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Image provided by: Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT
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tuE DAILY JOURNAL YAUSEE D lU.. MIW Cllr. MONTANA. WUFwmAL PAPru OV (0UlY3 COU W. 3. KNIGHT. S. OoRDON. be NIbi qdm 1 a Yaaý.winu J~ONatL. it m ms..o am saw a. .q d j.qhenn. iouu S W"~A b" do Ihmu"a tie jIU4S ptMI an' a sa W ala .h. Wu guisý. .ad eelp stppl oni email, b...//l maihe. s asbem Mdauti IV b ma..rtS.9 ale~r, Deceubsi , 07.! As WILL be seen by the proceedluns of theiol ooounl and the omeial putb. lhtreo of section 10 of Ordinance No. , bhe eeselil have done all that could beasked in the matter of proteltnl nagOe sook from the obnoxious feature *(Se Isooending ordinance as orgil moli pased. While this sotion was akm In a spirit of fairee to theb range iMek lat est it was net, we believe, Ilesuosed by the oaptLon4 threats of bqesotl the citLy ad Its merchants. As S maoter of fact, the city attorney Was lastenotd at the counall meeting lhed sn the 10th lst. to prepare tbe gigM that was paused yesterday. but Jitle on It was deferred until it could bLmbelJted to Jos. Scott, the preel deat of the Motasma Stock Aeocwla esm, nd bhi views an the subject ob. 611.d. Mr. Scott expressed bim.el apeeItfly satisied with itand it was Sadpted. By its terms the range atek owners bave no immiunity from bhe opetation of the ordinance more than residents of the city unless they besir themselves e dhr Individually w erthbrugh the stack ispector ota Mied here to remove their cattle from the elt) limits as fast as tbleir presence bet is known. We now that the Idea entertained by maom that the eMY Intended to enrich Itself and its donos at the expense of range stock ewnsee will be dislpated and that the midnus eordias will be promptly seestbNished. wIrein wKATUmCAL me Wory omgt" e OsIp r,.(e mS e. gaoe Claxute Is still playing the Two Orphaae *,* Idllas Russell drinks glyeerin. and bue tea to improve her voice. *, Fred Ward. played to "standlog rem only" at Pbiladelphia last week. *,s The Montana Opera Co.. whatever it may be, is booked for Concord, N. H., to January. *,* lhes Is playlng "Fairy Fingere" Ino broken English for the benefit of the PeannylvanlI Dutch. *,* The receipts of the Booth.Barrett eambination have averaged $25,000 a week all the country over. *,* The National Opera company is once more on the road under the maanagment of Charles E. Locke. Oeraldine Ulmer, the pretty prima donna of the old B *too Ideals. is re. ported u atanoed to Lir Arthur Inllivsn. "5" 4 Augustin 'Daly contemplate. pro. dueing Midsummer Night's Dream ln a manner never before attempted In this ountry. Jobn Howson, a professional who died refently, was oremated at Fresh Pond, N. Y., in the presence of hil two brothers, also actor.. 0,0 Maurice Bernbardt, eon of the no torious Sara, has contracted a matri. gatnial alliance with the great grand daughter of Lucien Bonepart. Barrett's circus dibbanded for the th winter at Mobile, Dec. 5. It is rumored that belle Bros. will not put this show on the road the next season. *, Annie Plxley, who will appear in Miles City next season, i producinog her new play, :"The Deacon's Daughb ae" with lontinued suooses in all the large The better part of tbe old Boston I1ml, looludligMarle Stone, Barns. he Tom Karl and Macdonald will 4 a eaeon oopera Rt St. Paul dur. e4 Chtistmas week. the dramatie ellmax In Haggard's aIsd wher thbe is consumed ln a I fad of Same ba bee s pproprli. .ag oae Loveboerg a prestldigita. Mag, who produces an Illusion similar To h IMeelddet abov reforld to. o's now opera bos, to be a wra as "TWh Aod itorem," will if sulked *oc us Se pliaprpomisedze ag ho..s th ile onstry. The build. SS lloaee MIebinpo sa, Coagre s Wabash ava., ead wall have a *rge of ti0 fat. 'b* opera paprr will be looated la the ttJ e beldlng whbiob is wl I• 4 st rilles high with 1 1M , 'Ib will be a seMing epeelty et U,. and the dsage 9ill be equipped with every devie that has prove seessemA either Ia this ema try or Europe. Of course it will be practially Ire proof sad have an abuondane of exilt. * " " 'lo Natlonal Opera company are being followed up and attached by ereditors wherever they are. At Min* neapolls on Friday the box recelpts were gobbled and it was thought the oompany would be unable to getout of town. "Come, ladies, ki sand make up," said the peaoe-making stage manager to the rival chorus girls, who bhad just been undulging to ;one of the periodl. cal battle. "Thank you; I beg to be excused," answered one of the fair belligerenta, "I've Just completed my make-up, and I don't propose to have It spclled by anybody's kiss- much less her'sl" Signor Campanial and concert com pany are in San Fraonisoo. The oom. pany travels in a special car, in one corner of which stand two iron yllin ders. Wheo united they form a ma oblhe by means of wblch compressed air may be inhaled. and it is to their use that Signor Campalnia is lodebted for the recovery of his yoioe, whchbb two years ago had quite forsaken him. MC Boucleault confessee tat he imag loes himself to be the only man who can play Hamlet, but he refrains from impersonuting the melancholy Dane because no uon else shares his polnion. What a blessing it would be if his example in this respect were generally followed. How many In. ictiouns would be spared by the vic tims of mildireoted endeavor! The latest froeak among dime muse umn urlos is Barney Baldwin "the man with the broken neck" now oex bibiting himself at Bt. Paul. He wears an Iron cage which enoircle hibl bead and being attahobed to an uprigh iron, enables him to sustain his oaput ln the manner usual with the human race, but on removing the support blh head falls recumbent on bhi breastand presents all the features of a broken neck. His physical peculiarity serves as a means of obtaining him a livelli bood and as yet he has no Imitatore. * " Mrs. Jamee Brown Potter is having trouble with her manager, Harry Miner. Mr. Miner Is a self-made man, a product of the Bowery, who his reshed a managerial position soley through his ability In tbat line; nat urally be lacks the polieb that Mrs.Pot. ter lhas been used to in social life, and this vacuum In hrb personality has in. duced Mrs. Potter to substitute a go between nto the person of her male cousin Franlcs Barton Key. Through the medium of thbis Key she has been wont to hol lotrrviews with her manager, and has latterly declined any other. Harry Miner's manage. ist pride will not brood this and be has decided to drop the fair but haughty Potter at the cud of the pres ent engagement. CREAf WEMED FOR PAIN. CURES RHEUMATISM, Lumbago, Backache, Head ache, Toothache. NEURALGIA, Sore Throat, 8wellings, Frost bites, Sprains, SCIATICA, BRUISES, BURNS, 8CALDS. For Stablemen and 8tockmen, The O oatie Remedy Ko ewn Ofr Rme nad Cattle IMam...e mLaMe Cas.. 40 Tero' PertnmealMy. lpple4 Ca.s Threw Aw.aCrem...e Ca(nred Plermasneny. .atloe Cm.a.. At O.. ReJUeved i Cned Promptly. _.M Caescoare Without Melopes t We Retunrm s Pas.. CIoee. Cu anred wes R an.. old by mnN1 ai0nd raf·.s ovo.yu.r Jno. Carter's, AIN ST, mIL1 CITY SIVEDIISL I SCROFULA arm BONECURED! uleatatte M wit o Yt l I WI " chld. the diemuao1rol being bee. dilry ma m"y maher redfroma ctotul omamPou .Asurn4S~t i' meaboud myediwk 1 rmcede until thie c 77~l power of wý de blhe 1l7rt b le umme rfc ull t W iU patull aeed. ually. about )rmit ego. the akln on a. ij rightie lap Wsa through the leash Into the bpaloss.e to sie. uy life the doc. lb. i.a o lammatet n. leg below tM keN o npýIc ~ teonb· ns cc retnlly cc mhe 1aly temporary en SOwtmi asla.labe e mom to lelelti t s . ft Sim ime and clshl tlw j~o~~r~pw a ~r 4.astotr l pereadedthgL L L ea wn tow and .as ago mm9' ekti tiro. drw elk ad ottd stat aweu the alulM M YL pa sI taetuflo7 "f tee n thin Dheuaee or to team ee of th tape. o ývaaot Ti ean loodsa Ot ~ 4 ab GEORGE McKAY, AT TEE OLD STAND. BLACKSMITHING, AND WOOD WORK. A IPZCIALTI OF HORSE SHOEING. ALL WOBI WABIANTED. PROF. L. BACH'S lWINE EIPORIUI. m I C PARK STREET, MILKI CITY. - MONTANA Fritz& Leonard'lf MILES CITY EXCELSIOR BREWE2Y Is now prepared to firn Ish the best BEER in the market In any desired quantity, by the keg oi oae. Family trade sollted orders promptly illed and deliverles made t any part of Miles Oldt free of oharge. Elos Cty & Spir lsli Stage ULne, ConnecUng at Stpear8h with Rodge. Daely tage for DEADWOOD Ib. irLtm s i a u qM.aio, Wob U/, la M~ILE .ITY SI ON PUMP WORKS B. ULLAN, Proprietor. Fittings in brass, iron, pip; and hose. liuer i. suh, hilen, sad si kindsof mfrore ud flit GeesOrl pden oe sil kinds 1 Minble demp e h at l st . p mtlOe.s. If I hWath son"t eeppstto hoowek Gro ARTESIAN WEILL WATER. I .se now prepared to deliver Artela Water r lath or Iadrtry uas. Leave awm Wright '. mlth aud Mate stael ., JOHN P. FOX. FOR SALE I -A LOT OF CHOIC- THOROUGHBLIED REGISTERED SHORT HORNJ -AND - TO BE sOLD FOR WHAT THEY WILL BRING as I am going out of the bu*so*ew. Apply for pedigree and price, to CUYLER ADAMS, SPIRITWOOD. DAK Before Cold Weather BUY A PAIR OF lld Dode Felt Shoe & Slpper Thereate compratively .ew in this clim"t who do not suoaer In some man-Or from te-der fe caused be wearang rubber or fine graned shoew whbih give little or n to the feet, ao c L the perap ration, which I. more likely py oa the feet thne any o her part of t bt bus them coltinual y dump or we and ofe resulling in rheumatism or other seriou Inet. Weg aranten. the felt In ,be s.hoestobe rad from Pure Live Wool. which Is an haborbcnt ofr dampnese and tmpurtly passing from the feel keeping thems in a continuously dry and heath condition. We have t.eltmonials sumfcient to fll a volum In favor of these shoes, We keep so seoend quality Rubber "oods but a complete lille of the Standlard (ood KINDLY SEND IN YOUR ORDK.R. 0 R Unvsorn A n(11 Northern Pacific Railroad Company. LAND DEPARTMENT. ST. PAUL. MdsI., Sept. . .1187. To whom it mey eon..,r: Notle. I herb given that the Northra Pal Rallroad comany laims title from the Unites Iat.L u.der ts charter to ail lead. within It Idemnlt limits, for which sid c mpany heu Al selection li| in. the eec of tahe tlsMm ar receiver f the Uitadl' Att lad . In t-h stats ci Wlse....l, Minamets and Oregna, the territores of DaLhes. NMeteas, Idaho ean WLbl c tnI and that said aemplr will reslat Ia the lad depertoseets and in the eeortt, an 1evo f oar elnid al ru acl= t tle f. In r no napor o ad n that rhse camp py w1i InatItute cetlef I. the cour' gdleeieagr person om f lUI ,Sto oqulve title Inl thrmogh ed iu r the Northern IciSe ral_ s Tee recent rnln sad order of the secrtery o the . terir is s l It contrary to the sul fag --·U~peol f the federsl corrtlt I sleam .e o es maeter. The railroad ecm pnef will ol" sy and all attelmpt.e deprive 1 ~laude. CHAS. It. LAMBIORN. Ails MoIINlAUO. Land Cummi.ltener. CounsI. Notlie. Th . ausel m"ettlsg of the sharehlders l @i - . s it oeol Bhsok, for thle olrtion of DI. ,t b ll I tIheuir ha, ln osee Io Mile LI.. W3I5IIC GABINETS .UOOPER DOZEN 5.00 L. A. HUiFFMAN, LIKE THE CAR DRIVER. I have until recently packed my surplus money im nail keg. and shipped it out qf the country, BUT NO W, in atiipation of the Railroad Boogs, Ian Investing here. DON' T then ootrinue to send your old plcture awgy to horw them enlarged or place your order with any silver tongued missionary stil yo have "saw" ' What Huffman Can Do For You. Pictures up to 2z34, fne enough to knock your Oqayon or India Ink. oitin -o round--made right here and for half the money. oot Out for Prices Soon I bis Colan r As you have partially recovered from your exietement about RICE, CLEAN, STRAIGHT CABIN"ETS AT $5.00 PER DOZEN. Twice as many as I ever gave you before for the money. You are missing it (/ you do not take a look at my new Rooms in the Graham Block WHETHER YOU WANT A "SETTIN" OR NOT. r L8TABLIHED 1877. JB T. .oMIl AN & CO., PIOPRIETORI OF T"E Minneapolis Sheepskin Tannery, MLD DIALEU IN EDBZ3, SUPZLTS, PUS, WOOL, TALLOW Ginseng and Seneca Root. SEP PELTS & FURS A SPUCIALTT. 101, 1es *106 s..s st. Nertk. IsINIIOre.s NI . Shupmenat solamled. * wri Wt (u Culaua. I, i " o - a oto W 'o MUa~ hnd for 70-Pu. IlWSTRIATK CATAWGII MENTION THIS PAPER. K UL'' OF PATRONIZINC Tao. Gaters' 3uu ta. pW 53 b. 3d roUi. 4th UMIob LLRIESI1 w" u la " sus.Is, W I ru Lemm mdouW orb wlý .i~fw. ) I Pe f*a ii Isis" I " M be ~bI~d ss issl pIu E.r 4 6606( SI A til 7 7 1-