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THE DAILY JOURNAL MUTADLIBH3D 1881. WILES CITY, MONTANA, U OVIICIAL PAP31 OF CUSTER COUNTf Uoe bills g.[st T a YILLOWsoNU Jo! SNAL P aNIsuse u.. eeatracted by any el I rtheployee ,otmid pmpmr or bth. . will b roe g.galard unto.. seumpaseds by a wr st, a ordee aiga. by the pub Mbhr or bminaeso man r. Thee heor o 1' lLatLowsYOP Jot saL b set rrepeenuble hor any ,t > he *i3 lios or inerames. of ite eeruepoedeeo. Metie I. heebry gives to all reeeerneId hat Me YALlEwatoum Jo, SNAL 't WAlSHING 1o bele the eatract to do oil pritli g and ad inatiuleg, of wh4b.*er sate e chargeable to Cue btarse .,aad asas tbe d..Ignata.d and only pps r fb Qaeter oesay fnw Irk rrnices by pub lestios a be hgally made. Igel motiese publIshed la abmr papepe of Custer Couaty. are v id aad tees, as Ma beea decided by the eourt of Sunday, March 4, iSIS. BITMi AND 5CRATCHKS. Vba-Orats" e the Trull of the asebeoors -Prentmary t.tbh4Ystal Aet-Mr.Camer 'eafeag-emesllaaeema idleehso. I caught cold the other night sitting at my open bay window looktng for spriag: and the nest day sufler.d a Mvtere nervous aboAk through the in. iboree conduct of of Charley 8tevell, who, out knowing bow Ili I was, read the prologue to his spring poem in my preneuce. [am trying to reouver my lort nerve bet 'soa use at this stage of spring, the milk of human kindness would frt~eze Io its original fount, even it that fuun tin belonged to Florence Naghti.:gkal; ead l am sure I am far tslow that eagel's standard. Old rkimmed milk freesm very rapidly. (I thought I'd msy this last speech myself, tot fear csme @ae else iiight suggest iL .6* I em able, however, to spread be hre your readers the proceedings of a prelimlnary meeting held in Dr. Whitae.'s oedce on Friday night, to birmulate a plan for the organisation eta bec'ielur's club. It was thought best to talk the an titer over, and thus avoid.wast. of thus when the general nessir £ was oalled, as no respectable haohtior to the couotryw ill be barred at le final organizatiun. * * Mr. Jack Hawkins was elected ebarmian of the meeting and Mr. N. Nathan consented to gather in and etsO lbs proceedings. Mr.Elsemberg moved that the chair uas pe.ciallye tate the object of the meeting. He had been invited to be paeen., buts. definite purpose had bean ated. The chairman explained satisfactor ly. when Mr. Weirick arose very .el ennly and said that he would like to make a suggestion. It was a serious matter. Before receiving members to a club, such as was proposed, Indiffer ent bachelors should be warned now What sentimentalism would be consid ered an offense against the dignity of She organisation. This was Leap Tear, and a dangerous epoch in the Meb of an earnest, confirmed bachelor. H4Bwas reminded of this by the care. ebeanse displayed by Messrs. Cottlier end Basiaski an allowing very decid* ed sentimental rhymes to float Into *TUs YaLbWaWTOea JoUaxaL,a news paper publisbed by a married and un* eympatbling man. It was not beeaun ml0. Mr. Abram hall agreed with Mr. Weirick. There oucbt to be, he said, mene dignity displayed, and be, for eme, would support Mr. Weirick in say eff'rt to suppress foolishness. He himself made a narrow (escape, only a lsw nights ago, from the Leap Year advanoes of a naughty but sweet girl, sad he never wrote sentimental verses ither. [sensation.] Mr. Ross said that, looking at the euggesston in a legal and logical light, he did not we how any man could be eired up like a bottle and wired down like champagne. If the sentl maent was in a fellow ot ought to be al lowed to sparkle and foam for th pleasure of others. He bad been feel lag poetoal himself sines Leap Year mse in. Chairman Hawkins said the discus lion was out of order, as no motion was before the house. Dr. Wbltoneymoved that the plan of organlsation be referred to a commit te* of Ave gentlemen, which was agreed toand the chairman appointed the following: Mesers. Whitney Weirlok, Nathan, Graham and Elmer Crawford. On motion of Dr. Redd It was agreed that the next meeting be held on the eal of the chairman. *s* Mr. Dear said that beforeadjourning he would like to ask what had been eccupying Mr. Al. Campbell's atteo tNon so closely. The gentleman had not spoken a word since be entered the room. The chairman asked Mr. C. to ex plain his conduct, when Mr. C. mod* cstly and reluctantly replied that be had been composing a song. *** 0 This war no surprise, as Mr. Camp. bell Is the author of numerous sonnets, rondeaus and rearings, which he sings far his friends in the mest charming style. *h Yhe chairman suggested that as the oomwite had about eumpleted its la. b're, t he gentlemrn would be please t- hear Mr. U. ing the new song. Mr. 0. would rather have been cbousedd a.ut the *bhatrman and the other gen* tlemen were so Insistent to their des mend that the blushing poet and vocalist at last consented. In a momeol "Jaade* Rosa" ap* peared from his uroe with a snap box on wbiob to mount Mr. Campbell. * * The gentlemen, g'aoefully posed on the pedestal, thrust bus left bhnd In to his veat, just ovwr the apes of his palpitating gissard, bowed, eam led se reucly cud then sang in a elear soft tenor, rich with melody and delight ful harmony: * **C I AU A DACUILOS. Air-*"A am a Fairy Quee." 0, I as a bachelor gay I fear not Cupid's darts. I bask in the smiles of the fair, .or tear all their cunning arts. 0, the world to me Is a stage. My sudirmae KEe's lair Queens: A plar my part with esa, Lake a youth yet in his teens. I have crushed full easy a heart, I've revelled ia Lv.e's dedight; I've tempered the hug to the hear, From worn tall the dewy night. 0, the years Uhey come and go. but still I'm a bachelor gay; The furrows of time.. sas as ught. I laughaingly brush them away. "The Conclusion" I often mest, But never I end the stra; There is nothing so sweet is the art. To codtonue I meer shall c mp ala. *e* There was something to the singer's soft tone that melted the heart of Mr. Dear, who was bathed in tears; some thing to hie smiling face wuich dli. turbed Mr. Wiley, who looled very grim; something which bitterly re minded Mr. Harry Bachelor of the long, long ago, and filled him with fars for the future; somethlng which for the first time io his life, made Dr. Whithey feel serious. However, all applauded bilsterously and so loud the encore that Mr. Camp. bell fainted and was carried to the drug store, where Dr. Redd treated him with Savage delight. Mr. Campbell soon recovered and retired to his chamber. It Is generally agreed that after the club is organised Its meetings shall be private, and no reports of the proceed. lags will be published; but I expect to get there all the same. That kind of pabulum should not be secreted from a hungry public. The people are anxious to know what its bachelor citizens are made of. It wants to know who sing its mid itqhl songs and dance its Jigs. Who write its history and lead cap. tivity captive; what their Innermost thoughts and outside desires are,and so forth. **C Willie Tbompkins began cutting coupons yesterday. Here's a catch, girls. Awkwardly yours, XO aRlA. The O1ly Remedy FOR Contagious Blood Poison. Mr. D. B. Adam,. Union South Carollaed writes: " I was amletd with a terrible cam of blood for about thirteen moaths was t by the beet class, ad various kinds of rn bi t but e, substantial relief. I tried the Swi.t c. and abou tour cured me OCl. a 3. Leeser, editor sod prpr~etor o the Oeba Ala.. tlme tinder dat 01o * . wrime.: When I wam a young man. fthrugh indiscretio, I com" traded a disease which bas stuck to me for years. Some Ave or six eears mince I was troubled with pane., so a to make It dificult for me to walk. an advertised the S S S. Ia m paper for e er. icncluded I would try it to see there was any efficacy In the medicine. commenced using It according to dlrectlons and used half dosea bottles. [was cne at a waystation and getting left.J lae seven m1mle and inve never felt any reser of the old malady. After experiencing the good effgets I must say I amm tmiled with tie result. I am sixty eight year of age and I feet now like a young man and can go to the case when neccssary and set up from six to eight thousand ems without any incon veatelmoe. I send you this without ouest.. . F. Woehi, 71l North Avenue, C4leaao. nader date of June 1t, 1U7 writes: 'd It my duty to thank )ou for the caru re celved from your excellent medicine. I con treated a very severe case of blood potsoa labout two years ago. ering your medicine, I weat to a drug stor, the pro prietor of which persuaded meto bulya preparation of his own, which he said was a sure cure. I used six bottles of his stul and grew worse all the time. At listIgol disgusted and despaired of a cure. I mest friend who told me that your medicne hag eared him. I went to te same du asana ad demanded your maelicne. are Iuesantly sold me twelve bottles. sad am now imerfectit cued. I write this for the benefit of surerars, to prevent their being deceived by false representatloas I theMa Lou fa for the benedi derived from your Miate recounting the infallile suoaves ashas In curtng contagious blood posona r ba in his extensive practice, writes: Thbose who know the tlmost Inevitable, permanently dangerous effeet, of mercury wau welcome your discovery of LI . as a boon to "umanit . The medical protession, always wervor proprietary medicines, it ,mlhrs slowly. and In aine raase secretly, to th use of L x. a. In cases of bLuod dait order. Of course a mnedicine that cures pionteing to it. worst form must purify the blood of every dimorder." Treatlasen liad and Skap' sa emalled rue. Tax Swa,? Bres..e.. Co., Drawer S Atlanta. Ga. $1. 13 WEEKS. The POLICE GAZETTE will tw mailed, seeurely wrapiwd to any ad dreus In the United Mtater for three mouthy on receipt of ONE DOLLAR. Liberal dleount allowed to p oat mater", agent" and clubs. Maniple replee mailed free. Addr.r' all o't to RICHARD K. FOX. FMANKLIN.SQUARU, T. V. POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varne". A mar vel of purity, strength and whole Semeness. More economical than the ordinary kind., and cannot he sold in competition with the multitude of low test, short weight, alum or phou phate powders. Sold only in cans. REoYAL BAKING PoWDER Co.. 105 Wall street. Nsw York. This is the Top of the GENUINE Pearl Top Lamp Chimney. Allothers, similarcre imitation. This exact Label isoneach Pearl Top Chimney. A dealer may say and think he has others as good. DUT HE HAS NOT. Insistuponthe Exact Label and Top. Fe SALE EvYaeNEmE. MACE ONLY BY SEO. A. MACBETH & CO.. PIttsburO , FOR SALE. Mom. full blood and high grade Shod Hom Bulls Well aeolimated and strong constitu tions. Apply to THOS. H. OANFIELD, Lake Park. hL..nn FOR SALE I -A LOT OF CHOICE THOROUGHEBED REGISTERED SHORT HORN -AND - EFOilHDSTOCK TIRill! ALETD. TO BE SOLD FOR WHAT THEY WILL BRING as I am going out of the business. Apply for pedigree and prices to CUYLER ADAMS, SPIRIT WOOD. DAK THE AMERIJCANZ PXAQAZINE hsutlfulli Illustrate. 25 cblaP sairt. s.w *tema. e kpu ..u t es a Distlnctively Represontative of Amerlca~n Thought and Progress. Ii Is aebwld.d.d by t?~s p, as and pab'l. t', be the Mae" tpepeis sd eamit mial~ada the high. IMPORTANT .A.?~ 43.UV.15.l I. (ash or Velmahi. 1~m .m"OeM Wo ub rnisese, will Iss semi oa Pseelpe el I t.paper Is memllemed. or Ueeweestble md emenei.,Jiewee wamied t. 1.11.1ti sbe,4pIle... yiem em.. foze sm.1ea vs erssii.w TDm AnZZI.OA ZAGAZXNR 00.. 149 Srnadwal. Nlw T.,gm NOITIUN PACIFIc RAILROAD. TES DIUOT LINE BET WEEP SAINT PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS. Or DULUTiH Idah, Wahhingws Territory, Aud aUl Pdlaento Minnesota, Di kota, Montane, OREGON, Bntiih Collulia, Pajt Sod an ALASKA. NO CHANGE OF CARS EU WREN ST. PAUl. and PORTLAND. 0.. . (1.. of Tihkt EMIGRANT SLEEPERS FREE The Only All Rail Line to the YELLOWSTONE PARE Lapiess TvWms Ddly, to whigh an isnwebes PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPERS LuI ELEAAT DIMINS OARS. 1*r telf talmmerom sow Time. Rtes.. 4 Addam. SHAm. S. FES. **esZ Pemoga. w. FAL. MinW WOITAHA SHORT UNE. When traveling every one should com. older well the questions of economy, comfort, msfety and speed, these questions being of the same importance in a journey of an hour as in one of several days' ride. An examination of the map will convince anyone that this is the most direct route to and from all the principal points in Cen- SYtftuL tral an d tAmaggous No thernM ANITAB =ian* Warn Itino neso- JtAI WA% A t a . Dakota and Montana. Our epuipment and time are excellent. Our rates are the lowest, but thin fact is something which speaks for itself. Dvflniteflgures and maps can be obtained by applying to any Agent of the Company, or the Gen. eral Passenger Agent. The following are a few of the Principal Points reached via this Line: Sr. CLOUD, FAGS (xirENR, FEMRnI FAIzS. Cana£sTms, bT. Vi -cO-T, IllTIIWHMSDN, PAYNvEBVILL, MORRIBS APPLxTON AND BacKsenIDo us,MINE.*WATrsTOwx Aaza. lIEs, ELLENDALS, iVAUVETON, TABOO, IRAND FuaIL, GRAPTON, DEVInS LAES, BorlfNlsU AND Jr" RI), DAWorA; Glas (ow, )A&wu (Tr.BmLzNAP),A ANrnsIDINS, FT. BairiN, (iasAT FAILS, HaLaAA AND lrrrs, MoNTANA; WeINIrbo, MAxrnosA, AND Al L PACIFIC COAST POINTS. Partiesq n'eking farms or business loa tions will ti.l' unuFual opportunities 'ir both on thin line in Northern Dakotaand Montana, alho in Minnesota where the Company has for sale at low prices and on favorable ter ms 2,000,000 acres of ex. cellent farming. trarin1 and timberlands. For maps and otlier in forwuation addre4, J. BOOsWALTER. C. If. WARREN, Lad Commii. nerr C j n'I Pas. Ag'. 6T. "*UAL, (MINN. A. MANTEL, W. B. AEiANDaa, Gem'I Manager. (M'ITrae cManmag No Othier Rallaj in the Nofliuet has inan short a period gained the rep utation and popularity enjoyed by the WISCONSIN CENTRAL LINE. Frolusoomparatively unknown factor to the comonrcial world, it has been traunformed to an independent, infl. ential. grand Thremgh Resoe, with magnilicent depots, superb equipment and unsurpawsed terminal facilities. through careful catering to details it has w'sn for itself a reputation of solid. Ity, safety. convenience and attention to its patrons, second to no railroad in the country. sleepers, mod* eim of palatial cow mort, dining care in which the cuisine and general appoint. ments are up to the highest standard, and coache. especially built for this route, are among the chkf eleweuts whimh have contributed towardseater ing uccessfully to a discriminating p ulic. Located directly on its line, Iwtween Minneapolis and St. Paul. and Milwaukee and Chicago, and Duluth and Milwaukee and Chicago, are the follow mng thriving tinse of Wi.conmsn and Mlrhivmn : New Richmond, Chippewa Falls, Eau laireAshland,Hurley,Wis., Ironwood, Mich., Bessemer, Mich.,8tev ens Point, Neenah, Menasha, Oshkosh, Pond du Lac, Waukesha, and Burling ton, Wis. Fo.r detailed Inforniation,lnweet cur. -0t rates, ierths, es*., via this route, to, any point In I is South or tast, ap. r lv to wsesrest 'ritckes Ast.sntor address WM. S. MELLEN, JAMES BARKER. 'eueral Masag.r. (;enl. I'auur, & Ticket Agti MILWAt'KEK. F. M. ANSON. '.gseer Aet. Be. ilIicelett lHsue Bloek, MNimeap ele, Mhia. FINE JOB WORK. THE JOB DEPARTMENT YELLOWSTONE JOURNAL Is now prepared to do all branches of printing, such as Labels, Deeds, Sermons, Drafts, Tax Lists, Leases, Shop Bills, Circulars, Catalogues, Transfers, Newspapers, Bill Heads, Flock Cards, Bail Cards, Concert Bills, Blank Notes, Road Notices, Bills of Lading, School Reports, Prices Current, Concert Tickets, Deposit Checks, Festival Tickets, Wedding Cards, Railroad Tickets, Shipping Receipts, Excursion Tickets, Insurance Policies, Tags of Every Style, Certificates of Stock, Apothecaries' Labels, Certificates of Deposit, Orders of Exercises, Bills of Exchange, Rewards of Merit, Railroad Receipts, Dry Goods Tags, Letter Headings, Lecture Tickets. Express Orders, Coupon Tickets, Busines Cards, School Records, Note Headings, Blank Orders, Visiting Cards, Bills of Fare, Bank Notices, Show Cards, Check Books, Wood Cuts, Stock Lists, Pamphlets, Envelopes, Magazines, Way Bills, Tax Bills, Lectures, Billets, Bonds, Books, Brie&h. And all other kinds of GOOD PRINTING AT LOW PRICES. Mail orders promptly and cheaply filled. ESTIMATES FURNISHED Upon all kinds of BLANK BOOKS AND BINDING. ONLY FIRST CLASS -WORE , TURNED OUT OF THIS ESTABLISHMENT. OaU and see sampleu and pet estimates from The Yellowstone Journal Main Street.