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ST14 AlS OF NAPOLEON IL '!s seU h eLa 'e Resume cmail. lis s'.. sU* epm stu.. IRtmes w eas lest of Intense ezd-S. S sdet a tow days ago, because La Omulo •i hed a few lines to this effect: "he Tomb d the Invalids is empty. U remains of the Emperor Napoleon I Shere been stolen by emcrilegious bans, ' smatredo os the four winds. "nor has sno a profeanation been so aml- When did It take place? Saw Ism it less prvn ,ve Ig'erb immdiately repled that the tory was a hoax and related an inter whw with Gen. &umpt, governor of the Invalidei . He has guarded the tomb of "s Emperor for the past nine years and etares the story false in every detail. "In the Arst place," sid the old hero, iblore robbers could enter the rypt, iy must have overthrown a marble al bIds and hroken two brome doors =over of the cofn is porphyry, and '4,000 pounds. I is fastened by trease hinges, and to raise this immense Mack at least hfeen workmen would be ebliged to labor for days, not with simple .ol., but with complicated ra-olding, pulleys,rope and the like. inoe Napo. wasr buried in the Invalid.e not a workman has entered the crypt. Even liing the Commune not an attempt was made to violate the emperor's tomb. Napoleon's ashes repose on the banks of e Seine, in the midst at the French people he so much loved." After this interview the French nation *a s tisfied that snce May 7, 181., when the body of the emperor wau placed iL the marble sarcophagus, in the presence of Napoleon III, Prince Jeromne and the dignitarie of state, "not a workman had entered the crypt." The belief of the Frencarh was idly dmken when La Gsulois, not willing to be accused c ho ing the public,an. ano anmed tie existence of documents ng its stament. A personage who a a onspicuous role in the adminLs atlon sent this journal the duplicate of see $17' Important documents. From ns it is discovered that Napoleon III apponted a secret commission, charged wih accounting for tie absence at the ashes Napoleon 1. at the moment o the colln in the chapel 8t. a, that N trechal Vaillant pre asated to Napoleon III, April 27, 1861, a report proving the ahuence of the ashes! The Osulois added that the original copy ot this confidental affair was placed in the hands of the trand chancellor of the egion of Honor. but, as the archives of te chancellerle were burnt during the Commune, no one had heard of the mys riousr documents. While these searches are made, I re member a conversation I had some time ao with a friend of Emperor Napoleon II aid he: --When the emperor's re maim Phall be removed from Chiselhurst o Far.hborough, you will hear something curious with reference to the ashes 1pob I." Then he told me a klng ~lry, pledging me to secrecy until the proper time should come for the revels l..n et these facts. *During the last two years of his udign" sid my informant. "Napoleon mI became a fervent disciple of spiritual gm. When he first thought of war with Phsa he went incognito to the Invalide ry day and there invoked the spirit of e great conqueror. When he took eummand of his troops, he wishbed to have sam tangible relic of his hero beside him. something that would compel the spirit of the Napoleon to answer his call. By sealth, at night, the ashes of Napoleon m taken from the Invalides. placed in a portable box, and Gen. Fleury and I wre the oely ones who knew that the lqueror of Jena accompanied his aphew in all the battlesof the Franco russian war. One of the causes of the dimter at Sedan was the fact that in moving the emperor's baggage the fetich had gone astray. Disheartened because o this calamity, Napoleon hurrendered at Moe. Afterwards it was found that the a so dear to Napoleon III, had passed Me Belgian frontier, and from there was sat to England. I know it was the em 's wish that this fetich should be dbeside him, and feel confident that lapoleon I now lies at Chlinelhurst." ,aroness Althes Salvador's Paris lAtter Is New York Mail and Express. OAM of the late Pastims. Oe of the most interesting of the so cIlled "patimes," which have of late beenm ntroduced into the home circle nder the name of art, is that of model Ig in wax. It is not only intersting ad amusing; it is instructive. A pound d wax will keep a large family quiet and Mbuy for a whole evening, and aside from ie often curious results of the two or hree hours' work. there has been gained a idea of anatomy which the workers were quite unaware of. It is easier to model a head, such as it is, in wax, than to make a drawing; the light and shade b made with every pressure and there is tng hat, so that it is a more proll medium than charoal and paper. At 6A the amateur poduces a rather aehaie object, but durig the evening, ater he has had a little facility added to is hand, he will discovr that he has been more of an observer than he was emmelou of. He will also glance up fbrm his work and look at some member d the family to loat the ear, or eye, or , and so by de s he onsructs a mly good head and I. a week's time is lb obtaina ilk aes of some m hper tie family. so, lttle by little, the a-sl ma lato te shopand homa Ib Is by tMis we asl he able to AM mor iremwt to higher and mor rt ami the observer who has the was at home will be bettr Sto p jassu on a pleo a thu b a ew bfo hie Mt l b at n g i the . TO Gloabe, a I.ysealed bMale att wils w A iT eshamed kesm the Romna oemse y atf iI.mlp, er Arles, and ib semg e wen amalymsi by aurtheo, theh k eios Mineoh ehmM st. The Mal to shows ha te e a had r Pea r a Mages sh er ntined 41 4* pe -ass t alobol.-Wer York Tribes. a so t r at a th eaob arI e lw hot -Nao at dud slamona the seler, ware tlan that Is suhbba a t i TM olIn aa *sinoU3, y bU h"T"d5(CbL) m lnshaeas fewn a rmsi. According to onm the French eholai al journals a plant belonging to the let toes tribe, technically known as sosachs oleraceus, and common on the wayi.d and among dry rubbish heaps in Franse, has been found to yield, in fair propor tion, a very goo dquality d caoutohou. To this end, the plants are eped in car bon biwlphide and afterward boiled in aklohol and causie potash. About 4.3 per ent. of the weight is thus obtained as caotchou.--Chicago Times. A Frenchman says: When your friend laughs, it is for him to tell you the cause of his merriment; when your friend cries, it is for you to ascertain the reaso of his grief. Northern Pacific Railroad Company. LAND DEPARTMENT. aT. PAUL, MnxW., 8sep. 3.1*7. To whom it may earn.e : Nties is Ley gives that the Norther. Peelie Railroad omay elaims ttlL from tlhe United atw auder t charter to all leads withis Its idmniy limit, for which said has sie selectio lists l the oes os of the rn and rei Uvers of n United sates land ls the oa"sa of Wlsecssll, M esot and Oreges, and the territories .t Dakota. Mnaaa. Idaho and Wahti ; and that said company will resist Ia the laddpa uto aned in the courts, ear asmy and alpersena s alm itle e an ay petles id sale a lad, and that said omapeay will ltstitute satles i l the site . Npoauo0 of Isaynfo said osMelted Ld O*ept. lag threh and uader tse Northera P lactc rail. Ta recenta ruling sad order of thb seretary of the l teirtr Is ot sas. It s eotrary to the sai form surreal stdeemidem of Ite ederal courts la relw.a to the et matter. The railroad eom pany will sst an y ad all attempt t dprivo it CHAS. B. LAMBORN, Amas McNAueurr. Laud Commissier.. Coeusel. WM. W. CRAPO, PIUNT, UIONISAUN. Bulls I Bulls !! SPECIAL INDUCEMENT TO RANCHMEN. We have one car load of FINE YEARLING BULLS, Fit for servioe,whicb we will ll l ery low. These Bulls have been out door raleed, have the free use of peature, bence are very hardy and to just the condition to turn on the range. Will deliver the smae at any raIlroad seta tion at prices to defy competition. Address. John W. Fester, Manager, wasrts Creek, M.kLgas. FOR SALE I --A LOT OF CHOICE THOROUGHBPED REGISTERED SHORT HORN -AND - TO BE SOLD FOR WHAT THEY WILL BRING as I am going out of the business. Apply for pedigree and prices to CUYLER ADAMS, UPIRITWOOD. DAK, The (iGLo is the brightest, most com prehessllve sad complete, Interestlng and Instructive newspaper In the Northwest. It s a wise friend and trusted counselor to svery eeder--hooeet, fearless and Inde pendent Democrtle In prinelple, it is not eon trolled by any set of politlcans or man ip alsets. It Is the PIOPLE'S PAPEM. always ready o desus their rights and is eWess agalnst the Mjut emeroshm te of monopolles and sadleats. The OLOweS publishes all of the news of the day with the greatest possIble prompt sess, aeursey sad Impartlty. 3v 3a.., rPesae rait. Oe Uls Thies er. Meath.. Moah. DAI.LY................. .00 0.00 B0 DAILTY eIa 5UtDAT.I.3. 5.00 mo SUWDAT'........... *.00 1.00 .0 Wllt Y.................... 1.00 0 bad IPoMal IM s Order roe Iglsm Ltter. Address LEWI8 BAKER, St. Psul, Mluneeota fak NUar 9wK eia, pries 60 Ma k 6 rt 6 * y yeatle wkcribr of U. EVIlLY *NIY fre. Dr. POWELL REEVES %14 sk l 1s3a OS., Omah., Nob. PRIVA&T DISIPENARY. Establbshd for the beeattie and speedy Cure of Chreae, Nervous aad : aSpdeel The Old Reable Spciallat of many year super les.. theats with wonderful aecem all LUNG. THROAT. CANCSIt. PILL, FISTOLA. RUP* TURK eared wsMet IMIVI OR CAUTHTIC. Tsset a em ofl T Threat. Lang. Nmerv sad bised diease, l Chndoale ol. sad ~IebDar i1ea hfr Is advance at say lnstitutloa I this coul try. Th.em who sestemplte going to Hot Spriags Sr trweatmen Iof ar Private or Blood dissessa sa bo eaed for mhird the cot at our Prime ILs ptarTaI 814 Routh tb streetm, Omsaha Neb. RUrPU eausl without pain or hladerage frum AII1 B Dy this treatumen a preo lovoly ,l eQmý pleloa, free from slowanee htek. le, k a oruplsle, oei., Brilliant Eyes and peretet health es he had. lrThat "tired" hell` sand all emalo weak ns nes pempllyeursd. Bloatnll Hleadehe., Net ou Prraie, General Debility, SBe.plesnes. Deprees sad Ildi.estis, Ovarias treubles, X. lunmatlie sad Ulerati. Falling and Displace m s.dpla weknem, Kidney uplalats and Ch of I, Ce.sult the old Doctor. f-- A D Ea Acute r Chroaic leds. SIIJ M r ulll alems of the Eeids or Ss a r eart hodne, o the Lids, SeremelUs e.s leeratiom lasima.u ioam, Abaeos, Dlmoss o Visles of eas or both eyes,ad Tameo ato Ld. WIlmlamlma tin the lEar Ulceration or CanLrr.nlmterl or Elternal Deanms. or Paralysis sltingl or earing noises, rhiakened Drum, etc. u *bility, Bprrmatorrh.a. tminal WU La~sr , Night IEmlsions, Lea at Vital Pvre. oleol es. D nrdooner, Loss of Memoey, Coatasulo of ldea. Blurs before the eyes, Laslitde, Llaguor, Gloomislm, Depreslan of spirits. Averlsic to sooety. Easily Discouraged, Lack of e,,ldenae. Dull. Listless. Unit for udy or business, sad ndy Uloe a burden, sally pear man and privalel cured, BLOOD AND SKI Diseases, syphil- Ldisease most horl Lt in its eult--eompletely eradicated without he us o( eury. Scrofula Erysipels, Fever. Head and Bones, syphliliie sore Throat, Mouth sad Tongue,l U.edular Enlargement of the Neek, Rheumatism, Cat.rrh, etc., Permanently Cured when others have failod. SKiduey ard Bladder troubles, I Weak Back, burning Urine, F-re quemy of urlnating. Urlin high colorea or milky sedimelti oastandlng, .ne rhea, Glaet, Cyslltie, re., p cared. hL reasornable. RIVAIT DISAUSESe . " , stricture, seminal muulsiesa, loss ot senm Spowar, weakes of the sexual orgas. wat of deslre n male or female. whether tee. imprudent hable oatyoag and eumal habits in mature eee-, or anyelve that debilitate the sectleasl PFue Utoms, nndily and permanently aured CbbustaLe flue sad strietly celadentleUal Medlein f~ee free ho bervastle to all pates of the United States. Crrespendeace receives prompt iatieeta . Mo .ltem awered unale accompas. led by fe are ln stamps tend stamp for pam phlet and list te questlm. Trms striotly cash. Call as or tddress. Dr. POWELL REEVES, No. 314 South 11th It. Omaha. Nob. NoIffBA PACIFIC RAILROAD. TWE DIREOT LINE BETWEEN SAINT PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS. Or DULUTH Idak, Whi3nmg Territ y, Ad a1D Points It Minnesota, Di kot, Montan, OREGON, Brfail Clln Pt Sn1 ai ALASKA. N0 CHAIlE OF OABI BT. PAUL and PORTLAND. O. Ar . hi of TIs hb EMIGRANT SLEEPERS FREE The Oa, All Bali Line to te YELLOWISTO Pmil kxp ? Dd*, Me whbel w. mIe.h PIRWA PALACE UEEEPW AND 5M3OAOT MINIS O w& ow M Ela~mm a hE Time 3Mmw sh Ua. Pl gIE.n -u.r Pa..ur md FII TIE NORTHWEST. TICKET OFFICE: CHICAGO-*O8 Clerk it. Depet. Ear. Polk It. A 5th Ass, - FMwor Hm... - 01r.4 PaelS. Hot L Tremont Hense. EILWA'KRZ-3S5 Brosdway. Now PamemgrIStatlea. ST. PAUL-7l Meet Tlryd UrtweeL Union Dot. MINI4APOLIS-iS rekalot Boo. 8104. Union Depot. 0ý4 TO "The Iulin41ut n THE PRINCIPAL LINE BETWEEN THE NORTHWEST AND ALL POINTS IN THE UNITED STATES AND OANADA. NEcn ONS MADE IN UNIN DEPOrS AT ALL BUSINESS CNTERS PEuRLEI DINING CARS AND PULLMAN'S SLEEPERS ON ALL THROUGN TRAINS *ETWEEuI m t,','CHICAG,,"ST.LOUIS THEONLYLINE RUNNIN8 DINING CARS BETWEEN THE TWIN CITIES A* ST. Louis O TIKMETS, MTES, uMNEL INONATION, tC., CALLON ANY TIUMT AGENT IA THW URITSO STATaIoOU . O0A OE AONISAE QIO. S. HARRIS, W. J. C. KENYON, en NW lmuus, 6eM PAM. Aes ST. PAUL, MINN. Chicago, Burlington & Northern R. R. TIME TABLES. StATRONS. Ly. MILEIS CITY. 206 p. p. ma(d 52 . s Ar. NINNEAPOIB. 605p paoJ b,3n p6,16 Ar. UT. PAUL, C86 p, ..d 6,10 p,.. OILU IT PAOUL............... 110pam 116 r INNI.»»_.W.» 96 11 LA CR9UL.........»......._ 120" 11" PR. DO rHISN».»....».. 1.49. 171" G L _».....». 4.05 " :1: UAKKLW... -- I 111 " CAVANNA....~..-»... 4N..6 1361 '" MEWYOK............». 710 ' 1416 C* 3OUTO ..................f.. 1 .7 661 PE'JRIA..».»......... ... 630p. 7 'ST. LOUI............ 6.0p 1r. sm Dialing Cn c all Timim. Fnilme Slspuumo all Rigbt luum. N. China ofCowM~ U sp, - IS. a T.a, pn Au..emmiahle LegalI TI.e T.M. .1h b. 9.e...61. apply I. Or W..1. KaDANR1l, Agms. hw Drl Q llb L W. J.O. KE1RON, EcAUSLAND 5 (REDIO0lL AiWOILY. GUNS. REVOLVERB, AMBNITION 1967q demIUr. TM LIasl lko of no" Kly.' 516...11. wri WOinm6h Ialag ml 3g d ii 3 now ml Wemeumi. Fine Job Printing! TH JOB DEPARTMENT YELLOWSTONE JOURNAL Is now prepared to do all branches of printing, such as Labels, Deeds, Sermons, Drafts, Tax Lists, Ta , Shop Bils, OCrolars, Oatalogues, Transfers, Newspapers, Bill Heads, Flock Cards, Ball Cards, Concert Bills, Blank Notes, Road Notices, BillsofLading, Sohool Reports, Prices Ourrent, Conoert Tickets, Deposit Checks, Festival Tickets, Wedding Cards, Railroad Tickets, Shipping Reoepts, Excursion Tickets, Insuranoe Poliies, Tags of Every Style, Certificates of Stook, Apothecarles' Labels, Oertifcates of Depoct, Orders of Exercises, Bills of Exchange, Rewards of Merit, Railroad Receipts, Dry Goods Tag. Letter Heading. Leoture Tickets Express Orders, Ooupon Tickets, Busines Oards, Sohool Reoords, Note Headtnr Blank Orders, Visiting Cards, Bills of Fare, Bank Notices, Show Oards, OheckBooks, Wood Outs, Stock Lists, Pamphlets, Envelopes, Maazines, Way Bills, Tax Bills, Letures, Billets, Bonds, Books Brlef. And all other kinds of GOOD PRINTING AT LOSW PRICES. Mail orders promptly and cheaply filled. ESTIMATES FURNISHED . Upon 1 kinds of BLANK BOOKS AND BINDING, ONLY PIRST CLASS WOR 0W and - -ma".n get --umte- fom The Yellowstone Journd, Main Street. ,A. ,.',.' .., , ,,"PI' . . . . .