Newspaper Page Text
ris; DAIL' JOURNAL MILR.'~ ("FV r y NTA NA. Port Offce 3en'atienp. XVa nilln milt eLien ......... . .......*.......... . n) Weses mallc1 ws....... .............. . ..._.5 MI p. M, O~eo open from 6 s. m. ti I Rpm. Sundays and hsUdsysfrom6:Up. m. fill 7: t. p. Jib. MCAVSLAN.D, P. M. Nurthern faciic Time Tab!e. LIAVI NILES CITY GOING WEST. .. I. PacFlrs c lp ...Y......................meI . w . Pl'ascmiler .................. ....... 1 24 P. N « 1e 2 aprr a" Frrg........... .............. r h6 A I .'16. F fogt ........ .............tl1: "S ANM LEAT MILh CITY GhOING EAST IN. . Atlantle Kgorm..... ....... ..... 12: r. V. S . flgn.rr . . ... ......».............. ...'5:6 A. Y. H 16. F.spIkm Frelgt.............4· 4214w r. 14. ~rrighmt ....... .. ....................._ '12: .5 r M OFrrUIC, lUn ,'TL B.Y. FEDERAL DIRE('1ORT. lgatel to Congress...... Joseph K. Ton, Helenl esrn .......... ..... P. II. Leslie. lh.·knt Sereory ...................Wllliama . Weib. Helenll ..? aunr m r................. Greqn lreltllt.1 Ien udie Jor ......... . . . .......... Ja . ull i v n. lleler a AI10 Jullte...».................... .l+t'onnll If, elo S(W. J, (illraltb AsesiIate Ja tle*......-....... James MII. ry I Iht,. C. 11ath. luvaer nerall.........- meJ. H Greene, Helena a. dteudeal of Public Instruclion........... ......... ........ ...........A. C. Isgan, Helena D. Marshal ....... "..... ....... . . 4. Kelly. Helena llector U. . , Internal lReverue.......J tne. Shields Register V. it. Laisd (Ni. o.... A. Ir .ver. Mliles City R.eceiver U..e. Land l.,fice..Ab,rm Hall, Mlles ('Ily COUNTY OFFI('EKt. CO-,llm an......................-....Dr, W. A. H. ,kllb Members of the House ........--. I. lJ.ho Iherif ........... .. - h.. ............. h II Irvine Tr surer ...j ..... .... . Hrnd.* Clerk and Recorder ......... ... ....... L. (' It ar Clerk of lislet ic Court....... ....... Jme McFa liee --dge of Pr..blts* ................... i C. c tehlloe OHuany A torney ......... ...... io. H. MIlluarn A*wer. ..................... .............. T. J ThuIiph n urveyor....- .... ......- . .....(ln '~.heeta Croner. K . te, Coun Phys I. G. ed Saprlateadeel of lchbools.........Miss Loua 'e*lery ( k . 4 tiafleian imlestomers................»...... (i W. All* en MILES CITY TOWN.HIP. Wm. Rirkle hsliessf the Pans- * ......*...........* Jhn its.h. fM. M. RKu..ell o. tabls .............. ............... Win. II. Carr. CORPORATION OF MILEII ITY. May .......................... . I. Johnson City Attorey ............................ ......H'. II. Its -u r ..... . .............. ...... t: Ieilordo Chlef If Pollee .. ... ...... ...... .. I· sut. Kting u lee ,lagll-tsle ..... ............. Y.dmiund Hutler ALIIKU l4q. Firet Ward-C. I Towers C E. Brown. ocend *'arl -W L. Lonsanlr, W,. U. Mullard. WZATBEM FK (OKD. 12M. *P.M. SAW. Friday, Ft-h. 24 3s 2!: 2-" t sturday. F*rn 31 2K° " I4 funday, F'i.24 l6 ' 24° I' Mnonday. I*b 27. 5j o 3; Tucu dsy. Feb. 2wl. 2,40 2.'O 1, W.dneduv, F. to. 21 Ita I? IIP Ni tburpmeuur ,.adlnp ak".. Wright'. am 894. LOCAL ITEMS. Do.eO Think the hummer will Ever Como? De vom think the sunouer It ever enm-. With its white ft Ulfy and dash of rove With its warm. bright days of joy and June? se leag, you dream they wii noter elae, ? Will the birds s-tilt on the budling bough Sing out their Haerts In Imadt dellabt, ALd the gol.ehs betltrfelie. sun sulused, Prltter sand ost from morn till nghl I te I think the summer will never come, With white of lily and flush of rose; ier the weather clerk has gore stark mad, And rose we rbhm with whit at slows. Te slummer birds have lost summer trails. And wander now in tracskles wastes; the btulerly his goldl) cost has lost; Jack Frost 1U i geards a r summer gates. -J. I. D. Mlr. City. Mont.. feb. .9. 1nS. Fredericok O'L. Buck iI here fromn Denver. John Tbhevolt, of t. Paul, is at the Marqueen. Boshels of snowbirds about and there Ie snow enough to cooummodate them all. I. H. Vicker, from New Haven. Conn., was a Macqueen house guest. jy.terday. Wm. OGarber, representing aChicago ntemmeroial boues, arrived in the oity yeeterday. E. 8. Beeman s In the city fro m Ro-ebud, and Is not In favor of any nore snow. A. Fried, hatllling from Milwaukee, arrived in tiLnt fIr supper at the Mao queen last evenring. Sleighs were bro ,ght out again yes. terdsy and it Ioo,ksI as thougb wluter bad oome back to say. B. V. 14trnlg wai here from Al. bright yetsterday, and H. Tillison, of Rosebud, accompanied hint. It may be truthfully remarked atiet March arrived clothed In the garb of a llon. Out like a Iamb it will go. J. F. Look wood was here yesterday from Dayton, W,-orutlnt, the emrlry elo metrolmoltet of upper Tongue river. Col. Oit1ie.n, commanding onloecr of Fort K,'o)h, ais been granted len days leaVe of absenoe to take efect Marchb Sad. Some few very early calves may he knocked out by the present vuiltalilot of weather, but the uuumber will be light. Two great enallttnhs--1i1H,'s Matres parilia and impur. bloto. Tie latter I. utterly defeated by the peculiar Medicine. The poli,.e magitrate lims turned vere th., city's p,,rtiu, of lines aind fees for Februnry to Treasurer Batch tleni.eelt.enil"d htinds. As a ;r4flrnhl." iIVe..?i.,esmt the city cocurt is nltt a brilllletit CU('Cws. Il'i..iulita V-itnnaman. U. M. A.. has beeni relievelI froim duty at Fort Ke-gl andi will ;sro "esd at otiee to ('amip $~it..tiilu. W%"o.. and reloirl for duty. WV. J. F" oter, late ruts.rintenident of N. P'. t un r.s, baa be ii app doted to andc avet. pir'e I ie phlei! ei of ntuu. rygv of c.ll'r'c l (Itfl· on flit- %114nit·,ha. Tice (hllatla valley lean ilaecel Alt a.jl irti .n ..n file in Va-tIu'.t"n f -r Ith agricultural exjwruniret itaioug whichli isi coo to be luvaltd iii this ter rt.ory. Ju 1g. 1) Wolf- returneed last nigiht from., an eat-ttrte trilp l Ine14 euntlýeil. "d at the Ma ejeicetir. Court bteglu imeEc Monday, ailnd the Judie will make reatly for I lustevevnt. Ni·e pcurc. Mihcigegin apple olider list I'eet-ivIE at Faliarti,'. " The yt. arterly m~iu~lug ut thte hoairiA oif oaiiiy citiuimiiitll, ci of Cesacer emisi"tiy Will cciii IaI..Ot. on Monday, ýul .rel. mi it. Mee. nutite .leewhcre.tote Ceruugliiiig hg oit c aiima. with the clerk. Jay flown. a lue-elalcehl stocktaati, arriv·l fromti (tie ranle. ytsaerdlay. Ihe .ltIt. ct of Is i tolmt ct n Cily be -uridsled b% MIr. Hr.*u aes I e we tthict wig fair wit.u Io uset udt for Miles (I3'. I, to Hiii BullIard tolr H..iL'a Mil wautk'e btee~r iu any itualality. C. it. I.uihar sl wila have beer -t.t.ppig at wbe MaScyueen ineveral day. waihiig Us. arrivaul o. C. H. Liojid tr..go Mhr K L ration oU I-uiapkiu caree'k, a hrere 1Lr. I)uptier sto tll hi "Y' anali piwittl.ea Lyrry Kmiidall was Vlukiug for a el iitron hiwiipatIon Iorf vI ip c IeeIut Iitia to .iv tutaau fromi thelow s. of a but that the nvivr would go ouit before M~aralh I~i. Lo rry' is li..king for a chanse to ao aias s lameouf had~tinag. WANTi1.-A acuggnIpt'aL wutman or wotlaau aid bu..basnd to take charge us two chai-I.r.-. A, 1''y f..r (crr11.4 to $t;H(t1T. ISAAC KL. 'I'YHHELLL, s l it Kr, gb, 3. Jr. Col. Maloisa ri'siv d .dlrgram Vain Lerday Itr,'u J.,.a.1la itowubauuIa who is iu arratc'l ha atuik grouwing and uo Wyomuing. aind who .14, O'Juuduc1t4 a eolflntaus.Is bhsUac su Cin Oa cago, aamuuuaaiug hlia arrival ita Male. C'ity o t' dlay's train. "4naLmhy" r..praeaate. It is"busuu'u Iter ets an Muutaaa sa~t ersa54IS. Pies Custom TantorII. The new,.st fabrlic and latest fash l)io.; exNU.tme the eleganit line frOlli Brow uing, Kiug & ('o.. New Yolsk, at * I. O(ICHuIt & BaoL. R. B. Wiluon, the well known rall road agent, frluerly coonected wltb the V'sousnain Central, arrived from the we.t last evening, having t~ee taking in the advaLntages of the 8po. kane and Palouse regions. Thlere Is on .iow west of the R .kies but plenty all this svide. Oiebundred miles west of $pokeoe F"lls the farmers are busy getting their orups Io and Iram Is green in the meadows and on the bill sides. J. R. McKay, of Dole & McKay, Tongue river bourse men, arrived in the city from the ranch yesterday. Mr. McKiy speaks in most satl.factory terms of the condition of stock on the Tongue river ranges. There is plenty of snow everywhere except on the bills, the wind keeling auy aioullt of grazing room clear. The snow alt up the valley will furnish rlenty of water to the river when the big thaw Iton and tbhis last Involoe of the beautiful makes high water an al* most abwltute certainty. Mr. McKly does not bt lieve stock will suffer at all from this storlm. MIr. Vau lBrunt look passage on last eveninug' train for Huttes ad will re turn in a few tda~ bringing hbl race hor.e, Little Turf, to Miles ('ity. When .e returuns from Ititte Mr. Van Brunt will take a trip up T'oigile river to Z nek's ranch and Lee's ranch and about Apt i first will take a carluiad of hrs.e through to New York. BIe.llies lI polo ponies for blh own use there will be twelve head of hors from tbse Wallop & Thring band, which Mr. Van lirunlt has undertaken to dispose of. The twelve hrses from Wallop & ThriKg are being handled at the ranch and will be thoroughly bruken before they are ihipped. Anothler froom Moatama. A Bluk Cent r plicall of recent date syas a ilan clauill.g to be frton loo-o tanu tend in swarc, ot suone y)utlug Is dy who would mlake hlmu a gol wife arrl"ed in town, It now sterns that he Mueoeeded beyond his. amint sangl inle expelLatlons anid ,caellit engrgedl to a young lady at Urey .'euagle and to anothll er in twanvtlle. It would be ar that this would be enough for an or dinary, maller-ut-fact, every day fiman, but In his marrying propenueitlies this , was aieerly if not quiite' equal toJohn Willklu of recent faume., Two were not enuugh, and be capse h'iek lit to . utk ('.lft r Omt ivld 141fI.4 h in. It ii iii' h-r ai'r - ,-1 iIm-. 'Vii t. Ih.-i ca." (P4. (.r 444. r.'.-iv...1 $141 for a u ,-d,1ir hat ouit "" .I a i~ ri thg 16M a uparko iP r i- a f Ill It Iro nt om * "I .t V.14 nt.. IsI r..ot~ted Ithat ith' *.'tflnunh IIIhurl 1fr.&- l aIrtai to' i \ lrntt ul ,is"'t ' I16t o f rho. tnIr.I'ir Vl'He it* ii Vi w ii·k nv haimn.i-f ilifIr t*I f.rll by 114 4 4114*a fri ")Ib44h T'III~~ I III el I)" I\- _- -i I jH . illy li If1.1 I1. in h.Iv uit ""rny. ri-nt *B.'.g.i 1e It ,z"'lrn 16, thi ·; t o Ito. ( A. -n rt. a6'i'Itit - II·IIn'- .y'. "IIr " -I WILII 111.4 ,111 or 1 . . (f E V - i-r''. t'...t I hi lii." hait anwitai ' I,' J ,I j- I) \`Vo f.. %V" '%.I-' I"»' i r'1t I) .V ii, II 14 a \11". bar r-t. n II f 1tI 4. 41..i ho., lin"I I t eill - *'IT'r- ,i.rr-, fli I' iiftlrt d.qtt'i.4ilit I 114s4' --4 w- i4lItt111." prouuvig I it a t II u.I. fIt it Iii *t.-,tuo. (Mcar to i)Iwuaisi.. A. iv , -c . v .. -- I~ 'I "n ., (I ,r I'I 1 41'tri'a f, iIkl.ti ~ i. ii.r 1, I it 61 I hlr.i. plc-II *tiiI Iii.- I ri'1t I 'I i iti-" W lilfif if, 1114 '111 111 +rI-E . I, .. I 1 t rh' i pelut thfri ath Niiit '1;, 4' t'i-ti b. t; il-f C irk, 1liv "Iti~ ii( t Iii- w Iv 11-1. In at..! I. 11 gi(Ve 1114 014111k 4 4 It , "n. WVI lt., 4111 I .1 I'H II.v'- it 11i o S it "f * v 1v " i it 1 " I I II 4 .II " .i U.t).r~iir. \11 '"I., 14 lii. .i 1 V, h iVmn4 V .hk *tI i- l Ii. a t1 * V i.,' 16 1 fiti ". jhin{'CI t"leinIV .v'f "I Y 'I'i1V 44 Z It"' iti it Ii v.1 lila 4 tV '. III- I)I'tfIf4, * iI *sy4 hatt If -' .~ tinr .I(I 161 rigc it., ill t .y -ar 'it Ifit f1 , r, hf" uff II( It 16 ruleIit IfVte t p aa in ar .r. -P-'inu~tlr Prrau. oll I tlr Ivf. and 1.0 t Ise 114,181t.W'i~n I) I t sia ,s "r, I . 1 i) 'r,'.reI Aivtr is iii;-* Irr. b.,.Iir etou iar ..e t Ullr of Vi t. r" ll · wet e~l nt .l won Ir~l Ie Iaiii,* I'drrl$u~ IV.),l UI*5.NctD, A 'Ie"rfu- hi iingi Ii 01 It is tzusily jIjt out m.1 oid. r. ()nmra..y ti .A, t..ugta fouI, .I, .Iy fuood, bedt ioikera, iiim )ii worry, late h-mars, irregular habits. atil Aiustil other thimii.m whimm, ..tight lomit Lu be, hiave mrale the Amterlma' I people a race of .ly..geptli*u. But (ire.?I'r. AiiieU t Fl iwer has doluti a wmuderfil w.,rk An relfrinrg him Mad buci~e-,. atiul iuakiaiit the& Aiaiiritran lie mo oal, i.y I ait they mail ehtjmy I hi-ir iiia'4 aid tie happy. Iteiieuaitmer:-\.. Iiappmi leas withtiut health. Biit (terer's August Flower Liritiga hiealh and it il tappugmiu to the (Iyspswhiti. Ask your miruligit fu[ a (C(m.wuniicaied ) AT HOME TU ALL C'OMEKR . The F'utllwini Cardl EIplaill Ituelf Editor Y¥LL WhTONK JuL'*NAI.. lu ).'.r i'ýu. ul t.e 18th in4t. you State that ' It i leaired trout, goyd su llrlsity fit Cll.8*. 0 Neasl &.o c..n eluded that place wal uuheallhy nvaltraglu Va tl.--ilid loot little times inI pulituag uJp alake." Now I wish you would explain to your readers that your autllrlty for the foreqoing rsatlnielt wee very unrellable, f..r s a matter otf frt I have been tight here In I)ayton ever stue thie mhooting nod aml still at homets to all esllera. Yo'urs truly, S'lA . O'NEAL. Dayton, Wyn., Feb. 25. Il88. File Bef.ore Aturday. All pernos haviung claims against Custer eoutly are reqlue:led to ile them with the conunty clerk on or he fore aturday, Mar.h 3. 188W prepara tory to the quarterly sueetiu of the board on Monday nest, that aotion thbereon may be expedited. L. C. DRAR, County clerk and olerk of board of commien loners. HOOD'S The importance of lulrifying the blood can not be overestimated, for without pure blood you cannot enjoy good health. At this season nearly every one needs a good medicine to purify, vitalize, and enrich the blood, and Hood's Sarsaparilla is worthy your confidence. It is peculiar In that It strengthens and builds up the system, creates an appetite, and tones the digestion, whle it eradicates disease. Give it a trial. Ilio's Sarsaparllla is sold by all druggists. Prepared by C. 1. Hood £ Co., Luwell, Mass. 100 Doses One Dollar O."r:L .: t. e l:: "LLIdf:LtCZE:l"* f N BYBEN PEREY POORE Illu.triling Ib.* Wit, liInor and Eceenirles f not,.ed, rlthrltle.. A rl'hly tilusmtrtI treat of . er 6: iet I .Uor., frulm "ye ollen' the wrenl t¢tr of r iunderfulll l'op. lir .\gimts Iteport rapid sales. Adlress fto cireular n t , I I J I, ( abllshn,rdsa Fna.alsc,, Cal. That If 3g waty of Natill.aav Thi. broad Aiilc, i. aevr a siormyn Ithorough. Icr.r Yet Iliw lthwicele. wor r s i rlely, . anl rile. te willa *es c" r 101111. saisea.. mcut iuns ticghre 90 ai~i· c. 0u at s w ll brave. th* paaagecrcId ci e rcl I I. eer acud bcyc. a ea i uste 1ii thbe ell i. tltea 'c Wu rler ile arid wanu lal ure .That air ciu emalaly, sUa.I kcc., ol rlIih e u'r Ii ccl .k y yar.c amid vi ch lIward insieasliec.a oisler, .-n" d urete whernlm I I.t iu'. 9io.e act, BHitiecs would laest lcceiunid hr. w tyag..r. A¢ ins ihemc. S~ea captlains aid cm lao all .cd c.a I. and velar o., trayl'ars are a ain ual wii. t lce Icriclcpr leie vclv., of slae gli. uaccle r v el lyve and r uwedy. and are rarely on. 0crrcv deld wi lli it hIuiiraicl. lt e far weal should a. ii at16 a saslcegnca, gaai'ct milati I. n1c-ek thc. all . "f tI e 11.-r. fur d> .i.. pi, Ii, on litgatlon, leer ecajulallt, ki~lic.y ltr.ii,lcr anl all ailm-ola that imIpair the barcunmccc caii ic stun, 5cr Isew .. the ihal uowert P x;r1ll 1 FUR \ 1 . T .9 %-l'PcI tA y1I. - Itlb etf 4cýarlrc,.u- era , ltee1art ii. ait of 'alc .1. -alli P ac I. Jinn Ie 'bruary lo,. I-."- --E t I.Ii1 11'1 l t).*tL', 1ccr Waig~n Tracs. p toulic re-aid cdIc ilmia l'ic..,eerlu luring the h-ca. %ear cccii..' Jnicc,.,I .1,+l- will aI, Mc~ iveci al .1'd. " ., i I 1: il . oc i\lItY. ltce thh dal' of %I sr. It. lccw. ci olc-re.^I Iriielc-clA ieh siter ili all p'r se.c cci tilidare. li~ar.k icia c pnr posal. sticl tiii fl'rucei'cccc 90 Ic *l''r, wI. icc, Fur'' Gcc 53~p ic 'liiout IIn [ liii. e ci t I.11 .M 01c Ic r 4 ~rier ,cc~Il-rc D).pari iu in a, I Ii caci I lie.. gel 1Id ecA. I "r. A. F. Itc.,lKWEL .. MIaic, saidc 4uaermrcla1tr C. d. Armcy PURE p!PRICE' CREAM bAKING POWDER OR ERFECTMI Ito saii., r *zoeIInc. I.rorrn in m'lilong of b.em. fno nmi' rhrn a qu rnpr ,A a r(fllntiu It a u~ed b,, the I',jt,.d sates (,vrertu~t. Fo I~nlrun I,, tli. head ..t It.. ,rea, 1tgl~ rtt i PI . lb. Il4orge[t. Pure.t and tut. Ilealt hful. jlr. 1111&S r're.. NatIII it I'oedn r doe. not contain lmruuntl . l.Irn., or Aliu. Fuld .nl7 In Casa, PRICE RAKI%(I M)%I)R (O. W"W O'n n[ PA4O W. IbtntIg Fritz& Leonard's MILES CITY EXCELSIO R BREWERY is now prepared to furn. Ish the best BEER in the market in any desired quantity, by the keg or case. Family trade solicited; orders promptly filled and deliveries made to any part of Miles City free of charge. PROF. L. BACH'S WINE EIPORIUI ,o* W A a . t4 4 PARK STREET, MILKS C(ITY, MONTANA Great English Remedy Murray's Specific. SA itulam t.d eur. for aI liurrll diee.aee.ualIh as W.ik II. ol .ry, I i)Ws if ltml.. l',.w.r N~ erla. accdscbh. P'oln fi. It h. liajk. fnilmaee. 1 e,,er.rrl.e-,. I anler Tals ll.*··llud~r ae11(11·l ' W.ltkL Isvfaca yj ,sal. I lnpa·aitrs rrgi. I ilrsul' . h of poeir ou I lse i i'5i lyer 'reyl.-i in either Fen. cauiYI tby ( 11,10Cn Il or .".,r r .t. tion, and which .l'i~nate.ia lest t,. i'r..mg1uisere 1l11i Age. Insaitoy d ('elo4lIfl 3.1 ci, . 11.19) at.OL ..r mi bte, for I. i. ientl Ic USFS biy ii i on re. 11.t of 3ri. e l. Ii particu a. Iii p.snplaici, sent #,"r to evrty applicant. WI uso-r-09 e e S ees to cciii any eass. For ev'n I"(10) oriei ir.le't.uI, we .u me ie cii euic wilt. a air lItn guersit,i u I.' ii1i refI l a cuea, (ftlr 1 akisg. 'a 'dee..ll colnmueje'i atto' to tie w".". eiaiu WH M. PA1t4IlIY a (I*., Wholesle mad tIetel 'are gnts, Mele.aa, Muni. In Ie Probltes Court, Of the ('ounty of Custer, Terrilory of Moatsla. Nolice of hi.etleelu t .fI Yanal Account. Is Ihhe melltr I thIIe 4t0le of E. I" Lin ell, dr. reai.d: Noltic is t1eeh.y Klgin Ihat II. W. Ma las, ea, IhaeIad.Iuislratlo (o th1e Illstat of E. P. I.innll, deenas d. has resid. red - ihd preseteld for *- t limet. ansd Iied in said court, ilial lCrotn of sil adellnllllstraiO of l aid e*ta'., -sd lh t Morn day.Lbeathsaylof aurch| rs, g ,laluas olf ltrl ,, tsiji eoun, to-wit: ol le.0 Miath. i. rios. 1MOI. at trnil' i Icdk A. N.,,a llsecoutlrssllso f al cousit, at thiclort house in Mis.s (Cits Ili aid custer 'untly,. has i. en duly appointed by the said rourt, for thell a t of said secln'll, sl Wlhich tII ansdl ilace at er eone Intqreated Is said r late may alpear seed I. hllts eacerptlsns ill writisg, to tlhe as d i* ,u nl , and ctIIst the same. aUnted Feb. 14thb, itSB. Vs. C. PTAE.HLr, Es * S.e t " '; rk. NutssManss.. In the the listlrit ('surt of the Tnlrd .ludidr.l I) tIrlfc ii the* territory of MoLntaina whllilll ald fur ti. county of Ac'Ion brougilht in tireo hiksalh t i sr "f the T,.ard .lu d4iial Ilik,,rit of Edward G. Burgess, the T'rritrs ait Plaintiff Molntala. It anll Aganllt for he cur ty of Samuel M. Parker, t uster, sld hbe ILtleueudLt uompsal.l hiled in l st .fotullt 01 Isustrkis tieii. IsO, of the rclrk of an I'I-t. The people of the territory of Montana send g'.lting to amuiel M. I arker, delendssnt. Yuel are lherly equired to appear in an scion brothlt aglilst y5u by the alore natiedl plallltilf. in bthe li.trict ourSt of the Third Jidscial Iststt tof the Territ ry of Montags., in anld for the aid cou.' O f (linter, an' to a iwer the ri.plaint Iled t hr.ein, within ten days l(ir uile sof ihe lr ay of f.eraie) after the service on iti of lhiss - .lln uonll--itusr.ed within thls c iu1Iy. )ir. If ,srTed out oft ins csounty, but iL thi- dlt retl, then with in twenty days; otherwise w. hin nforty sdI-or jludgnllllsu by d fault wil ft Isaken llssins! you, ac cords g is. ib pr.erslf slpd rotlipllitl. Phis a'tisn is brru.:ht to reco1svl lbh ssnu ofn $125 9 .i up ii a pr miln sry i ote da ed Feb,- 15. 11117 :d Iue sil 1ieths- s lrr date andl nterest tiher on fr,--n date at the rat - of Al per ..orh pI r nl our ant Iat o 1,' tore as a lis ofu alsrglne. U oriall ihe righb, title and interest of the lai dslefedant P rker iL annd o, ril roprty and ore ullss of the Patksr ('sllstlec iinany, the salldprole1rty hie lig "I ia edl in lthe UIuts of IU11ter aIid Terri ory of Mlntall, an ' f' ra * order of celr. t that th aidl r ght. tll.- and inllterest oi lhe sad .Defendant P r -iter be sod ba .ls I h. r f of a 4d counly ac. ording to LIw a-'d ih," I rsatire of llha court to pasl.fv aid 1lsiiguest arnd ,isn.ritagt- as will more fully asl par I ly rlfelen * I tns plaint o' n file iereink And ypu ari herlby no-hild chat it yu. fail to a p ar atlli sn*wer Ithe sail coisp!int an abloe r.qiired, the said pilaintil will apply o Ihs c urt for the. relief Simn lntl l iIn ' he reOusr in anda f,,r o.sts of suit (ilvLn und r iiay hl, d anIII the seal of the h-I-rset ('ourt Iof the Ths d Jilt, lil iltstrict o the ',rrllory of Monla. a, isi lsld ,for the aid ellunty oi ('llster I his .i h 7.IAL.] dia of Feb shary, in the wearl of our 1. tr one1 I hslssssud eight hundreds and eighly-, ighit. JA lIE9 McFARLAS E, Clerk. (. R. MIDDt.zTO , Plaintil's uttorney. DR. LIEBIG & CO. The European Medical staffand ipecial furgeona and PnyI' lIan of the Lielbr World Dispun.ary saJ Internstioual durgical Institute. The sur gical branch give. rpec lal.titem diu to detoruun. tIlle of r. orý kt ud, req u i rnag aIeat ncee for Cu rva tore f the Spie Hfip SY eas e, Lis SI to rted a Limb- or 'a! ces.fully Strea ed br * -our newVol talc as d MHanetic spl.illnee. The me4leal branch devoteU specisl astien, n ,o all * hrolic. (.. molvic-se . i'riv to aid Wasting ijselses. resulting rllm badly treated caes of a - ute or pesial na ur,., or f um indlearetions of 'ounth, birngnll on t"Irmetorrhea. Irutteialf Weaknes aied an unnatural dr in rom the body stitch unde'm li n Ibre constitollton - also 1. 1,T1117. wcasy. Ia.ou ,, Vital ty or Manhood, which results from eCceS. 1f matur1ty. The ras.on ao man' are not cured of above com plaint Is nwill o s com. lieat'on ce lld Pro.tatetr rha. which our treatment alone can care. Varieocele. woray wit0 itou 'ctrum. blond nd akiu impurities lae'dily cured: sault pyrilve troubl.. satel, confdentlally and quickly cured. ('atarrb or the ueouus mmnberance o tIhe head or bledlr I tresed; ase* throat and lung dine*s. . ,e"a!e complsints and al del c to complicated diseass. of somen, carefully treat-i by or new mwthod whereby nolne , the usual physical o isiations are required I'(. plac. ms. n. of the Uteru and al' peclal complaoint peculiar to females, suece-afully treated All *anguatle spoken and writt.n. Write li your own 'hemut pwerful ELECTRIC BELTS farste patients. (all on or addres Liebig World Dispensary. 400 Grelry 6t.6sa Franccleo. Cal CREEDIOOR ARIORY. McAUSLAND'S GUNS. REVOLVERS, AMMUNITION of every descrptieo. The L easetT PYOC of Heavy Sharps' Rtes in the weIt. e"Ousaumithlng and Repairing oef a kinds MNetly doe sand Warrsated AS USUAL!' We are the flrwi to anunounle that Npr;iiog has clae sld w ith It a desire on our part to I.Iter be fore our 4itlat~rltIy I Ilcreal lig itunlier o( patrous aI-oprirlate gItolnal prioem whieb defyfrr cofiplhiwi ou. See Our Offer As'il. fathl.ald. Mtu-lIn t'nhluwr. Q SOc. tO I~oacI.. I5ý4Sylf t u.ti.4Irosmt " Ia. In $1.00. 1Iq.l, Aauurmenmt In the tity. z; IR i lelf IYII" t'-ntitrie aid Ltinen Ilatait kit laiu"t ft1o1 1"k"ii. to l KIM, 11 ht I."M tIe-ts ru'"iuai1. all pirt -.. I)Nnitiq.k Nipkigr sld 'I'nwla.. Turks t-~ I'rw I. in. \\' -iti iiIt 'K ,' Moe ir dIIIlt.I of tIII hIWo1, atiil Pi.'iP Iof tit lti'r atepleld sat ut',tuIllt faacy 11g IcllllRI7S RkZJR MILES CITY IRON "aD PUMP WORKS i. I1I.0I, Proprietor. Fittings in brass, iron, pip and hose. bI)aer in nei 1ne, biiltrn, a kinds of ri;eam, ferre and I ,.amps. 1irornl rep.dr, on all kind off Mma Jea on the sbortest notcle. ,-uop . tlbh Itrw.t ppolemWkterb e, Sult oIl 9·,nt Miles City S& sea Stage Line, Connecting at Spearfish with R i %g Daily Stage tor DEADWOOD he r.age lWas Miles (rt7 oaYd., Wodes.s rsd Prda unor"lnis. at S o'eleek. For or any iulrsaauln appll to tapI LO .e a -A. ROBERT B. OREM, PRACTICAL I 5, 3LACKSMITH, AND WAGONNAKE. Oppo.slt tke Macquee Heae... Park SteIe ALL WORK WARRANTErD COMPILED LAWS OF MONTANA. Albo Etra 15th eAaiea LAn,. 18'. A Valuable Volu,,e for Everybody,E Nearly 1.400 Page. ;COYPlIBIvO Ill lan of ntaa to olati We haver prlated a limited mmber etfe aspit wblchb oas ow be bad. Frpreu. Prepaid on Rtceipt of Prfe Compiled laws bound ia abep..........«.--J0 .ltra I5h brtlun Lawy bound is sahbep....- t, . . .. pae.r....- IM Both bound in I Vol. in LA shadr p..... ...... M Orders not accompnisd with thl money aepas eharbes added. Addrees. JOURNAL PUBLISHING CO., HELENA, MONTANA Who'esale and Retail Stationer, Prantors, B33d sad Bo.k Manalarturers. ORDIONl .EG SOl, mm 'easte s sad o Hats, Caps, Fur GLOVES AND MITTENS, BUFFALO ROBES -AUU ALL tINO6 OF FUR COATS. Lsarge 8took -ANO LOW PRIOES. 16 218, 213, SAL T M0OU a St. Paul . Mlr