Newspaper Page Text
A ULITTLE BUNDLE OF RAGk. A little hungry aouth; A tiny shaking form; Two little naked feet, Out in the bitter storm; A tattered hundle of rags and mtains. A bthgar from do,. r to door. .L freetig bundle of aches and la In. A starvug child of the pr! Two plMdlng. tearful eyes That none will ever n.iM; Two little sunken che't.ku That never knew a kLie; A tattered hutmlle of rags andI stains, Who whines fr a crtu.t to eat: A freerilng hbndle of achet and ainos, A homek' child of the street Two tlripurple handa; A s.hock of tangled hair; A little weary hI;,ea Asleep ,n the l aveme..t hare; A tattered latudle of rags unhlkased, Who)$' strife is u'er: A wretchel hulldle of wes, at reat. A frowqn chill of tIh*" I'.,r' -lkonizettl MZuhllr in F'rank ItAle'L, Their Work Was Worth ~oamething. Thb cows of a Georgia farmer got into e pea field of his znicihllxr an, I le Ilroyed about ten bushels of Ipe.. lThre upon the latter farmer presentael an ac oount claiming t$6 for ten busheli of plas t sixty cent. I,.r lhuhel. TIo owner of 6b cows examinetl tihe account and1( then mid: "Look here. my cows ate uip ten bushels of your ljas. but you know the rules in gathering pwas is to give one half for the gathering. So .oIt see my Cows were entitled to tire, ILtdhels of those peas for picking them. Therefore I only owe oun for tire buihei at sixty Cents. and that makes $:. Ilhire 's your amoney." And at 43 they s"tidrl.--Chi. ago News. The Psycholoty of 4tandwriting. The North American l&Review prints a seres of the autogrnl .is of Napoleon written at various eljsx is in Ins eventful WYe. Starting in his arly years with a bold and clear slgnat",re. it retains most of these iharacterinti s in the days of hisi greatest succe'ss;; b it paralill with the declining fortunes o' the great man ii a degeneration of hi: autograph. until at be end we have n thing more than the rudest, charnaterh . scrawl. The auto. gpaphstannot him suggest the ravaging changes in the ne rvoust ,st.y!t that were the physiological . vOlc(nmitant of th. tur moii raging in t' hero'smiind.--Science. Comdllmen' Promote Ilgentlon. The value of the various condiments in the preparati ,n of combination dishes is plat. Used with discretion they stimu ae the apptite and promote digestion. ted pepper being specially valuable in this connection. The various herbs and b are exceedingly valuable: salt is utely necemary to health, despite all coatrar; assertions of the foil cranks. an the condiments employed in making slads promote the digestion and assimila Mon of all fodl eaten at the same time. .icago Times. 4 Splders flat Captwre Bird.. The t.arantula of South America is so Urge and powerful that it attack. birds. Del. the naturaliat. found a wel, stretched rmr a tree in which Were entanigled two birds. one in the clutch of thel clcidecr. In msne pIlaces they oeften bite the fort ef h Roeanmd cause tlwird'sath. A natural ist in thea AuLaz,n cocuntry repcecrts ,aing the native chilrnibn leading aleut the huge spidery Ib thra ads of inr- wccund about their I'Nh11.4:s. I;e oce, do dlog in our owncountry.-l( I. '. II, Idc.r. Paper Maelc froCnm Wood. Making pasl. r frtr1io w.Hl iallp ie nnA of the greatc'tt oef ii. i nI I ile'entt it PapeIr wil fcerctrIIr z:IeItf rcet -. h it the demalc:cI focr l' l.r gleaeilv ,1t. the uultl!t% oef rags. anti it is ',..t rcjicy fearsei~' that I+cIilar :ued e"lr - the. oif I .ctr'e in ll l iii t Ice"I, kind lll -. 'a c 1 r \*r 11 \:1r· -( . u.1 (. IIh netting acntt~. .. u I i told ', iit: 1:1, r .I ' it '. . I -I Dcnben. I.f.e a ld or to ""e e- i.. t I e-r.. Ina : , n I Iic I *cI 'rr" I,.' cli a I1,10 iu l.' ft i , t" . .i ul~t 'e daina ly U,", i,:ri `c _ r1.. L, thent k i- 1 IccII ". ' I.II I .\ . ,cl -:II. bon, .ecl i ti, 11it -, tlice.. :,r ir,' ~II , day v Itht~cii,. ,oc I tni the Ielgir-" hcuieancl. -The .1rg irletli 1111,. Itrok..n i. ( "ii :?iInK. A I~i'ili"n r'in ii r I. raiI-."I the qui's tjgl iii ttli. r a Haul iii ..ii2l) hiiwe if wto i,r iuriit I. rs..6 it rii. hi lt tfdLntdini'r be hr ikeii It" iii u'taltr ilff ris. or It Pr) by a 'i· hut tit of coughing~. -Arknlrinaw Traveler. Iondon Houmpi (Imwlng "orl. ¶olern. Flor a Iong while tie Ian iiiioi holi m never hiiangerl their he;Ilw'ilr.IhiI. N .w, when n houir nails' rebui~ii -. tie fri nt d it is apt tUb he ri() n nrmiiliii. not iii Iii.. taidll ou1 it' hI which ha+ preval e hitherto. Wit ntrording to in ml, rn.TI fashion.· -New Orleais TimlesI)e.iii rilt. A Narrow F .empw. Jones was so awkward the oithiur even hlg as to sit down on a guitl'iiin's bilk hat. crushing it flatter than i 1iii:ike. 'Anil tbp think," wats Im cis pomme iilt, ''hat it tilitthit hive Is' ii tiheA m-w one I've just Iseught!l'-Ju.H"-e. peend of the fle irlr Pirre. t hapirinehetnton the siised of thel eietrlo Iw t pove that if H pIriqier e'iitiliit'tof amid be Rcound around the gltobi at signal Pating from it at any point (f it would fabaim to the starting point in one-half a uI W.-Cbhcago Hikraldl. Prevoked Hor Sympethy Stuhand (groaning)--The rlwuniatlham lag I. nllt onm again. (with sympathy)--Oh, I am to uw7. John. I wanted to do roie shap. today. and thut is a Iure dig of -Ths Epoch. gu the p.c it iO two nauafltnms, . and E. (1. PRckham, have found wym remembert U locality of thdir fiDatyaiZt beaur. W in tM Coonby nary 400 WI ebdam 8.0 pealan 14 rmedsues br Wuew* Cmsup. Chang. all the conditions frequently, the height of the chair or of the table, the kind of paper, using sometimes the smoother, sometimes the rougher sort. Have every description of pen and pen. holder at hand, and change them fre quently. Dmn't try to write a handsoime hand, for that is smnething that a per son who has writer's crnuap in perfection cannot do. LR satisfied with legibility, and this thelr need be no difficulty about. The troubleh seenms to be a nervous one. and very little things will affect it. The change front paler that is ruled toplmlr is not, and vice versa, will often give relief, and even a change from black ink to blue has been known to be benen ticial. Of course you must have quill Isnle. in your assortment, but their exclhlaive use will not help you. A friend who dows a great deal of writing has turned to the typewriter for relief, but that is all that it affords. The fingers have got into the cramp habit, and in time thle use of the typewriter wearies and stiffens them. Nothmng but an in finite variety of appliances. cone.tantly changed, will afford the desired relief. ''Causerie" in Boston Herald. Dyeing with the Ilenmna Plant. The lady who is about to undergo the dyeing process is stretched ,out at full length on her back. and is not allbwed to stir The paste is put on the sales of the feet. the toes included. alout an inch thick: th-* upper part of the fset is never dyed. Soft leaves are then applied, a covering, and the whole is tightly wrapped in linen. The same process is gone through with the paint of the hand and the fingers. To keep the application in place, the lady must lit" Irfectly still all night, for no other parts -*f the bxxly nmut receive the dye. aln a spot on the back of the hand or the finger joints would be a great dis figureincitt. At thils time she is dreadfully teased by swarms of suntu itoes and flies, but she dare not Ilove to drive them away. In th,- upper classes slaves watch all night to keep away these jwsts with fans. The same process must bex repeated for three nights to obtain the desired red tint; but, mnce finished. it remnains for a month, a.til :cannot be washed out.-"An Arabian I',i'ce.s.' Grlizzly and Buffalo. When there were buffalo on the plains the Manitoba grazzlies were great hunters of them. When a grizzly and a buffalo met there was always sure to be a con test, but it seldom lasted long, and the buffalo was usually the victim. The buffalo would charge upon the bear. which awaited the onset of his foe erect on his haunches. As the buftllo dashed upon himn the bear threw himself aside, and with a blow as quick as lightning with one ,,f his fore paws seldom failed to break his antagonist's neck. A grizzly bear has been known to engage in quick succession four and even five big buffalo bulls. and to kill every one of them. It frenuently happened however, that some younger and jpore active bull than his companions succeeded in evading the fa tal blow of the grizzly's terrible fore paw long enough to give in turn a fatal thrust with his horn in the bear's side. punctur ing thel vitals, and making of the contest a mutual slaughter.-New York Sun. The Only Remed 1014 Contagious Blood Poison. )1r. D. R. Atlas., Unilon. Sount Crnlina.l f rl t I. l t - frll ieti, lr th airtle r l*ti" *.'. .lrt I.. kl ',., f rt'll,-h ' h. l b it n el.vedl I1. sublstantl,. it'; .. I I :.,ht. trl,., lbh . Sw.ift ,,,,ii i I: . .t f, r IBlt cured me *lint~i alol Iet SI. 11 IIL k . , .' , c . , nl lrljri tir of It1,+ O) l, iw,·. , \ I . t ", ,,h I· r lstat' i of t lus, t 'i, I*'. i' ..Ein l I ali tung 1 u I 11 io p .ri *' o,2. r. ItIi I ohll tl,, 1 .. . .i. i, a h's s .a k it 1 si i *r t.' . , IS r sito S rO -illes I w. sw tr 1 1I4+,,, \. . el +,h - , ' S t . tO it t .i : . ,h l.' r , h. '.1;11k tltliinl Ser-nr. I ( l LtIh1i. I . " ,I ti e it I 4se ifr th it 15.1 'si . iT t... It h ' ir t'.n* I ' i-Ilt h;li , l'lal' t l,, u I t - I wlt ' ulli st fli t'e e s ,lain ..ty h I. s tl sf I ijt ft- liuri Ik ++01i Ire ah ; I h.' 1 .1 r ,xllrpe. r ln th Iit tiht` i i' ta-ao l+,l Af r i | s I tilt sll i'la.tohe ,'i ri.tI C . I sllti ..· l I thi wll t.,tf l td ltht Ihr.,lllt. IWoI 11Iv , ,it Allari.f Cind. i iudt'l datw likf a )l"2. Iin..n ilts n '1"d) doi .itht" m du tl thank stillu fur ihilue 111 etlfni e I sl,, t-nl ir 'hi· i nlilt ll.. otrl n' tract.'d a very severe .'aae tf bhist poimon vlu'~ll u'l'o In(·ICI4.)Hl |)*l ll')Ut Olni +,ll I! amiuiit two years, ago. Herig ?ltf your prietor of whiLh persuade ld i1 1o buy an iniaraltm of his tiw. hih he aid we and grew worse t ll the lime. At lart o. ,,el e. fYni rm~r. emmlll*ltlln!tme + ph (Po.. ildsiluti nil tiOcpaired llof a nr.ll I.nltu friendwitn tmIil, owthat oIIur Ihedlr cineh l )Irl.l olP LO whh'hr i~r.llu ClnI Ii1@ .1 I*,Ir • tired timr . I tnit ,to kht hant drf gist again and isdemanded ial? tneiitei.te. I I 'h*;l lllllrle:ll "","l|is)•rl.'( P Il'"s'Iu"I r Ihn. trne d we, crelrs. in prInenl their (1iM does-itt-u iy tulsan reiros~entatliili. I thanE you again for the bot-eit derived from your I. Nll. (hnr, a .l romnl IIent phls.ia.ll restilin i u H ilia.ldS IeI I. lortifla_ Itl Sletter nit l l, tin g tiit- ilIfall I il acsIei ie h iD t* surg ' 'oittg., ii tilt thi, foIthSO 'aitia it i xti rtlis*t prattle.-, rits 'Those who kittw ith. arrll. t ineitatie . tn'rmniteotly liiigeto io lfflt'! 5 f nercury will 'SI m t yt r 3'll dtitt.s tl-ry if KR nK as a is'.n tJ S.thnanlt. Ti•' ,.l.tnr+al prifealtln, always wiitay til t'Itpre's mls-tlinMS. , i tollinflf ltli anti lit R*m.tot"i*.ei7OtI7.y ti li"ith o u I o is 5 ini asteM hf itb~ lio tile tri ofeltr ritursi . nl ' miPtIint.thea, tUtl eM jtttisatitig in ii" wirt! f. 'tn musd purify the Ie h.*i ref * wryni d isor t 1{er. h,-lp~ Triatiae un lii ".p toil "k. in rnisarnall.ed h h l awer A Atlthita. OI I'Phis is thlie Tr of t hi G7,NumNR Pearl Top Lamp Chimney. A~llothlcrs, siii:ilar.:ric imitation. 'Ilis 'xact LfbCIc isoicmach Ilarl bIt ýiC'himncy. A denlrtmaysny and think hle a' othetrs as good, PITT If? If AS W, V.. lhutat pon tb eExact Label and Top. Pru Wl Imarwulal. MAN NI? By IM AC, NAM CA., PMs urI w . COMPARATIVE WORTH oF BAKING POWDERS. ROYAL (Absolutey Pam).. GRANT'S (AMu Powd)O.*. RUMFORD'S, when bash.. HANFORD'S, when fresh... RED)IEAD'S.............. CHARM (Alm Powder)*... AMAZON (Alum Powder) *. C LEVELAN' D'S( PIONEER (Saeuaesoo).. . CZAR.......................... DR. PRICE'S ............... SNOW FLAKE (aero's)... LEWIS'..................... PEARL (Andrews a Co.)..... BECKER'S .................. GILLETS ................... ANDREWS&CO."RecRlga ilwauee,. (Cmo i AlemU.) BULK (Powder sold loose).... RUMFORD'S,whsanotfresh REPORTS OF GOVERMYENT CHEMISTS As to Puri t y and Wholesomeness ofthe Royal Baking Powder. "I have tested a package of Royal Baking Powder, which I purchased in the open market, and find it comnposed of pure and whole-ome ingredients. It isn cream of tartar powder of a high degree of merit, and does not contain either alum or phosphates, or other injurious substances. E. G. Lova, Ph.D." ' It is a scientific fact that the Royal Baking Powder is absolutely pure. "UI. A. loiv., Ph.D." r " I have examined a package of Royal Baking Powder, purchased by myself I the market. I finud it entirely free frlmt alaum. terra alb., or any other isjurious sub stance. HIlNSY MORTON, Ph.D., President of Stevens Institute of Tech'nology." "I have analyzed a package of Royal Baking Powder. The materials of which It is composed are pure and wholesome. 8. DaNt HarTs, State A..ayer, Mas." The Royal Baking Powder received the highest award over all competitors at the Vienna World's Exposition, 1.7':; at the Centennial, Philadelphia, 1*;i ; at the American Institute, New York, and at State Fars tihru,lghout the country. No other article of human fusd has ever received such high, emphatic, and uni versal endorsement from eminent chemists, physicians, scieutists, and Boards of Health all over the world. Nor--The above DIAORAx illustrates the comparative worth of various Baking Powders, as shown by Chemical Analysis and experiments made by Prof. Schedler. A pound can of each powder was taken, the total leavening power or volume in each can calculated. the result being as Indicated. This practical test for worth by Prof. Schedler nuly proves what every observant consumer of the Royal Baking Powder iknows Iby practical experience, that, while It cost" a few cents per pound more than orlinary kinds, it is far more economical, and, besides, affords the advan tage of bitter work. A single thal of the Royal Baking Powder will convince any lair-suinded person of these facts. * * While the diagram shows some of the alum powders to be of a higher degree of strength than other powders ranked below them, it is not to be taken as indicat lagthat they have any value. All alum puwders, no matter how high their strength, are to be avuided as dangerous. W su Do yea fiR dun. languid. low.w4prted. life les, and indeacrihably miserable, both pnhym cally and mentally; experience a sense of fullness or blating after eating, or of "gone n.oe," or emptUnem of stomach in the morn ing, tonue coated, hitter or bad taste ii moutbh, Irl lar aeppetite, dirrlnem, freguent headahe blurred eyesight, " tih t ing apckL before the ees nervous ,ruitl'raii,. or ex baustlon. irritabillty of tenI'r. r, ht Sul t ., alternating with chilly i nr IZnit, sharp lilting, tranulit pains here aul there, e(l,4 lfl't, drlwsni'.e afti'r mel.;dl v w;a;llll:llus . or udtiturhtnl o;:I unrlfreshing W' ellp. cneltant, lldelsc'ritmbhlo feelifg ol dared, or of Impiuid tagl calalmity? If y.u h r'e. ll, or at cnriller ino number of riue-e i .V c1ti , 34'Vyou4~n t(1uft, ren1 0 1r n t:llt I " t rIII r .1 1 s ' ' lnii rii':n II !i 1; "+ hr. Pi Ir'".' " !"~''. t I'', 2'1! n L .."o t wr ' I.ll1- '. I t ' , ' ' r . {i i" ' I . If i l str la ii..'. 1 r , l'. t i i I I I" I m - ' , \. r . ' r T.u' '* i' 1" "I .'. I- . |c .illt) ,-O i ',*l, 1iU' t iU· ir , ' ,i . ' ,h i"I" ju t . rr ii I . ctur'l . ." I. .u~l h*:ulirig I '.l'"'.'ic. .'. t r 1 ithl r', . Itr nr II' IIII '. i I. "-I h rs . llliri ,l i-iill*lnoi hl s t, .i ie u1 Iit itlhii l I v In (Ul i g c.t . ir nil , i p ', Ci, iri alrr d j'eer, i,, it, Ai ... o and kirubdnl - . ndtIli , Dr. PIere'. ' olen MDlest DI'. lrm a nlr nhifl "lotCh , r EIr't o ,. tof ,t Lhraly or Ito ita h skIn, -i' -.. : diao-II. powerfl. p"54urifying. and in%4iI-., I If.ud mIdi cine. Iri't Eatnl g(lcet ruil~lly 1.'.1 undtr atUdly Il ts , i In lt llt i '.' czm 41 .'('5 11111 1.1'.. g relr' ' rprl' I' ,th ." Il11ill.-'. stEryelnch ti l...l!, r, rb ig l l l ,i r , s1 ",,,. ASc allIn , l i'' 4, r - hand telllo 111, it li' ote) h, ditt ' . ' li n1.hrtl U .t t ' " or I.h' 1ii i , tandth i sh an'l rnOlnth. lu itlnd i t (n tets In this atond'riul mDIlhine or hse itned tmoust Oichi ' in uIng Fev' tr and Isr'. Chill land tever, litulih Au., and kiodr.l daiueIons. Dr. Pierce's Golden Miledical Dli cov ery CURES ALL HUMORS, from a omr n i Blotch ontr Erupion, to tahe worst S.rafula. Halt-rheum, ".Frer--,rm," S4caly or Ibtiuh Skiln, in she.- . dlwiusea carst d by hul h ealt are .llln be 1 iby tlh powerfhl, plurifying and InhaLnr', ig rredl 115 benin in..uene. Bappelally hnut it Manni fan .uted its pote rin uri II nTu.ttr IEcze tm Eryelpelasl s oi d th arbu rs,. Friln Itat mr Iuuts Wores and Swelllt Hilip-Jint Dilweag. " hito oer swllm s" or 'Thick Neck,. and Enlsrd ()lands. hkeed ten cents in stamps for a larg Treatise, with colored platn on mIin rar)is owM or the mllo rnounm aondra Tr l nUme on torofuoUS Atectr o or "FOR TkIl- La " n 1n jI FE141"i_ Trouaghli s le c l lear ns ur s.*l digestio, a fair skin, buoyantil priltl, vitral strL th and body be will be tlishe CONSUMPTION, rwhich ra Lunos latt eng Lngsu Ilarreted aend urd by tIets remedy, if taln In the earler stages of the FrIlm Its mhar velous ilower over is terribly furnl d asJe., when tiratorr .r rir now world-fIamne. rem dy to t he publi n D. Pstap lfught erlouely of callinr It hi "O(st)ruerlox ('riS," .but abIandown that name as tt remtrh .live for a nr.od. mu which, from Its wond trill eru m_ binatln oif tbmht, or stranlllhrool, nitrale or hkr'0,1--+1ntning, and-blilousI.''y trli, ani nltrlntl ,' ll rri.o. Is ltaneuased. no t ron m a r -lled for C'onsumptioo, but for a_ hkon rel ptoe of tre Liver, Blood, and Lungd. For Weak Iung, .plting IhBl. eitl, Asthma, ltver, Couga k WNW UAuuspe /Mad Asmslatiu, ssm al ilarraiseb ao Jno. Carter's, :lt gl uits e0ff14 Mexican Mustang Liniment For MAN or BEA8T, orb It ¼ VIGOROU8LY l 3hesamm - arn For MAN or BEAST, Rub It It VIGOROUSLY I 1 Lyon's Kathairon cleans the gnlyp and Lyon's Kathairon GIVLS YIIoll IS and NTOP [ or 40 years yonu Kathairon has pre served silky tresses for ladsl and beautirying locks for gentlemen. Immediate results! Lyon's Kathairon tteps all Itehil "f I.e Oeap. Makes the ialr i rew I I Lyon's ta a ron gives natural strength & softness to the Hair. Invigorates the root. lets by freeing the scalt from dandruff. Lyon's Kathairon I SO CLIAR IT WILL NOT OIl. TORK LIIa:W.. Fritz & Leonard' s MILES CITY EXCELSIOR BREWERY Is now prepared to 'urn. Ish the beet BEER in the market in any desired quantity, by the keg or case. Family trade sololted; orders promptly fll and delfverles made to any part of Mles City I fee of ohMgs. MORAN & GO., ýADDLE8, Harness and Horse Furnishings, COW 2OT OVTTFITS. FED ARNOLD, MERCHANT 'TAI LORING, Imported Goods made up in the Latest Btyles: MAIN ST., - - MILES CITY. J. H. CONRAD & CO., GROCERIES, PRICES DRY GOODS PROVISIONS. TO SUIT. CLOTHING Corner Main and 8th Sts., Miles City. R. C. RIGHMOND, liamonds,Watchest Fine Jewelry Watch Repairing a Specialty. STE BINS pLOC, I. MILEs CITT. DRUGS! JOHN WRIGHT, Stebbins Block. - - Miles City. I. ORSCHEL & BRO., Clothing and Gents Furnishings. Hats and Caps. Boots and Shoes. Commercial Block, - - Miles City. L TABLISHED 1877. JAS. MoMILL ANT & CO., PROPI'ItIETUIL OF THE Minneapolis Sheepskin Tannery; AND DEALERS IN EzDES, 8EE .PELTS, FU, WOOL, TALLOW Ginseng and Seneca Root. sHEEP PELTS & FURS A SPECOALTT. 101. 103 106 s.sia IUt Mwth. MINNwAPOIs, mStl Shipments Sbohlited. Write fto Ci.oultgs. IMPORTERS , 5ptNER . R BARrLCr JOBBERS ,.,. HARD ARE e STINPLs, nonI I' 011 11 I TIC=LE " ISOTI, fG oo. O I0000S. 2,, 4, 2, s3o A 32 LZak Stmt, CIEOAGO,ILZA I. L~ ~ý .\ .ý`ýL w`/ / . .nr1. M '.0 9j 1r.. :1 . r I. oia ~11 ý''h f u . ul ,n ý r.I uIs ul a ' '·U L·O l lr Ni º UNU/'1 . . FILAR r.dfl.01ý ?I MI r H .. C A ~ I ."u , U I., r.. - I t u r·· c ,,,l "nrr r ~ lo r r rr r il u . -. n C eeOn Mtx kedt..e~tw~l~I~owth~t t~m.9 4*~ J1 t31 AP'P w11 Bed I~~ we.'O'·. ~ 9~I *h( 00 ubiS 5w)fU 1 CJ o "" \ J "" ; ~1 lrlrrr I I VnJ I , VII . r i ý ILnr.. t n ICA 1', t~xwI1H pp. I. 1 ~.f IlOIa 5....Misia a eVE B,,Pee .f *,d. Alre gpg