OCR Interpretation

Daily Yellowstone journal. [volume] (Miles City, Mont.) 1882-1893, March 06, 1888, Image 3

Image and text provided by Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86075021/1888-03-06/ed-1/seq-3/

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Peet Ole. o Iep ti..,.
I u r .I N~w... - .............. _.6:6 p. a
Ogsrs trsi 1. a. UII P.. Sudss samd
biap sbsm6:Up. a. till 1:31 .a..
IrNs. M·AeuSLE. P.Y.
lertera Filk Tim Table
LTIav KILU CRT 00135 VU?.
I. h Pds. Eapro..u.......6:S . P......t:a. U
Srs r.. »..........!
" 5L /pro. VmllhI.................. 69 r
" IL tlg...f -·g·..» ... .~.. . .....11:6 L.r
T· L AUUUzu I13:1..0............ !10. M.
c hw J:2......S »6:91 A. N.
r IS. Izpa InestbL....»..»........101AP. U.
*14.rr VMWh....,.. 11..~. ... i1:25?U ~ .
o C myr.-.- »Jin K. Tool., Eel.
B .*. .....=........-. II. Lesli. P Hel na
.....,.....WIla B. Webb. M~bra
m *...........rea Pro umit. Knees
J es- ....ý....».».... ...1eiammll. HoIwe.
(W. J. Galbbaith
(Thee. C. Mach.
beeer emeul .-...U.mj. 3Or-ee, Eel..
f5ipohbsdeat of Publle itr ctloee.........
.................A. C. LAS", Helena
199m, nbsl.hei ý ·..R.- & Kelly, Heleas
U N eleU. S. I UMeqnm....Jmce Shield.
SU. B. Land O/em.... A. (.rovr. 1ile. CIty
mU.. Land O~so.Abram Hall, Mlles City
ObM.atan....».~..·.... .»... Dr. W. A. Burla1
obe IN Nb w E .. J R. H. Johnson
l J. H. HelL
.~, ..,...,. ........»........... ,'t es. H. Irvin
ursr ».».......» .,..._Y. Brandrabun
and Recordsr . ..... L. C. Dow
*t District Omlt...... ..».Jamee YMelane
of Probat....... .. ....,Ws. C. SWeble
Allortas »~-~"~ ..».....Goe. R. Milburn
...»»..».......»_......T. J Thumps a
L w .. .»....«....... ....... lehek.
-- · .. . ...- ... ..Iii. 1.0. Re d
at lyslielma ». R. R. l.add
tdeatlbhe. .... eia Louisa "ctole
{. A ltufm~a
ýYlm oaee..s..».. .........-. O.W. W.Alertn
L. J. Wbilmq.
rga~ K ka h .... -_......._ We.. Dlrkle
Iem dIr e Fges............... . IJohn Gibbs.
`11a~~i.. .................. .-... H~f. HRusll
~se ... ........ H. Jobs..
ur -. ...W. H. R*
u ..... .»...... .. Gordon
fmmmvr .........................H. P 5.teh.or
PollOree.................................Le.ts King
SU.... .................... Edmoad IBtler
1W .a rd-C. . Tower.. r. 3. Brown.
11 rrWasI-W L. Lansing, W. H. Bilan.&
1s21. rP. S t A.
Priday. Mareh, t, d' --10 -W14
asturday. Marob 3, 23' O 4'
Sunday, Marob 4. 2SB Ut --1O
]lldayv, Mareh & 30' 8 -
T" mome seatg tsktu . Wriht's
For good butter go to Smith &
3. 0. Waters, of Billings, was In the
Lty Sunday.
Dr. E. P. Fish has r turund from a
trip to Helena.
New York Count oysters at Car tor's
ratearsnt, o5 eants pr ean. e
B. B. Smith, distriot attorney, ar*
rlved from Dillon itunda nilght.
H. 0. Crocn, a Pumpkin crook stock
man, is stopping at the Drover House.
Judie De Wolfe has comfortably s -
tabliebd blhmself at Carter' European
aj4. F. D. Peas aod J. V. N ye
Park county ollsens and mining mon,
are In the oity.
Dr. Roberteon, of Fort Keoghb, made
a vielt to the eity yesterday, the flnrst
in several weeks.
V. M. amsoey, a well known Yeol
lowetone county boreman, Is In the
ity asneding ceurt.
A. M. Cr and wife are down from
bte R.sebd. Mr. Cre l her on the
prevailing court duty.
Manager Ullman, of the Electric
Light works, has returned from a
bseueso trio to Se. Paul.
Es.heriff' C. P. Blakely, of Boze
i-an, is a striking figure among the
epreentatlves from (allatln county.
odg.e L. A. Luce represents the
legal fraternity of Boseman. Him
self and wife are at the Macqueen.
George.Alderson. of Bozeman, was
In the olty a short time SuBonday but
has continued hi. journey eastward.
Major Geo. O. Eaton, who is exten
ievely interested in the mines about
tivlngston, is In the city ol court bus.
Mike Mulkern, anso old-time Miles
City man, l bhere from Llviug.ton,
eourting and renewing old acquaint"
J. A. Churcb. of Billings, one of the
U. 14. trial jurors, is traveling salesman
for the Will!ston-Camp hardware com
pany of that otty.
The popular blood purifier. Hood'
aasaparilla, is having a tremendous
sale this season. Nearly everybody
takee it. Try It yourself.
B. W. Toole, court clerk for Yellow
stone county ill Jno Tinkler, a well
known BillIng4 attorney and real
estate man,numbered among the Bill
ings vlsitors.
The ladles of the M. E. church will
serve dinner and supper on March
183h and 14th, In the building former
ly occupied by Mr. ikiuner, ou Main
street. Also bave on sale useful and
fan-y articles. The patronage of theb
publio Is solledted.
J. N. Day has returned from Gleno
die alter a week', absence. He a,-*
parently rnjny. Miles ("tv u'wlety.
Attornry A. R. Joy. of Living-tnn,
Ie among the viitlug legal fraternity.
He l aooompaniled by hls wife and
tuey are guests of the Marqacen house.
WANTD--A coualetrut woman or
wowau and husbaud to take cabrge o.
two cbildren. Apply ftr terms to
e Port Keagh, M. T.
A detachment of the $alvatlon
Army has turned itself loose nloHelens
with the avowed object of purifying
the moral atmosphere of that moderu
Via. Custom Tailortag.
The newest fabrics anid latest fash
tons; examine the elegant line from
Browning, King & Co.. New York, at
" I. ORscH uL & Bxus.
Char. W. Savage, of Livingston, Is
foreman of the U. 8. grand jury, but
finds time to exchange greetiung and
bhat with Mile. City friends, mealnng
the whole town.
Col. W.. F. 8anode.s is numbered
among the visiting att arneys and
many Important cases at thIs term of
court will be argued by the distin
guluhed counsellor.
Redly for aBuam....
Carter's European hotel and restaur
ant as now open and ready for buines,
with the same first claw accommoda
ions and attention to guests as for
merly. s
Jobonny Strlngfellow, rmne foreman
for the F U F outfit came down from
the ranch near Forsyth, yesterday.
There I. plenty of snow up there. but
cattle are none the worse for wear as
Attorney Andrew F. Burleigh Ie
here from Helena in attendance at
thisbl term of court, and wus acoompan
ied from Helena by his wife and fam
Ily. They are iuests of Mr. and Mrs.
W. A. Burleigh, Jr.
As the time for bolding court rolls
'round. U. H. Mabsal Kelley's genial
countenanooe Is one of the first seen in
the oity and none more welcome. The
Marshal, as usual, males his head
quarters at Carter's European.
Wm. Modesty Carter has gone east,
especting to answer roll call at Kao
sea City, do some buslness in t Louis
and then his him to his old Tennessee
hJme and get married. To perform
all of this he allows himself twelve
days and the morning of the UMtb, at
the outside, will appear again In Miles
City. His friends consider all this a
huge joke but he strongly asserts
On the register of the Macqueen
house appears the name of A. H.
Wilder, one of the best known capt
tal.sts and business mon of the north
west. Mr. Wilder bas had extensive
interests in Custer county and still re
tains a considerable portion thereof
and in fact the businesa that calls h im
here at this time is litigation conoern
ing a plat of land just outside the cor
porate limits. The great "Diamond
R" company, whibch was a most Im
portant factor in the semlement of this
country, was one of Mr. Wilder's en
terprises and among the old-timer he
le nearly as well known-by reason of
his cooneatlon therewith-as was the
resident manager, Jas. B. Hubbell.
Give hem a h.aamee.
That is to my, your lungl. Also
your breathlng machinery. Very won.
derful machinery It Is. Not only the
larger air-passages, but the thousands
of little tubes and oavitae leading from
When thee are clogged and choked
with matter which ought not to be
there, your lunge cannot half do their
work. And what they do, they .annot
do well.
Call It oold, cough, croup, pneumo
nia, oatarrh, consumption or any of
the throat and nuoe and head and lung
obstructions, all are bhad. All ought
to be got rid of. There is Just one sure
way to get rid of them. That is to
take Boeohee's German Hyrup, which
any druggist will sell you at 75 cent
a bottle. Even If everything else ham
failed you, you may depend upon this
for certain.
Com..t Crmmmeaoner m, eetlog.
The county oommlisloners lost but
little time in getting down to work
after the prellminaries of the first day
of the quarterly meeting, and the
long list of claims against the county
wae ,onsiderably shortened when
they adjirned at 4 o'clock, p. m. It
was decided that the board would pro
ceed to (lendllvo' to-day to Le present
at the trial of the action brought
against theor in the court now in ses
sion there by Fred Whiteside to re
cover a disallowed claim for the con
struction of the Porupinei bridge.
This bridge it will hi remembered
was destroyed by a frelihet previous
to final acceptance by the hardl, huence
the suit for damages, Whiteside clai mn
log otherwsle. Clerk Dear expects to
accompany the commlssioners.
WSar.O Cou;rt
At the opeatog of the court Judge
DeWolfe briefly charged the U. N.
'rrund Jury ma to tht duties they were
culled upon legally toperfurm,caution
lno them as laid down in the code and
adling a few remarls, oonvlse and t,
o tlhe puoit. They were then given
in otiarge of Balifr Carr and installed
in their quarters in theSehmid Blouk.
C W. 8Hvags Il foreman of the grand
Without more ado the calendr was
taken up and the followlang ases dis.
posed of:
Tuomas Hall, et al. vs. R. H.
Mund, continued for the term.
James Kervine vs. Robert Roberts.
Joseph Leighton, et al. vs. Vie
Smith; stricken from docket.
Joeeph Leighton, at al. vs. John
Harl..s; same.
P. W. McAdow & Co., vs. Michael
Wolf; same.
Theodore Borup, et al., vs. B. F.
Smith; coutinued for the term.
Clarenae A. Winchester, vs. Jobhn
W. Johnson, et al.; sama.
~ortbern Paciflo Refrigerator Car
Cowmpany, vs. Frans John MineJ;
James H. Tolfree, et al. vs. Allen J.
Kennedy; continued for the term.
Dennis Collios, vs. G. P. Comstock;
dismised and settled.
Win. Harmon, vw. Armour Packing
company; tame.
Win. Harmon, vs. Armour Packing
company; same.
Levi Weirlok, vs. Perkins Reusell;
George 8teinmueller, vs. Behlang &
Trusoott; same.
Coucord Cattle Company, vs. ObA
dish Morrill, et el. same.
Leighton & Jordan, vs. NIobrara
Cattle Company; same.
Strevell & Garlook; vs. Niobrar Cat
tie Company, same.
Reuben Flabarty, vs. Mary Fla.h
aity; oontioued for the term.
Brandenburg & Van Gasken, vs. 0.
W. Reynolds; dismlssed and settled.
The dispathob with wblch the court
transacted business was a subjeot of
much favorable comment among the
lawyers and with thls precedent es
tabliished, what promised to be an ex
tra long term would now appear more
inclined to the otberetreme. Judge
D jWolfe has never been on the benach
previous to this, but the oontrol and
ruling of a court of law would seem
to be natural to him Judging from the
ease with whicb the juuieial position
is upheld. This is the sentiment of
the bar in general.
The U. 8. trial Jurors will be called
at 10 a. m. today.
Their leartag om miagratae.-o A WIatral
leietoe for a malroa Ceoner.
A railroad in any country is a most
potent factor. Aside from Its being
the means of transportation its value
as a pioneer, particularly in a new and
thinly settled country, is beyond eal
colation. It is true that In Its imme
diate wake follows, oftentimes, a elas
that are not of any great benefit to a
community, but these In a abort time
give plaze to a better element, to a
class that are a benefit, and who
rightly lay the foundatlon of a future
prosperous town or city. It Iovr!es
bly follows that the railroad le but the
"avant courier" of Immigration, and
immigration is the essential feature of
the wealth, strength and greatneus of
any community. Led by the Iron borse
comes not only wealth but learning.
art, scieunce, and Into a barren waste is
infused life and energy and out of a
boundless wilderness there springs
towno and cities. 'Ti. but a few years
ba,.k when we heralded the advent of
the Northern Pacific railroad with ac
clamatlons of Joy When we really
found ourselves connected with the
outside world by means of steam and
felt we were one of the mighty peoples
of this glorlouucountry;we felt we were
not isolated, were not alone, were not
cut oft, as was the ease In the days of
"bull whacking," in the days of "stag
lng It." Has tl'le one railroad been of
any benefit to us as a town, as a city,
as Individuals? Have we nucreased in
population, in civilization, in wealth,
In learning? Decidedly yes! As evi.
denoe look at our blocks of costly brick
business houses, the number of com
fortable and even luxuriant dwellings,
our oburobee, court house, school
house, our whole aspect as a city oon*
olusively answers these quetion; we
would not be the oity we are to-day
were it not for this one railroad, and
now as it seems we are about to have,
In the near future, another, what poe.
sibalitles for greatunes, for strength, for
wealth, cannot Mile City and C'uster
county hold out to others who may be
desirous of joining us? The future of
Montana Is assured. fhbe leto-day the
brightest jewel in the sparkling coro.
net of Columbia, sud, of the many
brilliant rays she casts not a dim one
Is that of Custer county. To-day our
only means of revenue, or the greater
part thereof, I. derived from the stock
industry whlih is so extensively car.
rlid on here, but it ie only a question
of time when with a greater populas
tioln and the completion of the Tongue
river Irrigating diteh, or the eonntruc
tiou of others,that farming will forms
eo eaidermble adjunct to our welfare.
Teat thi is literally a farming eon, •
Iry le nut true, at present, but, t.at a
portiom of it may buoouse uuch s hebe
yond doubt; the one element lacking
to sufmlent irrigation, and .hi,. tle-'
will uqueetionsb;y offer. In theb
Tongue river vall.y and what is
kuown as the Yellowestne river bot
toW there has already been raised ar
sbundanceof vegetable. and this, too,
without irrgatioln; with Ban ample
supply of water the pro luoa of this
couutry wouid double, ai the eame
area, thst of any of the eastern states.
Alluqiou hbas beea made to snother
iairioai a enterang thib city, and as
near as can be now determined, it will
proceed down the Tongue river valley
menLtioned above, thus peedog
through the already moat fertile region
of tUls section of Montana, and upen
ino up a country peculiarly adapted to
farming. As bha been said, railroads
are pot-nt factors ao every country;
potent to its phyelcal development,
potent to its material eulargewent, po
teut to its moral. its inkteeetual wrl
fare, they briung wlLs thea. all ,class
of society, all elements of the "gen is
homo," the rich and the poor, the en.
ergetiosanI the worthles, those who
ca. e to stay, come to grow up with
toe country, to become part and parcel
of it, and touie who nu a listless, ail
less spirit come to make the most they
can on the spur of thbe moment, and
who then take their departure for new
tlelds and pestures grreen. 'Tis the
former class that we, bhee in Moutans,
want, to them we ray, come, come with
your wave. and little ones, come with
your familes, come and be of us, aod
with us raise higher still the standard
bearing the device of "Westward the
star of empire takee its way."
The Clty Hotels.
The United States court now beinl
held in tib city has brought a great
Influx of visitors from all over the dia
trict and elsewbere, but the hotels are
equal to any emergency and entertain.
ment h.a teen provided for all, so far,
with "room for plenty more" msys
Manager Callaban, of the Maoqueen.
Following i.s lit4 uf the lately arrived
guests at the different hotels:
Geo. M. UBealey, A. M. Cree and
wife, Geo, W. Allertoo, wife and
daughter, L. Smith, J. T. Sterrett and
Frank C. Robertson, of Rosebud; E.
P. Wilber, L. A. Luce and wife, P.
elleon and J. Wants, of Bseman; C,
W. Savage, J. C. Vleu, A. it. Joy and
wife, Mike (Mluklero, E. Lamartine,
Maj. GUo. O. Eaton, MaJ. F. D. Pease
and J. V. Nye, of Livingston; C. E.
Warner, J. Mi. Ramsey, J. C. Bond, J.
A. Cburcb, Henry Ostrander, John C.
Barney and John Westbrook, of Bill.
Ings; F. E. Server, Blakely; Josiah
Nichols, Etcbetab; M. C. Lowry.
Howard; John Rtringfellow, Forsyth;
J. C. McLane, Olendlve; Redd Me
Donald and W. L. Kaeppler, Terry;
John E. Kennedy, Blatobford; J. 8.
Day, Giledive; CoL W. F. Sanders,
Helena; Frank.L. Hill and R. J.
Prince, Boston; A. H. Wilder and J.
P. McHuh. St. Paul.
C. P. Blakely, John '..boot, Frank
L. Hill, A. J. MlSmith and John Robert.
son, of Bozeman; B. W. Toole, H, P.
Nlson, -John Tinkler and M. L
Christie, of BillIngs; R. S. Kelley,
Deer Lodge; Gerald Grlmo, Si. Paul.
E. Huntington, Rosebud; H. R.
Marcy and G. T. Chappell, Forsyth;
H. 0. Crose, Pumpkin oreek; B. P.
Green, Etcbeteb.
Get Vasela.edI
The JOURNAL is authorized to state
that upon apploatioa to any of the
physicians of Miles City by impecunli
ious person, they will be vaccinated
free o'charge. Those to whom tbhis
help is extended are not of necessity
destitute-but persons unable to spare
tbe amount usually charged, especially
so when there is bait a dozen childre.
to the family. Themedical fraternity
of Miles City are ever given to obharl
tahle works and they will find tbeir
Is that Impurity of the blood which produces
unsightly lumlps or swellings in the neck;
which causes running sores on the arms,
legs, or feet; which develops ulcers In the
eyes, ears, or nose, often causing blindness or
deafness; which is the origin of pimples, can
cerous growths, or "humors;" which, fasten
Ing upon the lungs, auses consumption and
death. It is the most ancient of all diseases,
and bery few persons are entirely free tral IL
Now Can
IBy taking Hood's Iarsaparilla, which, by
the remalikalle curets it has accomplialhed,
has proven itself to Ie a potent and peculiar
medicine for this disease. If ), u surfer from
scrofula, try lipl',s Sarsaparilla.
"' very spring my life and children have
been irullhld wlth serfulah. ly little boy,
three years old, belng a terrile sltfferr.
Last spring h.. was one tml- of sr, I frnrn
bead to feet. WVe all to.k Ilfo, '.I.r.parila,
and all hIave been ,crl of tl.' r. rflla. MIy
little ity is ,ultirly fi. flo, s1 Eo'., anI4 .1
four of aiy chllhir, i hTk lrihtI ni hiealthy "
W. B. ATnItruT.,I', P;,.I ('It), N. J.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Ioldbhyali t ,r, . 1 , .l f,,r ' . I 'reo pr nll r
by C. 1. II, hlt A I ,. Apothrea'r os, iwell, Mas.
100 Doses One Dollar
Prudeo el Praudeiri
I. medielus, s Uluht a*el, prudes..e sheld
be ou guide. Yet theesaud east it t the winds.
ivery mw a stru l ads its patreas, the medical
ompiriel of evory fale sebhel have their guills.
Every chage in the gamut of humbug is rtungse
aesfully-for atils at lines-the metes heis fur
mlshed by tle eredulas. lu happy sontreet t the
many idv.rised impo.ures of the diy stalnd
Rluteoter sSma ch Bittersn, now in its third de
cade of popularly, approved and recomelnu uded
by phv.lamsa, indorstd by the press of many
lands, sought and prii d by invaids over where.
It Is an asenrtal sd spoesie f ,r sad preventatlv
or malartal diloas., chronei indigestion, Ifvew
ocmplaint sad constlpatlU, ehLcks the growth of
rbeoms ism sad euralglla is a peerless nvgor.
as and useful diuretic. Nervous people batsl
by It.
Its sperior ezeelleos prove. ta millieas of
em for more than a qu~rer of aeautr y it is
used by the United Platio Government. Entomed
by the had4 of the Gresa Universties m the
artons. Purest and must Healthful. Dr.
Prices (ream Baking Powder does et
eontala Ammelala L.L, or Alum. Fold only in
MOW OeiK. ncafeo. KT. LOle
'Goods are arriving daily, the latest
belug a complete end carefully
selected stock of
Paris and Vienna Fans.
The CelIattd Star Sirt Tait
In all shadei and widths. HAND.
KERCHIEFS, plati white and
fancy borde.rd, linen and iik.
Dry Goods and Notions
v a =
Jno. Carter's,
Great English Remedy
. Murray' Specific.
A pIwfltSpd elre for alt gI Uee
dleae.aue'h a Weak Memory.
l 0.4 of Itran Pmrr. iyMeIre,
Heedmeke, 1'1. ( a the heat,
lerneg Prueatrale. Wake.
fhlnea.e Irueorrbepe, I'nl'er.
sal leelludp. pemleel Week.
kM 'Teia . se, Ilmp..rncy and general low
of power of thae tlene irei tgaa;
In either e.z, aeaaed by Indlacration or orer ete,
lin. anid shich khtlmetly lead to Premature
(lid Age. Insanity and Cnnusuptluon. 11.0
a le .r .fI hatex for *m.M, tent TaeeNr.
hr recll go TfteIelt of Ir~ Fall
tart crlara Ic prrricbler, rrt fee
1'rery Twipplicant.
W. Suarantee S Bas.
to runI ant .le Fnr arIerrII d a, ftl h
or i*, rec el, we '..iri a li ter
It h . anU I,, gIA ¢d rtetP rrt d
cOP, a cute. After~ s Tkig.
A%.drreia all ccccemuc,,l attics to the sole *SaUt
111F. 4 fell ial' tfelrlCT!! £ t'.,
WAl U 1'i tti It l.N t Cu.. t.M
Wboie~aae and Meiul Mgewls,
Mleleew., lita
I the L ie Ditrtrt Caevt of the Tald
DPCtre of the Territory of Me.an wlthis
-frtbror uty ~~ C ..ute.
of the Thig m
We. DItsuuI
Edwes t t. Bhree, Theru
PIaI Metaam he
A for Ih akser i
I eedat. eomplat
B.* .1 the dig
of eald Daatatb
The people of the territory of M.etea g
gretirg to Im suel M. Parker. defesndat.
'Yo are Ierrq reqluied to app
In as MtlIee brogt agalinst yus by 1
share named palatd Ia the Di.Uri 1it ou
of the Third Judleit. Digtrit of
Territory of Montiae, In and l thea
eounty of astetr, a. I , omr the
d1i4 therela, wltbhIs lo days (sllrlmIe 4lf l4
of serle) afterthe service as e of thises
oes-if served withi. thue a -uty. r, If srne
out of this county, but I thbl destrict, thee vIt
in twenty dye; otherwise itlim forty das-.:
JudgIelnt by d..aul ail be raken against lee s
Iealt to t pryweof esid eemplaint.
This action is brouLht to reco.er the e at
$2.1s% 73 upon a pri. iery ate dsed Feb. 9%
187.:4 we sx month. a ter d.teand interest t
on from dame at the rate of lr per on . per s.il
sad &al to fencer a lioes of mootifega . g
the right, title and lteorest of the said d
laker iL end to th property and remeL of
Parker Cthetid Cmpay. the said property be
lua'ode4 In the (.tanty of ( ater and Terrltdy
Montanr , and ft ran order of ceunr, that the
right. title and aterret of the said Defendant Ps
her e sold byr thherat ofed se, atny sensednl
to Iw and the pratle of t hu court to e.atldy s
Jdgent and morgagr,. as will more fully appr
y refere, to emumplalt en le beel. heroin
are hrbehy*uied thas II you fall to arpserat
aniu.wer the saild complaint e soeve required, the
sald plalailA will apply o the a urt for the rlfo
4ttuaded in the eemp ls and feor reas oleh.f
ilvs undedr my had and the eal of the Disau
Court ol the Thi'd Juidadcal Dis
o* the orrvitory of Montana, li we
for the said ea' ty of Custer this wt
r[aL.] day of Feb nary, In *he year oftr
Lord one thousandeig.t hud.n.d .a
C. t. MrDuLarto
Plaintims Attorney.
Ts a Reed=Iihesai etdmsd Ppemtss -.,..
sad Psldrl~ue lb. IMbg Wedi D hprl
sad ZatUa earU lrg urigioa luedias.
The on.
`/ l .ihm*
1a Jsi rntb
I "l rotCurta
tare of Mar
asefD. De
ýt 1 " .rteCl
es.ate a a
i sle s.*
The ie~dlssr breach dot510 sp.la _ I5I t.
ali Ctsr h. &.plrO5Od, "nv-.. sad Wasslagf
Diseasas. useiziag fr.. hadiy mnsa.. cases aimt
*101 seca Matrs., or Goer l sdarwvtilm of
routb, btinrigle' om $msrrabee.
Weakb.. and ca m.amalrel draln I,..eýº
.bier gsdrndrie.s the coaetagiits-ais
Dseasy, Iwo uf Vitality or Ysmbeed. ableb
tfro nms uoemf ualmnly.
The uses. as nea mme aftyemd of &b.a
plaisi is owing to a csmplicatile e.lIud Pre.b
rho.. which our tIgensiat gfs ise or case.
Varicoesh, wormy vesia ilk PweuoLe. Wantsn.
blee" and skis f .,.rlm as sdily eavod; sas
private troubhisa. scaly, cesldetialk and gela
eat d. (Maatbat the lbsed mucous mehNm
bea or biaddes~cesealelp healed; she l bsta
sad log diainme. Veoniw empleaue wd all -
04 e.onplsatsd disweas si .wit. east
treated by ."r sasw hrbsd whereby earw to .
totau physiel ssasmimaa us an ulrn. I -
pleermuass S ths Utereasad agibpsM .sl per
preculiar 40 hoanse., seecesei¶f maid.E
'rangsegsespeots ead wvlhlrn. Wrile inyw susv
Tº.nca pwwII EE(1Z D ELIS rat
pstlwt . Call w r addram ~
Liebig World Dispensary.
Ger aerYb.U Vmebes
of -my dmupemY. Tb . L .i
.1 3m L Ubaa i I. ith u
W OusneUhhia d 5sphIa .f al LY
Neaty deem wa Waiui
Fritz &Leonard's
Is now prepared tof br
ish the best BEIR in the
market in any daired
quantity, by the keg or
Family trade soll
orders promptly
and deliveres made to
any part of Miles City
free of charge.
Jno. Oaztagt 3.earin
wIb& SW bus* 1 s I

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