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STHLUMEYELS TO E O U RNL . VOUEV.N.I5M(LES CITY, MONTANA. WEDNESDAY. JANUARY a:, s88PRICE FIVE CENTS. THE DAILY JOURNAL Twe flalydal IMepp r o_ $ dSr e f musty E very Morning Except Monday. Population of Miles City, 3.000. Terms of Subscrnption: Dt MAIL-IN ADVANCI-POUTAOZ PAID. s Edile . e. year .............................10.0 l i icee, six moato................... 6.00 Slyitie, three emieah .....e............. LO TnCITY mUlwIVRlHKE* By carrier, awry Mrerstg. as a ea. pe week. WUKELY EDITIJN-YKLLOW PAPIR. Year...- ....- ....****- . ..*******I* The Mees..................- .......».0* Advertasing Rates. Sri Ii r. ay...... 1.M, 0.0 4.00 4.00 10 14.00 20.00 SD ...... 4.0 4 40 7.00 110 15.00 11.00 M.00 0 Dose..- LOG 1.00 0 00 14.00 15.00 21.00 30.00 IWek... 1.00 .00 10.00 1100 IA 9. 1.00 3 Weeks.- 7.00 10.00 12.00 30.0015400 a3.00 4.00 * Weeks... 4.00 1.00 14.00 22.0 3.00 4.00 60.00 SHeath ... 0.01 14.0 8.00 9.0 32.00 12.00 00.00 M oeuths.. 2.00 15.00 12.00 54.00 42.00 5.00 WOO 14oaths.. 160 m o 0). 042.00 Mo 46.00 100.00 * ..***l 1t0 02.@0 40.0100.00 74.00 100.00 100.0 Lsead eaesse-Tea sewts per use re each vaeer Mlse. Writ-%pe Aftnee amets per lee. Address VBLLOW ThUE JOURNAL, JOURNAL BUILDING, MIT EH CITY. M. T. COW MRACTORN ALM a * lTUAUT, ilL Cos?saQcT.a AND IIU/Less ltase furnished o. all kinds of Carpeawir PMO/kMIAON AL. SDIIOND BIITLER. AhTOUIkI3Y AT LAW. at OseAtsma,', Lain street, Miles City. PMT ICIASt. lM~seMAAN AND BUUUGON. .t W. IL.. eaqes drug n.... 12 it ML3 J. J. WOOD. atM beig. drag eten. sl 3. r. IS, iuvumtatm. t 0.1mw £3 OuTnMCIAN. tat. WsmiswM and (Ak.brte..i .) U" at Mwqfl dug 556.6. Miles City. M. T. C' . WHITNEY,Dan. r dai stuamt oer. NtonlBak Wl work gusramtesi sad 4 at u~l rte CMUNMCMHE. iAmese Church (Epiecepal) Palmer 81.-Ser. aeeas at 9:90 a. mM.and 7.30 p. a. Was. .1 meeor. BgtenChuh-ldrvcese Suaday. 11 a. n.. 7 p. s t U. D. Downes. poster. Dlethetdh Church-derlcU Sunday. 11a. tn.. 9R" p. a. a. L. telder, peseer. Pr..ehterlan Chre-lerlces Sunday, 11 a. m., -p. w. T. C. Armetrng, pas.wr. tAu cohf atcred Heart, Cntholic--Baday, 10 a m. I. W. J.Lladinsth. chatlaan, U. 8. A. moCIBTI Ba. A. 0. H.-DIvIalee Ni. I menew lent aid maoo.. amyeusefeeah meuth. K. e1 M.-YMeews aem sad third Wedaedays at WA~p. mi. at Odd bellows' Hall. A.1. AA. M.-Yellewateme Lodge. No. M. Arai ad third Wedneedays. . A. K.-Vellowtetoe Chapter. No.1, seeood ad fourth Saturdays. K. T.-Damesems Oemanadery, meead and buuth Theredae L U. 0. l.-Ceeter ledge, No. 1i. every Kes day a' their hall. L 0.0. F -mleadael Eaeampmeut. WN. 6, rAnt Sad third FPrday. K. et P.-Cruseader Ledge, Ne. 7, Thureday l age at Odd Veirows HalL [. ci A.-Miles City Draaeh, ereryaunday at SLet L.-Ffr-t ned third Fridays. S. A. L-U. N. Gnat Feet, .. itd, Best and Weyd Temdaye 10. e.T.-I the West. Ne. !t. every the reb ewealag. RI. 0. RICHMIOND 1u Ia.h. .N.rg em N I. VAUEL. 3. W. TOVUG NORTHERN PACIFIC FOUNDRY FhKW &!O11IIU, IRON ind BRASS CASTINGS. BUAINERD, MINNSOTA TO/90A)il Uh.l'[ AaM LEIGHTON & JORDAN, WHOLESALE GROCERS, AND RANCHMEN'SSUPPLIES, Goods Delivered at Ranches. TIE OLDESTANDLi ESWTIOUSE IN EASTERN MONTANA. FIRST NATIONAL BANK. O. A ' T 8 CZTY', 1,2r'r ~ A THE OLDEST AND LIEf&T BARK IN EASTERN MONTANA. CAPITAL - 360,000 SURPLUS AND UNDIVIDED PROFITS 360,000 JOINPH LEIHTON, President. W. B. JORDAN Vice Preuident. '. B. WEIRICK. Cashier. T. B. WILEY, Assistant Cashier. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. STOCK GROWERS NATIONAL BANK, MILE S oITY. MONT. THE LARMEST BANK IN EASTERN MONTANA CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $105,000.00 INTEREST ALLOWED ON TIME DEPOSITS. W. B. 3TEBBINS. President, WM. NAlMON Vice President. N. F. BATONELOR, Cashier. ELMER E. BATCHELOl, Ant. Cash. CHARLES W. SEYDE, NOTARY PUBLIC Real EsIe, Ihsuance and Coveyaucin2 LIVE STOCK BOUGHT and SOLD SOME IESILAILE 11RtIES, ACRE Li CITT FROFEETY FOR SALE. nOVSZe Ton atzw. Agent For First Ulass Steamship Lines For Europe. Foreign Exchsage, International Oolections and Consular Business Attended to GOVERNMENT AND PENSION CLAIMS A SPECIALTY. Live Stock, Loans, Real Estate and Notary Public LIVE STOCK A SPECIALTY. Aaslt tor tle oldest sad mest r.llable FIRE, LIFE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE COS. 4ad tb. eldest ngest la towa. Noney Loaned on First Class Security. Cattle and sheep ranches, and improved farms for " sale at a bargain with easy terms of payment. Houses to Rent and Collections Made. Several comfortable and commodious dwelling houses and well located business and residence lots for sale cheap; also N. P. R. R. Co.s lots and lands, and grauing lands o in the Northwest Territory for lease or sale. Moatmas, westers, Wyomitg, Texas sad Zast.ra GA'I"TLET FOR SALE In Iots to suit ptrchasers. Also severul ohele bsa o shee aid Iasalvanla "Black Top," registere" rams .ad Short Eor thoroughbred cad dra_ balls for se. WILLIAM COURTENAY, MAIN STREET. Uslag that et woer oat steve .sd bey eow et* so aw "GIVE Q GARLANDS bold only by 3 Miles, Strevell & Ulmer. " AND INCREASE YOUR COMFORT. Ag P3W AND NE(OND o MAID UTOVES AT I' PuoawrosrayuOgMONEY HER BLOODY VOW. A Female Mexican Bandit Who Fulfilled Her Strange 'ow to Sacrifice or Ruin. Five Men for Every Year She Should be Permitted to Live. A VEMALE BANDIT. A Melissa Woman who Made a Vast For. tane by Robbery. Nogalei, (A. ' ) special: The death is just annoounc.d of one of the must remarkable women that M -zico has ever uruduced. Notwithatandiug hbr atrange and perilous career she at. taiLed a ripe old age and became one of the wealtbiest wouueu in the repub lic. Than woman was s*enora Amastia Rtubio de Paacaderr. In her early womanhood she devoted her time to rt.bbery,aud if ball the reports regard. ing her career are tiue It is no wonder that shle left a vast fortune at her death. One of her notable exploita was a stage rubbery in the State of Z % calas. One night sbe dressed herselt in men's clothing, and mounting a horsa rude from the little town of San Aiatoolo to the Zhcatecas and Aguas Calieutes stage road, where she waited lu a small meiquite grove for the uuthbound stagg to parn. As the postiluons came up she commanded them with revolver In hand to balt, put out their torches and fall Into the tsar of the cuacb, which was a few yards behind them. She then ad vanced upon the driver and keeper, who wee made to dismount, ex pecting every moment to be shot from ambush, as she kept says ing, "Don't ahoot unless they offer resistance. The passengers, eight to number, who were Inside the stage, were led to believe from the female road agent's conversation that an armed party was In the brush, and when she came up and demanded their nhaney, watches and jewelry, they lust no time in obeying her. She then bade the passengers good night, and after admonishing them not to naske a movement within half an hour disappeared in the grove. Dur ing her career she killed a great many men and for many long years was a terror to the people of Sinaios, Jalisco and Sonora. Trot pa and state polior chased her for years but could never entr p her. It said that the reabon she gave for adopting such a remarkable mode of life was the murder by Fede ral troops of her intended husband years ago, when she was In her teens She then wade a vow that she would kill r ruin five men fur every year she should be permitted to live. She was one of the most desperate bandits Mriioo ever produced, notwlihstand she was a woman. Before her death she related her strange history and bequeathed her immense fortune to charities. At her request she was buried beside her dead lover In her native town. Ran Antonio. A asee Speetnes. About the neatest trick that was ever prsctice4 by any man living was that of a local preacher recently, who was also a shift boss in one of the mines of Butte. This disciple of the loo py Naserine had a mineral cabinet in his poseselon which was filled with rpecimens of ore, many of them probably stolen from the mine be was paid to heuk after and protect and a grreat many more presented to him by the men under his charge. In process of time this model servant of the Lord t(N~k it into his bead to raffle his cab. inet and he took advantage of his po. sition au shift b s to almoet compvl the men working under him to pus. chase tickets for the rafle. at one dol. lar each. The cabinet wee rafed in about $100 but when the man holding the lucky ilicket presented himself for hi prize he was surprised to fod that this exponent of charity bai removed all the valuable pieces o mineral, and in f.ot all that was of any worth, leav ing a wooden frame filled with rock, the like of which can be picked up from almost any dump in the district. This man was heard to say on one oo* caslon, after his wife arrived in Butte from England: "I wish that the ship had gone down that brought her out." A creature of that character Is so more to be cownared In nan than a skunk is to a P. yal Bengal tiger. Butte Exchauge. A LUCKY RMbeR,%'!. mtows ep by isant Powder, beth resa 'le.ed. tOne Bye Estreesetd, aed the evi. turer"ftSl Leves." Some time ago near Marysville Junction, a eoatraotor, B. F. Litton, well kmewa I. thi seelies, vel*.. teered to ll a giant powder eautadge bra ft" d whe was blaag. Ths unesiwcted explosion of the powd.-r sent Lihttn ukyK-high and upon his r-. turn to earth it was found oimt hlp face and neck were terribly burned and impregnated with powder grains and dirt, 1ºii lrcart aiid hair burnea'd to a crisp, while his eyes were apps/ matly destroyed. H.-waabrought "Mt Jobu'a' Hospital in Helena for treatment. Up. on examination the physiiian hound the left eye much filled with dirt and gravel, and the sight of the right eye -wholly destroyed. The Iman's suffering was inteoseand the great intlamnumatiun of the right eye not only threatened tb , left, by sympathy, but also iiflamwmation of ihe brain, ahich probably meant death! Litton showed wonderful nerve at this critical period. Rocked as be was by pain, he lirteued quietly to the physician's explanation of the situation and the sugiestlso of ex tracting the eye. Durinr the physl clan's abseence advising friends were quick to di suade bhiu from permits tien an operation and on the physi. clan's return Litwin flatly dedwh.u it permit it. Two days after, despite the advice of friemd.-, the sufferer tn the midst of his pain, said: "I believe you know what you are doinu; friends tell me to keep this eye In; you say take it out. Fire ahead, Doctor; make a complete job." Preparations were wade and within forty minutes time Iron his removal to the operating chair he was back In his chair. "dreaming of a Missouri dance," as he said next day. The operation was a most "complete job." The eye was removed, the1in flammatloo subsided and the parts rapidly healed. The other eye got well, the powder burns cured up and Litton's recovery from a "voluateer blow-up" Is complete,-Indcpendent. PAY OF KXWMPAPZR MEN In Batte and Nelena. Both of Butte's daily newspapers in their holiday numbers neglected to give lb. hat of sularies paid to the edi torn and other employes of the news papers in Montana. This was doubt leas owing to the fact that a large number of the craft worked for noth log and very often gel cheated out of that. From the best luformation ob. taminable we learn that the fullowlog salaries are paid by the principle daily papers in the territory: The Helena independeut paid J. 8. Dickerson $60 per week J. E. Hendry, $30; Wall Kenneddy. $Pu; A. J. Devine, $50, and the balance 4f the force, such as re porters, bookkeepers, etc., from $30 to to $35 per week. We undreatand that Major lagunias Is $75 per week to sa4uwe the editorshIp of the lode peudeut. The Helena Herald Is owned by a syndlcate of brothers and their pru8t. are said to pay them each a great dera more than the bighest salary paid by any newspeper In the territory. The Butte Miner paid J. 8. Dicker sen $50 per week and it Is fair to pre. esme that Editor Hag gets the same salary. Matt W. Aiderson, as man pr. with his poetry thrown In, re oeives only $40. Thie shows that poetry comes hibber than "push." The Butte Miner reporters get $36 per week. The Inter Mountain pays Its editor $40 per week. its reporter and collector 130, beeldes what they can get from new water companles and other little affair of the same cbarater.- ianne apolls Journal. A CUNSPIATOSL Simes Ramberg Wase Is I Vroumelsa. Tracked to Matts and Arrsmted va Met ea6. Last eveni'g at about 6 o'clock, Cbi.f or Polle. Mr4klIjohn received the following telegram from Chief Crawley of San Franciseco: "Arrest Simon Hamburg, Jew, age about 30, weight about 140, probably amooth shaved; thin features, blue or gray eyes; very stoop shouldered, carries bead well forward; Is under Indict ment by grand jury of thia county, found Jatnary 6, 1M, charge coa* spirfcy, by wbioh h$ received a large amount of money. Receives his mail from this city through Henry Nickel, a butcher In your city. Answer." Chief Mieklejob steem get ea Mr. Hamburg's trail and found be had gone to Helena, and was stopplag at the cosmopolitan hotel. He Se'*. graphed the chief of pollee there and the latter arrested the mes, and tele graphed back, asking on what charge be should be beld,whbn a eatisfactory reply was sent. Chief Meiklejobe, when last seen, was waiting tnstruc tons from lano 'raocleco as to wbat sboul4 be done with the aceused man. Mr. Hamburg's miesion to was to present each chimes in a fourishing but hublette uukuewe elty ia sesthers CaIM lIf eatled aeeder iay. ae charged the tewso mat the lae emlsif Sthe MUN ant acknowledgment, 'and his sgag* usity wa's heartily preased by both daily papers there. A large nembm of Bur.l r City lots 08n now be bmugbh up v. Htelena at a tremendous redie. Lion on the original cost of deeds. Mtiner. Now a Werc*.me (hreist-.s cams sm Eassy. The bhloiiy Sun shone brigbtly e Tuesday. (alwas Tuesday) Dec. 184i, in New Orleans, La.. when tbellith (iranet Uonthly and the Extraordi nary Semi-Annual Drawing of The Liuisiaesa State Lottery took piee aes umusi under ibe management sad es. pervieiin entirely o(Geon'I 0. T.ees. regard, of La., and Jutial A. Early at Va. Fortune took to .tat id wiag cow tainly. Over a million dollars fek from the wheel. No. t3,4. 9 drew the First Capital Prise of $300,0JO. seld Is fractlune. No 8.180 drew be h essed Prize of $iO,teO00 also sold in frecteess of two ntirtl, at $1 each, sent to K. A. Dauphin. New Ofleans, La ; s** was beld 11v Chas. H. Shetfifeer No. 3 Russell Place, Boston, Mals., two by James Thompson, 36 and 3, Usles street, St. Luils, Mo.; one by C Fred erick4, Normon street, Bustom, arnss.; one by Wn. OG.som, Et. Andrew, near White Sts., New Orlesa., La.I one by L. Atwood, Beoiola, Ceul ; ama was paid through Merchanta Naetetal Bank; one to John McDermott, both of Viekshurq, Misa.; ;and one to Get man Bank. another to Bank of Cose. metce, both of Memphis. Tenn.; one to Peter Thompsun, of Biluoz, Miss.; one to WVme. Norris, through Unles Na 'a Bank of Kansea City. Mo.,whe. be lived. No. 21,301 drew the Third Capital Prize of *60,(0IO, also sold ia fractions. No. 67 0±: drew the Fougah Capital prize of $23,400. sold in frtie Ions of une-twentieth-, eacb at 1 uset to M. A. Dauphin, New Orleage, La., who will give any informatinm to sp pilicatinn. The nell drawing ti he 213th Grand Monthly Drawlag, es Tuesday, Feb. 7th. An Inventlem be Whbm.l. Windmills are a very ancient ins. tion, bu. are not of mub practical va1m in a country where feal is cheap, frne the extreme irregularity of the wind upon wsich they deped. It is hoped that a remedy for this defect has bees found by tbe Due De Feltre in the traem formation of the surplus energy of windy weather by causing it to drive a dyama4 tbus converting it into electricity, with which he charges batteries of storae cells. These in turn can be utillsad M drive the machinery in time of calm. Any such plan is, of coune, attnded by a very large waste of power, but when the original quantity in so enormous as Y is in a gule of wind, waste is a matter of very little moment. Before the world Y many generations older more attemties will have to be given to the question et yoking the great forces of nature to eot machinery and utilizing the enormous energy of the winds, waves and lides, act to mention water power and the dA. rest radiation from the sun. Our ste of oal will doubtless last for easy a long day to come, but we ought not to forget that we are a race of spemdthkifWt living on our capital, and that we mum not miss any opportunity of ecanomi ia the limited resources of our uiats.-+ Landon News. Adve to lawalds. I think that no medical man abouM send a patient to any place with whick he is not personally familar. He agi to know just what hotels are in good sanitary condition, and the many littles that make up such a bty muckle to his sick client, who, in deft* of muck qualified advice, is quite as likely to come buck to a home under ground am to gal substantial benefit. There is maficlemi evidence now that Florida, and, Adasti any damp, warm country, is not a r place for consumptives. What I ha'e said before is worth repeating hesm )rmadly speaking. go Inland for ms*eleg lungs; to the se fer troublesome nervs Dint make sure that your doctor has Me I self visited the place to which becesaigA f you, else the journey may prove uafoW' * nate.-William F. Hutchiins, A. Din b Amerisan Magazine. Cva bevnes neftm hasses ? Daring a recent cthieg of the causN general of the Bouhb deu Bhone, ams - mnittee appointed to ineamie the flimemg r, found that -00 francs a year was mP the "guardisas of tUe tower." getion abowed that the tower bad Mrs suppressed since 107, a total, thesr , tf IJ.000 franes haw'ag been pai to I, gCardlig nothing for twenty years Al C t loud an emplo e of the palace ret Hireed a salary gar waxing the Suag 1 She pailce was bomlerded into .imaIs i .WO.-New York lWns % Imp.$StbmU.eM mini wbb 'Thar, mar bath fanatics who signawe tinak that life without an eplerubhsi onily desianbi. form of eziatmesw 'Af rnptuers of sapooiflcstion and of bin` aresll very will sa lazugy, the lnunctions of the Roem. li ww baffler, bec use the caIwind dliwSa PýtpýHa oe pro tb's o Mu vtbd r- mi hews Ss m bi s...i -oib u