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THE DAILY YELLOWSTONE JOU RNAL. VOLUME VI. No, 8:. MILES CITY, MONTANA, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 14, 167. PRICK FIVE CKNTS., THE DAILY JOURNAL a Oai~4d Pispwr o f Hesee uw. -----~----- - - -- Every Morning Except Monday. Peulatlm of Xii City, - - 3.000. Turms of Subscription: 3T MAIL-IN ADVANCI--POTAGI PAID. Daily ll, a year ..................... $10.00 Dal title.s, sis memba ............. .00 Daily dIUe, the math s.............. 1.00 TO CITY IUIMtCUIUI . p ErrMr, Dsty Metming. MS eM. pr wek. WEKSLY NDITION-YTILLOW PAPa. ery...-..... ......--....... 4. s Mehes.......................... .* SMemts................. ......... 1.00 AdvertislnK Rates. .! , . - i 1 Dl ....". U 8.L00 4.00 8.00 10.001 14.10 3.00 SDea-p.- .0L0. 10 7.00 11.00 1.00 1i000 .00 SDa. ..00 . 1.0 ,.00 00 1.00 11.00O 21. 000 I Week.... 1.00 6.00 10. 1.0011.00 I. .0 SWeah... 7.00 10.00 12.00 20.00 2M.S00 .00 46.00 SWeeks.... .00 12.00 14.00 22.002001 5.0 00.00 I Meth .. o10.00 14.00 16.0000$o 3.00 4.00 6.0 SWatu.. 12.1 00, S 0eo·.a2 . 0~00 5.00 . sthls. 16t,.00 Nio .0o' 1h.00 0o.00 100.00 * W.'tht.. 12.00 1.0040.00 00.0074.00 100.00 100.0 L .elest tem s pr sae fr eah sees t.s. Write-ups lftmen e per line. AIddm VELLOSUTOME JUDUUAL. JOURNAL BUILDINO, MII ES CITY. M. T. CONTILACTOMN. APL1 u MtIJtUAT. CoIuTCorou AND BuILDW ttLwrnhkd om all kinds .1 carpentur work PMOIWE AO.NAL. DEOND BITLER ATQrnSIT AT LAW. at Couratys, Main street, Miles City. PMVSICIAY4. )L LR. .IDD. I' lUseit.AN AND IUROZON. Ose at W. K. $saage's drug ml,. 12 it T L J. J. WOOD. VMYBIUmAM AND UU3QZON. Mt lrang's drug gtom L. IL P. FISH. DL/ PU ua&N, 5U3630 AND OiNra3Janx. JAM, Me ed Gekta (.nrtabei.) (Jle at e drge ., Mile City, M. T. C. .I Damizat lii dustua, ever beek,.ewesm YNstblea Bank. AlI wek grua .ted sad ut remeeaible rat. unasel Church (Ipiacopal) Paiinr 81.-Ser YIe Sundays at VY:a a. m. and 7:UU p. m. Wai. .Mea.L r ctar. Mudlest Church-dernm LSnday, 11 a. I.. ?I& p. m. b. K. gildeI pastor. Pr.'sk~lian Chureb-Neruis Sudady. 11 . m., S0. in. T. C. Arrmtrong, porter. Cas oh at Seemd iart, (athulle-luaday, 10 a. m. K. W. J.Llmdssmtb, chag.Iaim U.S. A. A. O. H.-Dtvlsloa No. I meos Arns id secono Amadsys of eeh meath. L. of .Mees aI n sad third Wednesdays at :30Jp. m., at Odd Follows' Hall. A. I. A. M.-YeUewutone Lodge, No. 0, nrst a.d thied Wednaseday. L A. M.-Y.Ylewe*em Chapter, No. 5, econd sad laurth Saetrdays. K. T.-Dmaesue Oe.mmadery, seeed and r-eth ThuedMIas. 1. O. r.-Cuter oIdgeL No. 13, every aMda their Ml. " O-. Fo.-.,~.s-l -empmet, No. ., ret ad third Friday. L. or P.-Crueds eLadee, No. 7, Thrsreay evm·1n e at Odd Fellows all. S. eo A.-Mile City DrahL, every headay at L et L.-FV Ut sad third lrlders. O. A. L-U. e o.Ormn Pet , 1, ret m d 3.0. U. T.- r of the Wes, No. S, every Thenday eveslag. IR. C. RICHMOND o sMtte th slest stock that was vear read e js . ed pewple oL Miles (ty. Cr smd All Watseh te ,ir N Short Nhtice. S M. PAJK3. 3. W. TOFFING NORTHERN PACIFIC DFOUNDRY FhIID & IPIIG, IRON and 3RlASS GASTI N GS. IBAINEBD, MINNIOTI rm i w l. ,ihs eamw m cea be I l **I I LEIGHTON & JORDAN, WHOLESALE GROCERS, AND RANCHMEN'S SUPPLIES, Goods Delivered at Ranches. THE OLDEST in LAIBEST HOUSE IN EASTERN MONTANA. NATIONAL BANK. OF RiE OLDEST AID LRGEST BANK II EASTER IOITAA. :APITAL 0- - - .00 URPLmU AND DUNDIVIDED PROFITS 680,000 rOIsEP LEIO.ION, Prmdealt. W. 3. JOBDAN Vice Preldeat. .. . WEIBIICK, Cshier. H. B. WILEY, Assistat Cshier. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. STOCK GROWERS NATIONAL BANK, MILz.ra CIorTY. MOLTr. THE LAIEST BAN IN EASTERN IONTANA CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $105,000.00 INTEREST ALLOWED ON TIME DEPOSITS. W. . ST S INMS. PreudMt, WK. RArMON. Vic* Pruideat. K. F. BATOHELO,, Oasaim. ELMU B3. IATOHELOI, Aut. Caah. OHARLE. W. SEYDE, NOTARY PUBLIO Real Estate, Insmrace aid Coveyacin LIVE STOCK BOUGHT and SOLD BOL IMtiltILE RIACIEs, ICRE AS (IlTT IFROFERTY FOR SALE. rove"Isa 3' , r no az 'z'. Agent For First Vlsas Steamship Lines For Europe. Formlgn Z.amu, latratiodal OoUlecUti and Comular ula.ue Attekded to OVYsNEUN AnD PINllsION OLAIMI A IPICIALTY. Live Stock, Los, Real Estate and Notary Public LIVE STOCK A SPECIALTY. Ait r lbe eldest s e asi t reliable Fle, LIFE AD ACCIDENT INSURANCE C00S, And ute eldIest aga tin. Monev.Loaned on First Claus ecurit. Cattle and sheep ranches, and improved farms for sale at a bargain with easy terms of payment. Houes to Rent and Collections Kade. Several comfortable and commodious dwelling houses and well located business and residence lots for sale cheap; also N. P. . Co.s lots and lands, and graeing lands in the Northwest Territory for lease or sale. Motanas, Wn, , ws, I and uastern GA'PTLiE FOR SALE In lots to suie a AlSo verl holo ba.ds sot n.. od Ve.rtltansl "slac so r aeMs. ad shour mbr horn Hort s r*u sad bad bulls for Sal. WILLIAM COURTENAY, MAIN STREET. Ualag tha sa worn w.0 Nve mmd bro .M el M GIVE UP GARLANDS Ii e"ly by Miles, Strevell & Ulmer. AND INCREASE YOUR COMFORT. NEW ANDI MECOND MOANNED TOVEA AT . PRICES TOBAAYB YOU •e~ WARREN AND WEIR The Bantams Have a Sluggini Match at Minneapolis Which is Called a Draw. After Twenty Rounds Fought the "Belfast Spider" Comes up Smiling and Ready for More. WK.lm AND WARRtN, Tweuty Runmad Fodght by the Feather Waelht Champless of the Two Hemi epheres. MINNuAPoLIRs, Dec. 12-The Weir Warren twenty roun(ld glove fl.{h drew about 4.001 people to the Wash ington riuk. Mutual, were sold be fore the flght, Weir being quoted ai $10, Warren at $10 and a draw at $11. ,Side bets were freely made at even money for small sums. In accordance with the article of agreement, the men were weighed twelve hour. before the ight, Weir asaling 1171 and Warren 116) pounds. Mayor Am sof Minne apolls and Mayor Powell. of La Crosse were among the prominent spectatore. At 9 o'clock the announcement was made that the contestanr had agreed that Mayor Am.r should choose the refer.eaud Jhu Barnes, of the St. Paul base ball c.l-ib. was appolnted. Ike Weir, toe "Belfast Spider." cbam pion of England, was iret to make hls appearance with his seconds, John Donaldson of MJ.-neapolls and Jimmy Col;unely of Buston. Weir wore green knee breeches and red stockiug,. Tommy W .rren, champion feather weight of Amerita, shortly after, bi. see ods being John Clow of Duluth and Paddy Norton of St. Paul. War ren's colo. were white with black "tockings. Both men .sre greeted with enthbuiastlo applause. Time was called for the first round at 9:5. Weir is taller than Warren, lithe and wiry. Warren is compactly built and seemed lighter on his feet. James Keenan, of Boston, backer of Weir, was chosen time keeper, and "Plorrie Barnet of Cuic.go for Warren. The fight was for twenty rounds with bard glove., winner to take 75 and loser 25 per oent of the gate receipts. Warren was the favorite. The twen tietb and last round found Warren terribly punished about the face, both eyes nearly olosed, lips swollen and nose bleeding. Weir was without a murk. Weir forced things, but War ren gamely stood hbl puniehment, re oeivig several in the faeot. Then be seemed to recover and landed heavily on Weir's eye and chbin, then on the neck. Weir nearly threw Warren ol his feet by one from his right on tbh ribe. Warren now got in heavily or Weir's neck and Weir countered or the nose. Time was called. A reuulal uproar followed, after which the ref eree declared the fight a draw. Degli the New year with Weooig Fortsne. In the city of New, Ls., ou Tuesday. (always Tuesday) November 8th, 1887, the 210.h Grand Monthly Draw log of ue Loulisana 8tate Lot tory took place. As is the oonetan custom it sae under the sole supervie ion of Gen'la U. T. Beauregard of La., and Jubal A. Early, of Va. There was sent to all over t'e world a gol den shower to sums from $150,000 downward. The First Prisoe l $150, 000 was drawn by No. 71,411, sad we, sold in fractional parts of tenths at 1I eahob, sent to M. A. Dauphin, New Orleans, La. One tenth was paid to Michael Slutski and Solomon Pinkog. ski, of Boston, Mias.; one to EdJIs Burnett, Agent Adams Express Co., at Jackson, Mich.; one to H. Benard Sioux Falls, through Bioux Fall. Nat'l Bank; one to Wm. Poad,of Aua o 0eds, 'Mont., through the Omaha Nat'l Bank ofrOinln, Neb.;ooe to Messrs. Gay and roet, Orleans. Neb.; one to M. Kohn, Missoula, Mont., through Mi-souls Nat'l baok; one to Joe Morrison, Newport, Ark., through E. L. Wateon, of Newport, Ark.; one to Margate Clark, No. 12.85. Vndrew St., New Orleans, La. No. 63,S36 drew the Second Capital Prise of $60, 000: It,was also sold i fractional teeth at $1 eaeb-one to Wa. Leslie, amount paid to Wells, Fargo L Co., both of lan Fraelemso Cal.; one to P. Woblburter, of Oldbam, Dak., tbro' First Nat'l Bank of Madison, Dak.; one to D. C. Macon, Elwood, lad.. through Citisenu' Rank of Nobleeville, Ibd.; one paid to Thus. R. Miller, No. 1218 Lawrence St., Denver, (lU.; one to Chas. H. Waiker, E-linburg, Ill.. through Geo. P. Ilarrtiuto BEsq., a banker there; one to Wm. H. Ariseo, Moeongabels, City. Pa., throegh Fee pieos Bek of Monotgabels. No; 70, 118 drew the Third Capital Prle of W1,000o It was also sold in fractional athe at $1 eoeb; two were paid through Fir*S Nat'I Bank, of Nash ville, Tenn.; one wee pad to J. G. Hedriok, and another to H. Adams, both of Lau Vegas, N. M.; one L. 8. Anderoon, paid through Omaha Bank of Omaha, Neb.; one to Felix Emrich of Kansas City, Mo., through Citisens Nat'l Bank of Kaness City. No. 81, 898 drew one of the Forth two Capital Prizes of $10,000 eacb; one was paid E. A. Emerorowe or Philadelphia, Pa., through Bernard Oilpln, attorney at law, No. 717 Walnut St. Philadelphla, Pa. No. 15,281 drew the other 1I,,0aJ Fourth Capital sold to parties in Mem phis. Tenn., Kaunas City, Mo.; and Colorado, Tex., etc., etc. Tne next drawing will be on Tuesday, January loth, 1889, when it wil be repeated. Any information will be riven on ap plication to M. A. Dauphin, New Or leans, La., or with money sent In :~ registered letter to the address of the New Orleans National Bink of New Orleans. Begin the new year with a resolution to woo the fickle goddess Fortune. COMMh telO E's PROCEEDOING . R.eglua Qearterly MeetLag-Lma Dny. OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK OF CUaTEk . OUNTY, MILES CITY, MuNr., Dec. 13,1e87. The bcard of county oommlssioners convened at 10 o'clock. a. m., as per adjournment from yeeterday's sessiaon with present a full board of cow wmissioners. L. U. Dear, clerk of the board. The sheriff by Jeputy. The sheriff made due proclamation of the meeting. The hour of having arrived as per ,olictations for bids fur th¶ fur nishing of supplies for the county poor, for the next lsx months com Wmercotg Jan. let, 1818. Tuere buing five bids filed and the same opened, and when after carefully owmpring the prioes of each bidder It wa ascertained that the bid of Leighb too A Jord.n was the lowest, heo mo motion the contract wal awarded to them, and the clerk directed to notily thew of the aooeptance of their bid, and draw up contract with them for lurnibhlng the same. On motion the board then proceed ed to the cancellation of all county warrants that had rumal3ed in the county clerk's omfoe for more than one year. and the following is a list as cancelled: Henry Larson ........................... 1 60 Uraham........................... I 6 Geo. Henry............................. 1 0 Ellen Nour.............................. I 60 Emma Hansun.................... I 64 drrah Hamilton ....................1 b Carl Calley............................ 160 Della Kline ................................ 1 60 )* Manclhesten................ 8 00 A.nus Devere............................ 1 5) John tafford ........................... .. 240 F. R. Poole................................ I 50 The hour of noon having arrived,on motion the board took recess until 2 p. m. OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK, Y p. m. The board reconvened as per recess taken, with the same omloial person present as at morning session. The road report of Mr. N. Hooket a road supervior of road distritt No. 27 was presented and after due ezamlnas oun, the same being found correct, was duly approved. On motion the following bills were then examined and allowed, as follows, to wit.: Imogene C(ummings rebate of Lrxts, gen. fund..................... 42 ( r. 1i. Courad & Co., adee. Kee.. 1 ,i D. J. Crowley, road work, road futld ..................................... 600 N. Hocket, ser. as road super visor. ruad.............................. 71 25 L. A. Huff eau, ser. as oo. Oumr.. cou. fund..................72.............. 00 L. J. Whitney. ser. as cu. comr. and mil., c nt............ ............ 88 00 G. W. Allertou, ser. as co. uomr. an. mil., oont...................,.... 82 80 On motion the bill of L. 1. Kiong, for servioes as constable for $42.50 was laid over. It appearing to the board that there ls In the bond Interest fund an amotun of funds lnsumotent to meet the de moods of Interest to be paid out on the outstandlng bonds, therefore, on motion the sum of $10,000.00 wae transferred from the reserve fund to the bond interest fund, also $10,000.00 from the reserve fund to the slnking fun I to oall In the amount of bonds as required by the bonding act of 1881, tao tbealled to, and the aler e here oy directed to notify the county trees. urer to make such tranelss. The minooes of the speilal saiom df December frd, of their regular seesles were read and approved, and the board adjourned sine die. Lr. C , Clerk of the Memid. OFFICIAL .&Au=& . I Mm IuOWA by bmww.. O.1 tu Ovuwu or Tmu CoDUtv CL inK NILUI CRTY, M. T., D.c. 61W. I hereby oertlt that thbb lwtMg Is tsn16d mm" am of gU pair sons having paid linese Ia thi ceae ty during the quarter endlng rovem. ber 80, 187, as A:od Ia Ibis oi by the county trenrer and approved b , the board of county eomiaslesemu all the ntb day of December, 1887. L. C. Datw, Clerk, board of county coorlmsioss. Report of licensee collected bfr quey ter ending Nov. 30th 18;7: Miles City W. a. E. L. C., else. trio light..............................s.. a J. W. Watson, merobant........ M Hitter & Buzman, pop mane. factory................................ Wm. Harmon, merchaut.......... 16 Jordan & Kapler. merchant....... 600 Henry Hilburn, r. 1. d............... S Henry Hilburn. mr........... . 8 J. B. Mou, me6......................m. - 0 Misn MIaggle ~ur, boarding house .................................... Gen. Rhode, r. 1. d.................... 0 Mrs. K. Warner, metr................8 0M Mrs. Young, merebant.......... 0 0 Jun. Wright, merchant...........-. 1 0 Tully PFrese m,r .................... T. J. Brysa & Co., mr............' Hanauer & Martindale, mr....... 1 00 Leighton & Jordan, mer........... I 0. Leighton & Jordan, mor.......... 80 C. B. Towers A Co., mer........... O O Businoki Bros., meo.............. 0 Moran Bros., mer.............. .. ... 0 W. C. Jackmnn. mer................. IO 0 N. Borehardt, me ............... 8 W. B. klnnooer, mer.............. . 20 The Raesar, mer....................... Lee Eisenbr., met............... ... So A. T. Campbell & Co., mer........ 60 B. F. Smith, r. I. d..................... 00 B. F. Smith, .wer...................... 8 U. K. Bilverberg, r. I. d............. 80 U. .C. Silverberg, mer................ 8 John Carter, r. 1. d..................... 80 John Carter, mer...................... I John Carter. restaurant............. 2 Hong Lee laundry................... . 0 Ml. Beaer Bottling Co. w. I. d.... I. S Ritter A Busman, soda fhetory.. 00 Wing Chong. laundry ............... Heater & Co., r. I. d................. 4I Heater & Ci.. mer...................... Leighton A Jordan, mer............ Bullard & Irvine, w. I. d............ i1 s Dr. Whitney, professional......... 8 I Dr. Strayer , ......... 8 J. W. 8trevell ......... J oe Jas. H. Orlock. " ......... los Dr.W A Burleitb, " ........ 1 Brandenburg & Van akeso,mer 10 0 B. (. Redd, profestoenal............ 16 0 . . Milburn, '" ............ 4 A. H. O'Connnr, " ........... 4 0 I. H. Hray Co., mer.............. 1 H. Mareye, m ................... Ia Pepper a Joe, r. L d............... N N Pepper Jones, mer .................. sO W, H. Rom, profealoseal............ 44 Jobhn H. HeLtlin, r. i. d ......... 0 a Jobhn H. Helilio, mer............... s Pepper A Joao. gamlog............ U. A. Rawsoo, profrelS ....... 4 Ritter & uszmas, sods sop....... G O Perklne Rtusell, theatre............ SM MsoqUeen House, r. L d............ I0 Macqueen House, mer............... S Mcueen House, botel............. S m Je- . oleman, . I. d .................. 0 Jas. Coleman, mer ..................... M A. W. Church, livery ................ 18 Wylie A C. arove, r. I. d.......... 0 46 Wylie & Coegrve, mert............ Wmrd & Co.. r. 1. d..................... 8. W Waid A Co, mer...................... 8 Louis Bach. r. I. d..................... Louis Rach, mer..................... M" Louis B , restaurut ............... S Mrs. R. E. Campbell, boarding house .................................. ... J. sablotaky, peddler................. N.el Gonderaon, r. I. d............... Jacob Everett, me........................... Nor. Peo. Exp. Co., epress....... 1W w i. H. Bosworth, r. I. d............... 4 S. H. Bnaworth. mer............ . 3 0 Joo. DuffSr, mor ......................... 809 J. A. DeHerte, r. 1. d.............. . W J. A. DeBerge, hotel.................. ! Prof. Bat. w. i. d..................... 1 Mis ott, bordlg boose......... SM D. O. Cleas4 Co., r. L d......... 00 D. O. Cleand & Co., mer........... S W nam O'Connell, r. I. d................. 0 Sam O'ooell, mer.................. I A. J. Maxwell, tewling alley.... 10 Miss Twebey, mr..................- 4 0 Mas Bern. me w................. SO MaYgle lrse, r. 1. d............... 8W H.R. Msmer w ..............S... W J. H. CoYmT A Cai. met...... 1..... 1 Hert a wr & Msrtldels. mre...... Ii W. . Savage, A , me........... 10 W N. Nathan, wr..................... l0 Miles, Btrevll A Ulmer. mr.... 1 IW I. Or rbel & B., t............-1.. A. D. McAuslaed, me............. W0 R C. Rlchmond, mer........... .. 8 mltbh & H yns. mew............... 1 Lelh to . ordo1, w. i........I I A. MaxwelI, r. 1. d......S............. 00 A. Maxwell. mer.................... A. Maxwell. bhotel............- N Col. O. P. Cmtoe, ek ry......... . C. R Mlddleton, protseel..... am HI, peddler........... ............ . 5 F. Heaveoar, mer........ »... ».... C. E. ,mrow, feed stabs.......... 0 Pepper A Jose. hi...... ...... Eleotrie Light O., ligatg....... N Emma Marshall r. I. e ..... . Emma Ms al, a ................ I P. M. Judd. mer................... ..... 8 Wiley A Coegrevso, gamlg........ W The MItresis hv ma"e& iseN d oo.s4 hOue to eaehm mmd ell,. doubtin to malsed the terttiW tote vhle e wea at 3.10mmw M 27th last. Frei einhetmimst who ludles their IntuS*h M_ prewsse. A reseptiM .5.51.1 of C. L. Rtettomith oMm 3 A.' meegit ta e em w SIb~. / TnS at sm". 10 g4we Se