Newspaper Page Text
FHE DAILY JOURNAL MILZS CITY. MONTANA. Fedt Gaee tReg'sthr. mters, mall els............. --......... p. A Weetes mnal elr.e... ...... ......6:00 p. m. Okg peM fr.en S aI L. till p. m. mIadys and beu.i hn m S:pim. till ?:10p. m. Jmo. MNGASLANp, P. M. brthers Phk Tim Table. Lu.AVl MIL CITY GOING WlT. -. 1. PeelSe IEpreso...................5:42 P. M . Pa.y.lgerr....................... 26 . M " 11, IprueFrelght............... ..........8.24 A.U LtAVO MILL CITY GOINO oAST Ho. 2. Atlantle Esarne...............2:06 P. M. ** S. Pam ear er......... ........ ........4:24 A. . " 14. Ipresi Freight ...............»......... 60 p. M. OFFICIAL MIECTOIl. FEDERAL DIRECTORY. Delgate to Cogreu.....- Jeoeph K. Tools, Relm*. G Yferor.. ........... ...... II. Leslie. Hrilena eeta...............William I. Webb. Heleno Tamtaes................. Prrt Wroulti. HeenJa audUor.................... Jm. ullvatt. Helena .SJ( ]141tllll,..I.....-l. M llell. Hel IW. J. Galbhral Amoat la Jstle -......... James MeLry iThsb. C. Baeo. "svoe -. .,v ...--.le H rOammO oloAA SIpersatedemst o Puble l~sroMtloe.... .. .----A. C. Lnop, RelI. u.O. M. ........ ..» . I. I. Kelly, Hoe---s Olutetor U. . Internal reenmo.....Jam. Shields egiter U. a. La.d OMee-..A. Grover, Mils City B.riwar U. S. Land Obo.Abrm Hall, Miles CLty COUNTY OFFICERS. Osamellnae...,.»......... -Dr. . A 61WIg Membern of the Beese ....... { 3. H. Job.. S ha Lr t... - -- . hee. HIrvin. -·a... r................... »... ........M. Brandnbur Clerk ad Recorder .................... C D Clrk of Distrie' Court.........James McFae lane mde f Prbase ....... .... ...Wa. C. Stlhlb Coemny Awern... ....... r....U . I. Mlburu A.sess .............. . .......T. J Tlbmps n Gare»-er... .........................e. ,,eets arn lr...............................i. . R. edd C..ant Physolula................. Dr. K. (. ttdd mpefaitadot ofl .shls.......MWIs Loueis Cooley ".. A Huiuma. Csm Salnlen .......................... 1. W. Alltrton IL 3. Whitany. MILES CITY TOWN4HIP. f Wai. Blrkl stmlss or tho" Pe. ..... - . "" hn Gibbs. + • (MM·M . MR(eall eW......................... s Wm. lI. Carr. CORPORATION OF NILES CITY. Myerse ................................... H. Jobhaso -ty Attorey.... ».......... W. H. Ras Clerk .......... ........» ................. R. (ordoe Treasrere .............................. . thlor Chiet of Polee................... . .....Lou. King Polle Masgistrste......................Edmoad Butler ALDMrlM'. First Ward-C. B. Toweor. C. E. Brown. baced Warl -W L.usamn . W. II. tullard. LOCAL ITEM.. Abe Lamm was here yesterday from Chloago. Not even a plain unvarnished drunk yesterday. Rheumatism is cured by lactic oaid In the blood, which Hood's areaparil b neutralises, and thus oures rheuma tism. Three well filled emigrant rcoaebe were part of the make up of No. 5 yes eurday. All bound (or Washington Territory. Nathan Hortkett 'arrived yesterday from the Powder river ranch and was attending the county comnuislsoner meeting yesterday. A squad of soldiers, wtbh teams and ropes, hauled the government ferry boat up high and dry on the bank of Tongue river, beyond the reach of the anticipated water of the merry spring time. A delegation has the e'ectrlc Ice rink sebeme In hand and will call on skaters for their eassessed contribution today or to-morrow. It has been de. aided needful to raisre at least $10o, whlbch will entitle oontributors to two months' skating and a sure thing on good Ice and elect. ic light to select the place where you wish to fall. Competition is working wondrous things in reduction of prices of mer cbsnts' wares In Miles City. Of tbe five bidders for ful leblng provisions for the maintensane and comfort of the county sick and poor.for the ensu nag year close figuring was In all ap patent. But Leigbton Jordano, to whom the contract was awarded, flt red 124 per cent under all; "and yet,' aye their manager, Johnny Carter, "them is a living profit for us." Go toBill Bill Bullard for Best's Mil. wakee he.r In gnv ',uuntlty. * A tabclug atfray occurred at the Oeeidental Wednesday evening In whlie Bes Kidwell wa stabbed with s kLi$ by aman by the name of Lane. ld-woU le rlstant foreman for the Patt & errie outfit and the row was brought abdot through a war of hot words between the two men, on ac eoot of some previous quarrl. Kid well' loluries are set considered dan geres and be requested the autbort. te not to starret Lane, admitting that be (Kidwell) was as much to blame ir the affair as Lane. The latter we., however. arrested.-Buft l , enumal. Ospt. T. F. Forbes, now stStioned at Fort Llnooln and attendant on the ewMn martial sitting at Fort reogh, teek advantage of a lull in thl pro. osediags yesterday to look Miles City over and mote the Improvement oloes he left bohere two years ago. He was muoh pleased with what he saw in the way of new buildings and noted partioularly the cleanliness and order of the town broughbt about by noor. portlon. On being informed that we eomsldered it dull here bhe ezpreesed serprlse, and said that there was every ppearsnoe of as muoh busines belng -e- here as at Bismarok, while com. pulses with Mandan made him foel i '.l. was in a metroolls. The lat tr plas lina his estlmmation too deed to skin. He sees no reason for any one heor to put on a poor ftee and Is Arm in the belier that Miles City has the brightest futurs of any town be tween Biim irok and Helena. Geo. Mace and C. G. Frenab, two old settlers of Howard, were toin town yesterday proving up on their elsaem ..earHoward. They were under the able tuletage of Ram Newoes, postmaster of Howard, who saw to It that they had the best the town affords. Leave orders for W. K. Smlth's roel at Birkle's or Conrad's. All or ders promptly filled. Wm. E. Buckuan went eat on Monday evening to meet his sister, Mrs. Jules Heekmin. of New York, who soaompanied by her non Liuli w, on the wa.y to visit here. They arrived yesterday evening, Mr. Buck rban having joined them in Dakota. Mrs. Ht"kman will remain a few days bere and then proceed to Billinae, where her relatives live, returning hers and continuing her visit for sev. eral weeks. The eforte of County Clerk Dear to complete the copy of the commission. ers' proceedings in time for the prian ter, each day of the long session just er.deii, behas been appreciated by the JOURNAL and the readerasthereof. It proved a source of gratification to the taxpayer that they could cbheek up the proceedings of the previous day along with their coffee and ehols,and ample time was allowed fr kicking over your claims against the county being out In two and then allowed. Feut. A valuable gold pen. It may be re _ered at Strevell & Garl,'ck's offee proving property and paylng the eost of this advertieement. " The weather thus far this winter il simply unapproacbable. East, we+t, north and south of the favored Yet lowstone valley the usual winter weather prevail., and stories of bliz Lards and other unwelcome visitations of Providence are wafted to u. from breezy Dakota, while we enjoy day after day and week after week of such weather as makes the oows laugh and wonder what ailed them last winter. We may not have eucb weather all wliner, but certain it Is that so tfar we are much better off than our neigh bore. Everbody Pleased. At the Enioaopal obapel last night the fair and festival for the benefit of the new edifie was a marked sucosa.. Much interest centered in the ring cake, and Fred Tully, the lucky bolder of the slice containing the rinK, was close pressed on one side by Dr. Redd, ayoung misebelon next on the out= nide. An expression of triumph lighted up Win. Van Oasken's counte nance when be learned that be beld the title to a magnificent wax doll,ai1 "Wihat will he do with it?" was the inquiry of his lady friends. Bluff, hearty Charley Brown auctioned oft the remnants lu his usual happy veil. The supp r war described as excellent and the whole affair an unequalled succes. The receipts of the evening, fr the good usuoe, checked some;bing over $100. A Christmas Y nleemt. Would you like to give your best girl a Christma present worth fifty dollars that will not cost you more than one dollar? The opportunity to do this is offered at Savage's drug store, where an elegant case of ladis' toilet utensils comprislng more than twenty elegant articles finished In white oelluloid In imitation of ivory and en oloed IL an elegant silk plush and satin lined mase, Is offered to some luoky Individual for one dollar. It is to be disposed of by raffling, fifty obanos at one dollar a obance, and jour obhance to win is Just as good as 'the next dan's. The outfit Is the handsomest ever brought to the town and cannot fail to make a fellow solid and uapproachable nla the estimation of the young lady be gives It to. The ohaeoe are belong rapidly taken and as the number is limited you can't get there any too soon. * (Oelal P-baisel1mJ ORIDINANC 1N0. IS. D.ecribinl tbhe ire Limits of the City of Mltr. (ity, BO"·Lu.ltg the Mlaner of Huilding Within the City. 1. I;T ORDAINBD by the City ooun cil of the City of Miles City, M. T. rE('TIoN. 1. That all that portion of the city ucluded within the boundar. ies hereinafter mentioned shall consti tute the fire limits of the city, to wit.: Commencinug ;at the Intersecton of North Fifth (Park) street with the Northern Paciflo railroad right of way on tbq North side of the N. P. R. R. track, thence running uortiterly along the ECmt line of North Fifth (Park) Sreet to the intersection with Pleas ant rwest, thence rudning Elcterly along the bouth line of Pleasaut street to the latenrsotio with North 10th street, tMSuftalngI(tioutherly luong the Wlit * Mf North lu0th treet to lie IlateumeNt with Bridge street, thenee reamnta weterily along tie North lloeef lbrge ret t its lon tereection with aerth niZth treet, thence rumaiue ,deeg the Weet linme oefINI - Iltu M Is Inteeseetio witb N. P.B .R right of way, theboe r.ninog Westerly to the line of beginning; in other words eomprieing bln.ks. 29. 80, 81, 8, 43, 44. 49. 40, 60.61. 64 and 65. BScriox 2. The City Counoll may give a permit for the erectioo of frame dwelling houses, of such sise and pro portion, as in their opinion will not endanger neighboring or adJacest buildings, on those parts of the blocks nomed in the preceding section froat. inl on Plemasnt street aud Bridge street and included withbln said ire limits. MSEI'ION 3. That henceforth no per. son without special permit from the City Council, shall within the said fire limits construct any other build ing than one subtantlal' fire proof, that is to sayv,the esterior walls, there of shall be of stone, brick or other material equally nooncombustible,and tihe roof thereof shall be of tin. iron, slat., or other material equally fire proof. This ordinance shall not be constru ed to apply to smaller outbuildings, much as water closets, sheds for storage of fuel etc., ln which fire is at Do time kept, other than smoke or ash houses, not more than twelve feet .quare and blbhigh and detached from any other building at least fifteen feet, nor to the erection of sheds bhavin one or more sides entirely open; an- provided further'that nosmoke house, or ashb houses shall Ib permitted to be built within the prescribed fire limits, nor shall any Person within said fire Ilimi: without a similar permit from the city council rebuild or repair be* yond what Is necessary to make good any ordinary or natural deterioration, enlarge or add to any, wooden build log now standing within maid limits or the roof thereot, or remove any wooden building from one lot to another within said limits. Any person whbether owner, lense.oontractor or Ia borer.who shall hereafter nto violation of the provisions of this ordinance, erect, repair, enlarre or remove any such probltited wooden structure, or roof, or cause the same to be done by others, shall be fined not less than ten dollars, nor more than one hundred dollars, and any such structure erected in vio lation of this ordinance is hereby de_ elared to be a nuisance, and it shall be the duty of the chief of police to re quire the author of such nuisanoe to remove the same forthwith, and if he or she shall neglect or refuse to abate the same within tweoty-four hours after n:ºtice, it shall be the duty of the chief of police to do so, and the c str thereof shall be charged to, and may be recovered from, the re sponsible party, by suit in the name of the city. iSEcrTlo 4. That after the passage of thbi ordinance, every building erected within the limits of the city wherein hrrs shall be intended to be used, shill be furnished with at least one substantial brick chimney, or one of stone or other material equally Uasfe and fire proof, securely plastered throughout on the inside acd also oni the outside, where passing through in. accessible places, or near woodwork; and lno person shall be allawed, in aIny buildinlg hereater erected within the limits of the city, to rup a stovepipe through the roof, side ot window of the same, nor in any place wherein such asrangement now exists within the said city limits shall the same be allowed to continue beyond thirty days from the passage of this ordi. nance. Any violation of either of the provisions of thnl section shall be pun ished by a ine of not less than flve dollars, nor more than fifty dollars, and every day of continued violation, after due notice, shall be deemed a separate offense, punishable with a like fine. ScrloN 5. Hereafter in all build nlag erected, repaired or altered, witbh in the limits of the city, when it shall be desired that stovepipes shall pass through any partition wall of wood, or partly of wood, the same shall be se oured by an iron or tin thimble, with at least a two-inch air chamber, and where any pipe shall enter a chbimneyl thbe same shall be provided with an Iron thimble, securely fitted. And every stove before being used shall be provided with zinc, tin, or something equivalent, to protect the woodwork underneath and around said stove, from taking tire therefrom. Any violation of either of the provisions of this section shall subject the offender to a penalty not exceeding ten dollars. Adopted and approved De'. 12, 1887. (Signed.) E. H. JoaN .on, Attest: Mayor. (Signed) B. GORDON, City Clerk Purif Mthe Blood. We do met elam that Hlood's ear,.partll le the oaly melete desemrng pbi coadence. but we be.le, that to puitty the blood to reetor ad NYaate the whole seytem. It Is absolutely umqafuled. The ilullence of the blood apon the health cannot be overestlmated. If It be. comIe contaWaaSted. the train of by which the healtlh i nmdermIed is tmmere. able. lcss of Appetlte. Low Iptrtta. Ie dmee,. Dysepepsi, DebiUty, Nervousness and ether "Uittle () a0llmnt" are the premondtame more serious eadl etlen atal results. Try Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by all drauglat. $11 si for $ i MNal ,li by c. I. 1100D & O. laweUll, Ma. 100 Dos*e One Dolwr A triple Aimageg. UahLppily EIr the wnreeted viese o their u elets, dygsepepl. s Ulpeam uet mes see ithbdIW allUw. Whoa ee f thesie Sbee ettaks the e.lie., te ether two speedly eillwr la Ila wake, sad seesenlly make their eestaUght. l esese lely. bet met successfully, is HL.atestr e Itemaue lUIten he ed tI repl the .meet. The Uiern a mslly eatrpete these meaters a ISt. Uerge ie d.pletedi44s athea. tofdeing to the drapges i the Mel vigaette pos the glaes kbttles which esitata the medicene. Their light, like their ad. 5em5e, is early tmu,ltseaeeas. Their matsality destryed. they praipltaeltyretree heaving health aer of t pusi i,,r and stroIgly eatreeh.d by lte Blitte. This gra id fortller is Wsl a reliable bulwark against the aswlal of malarial disease, mad stop. the approach of rheumatism. It, mersover,relieve, nerv,us couplalata, and Imparts viger to the weak. BUSINESS NOTICES. "HACKMET'AC," a larting and fragrout perfun.w. Price 25 and 50 cents. Fur .Je biy W. E. MSvage. SHILOH'd :L'RE will immediate ly relieve Croup, Whooping Cough and Horonohitla. For sale by W. E. Havage. A NASAL INJEC:TOR free with each bottle of ~biloh's Cltarrah R*m. edy. Price 50 cents. Fur sale by W. E. Savage. FOR DY4PEPSIA cud Liver Com plaint you have a printed iruarantee n every bottle of Mhiloh's Vitaliser. It never fails to cure. For sale by W. E. Savase. BAKII POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A mar vel of purity, strength and whole someness. More eco.omical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot lie sold I oompetition with the multitude of low test, short weight, alum or phoa pbete powders. Sold only i9. cns. RoYAL BAKING PoWDERR Co.. 1 Well street. N.w York. For sale by WM. HARMON, Mles City. Noteie. The sanual meoting of the sbarebolders of the First National Bank, ,or the election of Directors, will he bold at heir bas tag in Miles City, Tuesday. January lu, 1*.M; 3. B. WEIRICK. ('uibler. hherill's bale. Fred White-ide. Plainttf, Cs. Konrad -chmid and Emersoo B. W\'irick. Defendants. To be sold a' Staerirf sale on the 20tn day of DeTemblr .147 at eleven o'clock a in of that day at the fr nt door of tihe court house in tlly. I Iuster tuunlty, ioltlna Territory. all of the "ight titl.alid interest of tie withlin namedi defendant Konrad tbhmilt. In an I to the fllh,wing descritbe real estate to wit.: I, ti fiftea, (15. and taIteen (1]j in block fory-fouu tN, in Miles itily, 'uter C'ountyv, MohtanaTerrltory,sc., ord ilg to the plat tIereof fied for reco ,l iin the office of the rc-,oder of said county by the Nortocrn 'acific Railroad 'onmpanly. Tihts. 11. IRVINe.. eberii. Dated DCeember thb, 181t7. Notiee of Nettlenimet of Aeoulnt. In the Probate Court, of the c(outly of Custer. Territory of Montana. In the msa ter of be estate of John Rockett. de eased. Notice is hereb given that Wm. E Buckman, the administrator of the estate of John ocketi, de eased, has rendered and presented for settlem.ent, ad td in said court, final secountto his admuinitration f said estate, and that Frittay, the 16-h day ot Iecember, l.7. '.eing a day of a special term of said co rt, at 2 o'c ock, ,I. m . at the (ourt Roue of -aid Court, at the ('ourt House in Miles City in said Custer County his been duly sopIdnted by the -aid COurt, for the .ettlement of said account, at which time and place any person I teresetd li said entate s t>y appear and ie. his excepltons, in writng, to the said account, tad contret the same. Dated Dec kb, 18I7. 4it. . RTAEIIIe, Ez O eio Clerk. ROBERT B. ORE M, PRAOTIOAL BLACKSMITH, AND WAGOIMAER. opp~ls the Mraquese s.... Park sht.t ALL WORK WARRANTED, Jno. .,. ,er's, MAIW BT, MILBB ULtY m xm - D O . 0 Do O ÷ , 0-. ad ,. r"'dol*