Newspaper Page Text
Taelaqg of the aurs. Onelhl manual training is one of the *w good things that are good for every &ioy. It is good for thei rich boy, to tinob him respect for the dignity of eagutiful work. It i+ good for the poor .ay, to increase his facility for handling olr, it tools prove to he the thing he s.ust handle for a living afterwards. It b good for the bookash Loy. to draw him away from books. But. most of all, it is ioed for the non-bookish buy, in showing - n that there is vomething he can do The boy utterly unable. even if he were studious, to keelp ip in book knowledge and percentage with the brighter boys becomles discouraged. dull and moody. I^t him go to the work room for an hour sad find that he can make a Ibox or piahne a rough pitece of Ioard as well as the righter scholar-nay. very likely better than his brighter u. ighbor. a nid you hate Liven him an impulse of self re :i't that jr of untoldl benefit to himn whten h got back to his studies. He' will Ir a brighter and a better boy for finding out some thing that lie can do well. Mind you, it bnot planing the bhlrd that does him good; it is wianing the board in the pres Once of other txiyi who c:in no longer took down upon hum when they see how well ho can lxane. Hie miight go home after schol and p!ane a woard in the bosom of his family or go t i an evening achool to learn to plane without a quar. ter part. nay, without any. of the inval sable effeit upon his i:su:hlol that it will have to let hin pl.mne side by side with tho'e who in m.n' .1 attainments may be his superiors. -Nu~hllvii Aiuer foan. U.der the Cphlnc' l'ye. Farther on is the de~ rt; on the right r the desert; in front is the dh,.wrt; all around i3 a vast plain. iow glklen, now -ed, now in Fart Lack. now gray. chung ing as the bun char .s. as thII great shadows of the pyra aids are Ipr.jected upOn it, or as the n on conies with its palo lhht and ton.s down the grand chromatic d.;play. The only variation in the wondrous ex'ranse comnl from the mournds of hand hIr ro and there. These last change arre, Abl7 to the a..ins of the wind. Like , :aught animal ,. at one momnet they sut m to be re-Lin; and waiting ft r thi : call to lal or. Then the airy mesoenr ,r comte and ives t:ie word. At onct the sanIld Is'l:n to r : in aender siirals. PBody an-,l t re.. h I;re gathered ar i. continues wh1l, I, and ascending, ut, ii it towers aloft like a gret black c lumn. Now it ia j -inail by a wild cornl any npcllel by the wind, and all hart n acrs the ljhin-all riiing higher and i'lcher, all waveiling. spinning with awful v.locitt, until. their destina tion reac9 d, they flare at the top like water spouts, break and burst high in the air, and are diTffurd-a to rriblo storm apon the plain below. Wo, lie to man r camel on whom decends the awful weightl As far as the eyac:n wresouth ward lies Egypt. the silnry Nile crteeping dong beItntn the bnnds of emerald. Within view are over forty l)yramid.- Ariboer's Magazine. Ferests of Alasa. The southeastern part of thi territory, frem being the mnost accessible, is the mot frequently visited and the most ommonly referred to as "Alaslka" as a consequence, thouuh really lesI of Alacska than Alaska is of the Unit d States. Fully folur-ifths of this part is quite densely wooded, and the other lifth is composed of water, which winds in in numerable c.annels like so many rivers -assing each other at all nngles. but con a.cting with thie ea; their waters are salt, and ocean steamers can ply their de. vious ways. For this read ~ n "Alaska" . e. southeastern Alaska) has secured the reputation of heing a well wooded ounntrv, when, in fact, for every acre of land the summer traveler IIhL sen ini this part, densely crotwded with t nilnbr, there are square milhs (f untitlis re-, tracts inl the vast Arctic part t. r:uied tunran thlat have never sei n I h!nt hie larter than the leaves of mod Ulota it, with p.rhllps an exception l:ure and there al Ig tho low water cour.-s f a stunted wll.,w a few inches high that the whole family of alix would rt-ludi:te as black sheep in the fold, thlie there are sluare town. bhips elsewlhre of land so for ated, or wih sulcl inditff rent timber, that from all ordinary useful standpuints they might have chnost been tundra, and givr a little more grazing I 'ld to the gsindeer thereby.-Frederick ichwatka. Colds and Nerrn. A timid woman comes home one night galo and ghastly with fright, having en eountered a .slrrter clad in white, which hbe calls a "g:oyt." In a day or two the develop. a cold, for which she can tot in any wt.y account. Fear acts as a depre'c-at to thu nervous system, aripp;ing it. To1wers of rrsisting the c. tion of cull. I:e:nce thie phraw, 'shiver lag with" tirnilarly, innumerable events of daily life tend to irritate, do. es, or excite the nerves, and rilder meim unfit for maintaining the i dyv ctm perature againtt the fluctuations of weather and climate. I)uring these un guarded iroments a trifling exposuro to cold or damp is sufiici.nt to induce taUarrb.-Contemporury Review. Proprietary Medlelaes. New York leads the list in the number t proprietary medicine nianu;facturcrs. It has 10t fa;rtries, with as invested eapital amoun:ing to $35,,12,4:,0. Ohio is second with 01 factori,., P'cnnsyl vania has ,d; MaIsachus.t"1, 40; Mary land. 84; Missouri, 27; Ill:.noi, '2; CJli hornia, 22; Michigan, 20: Il.le Ildand, 90; Connecticut. 13; Newv J rsnev. 12; Virginia, 12; Georgia, 12: IJi ntucl;, 12, and Vermont, 10. N.l,ir. La, :.orth a.rolina and ('lorado h:i . on!y one each. The trt.dI amount of catuldul in Wstl i l10.G,2o,ý0). Al* ut ,5.,00 bands arte empl %Ie, ed, antl .arl . 2 . 000 yearly are paid to them. TA ýaiuo od materials. uedl s ( 6.,4.1..2), nand the value of .rI4.Iuc'ts is ýl4.t; 2.4iJ4.--Nc'w York Comzn, riail Alverti-sr. SA Submarine 1.ply. At the mouth of the C.ono tiher* Is a •mnarkalie uiilnarinoe vildli. .I. Mt ut (ts mouth of the river it is 1.I',3 feet dep and it can he distlnetly IituA d for $00 mlms out to sea.-New York ~ un. Isb mcomeo, drop your bst friend if to show 1111k 11 baldyd ml tQIr*. A New York Tenememt Houso. There is one building--a tenement-la town here which holds 1,20) persons. Not more than one citizen out of a hun. dred intelligent New Yorkers can tell you where it is. There is one block here in which 2,500) men, womlen andl children cat, sleep and work. Not more than one man in any of the big social cluiM po.,i bly can tell von w here it is. Yet that one house, with its 1,204) inhabitants, is larger than mlany a country town. and the singi blhrhwk. with its 2,500 toilers, would ItM conidered a goxod start for a city in ,ime hurts of the country, and would c'\uer nm . and anr's with cot tages, stores, factories, streets and road wa'.s. The i;rfe which is suffered by the people who aret thus crowded togetlher is not seen nor ui,lerstxdxl by the happier ones who have their homes in pleasanter parts of the great city. Except for ~ltandering curiestly or for the fashion of *"slum"' there are thouw ands who would never know the sight of even the streets of the e(a.t sidle. The inhabitants, too, of the overlsimoluls districts are toe hurried in the constant struggle for lbradul to have time to more than nowt the wore, distre. of their neighlurs. An eviction is no new thing to them. They have seen too malny to think aluuut the latest one that is taking place on the sixth floor.-New York Cor. Chicago Times. VITIATED BLOOD Ecrofl00s Iberited andl Contalol : Hlmors CIred by Cuticora. Thro igh the medlunn of on., of r,.ur tiooik* c e_ * mitt ,. Frank I. 'Tray. druggist. Apollo, Pa., I br*canmllae Illtllted ii )our ('lUTI t m.A lt t..D Kla. Mud teI~ thl- upp Munity to lea tify to .ou that th,, r ue ' a p rlt*ane*tlyr cured mic o ot. oIe fI| the wIns, . , hll Mi. p'i.ousintg, in conn.r'll onu wtll ery-ipel.s, tha I have ever .e . and t hi after I it Ir.n p' '...o e d incurable by im*. of the twit e in our couitry. tlake Ireat p ea-lr. it , n.. i fIg la u mu bit testlilmon jil. U llvsl tell ' d a. it i. frm.ll 1. u. In *rder that other- .,,f1 ri. trt .nilar mailaldie-s mindi Iw en moumr ged to gute our (' TIIInA H)iM ItIE* aItal. I' . N1 ITLINGER, I..echburg, i'a. Reftrenle; FraInk T. .ray. (Ir ggi.t, A~pollu. Pa .'KINOF'I 1I.o [' LC'EKts. Jamne E. I(elhardtsn,, t'm.tom Ilnuac. New Or pleara. on oath "a.s ' In I:,) .'rufmilous t'lcer broke . ut (ill y 1 olt nI t lil I was a Im;a of -cr ru ..i ,m Emrl thit, g knowni to the meidl il facu ty a., Itn d in viii. I ih .itame a imerm w eck. At them r.ouilL rotl lift nim h:n II to uay head, ceuld t,, tarnl I ir Wl, waro ini tant patii. asid looked 1 in litr a" a c.ii ... i. r-hef r cur. in ten years. It l".I I harJ of the I t'ilit'KA ItEgNEDItS used Sthmc. aalI w a .i.r,.ctl|. clrel.'" bworn io before U. r (' om. J. D. CiAWFOSD ONE OF THE WOkRT ('.%.i)S . We have lt-en selling oour'rt'TICt'RA RvMEDIDt for years and have the Iirst * olpplnt yet reo treeiv fr,,m a tlne of the wlast cases of -'rof* uil Ic mr saw was ured I v tI, use of five bottles of f(''TIcl'HtA Kl.) VEYT. tl HSA and ('rTIC PA -IAP. The eoap takes the "cake', here as a medi cal soap TAYLOR d TAY.LOR Dirugglmta, Frankilor. Kan. 'CROFI:LO(U, INHERITED, And Contagin tim nlmrs, withb LI of H ir. and l'rupnti .s of the skin. are psitively cured by C(''1 U A and 'UlTIUl'l. *" 'AP externally, and t'U 'l."t A R OLVE.E.T internally, when ull oth.r wm dicines fasl. -id everywhere. PrIae: rlUTIiCrA A. li cents Ct'Tl('I'l:A -ti t'. -'Sc e ; ('r' ICUL' A RKS..L VENT. St.'+. I1repnr .y POTTER t'IRUI AND t'll MICA: CO., HNotuu Mau. r.end for "II-w to c'ir ~kin Dlse.ies," 64 p*g.l. 50 Illuatratl ona. and 1(al leaut Uilo Is. P I,'LE$. biack-heads. ch .pped and oily skin Il prevented by t('UtlcA MSDICATED SOAP And Weaknes. inStantlyl) relieved by the t( ul.urnt Antli-lln lIMater. a per. fret Antidlote to I 'ln. I! flalgiatoll and Weake.lll A new IIIlIIantanII us and infallible pain-killing ilatetr Se reett. Dr. POWELL REEVES 314 South 13th Si., Omaha, Nlb. PRIV STK DINI'-ENiNARY. Establlshed for the etelntllne an4 Speedy Care f ('hronlr. ervoues Uad Apelal isleases. The Old Reliable ipeclallt of many years exper lence treat. with wonderful sucees all I U Il., THIIOAT C('ANCId. l'1Lh, YFITUI.A. RU'P. TURI. eured without R SI. E OR CAOUTtTIC. Treats all fo,rIs of Threat, I un. Serve and 11eod diseese. all .drmente dl-e.* and Dabr,.. ities far in advan of any Irnstiltutt, in this coun. try. Tbhese who contlenilllat giin to It lt -iriog fur treat en t t.f any t'rieste or bilood dl.ewses can l. cured for one-thlrd the rotI a our Prizva. U.s p.nrary, :t14 -outr 13th street, Omala,. Neb. It'l' Il'KE cusel with ut pain or hindersnee frotnm bus.ueu. M. ak. ·---·-- 6....* m... a.. AroDIS .u y this treatment a pure lovely 4I CIOS ple,.U lciion, Iree Ironm alownesu frIck l, Ilacklllheads. eruptions, et , DIillilant Eyes Lud IerferI health can In. had. '1'lhat "lired" lelinlg and all female weak prmniptlymctreI d bloatln Headaches, N.r yous I'roiratilon. t(eneral Debility. ~lleepqlenei,. Iepr, ion and I rlilge.t on, Ir, ian trouble., In fllalsmallon anld II 'allton. Falirlg and Di)ipla.e menicl, pinal weaklesllv. Kidney mplallnte aud I'hange of Life. C'ouull the old Ii). tor. V AEYE N EAR Arule r (hronic l.Ind , AND K i'IIal ion of lh. Ryelidsor 1.I he and far or nearl lig lednel, luveridon of the J14.1., 14lofuhllus ? ye Ulceration 11ha', maloni, Alwees, ilmnens of Visio of mone or both eyes,and '1 umors of Lid. lrlnfanmmatlon of the Far. CUcerationor l('arrhb.nlernal or Etartial Dleafnes . olr Paralslei inlgIor roaerig nile.. fbicke.ned Drum, etc. R OU!AIIS ebllly. rp. rmat.orrhs, lmeminal IIfl U inUO uo . a. night I mlll loll, I.oa of Vital Ploer .lreoleune.a. I).eam.Idecy, loam of. Memnory, C(onldulo,. f id- a. lias Itfore ilet erye ,ude. Langllor, t,lo, . |epresllon of apirila. ver-loll tO vocfItv Paslly Dislcouraged Lark iof ntdenee. Iuoh I.ill tls. Unlt for a udy or Ibuien.e, and 11nd1 Ille a burden, safely per nlanently i d p ivately cured, BLOOD AND SKIN lat""ae.l phlll.-a. dlaps i.,a, hurrl be n tal reaults-"c'mpdeell eradlllled without the usr of mierure. Mcroefula. rrvlg.el n, aever. Headand Hotwa, a'phblillc .are lhroat. Mouth and Totlgue, Indllullr iEnlargem il t olthe nehk, hlmunialic., Calarrb, etc , Ierllanently fur'rd whenl ohemr have (ail 1. URINARY Kihl'rv said Bladder troubles. "Wealk eHlack, ibul,,ig Urine. Fr,. qrl"n y of urlt a1Ig. I riee high colr,,, or milky .e uiI ile ou ta dIing, i . nl * rhlia, lihewt, t'f ttim., le l, lOIlEl umld. hargel realsonlIhIe. P IVATE DISEASES. :,,., ý ,'".,,, gl e rt, r llture seminl l IrI ill i.l ll. lnaa of ia. I mI p.wer, w.-akne-..o Itllh. sAiual organl. want of .re Ire ill malte .r . male wht II her fromiI impruldenti lh.tb a of tro nq lid ,* ia al Iallil In imillurre Year, o r t1at .lebiti m' the Mltoutimal fuIll s. limn., p. a 'ilr an per Iellfltiv urcd Ionuletalonll frre aid .tritlly confldntllnal M.dlcllle Ire fro oll oecvarl Ion to aIll artl of the Unlited -atesr. ( orrempou'delre recrlves promnlpt attentllion. No lIu r iawerel d ilnles arca.imlp n led I.y four cmn a Ill staulp end tasp fur pa-' phi t amid list ol ili.stiun. Terms strietly ieah. Call e or addresa, IDr. POWELL REB3.IY Ne. 814 Ikelb U1hb II. Omaha. Neb KI, POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varyo*. A mar vTl of purity, ,trenagth and w.icle antmlrnri5. \t,.re ve.bJomleal than thlr ordinary kind . and etalrot he wld aim t'nmpettitllI w~iiih the nlultitude of low Ltet, abort weight. alumn or pho, tpihte ipwderr. Sold only in can,. RI)YAL AKINO POWfIDEH C.. 105 Wall wtre.t. N.w York. No Otr Raifvaj is the Norivewt haa in so abort a perlud gained the rep Utaliti mud pupulrlt iy itrjoyed 1)" I oeI A ISCONSIr CENTAAL LINE. Fruu a ostIu, 1aratIYtl) uuk ItW Iautuf mu the' ituWu rlcal wtorld, it Ilan Lbt*U hsa utforuaed eto all muIntpal mmlt'rai, tbtlu* tutiha. grandl Through otut., with wagYUlilL'et! drlttt., ."I~t rtº (Ilul u/rut anuU unaurlem...d luruamzial iamtllluea. Ihtougem .uaretul eratermig to detail. It ham s.'u for thait a reputiuhtoIu ciiu nuli It), aa1rt3 . I'tthIC6'ir miutl an telitrlOl Itoits~ pat Tcttia, '.t"ttod iii nit rdraciuu it the'. icuatr.. Pu Imoo ea Ct'pc'm. miucul. tAo oub palwu E~UwI mw, alidil &uear'I tt 'ill wvhich rile culal nr ante urourul al,llollltt" tjtuti mta' u to~ hug eor '.aiclarol amid e ae~hrst~.*ap'ti..l s lNuitt 't~r Itsim route, are amumoaug( the coIt I ilIe'. " DIP whicih hay.e 4.'tll rat,utd ttwarca I atrr ing muce'r...flly Ito a d linr lur ia utll tiulilmie. rLti.*t.*, ir lrtctly ott irM lint', et wren Minneapolis satid St. Patti amat Milwaukee tied Chicago, amtuu Duluth and Milwaukee and Chic gI, ire thu uclow .ugt I brlatlm ciiit"- to WVi-'ovitt utmd Micrhiha'm: New Richmond, Chippewa Falls. Eau ClaireArhland.Hurley.Wis., Ironwood, Mich.. Bessemer, Mich. Stev ens Point. Nereah. Menasha, Oat kosh. Fond du Lac, .% aukeaha, sold Barling ton, Wis. F'r dleIaile'd intortmationlc weat cur rent rate", bertbhi, etn., via this route, to any pot nt in c11e South or loot, ar ply to nearest Tickett Agrettor address WM. S. MELLEN. JAMES BARKER. c;eratl Hanager. 'ichI. Paint, & Ticket Ait. MILWAIUKEE. F. N. ANSON. rtnhelern PaF.engurAgt. No. 17 oetolett 1i.aca Bloe. Minneapolas. Minn ODITANA SHOIT UNE. h.en traveling every one should o~. elder well the questions of economy, comfort, safety and speed, these questions being of the same importance in a journey of an hour as in one of several days' ride. An examination of the map will convince anyone that this is the most direct route to and from all the principal points in Coen-I. I N sUL t tral and 1 On ou Norn theirn AN N 01 - neso- " AILWA% t r, Dakota and Montana. Our epuipment and time are excellent. Our rates are the lowest, but this fact is something which speaks for itself. I)D.nite figures and maps can be obtained by applying to any Agent of the Company, or the Gen eral Passenger Agent. The following are a few of the Principal Points reached via this Line: "r. CLOcD, PAUK CmTaru, Faotrs FIAU, CronoTrox, &r. Vsxcurr, HllcntumoN, PAYEsVILLz, MournS APLETON AND BnREcNRIDSw,Mi x. W ATIITOwx As* DEEN, E}LLENDALN, WAHPmON, V'AIGo, (caAND Foaxa, UGaArsx, DzvIs LAsI, iHLrTnsrAg AND Burr no, DAKOTA; GL.*. ;.ow DAws ( Pr.Ba. xSAP), ASrxml aoun, FT. hKmNI, GUaAT FAILS, HELENA AND Ik-rr., MO.crrANA WI.stran, MatounA, AND A.LL PACIAI COAST PoYITs. Parties seeking farms or business loab tions will find unusual opportunities for both on this line in Northern Dakotaand Montana,also in Minnesota wherethe Company has for sale at low prices and on favorable terms 2,000,000 acres of ex* cellent fanning, grazine and timber lands, For maps and other in formation addlr_ I. BoorwALTER, C. II. WAEUN, Ladd Commia*Ioner. Oen'l Pa.. Ag4 LT. PAUL, MINN. A. Maur., W. S. AuLAuDR , 0Sa' Maages. Ge'ITras. Mansga CREEIOOft ARIORY. McAUSLAND'S GUNS. REVOLVERS, AMMUNITION etyw7 4erlysptl. The Lliwm?. pqTOc of Eseip IS aups II. In the ,et. rwlmIthi.g and £bpeIrfmg of .1 !Imie mostly us. md WwmeI*. "The Iuplington" THE PRINCIPAL LINE BETWEEN THE NORTHWEST AND ALL POINTS IN THs UNITED STATES AND OANADA ONNECTInoS MADE IN UNION DEPO1S AT ALL -- BUSINESS ENTERS PEELIRLE DINING CARS AND PULLMAN'S SLEEPERS ON ALL THROUGH TRAINS BETWEE.. S."PAUL l'JCHICAGt. ST.LOUI_ * THEONLY INE * RUNNING DINING CARS BETWEEN THE TWIN CITIESAl ST.LouIe 90 I ICK|r S RAI. O.R, AL *9POIIaATN . ITC., CA' L O* ANY TICalT AAT? Ih TNi UNITID TATITIOI CAIM O ANNIe GEO.. A. HARRIS. W. J,. C. KENYON. uAew. . '. PAsr. AsW IT. PAUL. MINN. Chicago, Burlington & Northern R. R. TIME TABLES. STATIONS.% I.v. MILE- CITY. 2 0s p. a. and i.24 a. m, Ar. M-NNAI'tLIt~.6bpm asd,.:3pm, Ar. ST. PAUL, 6.35 p.m, and 6,lIlp,. OLv,. ST. PAUL.... ........... 7 3Opm 122 " LA ( ROSoE.......... 12 lulm 191 " PR. DI HKEN..»............. 49" 256 " DUJUQUE.,............ 35 274 UALENA_....... .... 405' 2S " SAVANNA ......... , 4. '" 32 " OREGON.................. 6 10 " 431 " ('H1' AUO ................. 930am 1842 " NEW YORKE............... 7.30 14u, ,* Osl rN S.................,0 o " 49" ' E RIA... ....... 630pm 7 " CI.WINNATI......... 7.26m 6*0 BT. LUUUl............ pm * Daly. t .Eept Sunday. PEIle Dining (rs on all Tratin. Pullman Sleeper on all aght trains. ,o Changs of Car to Cbi agn, or 9t. Louls. For Ticket, Sleeping ar A. commodtllon, Local Time Tabls sad othbr I." formation apiII to Or W. J. MeDANIELS, AgmeL Or addres W. J, C. srENVON. G. P. AC. B. A N. R. L, 6T PAUL. MIl4M NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD. THE DIRECT LINE BETWEEN SAINT PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, Or DULUTH Idaho. Wa hin~ Territory, And a11 Pointa It Minnesota, D kota, Montana, OREGON, Britidi Colabia, Pctt Sod ad ALASKA. NO CHAINE OF CARI BETWEEN ST. PAUL and PORTLAND. On Any Clm of Tlehet EMIGRANT SLEEPERS FREE The Only All Rail Line to the YELLOWSTONE PARI pllpms Traise Dilly, to whleb am atteahed PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPERS ELEAUT DIMIN OARS. ,or tll Imformlat esut to Time. IM.s NIes Addmea. OMAS. . PI. seal rPumew Ag Nr. PA.s. Mass FINE JOB WORK. TH E JOB DEPARTMENT YELLOWSTONE JOURNAL Is now prepared to do all branches of printing, such as Labels, Deeds, Sermons, Drafts, Tax Lists, Leases, Shop Bills, Circulars, Oatalogues, Transfers, Newspapers, Bill Heads, Flock Cards, Ball Cards, Concert Bills, Blank Notes, Road Notices, Bills of Lading, School Reports, Prices Current, Concert Tickets, Deposit Checks, Festival Tickets, Wedding Cards, Railroad Tickets, Shipping Receipts, Excursion Tickets, Insurance Policies, Tags of Every Style, Certificates of Stock, Apothecaries' Labels, Certificates of Deposit. Orders of Exercises, Bills of Exchange, Rewards of Merit, Railroad Receipts, Dry Goods Tags, Letter Headings, Lecture Tickets. Express Orders, Coupon Tickets, Business Oards, Sohool Records, Note Headings, Blank Orders, Visiting Cards, Bills of Fare, Bank Notices, Show Cards, Check Books, Wood Cuts, Stock Lists, Pamphlets, Envelopes, Magazines, Way Bills, Tax Bills, Lectures, Billets, Bonds, Books, Brielh. And all other kinds of GOOD PRINTING AT LOVT PRICES. Mail orders promptly and cheaply filled. ESTIMATES FURNISHED Upon all kinds of BLANK BOOKS AND BINDINGI ONLY FIRST CLASS WORE TURNED OUT OF THIS ESTABLISHMENT. Call and see samples and get estimates fom The Yellowstone Journal, Main Street.