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LTHE DAIIY YELLOWSTONE JOURNAL. VOLUME VI. No. 180 MILES CITY, MONTANA, SATURDAY, APRIL 7, 1888. PRICE FIVE CENTS. THE DAILY JOURNAL The Oied.e PYuer of Culstr eostWy. Every Morning Except Monday. Pepulation ef iles City, - - .000. Terms of Subscription: I1 MAIL--IN ADVANC3-POITAOI PAID. Dl t , e ye ........................110.06 Daly E , ix m thst........................ .00 Daily Ediltio, three months................ 1.40 TO CITT gUVACRIBEEB. ' Carrier, Every Morning, at S eta. per week. WEEKLT EDITION-YILLOW PAPER. goe year..... ....................-... ..............00 lsr M s ....... ....... .......... .............. ........ 2.00 three MonthsI........- .....--***... .. ........ 1.00 Advertising Rates. • t r . r r SUy...... 2. 3.00 4.00 .00,10.00 14.00 20.00 SDys....3.00 4 00, 7.00 11.60 1.00 16.00 26.0. 5 Dlys..... 4.00 ..00 5.00 14.00 15.00 21.00, 30.0 I Week... 5.004 6.00 10.00 0 6.00 1.0 24.00 36 JO Weeoks.. 7.00110.00 12.00 90.00 24.00 2. C 46.00 SWeeks.... 6.00 12.00 14.00~22.0I 26,00 00 8 0.0.00 SMouth .. 10.05 14.00 16.00 25.00 82.00 42.00 60.00 * Months... 12 .0 18.00 22.00 14.00 42.00 52.00 66.00 $ Months.. I..10 21 00 12.a 12 42.00 .001 66.00 100.00 g N.r hs. 2.(0_, 2._00,4).0( 60.rx 74.00 10.(00 150.0 Legal notice--len cent. per Line for each nlose tins. fifteen cents per line. Addree. THE YELLOWSTONE JOURNAL PUBLISHING COMPANY. JOURNAL BUILDINO, Mll EM CITY. M. T. ((ON TRACTOK!S R ~4APLE? A I TUA&T, Il CONTRACTOR AND BILDuD. Namate furulalM on all klnds of earpnetr work PROF ES , O N A L DMOND BrTLBR. Q~iaa ATTUgNET AT LAW. at Courtmnay'e, kale streetM. !Mlle City. D.L . U. IBEID, rtlellcClAN AND $ IROSOn. s at W. t.. Slavage' drug stor. 12 tf 3t J. J. WOOD. L PHYSICIAN AND UUsA3U. at svag's tugstore. PUTeICICIAN, t-URGRON A ONTWTRIIA' (Aat, Wundant and Gebutabeiter.) Otllc a ftwags drugstore, Ulles at , N. T. C . WUi.TNKY, Mtam street, ever toekgroven Natlonal Lank. All work guaranted andl U reasonahlc rates. C H UR'H Eb. mUa*Uel Church (Episcopal) Palmer SuWe ndays at V:31) a. m. . d 7:3u p. m. Wm. Ueeta.ll, ector. a.tlet Chureh-$-erice Sunday, 11 a. m., t p. I jiIW U. DL7. yputor. Meltodist Church-dnrvices Sunday, II a. a., %SR p.m . b. E. Solder. pastor. Pr.byterian Church-S.ervices Suunday, 11 a. m., ap. . T. C. Armstroug, pastor. Ak eh of Macred heart, 4'ttholhc--unday, 1l a. a. E. W. J.Lindesmluh, chapllain, I. r, A. Mh4l ETI Esh. A. O. H.-D-livsion No I meeta first and m*ono O .adaysol each mouth. K. of U.-Mestus irst and third Wednesdays at 7:3) p. m,, at Odd Fellows' Hlail. A. F. A A. M.-elluowstone Lodge, No. 2;6, 5A a ,d tird Wednesdays. R. A. M.--Yellow.toO ('hapter. No. b, second nTunaday in each month h. l'.--ImuMacus Gommandery,tourtb Thurs days. I. U. 0. F.-Custer Lodle. No. Ia, every M1 aday an their hail. L O. O. F -Sentinal Encampment. No. 6, irst s3 third Friday. K. t P.-Crusader lodge, No. 7, Thursday eienalgs at Odd lellows 11a1l. C. K. of A.-Miles City Branch, everybunday at L. of L.-First and third Fridays. 0. A. R.-U. S. Grantt Post, No. 14, frst and tlird Tuesdays. 1. . O. G T.--Star of the West. No. 24, every Thi. .day evening. I. of V .-Aibieon Camp No, 4. Meets irst and lUrea Tuesdays of each month at Good Temuplaus' ball. C. N. PALKE. . H. W. TOPPINI+ NO tTHERN PACIFIC FOUNDRY PA KER & TPPI , MuiEmtatemers of all tLis of IRON and BRASS CASTINGS. BRAINBRD, *IN NEBOTA COMPILED LAWS OF SMlTAMA. Alte Lxtra 16b lmte Loaws, 1,7. A Valuable Volume for Everybody, of Nearly 1,400 Pages. ;coMPuItIoM Il lan of lota1 to Daft Web ave prlated a Ilmlled mlmber of wettr oopie which can now ;h lad, Eprea Prep'aid on Receipt of Prie Compilld .aws bou.nd In .hwp .......w MLtrt 1tM boormoo Law.. bound Isn ep....... .M ,* .. .payr...... Ih ebth boegd .l I Vol, Inla I .hrp............... 9.0 Ore set me oompanlod with bre momey eapre ebeues amdod., JOURNAL PUBLISHING CO., HELENA, MONTANA WbUe msad Bel oesel , m artmoe I-um as ald Ls tee Membeten. LEIGHTON & JORlDN, WHOLESALE GROCERS, AND RANCHMEN'S SUPPLIES, Goods Delivered at Ranches. TKE OLDEST an LARGEST ROUSE IN EASTERN MONTANA. STOCK GROWERS NATIONAL BANK, MII.EBS OITY. MONT. THE LARBEST BANK IN EASTERN MONTANA CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $105,000.00. INTEREST ALLOWED ON TIME DEPOSITS. W. R. STEBBINS. President, WM. HARMON, Vice President. H. F. ATOHELOR, Ouw. ashier. ELMER E. BATCHELOR, Asst. OCash. NATIONAL BANK. of aZIZ0. M CIOTY, ~OT WAT.E & THE OLDEST AHD LARGEST BAN IN EASTERN 101471k CAPITAL ..- - s0.00o IIURPLUS AND UNDIVIDED PROFITS 870,000 JOSEPH LEOHTON, Preddent. W. B. JORDAN i Vies President. B. B. WEIRIC. Cashier. H. B. WILEY, Assistant Cashier. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. Live Stock, Loans, Real Estate and Notary Public LIVE STOCK A SPECIALTY Agent for the oldest and moat reliable FIRE, LIFE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE COS. And the oldest agent Into town. Money Loaned on First Class Security. Cattle and sheep ranches, and improved farms for sale at a bargain with easy terms of payment. Houses to Rent and Collections Made. Several oemfortable and commodious dwelling houses and well located business and residence lots for sale cheap; also N, P. R. R. Cos lots and lands, and grazing lands in the Northwest Territory for lease or sale. Montana, Western, Wyoming, Texas and Eastern GATTI'LE FOR SALE In Iots to suit purchasers. Also several choice bands of sheep and Pennsylvania "Black Top," registered rams and Short Horn thoroughbred and grade bulls for sale. m WILLIAM COURTENAY, MAIN STREET. I. ORSCHEL & BRO., Clothing and Gents Furnishings. Hats and Caps. Boots and Shoes. Commercial Block, - - Miles City. NORTHWESTERN GROWN GARDEN, FLOWER, FIELD AND GRASS SSEEDS. All kinds at Eastern Prices, freight added. Send ibr catalogue and prices. Orders by mail promptly filled. Miles, Strevell & Ulmer. PRAIRIE PETS. A New Use Discovered for Cun ning Rodents of Bounty Law Notoriety. The Argonaut Mining Lead Traced and Worked Out by Their Instinct-Rats. ANOTHER SC.EME. How Gophers IDuK for and Found a Rich Mine Near iasis. The following story, which is vou,.bed for by a correspondeit of the Bluite Muier, may be the truth: Mir. T. has charge of the Argonaut working party here. He is an exper ienced muan, an engineer and an old Nevada and Cahfornia miner. He has labored early and late to "st'ake it" iu the Argonaut, fully satisfied that an immense body of rich ore was to be found in the bill by peralstent drilling;. But as with ma.'y before him, time and bard rock have not been forgetful to remind him of the great cost. Grub, tools, powder and tabor coat money. He and his partner were rich in faith, but faith is poor food and it takes money to drive tun nels. They are not bonanza king=. six weeks ago these owners held a council and decided to "close down" If rich ore was not found by March *1t. Mr. T. was sorely perplexed. His faith was great but his financial fix was like that of the Apostles who had not silver and gold. The wrote to a friend-an old miner-in Nevada, told him all and lamented his necessary :luosing out of what be was sure was a fortune. A little time after a tele gram was received stating "something hbipped by express to-day." In a few days the "something" ar. rived. It was a lurge box perforated with one-inch auger holes. In it were t n frisky little anuimals that proved to be gophers. Upon the box was tacked a letter, whose contents read: "We use them with entire success here; try the.; they are well traiued." The letter explained that it is not generally known that t:,ese industrious little ones have a great fancy for globules of quicksielver, but it is a fact that such is their infatuation for it that they will follow the glittering metal as long ae they can scratch dirt. The miner makes a hole in the ground at various places on the surface ground of his claim, and pouts an ounce or two of the quicksilver in esch. The gopher is held over the bole and sees the shbin ing stuff at the bottom. Instantly be darts for it. Hecan't pick it up, but he thinks he can all the same and there be digs and dig., stopped by nothing to lung as the bright sub stance is in sight. All the miner has to do is to prospect the dirt thrown out by the g',phers, and thus the lead is found and the exact place where the wealth is located. The argonaut people found their vein after eight days' gophering and nlow have sutnk a shaft squarely upon as rwh a silver lead as Montana can boast of. Fatal Italroad Accident. 'CHICAGo, April 4 -A rlietial from New Hampton. Iowa, sayu: A terrible disaster occured aevei mules from here thi.s morning, whereby the ;.seienger coaebes on the wst bound Milwaukee & St. Paul train were pripllated into the Wapele river. It was caused by the giving away of a bridge. The en gloiner and two, ptnao gerw are knowno to have been drowned, atnd it is sup. posed the same fate has befallen the balance of the paesengers. The local omr.ials of the St. Paul road in Chicago know nothingcomcerniug the aclident. The Mt. Paul officials hve a dispatch saylug only two lives were lost. I'.a.d the Il111. WASHINuTON, April 5.--The Sneate to-day pasud the booud bill. The measure was not taken up until 8 p. m. McPberson, Immediately with* drew the amendment which be bad offered yesterday, and then, without a word of dlicuuion and without div-* lon, the substitute with the Beck amoendment was pased and a com mittee of f onferenoe ordered. r He Anmesrbly ettled. WASHINTroN, April 6.--4erertary BIyard to-day received a cabl frona United States Consul Lewis at Ton quin, the tenor of whiob i that a sit isfattory settlellmet of the trouIl.I with tle d woorlsh government will soon be rachred. AFreoenaIt ketween thie Knlghb and the Iturlington. Ip IIIAI'l:.I'IIIA, Pa., April 5.--('r tain civorreolpmotdel'e between (e, ,. h. Eastman, of the Knighti of Labor, and (neral Manager Btoa*, of the Clhicago Burlington & Quincy, was male I uhlic tbhis morning. On March 19thl Es.tmran wrote to Stone, stating that in order that there might be no misunderstanding as to the politon and policy of the, late Reading engin. eerr and firemen now employed on the 'Q " and those who are to be em ployed, he would state that the men would be faithful to their duties and steadfast in their allegiance to their new employers. On March 25th Stone wrote to Eastman assuring him that the "Reading men" on the "Q" would never be displaced to make room for anybody. oause YFllibuestrs. WASHINGTON, April 5.-The house to-day resumed the fillibustering over the direct tax bill which con sumed the time from noon yesterday until 2 o'clook to-day. Speaker Car lisle ruled to-day that be had no power to put an end to fillibustering, as there were just enough memibrs opposed to .he lill to make dilatory rumo.imn and prevent the majority from passing it. Dreary roll calls con tinued, eutting off commerce and mil itary affairs and oommittees whiob had orders for tr-day. General Terry Retired. WAsauINTON. April 5.-General T'rry was pl'eed on the retired list of the army to-day. This is in accord atnce with the report of the army re tiring board, of w hieh General Hee-a fl Id i presidetnt. The report was sub mitted b. the secretary of war to the President to-day and was immediate ly approved. Piased the Menate Washington By a vote of 29 to 15 the Senuate pawed a bill grantiug the Billing., Clarks Fork and Cooke City Railroad Company thel right of way thbrugh the Crow In dian reservation. Mr. Daris opposed the consideration of the bill, but by a yea and nay vote of 34 to 17 the Sea ate proceeded to its consideration. The bill was amended by the additiot of the words, "That no part of iaid road shall touch any part of Ye low Stone Park." Debste on the bill was brief, beigconfilued to Senator Jones (Ark.) in favor, and Davis against. Jones firat gave the history of lion by which the Rocky Fork got through last year. and the Billings failed. The entire opposition to the .bll came from a rival road, which claimed that itcould not get financial help to build its road unless this roaed was refused right of way. It could occasion the Indians no inconven ience to put this other line throuh. In the course of his speechb Jones said: "The purpose of btth roads, I under. stand, is to reach cerlain coal beds for the supiply of coal to Montana and Wyoming, and all along the country iu the Yellowstone Valley. I believe one railroad reaching these coal beds woulh be a good thing, but I believe that two roads would be more than twice as good, and public policy re quires that while the Ro' ky Fork road rea.hes the coal beds, we should allow the Billinga compauy to do the same, so that there may be competi tion for the benefit of those who are in need of fuel in the cold winters of that rigorous climata. Humbug. A writer in the Killings Gazette thug criticiecs a recent artnle in the He! ens Sunday Record, oin which the old chestnut Chesh ;a-Pah, the medicine man of the Crow Indians who was killed l1t fall during the troubles, is canonized." The gentleman who wrote the article is one who can clothe the moot ordinary eveut with language equal to tost of the story t|hiers of theeast, transform trite say inop into flowery periods and write esatertailololy about-n-othlng. While Ihere was a pathetic side presented in the hibtory of the shbort career of the late Sword Bearer, the idea of placilb him in the same category as Buddha, M,,bammed and others nearly as great, who lived, fought and died for great principles, is an offene to common sense and good taste that "smells rank to Heaveu" And as for the other prophyts, who are only knouwn (the writer claims) to himself and other *eoeiteiastlcl sobolars," not beln numbered among these learned men I mannot say as to how the med laine man compared with them The ob scurity into whblbh they havel.ha is' as the light of day compared to the darknes of theshades o oblivion lonto whlch the false prophet of tue Crows Iu already ,used." Itrth. ofr IEnpluyl. at the Hit.. Ym'ds. Alsout. dgt~ir diIj i Mlrhenr mployed: Int lbh Hdlrna yritd (if the Northern' Pwlfle knocked off work on Tuerday TIot. A nunttwr of them bad been "ocblbratlng" over b.e ,Ieston and' were not In shape to work when the evening of their great content gave place to a sober and every day momr iog. It is also alleged that they had some trouble with the yardmatwr, whiho may hv. had something to do with shaping their course. Another reason given is ihat they demand the same wages paid for similar work at Butte, who-b ar- -aid to be higher than those paid here. At all events the men quit on Tuesday and refused to return at the old wages. Mr. J. E. Dawson, the resident agent at the de pot, and Yard Matter Joyce have been donlng what yard duty they could an sieled siuce the men went out. but the strike considerably embarressed the company in the daily business of transferring freight and switching oars. uperintendent G41ºIwrt sent in some men from the we.t yeterday, but when they arrived anrd learned the situation sev-ral refu-ed to go to work. Last night the conuuotor of a freight was warned not to move his train,l,ut Sheriff Hathaway alid Under iheriff Hard were at the deoot, and in the presence of these ofih ere the train was started out of the yait with out opposition. This morning a number or men went to work as usual, and Agent Dawson says their will be no farther trouble. It is said all dlfferenots have been settled, and that there will be oa more interruption to business. Suom of the striking employes have bees discharged and others have gone back to work, the places of the former being tilled by the men brought In trom Mi.souls.-Herald, 5th. From High AmUtkrlty. Thos. L. James, late postmaster gem eral and now president of the Lincoln Natioual bank of New York city, in a personal letter to Jao. E. Kennedy, of Blatcbford, acknowledgnlo the reoeipt of a copy of the special edition of the WEEKLY YELLOWIWTONE JOUKNAL sent him by Mr. Kennedy, says: e"I have read the paper with much ples ure and surprise. I had no idea of the vIt extent and possibilities of the great west until last summer, when I mode a trip to Duluth and I now fully endorse the celebrated resolution of fered by Felix McConnell In Congress some years ago: *Reolved, That this Is a great country and gradually In or . ing.' " While Mr. James may not be lured from his responsible and lucrative po sition in the great metropolis, we are glad to know from his. own pen thea the Information concerning eaesrm Montna contained io the paper re ferret to was both interesting and oar priaing to him, tor facts of this kind do not lie dormant with such men as he. They will be talked about, and through such conversations informa tion will be disseminated and Inquiry directed to this country. Mr. James cannot do better than extend his next western trip to Montana, where be will se- an empire int it llfancy, riai in every element of prosperity but al most powerless to help itself. Give Them a Chane. That is to say, your lungs. Able your breathing machinery. Very won derful marhinery it i. Not only theb larger air.passages, but the thousands of little tubes atrd eavltie* leading from them. When the.e are clogged and choked with matter which ought not to be there, your lungs cannot half do their work. Aud what they d,', they ceanot do well. ('all it cold, cough, croup, poeumo ni, catarrb, consumption or any of thethhroat and nose and head and long obstructions, all are had. All ought to be got rid of. There is just one ente way to get rid of them. That l. to take Bo.ohee's (iermau Syrup, wblbe any drugglrt will sell you at T6 ea a bottle. Even if everything else ba failed you, you may depend upon tbiL or certain. he leginm's Iemn DI.eIpbte. Many desertions oetinue to take ulm from the 'rench army In Tonkl-. Al the df ertar who ar resaptured am do without compunction. Itely aigh mldier of the Foa.ign gio ram aw. from Southey with a lt d arms and conterments. They were caught n h mountain defii after a chase whi bated a coderable tim and the h. c wena condemned to be shoat earn It is maid that whme the men wee draw up in single file in rot of their gree(s the abdjauant ho was in charged Ot Bring party ard ot with anath , seeing soae do the doomed mea slightly out d their alignment, "*Q( l yo: fellows keep your drueing betar h that? Eye right! Dreal" No snas was the command given than the pi.d ere with parade like punctuality ned themselves up and obtyed a it were on the drill ground or at i rnede Then the fatal command was give, em the eighteen mue went down bIfonted terrible volley. The djutant's we . f they were ever d, and it hb/o , able that thywera tnat ha Fiselom- pramil I an h rWq or"L.a- - vLodo Telegara o J!ý~