '1iiio&. dateis1t IiW' il.
circulaitionu in Ti in. aii in. ha I t Iebee n pit
Kopen 11%. Islit iuigenious hlti,\ and a
brine Vu11i...-itjot ulittitutl i for the *
ver extracted.-Chiicago Ne~ws.
A Wlialy, Iteling, %klu 1)Dease with End
less Sufl.rigll Cured by ('utlcur
If I had known of the CuTICova Rt.~t eau
twenty-eight tears ago it would Ihave saved lli
$2~U.Io (two hilludre dollars) and an ilmmitene
amounT of suferlni My diselse. ('.oriaais) com
mienced on ily headl inl spot not bigger thalI scent.
It spread rapidly all over luy body mid got under
my nails. I he .,Ile- would drupof of u all the
time, land III UlIil.Dng was etlales.. and without
relief. ie thluillsand dollarswould not tempt Ile
to hate this dI-, ate letr Iagain. I ai a poor man.
Ibut feel rich to be relievei of whilt ome of the
dlctors laid wa Iepriy. tsomeh rillg worm, plo
rinal t ,e . ., I took......and,...... arsaparillas over
e itar Ian I half, but nIIo cure I eCnt to two or
thri -dot tor- and no .ure I canlnot praise
('tTI t1: . It 1t liEs too mIuch. They have made
iy slkin as cltr anild Itru front scales as a lbabes.
All I i.-d of tlheml was three boxes of 'l'TICU'RA.
II thrh ie hotltles of I Ul lt I'kA It EI LV.E\T, sdll
three caks of i(T 1 lT IRt 'A I. If you had teen
h'r, :I;l -Aidt you would have cured ue lfr ttll.sU,0
vso, stiild Lae had thlb nmoiey. I looked like the
iii.ure IIi Tour book of l'oriasia (pote a Ilumbiier
wt I 11,w to trile ikin I. eals- . ' .but ntow I allt
a ear a" any le.roi te r was. ' rouch force of
heiit I rub my hIands over itty ari- anld legs to
t rat, h once int a while, but it, on I atI
all s. ll I scratched teitley-eltlht %ut rs., ani IIt
i' t i a Lind of secondl natulre tOi ie. I tlhank
)la I otlusand time-. Anytliing nore you wiatl
ito .l. write iile. or who reads this lay
write Ito os and I will raniwer it.
WatLt n iiry, lVt. l , ,. lp,
l'r,,nI". ", ail hleal. MilI. ru,, hiaidrvfl, l.iar
:, t " Ita err, ',rier,' aiii \t a~hiera,,itan a lt. ii
mid er. r'a of It. hirip. Hurnm g lt lT
I lwv hic.n tur, oi tIe ýi.ti anit -va4 and BoIuIel,
with I,.'"a of hir are Itela cired by li11'
i th great *ki ir." and It11 14
r , tl,,ti ",w r.\ ri cv liu ar 1 T' l{KA
Ir., l\ I . i Iu, w k'.ar'rln· Interni ally,
iu h, I, tl, i iau, ad all other ruierdia- faIl
of e~rw hu.I r~ : Ut('Tt RA "enI".
Jr.V -1llv1 i lr ~,II 1H{1.'E I'M .01)I
Sr -rnd t.or hluw tI (rare -htn IIDA a~er, ' ,.
pa, n, a lau~trat:vua,. and I0, castruuowal'
*lt' SIa k-h~ad,. Ihupywul anti i ,l p,'ae d b 1I'AVIi lt)ly ..I'
Fre!Free From Pain
Inne isahumie the 4 nth Sran
%nttl'Iatm Phlamaer relley it Rh~eti
=alti Sit~iuc, Suiddeni =harp amid
The first and lIaitV pain killing ;.lanter. ':i tsrot:.
Oapital Prize, $150.000,
"We do hereby certify t bat we supervise the ar
rangements fur all the Monthly and Semi-Annual
Drawinla of the Louisana >tate Lottery Comlpanv.
and in person nmanage and control the drawings
themselves, and that the same are conducted with
honesty, fairness, and in good faith toward all par
ties, and we authorise the company to iuse this
ertificate, with fc-.imilies of our sitluature, ..'
tached in its advertisementsr"
( olmmIltwleers.
.e the unrlersigped Hanca and Bankers will pay
all Prise. drawn rn The Louisiana State Lotteries
which may tu presented at our counters.
J. H OOLISBRH . Pres. Louislana Nat. Bank.
'IEHItRE LANA. , Pres, State Nat. Bank.
A. BALDWIN, Pree. New Orleanl Nat. Bank
C'ARI. kJHN, Pres. Union National Bank.
Louisiana Slate littel ('Itrpany
Inrorl.orsted in I68 for ^25 p'ars by the legis!a
thue for Aducational and I haratable purpoess
with a capital of $1,0(.),Ohl--to which a reserve
lurid of ver $SOit,(%)0 has sllce been added.
Hy an overw helming popular vote its franchisl
was ruade a part of lhe present Sta:e 'uonstitutlon
asl.ptied tiecertmlr 2d, A. I) 1979.
I he only Lottery ever voted on and endorned Iby
the eoople of ally iState.
It never scale. or postplones.
It. (.ralnd h.luglr un,lsli r I)rwinLgs* lakie
plat Imolnthlly, and tilee 4. rand n'al- mannuail
itrawingss regularly .evry lsig ionlltmil(Jun
anld Ilr.uiss br.)
4, tIt;7-1 10th Mothly Drawing.
Capital Prize, $150,030,
via ctIe..-eLckeIt are 'I ell DeI
I CAPITAL. PRIZE OP Ir0.,0) 3150,0110
I (,RANII P'RIZE OF 50,010 tIOY%1
I GRAND) PRIZE Of 21),00 0,(Y 0
4 LAR E PRIZES OlF 6l0 110 0,(
2" I'KIZF.N 0t' 1.011O 20,.1)(
rK) ., NK) .:,01)0
1i01 301 30010.)
21% 'J) 488(XIl
11, Approxlmation Prisca of S:wr,......5,'..l.).( ,000
100 2111............ 211,1100
111) 100............ 2,,l%10
1.101 Te mina 1)............ 50.00
1,lWA)Tertu. ·lnlolnsI b O. 30A(44)
,17v Prim's, *tiouiitiflg to '3,(1
'pl. .,ni'tlil for rates to cluiis should bfl made
"I' t., the ottice of the Comlpany in New Orleans.
h r lurther iuforlnstion wilte clearly, gIving
full adldreus PORTAL NOTE., Ea rouea Mon.%i.y
lrldurs. ocr Ne'w York Eahcbnge in orndlnary I, tt..
''Iarr'iw y Iv .a.pree (at our .iZer, ) addrnesc
New Orleans, I.a..
V ashitmgtOfl. 1) t
IdIrýýý It.-gimprer$ Levers III
New (PrIemut, La.
REMEM E MBER That the.- pre"nce of i,.
crat· Il~lude l nd aejil
he R.EMEM*Lrt- iscrah of ihe' Irawirige. l a
Vllut ill. of at,.,,liit, fairtuep' Silt lengrily, that
the cata,. m crc all equal siud thatl n hlul can prs
SLty d'IlvujIC what ItBiter wllldraw is Intip,
1(I.\11I %I111.It that 011 10 1m nt - I nil 1 I1111. to
II il % K' of Nrw (Prk'aii. ant It,. 'lit ketp ar.'
sited'Othe P'rpedent of anl Inctttutlicii, whose
.lu.rtee ri ghts are ie ognlael il th. highest
Courts; tterefur'. beware of any imitation, oran
Oieyomeie schema
314 So th 13th St., Omaha, N.h.
I:.stabll,llhltl fo(r tne ~.'ti llle anid %lwrdly
('lere of Ci'tr le. Nerr.iUts anld
lswriLnt I liera-I
The old Reliable .eieialt.t of many yearc exper
Ience treats with woulerful euc.ess all,
'URE, cured without KI .h OR I' \ UTTIC'.
Treat.laI l l tl of Throat, I ulg. Nerve and
Blood diseases. all i'liruoia d ease. and llefretm
Ities far In adran, e of anv Ilstitution il thi' voun
try Those who contemplate going to iot -Iarlnlt
for treatment of allny riate or Blood dfiese.. can
becurel for one-third the co-t ra our Pritate 1is-
snlaary. :14 ,out. lath street, thnaa., N.h
UPlURE cured with Ut plain or hinderance
froml busiuess.
LADIEL By thi treatment a pure lovely
Iomplexion. Iree tromu slowness freck
le., blackhead,. eruptiou., etc . Itrillialt Eyes aliud
perfect health can I.- had.
Plb"That "tired" feeling and all female weak
nesses promplly.ilred .loatln. Headaches, eer.
vous l'rost ration, ;,ential I hl lility. lrepleslines,
Ileress.ion and Inldige-tion, sIialiall troubhl.s. In.
liamnltlion and I Cealttlon. Falling and lliluace
llents Slpinal weake rt . Kid ilney I.plainiS and
I'hange of L if. I on.ult Ilite old T,. tor.
EYE AND EA ., e r r hroic Inla
It~i AUln .i the Eyelids or
td, II. and far or tnri.h1d ite, lutersioni of tille
lidi., S.'ofulous I - . S I I. ,,rati.on Inla ,a ilations.
A bcess., I lllnesr .i %'lt-loI of *nle or li ll eyes.and
l'umor. of
vhItlauiiiatii of ithe Ear, I'Ueration or
I a'rrh.Ilternal or E t .rnal Ieifrll'es 'r lI'aril' ti
singilg or roarlllg i e. i lucke.eid Illllu,. etc.
N E R V O U S ,i hv, i r 1. .r at rr iii r "- linal
NERVOUS o -"'. " ' Io '',t * rt. I.Oi,' Of
Vital lPower.. ..c i.',..-e . -- I e.tponi. rv, I o.. ,f
.ltiuiory. I'onflo. , I Ita- II o r .- toreit, eiee
I :t.s, tude. , Ilt., . , llll ,l ICtlre-. iul of
"lrnt-. Ater-I ' t " t sit - (aily lJ -c 'ragni.
La. k of cofitIlen e. I, liI I.i-lee-l . I', ht for studyl
or bui.lnr,., aui tI I.I liI l ,- t rd , .:Iti ely pwr
a etIIIIII and , t nitati ! . red.
BLOOD AND SKIN' "',",,. ..'
lie Iit its re.. n - t" . i ill .let ur hi, at,I d Itholt
th. -.e of r ir e OrT r ,,hlil. I rT-'iel -, e'r,
lleII lanI lto(,, - lh ,i': . '. r l .,rt . i Ml r Ii'
ato 'l T git (, i i,,i so, t I h,.e * I. I, M at lt tic Neck i
I{thlil :,ti' n ail '.,t.irr , ,i I'errutuu.l\t l I
whe otII hers hat. I
URI RYNIUIR ', ilI lidr trouh.-, I
tUINAR ,,. I... . . t 1u....; Urih.I r
,uen y otI it nias r t ra.. i- s I . lkv
ed eitin i I-I,-tall ,I l oluh rl.l i ,,, .t, .Ir llltl
PRIVATE DISEASES'.,...,i' .int
tle,t. atrictur.. .selinal cil i"- otp.u i ,l...f s, vui
al power w-asne. ofl th. .\iiual urgan- want of
dlesire in mal, or fi male at, i ihr friut iiprudd iti
or ani)y (auil. d, hil tat.l. the s'.I.- ihoail fiai -
tions. -t- dlt atllid lnr, au atly i ,red
I nupilllli.lm n l firi .- strut-il crlutientiall
.lMedicitn. -e' fr." fiom oh.rvi in t; ll plart- f
Sthe I'itcI l iails t ,,rr, pouitcuie r, erl et..
I prouuitt 1,l lt-rion No I. ite11r anered ito cas!
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