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THE DAILY YELLOWSTONE JOURNAL. VOLUME VIII. No. 65 MIL,.~ :ITY. MONTANA. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER s5, =sU? PRICE VIVZ CENTS. THEDAILY JOURNAL Il. O9f4.s4 IPer of Cu.r tm~sar Ewory Morning Except Mlnday. .pulati mf Ni. a City, - -3,000. Torm of &ubwcnp0uoa: BY MAIL-IN ADVARCS-?OSTGOIE PAUD. oell 341454 me yr.......... Dell U *m L90 msh...........- urg TO CITY sUmUCarfU33S By cArrgvu. Rm I~iLag, #a *al pe rueb. WEEKLY EDITION-TILOW PAPER. 0 Yz ew...-.. .. ............ ....... 2.00 lin I........ . L.oo rcrf ts aloolks.- _ ., . ............. 1.00 Advertiinln -Rlae. 'r r. 5/f . 4.06.00 10.00 14 3.03 Depys- WU 4 f 7.06111.0013 13.0MO 21*0 I Days-. 4.00 6.00 6.0044.0D0160 21.0 91.44 W .06 10.SII3.0013.0 2LO0606* s~b..7.06 10.00 12.0 Moo.6 I 0.06I0* Sa .0. 1 6. I.0 00 3L: Meeth. 1314.0 61*.006s36.0042.00 40.30 . to0i 100 u 0034.00.0 &LOD0.0 14 'ot. 100118.0 , - 442* 3020006.00 100.0 *Wn~I..00 XLW 4020010D. 60 1.00 110.0 Le.. eee4 pismi. dd Vrua~ummms i.., JOURNAL RUILDINU, MILES CITY. M. T. COAT LC 011L ULDsau)aom AND UlLl tPrru1 di O1 CSR?, bruI M as ll kiar of earputea ?SOISAMONAL. DHOMro D IUtlU.; D D OUW AT LAW. gt zisaay'. Main sIest, Miles City. PMWMICIAMd. I)LTL L ·IDD, Li t YtU LAM AD RUWHOM. bde maaW. J6. Iseq'e drag usem. 12 it a3 5. 5. WOOD. 'en.A rosmmn Ea uvus'a, 133ad3 £33OYSICA Wualai mmd soeaeb. Ci.. a'y AM Mow s Cloy. K. T. " T OGZ3N.M. .D.. VAEOS#TUU PUsGAN AND hllgu aa. .esei No1.1. Sinak taneew Msak week, UU. r . T. S PTaWIAN AND rUMmoN. .4P5r Mailing, up Lain. (C. WMITNKY. ý/. II(I DalrYI.T " UIII Js seetes, an kgnewem PuMmel Seel All reek. gUsarsahd ema at resesees fames. CMUHCYllil - ori el C h eteb ( Ip le qal) P al es 36- S 1Lqe is l am.. eS 7:39 pm.. Wa. 3.trD Chs.U.4S dnM Sm lap, 11U . i., 7 P. JILS. D. Daalay patae. Maubsliasn r Imalay, 11 a. ., PI . .r. L Mldar, pout h oh fbrus Ierc-galaa. gaily. 11ad. NO. di p.. T. C. Anomeug, paw. t .. L W. J. Llmdes, ehaulals, U. M. A. SIIOCITI A. U. E.-Dletste Is. I .am . anS aesne 5.pefees mesk. M U.-Mos m .a a hikid Wes ays al Tdi ., at Odd l lhr Hll. "?3. a L. w.-Y4Lws Ol Les . M. a, d "d4 t14 Welmes. L A. H.-Yshbieeemg Chqe,. MS. Iensed I.T sadaysO.uudtaaade k L . L~du.-mI·LsdI , MwIS, ase w-+A N ode hell. I~k·Urr mt ~O.I V-WY Ys,.·1 ~1 F r.W a I. 7, urr . sla O [ e An a Duseb goey dhealin al dL-flmM end wed busas NA.- L-v S. O ars HM, lfw 14. del a a.0.O. T.-Il r 1 the Weak M . 13. every flsau semlug. B. C. RICLHtOND mwiMrrlu N~ f . =11" Au jott Iqsrd.NI rt led.. a N. MaIul. U. w. TOWI NO'THERN PACI IC FOUNDRY FREIER& 11OPPI16, r.m.-,--f m Mo db d QAWTIN'$0. 4A D KIrI LEIGITON & JORDAN, WHOLESALE GROCERS, AND RANCHMEN'S SUPPLIES, Goods Delivered at Ranches. TIB OLDESTMLAILEST HOURS IN EASTERN MONTANA. FIRST NATIONAL BANK. or TH OLDUES AID LARGEST BNNl I!1 ET MONTAAL CAPITAL - - 5.ooDO SURPLUS AND UNDIVIDED PROFITS 860,000 1O06IM IAlNHTON, Prewedt. W. . JORDAN VIOe Prnuldmt. s B. WBIEICO , OaShier. H. .. WIas, A.tu...t auh.. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSIT8. STOCK GROWERS NATIONAL BANK, MILTe OCITY. MON1I'. THE LAGEST DIAN IN EASTERN IONTANA CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $105,000.00 dINTEREw ALLOWED ON TIME DEPOSITS. w. a. IThaIIas. rM]t, wE. nAuON. Vi" mueldeat. H. . . ATOHILO, ashier. BIAM B. ATOHCEIO, OAst. Cuh. CHARLES W. SEYDE, NOTARY PUBLIC Real sate, Irace awd Coveyaciag LIVE STOCK BOUGHT and BOLD re B113LI . llCII, ACI AID CITY DlOBTT FY SALE. KOVS." iO Io S =T. Agent For First Ulmss Steamship Lines For Europe. 75 kebsaig ItmernaetsalOsetooioms san Cosular hauslae Attendi to a0 Vl af N MlD M550N CAIMS A SPZAHLTY. Live Stck, L s, Real state and Notary Public LIVE STOCK A SPECIALTY. Aist he the ei st d nld mastreliabl FIRE, LIFE AD ACCIDENT ISURANCE C08. A.d the eM St gen tetwn. Koner Loaned on First Clahu ecurity. Cattle and sheep ranches, and improved farms for sale at a bargain with easy terms of payment. Rouses to Rent and Collections Made. Several eomtortable and commodious dwelling houses and well leated business and residence lots for sale cheap; also N. P. B. . Co.s lots and lands, and gruing lands in the Northwest Territory for lease or sale. MIiat.a, WetiSs, Wyomlnt, Texs sand Eastern CATTLE FOR SALE. In lots to snat AJso evoel heno O bands of shedepr Paad.bllala "lac. q' o ,"r s lrd a rams a bd Short Horn thorosbnred asL CNaA MA. IN Snase. WILLIAM COURTENAY, MAIN STREET. FROM FRAIE TO BRICK. The undersigned hereby announoes his removal From the old stand, to one of the new and oomodious brbo store. in the Graham Block on the south side of Main u ,mt,.etween 6th and 7th,where,with enlarged faoills feor handling his trade he will be glad to re etwv all i oWatomers and many new ones. w" . -. Hit the Bulls Eye. Two Cow Boys in a Shoottng Scrape on the Crow Reservation. Lang Shoots Three Times, But Lowes Scores a Centre First Fire. Iheetlng Usap" a* the e*ervauee. A man by the name of Frank Lowes arrived last night from the wuw omp of the N bar outfit or Black creek. tabut 4) mile. from Billings and about 16 wiles from Fort Custer. He reported to bheriff J. M. Harris that be had shot and killed a man by the name of Wm. Lang ighbt teL fore Iaet and wished to give himself up. He was taken to Lthe jil and locked up for the nIght. When be came io be brought with him one white man and an Indian who were witnewese to prove tbat be did the shooting in selfdefensa. A he told the story it runs as follows: He and thisb Lang hau d some words about a horse in the morning and Lang had been tbreatenlnggto kill him dil day dometiwe toward evening Lang after some more abusive lauguage com amenoed to sboot at him, firilg three selots, one of whiob blew off the topl of Lowe.' but. After eeah shot Lowe. remonstrated with Lang, but with no effect, Lang guying "I have nut killed you yet, but will before night." Lowe sesirg nDo way of get tlog out of the scrape alive went to the wagon and gut out a rifle, coming back to where Lang w stdadinlg be eaid "one of us bau gobto die, we will settle it right now." Lang reached for his gun, but before e could fire Lowes put a bullet througb hi bhead killing him instantly. The proee.mlng attorney 8. H. Wildy would ?ot bold Lowei, a this happened outside his jurisdloiloo,ad as it was an evident oee of eejf-de. nee the prisoner was discharged by the Sherir. Corner Kelly sooopmpa led the men to the seoone of the killing Ibis afternoon. They could not orow hbe Yelluwstone on account of the slush ice, so a box car was obtained for the bores anod a buggy placed on a Iat oar, sud rtker aores the bridge. The party will go us far Pryor creek to-olght and to the cow camp to. morrow, to bring bhe body to Billings for an inqueet.--Oaette. Want th c ar teve Abeadei. The follos log is a copy of the elrou ar prepared by the state railrad corn mlisioners and sent to the managers of railroads in Mlnnesota: "Thbo general Interest of tbetravelnl publio, and indeed we may say the thUre people, in the matter of finding a safe and efolent substiute for the dangerous car stove, and the near ap. proach of the cold seson when dan ger from Its use is at its maximum. leads this commissiono to submit the following questions, to which we ask the favor of a speedy reply: Vlrst-Is your ompany ezperlment log with any new method of beating its passenger care, and if so with what prospect of suoess; and is It your pur pose to operate on. or more trains the coming winter which shall be heated by the new method? 8eoond--I your oomllany taking any steps for the adoption or use it its cars of any of the new inventions for heating now in uae on any other road, other than the stove? We hope you will aooompany your reply by any suggestion In oonnection with the subjeot as ocour to you am aiding In a practical solutlon of the subject." SUCCEISFUL TSaTB. The New Freight Tran Air Brakes Given a Trial NEW YORK Nov.23.-A spelal trati Tuesday took about 300 gentlemen to Ridgefield park, N. J,, on the West 8hore railroad, where a anmber of test were made by the W tingoboUse Air Brake Company of the new appli. cation of its systom of brakong to long freight trains. The air brake has been used very suooesfully on freight train of not more than twenty-flv oars but it wae found that when tbls unmber was exoeded the bumplDa of the rear cars In front was so serious s to et a limit to the system's utility a far as fregt trains are onneerued, and:it was to demonstrate that be bad practically analbilated thi diffnrea and made the air brake's advatag available on loun frihbt itrn tht Mr. Westlaboouse took the vWet*I ymterday out for a trip e the W 8hore road. A bkelgt trda 1,We tet elg ad wemisgLe l .MOOQlh.eiS drawn by mighty sengoe of the ('beiag, B or linttoo Quinoey road,wa used in the experiments. An emnerpaey stept with the (elght train ruamlonig miles an hour was the firs test. The brake was applied and In 121 ooaeds the tal was at a standetIl, bohav run lea than 200 feet. The nest tat was with slmlar eooditoes, e* p that the tra was run at a speed of 41 miles an hour. This time the train was ssopped n 10 seooods and a distanes of 678) feet. The third tesoot was of the rapidity with whbleh the brake wre applied.tbe tralinMtandian still so that the .bserver could tell the time which elapsed between tbe engine wbhitle whloe annoumeed the appliatioo of the power and the soond of the moving brake at variousdie tances aldng the train. The ears soe. bored in order from front so ear of the train, and to persons who stood opposite car No. 81, the two sooeod do soribed were synobronous. A high proesoor test, with the tralu running 2 miles ans hour, resultel in its beior pulled up in six seconds, 91 feet from the stopping poet. The last test was, speotaoularil, the best of the afternoon. It was intend ed to show the relative stopplang power of the old brakes, os used o lS-140car freight train. Down the tracks, ohimney and chimney, came the two traint. Fortvlyve miles as hour was the speed at wbiho the tralne were go ing as they neared thed sopplng poet, and the freight train was only about three feet In front as they pssed t. The brake on both were applied elm ulta.eomly, but the new brake dintoo. ed the old one, the freight train stop ping in 18) seconds, at a distaneo of 475 feet, whilte the peasenger tra went on traveloing til iet oengne woe 1,204 from the point whereo the brak were set. "Dyamiule s Our Weapeo." NEW YORK, Nov. 23.-A full Jury was fnally eoured for Uth trial of Johann Most tble morning. The lan guage that the prsecutlon will on deavor to prove Most as having need in this: 'Every person oonerned In that truedy (hsnging of the Cblhgo anarobliet) from begioning to esd it marked for destruction. Tbe revolu ion is at band. [A voioe bere cried: 'Why not begia tonight?'] Agin I may, arm yourselves tor the rnolution Our arm is tbe bomb-stronger thab the Gatllig gun or other weapons, it kille ffty at ouce. Grinneol bhall be the first. Then come Gary, tb, udges of the suprem court of Ilitol* and the judge of the supreme court 0o tle United States. Lt not Oglesby thiuk that be will Moape because be commuted thbe entemoes of two ol them." Tbhe creseznaminltion of dl.s was begun by Mr. Howe. Ans srt was made to show that witaem had gives dit.bret testlmeony before the grand Jury. Witnu had not given his so utu of the meeting so tolly as at the trial and he admilted having made a mistake before tbhe grd Jury In W-y* log that Most beg bl hi peee wlsU the words "Fellow Slavee." The words used by Moet were "Bruder A arobitsa." He thought that Mo b. d eed the Beglish plural to emaraehle and not the Oerman. Simom . Dray. fur, a reporter, corroborated the ether winess subetantially. The man bed e.t nesl to him at the metlag who Jumped up eyingl: "Why anot ow? We're ready." MYet seoleded by sayiog: "I am an anarehit. Rise, anarchy! Long may it live!" He did out lake the mltee beense ho did not wantu to be carried out deed. The witness did not eue.r mueb under me vere eruse examleation. The state rested its case and court adjourned. Ith chea Vsseems. Washington Telegram: Seond Comptroller Butler has decided that the sums not exceeding $10 paid t, o, rtai colored recruitse l Virginialod the departmentoi the soeth by Ge-. Butler end Uilmore under ordr of the war department dated lNovember , 1868,and Dscember II,1,rwepetively, were no butkes wlthbin the meaning of the bounty law sand aen to be deducted from the batlly to whilh iry sueh seoldier ie otheise eutiied. He bolds that the payme. were In be nature of gtlt or ptrlala of umuertalm muco a W Ne olse of reemruits ad wa- aet butl.e as toob.nealy udetead. Ths eare of the war departenst to gave the eeanr ding gpneo - theasty to a w a beoni me U. eeedlug 10 per ea .e "aeud so IlveIs I Nae. n givn a getads of monataine, .gees wa oen e thosandset at of asepemat. We mem dele i hettl whes In per. Iet health; b bhsWut do infr )orty te pople fl Ilke gviang p dish.eteled, disongemi r 4d west out with dis.w, whom Iheas s for Itbis fhell. as ee 'y t. freor ean eauly oblan eirhufaoesy proof that Onsa'. Augus Flower, will make thrm free free disese, a when bar. Dyspepels mad LAws Oumplalt are the dires eaems of seventy-ftV per enat. of seeb um elde as Bllloeseus, IndigesmtsU , eItk Headsobe, Cotosvmas, Nervem PRe. tration, Disimese of bemd, Palpi~ast of the Heart, ad obther dleselemi symp'omº. Thise does of ALag Vlower will prow le weonderfel aeit. sample bottlem 10 eeal. Try Lt. The following oease for e Webb Guards of Monoten, were eiesem the meeti.t of the emlpamy last dsw. ing: Captain, W. I. LeRoy; let Us. ,enast, A. L. Babeoek; Sad Meti* ant, GOo. N. HaysI let rgest, G Go. A. Grirse; s.d msrgesat, W. iL o. *ytk; 3rd serasast, J. C. Boadi 46k rr.eatl, U. K. Frnsei. th ergleast, Gus. sarth; let earpoeal, Cbha. Baw.; ver; Sed enrpnral, M. B. Radonshee 3rd corporal, G. Swlft; 4th earpnral, J. W. Veaghb.--Blliage OaseUe. U. P. 3mb kM. Third meri..e Mends Sa. tr. Amun 41,00,40Selm S. b stvmbai Nis You, Now. t.-Pmdiul Harris of lb. Northe'r Ndb@, has just el'ed sgout laose with Avg. 3o.. Mont and Henry Vi Ird, uerssmtbog thesyndleats Is whih RethssbI =m lbe Deutashe bash of Beth an p03. .4pal., for the ale of 18 0.U o third mortgage beade ·arthlasd as speial si eUmg of the sseokbeldsru o the N. P. FitimmuaDx Md., Nov. IL-Jona 3. Dips, eulored, .hbuwd with Mosisom mawslt on Mr. YT i, an Seed whils woran, Friday last, was take bss, Sh J)al at S0 o'e'ook thish esfsi sad banged to a ruee. 31ps dubmiss bis Imuerese sd sid oe Bum. othew negro. was tOh p)seped eta The IfWans Of Ffleliuh., The Itallam d PiLd bla m shel adul of to lawndin. The bi eeoapUanmby whim tdin pepls a ltwdilwd are t .e - dssasl, wawa baits ai m md irs La inaflled omitubdVwhsq lae An eaily nas nwD - the -Oman a break of day wishaso fo bophu -adding low and pebar bisa -/staia the c b ear wdallte Wisu" hatthey west wbl tits ai d a aoo7r, and to .1l whttbgq lass would be endue sham to essmumee (Lt uaelre they s away within e bie at thir o.The sred das l aots ard at week at dap ok, doin twin md endeeba wum~ - Amsrkcan would umdupo at say pins Ba fruit dishes and tde ca g eh sppr on thore asout ? o'dok so s dy' wrkforlit nd abwHi alat ewithhsultpaty, we cubfa *. astb bin erl prl0Iu oodlfCaI Tbo i no I(ýs -r f bslsd I Ik 03inbold,. while doehba~d i lb."d la iq. thewi ind a~ b_ · · ae uUto 0.ýhubk ham do w to 4w TIe bols wb e large ss ose a abmd with a "kit" sad baom beash blacks, while the so rn iloadme ad th* slits to the ated by in oipr taopn bass do patr.-Pkib. 11b emobvgiaro tits me bie aemeisd Morw NmpoIr giwb up he tmnhg remib. h agiahog d th. maoan a wodenaa was dug up~ in.. tamh a omhl aemSd amrgl - mend, many d whido we dmbr t thom mud in the pr m day. A n dya kbi fe r flamfur I ihar amd iudiw=ow"ph.sabhs height wars foad -a/ m~with hem mmh " .~t a. f- r dim aemem- d wi fap m i tie Igum d amime, lad a bivdW stta of Jupiermu eaw ou~ifrA aine site dIye, objeob muinl rY ar fe wets elm foed, moe ar h rand pfd u fmler .r c IA wav4-Dinl a..aea ta ar ws b am-& ' ýne you we aaems b kn hued in wid rooms." wdei B OdiC, "I W4 rlrr £b ' IWSF a --ý'.w Oaplnd t gI y he0al pap.. ead ah -, trimas bulk of oar tum.. Urn. ma few omnhi mtr s , . amrn nd mow end tha.. uhal anI a Mend who inj6gs the whab it Mk aweu" lad Jana dA r ammethg of th is bow ak wan d )aryU '-=. D. Uo l lb. F-. _i baaa !!a aieial wesri bl loe lwl ý oara s Vd S. mu. b -