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THE D ELS CITY MONTANA. THURSDAYTONE MARCH JOU RNICE FIVE CENTS. VOLUME VI. No. x48 MLES CITY MONTANA. THURSDAY. MARCH x, z. PRICE FIVE CENTS. THE DAIIY JOURNAL rT, O1, l Papr " uvl kr. ( -very Morning Except Monday. Ppuilties ef iles City, - - 3.000. Terms of Subscription: T MIM4 N ADVAEC3-POITAOE PAID. e..a, m e ....-.................~.1.00. . le ateh...i..x -**th*see*h. ..*. 0.010 S! ita, tlen s I tl-......~.** **. ... 8.e, Tn CITY sUamCarama. I Cnrie, rl. Iprr lmg. MS as. Pr week. WEEKLY EDITIOiY-TLLOW PAPER. SMeth..................--. .*.. *....... .00 ie .. M ath .. .... ...........".......-... .. Advertising Rates. - -1 . !! li 1 a1...... 2. S. 4.00 4. 00 1000 14.00 20.00 i3 Das...... 1.00 4 01 7.00 11.00 18.00$ 1L00 9.00 6 Dys..... 1.00 5.00 5.00'14.00 16.00 21.001 30.00 SWNk... i.00 6.00 10.00 16.00 1.O 24.00 16.00 _Weeks... 7.00 10.00 12.00 20.00 14.. .12.00 41.00 6 Week.... 4.00 I2.00 14.00 22.00 :16.00 60.00 I Mouth .. 10.06 14.0014.00 2.0032.00 42.00 0. odeths... 12.00 16.0000 4.0042.00 52.00 66.00 g eath. 16 00 220012.00142.00 60.00 66.00 100.0 THE YELLOWSTONE JOURNAL PUBLISHINO COMPANY. IOURNAL BUILDING, MII En CITY. M. T. CO NTRACTO K APLUd " STUART. CoTRmACTORS AND BWILD38. imate turnished or all kinda Of earp·eat Nrt CHURCH Eh. o.aauul Cburth (Episcopal) Palmecr Nt.-Set amuim /dayaM V:5 a. 7:30 p. at. WO. ý.1, wear. m.e . ctDowy, patr. M.Ibhd4Churck- l-n i Sunday, 11 a. a., %, p. . b. K. Said.,, paswr. Prebyterian Cbunb-Servlcee Sunday, 11 a. n., d S . a. T. C. Arautroul, asator. tUmeR of Sacrd eart, 'aibulic-Sunday, 10 a. w. K. W. J.Lindesnb, chat' sin. U. e. A. WHFESMIO4A L. DMOND DrTLEN. U~'e ATtukNEI AT LAW. Sat Courvtemags, Lain street, Mile City. PHYSICIANMt. K 3 . U. REDJJ, 1'1'1 nCIAN AN~D SURGLOI4. at W. I. Savage's drug store. 12 If I t J. J. .WOOD. U HY5ACIAN AND SVWJION. at Savage s drug stop. H. 1 F. FISH, D PHYICIAN, n.IQOIO AND OmaTlRTIClAN. sI.Ar Wuudarat uad .clurtsbeller.) Utjce at /Reap's drug store, NieststyM. I. C. WHIT. KY,Da s. Mtis street, over Stockgrowers National Bank. A11 work guirsiiWdl and at reeeouahk rame. NOCIETI I . A. O. H.-Division No. I meeta frt and secona andays of ueach month. K. of H.-Meea nrst and third Wednesdays at 9 .Op. .~, at Odl Fellows' Hall. A. F. & A. M.-Yelluowtoun Lodge, No. 26, fi.t a-d t.ird Wednesdays. R. A. M.-~tellowtone Chapter. No. 5, second each onath. 9. T.-. masueue UoGmmandery,tourth Thur. days. ". O. O. .--Custer LoIdp, No. 18, every aE 3day vt their hall. L. . O. F --entinal Encampment, No. 6, first snd third Friday. K. of P.-Crusader Lodge, No. 7, Thursday ewoulags at Odd yellows illtl. C. K. of A.-Miles City branch, every bunday at . of L.-Finrt and third Fridays. 0. A. R.-U. . Grant Post, No. 14, lrst and hiurd Tuesdays. I.O. U. T.--Star of the est, No. 24, every thnrsday evening. I. f V --Gibson ('amp No. 4. Meets 6rt and Grl Inesdays of each mounb at Good Templars' L M. PARKEI. H. W. TOPPING NORTHERN PACIFIC FOUNDRY Pk5 & W OPHIG, uamWfeotM of mafl t of IRON and BRASS GASTINGS. BRAINERD, MINNESOTA THE PEliRkI. Wildl ILL. II has bre in constest us .,r 1 FearO . with a roeor eq a sled by mong. WARRANTED ao to blow down, unless tM Tower, rn with It r gIelseMt ayJ wind that dam ,t 1 i.; ,." *uat i, t Ii arn bul ingp: to b peroeet n, .l a I..,d do bs.l* r work than any other mill a Omnaufactus bloth Pulmpn sad G eaed land etiy a gill iio of W11.4 Mill i ampli- A4gent. Wamte ba br Wc*alrog, Cltess Asi Prim. Ames PRIMK WRe MILL all oS.. LEIGHTON & JORDAN WHOLESALE GROCERS, AND RANCHMEN'S SUPPLIES, Goods Delivered at Ranches. THE OLDEST an LARESTHOUSE IN EASTERN MONTANA. NATIONAL BANK. OF _.lrTr .te ZTTa , CTUAOT UA...,.. THE OLDEST AND LAREST BANK IN EASTERN IONTANA. CAPITAL - - - - 50.000 SURPLUS AND UNDIVIDED PROFITS 870,000 JOSEPH LEIOHTON, President. W. B. JORDAN Vice President. . B. WEIRICK, Cashier. H. B. WILEY, Assistant Cashier. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. STOCK GROWERS NATIONAL BANK, MIL.8 OITYO. MON.'. THE LARGEST BANK IN EASTERN MONTANA CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $105,000.00 INTE.REST ALLOWED ON TIME DEPOSITS. W. R. 8TEBBINS. President, WM. HARMON Vice President. H. P. BATCHEL3L, Cashier. ELMER E. BATCHELOR, Asst. Cash. CHARLES W. SEYDE, NOTARY PUBLIC Real Estate, Ins rance alnd Coveyancing LIVE STOCK BOUGHT and SOLD SORE DESIIIBLE RIICIES. IARE A1 CITY R¶OPEITT FOR SALE. HOUSES FOR RENT. Agent For First Ulass Steamship Lines For Europe. Foreign Exchange, International Collections and Consular Business Attended to GOVERNMENT AND PENSION CLAIMS A SPECIALTY. Live Stock, Loans, Real Estate and Notary Public LIVE STOCK A SPECIALTY. Aent for the old.t and meet ellable FIRE, LIFE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE 008. And the oldest spont Il ton. Money Loaded on First Class Security. Cattle and sheep ranches, and improved farms for sale at a bargain with easy terms of payment. Houses to Rent and Collections Made. Several oomfortable and commodious dwelling houses and well located business and residence lots for sale cheap; also N, P. R. R. Co.s lots and lands, and grazing lands in the Northwest Territory for lease or sale. Montana, Western, Wyoming, Texas and Eastern GA' TLE FOR SALE In lots to suit purchasers. Also sevral choice bands of sheep and Pennsylvanti "Black Top" registered rams and Short Horn thoroughbred and grade bulls fbr sale. WILLIAM COURTENAY, MAIN STREET. NORTHWESTER ROWNll GARDEN, FLOWER, FIELD AND GRASS SEEDS. All kinds at Eastern Prioes, freight added. Send for catalogue and pri.e. Orders by mail promptly filled. Miles, Strevell & Ulmer. A FIGHTING PEDIGREE The New Judge Said to be a Member of the Fighting Lidoells, Also a Colonel in the "Louisiana Tigers." A Scrap of History. THE FIGHTINI LIDDELLq. Our New Judge Probably a Member of the Well Kuown Bellicose Family of LoustA us. ~lys the Hli*Ies HIeral: "ANs Sl nuuureel In our Was\V sinigtoal diaspLtchen y.*-'erday, thle Pse4dealt has apI p tluted M1l,-ew J. Li.lelt, or Loulislaaa, Luo be a-sociLt 1 Justtee of thle nupreime court ofS MSlltala, vice J. H. t.*-Leary resigned. HBt little It kuuown in Hel ela conaceriung thbe Iidividuality of Colouel Liddell-we tall hlUn Colonel, brecaue it iw reported that he was a cloiel in Jett D&yiL re3rult. land i. euspected of billg thle A.aie redouota ble C.,lonel Ltd lell who figured s'a prominerntly in the 'L usinlaia I',' a ourip of C aufelera e lsharpeheatere. during the'late Unlalea.ntlUes4.' As bis been sail Colonel Lidiell is Indi vi lually unknuwn, but even In MIoI tan tlhere are a few' er44onages wi, are acquainted with the siuaculnary r.epsutation of the Fallting Liddesll. iof Luetiasua, of whichti aristoraltie faiuly the new Judge is supposed to be a wur thy scion. 'In the oentral part or L.ulsiana. and about thirty miles from Natchez,. Misslaeippl, there sailed some yearn agoa Frenh ftIumly by the name of Lidd-il. Tuey engaged in planting and soon berame prosperous owners of large plantatious. Mhortly before the war a ftshionahle, gay and handsome lady came to visit a family by the name of Jones, wbojieslded in Natch'z. She bad not been long a visitor when her fair reputation was sitteked by scandaslus stories. which were trared to the Liddells, who lived near by on the Louisiana side of the Misslsoippl river, just beyond Concor dia larish. 'rThe stories soon reaobhed the Jones mansion and no sooner were they broachbed thabsn 'my bigh spirited gunts' mounted her spirited palfrey, adorned her bandsome form with a riding babit end a brace of pistols and cantered off to the Liddell manslon. accompanuled by her admirer, one of the Jones boys. Arriving at the Lid dell place, 'nuy lady guret' pal.ed one of the Ltddeli out and openly ch tried him with circulating the euandelouu reports. The hot blooded Liddell did not deny the charge, said he bad beard so and asked 'my lrdy' what she was going to do about it, whlereup the indignant lady said: 'Sir, you ano consider yo,,r nouth slapped.' The chivalrous Liddell could not an swer the lady, so turning to her com.i panion, Jones, he said. 'I will bo!d you responsible for this,' whereupon the nervy Jones whipped out a pistol, Liddell did the same and they coan menced shooting. And what's more have been shooting ever since. That was before the war and even now, it a Liddell meets a Jones in the woods out ome a brace of shoo'ing irons and the field is not deserted until one or the other bites the dust. The feud has been in progress for thirty years and the end is not yet. It is said the Liddllse have killed 24 of the Jones facstion in that time. Hence the fam Ily has become known for its'chivalty' and is now known as 'the Fighting Liddells.' ",The new judge is supposed to be a memwer of that notorious family and It is pre"umed that bis pugnacious In itiocts Inherited from a long line of Fighbtinog Ltddells, are what recomi mended him to the President for a court (lfeer among the cow boys of Montana. "We expect to bear mere of Col. Lid dell in the near future and will keep the public pooted on the cbaracteristice of our new Judge." The strike Klt iatlei. CHWAGO, February 2.-Only ive suburban trains on the Burlington road came in this morning and one pulled out. Thus far five old enIIg nee. r re tepIorle lo yal,to:t he com pony. The Brotherhood has expelled the re* creant engineers. New men are being distributed along the line. The fart mall which left t 8 o'clock yesterday hba not yet been beard from. Pro. touDd quiet prevails about the yards and round bouse. At the big freight house notice Is posted "no freight will be resolved today." The ololals of the road, however have asked for a detail of loli.c to protect a freigbt train whic'h Ia to be wade UpjAnd run out t day. ''he third accident on the road elnce the Inauguitrtlin of tbhetrike occurred curly thi. mornlug at the erosiolg of the Brulington and St. Paul roada near Fulton Junction. The engine and nall and express oars of the St. Paul tralin were deirllished, and two men are reported fatally injured, and one seriousuly hurt, The blarne for the ac .*ideot Is laid to the green band on the Burlingt. ernigoe. Over 100 enotteer to takte the pIlar.e of the strikers on the |Inrling' sys.teu were aweured in New York to' day. The over-lanud fast m ,ll left L'hi c.go oU tliu, 3 a. nm. Brotherhood enginieers declinedi, but, did not luter" ere with cetling the trilu.out. MR POW DEItI.y'S VIEWS. "cu¢ANCzON, PA., F.bruarv 24. -Mr. I'ow.terly Imiake public a letter to ntight in answer to qurstion as to what the Ki glmts osUgit to do in the case of the strike of the Burlington eaJgineer-; Hie.ay-: ".~y opinion of a IlIa who takes the place of another who i. m'ruggling for his right. i. that he deserves the (ontelipt and airn of every man who love justlce. What was mean and dastardly in a mnmber of the Brotherhood of engi. neers cannot become grand aid ouuble in a meliinr of the order of Knig a (of [lh,,ir. N. lK'ilgtt of Labor should belittle 114 Imianlhbood by toopling to su-h dirty work. Labor will forever I.e lboundl hianl and foo at the feet of ea:l'al ae long as workinigmen can be pitted agsinst one another. Unloln Nquare Theatre Burned. NE': YottK, Feb. 22.--The Union Sqluare The*atre with all its contents wa. d.-trayed by fire thir afternoon. The Mlrton hour, adjioning *a two allien, wasI badly damaged, and the 8 ar Theatre war in Imminent danger for some time At about ,.ue o'clock a ebamhermaid in tihe rear of the top fl,,r of the the M.1orton houe saw smoke coming through the ereviues in the doors of the hallway. Sse was too frantic wi b lear fur fully live minutes to give au alarut and by that time smoke was pouringtIuto the hall. Her cries brought abut twenty chabmbermaid. (row their rooms on the top floor, and the guests from thrse all rushed pell sulll down stairs, and not a few of them flulng down after them at the Slue tillme. Befurea good stream could be gut o.a the tire, all show of saving the theatre wae pear (Cowmuncataed.) ('oncerninlg fare Protectlom. Edltor YILLOWSTOIIl JOURNAL: itlferriig to your editorial on Fire Piot-Lction iin your iesue of February :MtL, per a t no to mlke a few rlemarks nu the .ubject. You are correct il saying that "the tax upon intiuranee oian ieu shall be applied to the |tAINT.hNAN('E of the fire department. lut y.iu are in e:ror as to the amount ,f tax.x returned, which wan$41.0 for the year just passed, and I am int.rm-. ed thtt some comlpn)ales have not reu dered their tax 11it a+ yet. edction 37 ofal al t alpproved March 8, 1%85, pro. vidle that "All moneye reoeived from ineurance c:mupaulee In paymenut of taxre shall be applied to the maiute nance of the tfre department of the city whele such business shall be car ried on, if there be such fire depart ment there carried on; if not, then such moneys shall be paid late the geueral fund of the county."' It would he a question for tie county commlissioners to decide, whether at this late date the city would be en tiltd to the revenue referred to. Hiue, the patriaroh writer on idesur soce, ay toin one of hie letters: "Your prupectus for a new fire engine is re ceived; I admire your publio spirit and wish you the moit eminent suc one.; but when you request moe tousy a good word to your companles in be half of the enterprise and secure a doc nation from them for its benefit, I must take you into the back om(.e and give you a private talking to. DU you not remember how 1hsrpe, the law yer, urged in his speech before your council, s' one of the strongest reasons for procuring the steamer, that the in ureased security to property would at once reduwe the rates of nlosurance so that the aggregate saving to citizens from that one ,ourOe alone would pay for the muuehine every two years? Aln have you forgotten your inquiry aboull I)uller's dry good4 risk expiring next month, which be, in view of the pro. posed Ltearner, wants renewed at I per cent Instead of the old rate of 11? Do you not intend, as soon as the steamer arrives, to plead for a general oooo.e slon In rates on the very ground that supported Lawyer Bbarpe's 'argu. mneota? You are now taking some. where from ftden to elgteem thee. sand dollars fire premiums annoully. You ravored Duller's proposed reio. tion or twenty per cent; snob a redue lion ou your whole business wout4 am Punt to an annual contrlbition of $.10:0O from your oorppeoles alone to ward a macbine whihob, while it eas ureveut spreading oooflgrations, throws suhob quantities of water ue to make every trlling Aire a large loss to the onmpanlee on damaged goods, and fr.quently raises the question In ad. Ju4term' minds whether it is a ourne or a bleloing. Ob, you did not ,bink of that? If I badl not relieved your pu- blindnes, you would probably have sent in a memorial asking for a oontrl bution to the next fre wall, or slate roof, constructed io your town, upon the plea or preventing onofl tgrations. Now, my boy, the fire department s-. LONOS TO THIS TOWN, is gutten up FOR THE TOWN, , and ahi uli be SUPPORTID BY TIl.E TOWN." :vow, our city council ias not sexes for any wuch contributions, but uudes our elatute the iu'urance comnpable| Lo pay, hbcause they bave to, for the MAINTENANCE of the fire departmen., or at leart contribute towards it. The purchase ofa fire apparatus and Itm ialinteuanci occupy the relative posl tionM aM CAPITAL tiid INTEREIT; ever, insurer would, bs Hine ravw, expeots reduction in rates of premium, and II the city lurnibhes the CAPITAL. 1i would seem thlt the inhurance .@- pans e do all that they can be expect :d to do, it they pay the INTEREST I the way of texatiol,aud besides would in the course of time relay the capital itself by giving reduced rate of prem. iuli. Of course it is for the city ooun, cil to determine the kind of fire pro tectlon the city is to have, with a du. regara as to Cost, efficiency, water sup ply and exi-ting conditlons. By hle way, the mratter or ,re pio tectiou bhas been talken of to a oonsid erable exteut, and was urged au one of the pleu "for incorjpratiou.'" Ire memtºr some time ago it wars stated in the oolumns of your JOURNAL tbha as soon as the city wa, ooiororored firms or companies would gladly ly put in water,works without ANT cost to Lbe city, merely expect iug a fixed water rent from the eitylfora gl eu number of fire plugs, and from the residents for the quantity of water used by therm. Lha be).me of those firms? It was a lamentable sight to see the number of williugand al.Iebo lied Umeurltsandnll arsuod the recent Whitney fire. lobjking at the element devouri,~ the building for the want of an alparatu-; and but for the almusece of wind that morning the neighborlng buildings would bLre btn cousumed av .vell na Mr. Whit nliy''. Look Ibalk upon e tire to the MerchautL' hotel, whichl ousumled nearly all iof block 32. a portion of blocks J1 anld '7 and all tile colLtent in a few brief hiur., and there wa co.lusulerab!e datmage to the brick walls which finall% checked the ravagesof the fire. It m'It to DoifrO In IrItl, that tDe sooner we have fire protectiou, and the mire emeieot it ia, the will most likely dliuii,'ih in the danim rat io, and the' co,nrilbutitoD of loHur ancrr to pllaanics in tole w.y of ,ta l will incteaseaccord ligly. Your, trilý, I'lHAs. . . .4EYD. A Trio of Elghts. It hapTms'i"nlyonce in a century when a triplet of figures can marshal them.. silve. Iswfore the human understandin and I plreum'ne those who are fund at dates widl ,.'* much that is sugit-tive ls this. As`iurldly there is the sound of Seeting time, the tick tack of a clock, tie "goino. goin,,, gone" of fate in thoe three eights of 1488. They actually give me the shivers, while in applaranco it Ib the most awkward array of numbers I can remeniml'r to haro outlived. How much jauntier 1777 looks! And as to 1999, it is as graceful as if conmlosd .1 comets. Ilowever, it is no use worryi-g about what cannot be helled: bat "I had my way one of those ait eight should be bounced. -Boeton lHerald. The Mammota Carve' Rival. There is a cave. on Gran Dlethuram's place, seven mile from Mount Vcnlon, which nearly seluIl. the celebrlatsl Wam amoth cave in proportions and fully to In curinsitie4. In it are er, rnl lakes or ponds, ihn l ich fish without eys are found in ablundance. It i. an lom of caverns. ome of which are from e.r enty-Ilve to 100 feet high. A party of ladis andt gentlemen recently got loust in the labyrinths of the caverns, and several hours el:opld before they found their way out. A party from aiis place aen preparing to fully explore the cave, and nrrfngtfentenlts can be completed they will probably start soon, prepared to make tlheir explorations complete. Loulaville Courier-Journal. WatIt Against Goidoan atasie. The British governmontt having b. stayed Gordon to his death at Khaartoum, the Egyptian g'overnment has now reps diated and diahonored the bilsu dlawn c it byim duringthe tge, to theaomamo of `900,00, and the lden have begmn wmit spinet lordaa'B1e v a ts h Su ymmut. -New York 2UHI