OCR Interpretation

Daily Yellowstone journal. [volume] (Miles City, Mont.) 1882-1893, February 15, 1888, Image 2

Image and text provided by Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86075021/1888-02-15/ed-1/seq-2/

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VMS,) rr11' A I. PAPER U ~r C'lt,: rWK ('(OU N1 l
me trik agqiii I r it N' II ,rW V.' l It A,
efa id paper. r iii, r . will i' r-r c firms- Imi
ace.Iamp.uegi I by a yr 't I. or oirigihe I ir pl. t
Mahe r o" tuatl 'c. Iii..lig.r
eLbrdl. dt. '1i H ni ii i··ciu .10 IA
a mi r**ap·iiuibt " I. r I .tte o ii.
hlas or iilteraloa .te itaIi his ii, a. api.. rtei
Notice as hee.Iy gi ven II. all . oc nel. Ii
bLdr the c'imIia t to di,. .11 ffmaI M a wl aI
Ulal~~agI. of wh , verr now u . harge aber iu ir.l
atiarw~l , w "t. .. ~rg1,r. .i.pul t ..,'. p
ha I'u, Ira *iiuy mad L'a It. ni.,. ty11 juntd 111
oiber pat-ta of irgilir ,raiiy at vo yl II
Borth ib as baa b.in dil 1i-1 ty 1I. r,,. rra 1,1
Wednesday, February 5, tIUP.
TIIK RrM! .aruIdI..iii tt."i. N 'nh.y r1
mettle fort rhi. mmith . f Ja - it v wtr.
1056,3546, an i.Iutrea- of $..5.EiIM1 .v..
Januaary Iv I7. lie. lt-i tlil a .1.
of Fehruirv II% -h ow i It ir, i.."-, a::
S00 tv't r the metoait.- . riot l to 117.
FTfE Taal is: liii I. Ute rl.v' ,'. lt (i
Pacod Ut unort wle., hoo'. -mri1.M.md It1-ll
In mamuy ways duiruiog lb.. last yaroF
It Ilan *mm.otdt to liai, K- ýIi ct oil ''I huii
betr no anijy )lie dlay bat any will il
the cuotoatry. la- toi tle tilt, lar..re.ct to
erage daily cut taid cc.-nt ut Ibor. lure i
ber to In toe pat.. ear lhaut at, y outtao
lubber utiautoa IcuraooLgri rm a.o ofto t. he
Pacadu t'oaot. Tat- maini tootal oat ltit
Out for (lie ye.ar ii. . I-ertalaN t hj
largest at lyit 111il 111 i th. 'iit.-ol
Stat.es eiticg d in out(tlqiy tXlU~0Iuorl%
It and t.door.
On the h~silks of the .llnbar,. that di
vide thel Atlluaie r ,eala''i friom Pluill.c:
gound, North 'aaroliina, just in-ale the'
ligl Ihouse tIhat nmark. out to lir Ilsian
Der dr.eaded Calte La.k I kot, . here. in to
be found a hardy rae uof ponie. knowll
as"B.tuke'r." rhe'se pun ili.t have II. vt'i
there Ia long as the tradition of lth
eldest inhabitant dlates back. Etitie .
:y nurroundedl by dee.p water at alp
eiasono , havinK IIu eimlllu in I ll'l' 11
with the ImaIt I id,. aiA eil- Iarrea
of Vegetal.lJ.u savei Ia tllt growth l f
Isag groas and scrubs, lith blanky hiave
Nrealinel practically unihlaubitrd Iex
Sept by tr.bo.. ini'.s whicdh -erllm to
thrive and miiuliiply iu lie of Il.
many hardthipsl to which they are le
ALASKA etlmparipe rir.r than 5.M,OO
square mliultes. 'That porltion of the pr -
wine*. north of the valley dtrainel i.
the YIukon-, atll lyiug for IthII nii
part twyonll I lie Ail.t , .ir,.i ha. aulou
disalpe-aruant.-e of tle wailrus at.'I t..e
whalel. In thel grat valle.y of Lith
Yukon art. a hunlrerdl villat.es, half ,m
the river banik andll fifthlI on I tBI
dalia. culltail ii ti t 2 ) p ople, alj l a &%
aged save liua-et-..n whit.s and litl -
tern half-bret'd-. Tlhe Yukoll is 1 00O1
miles lung, r-v.n lilel wide 1,1ilKB
miles from l IlitsmoUth anlld pours iunt
the Behbrlng .ea a vollume of water one
third great-r tiha lihe M.'sMsit."ia-tI
delivers itIto thel Gulf o f.Mexic i. T'hu
lower valley of the M.llukkviain river,
lying across the mountains toward the
Yukon delta, suppoirts a population ,of
about 9,O.O,aal ,avagtes save three white
THE late wreck of the UIon cattle
eolpUnDy at Cheyenne is accounted
for by the Breeder's Gazette on tlhe
theory of short feed and an uvercrowu.
ed range. We who were nearer by
the field of operation saw uther caue.s.
We eaw otlH eli a'nd lackeys living in
extravagance, liveried bervants and
plated barness and elegant carriage..
And we also witnessed had nAasn:Ige.
ment-very bad. Three men were
bired to do one man's work, thous
ands of dollars of worthless stork fl ,at.
ed upon the market and sold for what
it would fetch, and a general reckless
aese that betokened ruin. At one
time it was as muol trouilde t; al.
proach the general manager of this
company in his elegautly furnished
parlors as it would have been to ap.
proach the C('r of Russia. Grover
Cleveland was a plain ,man in hie ofI
elal capacity compattred to the general
manager of tht Union cattle crmpany.
The kite that flies the highest not in.
frequently falls the lowest.-Denver
Field and Farm.
IN the absence of Judge Bach the
eitis-os of ('Cacade county prevailed
upon Judge MeCuonell to issue a writ
ot llunction forbidding the collection
of an nnJust tax and setting aside a
propseed delinquent tHI Male. This
burden was a Ilegacv from Cboteau
eounty and the injunction granted re.
moves the hindrance to the sale of
property in Cauoade county which has
bandleapped them heretofore. The ap
plcastion upon whichlhl f Justie M~I.
eonnell acted reciten the pro.-edings
pursued by the Chtoteau romtnfriioner~
In making the unjust valuation, alil
enumerates several Il-gal flaw. which
retder the aissenment irull and void.
Orave Irregularitie are shown ann the
proof is overwhelming that the C'ho.
Mau auesamept is invalid and abould
be et mide.
A Well meown City Charater.a
A gentlemna happened in a Clinton
street taloon the other evening whc:i a
mmuº with one leg. a long ulster, a dilag-,A
dattxl hat and cruthels enteral. The
genitlenmn wa.s surfrirtd to find that nll
('fnve Fsatioi tulf2If itlv cea(cd, anid as the
newcomer isat di wit there was a general
rte hl mathe for 1!;:Hi fimim :d part; (f the
saloon , a~l .r '- I Iint a; 1 0.; al I ne:Lrlv
all requ t ed a loan. The lons then ap
proacl II I th I Iarf ruder. and tw~at worthy,
in mx ". *-w: to a mmlunltlkd reqluest.
ha'uhI Ilt' ho-I3~ n smalll iron sa fnl;, fromu
whl(lu" thm' lttt%.I tt.xi al quantity of coins
anl disirihimfed them amliong l1'.' men
around l hii. careful l mu ki'e mutt of it.
.1ea fatai went s later t n o, ", I It, and
flth v, h~:itan q]uo-tinnedi the I .r:hatler.
"'I 1 Nh 'o thow it it.,"'~;j the dis
lk'!ss~ . f l.tfus. .8 Tlue fC V.! V~r } ta
aiin~ui 1 he I tisi n^rc I e.l. iir !'-11 "el;'?
I !itrhi s ;aul that ch.,' . I.. '. lien
the t t ro:.c htitr ~.:r It i.. ait I or
roiv art or a BaltluifILir fttom t.ie
lx)', ti I ! eclarg"'tetalt rm f~t~t t 1)t~n
cilnt. i.t re~t p'~r lIv. If t..eV" thijit pa
Upt he ester Ii:(1 ktl 111 ag;:ii:. Itit they
s~ltit:i fiji ft p'av him %hat lie u"Lks,
mand Iic : t'C ,rdLl mo ney."
xew Yo lIC lat viif: 'Sun.
( onrollling pIriteltd floroe.
An interesting experiment wan tried
not I mng :. - at the veterinary s.Nhool of
Ili.rarl tu:iversitv in atte'mptmtng to con
trol a :,irited hore by an electric bit.
Th,, hor was consideraLle of a trotter,
but had a disagreeabe way of bolting
and br:aking. Dr. IIarri-on, of the
.chol. I, rt ure 1. a Gaalvano-laradic Lat
tery of i-mall size anld extended two
r!ii ht wire.s from it along the reins to
the I it of the bridle, they bhing termin
at.d ia small knobs. This was applied
to the horse., carel being taken to use it
i.1 co::wne.iolon with the wordis *"wlhoa"'
at d ".tead:." The animal. after a few
e::i.,rimnteat. lbcame docile and hAi
"lbItinig" etas.Ed. li, was tried under
circu:!-tanc a c('aul('ttldtl to, xcite Ihm,
an I th(e e-L.erientllt I roved eJ rfrctly sat
i- fat. ry lere. t(x%. The ..xperim',nt is
one of coin ilerable I:ulntal:Ot e, i:l.e,
thous-h it hal bein tried i.i France. it has
not been performed ii this. country be
fore.-Pubibo Opinion.
Wearaung Light Soled Shoeq.
I know that it jA contrary to prooon
tirW'd nou. ion. hut it i, the fact all the
s.,', thalit t~l f.'.'t can h" kjt wlarmer
isi c' Ii w.,itit r by wearing a s.hoe nith
a i !it s . l tIan a thick en'o. With the
lb.I " )l*e the -ii t las a chanc( to work.
threIv k~ri;, 'i! ;t a 'ircuiation. '.1 i
of - on! to dry a,":ti. r.
I i t fi t rid.! n r s * tiE
it i h:t to wear a sjngl sm I hliue fI
side. In the su \ mmr the thick solk
FYuiI.I I v used, for it L .cpl the heat of
th ): pa(omnt fromi striving througth Wt
the feet.-(iiube:-I)emocrait.
A Cwuse of Colds.
We find in neck wrars a common
cause oif *'colds.'' If during winiter one
was certaini to we~ar mutcha thn' sazme wrap
at all times when in the opurn air, there
would I h.~sI danger fronm it. Itut the
chai~ce' are that oni somle (1'(asinits wii#'tt
1t shn iiid Ix" 1w' rn it will I*' 1 ft £ lr. cit her
purjw.Mah' or firlotten. and a ('(lid i:+ the
result. The sIlk Ianzlkerchii'ts %v ii,
which iany' Inca adorn thu ia-Iv' ccauseo
more siret Ihr. t S tha aan ti i o i'I ittin.t
ence. WC hen olnlN jut on the weaerj
tire wehl,' l to thl.Iih for tile rt'ijnkll r of
the wnint,"r. -Ihdl's Journal of Heailth.
The Munqultu'. P1olmn.
Formice :acid is the tultance which
ants. Aw;r, I .t C., del )t unler the skin.
andl nllii, i p·""rrcces th~e inti me l ,ur~ningi
andi co:- n urka lotI nll aide I DUIfIf
irzflhtel I', t,-t t. Th~is :a'i i, a I vr
ful la I-Cl .eI d'' if a bnuuquit.. wa ar;ýe
e'fl'A It -c -winaj mtuch i i'r~ " f it the
Lite of tat i ri;t ure would lie Derr '1n
Ac r to Tie Mu -id (a uiorirr, the
nurn1l w ·" nliuf.ltu arf I in thlis
CnOO I'% I I = . IIJAS iAr': "iAý,jOp ie-c
quit i~j 4. ".(1utO Le~, a; li.i tiv
,m1 - nip~ld ca~t(r.. c- r 1'..4.6,000
to~li ; L..i and sumo 1.ýO.tJUt bras.
agraf7 4.
During lie la't few Ceara th? growth
of the twi'r; ii the Pacific coast hlaabse
The OMy Remedy
Contagious Blood Poison.
Mr. I). A. Aarmc ,nlort* RMuth C-mllna,
wrlte :'' I w Hu ,.litmwl a It t a t."rrlI,' rase
of l,~I i-t-ll~,U" fum tl*itmt tIhlrtii nt.intha. I
was l(r.*l.aa-I ,y the hostt ph> Irlana. and u'ed
earl ,a- kulmi.ii .f ri m,,.,Ia"., bat~ rrvim'vc.I ni
. aet antal rCll.'. I fImall. Irl.d the Swlft
ti,..ifc, antI uh.,ut fur blotIte cured me
aditSnd anld w"ill.'
1'-,I. H. H. KIhaer. ditor tni prtoprietr of
tine Of llay, Ala., 71 .eas, untll'I dalt eif
Ailalt 3, '1;P, wrilt.* When 1 was
a )'ung ittami tHi,,u Im In.ld.irelon. I con
limit el a dlaanw whlth hl.la stuck to
mr for years. &Sme liior iax years
* ill e I wa.. trouliomi with goi~na, to 55 t4)
Ii i.k it 'i lllctlt fir rfite I'o walk. Navin~
a-1, . rt 1i. I the '4 . II. I. fit nou p 'r for neomra
y'ar~. I c-mnItI'I £ voo,,d try It io s4e 1I
thI..-n '. .. any mfltwv In rho medicine. I
; l4 t 'r alt , I itr mIog It go. ,r ti di rectl ions
dn -' half iluo7n 1. imtlea. I was on~eat a
v aVcliIml at. t y·t tug Ieft. I walked the
fliin hall-taIl lhave nhover fItr any return
of the ild lialate. After expertr'lttnul lb.
i't'ld etcit I nI.IIt 'ey I am .atlrlA with
lit, roimitlt. I ato aIxai right )earn ofageaand
I fret mi'iw Ilk.- a )"lmit tIaro ant can e Ito
Uritae('ii Iviet tiC.'btat y arid wt 11 mitfrnt all
Ill right Ii u-ait *.n.d ern, iotut arty ItvnIm
#i'tlirnfc. I iMtti~l )u thls wItboul sll.'Ita
Mr. P. Wcht,211 ?North Avenue. Chlcaro.
It my dutyl ti tl,,,mk , i for thn rar I ms
,Is're- from I)ir, x'' I i t i irdi·t,, I if.
tlrat'i. ai city lr i 1'a'v1r. '4,if · ,11*1w dti-,nf
Itu aleitit tait )iirrs ago. ituritmntg of )otur
n,,'dl'I n,", I w, ilt Ii a it rn,, the lpro.
prIetuir f %I llt0 I4 rwaiai i in I.. bIuy a
t surer-In. .I clllll I ., of 1,1 1" "f ills wt
and gniw worat' all tt`i imr. At la-I I git
fri~end ant od mii~w d~i of1 ii , .'n 1 ii
cured Wint. I 1*it t"I Ii.. iu,.' . -
againt andiel tnnd. d i, ,r 1le"" I file. I" re.
noiw limofitly rinru. 1 xir~rii b Ian t then
*ten'ht oIi .tlereri.. It ;r' inl i h ir Is I.q
dei'leel bii i falati mitre~n it ''Ii I thy,,
y o n " R ~ I I hinr I utti w ut i r nI mI ll r .ni l) tiu r
IU. J. %. ('hens", n pg-mvn. mit pht. ii Inn,
re\1ld1,1 In I·. Illrll 1I, s(·)ll.! ' ~arse, ,.r, ewesll
ucra l tim n . I ,ll ol l 1 g '(uIl ll. lr e" " r1
rI.,ae im 1i.+ a I sNin, mu lo l I l s' a Ii.IIe
'?1rs wihoii k.,,v h i.n ' II hi '~ .14 it
titlm i .,. .i, 14 I"' aII m "e Ie 1t 4141 to
siluml wma I~n yIt , - a, lout r' it l Ns 1,rf "+ h
II,,ds wiryen or ,,i iirr.trro-l
nrnln sina ,,,nlI In w. 1m ,.,"- d'riill`.
TrreathaUut II. 'oil i.i Tiiinmemitlo
fets. er t AInwlvr ii t
Ioniciai a Stat Lot trtr CI.sNifl1.
Ii. .rioratedl ty ths, l e~j.tdtizre in 1a4~.8 for
El icat ioiiil :d + bl pair .u-c. and i- f ain -
iii..' nilutI a piart o the i' '~u *ii ~t.. I .JiIuiiltouf
11 Irii'J, by an ,iverwle iiiiiig p.pwiiur rule.
II,. firxnnl .intgle N sgmlwr Ibiit rlInw~ lake
pisc mont hly~. aid m- 4 ranm ul iarterly
tlnawlIasa regularly every tim rr umemumttma
( Er. h, J1une. !ieptemmmtwr :aaad Il)cemnaber.)
'We do hereby certlif that wc reuprv S th(e ar
raniewnta four all th " l,,il'tly and Qumar'erly
I rij is ufof the liid.iiala '-t n' I ..tte 7 4 cimampaV
edil in perwm un Iauiage aint tuint rot Ithe d aw naIi
t~tieia r,.t. and ibat tI r.. 'o rare codctiilred wi' I
hort,.iay. 'aticxea. and iii Kiwi f Arh lows J All par
ui+. and we Autihriie the Ic'uuipaily tu a Iht
,..n iicaW. with Ir-.iuilirret fuur aguatures at
a lied In It. advertiu.euwlita
We the untanaigned Han., and Ban kes will pal
.II P'riae. drawn fit Tbh Loulisiana tate Loterile.
ruin, th a n. a resented at vur ruunters.
1. H t)Ut.lfl*H1 I're. Loujataisa 'at. Hank.
PkIII)ltF. I.ANAU\, I're,. state Nat. lanik
%. 141.15WIN. Pre.. N w tirleama Na- Hank
fAtIL. K4)NN. Prmc. Unilon National Bank.
In the Academy of Music. New Orleans.
Tuesday. March 13. 1118.
Itll,0 lO ' icket at 'IweTn' " I) ,hinre
,ncll. Ililven $14; Quarterl. 3; 'lt, enth
,'; Tw'ettieth. $1.
LIlT oP PaliEg.
1 I'RIZEI O)F I.iI (tv i.................... . 1 imI.n
1 I'KRI I: t iF I .l.lnl, i. ....................... li , Iro
I I' Z. U ". .mIi...... ............... .MS1
1 RI ' I1 F %5. al t ....i ......... ..... 2". * n
2 I' I/. ,IIP l 'll , are .................... 'L0 0l
SI'I/. . lF ?,1*ar....................... LMll
'l I' I/1:, 11F I.rl1 are ................... ý ,1 1.
lIi I H I/E ' 0 5 rare ........... ........ .' i5
SIP IZE' II 3) ar..... ............(.0,)
5 0 OlE F 2, ar...................... lu,(lAu
0)0 Prises of I. 1 appriatlnating to
b l4).Uiti I'r,' are. ..................... 50.(.I
oINl Prrze- of ? 11 apprulli Illnall Ito
*IW I1 tl Prize re. ............. ......... 3 100
i1j ) Plrize. ,tI il a.Irpp.xIn II inog to
150,l1. Irls, r........................... 20,000
1,1I00 P'rize .Sf l'idrcldeid by..... I K0l.00I%
lrielar ....... .... ............ . ...... 100.000
1,010 'Przeu, of 1ll dec ded by...... 1iU.1I),0
I'rie are...................................... 100,000
.:1 Prizesa Amount ng to .............. .....1'.0.z,00
Fotl lub rlllas or any further inforilllaoii apply
i, the un ersigned. Your hanliwrlti'le must wi
dlllitnt sllld rign'llre p ain. 'More rapild return
lail del weiy will be assured by your enclosing ain
Eoelplle brarlg sour lull address.
ri.uI PtOTAL Atl'li,. r.aprees Money
(Idere. or New York Echange to ordinary letter.
S'urreuty by Elpres (al our eapea) aidressed
NOw OrlOeas, La.,
or tM. A. DAUPHIN.
Waahllugton, D. C
iddren legiiered Lettlers t
New Orlearta La.
REEMB ER That the presence o. ien.
meI,/ l rata llB i re"ard an* I
Iir y, who are Io charge u ih, dIrawings. Is a
luar n.lle of Iabslup tai rnIe ani lolntlirl y, Ihal
the chalce are. all ,qua sidt that ni ore ClU pus e
tb) ,ri ivu. i-a hat lliler wiildrawa IP'res,
ItEl I.M1 tliSt.Ilt that she paranent lil a ll PrIse. Is
";1 ARKAT;EEb 1III I It K N I TlirNAI.
IlANKl of New ()'leansr. and the Tickets are
lullredt y the Prel.ident of ls Instiitution. ah se
ch rield righlts are reognised i n the hlitl.t
I'.. rit; Ither*, r". ateware lo any Lmitations or
,Slllolrlup sichelnnA
1hc I> rcuullpn \IfpliczmI +affao 'ýprrll Purgliifl
.,m 1',. ra'11 of III.- La.tir ig \1"orIA Lii.pciimarr
aol ltrIrntl(ioal ZSiargiaa InstItult
Thi' mar.
gi'e. bplc
fIIt .it uiiiol
.0 I.. '~lan ita
+r r r v allis I i..tr.r ii .
- riip a ring
MI~~gii a i .
lair( C, rt a
ti'e if III
a e lii,..
if . I ni a) oir
ulA Arnois;lE llue.
- laiiI i
'0.... sor fitWil
talc a' ,f(C
1`IC 1IP~P I )~11~I (C1O-- ·I I.111kll· I1 MI)
The med 1 l u i one do m,"" top 'Iii a1 il I i cii I
:i i hul t IIi Iuiiiiich l pu I, i P iu angi Mi -it
ni...M i,. smg Irlun badiyilv m Ii "q lo1 aug
.t " r ' I- s ll nr urn or I l·* · n ilIIi iare. iii of
i\ i I'uI n laMll· oa~r. o.llllr Ilull j h.,reiiai if1(1
*,u Iiisi g hat oni l 1,rlhilituriiip a. i~iu
Su ia*1 . Miii Mu i luM? I i i Iiuiii 1s aeidy
IiWrh Je. aic.+ r Ioi'I Ill.,, ?I. 1 "
lriiii * "i 1 k V Irlity or .%l ahIoei, 1 l a ( i(l aui
p mI 1+ 111 i I o p on. 1II. Ih(· r , i I II(' 1) tur.
iii Mtii? II
hi 'I' a miii ii laaiaiui a·re· I I~~,lii r ciurad i M·~lili iuiilaa
a "'t' i t iii ,n1 i l ua mlr.." n·111 Un I..
4 ior l -ki n pla r r l miiily· Ira i . ri
ii afi , ,aliu mjilid. Ii:lw un t U IILi Ia ul Vai ,1n II "N h lil
I'u Iu riii I.1I res r ,a l y I" d t i r~
goa 1h1.11? lleuw.rfl LLe,'TUC iJELTa4 fre, to
JItlaInairb. ·i l on her miluirra
Lntebiy World Dispensary.
noau (.rrk;e IrI. n F\ rnilmeIn , (mlo.
iolier-BInard of ArbllraItnm.
A' a m;t.trli of the terrhlt'ril Mr. of avlt ra
we" rrts,,v,dtliii tite1. is11tg shistttt Ia" gvI'i that
teIe. and, *( trbnr.gtlto,t f 'he ierrtt.''v f Innr
I ut1j Itt. I,..'i l .t .rt a r 1w 1in, tie t.- *rd..utee withI
- .rl i Il r itt ri int t It i- g-,trr or Awl
h d ý lrl I,'" Innl~1( silly m1:11' 1r t; 111.(11111 h e
. rt g. (IttirtgCu 1 II e ly i 1 I,*r II dirt by A to
Iir 1 Iiu I \In ~1º1.'' o." 0111 II 1111,01 .. Ow It.Nrd
w h".," .,d l,..1 t, % r111 l `rr1 111 It , r I.,rlyl·
iII, t~l~·e,.rblga.· A rkeii' llg III-ttgt,',t great
r .et Ii tor , fron 1\' ti tq lit," ,, O r
ii A I ti set I~,r l pyr , Iniit . I'.l S.ir'r"I til r I tajgi.
Il * n. M. Tt H. port teiet ui,. A t rt,: "a ir,
it ag'sl. mt trellru.,A r -I.. Ie g I
Itlttltdtif,N8a Frmnclacgj, Cal.
ii. UIA,4I N, Proprietor,
Fittings in brass, iron, pip.
and hose.
litier in ng iniR, boilfer, au(
kinds of Ninam, forte and lift
o*erll repalra on aill kind. of Machlo a
-eee tm he Lhortlst ollee.
NI.Ope e nIlath .tnre oppoltel wet' i.ro er
.a l et Hank
easutnUeh rers and Jobbers of
as, Ca s, F s,
Large Stook
216 21. , 21a. T? FiJ.I
St. Paul - Minn
Also Extra libth .eion Laws., 1987.
A Valuabl-. Vdlurhle for Everybaly, of
Nearly 1.414 Paige-r.
All Lays of M0atna to Ia:e.
We have printed a tihued numnter of extra
copies which canr now be had.
E'rprrrx I'rj'tl oin I, '/ipft of I'rire
('omp ei l .aw't I. ,w Im-l in *, hep............ ....... Sx r)
lxtsd l1I h .- s ll I, ., l ouull in -h e, ......... 2 i
, er......... I :rl
Htoh b.ouln in I Vol. Il I.ai .eep ................. 'J b'
Orlers not ac uupaunil with th m, uonry express
ch'rmes added.
Wholesale and Retail Stationers. Printnrs, Hinders
and Bok Manuulcturers.
Opposite the Maquen Ilouse, Park Street.
Miles City & Speaish
Stage Line,
Connecting at Sptarfiah with Rodgers
Daily Stage for
Th tage ltese Miles I ('ty Mnnd ay, Wedmndel
anI Friday mo,rn, nre, at 8 o'clock. Por paanu
or nay inioraion aIpply to sqoa ..o. A. J
Minneapolis Sheepskin Tannery,
Ginseng and Seneca Root.
101, 103 A 105 Beoosod t MeNrt. MINNEAPOLIS, EM
Shipmentu Soliacted. Wnrte or troultrn.
Fritz& Leonards
[s now prepared to firnm
ish the best BEER in the
market in any desired
quantity, by the keg or
Family trade solicited;
ordurs promptly filled
and deliveries made to
any part of Miles City
free of charge.
'ome fine full ilood and high grade
Shod Horn Bulls
Well aaclimnted and stronig eonstitu
tions. Apply to
Lake Park.
I'IIO~hOU(:i, H Pt) RE(: iSrI:t(Ei
WILL H IN((I I MI 2oiriug out oI
tbhe Juciuuie.
Apply for wjdigre c and print. to
Bulls! Bulls !!
E ll2ii Mlf lll
We have one car load of
Fit for eervice,whlclh we will Nell very
low. TheMe hlullk have bteen out door
raie.d, halve the fre.. use of panture,
he,'ce are very hardy and In lust the
,olndlition, turn on the ranle. Will
dellver the ~samu at any ra!lroad Mtia
tion at Iprice' to defy competltlou.
John W. tFoatr, Manager,
warmts Crisk, Milihl.ian
13 W~EEKS.
Th'ie ')ll(.E (tAZI I rl1 will I)4
mitslledl, an eur.lyv ewrapl,l,. h Ht ally adh c
lre,. III the I!llilwI '(hrit ,M for three
months on rce.ipt of
Literal li-IEmlll' allowocd to post
laulerl', 'llE**'lt." ,iol hlohM. MIaniple
eiiphle hanile,. fe.. Adlirew allorderN
After Fart! vee*
vbe toes. Ht
Theasd a~pleations for patutle I
the United Niatas ad Forton oe
tses the poubiheber of the eSi.-au
American 0o08 anw to st as soll estt
for patents, cavats. t rade.marke.
nsbti, etc.. for the United l. ad
bte patents C· (ianada. Esulnd. rf
ma, nd all other eoulltirl Tke I esp
-a OneeUeIed and thetir facatllU ie , amaý
Pc tae and speellkatin prepared and
Ia the PatemI Oce on short notice. TerIs
easonable. No chars for eIaOlsnatul of us
Sdrewiaps Adviee by mall fre
Pat.ts otai.ned through MlunOnneo.netla
the largest c.rculation and s the mint ilat
Sper of its kind puble I . thL wI
vsatages of seek a aetse evry pawe5M
Is larg. ad speddlt IM.t.tatod
1 pablished W EKL at . arM .
admitted tak be the bet papr devotd t
tbr dpatmeut of Lndustrial prestee. p
Ld a any country. It costaitetheamseel
-ee week. 1; It four moetheb fo se .es
M.lby Inew.d.let'
Iff on have an inventin te paItet S
a I • Co., publibhre of Imoiti de
wa. e aI*w Yor
nii Ed wOa
0 c
E14 l o a 1:
Send for 73-Pt'o
Tihe (;LO,a, is the brightest. most Eon
prehl*.i. , and complete, inlteresting and
Instrut..e ne.spap.r in th.' Northwest. D
is a wise fieri and trusted counselor t
every reader--huncot. tearless and indlk
rroemocratie In principle, It Is not ano
trolled by any s,.t of politirlans or manip
Ilators. It Is the I'(Ol'Ei'S I'APIE,
always ready to defend their rights and W-.
tcrests ari:lnet the anjust encroachmellte
of monuplphin antt yndicates.
The (..,,nIe Ipublishes all of the aews of
the day with the greatest pos.ile proIWp
mess, accuracy sid impartiality.
yI Mail, Postage Paid.
One If, Three
lvsr. Mollths. Moutha
DArt.Y ..............1$ 0) 0, 5 o EsI.o
li' '.Y and UNDAY..1O 00 5 00 .100
M 'I)AY .............. 2 00 1.00 .0
WK.IKLY ............. 00 .60 .*I
bid A'ol Money Order or WRegaered La
Ad iress
- St. Paul, Mlanhsoto.
lime OLDIE co" 8009, prie. 59
ceete, is ent te ever, erlY srubcriber V
te WEEKLY 0LOaf fE .
uu~h rund rmnnont
(/<IIII**1. ANN 1.T~ l~lltJl
Ieotrl Tºry. B'rlwtr Iimta to,
1, wrir. n-t An1I rel1"vly t
Sr .Ii
AKL :, .r n., CA
I trIII 11.N U.S'.clls
Mor 11.I.rRýý Iu1M
i1 NrN fIT rN4 r C1ýt1M , a
Am.r dr 11"44
ýR um r"n ,.h ./ µ~ NI r Flrt.
tr qqýýA uiS Mrrh
(un,ýI'. t"lEtn I.1

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