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MFE DAILY JOURNAL MILC CI orv, MNTrANT. W ijmall emm .e........................5.0 p.m. oeepe fri . tIl p a. @MAWa mad MUM hrowemS:UP. M. till 1:80 p.m. Iso. MCAIMLAND, P. M. Witern facik Tim Tabe. ShATR UILIN aTY G0ING WUT. JI. 1. PeaeLS m P. N IL S ~ g ..2 05 P. IS. spie. Fught.... .5;24 AUV le. . AUam c Ez ue ............-2:05. P . ..P er ....... . ..........-..--624 . M. 14. Eaprom r emlgb..... ....... ho . M. MUDRAL DOIICTORY. lrlgrt. M Oe.ýrw.». . TWWM, Bein Ow.º.N. H.'o ...... . ».... ..JII .. 3. IU W l . WTm. C. DsBk. TL C.L C. odm. lgeleq U.Si la.--L ieee. .J.m bsh dalrr. U. I. I.Irul R~wrw-Jwr U. WlM C3U3TT OFIICERI. UMeetigf a { R .ir.H. · J. M. aI ng aml a 3.mý.4 »..... »L. C. DOm (IsA of Duties Cot...... W.4m. Nh.rlw p.. C. MlbN caner Aiecqr . .·.... ·- -m t.Kt ss T. . Tbsep~ I ----~......' D 0.r okr ý IWI.e....~..-.._...»D. Dr R O. RNA lu 1it fr i of INYWW.........I[ Last. C.WIS IL. A. Idlda. MILER CITY TOW... - ... imam of tt ... ........ .... ....._.. We . R·Lro· M.INI..». .ý.... .......... ...... J M . . Y film CORPORATION 0r MILE CITY. ..........»...»..........3. H. JoLamo Q trM.ý...........J1..... P. 3eAbMel leYm Mqlur,, _ ........ ...... .Imme SnUg /trot Wew4-C. IL T..eis. 4. 3. Brown. ul W.uM-W L L..Ana,. W. H_. Kull·d LOCAL ITEMS. Tongue river is hosen over in some pinaes. W. J. Ritibie, of St. Paul, is again I. the olty. Chab. S. Norton came in from Pow der river yesterday. F. W. Tanner came up from Fargo on yesterday's through train. Leave oil orders for Batemau's coal at D. A. Beibop's grocery store. * 8. (. Hotchkils, the Pumpkio Creek rMob e sme in from his ranch yester day. C. H. Loud, acoompanied by Mrs. Loaud, oame i from their ranch yes terday. His Honor Judge Butler closed the pellee court yesterday ad gave thanks. Leave orders for W. K. Smith's coal a Birkie's or Conrad'.. All or ders promptly filled. some of the boys were kicking at the amount of time left them to brace up between fire and daylight. The town herd is rapldlyneoreasing. Yesterday Poundmster Klog added eae spotted cow and a vagant steer to the bead. The Grinnell oettle are only a short * distes from these stock yards and it is likely they will begin loading to morrow. R. B. Wilson returned from Helena yesterday morning, having been in attendance at the Helena-Manitoba Nelebratlon. Jake Reels and Larry Lendall were among Milae City boys who attended the deseelast night at the booming borg of Forsyth. Cbsh. M. Joyce and ftmily regis tered at the Macqueen from Butte ye terday and partook of Manager Calla hdi's good dianer. The moat remarkable cures of srof ula oe record have been aecomolilhed by Hood's Sareaparllla. Try it. Sold by all druggeists. Owing to the immediate probalility of the Yellowstone closing up the up river hunting party have postponed their time of departure. The Drover house was crowded with guests yesterday who did full justice to the best Mine Host Arthur Max well had prepared for Thanksgiving Best oemmenee now tagging your dig. The period of probation will ena plre 0a week from to-day; them the rope sld revolver will be used with meatone sad dispathb. James Atell, restling represenat give for the St. Louis wholesale paper hou of Oo. D. Barnard A Co., ar uived from the ast yesterday and is eo his regular western tour. Manager Callahan set before the *lit of ti'e Mcqueen house yester* Sgmoust splendid repst. Many of . mils City families ate their 5lwS~jII ja turkey and plum pad. V dlg there, and Port Keegh was re easntd by Col. Otieso and a number of the ofieors, gaet of Ma4. Mar. queen. Billy elpanker. Custar eousty's favorite moe horae, will be raMled at the saloon of Pepper & Jones, on oste urday nlght, Nov. 8. e Neoble red men to h number of about too were loitering about the trate yesterday, beasklg 1. the sun lilbt and eating turkey bones. 8lush lee Is rumning In the Yellow. atone to msuh oeztont that the ferry boat people doellned to take chances of attempting to make a croeing eas. alght. J. W. Bachb, of Bacb, Corry & Co., was a psseoger on yesterday's No. 1 en route bome from the east. Thbi Mr. Bach is a brother of Hon. Thue. C. Bach, our distrlct judge. Reocepts of cattle at the C:ileago mark o the Cbo23rd were 14.000. Ryan A Ream mold 177 head, averaging 1,214 pounds, at $3.35 per owl. Dlllwortb 10 bead, averagngo 1,838, at $3.00. The Are alarm salled out the swains from the lub danoe last nlght with le-s perturbation but certainly in as greathurry as the boom of Waterloo guns broke up the ball Into "Belglum's proud capital." There was a daoe given at Forsyth lest nalht doubly in the honor of Thanksgiving and the marriage of prominent and well known dwellers of that locality, a notice of whose wed dIg appears lswhebre. Col. Malone and Mrs. Malone will start to-morrow for Cbhicago and Kar: w- City. The Colonel oexpects to be seat to the southwest by his road to put in the winter worklng up new business on the Kansas City extension. Tbhre year old Kentucky whiesey 60 oents a pint at Ben fmith's. * At Fort Snelling on the 2tbh Inst. Col. A. F. Rockwell. chlef quarter master of the department. opened pro posals for fifty cavalry horses-two for Fort Keogh, thirty-eight for Fort Cue ter end ten for Camp Sheridso. Mar telli Brandenburg of this city was the lowest bidder at $108 eaob. The cou&t martial ordered convened at Port Keogh fbr the trial of Captain Garvey, and postponed, has been ordered to convene on the 6th of De cember. The department commander has ordered Lieut Col. Leslie Smith, Twentieth infantry, Capt. W. W. Gray, assistant surgepo; Lieut. P. E. Traub, First cavalry, as witnesses be. fore the court martial. Io to Bill Bullard for Beet', M IL Waukee beer In any quantity. Some diffioulty Ie being experienced on the railroad, trom untoward elr oumstanoes, n gettinl the trains through on time. Snow in Dakots is causing some of the trouble east of here and on the mountain divisilons the ame obstale prevails. Yester day's No. 1 bhad made up the time lost on the Dakota divisions and came into Glendive on time but a hot box and bed axle on one of the Pull man cars caused a tbree hours' delay at tbat point. "All will be running smoothly before many days," says Agent Oridith. Wanted. A nurse girl. Apply to WM. COUnTENAY. " Col. Malone, wbhile on a recent rall road journey traveled some distanee with Hugh Early, (Commodore) who it will be remembered left here to the spring fiat broke to seek a chang of fortune to the westward. Hugby, a,. cording to his own account, is now on the highroad to afluence. He is hold. log down a job as timber man on the kooky Fork A Cooke City construction at a salary of $100 per month; owns a third of the townsito at Red Lode, near whore the railroad company In. tend to open one of the best coal mines and his wife is running the ranch while he Is on the road. Hugby is in bis element as ie man in a railroad contract and with his other prospects has good reason to fol elated over his ahblevements of less than six months. A Blomiln' Blae. At 11:) last night the residents of the city who had betaken themselves to their repose were startled by the continuous shrieking of a locomotive whistle, followed immedlately by the hoarse roar of the electric light station steamboat growler, sounded with the strength lout by I.1 pounds pressure of steam. Five minutes before that ooourred a suooession of pistol shots on Park etreet and the alarm of fire was resgulsed and answered by the rattle of shot In all partsof iun street. A lurid glow and a volume of black maske rising In the moonlight Indi eated the loality of the conflagration. Dire had broken out in the coruer building of ro of row of log and frame houses on the southeast corner of Bridge and flUth streete and in a mo mort Mqae Cobb'. place was a soeth lag maee of fOame The wind was blowing gently W the est and fire was quiekly to aI ad. jolalng houses. A tweaty ' bs l.ey and then a log shack with dirt gs_ eabookd the further progrss of th .mses. & Campbell's row of e.. tages was nest this but me dam.rg was done tbem at alL The boese tI whbloh bhe re started was the eon one oceupied and it Is believed the possessi one of the ooopasnte weor saved. A red bot stove was the pr. mapry ases of the Are. To proteet d jonnllg property the lest bouse of the thro was pulled to pieces after violent *sbrt a .d the "heave bo" of two sore helpers. Louis King and Wm. Van *asken geuerslled the foruce and kept the baed of workers where they could do the most good. In half an hour the Are was under control and the crowd dispersed. The corner boue, where the fire originated, was the property of R. P. Knowlton; the next o.e was owned by Henry Tusler and the third by Gen. Brisbin. All three of them were nlsured, but in what companies and to what amount we failed to discover. The loea would probably beoovered by $2,600 and there is litle doubt the in suranVe companies will be the losers, as the owners of this property are bus lame men and not likely to have left them uninsured. blief of Police King was, as usual, the first to give the alarm and in the lead fightlng the fire, ably seconded by scores of willing hands. Whe. alas.. Belgeed. Dainty little f.t peeped from be neatb beauUful gowns tbhe Thankse giving hop given by tbhe Mile City Club at their elegant parlors lest night. About thirty couples, comfort. ably lllnlg the dancing room, tripped merrily through the square dances and floated In time to the fine walts music. Dancing commenced prompt ly at 8:80 o'clock and continued until 2:30 a. m., at that time the programme was ooncluded. dupper was served at midnlght, and it was a very elegant collation. The araurpmeuts entire were pertent, everything seming to contribute to the euooes of the affair. Climatlo onditions were in full as. oord with the event, and the young moon looked lUinlgly down upon the many couples, who diedaining the use of a carriage promenaded through the slient streets of the city to their homes. Thaarkualtg. 18tr. 'banksgiving day passed off more quietly than any national holiday ever did before In our eity. There were bhe usual servloe at the churches and a dance at the club in the evening but no particular or general merry mek lag. The stare, were olosed In the afternoon but most of the clerks be. came tired of seeking amusement and opened up after supper. The most noteworthy occurrence to many was the general introduction at the saloons of unlimited Tom A Jerry. King & Ward set out an elegant lunch after 9 p. m. and many there were who on. joyed the Thanksgiving bird. KENIEALY-..NOOK.-At the leeIdee of Mr. J. A. DeBeue, Feorsyth. M. T., MNe,. rWed. by mev. .L ISyder, Mr. 5. H. Keiat sad Mine ale ISs,. bot, ot HMwemd, Custer C.sat, L. T. Mr. Kenealy is one of Howard's eno terprising men of good babita and has tus bshown his good judgment by tak Ing to himself one of Howard's favor. Ite girls asu belpmeet, which un doubtedly will break the monotony of bathling on a renob. The young couple bave the hiat wishes of a bhost of warm friends for their future bhappl amss and prosperity. Lutter List. The foil iwing letters remain un called for iu the Miles City, M. T., postoMfoe, Nov. .25, 1I87: D)yer, A CL Emerick, John H Harrison, Miss Lulu Mlllford, Miws Jennie O'Connor, I)aa'I J T Townsend, C W w Wateon, R 0 Y.akam, Johln M Personscalling for the above letters will please say they are advertleed. JoHx McAuszLoD. P. M. Catarrh Cured f'aarrh is a very prevalent diseae,. with dis tre.lag and offenlve symuptom. Hund'i tar. saparills gives ready relilef and sIly urre, as It partles the blond and tones up th. alule system. ,I sadersd with catarrh i.$year.. I took Hood's KaraprtilUa and now I am not troubled any with eatarrh, and my general lhalth Is much better.'0 I. W. LILLIC, ('bChiaig IIL •I .a lered with estarl h ix or eight yeare trielany wonderfulr ares.Inhale r.ete. spend :m h oue hundred dollars without lineat. IlJ -lrdtk .A Itar8a ,s and r. tly Wll -;,. M.l A. All ý., W ster., amu . Hood's Sarsaparilla old by1 all drllgist. SI; al Ior L Mmade .-_7 b C. !. HOOD (CO., Lo.wllwMa. 100 Dm6* One Dollar .ic. ..rterS, *lslr ~e~ A cheis TeadIsme7 Oiessap neaypemes se Sue.bles wi'h a hebadse is da *sihpae.. The wl e of bMses M.. pmment. The emplleta a mll as. sub -, momUbo .wir N immda r ser/ -el. IS0 --s-.ea-ss aeeeiM by a s 'eel I _.1ak eilu-,,' ebs. k jedisem -e sme, amd beelsu ve liaed whh a dsi me.bsusemd, a wee ibs %aIe, sh. msn wish"m l ,su. sensla si estsd u sse a hab.imi .aisme a e.mslpanda as Lsesa i - asslelsss heeme issmee Ites Isahl e i mlle and pIsqels. is aelther wa-hem Sb latu. ss, md M Orets a ems em-ssd mu rmdal peim. seems. Sbe wL... S , o i " .Lqos,, d' s -s a, w~q seus, er Seah. a n. d is apsat rtsemats., I . lampals. Tabs a .. hn- S.t ea sad m bha, se pem will BUSINESS NOTICES. THAT HACK(NO COUGH can be soqutikly cwed by Mbilobh' Cure We guaraute it. Fur sale by W. E. savage. WILL YOU bUFFEl with Dye pepalm raJ Liver Complaunt? l8tlluh's Vitalils' I. guaranteed to cure you. For esle by W. E. Havute. BLEEPLEMS NIUHITd, made msal erable by that terrible cough. Ibilob's Cure ls the remedy for you. For sale by W. E avage.. CATARRH CURED, health and sweet breath secured, by bhilol 'a Catarrh Remedy. Price 60 oents. Naual lnjector Ifre. For sale by W. E. Savage. .,ripmas'Ira ,o .Nes.. Asm.meenr. Sealed bide and propouesl will be re oelved by Lte board of coauty com aniasonere of Cueter county, for wed loze and mwdical attendanoe for the slek and poor of Custer ouonty Jun Gned in tie poor boum and toasty jall, for the period of one year. Biade will be recelved until Monday at no0n, December 5 1887, the board re servlng the right to reject any or all Aide, all bide to be addressed to L. C. Deer, clerk of board, and marked "Propoeuls fur eare of sickt and poor." By order of tbe Board of Coommie Lsoures. L. C. DLuA, C'erk. Pr.e~p.s bc Weed uand (the. Notice is hereby Riven that propos al. are molaeited and will be received at the omlce of the county clerk of Cueter county, M. T., up to uoun on Monday, Dc. 6thb 1887,for furnlabhig the ounCty pIVE OORSOeF WOOD, to bedelivered at the court house and TEN ComDi to be delivered at the oounty poor boer. Wood to be good, sound and esesoned. Bidders todeelgate the kined of wood bid on. Also there will be received af the esme time bids and proposals for furnishing to the county, coAL for the ensuing year price per too at the court house and at the county poor bouse. All bide or proposals to be stled and marked as euob and fled with the county rlerk. By order of the laurl of cemmie. ionene L. C(. DEAR, Clerk. POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varns. A mar vel of purity, strength and whole someness. More eoonomical than the ordinary kind,, and cannot he sold in Oompetition with the multitude of low test, short wellght, alum or phb phete owder. Bold only in cans. RrOYAL BAxKIrO POWDER (... itM Wall street. New York. For sale by WM. HARMON, Miles Cityv. BUT.INESS I A business to be healthy must start right and go on right. A business is as lIable to disese as a man is, in fact more liable to get a mortal ailment. The easy thing is to kill a business, the bhard tblug in to make it thrive. There is no mystery about the healthy growth of The magic is selllng such goode as the people want, at prices consistent with the times. BARGAINS OFFERED DAILY. McINTIRE'S BAZAAK. Mites City. . . a t.Mt . ISUL'T OF PATRONIZING lao. OusimA 3m w.mas it. ', lo IT YI, I~ksI~~i Tm-.- The First Htoric F Was tha q/ Adam, ten coase the qf .h lrtA. e, the sh *meu t O the Roman &npire. Later on ue read qf the Fa![ qf Ike Du"ath lic; But the fal widr . I. of para.,ount ltoportonoe todapy i the bi qf Pries at the GABL T I. Z. L., Mardbh e Willing, Wary and Wise WUiting to bury your doubts and give our goods a te.t Wary of the outrageousoe rm made by.our ounpelo; Wise in plAdaiingfith In our abilty to please you. SEBAONABLE, SATISPACTORY, SUBSTANTIAL BAR.GAI In aothuing, (ents' PunirAiings, Boot., hoa. Sot, Eaet , ,Lvah, MittU, wlove and Bedding our .loek y unbroken aud ca ot fit everbody. Don't dek, too long. Al we aek for our good. is ACTUAL COST. NOT an COST like other stores. Look uw over. sing I s .sl. I. J.. L. Clothing, Boot and Shoe Store, Miles Oity, . Montanef 1S Mall Orders promptly filled. JUST RECEIVED: NEW CANNED GOODS. Consisting of Tomatoes, Corn, o , Sweet Potatoes, String Beans, Spinach, and In fo everything in the Canned Goods line. Bemmbnr these are not old goods carried over from last yIe, but bran new Goods, 1887 pack. Als a compl line of Dried Fruits, New Hams, Eta., Eto. I1 DRY GOODS Gents' rFrnishings, Hat s, Cl. lothing, Boom Shoes, Et.. we have an endles variety and new oods constantly arriving. J. H. CONRAD & Leade lm loaw aprice £ -* o