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THDDAILY JOURNAL WiTA sLISHIM 1881. ,MI ,R. CITY. MONTANA. THIOFFICIAL PAPER Ot CU8TEI& COU.'I Nebillls matu T+II YLLOWeroNX JOURNIAL tmusaett Ce.. contrweted by -y of the employ ersJ par or erters, will be cgaad unlees Naa _ L by a written order signed by the pub iber beoea ma hfeeidterof T{ ¥ILL.OWSWOl JOUaNAL i met rtipeesimbl for any ot the opan esII or attersa ole its.e nsp ea ts. S Ne is hosbby gives to anl sesmremed that Tah YaLowvrroN JeOUDAL PUL, SuINl Co. held. the oontract t do all printing and ad Uretiag, f whatever satiae cbareabl to Cue ter seemty,ad Is aloo the delgned and only paper i OCater eesaty in whle eurvles by publlestlo m be legally msde. Legal notimes published Ia ehr ppeps of Custer eounty an vn l amd weathbso. as has bees decided by, the courts of Tuesday, May 8, iMr. RELPUBLICAN CONVENTION. A Territorial Re·ubll an Convention will be MAd at Livingstou on. the 19th day of May, 1388, eMi o'eloeck in the foeenoon, for the perpose of e.stwag two Uelegate and two Alternate Del. Io s the Republican National Conveaton. to be IasM Chit 0uo, June 19lh, 1M, to nominate can. dldates for President and Vice-President of the Ualed Uates. The several counties will be on ttled to repreentatives s follows: OGo.rTI. No. or DuBL.oATs . oae.ed... ........................................ . Q gg g ........................... ....... ...... ....... ...... .... (ANN. ... ... ................. ....... ....................... . . ..... .......... .... .. ..... ......... ~ l....................... ...... ...........o-. . S r..... ... ..................................... 1 L l Cn.....ark............. ..................-.....-. ...... 3 NOW Dow~.."....... .................. ..... .....~.-.. 7 Tellwettaee.................................. 3 Total .......... . ...................................90 The eoonty Iepubllcan Committees of the sev. eal oea.tles (evept Gascade) will proceed to eall Cosuty C ,nventtona in their respective coun Mt, and eiec' Dl .)laes and Alternate Ielegates . the Territ ,ril Convention as above deignated. In Cased,. county the County convention may be alled by the member ol the Territorial Com i"tte of it at county. IS Is dw red that ample notice of such Conven We be gi en. The foil gwinl rules have been adopted for the pvrmnmeat of the Republican Territorial Con. ventl.o o the Territory of Montana: 1-Delgeates and Alternate Delegates shall be eleeted n the future to eurritorlal Conventions, and Ia roevent of the ailure of a Delegate to , Ihe Alternate Delegate shall east the vote r the.elegate whoe Alternate he is. S-I o the abeene of a Delegate and his Alternate a ma. rity of the Dlegation fromthatCounaty, shall cast the vote of the absentee. 8-.l the absence of all the Delegates and Altir atM Delegates from any county, no vote shall be ea for each county. S-lIteooounty In which the Territorial (on veotieo shall he held, when any Delegate and h Alernate Delegate a absent there shall be no vote east L their behalf. 5-Delegates and Alternates must be Republi ean es.ldenta of the County which they represent. By order of the Territortat Republican Commit te. I. UALaINOUZ. IsAAC D. tIC(CTCzHos, Seeretary. Chairman. A COaRESPONDENT writes that every Democratic delegation to St. Louis has sent the following circular to the hotel keepers of that city: "I cannot eat but little met, My semach is not good, But ure I think that I can drink Eneegh to raise a food." BOuEMAN's third newspaper is at last lssued, the Montana Register, GOo. Alderson editor and publisher. The Regleter looks well, le well edited and will espouse the temper sne Ocause. TaE announoe ment that the Boo road had been sold to the Canadian Paeifo is positively denied by the Soo lme officials. Manager L nderwood says the story is without foundation, and sinoe the last annual meeting held In September ther- has bsen no prospect of any change. OUR esteemed and amiable centem. porarles, th* atock Growers' Journal ot Miles City and the Live Stook Journal of Helena, are indulging in sois vt ry aorimoniou lianguage in calling atten tion to each other's foibles and frail. ties. In our opinion both aides have good grounds on whloh to base it al legations and thus far the contest ap pears to be about even. IT is sad to think how defeetive sebolarship in King James' version of the Bible huJed sundry millions of Christians in grevious error these two oentaries and a half. That version states that Solomon bad 1,000 wives. A more correot sobolarship shows he had but seventy. That brings down Solomon's glory mightily. He is only a peg or two above ;Brigbam Young and far inferior to the Knlog of Ashn. tee.-Ex. B3LroRIm' MAGAZINE, Sn Improved monthly publication: is about to be Is sued, Belford, Clarke & Co. publishers, New York, Chicago and San Fran* telo. Col. Dean Platt, a gentleman of long and varied experler ,e, both u - Journalslt and litterateur, and well known through reason of intimate aonection with twenty-vy e years of the history and politics of this coun try, will be editor.ln.chief and asist ed by a large number oPable oontrtbu. tors. Subscription price is $2.50 per yar. Am exchange wants to know "why women envy men?" We can't under stead why a woman should envy the miserable condition of an ordinary man salem she hasu inordlnatedeslte to thew plug tobacco and stand the wear and tear of a cold, unfeeling world. There is no poetry or romance it the eareer of an ordinary man. His life li a cram between the hope that allure anod the prospect whlch daisles mixed up with the fruits of achieve meat, In the fever of orushed ambition ad the saneemingly rustling for cold ggib. PTe illusory and palsied is. SofS even the swiftet s lanter rwos with the bitterness of disap. I polntment. No, we can't undertaad why a good womau should envy the oonditlon of mau. They have trouble enough to be sure, for the majority nf heart broken womeu trace their sor row to the helliah villainy of their sworn protectors. Good women hap pily situated ought to be satisfied with their lot and they ,hould never cease prayijg for the unfortunate man whom the irony of grim fate forever shadows. No, he beeas no picnic in this life whatesver may be in store fur him in the next.-Eobhange. PROCLEEDINOB in the house of reprt* bentative during the present week promise to be a repetition cf those of last week, with obange(y nime of speakers. The only brdbk in the tar lffdebte that appears to be among possibillties is coutingent upon the success of the effort which is now being made to secure sutfcient support for the river anti harbor bill to ensure its passage by thes house to-morrow under a suspension of the rules. In the enate the laud grant forfeiture bill holds its right in the morning hour and the animal inldustry bill and copyright bill hare right of way after two o'clock. The pension appropra tion bill is likely to be reported during the week. The North Dakota bill still awaits a favorable opportunity for Its discussion but can be mentioned only as a possibility for the week. AKIQ POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varie,. A mar vel of purity, strength and whole tomenene. More economical than tlt ordinary kinl.s, and cannot he soltl in oompetition with the multitude- oi low tLet, ashrt vweight, alum or phow ph1Lte powdBr. Hold only in cans. ROYAL BAKING PowuaE Co.. 106 Wall street. New York. AAND pow- mourn'mm II$ ntassaa the Tint ef Taasu 0.iftagnmfiamuaa of the IL60DI, LITZI OOK ACS, EDTIDx~ow 4~~Ic Lr4 u It adi t *1FA 0s Javigeree a DTUPZIUIA,00NIZ CiURED PATIO!, IAUNDIOZi, urn umuarlrmtrum LIVu 10130OUZAZNTS as ihms a uatsaraur DNEY5 it. headelal STOMACH Itspa prely a KItala AND masits Sad hutie prep, o sUlel:! u. eaiytee by shiM.i MD~s NMWIT All mfuU FOR SALE. FOR SALE. Some fine full blood and high grads Short Horn Bulls Weil acelimated and strong constltu lion.. Apply to THOS. H. OANFIELD, Lake Park. Kinn $1 18 WmEEKS. The POLICE (JAZETTE will be mailed, securely wrapped to any ad dress in the United Mtates for three months on recelpt of ONE DOLLAR. Liberal discount allowed to pooI mastrs, agents and clulh. Mample ooples mailed free. Addrei. all ordej o RICHARD K. FOX, Fa&RKLIN MqUAIr, N Y I iine's N el ' mpound URE i Nervous Prostration, Nervous f 'IdaNh.e, Neurallgi, Nervous C eakness, Stomach and Liver isuase,. Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, sad all frctioms of the Kidneys. WEAK NERVES PAINIs's CELEr COMPOuND is a Nervl Tonic which never falls. Containing Celery an 1 Coa, those wonderful stimulauts, it speed ily cures all nervous disordl:. RHEUMATISM PAIna's CELEIY COMPOUND purifleI the blood. It drive. out the lactic acid, which causes Rheumatism, and restore thle I,hxx making organs to a healthy condition. The true remedy for Rheunmatism. KIDNEY COMPLAINTS PAINe's CELnRY COMOt'l D quickly restores the liver and kidneys to perfect health. This curative power combined with its nerve tonics, makes it the best remedy for all kidney complaints. DYSPEPSIA PAIN'e CILrUY CoMPortND atrnthenns the stomach, and quiets the nerves of the diges tive organs. This is why it cures even the wort cases of Dyspepsia CONSTIPATION Psais's CILERY COr MPOUD is not a Cathar tic. It is a laxatlve, lt Illg Cnry and ntatural action to the bowels. Regulerity surely fol lows its use. Recommendid by pr. f.-lul uani buiuem met'. : I ,t rl0. k. Price 51.10. . . , lrt._cs.. WELLS, RICHA=DSO&I & CO., Prop's 'I'R;: I. . IIN.'. T George M. Miles, Charles N. Ftrevell and (eorge Ulmer as co-partners a, Miles, trevell & i liner, vs. Miles City Dressed Beet Comuoany, William M. Dustan and Rweol N Hough as co-partners as Dus tin & Ilough, Aaron B. Nicholson as assignee of the frmof W illiam N. Dustin d Co. th* Stock Growers' National Bank of Miles City. Montana, Algernon S. Osgood and Michael Leyden as co partner, as Osgood & L-ydea, (ull River Lumber Lompany, Thomas J. Bryan and c'harkle Larsen as co-partner! as T. J. Bryan & Co.. Berthold Ullian Fred \\hiteside and William Whiteside as co partner. as Fred Whiteside &t Bro., kobinson & Cary and William H. Roas. Defendants. To be sold at shertifa sale on the 22nd day of May. iL84, at2uo'clock o. m. of that day at the front door of the court house in Miles City. Custer county, M.ontaaa territory. Allot the right, title and suIlrest of the abve name.d defendants in and to the tullowiug described real eest. to-wit: The slaughter house, ice house, engitue house and build:Dgs appurtenant thereto. erected by the Miles Ct' Dreseed eef Compan. upon certain lots, pieces or parcel, of land situate, lying and being in the *ounty of Custer and territory of iontana. together with the land upon which sail buildings are siteated, to the extent of one acre thereof, said land being ,articularly bounded and described as follows, to-wit: "ilHginning at thLeaootion eorner between sectiona 22 2, 2 6 and 27. in Township eight (t) north of Range forty eoron (47) east of the Montana prinelpal meridian and running thence due north along the section line between sections 22 and 23. Bie nundred and "eventy-tire and 3-10 feet (N7., 3.10); themnc north fiteea delres anud one mainute t1 de. I min.). west sixteen hundred and e and 3-10 feet (165 3-10) to apotnt on the south bank of the Yel lowstone river; thence south seventy-four degeers and ifty-nine minutes (.1I .g, 59 -in.) west along the ba.k of said Yellowstone river four hun dred and twenty-three and 3-lo feet (123 3-10); thence osoth ffteen degrees and one minute (1I deg.l min). east twenty-one bundre ! and ten and 7-10 feet (2110 7 10) to i point on a line of aanid sections 22 and 27; thence east along said last men tioued line two hundred stil eighty-two feet (2) to the place of beginning. Beings a portion of lots 7 and i In said section 22. TRoS. I. IIn. i,t. herd Apr. 1)ated April 2_ th. ls,. ......... . . Thos. J. Bryan and Charles Lar..cnt a co-part. ters as T. J. ilriau & Co. vs. Miles City Ire.ed Beef Compan%, Aaron B. Nicholson a~ assignes of tbilliam M, iuqt~n & Co , the Stock t4rrweru' National Bank ut Milee City. Montana, lgernon. ...L t ou and lichael layden a, co-partnern as & Lek.ln, the (,"it Riv'r Intamler iomoany. Gteorge M Miles, Charles N. 'trevetl uelJ ieorge II. Ulmnr as co-partners as Miles. 8 revel.& Ulomer, Frid Whallueide and SWill iam t bhiteet.l as co partners a, Ired Whiteside & liro., itobinson & Cary, WtIll)stu II. Itoss and Berthold Ullman To be sold at aLerifrs sale on the 22nd day of May, 185. at 2 o'clock ,. mi. of that day at tihe front door of the court bhose in Miler Cit}, in Custer county Montana territory. All of lthe right, title and interest of the above named de fendant, in and to tae following descriwl reeal estate, to-wit: "Th<b alaughter house, ice house, engine house, and building appurtenant thereto, erected by the Miles (ity Dirmeed Beef Uompony upon certain lots, piece. and parcels of land situ ate, lying and beng in the County of Custer and Territory of Montana, together with said land upon whlch sald buildings are stuated to the et. tent of onecrethereof, said land bring plrtleu larly bounded and described as follows, re-wit: Commencing at the section corner etween see tlens 22, 23, 3 and 27 in Township (8), north of Range (47), eat of Montana principal meridiau and running tenoe north along the section line between the sectil.s 22 and 23. Ire hundred and ninety-ive and 1-10 feet ((595 ~-1,): thence north (15deg. I mto.) ifteen degress and one minute west, 160(5 4-10) feet to a point on the south bank of the Yllbowatone river; theneoo south (74 deg. 59 min.) seventy-four degrees and iftay nine minutes west along the bank of the said Yel lowstone river 423 3.10 feet; thence south (15 de. I min.) ifteen degrees and one minute, westtwenty-one bundree and ten aid 7-.1 feet (2110 7.-10) to a point on the line of said sections 22 and 27; thence east along said lost m.entioned line two hundred and eighty-tso feet to the place of beginniug, being a portion of lute 7 and s in said seetio 22. Tua. 1i. l.'vIE, Sheriff. Maed April .0th, 1I . Nharifrf" sale. iull River Lumber .ompany, Plaintil, vi. Mlles City Dre*sed Hesf CompsayI Aaron R. Nicholson ase sassie of the Arm of Hm. N. Due. tin & Co., the o ck cirowers' National Bank of Mlles City, Montlau, Algernon . Utsood and MI, hael lrevdo, Thoe. J. Hr as A Co., George M. Nil a, Charles N. .trevell and George H Ulm. r ne eo-partners as MIle., Atrevell & Ulmer, Fred ".btehideaad William . bitelde, au oo-partnoss se Fred \\ biterl4e & Ire., H.rthold Ullmu, Rob lason & Cary and William H I ese, Defendants. To ie sold at tsherlit sale on the 22nd day of May, 1M. alt o'clock p. m. of that day at the front door of the court house in Mile Cit., Custer county, Montans Territory: All of the briht, Itle and liateret of the above named defealeats, Io sad to thefollowing described real esalte, t',wil: The risughter howse, Iea bourn, engin house land building appurtenant thereto. rented by the Mi est City resead Heef Company nonus eor l ota, pwees ail parcels of Iand situate, lylg sald being In the (unty of Custer and Territory of Montana, together with sld laend upon whleh laid blIldlngs are situated to the eoentt of nel tre thereof. said land blang partlelarly bounded and de seribed as follows, t-wit: "Commouring at the section coreer bet woem asetles i, 22 and ST, In Towlkip eight (8) north of Rlage forty-eem (47)*t of oetanprnepal moeridlas and re. ing 'hence due north along the seeote line be tween s.ctsa 22 and 23 ve hundred sad seve.ty lew an d 1-to feet (575 -.10) Theams north ifteen degrees and one minute (lb de. I tain.) west Ils n hndred and Ave sad 9-1 feet (101 8.10) to a point n the south bank of the Yellowstone rivert ose south seventy-four degrees and lAy-alae lauste (;4 deg. i min ) west aloi the hatn of mid Yellowstone river four hundred sa4 twenty three and 3-l1 feet (42.1:4 10); thence south ittOen degrees and aoe minute 115 de. 1 min.). eaost tbsety-one hunI.dd sad tea rad 7-In - et(21 ti 7. I0) t1 I peliton the I of l said4 osed.ntM and 27; thes easet saleg seld last nmetieomd las two hue 4oda4d eslhty.two feet (2111) to the pianoe of e. gIsailsa, iia a portieo of Ito a 7 red 0 In said eTlan M, Tuae. . If.I Dated April Ih. t, M. iherlife ?alC. Fred Whitelsd e, Plaintiff. vs. The Miles City D)sed Beef Compan.' Aaron S. Nicholson a. uwsg see of the frm of William M. Dustin & Co., the Stock Growers' Natinal Bank of Mile City,. Montana, Algernon S. Osgood and Michael Leyden as co-partners an usgood & leyden. the Gull Hirer Lumber Company, tleorg M Miles, a harles N. ttrevell and (iGorge . Ulmer u co-partners a Mlle.Strevell & Llmvr, Thomas J. Bryan and Charles Larsen ua co-parners as T, J. Bryan & Co, Robinton & Cary. \i illiam II. Rome and IBrthold Ullman, Defendante. To be sold at sherife ile on the 22nd day of May. 1iSi. at 2o'cloek p. in. of that day at the Iront door of the court house In Miles City, Custer County. Montana Territory, all of the right title and intorest o the boved named defeandant, in and to the following descrlbed real estote, to wit: The slaughter hous, oee house.eangln home and buildings appurtenant thereto, erected by the Miles City Dresed heef Company upon eurtain Iota, leces orparceel of land, situate. lying and being in the Lounty of Custer and Territory of Montna, together with the land upon whleb said buildinlg are situated to the extant of one acre. said land being mire particularly bounded and described as follows, to wit: Commencing at the section coruer between sections 22, 23, 26 and 27 in townsbip eight (8) north of Kange forty-seven (47). east of Montana principal meridian an run ning thence due north along the section line between sections 22 and 2 five hundred and ninety-five and 3-1( feet (,5',5 3-1); thence north (16deog. Imn.) fifteen degrees and one minute wet, sixteen hundred and fire and 3.1 feet (1606 3-10) to a point ou the south bank of the Yellow stone river; thence south sevlty-lor degrees and fifty-naine w ultee (74 doe. 59 min.), west alonl the bank of said Yellowteone river four hundred and twenty-three and 3-10 fet (42; 3-10); thena south fifteen degree and one minut (16 dog. I min). east twenty-ona hundred and ten and 7-10 (2111 7-10) feet to a point on the line of aid see tions 22 and 2": these east along said last moem tioned ine 252 feet (232) to the pies of beginning, buetg a portion of lots 7 and uefi said section 22. Taos. H. IrvINg. sherif. Dated April 30th, 188 Sherils bale. ('hrles H. Robinson and Sylvester Cary as cu-partners as Robinson & Cary. Plaintifa, se. Miles ('tty Dressed Beef Company, Aaroa B. Nicholsou as assignee of the firm of William M. Dustin & ~o., the stock (rowors' National Hank of Miles c('tv. Montana, Algernon S. asgood and Michael Leyden as co parturn as Osgo,, & Ly-. den. tGull tliver Lumber Company, Thomas J, Bryan aid Charles Larsen as co-partners as T. I. Bryan & t'o., (iurge M Miles, Charles N Strleell and I.eorge Ulmer as co-partnes as Miles, Strevell : Ulmer. Fred Whiteside and William Whiteside as co-part nrs as Fred Whiteside & Brother, Br thold Ullman and tilllam II. Rose, Defendants. To be sold at sheriff's sale on the 22nd day of May, 1W8L, at 2 o' lock p. nm. of that day at the front door of the court house in Miles (' ty, Custer county, Montana Territory. All of hbe right, title and interest of the above named defendants in and to the following described real estate, to wit. Toe slaughter house, ice house, engine house and build inogappurtenant thereto,erected by the Miles City Dreend flee Company upon certain lets, pieces an parcels of land, situate, lying and being la the County of Custer and Territory of MontaIna to gether with said land upon which said buildings are situated, to the extent of one acre thereof. Said land being particularly bounded and tie scribed as follow, to-wit: t ominencing at the se, tion corner between sections 2223, 2n1 and .7 In township sighlt (M) north of range forty-seven (47) east of Montana principal meridian and running thence north along the section tine between see tions 22 and 23 ive hundred anid ellty-afve test and 3.10 (+.uJ 8-1); thence north Afteen degree and one minute (15 deg. I in ), sixteen hun dred anndive and .:i10 feet (10 3-I.t to a point on the soth bank of the Yellowstone river; thence outh seventy-fourdegrees and fifty nine minutes (74 deg. and 0 mltn.), west along the beak of said Yellowstone river four hundred and twenty-three and :3-10 feet (423 3 10); thence out tfifteen degrees and one minutoe (1 deg. I min.,. east twenty-one hundred and ten and 7-10 feet to a pint on the lin of said sections ."2 and 27; thence east s ong said last nientierd line two hundred and eighty-two lost (252) to the placeof beginning, being a portion of lots 7 and 1 in said Hection 22. Tos. H. I .vtNi, Sheriff. la.te, April 30th, 1t.4 MILEB CITY IRON AND PUMP WORKS B. UIANIN, Proprieter. Fittings in brass, iron, pipe and hose. Ieater in emgiaes, boilers, ad kiads of sam. force aid lift 'imps. (eneral repatir on all kind, of Mmcbir.ry done eo te .borwte aol t ee. b:.p Oa dIith .treet oppoelte Seek (r.w~er Mafclensl Hsnk ROBERT B. OREM PRACTICAL BLACEKSITH, ANil WAGONMAKER. .Ipp.Oel the Mnqueen lHou, Putk Stant. IALL, WORK WAI RANITED FINE JOB WORK. THE JOB DEPARTMENT YELLOWSTONE JOURNAL Is now prepared to do all branches of printing, such as Labels, Deeds, Sermons, Drafts, Tax Lists, Leases, Shop Bills, Oirculars, Catalogues, Transfers, Newspapers, Bill Heads, Flock Cards, Ball Cards, Concert Bills, Blank Notes, Road Notices, Bills of Lading, School Reports, Prices Current, Concert Tickets, Deposit Checks, Festival Tickets, Wedding Cards, Railroad Tickets, Shipping Receipts, Excuron Tickets, Insurance Policies, Tags of Every Style, Certifcates of Stock, Apothecaries' Labels, Certificates of Deposit, Orders of Exercises, Bills of Exch e, Rewards of Merit, Railroad Receipts, Dry Goods Tags, Letter Headings, Lecture Tickets, Express Orders, Coupon Tickets, Business Cards, School Records, Note Headings, Blank Orders, Visiting Cards, Bills of Fare, Bank Notices, Show Cards, Check Books, Wood Cuts, Stock Lists, Pamphlets, Envelopes, Magazines, Way Bills, Tax Bills, Lectures, Billets, Bonds, Books, Brief. And all other kinds of GOOD PRINTING AT LOW PRICES. Mail orders promptly and cheaply filled. ESTIMATES FURNISHED Upon all kinds of BLANK BOOKS AND BINDING, ONLY FIRST CLASS WORK TURNED OUT OF THIS ESTABLISHMENT. Call ad see smple and get tJimate from The Yellowstone Journal Main Street.