OCR Interpretation

Daily Yellowstone journal. [volume] (Miles City, Mont.) 1882-1893, January 05, 1888, Image 3

Image and text provided by Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86075021/1888-01-05/ed-1/seq-3/

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hat ~liceIegantiaur.
ýýaenf ern mail eleaea... .... »..·-l .1.n p.  
wester mall ehses...,. .............. _.500 p. 3)
O~l epefroml a. m. tlllp. B. lada tead
&uilds a:U0p LU . till :7: p. U.
rkibean acik Tim Table.
Ito. 11. PeelSl .=paa..... ~. U ..:!º
" I4 Pae'enge.. » ..»..... ...... 2 IA P. N
0 3. Npres.Frulgh ................. 8.24 A.u
/e. 1 Atlantlc Emgr,......... ... ..2:I). M.
" S. Pase.ng.r ....... ........112 . M.
« 14. kzprm Fnlrl~t..... . ........... ....5 bo y. M.
Dplegae to Co.ereea...... Joseph K. Tonol, Relene
CIIMI· .....ý......».»....... r. it.I. Lllk. Itrlknl
i m(·n...».................. lWillam H. Weblb. Helena
twamer. .................... G relt. H..hena
4!.dl'ee.............»......... Jas "atlllian. Helena
Chil( Juawia...· ....... .»...»»»_M 'onnell. lip ens
(W w*j. (jelbralgh
1 Thee. C. Hech.
be or Oletral........... egj. OGrwe Helena
bperimtademt of PbUl Icetructlon .
U. U. ....h...»»... .. ..... A. C. Logan, Helena
U.~ ~ ~ /.$ahl... . t. Keily, hlelena
Shlseto U. . Inlternal Reyiug......Jaues lhields
Ser U. 8U Land O4E.e.....A. (.r.yer. Mile. City
Seid U. B. Land OUe...-Abram Hall, Mile. City
ellu,... ..................Dr. W. A. Imrlelgh
Umbmn otheHew ........ E. H. Job.igon
Pant » .......... ... ·.................. bee. H. Irvine
Ts tauter......».... ...................._-M. Hrand..lnlunr
Clrk and Recorder ......... .........L. C Dar
lerke ofl Drlo' Court ........-Jamne. McFasla'w
Judge ed Pnba 'e................ ....... in. C. Ruerble
O 'y A LoA trney....... ... ....tiro. N. illarn
Ar r.............T. I Thionp n
/urwlor.» ...G......................O. %ceket
erneer. ......... . j.........a..··r H. r.. 11.4.
('un'y PhyslcIan .........................Dr. 6t. Hed
Uupsriaieadeui of Ichoole...... 3.e Louisa "'.oley
(" . P. II eafean
S.maaigeefSn ................- ........... C t W Alk.w'o.
I. J. Whitney.
Eml. .11k.ofth P..e..................... 1 1m irk Is
Ca'wtablee....................... { M. lM. R eell
Mayor ........... ... K It. Johnson
Ut, Attorney.................. W 11. Rn-a
Clerk .....(.................. ........ ....... .. doI. Gordon
Tr gsurer.... -.......................... II. PF tch.-l er
Chief of Police ............................. .. . Lu, KIngR
Walce Magl-taie ...«...... ......l....... Iluuler
Plnt Ward-C. H. Towne (C E. Bruon.
Lecond War W L I. nsif,. W. II. Itullad.
12x. 9 P.M. 3A.%
Fr'dav. Dec. 30. Ih° - '1 -141'
Sa&urday. Do.'. 31. H° --14 --2°
Bund4y, Jan. 1. °10* -- 0 40
.Ollndma, Jan. '2. 3o° 12° ot°
Tuesday. Jan. 3. 2~t 1o"* - 40
Wedne.d:iy, Jan. 4, 18° - tS" - So
Seven pound' of mixed candles for
1i at Flaharty'm. *
Deputy Treasurer Van Gasken has
the delinlquent tax list very nearly
ready for the printer.
Leave orders for W. K. Smitbh'
coal at Birkle's or Coorad's. All or
ders promptly filled.
The snow fell thlk'y all during
yesterJay and has raiwed the six Inches
recorded to at least twelve.
Holiday feutivities are about over
and done with and the town Is grl::d*
jag along in the name old rut.
Col. Sam Bosworth, the genial pro.
prietor of the Bosworth hbtel at For
syth. spent yesterday in the city.
Oh the snow, the snow, the snow.
Woo't it ever get tired of letting down
and vary the monotony by letting up?
Train No. 1. due at 6:42 p. m. yes.
terday wa rep arted nine hours late
with an excellent prospect for losing
More time.
Major Wyman thinks the rotary
snow plows will have a chance to do
their work along the line after this
storm is over.
The Helen t Herald has discovered
that Th: Na4t is on an electioneering
tour and John Maguire corruburatee
the statement.
H od's Har.apairilla I. a purely vege
table preparat ion, being free from in.
Juriou. ilagredie.ts.. It 1. pecuilar in
its curative jkbwVr.
Atbrifty Chinaman accepts the gfift
the gods give and bas ritged in a de.
vice for trapping the snow birds whlch
at around in swarms. "Alee samee
good ph,."
The Butte Miser's boliday edition is
said to be adandy but the Jouttx AL'
mopy Is not yet recelved, probably
througb fault of the mailing depart.
Meat. No book. no puff.
lome good work ounld be aooonmp
tabed by the city obhaln ang In clean
-lg the numerous street orolgnp,
whioh are now banked up and rem.
demd Imnmrehi. hv th. nnor.
Milt Russell has local.l Iin Helena,
and It us aid as entered into partner
blp with Ben Clark li, ",. livery
buel.ees there. Mrs. Rusell and the
UUttle boy are visiting In Ilunaran.
The new Manitoba railroad folder
has reaobed us, and the map of Mon.
tans, lnoluded In 'be geography of the
road, Is more complete tbhan any om.
slal publioation known or used in the
Nebools. This map Is well worth pre
Yankee Iullivan and an unknown
had a dimoulty over a Kame of cards
ad to ettle t proeeded to the Park
SLhbt it oukt The erow wee soft sad
4dep ad the number of rounds flug.t
unoertaln. There was no unoertalont
however, in the tee of Sullivan get
tiog knooked out during the melee
the protecting a-gle of his redoubt
able namesake falling him in the
hour of need.
The storm daunted many of tbe
range men who were aoxious to re
r.turn to their ranches yeterday, but
Bud Burdette, fireman for the Soot
outfi, faced the storm and is nos
probably safely at housed on Powdel
The eastern press is making a cru
sade against the harmful practise o
lekmrette mtoking snd the .sesrn
should ietaken to beart by the lovelr.
ste. numbered amungst the popula
tin of Miles. Take a tumble, young
mla, befre you get tombled and fill
a nicotine grave.
.eave orders for Comnstock's coal at
Skinner's store. *
Sim Prppe rwbo lnterested himself
,n behalf of the late John Hinello
and took up a subsoriptlon to cover bte
funeral ezpeone., yesterday turned
over to the Stockgrowere'-HBak a our.
;slua of eleven dollars and afty cents,
wbhlh remained of the money collect.
ed after paying tlh funeral charges.
It was Mr. Pepper's desire that the
nmoney be devoted to some worthy
The star of Bethlehem, which bhas
b-en hideu away in apspae for the last
3410 years, is now visible lu the south
ea-t eve y morning Irom 3 o'clock to
layb-eak. It is brighttt at about 4
o',.luck anid is much more brilliant
thttu the morning star. It will be
vaiitele for atout two years, and then
vaniiamh for three hundred y.ear, again.
I'1114 tar haIs ten viibtle to the earth
but five times since it guided the AMagi
iaud t he shepherds to the manger where
briet wra born.
(Jo to Bill Bullard for legt'd Mil
'aukee beer In any quantltv. *
Acting ulnder lostruntious from the
county board Clerk Dear yesterd.ly
t legr.gibed Judge Strevell, who it at
ieo'ltin; the term of supreme court at
H-lens, to exert himself to have tihe
sp.ring terra of distliet court for tliis
county held In March or earlier. Tie
tern- has been fixed for May but
he seanon Is moet unpropitious. It Is
le-ired to have the term over with in
itIUe for ranchers to get at their spring
work. otherwlewJury duty and pres
ence ma witnessee will work great
hardship upon our population.
Chief of Police King i anxious for
re..dents along priu-.ipal streetl to
htve their sidewalk's cleaned a' ioon
ue the snow ceases falling. Twenty
roulr hours thereafter, If inot Illude Ipa-.
s b'e, the work will be performed by
the city and charted up to the proper
ty holders. Would it not be a gooud
plan to put the city priooners to work
cleaning the snow otf of tuoee welks
along vacant premime ? It would be
healthful exercise for the two or three
now serving out their time and niucb
annreelated hb Ihe travelin, t,.ii.lin
Now You Cas ES4.
George B Silverberg desires to in
form all that, are hungry and athirst
that be will this evening reopen his
restaurant under the supervision of
the bent cook in the city. Mrals will
t. served in the very best style at all
hou "* of the day or night. Hot or
cold luncbhe can Le ordered from the
finest assortment of lunch gsNd4 ever
brought here. Oysters in every style
and cooked to the Queen's taste.
Weiner Wurst of the beat quality.
Don't forget that you can eat at
IGeorge's at any hosr and be treated
ILke as if you was President of the
United .4tate.. *
Enjoy Life.
Whiat truly ieautiful world Ne
live In ! Nature gives us grandeur of
mountainls, glenu and oceanl , and
tihousandsi e of means of enjoyment.
We 'an desire no better when in per.
feet health; but how often do the aru
Jority of people feel like giving it up
disheartened, discouraged andt worn
out with disease, when there is no
occasion for this feeling, as every sullf
ferer can easily obtain natllsrict.ry
proof that (treen's August Flower,
will make them free from dlicas-., as
when born. Dyspepdla and Liver
Complaint are the direot causes of
seventy-flye per cent. of such maladies
as Billousness, Indigestion, Holk
Headache, Costivole., Nervous Pros.
tration, Ditzzlne of head, Palpitation
of the H.ait, and other dietressIng
symptom*. Three deose of August
plower will prove its wonderful effeet.
"amplWuulSUUU IU 4-4-11VN. I ryv i.
$371.2l for a ;uebw.
The readers of our paper will be in.
erested nla knowing ltha tih. proprie
toreof "Warner'. Log Clabin Reme.
dies" will pay $.71.21 ,i eo.ai for the
beet asower to tthe uestlou: "What
Is the bole fur, that is in the oulide of
the oblemny of the old.faabloned log
cabln, as represented in the trade-mark
of 'Wrner'. Log Cubln Rtemedles?'
A pamphlet with a pietulr. o)f ucPh a
log cabin can be prounred at any drug
store. The answers muet be sent by
mall to H. H. Warner & Co., proprie.
tore of thb oelebrated Warner' Strfe
0ure," Ruobseter, N. Y., befeee April
10o, IM8. But ol.e aorem he s.peea
ontestatL will be ouasidered. It must
be signed with the reel name, irli g
poetomo address, sad must stat that
the party has purobaed and used a"
leat one of Ihe followiug remedles
Warner's Log Cabin h armperllls,
Warner's Lot Cabin Hops and Buobu
R-midy, Warner's L'w Cabln Cough
asd O-,neumptLn RKmedy, War.er's
Log Cahen Extract, Warner's Log
Cabl Liver Pill*, Warner's Log
Cabin Rse Cream (for catarrh, eto ).
Warner's Loa Cainhu Bcaipio (fur the
scalp and hair). Warner's Log Cabin
Plasters. The answere will be referred
lto n impartial committee for deci
sion, which will be announced April
10th, 18R&. Letters o inquiry will not
be answer d.
The More the Merrier.
With a view of surprluiin and tak.
ing by storm the family of Cuunty
Commiusiloner AlIer un, a large sl.ed
surprise party was formed aud took
paseage on yesterday afteruooun'
train fur the hosplt.bie Allerton rueu*
ston near Rosebud. Major Wyman,
of the Northein Pacifio and Hergeant
Callahan, of '.be Macqueen huuse are
theintigatuorr, the Myir furnishuing
trausportation and Mine Host Calia
han looking after the culinary depart.
ment. Muetof the Aliertun hI*mily
are musicians and their residence ir
plentilully supplied with nruitral wi.
strumeut. so that there will be no lack
of sweet Atraius in dance sacoumpain
went. T:ie party ha I arranued before
hand for sleighs to meet them at Rou.e
bud and were prepared to klugla at
any incueeney of the weather. It
was propoeed to dance all ulnht and
return on No.6. this moruiug butcou
neotaun will Irobably be broken on
aCceount of tie irregularity of the
trains. The m-jrity of the party
dined at ihb Macqueen by request of
the man ger, yesterday and were all
in readineas' for departure when the
train arrived. From memory the
JOURNAL Inmar .s ble to give aIpartial
list of the party,iut a repreenut itlve in
with them. Ve will head the list
with Major Wyman,who was all over
the platform, Irain and hotel loading
the guests: J. C. Call thian and wife,
Joe Cox and wifel, C. It. Grimflth and
aife, Mr. and Mrs. Jetmaine, Mr. and
Mrs. Deckert, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold,
Mrs. Fuller; the Mis*es Basweett,
Moran. Daughtery, Min*r, Clifford,
Watson, Cooley, H.eig".. Mesrs.
Dear, Tmmpkins, A. T. Campbell, Wi
ley, E. E. Bktchelor, H. Basioski, F
Orschel. Green. P.phsm, Ouguol,
Arthur Crter,E'senberar,Dr. W hitney
and Dr. Rawson. There were five or
six more in the party whose nam,
we don't recollect. Mr. Allerton was
on the same train with the party und
had to be let into the seeret. Full par
ticullars to-morrow.
We doubt if there is, or can be, a speeli.
remedy for rheumatism, but thousands who
have suffered its pains have been greatly ben
efited by lood's Sarsaparilla. If you have failed
to find relief, try this great remnedy. It corrects
the acidity of the blood which Is the cause of the
disease, and builds up the whole system.
" I was aealeted with rheumnatism twenty pears.
Previous to 15 I found no relief, but grew worse.
until I was almost helpleu. Hood's Sanasperilla
did nme more good than all the other medicine
I ever had." II. T. BA Lcou, Shirley Village, Mass.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Sold by all druggists. 1t; six for S5. Made
only by C. L HOOD1) CO., Lowell, Mass.
100 Doses One Dollar
In Winter GoodM, including HATS,
uuntl our stock taking January l1t
D)nt fa:l to get the beueflt of thli sale,
for it will beat all preceediug outs,
Miles City. Dec. 2I~th 1N47.
Bucks For Sale.
Hi0 ird e Iinos
twro tFour Yeru Old,
Seventy Head one-half bred Shrop
shire buck lambs, very early, in
fine condition and fit for ser
vice this year. Address,
Custer Co. PuLamI, Mos
Klid les Death Nell.
Whil the bill fe motality isy lb e it
may e Itly delignated, sad yIes lli lad that
enal and esslel maeldi.s that le to say, ltheL
that a&st the kinsy. er , lde, a. r emarks.
is promiluneso-we had almoat .al.l-prepeJ.dr
ames. Bright's disease sad daeiste a the ehrenie
stages are rarely oured, and grasvel. suarib .r the
blader and eaursle., sla many. Yet at theeot
set. whe the trouble merely amouals to inacuil
ty oe the ergeas tLvrled, the dangar may be null.
$*d by tLha plement reNil tolis and dluretlo.
Heestder's dtomaek Blttenrs. whis Imparts the
sequisallte u at of tons o the orgsan, a t Lost
everzecltlig them, and the use of which I.a .o*
voulenl, aud ,avlveas no elaborate prepar.tlo
Iyljepuli, a usu I cuncumtllsat renal complain I
and deblil y, which they Inaralbl pro uce, are
rnmedled by It. baI sI nare constlppatou, walarial
rhbam.at and nervous ailmO s e.
Bourbou, Ild., may.: "Bi.th , ,v.elf
anld wile owe tiur li'*ei to M;HILOH'i
by W. E. ravuare.
ARE YOU MADE imierable by In.
digeatlon, Coluaulaptlon, DJiazlaesa,
Lwm" of Appetite, Yellow Skiu? Shi.
iah'a Vitalierr is a positive cure. For
.ale by W. E. t.vage.
WHY WILL YOU c.uoh when
Shiloh'. Cure will give Iroumedlate re.
Ilef? Price 10 cr.., 60 ota. and $1. For
sale by W. E. 4avage.
-a ,,adttivecure for Cararrb. Diptheria
and Canker Mouth. For male by W.
E. Savage.
N.tiee to TUapyerta.
Under the pro'viious or the new
revenue law all real property on
whichl tLex are unpaid, i reqijlred to
be advertised for iale on the 15th day
of January, ,o be a ,ld at a date to be
onemd in naild advertisement. Prop
erty mo alvertised illnur an additional
penally of ten percent for publication
tax. Tuxalyera de.irous af avoiding
this inlcreajsed pIenally lhollld pay their
taxes before Januarv 1~, IR89.
('County Treasurer.
Its slupxrifr excleltcc proYen In mlllons of
honrmp for more than a qu ,ner of a century. It ms
ue4 by the Unitml .ste. Government. knorned
7y the hed.d of tbhe cire Universlles ua the
tIrutget. Purert and most Healhful. Ir.
PrtIcn.'e the only Bakinlg Powder that doenot
omntaina mnona.i Lime, or Alum. Iold only Ln
Oppo.ite the blaqueetn House. Park Street.
Before Cold Weather
fred Dodge Felt Shoe: & 2l1ppe
There a, comparatively few I~ this climUCt
who do not sulhr in s,1.te Bann,ri v fr' tPed? feet
crue bh weattth rubber or fine grTuicd shore.
which give lutle or it I th feet. Cr4
Scnlne tlb peronl.'ron. which I. rore likely to
*ylPearoC the (t, than. on a, o her Prn of the
b..y, thus keoigt Iho continuai 7yda or we,.
Cd oflm mrue lielgto rhmuw.IIcEI r otbcr setiuC
We ngrmnlrg the felt in th hw hertlU5o W md
from Iean Live Wool, which lI Cn Chn.trbfl of all
dampsw Cnd impurnt ItrCasingl fri the feet,
keing a C Ia continuuousiy dry and beithy,
W. hvi testtmonlsia suicient to II C volume
I tif.vor a these shoes,
We keep N amee d quality Utbhev Geede
but esp.pe tlme (f Ibontaudard fleede
O.B.Towers &Oo.
rotu rp 01.-:- kW ih1 CMtu lik.
The holiday Issue, now ready, I. complete In Itself, eontaallng m '
matter. The cover is enriched by an ornamental border printed in gold. "
price is a, usual, 25 oents. It ountains the most delightful stories, poen, as
essays by distinguished writers, ano superb illustrations.
Among the iwportaut articles to appear during the year 18368 oe -
folowll nlw -ert,d fur prospectus:
ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON wilfcontribute regularly to each er~
duraug the )ear. He will wilts on many topics. old and new, and In 4 he.g
lsr aud persouni way, which will folm new bond. of htiend.bip betwseen 11
aUthor anid hi. thouanuds ofrelders. In the first paper, entitled ''" Chbp.
on Dream.," appearing in the January number, he relates Incidently, la gI
neatio with the general aulj-ct, some ioleresting facts uonuerning the egl
of the now lamous story "'Sttauge Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde."
RAILWAY ACCIDENTS, by W. 8. CHAPLAIN, will be the first of as
pecIilay i.uprtaut and interesting series of papers on railways, their nadmia
tratious and oonstructi.n, includiug great engineering feats, famous WIaeW
uad pases, and, indeed, those branches of the subject whiob in tbhis day
gage the attention of the whole country. 'the illustrations whihob will seeeN
ipay this. eries will be very elaborate,original. and beautiful. The Iaulst
and the titles of the future articles will be anooounooed later.
DR. D. A. SARGENT'S papers on Physical Proportions and Physical Tdlen
tug will tie 'olilllunil by beveral of in ireasiug interest,with as rich and saol.
illustrations as those whleb have already appeared.
ILLUSTRATED ARTICLES f special i.,tgest will he those on the
uo Waterlo,. by JOHN C. ROPES; on "Tbe Man at Arms," by I .
BLASHFIELD; two pipers by EDWARD L. WILzSON, illus.trhtli r. --.
of recent Ep;yptanu research; a further arucle by WILLIAM F. APTBOIP.
on a subject connectei with his recent contribution on Wagner, and inmw
others. ,t el al inftetret.
PROFESSOR SHALER'S articles on the Surface of the Earth will be Mn.
tinuei ; anI articlen ,ll two Of the mount interention groups of corremparlry
Eurolwan writers will be acompsnied by rich and novel portrait iholtnlktrtel
ELECTRICITY in its various applications as a motive p ewer, eZpl oivre. 6s6
will be the -uje.,t ofl anoher gr oap of illustrated articles of eqml prae
interest, by leading authorities upon these topics.
MENDELSSOHN'S LETTERS written to his friend, Moseheles, at .t peean.
arly interestinj time of his career, will furni.h the substance of several artlei
of great Interest to musihal readsrs,whceh will be illustrated with portra:tas-e
drawinrs froTm Mendelsahn's own bhand
THE FICTION will be strong, notonly in the work of well kmowa.writig
but inl that of new authrs, in securing wthose c.-operation the Magauine L
lwen so r,ortunate durine hit flrt year of pushllcatioan. A serial novel, eatills
"Far-t Harvest," by FREiDE;RIC J. STIMSON, will be begun in the Janue
numther.asld a.rlv in the . er novelette, will te pullilted by HENRY JAMW
anod H. C. BUN NER. The short stories are of noticeable treogtb
ILLUSTRATIONS. The Magazine will nhow lncreased ezeellesce in its ill1
rations. They will he naore abundant and elaborate than ever. It ls the Im.
tention of the publoeshrs to repreýrnt thie Iw. t work of the leading artists, sad
to pronnlote and fotter the mosit .killful niethds of wodl eanraving.
SPECIAL NOTICE -To enable.,ret.rn. to ,.ssaws the Magazine from t1s
fr.t nunber (January, I.T7) the. f.tllwing inducements are offered. Ayr'su
sublcripti,,n and the numbers for 1887. .. 8
A year's .ubl.scription and the numbers for 1887, bound It two volumne
cloth, gilt top, . go
$3,oo00 A YEAR, 25 CENTS A NUMBER.
Remit by hank check or money order to
vs its readers literature of lasting in
G .est and value, t is fully and beautifuly
Illustrated and has already gained a
than national circulation cxceeding 1235.000
copies monthly. s,~ A 4. A A, ,, .
Jý IM h Messrs.
Charles Scribners Sons the Publishers enable us.
tp oferr SCRIBNER'S MAGAZINE with the
.1t the low, comnbinaiion rate of $5.00 for both.
Send your order now. Subscriptions mtay
be"ginat any time. .lddress
KXIGHT 4. GOr q ",
M.iles Gily, Aont.
"f ovr? dewrrctp#. TM L8m ? hYoo[
of Hoty Hhvu rp' RIM to too ,osI.
orUuaulthblh and operp·t ·I .1 al hind.
dimly dose dad Wsw.id.
I gm .e, prepefed to deliver "~g~~
Wma. g· bi e' A.M? s Na.lr,.i~
NMr r er /r t r L..drt .... 3M..
WdgM If Ih mmd Yma mm.
JO P.II1".
Northern Paciflo
Railroad Compay.
ST. PA'tL, MtIN.. Seop. SUP.
To whom It may cone re:
Notl.oe i. berbry giv.n that the NorthlSS
Railroad rompa, claims tile Irae(s L the
tIael under is charter to all lal wl-hb
ideutlt l limits, forwhlh id 1em.0P Mr hte
electln.. list. in ti e m e l th.ik l .i i -
taivey s o the Unitedd W le b
the terlnrta of Dakla, ihgiIn. i
Washl on; and that a.ld comp.ny will
the lan departs Ota aad I.n t court..
v in7, snd all tr. lll . ltoquIae ul or
_nr p. crleoaoasd soelt.td lnad. and t -
c e.p my will Igltltuote mpleiie IN the
or taa.4l"r of any o, saidrr thle orthers ea
I'l hbraugh and under the ouo.er itm
road uompany
Ta rcernt rullnt and order ofse m1M eey d
Ihe Inrrlar . ins Inal. It Ieenutrary et. theI
Corm current of dL.l.ioen of the f4.erdr s" Im
rele ln Ion the ..bc.er mlater The ret, e.
1pay wih rsat say a'nd all altempa atdepis W
l s.ld ladas.
('H 41. . LAMiNRW.
JANM McNAI enr. Laad utM'em*uN .
Jno. Carter's,
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