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rmE DAILY JOURNAL MILES OIT. MNLN1'4K4. hd mN . terlrtiwr. Oý rU...,ebSSSO ._SP 6 00 hiliqebS'UP . WI 1t7 p. I.. Juo. MoAuLAuD, P.M. ktm rde The Tale. 1LAVT tuts STT QONG WBST. Mo L e ....-.....-. ....«.....:14 r. U M U. = pu.h lltº1»._ ...............5. 4 A.r LSAYU NIL CITY GOING 3fl?. Us. 3 AtLamc Bowu..._............4:067. r. uMa IIW¶W7*. VEDULL DIBEWTORY. I i t Cmmg'r Jamub K. Tmhl, Holme. bear »'_.. U .» Y.. I rUa. Nlms WOliam S. Webb. Hole.. ,» .......................O e PreuttI. Helm. Uu,,,~... ,u ~ eIvU. Male.. Aiaf Jý ý..........»..XCeue. Hle..& '---If. J. Oalbrdt £aelMeý_. .......Ja U.oLr TnL C. C. Saa. ..qr ~ss....Aý..M C. Less4.I. lme B. Nalsk.......... »..-... R K.lly. Uelee U. S. lacuke 3oummrw Jam Shie U. S. Lead Os-..A. Ome. MUm Cty kr U.S. Lead OSNoAham Ball, MIe Cq* COUNTY OFFICNESI. tinkoE C__..»._.. IDr Me..' 3Wla 3 I fbU. C. S·aeLe 3. Mllbua Aamemw-aT.boE aM a rr...r»» ..»......4C. Do Lo Dtot Coact » ,..M Lout.. Osoulte ,cwrl -Wm.·1 C. ftobo_00.I Mlbr TLA. JI.Tboea legionw oli. Poem-...._.... OfLMb.O CO ODr. OF O. CITY. .... ...........».... H.R. Jo.... L ... A. etohr O W. AII~a CII.I Pollee. O ...uos Kiago Po lle N go...... ..... ...... ... Iou . ar·. A.....r-w7 ..~...._.. ».. _.» ... .. R. '!ý wwý. .......ý ..ý . .H.I·.tl· t bvl r~ room MIa....k ...1~........ _».·- aurd Batte ALD3UU"I. Vbw VitO-C. 3. Trwo.. C. 31. Dwo. beemi Ward -W . Leaamng. W. H. SalLard. LOCAL ITEMS. Go to Bill Ballard for Beet's Mil wukee beer I say quantity. * Dr. M. A. Plebe, of Fort Coster, ar. rived f m that pet last nlghtb on government business. Leave orders for W. K. Shmith's eealt 'Birkle's or oorad's. All or deor promptly filled. s Tranl No. S was seven bours late yesterday, caused by land elides and sow storms in the west. Rheumatlsm is cured by lactic acid la the blood, which Hood's Sareaparil Ia neutralisee, and thus curme rbeuma Lawyer Trumbull returned to Oleadive yeetsrday, having been here on profeesional businss for two MsJ. Whipple, who hu been in ast teadaooe on the Garvey oourt martial at Keogh during the past week, left for the east Iat nllght. Win. Tompkins and Frank Wester velt escorted two ladile to the Lisoom deaee. They started yesterday after oon sad are assured of a good time anyway. An ogloerand several soldtler from feort MaglItl, witnesses in the court martial proosodipg now in progree at Keogh, arrived from the west lst aight. L. H. Wilon, representing the Hel. m establishment of Oreeabood, Bob &A Co., eame la from the west lest nihbt and will interview dealers i. his line today. Oommlesloner Allerton went home ea No. 6 yeterday afternoon. hawing bes ln Uthe city over ter days In at. Geadanes at the spoelal and quarterly meeting of the guardians oounty Mr. E. P. H. Harrison brougbt 6g from Johnny Zook to all ) lStj kleade sad nicely worded pqs pirt JonJy bhad determined t epend thebliasein his hermitage In the wildemesm. There will beoa speel oommuniae an of Yelloweteon Lodge No. M, A. I. 0 A. M., at Maetle Hall tbe Tein . oveing at 7 o'eoek sbarp, fe work la the F. C. ad M. M. de. ge. By oder of the W. M. * M. Goanox. See. Messrs. Van Gaken and Merrill set uat last evennlog or the rench on Otter week. They will make shift to tread at lestone measure and take a bite and rsp at Geo. Lleoom's danee to aight, and then oontaiue on the way to the ranob, retorolng early next week. Lost year the Douglua-Wllma oom. pan frd senral hundred beef steer WD tbe ntlve» bay of the plaine of t I lanl d put on fatess to a arI. IWpt Unparalled degree. This winter, *m1 experiment, the oompany has Is* tL t In twelve earload of e WlM.l breks ad a earload of oti |Tte they are mixing with the |md feedinl to S00 stem for the spring markets. PatLsea will be laid on more rapidly, bet we ey at a greatly lncreased expese over the cost of last year's operations. How* ever, the knowledge obtaned by the experiment will be valuable, even if it does ost heavlly.-Cheyeane S.tLo Journal. L. .t P. Mxsa.. Then will be a regular meeting of Crusader Lode No. 7, K. of. P., at their Castle Hall this Thursday even ilg at 7:30 o'oloek. A full attendance is desired as there will be busile of importsane. A. H. SwnaDPIroa, C. C. Las Etasnuso,. K. R. & S. * Nathan Hookett is a veteran miner and prospector and is mucb Interested o getting polnts on the Richmood mine, In whichblo several of our local capitallste are interested. Mr. Hoakett may take4 trip to Helena to satisfy himself as to the ultimate sonases of the enterprise and then lnvest. When you se a good lookiog and amiable young batohelor stop in front of a fancy goodse stablishment, satisfy bimelf by a comprehensive look that be Is unobserved and then make a brak for hbesbdyside of the emporum theL you may go to betting odds that some young lady Ie to be remembered bhandsomely in the ftest approaching Cbristmas-tide. H. P. HL. Harrson returned Tuesday night from a visit to Jobnny Zook at the renb on upper Tongue river, and ttiled up business that had saoured during hile absenooe in time to take last nilght's wet bound train for Hei. os. Mr. Harrison will remain there but r few days and then turn hie faoe toward his southern home, where he Istends spending the holidays and most of bthe wnler, but will be back in the Yellowstone oountry as soon as it beeomoe possible to eootinue the Crow reservation boundary survey. Yesterday forenoon a team of young borses attached to a wagoo belonging to Col. Comstock and in charge of Thomas SnBodgrass were not securely fastened when left standing In front of Ikloner'es store. The team took fright and started out on a run up Main street. In their spurt they overhauled and overturoned a wago and team be longing to W. L. Laslng and there was a general mlztdre of hborse fsh and barness and broken wheels for a moment, and then the Comutock ooltt freed themelves and away they went again, being finally oaught on a side street. Adry good olerk of tblsoty, wohas been an unusual favorite with the ladles all during the summer and fall, s, now severely left to himelf. It Is reported that as the merry hbristmas approachbed this fickle but thrifty young man dropped his darlings with scant ceremony, rightly figurinr that Christmas would ind him a bankrupt If he did the right thing in the way of gifts to each of hbs numerous flames. One only he had resolved to keep en. throned in bhis heart but stern fate willed otherwise. His owneast own tumbled to the racket and his particular frieod and confessed rival gave the snap away. The young man now drinks, drinks deeply and is pomsesed of a spirit of unrest. A Chinaman, ulepe in his bunk long after the ire broke out in the wash house yesterdgy morning, nar rowly escaped lonneratlon. His res cuer appeared in the person of one the boys who were attempting to save the numerous lots of clothes, and was groupllng about in the smoky room when be espied the Chlnaman'equeue, and taklng a cue from that queue (be thought t'was the end of a rope and that a bundle would be unearthed) senled the pride of the Celestial and gave a long and strong pull. Out tumbled the Chinaman and with a yell of "Aley" broke for afety and freedom without, leaving a few shreds of hib beloved queue in the lenhobed hands of the astonished rescuer. A-eas ge ameea. It is the duty of every person who bhe used Bosohee's Oerman Syrup to let its wonderful qualities be known to their friends in ourlnl Consumption, severe Coughs, Croup, Asthma, poeu. mon 'a, and in fact all threat and lung diseases. No person can use t with. out immediate relief. Three doses will cure any ase, and we consider it the duty of all druggst. to reoommend It to the poor, dying consumptive, at least to try one bottle, as 80.000 dosen bottles were sold last year, and no one ease where it foiled was reported. aeeh a medicine as the German Syrup eanoet be too widely known. Ask Yeer drogglet about it. Samlle bot. tle to try, sold at 10 ceLts. Regular sIo, 7S cents. Sold by all Druggl-14 and Dalir, In the United States and Canada, ra wu IM ali Wimler. M(ajore Wrm, Uo. radmastr of b the Yellowelhmsdjylu. of th orb fro PeelS. UK Sof lorI In the eonbbspd mmof * mg who dl nee teb wu.*liww ! uj, wa In terviewed Usomwa" aw a whe adfid" -= No&&g~mg2,.g am wws abuse wen qF ul~rrrrlrrr~ L 'wooI The KIe states tat if the puIe get mst were at the oeuwet esp*i meetal, they ae so no longer, bae am unlooked for success. Though all heavily loaded In this partof the oeas try, local travel thr.ugbout Misasesot and Dakota on the east and Ia all that eountry west of Helen was usnmethimL astounding. Any talk of their belag abandoned is ridiloulous and be Northern Pacifio always progresss, never retrogrades. Fast mail trains and the local passenger will be noa changed throughout the coming win. ter. Feoad. A valuable gold pen. It may be re covered at Strevell & Garlock's omie by proving property and paying the oust of thin advertiement. Pllee Maglletrate' Coat. An ezenutlo ba h bbeen issued in the case of Birkle A Truscott vs. Charles Basenee, tried several weeks ago ad deoided in favor of plaitllif. Thomas loodgras has been notlfied that be will be wanted In 3our thbis morning to answer to the complaint of having violated the tenth esetioe of Ordinance No. 10. This ease will be conttrted, Attorney Middletoo hav ing been retained for the defendant. A Ckrltsmas Pr.met. Would you like to give your best girl a Christmas present worth fifty dollars that will not e6at you more than one dollar? The opportuoity to do this is offered at Savage's drug store, where an elegant case of ladles' toilet utenesils comprising more than twenty elegant articles finolshbed in wbhit celluloid In imitation of ivory and en alo·ed It an elegant silk plush and satin lined case, Is offered to some luoky individual for one dollar. It Is to be disposed of by raling, fifty chances at one dollar a obhane, and your obance to win is just as good as the next man's. The outfit is the handsomest ever brourbt to tbe town and cannot fall to make a fellow solid and urapproachable in the estimation of the young lady he gives it to. The are being rapidly taken and as the number is limited you can't get there any too soon. A Triple AllUaee. Usasppily for the wutehed vietim .t their e eait. dygaepsis, em tipeln sad bullimasem are tf.thful alies. Whme * of th fees att.eks the system, the ether two speedily follow in ts wake. mod ameresaellv make their emulsight. Seees. sieely, bet net a eesefully, is Heteatr's temast ters he need to repel the eaest. The Bittes as emily oetirpets these monster as it. eoree is d-pleted is the atot deolig to the drpgem In the lIeel vlgnette upon thu glias bottle which eatai. tihe medjelne. Their fight. like their ad vaes, is n.arly tm.ltaateOes. Their mutuality detroy.d, they precipitately retrst, laving health master of t' e puel ioo and strongly entrench-4 by the Bitters. This gruad fertiler Is lsie a reliable bulwark against the insidi us wasuls of malarial diseaae, sad stops the approach of rheumatism It, moreover,nlieves aervoul enuplalnts, and imparts vigur to the weak. BUSINESS NOTICES. THAT HA(KING COUGH can be no quickly cured Ity Shiilh's Caure We guarautee it. Fr sale by W. E. avage. . "HACKMETAC." a lasting and fragraut pewrlume. Prle 25 and 50 cents. Fur sale by W. E. *,vagqe. MHILOH'4t CURE will imtmediate ly relieve Croup, Whouplig Cough and Ioranchblit. For male by W. E. Savage. A NASAL INJECTOR free with each bottle of Lbllout's C .tarrahi R .m-' edy, Price 60 cents. For sale by W. E. Savage. FOR DYSPEPSIA and Liver Com plaint you have a printed ruarantee n every bottle of tlhiloh's Vitalizer. It never falls to cure. For sale by W. E. Savage. Rheumatism We debt if there s, o ea he, .a spIl remedy for hma . l, bu thusa who wave enered Its palte have bees greatly be. edit by IHood's ,rsbpsrlla. If you have talled to lad relaf try thsl great remedy. It erreets the osldityof the blood which aI the eaus et the disease, and build up the whole system. *I w.e deted with rheumatism twet years. Previous to lUe I found no relief,but grew weree, until I was aImost helpless. Hood's seaupartlls did me more good than all the other medellae I ever had." I. T. Bao, Ihlrley Village, Mass. Hood's 8arsaparilla Bold by all drugglsts. 1t; sis for PL Mlde goly by C. L HOOD) CO., Lowell, Mals. 100 Doee* One Dollar HOLIUODAY GOODS IdcllfflRE BA Z yas u pesseto befee the asertmeat Is broke CROCK ERY, GLASSW .RE, S TATIONER Y , DRYGOODS, NOTIONS. FspeelaI Metlem is eallde o ear sleek eof FELT 8ltZPPR9S As -o epprepriete glit M Sti ase. PRl.ce IjOWE. TEA ESVER -/ wU. 3A3*6a A eN SI~ba . AKIIE POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powderr evear vree. A mar vel of purity, strength and whole someness. More economical than the ordinary kinod, and cannot be sold In compe tion with the multitude of low t, short weight, alum or pbo.w phite powderL. Sold only in cans. Bor*yL BAIraIO POWDER Co.. I6n Wall street. Now York. For sale by WM. HARMON, MII, Citv. nIrT MATIOcL SAMK TAITEM3NT. epest of the ceaditiUe t th Fie ast NIeaal eal a Mile 'lty,a the Tertry eo uMens, atthe elers of btlsins, le. 7th, lIST. RVSOURCEB Lare and dleeeata....... ....... .».U1,41 9' O d ras......................................... 1 67 U. 8. beads to secure rel alstles......... 1241 O0 'Ither stoaks. bonds and or gse...... 46 Due from approv eserve s ats ................. ....... 9,.0ose De from other Nationsl banks 47,67 74 Due from Mtse Banks and Real estate, furniture and Auasnsw..... 5.85 75 Curreat expenes and tase. paid....... 8.1 n7 Premims ld................... «.............. l.14 6 ChLeeks d her cas loms ,754 4 DUl of other Banks............... .I114 00 reaetional aper curreacy, cLkel sd centso.........» r7400 ............................... 19 Il 40 Ltdr nomte ................ 15,S0400 41.41 041 ptlon und with U. 8. Treasurer (S per seat ol clrculatioo)... ..... MI 50 Tetal.............. .......... ....».» ...........e 1 LIABILITIEi ' Capital stock paid la..........»... ..... L000 00 ur pln fud... ......»............ ............ 1,000 00 ndlvided pr, alt...........e6............... 112OI Noatloaal Bashk notes outstandtmig...... 11,210 ladividual dupeats soubjet to shaeck......... ....... ..... 11.51 07 Dse.and eastilcatd dp 12,11 Tlmue etoftilstLq .O psu.. U61 44 214,.81 N Due to Oth-r T.tL.eaa Bm s............ 3 Due to sate bak sad beakere ........ 4t7 M Notes and bills re-dlaeoutod.... ........_. 1 I Tetl................. . ........» «..8 .00 1 Territory of Meats. COesty . Ca(ster, S: 1. I .1 Wershk, easbier of the siris m ames bask. de selessly swear that the ahese s atemet Is true, l the bI t so my knuwledge and beel Il B N EltiCK. tsabher. s. ubsLerlibd and sworn to befele.Us tal 14th dsp -t lisceser, 1167. MW. COURTIN IY, Notary Puble. Cosa Or-ATet: W. B. JORDAN, IJox CASTias, MIicts. E. Wss-,c. J STOCK OIOWEI WlNAOllNAL tDlNM ITATEMKNT. Report of the coadition of the Ptock GOrwer.' National lank at Miles ('ity. in the T. rritorZ of Montana, at the close of buslnooe, Deeamber 7tk, la?. REAOUUCRE : Loans and discounts.............................. 141.97 10 Svenirerls .......................................... 6.100 Il U. S. bonds to secure eli ulatiog.......... 2,001? W Othe r stocks, bonds and mortg-ge. .... 771 2 Ise Irum approvrd eerve agts 1.7W.04 )ue groa other National Banks 1A.06 Due frou state eanks and bankers ................................. 8,419.67 .016 56 Rea estate, furni ure and atlltlm ....... 26,100 50 Current expenses and taxes paid.......... 4,101 I enaluiums paid ..... ................ 2,100 00 Checks and other cash Items...9 1,701 07 o other balks ................ 466 lFrutlonal paper currency, nickle ant cents ............... 47 00 Spe le.................. .................. 2.221 ' lesa tender notes .................. 4,22 00 6,176 2 Itedempti.n h.nd with It .S. Treasurer (5 per eot of circulation) ............. 1,12 00 Tota .......... .........................0i21,11 22 LIABiI.ITIEI. Capital stock paid in...................... 00,000 00 surplus fund ............................... . 6000 00 Undivided proft ........................ 11.165 02 htalonal ank noulee outstanding.......... 22,6 00 DiLvdea.ts unlaid ................. ...... 64,00 00 |loilvldual deposit subject to rheck............................. 84.361 Demand certiicate oefdepekit 16,60 4 Duelto oherNationa le ,,s 2971.5 Duetoliat banks and bme Un s 0 U ,11.742 1 Ite and bill re-dlseoated ............ 3,127 62 Toal.............-**--t....» ».11,115 22 Terrltry of Montana, 'ounty of Cster, l. - i, E. Batch. lor, LAs's Cashier of the abovo aamed bllk, do solemnly swear that the abLve statement ias true to the best of my knowledgeo id E E. BATCHBE O3, A't Cashier. Subserlbed and sworn to before me this 14th day 0of eeembar, 167. CHAD. W. SEYDE. Netary Pumbes. C:oaacr-Attest. A I Groaot0 hr asn o Dil-.ees. T. ,I. LoeoAN. The annual jpatlng of tdhe hareholden ofthe First Nationarlas.k, tor bhe elctioo of DIrreturs, will be bhld at their banlkig iL Milee City, Tuesday, January 10, 1 61; 3. B. WEIRICK, MSheriffs Ma1.. Fred White Ide, Plsaluf, re. K~ersdfehmitdI sad mErnw. a W,,I'c~k, Uelmndus. To bae wldUat m er l on the is day of Demhu.r 111S7 ai . -a o'lock a.. r oft tlst dia at their .1dear .1 the court boee in MilIst'iiy. t'seeter Cowty. Ment-as Trrritey. all of the "iht ti and isi astof the alIbi. asmed defdaedst Kaqsd dhmil, is lad to the S6.lleoim dag ribr real aisle to wit.: [lA'sItee (11) sad slawee (16) Is bteak brte7-eatr(nt)i M (Het tis:aaauiyar( lt lentsaasTerrttary~sceoedlagte Sheplat theesb.Jdlr for ase 1 tI. he eLo ef the pe atdor ef seld eeuaty by the MNoition P'eHel Sl We e Id ~Maty. lised D. asmbag 5th, 1U5. Reseto .1 IoSSWmtrmt of AeoatamS. In the Prehes oaurs, of the Oaee of (\aie. Territory of Mrtsaa Lthemlateler hegestatef Jeha bekel t oIs easned. Noel.. Is heteb gina thea WIn. 3 Docrkint tha edmetetrder of tha mtoo of I*o eHetil, dawead. has nsdeed samd p'eaeidhd fe aritlemast. aid allie isoi sead n. Snai eeeeaotef his rls.isliateue '.I fsaid Weta. ead tha Maep, the 16 h dsy e Deaeambe, IUT7, eala a depof a sprawls t03efas dN eo ito a lee och,. m's at he testy Rogs of .aid banf. at tha (eart Nowe i 111k i Uy Bald CRedar feIa bas r dole epilatad byhe hasd Osars. ie the aetaas t said seseost, m w~h~ time wed Plaae esjr~ I le " Is saId e mae m iapereemiq k 16 jaoelopae. Is iýWris ae the isi mgsaa, a DewS &a m M1 . IM. 1 .4 w - 'U' 08~m Cdo A<I , coiW S p I a(p 4~ ;