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THE DAILY YELLOWSTONE JU RNL . VOLUME VI. No. 307. MILES CITY, MONTANA, WEDNESDAY, MAY g, z888. PRICE FIVE CENTS. THE DAILY JOURNAL The OF/e4.l Paprr .f Cuatrr CoestN. Every Morning Except Mcnday. Population of Miles City . . 3,000 Terms of Subscription; IT MAIL, IN ADVANCE, PdITA(E PAID. Dan1 EdiUon, onw ear..................-..**.. D.117 1d4itn six months.................. 0,1 Daily Editlen.oue month............................. 1,;j TO CITY 5CI4 CMIB S Ma, Iy Carrier, Every Slorning, at 2. reout per week, WEEKLY EITI N, YmL-Uw I AYms, Oa. Year............................ ... ................. N Nx Mouths.................. . .........*.*... 2,141 Three Months ...............................-. 1,00 Advertising Rates. - C '" 1 " ý' i p O 0 Me A Iay 2. OG40 0 I icy........ .I, 800 4.00 4.0) 10.00 14.00 20.40 4 )ays...... .4.00 4 00 7.00 11.00 14.00 14.01 25.00 0 Days...... 1.001 5 00 5.00 14.40 15.00 21.00. 80.00 t A'k... 5.1 4.00 10.00 16.60 1b.0( 24.0 5.00 Weeks... 7.00 10.00 12.06 20.00 24.00 .2.1? 45.00 SWesS... 6.00 12.00 14.00 ti 1211.00 38.00 50.00 I tenth .. L0.0 14.410 14.00 25.00 82.00 42.00, 40.00 Monthe.. 12.00'18.00 2Z.00 14.00 42.00 i2.001 46.00 OM eaths.. 16.0122. M.00 '42.00 50.00 46100 100.00 0* 'r"he. 2.00 42.00440.00460. 7400 1.00 f x'110.0 Leesi notlcce-Ten casen per baNe for each tane! tl m. Write-ups fteen ceats per lse. Addres THE YELLOWSTONE JOURNAL PUBLISHING COMPANY. JOURNAL MUILDINO, MUI E4 CITY. M. T. DMONI) Bl'TLkLt. JJ ATTOK%CY aT LAW. OceatCourtensya. UMale srret, Mitel.City. 4 O04TIACATOft% 4 AFLLh & bTU'ARIT. U. COIITIACTOas £MDI HCIL.DKA last.. furuished Os all iind, of carpenter D PI "14i i.AN A\1) YCK(ION. Ofou at W. r . b'arase's drug store. 12 It Ds. J. J. WuOOD. DPHYslIecN A!(D SUauItea'. soes at Savange's dt uY .iere. Ievap.'.drug store, Mai e (ity, M. T. C. WHIrNxY., Mauui stroet, over t toekgrowern National Bteak, All p.rk guazaa.Ly.'1 aid at reeaomahlo rait.. - -itI RCU b. 14asauel Church (Episcopal) Palmer 6t.-.".sr vlas du'da~s at t: O a. wu. aid 7:tu p. a i. Wat. Hemtall. aector. lag~iat Ch urcb-$erulees $uoday, 11 a. a.,?T p. a. i.D owney. pastor. Methodlat Cbuach-Nervlces Sunday, It a. as., L. p a. 6. !. Heider, Pastor. Pra.kyteuian Cnureb-dsrykvee l unday, 11 a. mu., {11 pI.a. T. C. Arwatrong, leator. bath. St H~atred Heart, 4'atbhlc--Nunday, Ili a. as. E. W. J.Liudeanalth, chaplain, U. ti. A. tlETIEft. A. O. H.-Dtvlsioe No. I meeta trst and secone Saidaysofeaeb month. K. of H.-Meet. first and third Wednesdays at 7:60p. m., at Odd Fellous' lall. A. F. h A. M.-YelltuWstne Lodge, No. 26, irat sad t.ird Wednesdays. K. A. M.-Yellowtone ('hapter, No. 6, second Thersday,In each month K. T.-Damaeeus Uowmandersy,fotth Thurs. days. 1. 0. O. F.-t'usttr lodge, No. 14. eve:y Meaday at their hali. L O. O. F.-stetsna) Encvmpwent, No. 6, Arst sad third Friday. K. of P.-Crusader Lodge, No. 7, Thursday evealage at Odd Fellows Hal. 0. K. of A.-Miies City Branch, every bunday at 7 p m. Y. ef L-First and third Fridays. t. A. R.-U. K. Grant Poet, Bo. 14, Arst aid third Tuesdays. I. 0. G. T.-Btau of the West, No. 24, every Thesedey eveiniug . of V -ata.on Camp No. 4. Meets Art and this Tmesdays of each monih at Good Templars' all. 0. N. PA1KEL II, W. TOPPIYG NORTHERN PACIFIC FOUNDRY PARKER & TOPPIIG, m..fasterer. of ill eN taOlq and BRASS GASTI N GS, BIBAINERD, sINNE8OTI FOR SALE. ¶mS Sad1de Rorses, Three Teams Mules. WAGONS AID HARNESS E. J. QA4PI', Box 71. .Viiu eCiy,.A. T. LEIGHTON & JORDAN, WHOLESALE GROCERS, RANCHMEN' S SUPPLIES, Goods Delivered at Ranches. THE OLDEST LARGEST HOUSE IN EASTERN MONTANA. FIRST NATIONAL BANK. 0? MVILES CITY, MONTUA NA-. THE OLDEST AND LARGEST BANK IN EASTERN MONTANA. CAPITAL - - - - $50.000 SURPLUS AND UNDIVIDED PROFITS 870,000 JOSEPH LEIGHTON, President. W. B. JORDAN, Vies President. E. B. WEIRICK, Cashier. H. B. WILEY, Assistant Cashier. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. STOCK GROWERS NATIONAL BANK, MIT .A CITY, MONT. THE LARGEST BANK IN EASTERN MONTANA CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $105,000.00 INTEREST ALLOWED ON TIME DEPOSITS. W. B. STEBBINS. President, WK. HARMON, Vice President. H. F. BATCHELOR, Cashier. ELMER E. BATCHELOR, Asst. Cash. Live Stock, Loans, Real Estate and Notary Public LIVE STOCK A SPECIALTY Agent for the oldest and most reliable FIRE, LIFE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE 008. And the oldest agent In town. Money Loaned on First Class Security. Cattle and sheep ranches, and improved farms for sale at a bargain with easy terms of payment. Houses to Rent and Collections Made. Beveral comfortable and commodious dwelling houses and well located business and residence lots for sale cheap; also N. P. R. R. Co.s lots and lands, and grazing lands in the Northwest Territory for lease or sale. Montana, Western, Womaiag, Texas and Eastern CATTLE FOR SALE In lots to suit purchasers. Also several choic. bands of sheep and Pennsylvania "slack Top," registered rams and Short Horn thoroughbred and grade bulls for sale. WILLIAM COURTENAY, MAIN STREET. I. ORSOHEL & BRO., Clothing and Oents Furnishings. Hats and Cap.. Boots and Shoes. Commercial Block, - - Miles City. NORTHWESTERN GROWN GARDEN, FLOWER, FIELD AND GRASS SEEDS. All kinds at Eastern Prices, freight added. Send fbr catalogue and prices. Orders by mail promptly filled. Miles, Strevell & Ulmer. DON-NIL-HE. Secret of the Great Cryptogram Donnelly Ante-Dating George Washington. Ugh! Ugh! Hi Yah ! Dance of the Ch:yennes at Fort Keogh. SIIAKESPEARtE OK IMA( ON? An. ntu *rwtinag Review of i ihaI IlI) l . .relat I 1....b Hook. "The (rsat ('r3 pt'gram," I&tnstiu. Donuelly"i much advertised work in defenhe of the Itauon theory in regard to the authorship of Sbakespeare's play., is at last given 'o the public, and is receiving searching eritleisrn at the bands of the leading papers of the country. No more critical, conmpre hensive or mathematteally actbte a re view of it ban oowe to our notice than that editorially given in the Pioneer I'rese of Sunday lat covering three column.s It may be remarked en pat asnt that the Pioneer Press has no love for the di tinguiehed author of "The Cryptogian" and it is therefore to be expected that if there was a Iluw to be picked in the Donnelly argument, it would rveeive due and ample attention at the hands of the P. P., but so boo estly critical and mathematically cor reet are the itfereuce. drawn, and de duction. made by the writer of the article referred to, that without further and fulhr explanation by Mr. Don nelly, his cipher defense of the Bacon theory must fail to tbe ground. For instance, Mr. Donnelly etarting from entirely abatrary premises (which be refuges to reasouably account for on the ground that rival book-makers may profit by his research) discovers in a reries of pages of the play of King Henry IV. a combination of disaou. nected words from which be con struete the sentence, "Cecil said that Marlow or Fhaksleare never writ a word of them." This it appears Is one of the strongest points brought out by the application of the cipher, and to bring it out involves a series of mathematical calculati.rns very for midable and totally incomprehensible except as governed by the arbitrary formulae mentioned. Yet working with the same formulas and governed entirely by the Donnelly idea, the Pioneer Press evolves from a portion of the play of Hamlet a prophetic and startling announcement, hidden away by Bacon centuries ago (if the Don nelly idea be the correct one) for the benefit of future ages. By the appli cation of the cipher principle to Opbelias mad scene In Hemlet these words esand out like the handwriting on the wall; Donnelly the author, pol itician and mountebank, will work out the secret of this play. "The Sage is a daIsy.', Of course the proper name, Donnelly." does not appear as a whole In the play but is artfully con structed cf the words "Don" and "nil be;" yet this construction is no more stained than iu the selection quoted above as taken from Dounelly's buooc, where the proper names Cecil aud ýuakspeare are made up of the words "seas 111" and "'baken peer." Tbhettleof author, politician, mounte. book and msg. , all lit so closely to ir. Donnelly's public personality that the phraaiug seems wonderfully apt, and suggests the trickery of a waggish writer who knew the foibles and frailties of the erudite Igoatius and sought under cover of the alleged appltatlion of his own theories to poke fun at him, but this I. not so; the eaame process that applied to the Shakspeare test, evolve for Mr. Don nelly the refutation of ihakesiseare's authorship, bring to the surface the above remarkable prophecy. In con cluding this very tateresting and readable article the Pioneer Press thus sums up the "cipher theory:" There iu, then, a opuer. And this is i.e reuape. .-o extraordinary was the oufmwad ul language on the part ut the writer uo these plays, that a few pages of any ose ol thbe, if separattd nuto siagle words, will give a vocabu Lary omit of which any story desired ,an be pie*ed. Pick out the words you need, to Say what you desire. nuumt the Dumber of each word from blhe top and from toe bottom of its euIniw. Then, haviag tlve root uw, hers, ten or a doseg sodilfers, the number of the page aid the number of words on it, also the number in italics and coutneted by hypbesa, you have studied addition and subtreMetio to little purpose if you cannot so eom. tone these various numbers that they will furnait you, at leasu, with tae uunuber that you want to identify the p rtleular word you have chose., It is hard woik. No woeder Mr. DOne. nelly has covered a bundle of payer that a wan can scareely lilt. The "t. *amemd most of a qelre lint Is impi~elppplleatlom of the epbwu key to Hamlet. But ii pay.; whMgh you want to make .esrq et gis lible pullic, or to expose an audacious fraud. ý1 r. D 1nnelty will make a for tune out of hue advertiseruent; and oeither mrtend nor generous enemy will grudge him that. But, out of him profits, he ab' old erect, upon the ,hvuke of the Mi4otappi near his Nuninger home, a staue of himself; a toble suatue, with the other features in s'h*olarly repuoe, while the mouth etretehes into a capacious grin, and the eves are tixed upon a volume in the right band; not a copy of 'The Great ''ryptograw.' but an edation of the "8hakespeare" play., onreried at that famous passage in the "M dsum mer Nivbt's Dream." which has heen the wuiilng star of Mr. Donnelly's life, "What fools these mortale be." .omplimestary lienclit. Several weeks ago the Cheyennes at the Rosebud agency heard of the con tewmplated de.,arture of the Fitth In fa.ntry to stations far remote, and sev eral if the bead men bnot to Col. Gib nfn to obtain bis peruiaslon to visit the post and take a farewell look at the regiment in detail. There has al ways been a triendlinesa exlcti'ig be. tween the ofticers and many of the en la,.ted men of the Fifth and their allies, ay has several tines been made manifest when the roving reds got auto trouble stealing horses or killing cattle, Capt. Ewere and others having steel surety for dozens of them upon whom the string band of the law had fallen. Of course Col. Giabson granted the desirtd permission and the Chey ennes began arriving Monday night from their agency, probably Psi put tang in an appearance up to Tuesday noon, when entries were closed. They were io cbarge of Interpreter Wm. Rowland, and a sub-chiet, Wbite Bull, was second in commaaad. A circle was formed on the west end of the parade ground and at 2 o'clock the In dian band began tuning up, the regi mental band helping them out at in terval. during the pertormance. The Indian dance was tue uaual tum-tum walk around, about ten baghly colored bu' lightly arrayed young bucks dotug the stifi legged act with a very poor at tempt at stepping in unison with the discordant thumping of tue tom-tom. The scene was interesting to those unly W whom it was a novelty, the dance being a very tame affair. One fellow decked in a feather headdress and a blue and spotted pigment en deavored to outshine his less active contemporaries but the buck-with-his shirt cut-lowuecked-at-the*bottom was Lbs only respondent. After two hours of gymnastical ezperimeats the cigar ettes were passed around and White Bull being called upon to respood to the toast of "Col. Gibson and the friendly Fifth" rose nmjeetically, and, throwing a piercing glanoe about the circle of braves who bad fallen back in deference to his mighty presence, orated thusly: [A stenographer had been employed by the JoURNAL and was on the spot but when White Bull began to burl Cheyenne similies he three down his pencil and refused to report the speech-bas education bad been nearlected and be no eabe Chey eune.-ED.] Col. Gibson replied briefly to the oration of the big chief, who received it at scoond hand, thronuh Interpreter Rowland, the circle breaking up after this, the dance being at an end. Miles City was fairly well repre seuted at the dance many ladies being among the visitors and espec isily enjoying the pertormance. Several fine selections were ten dered by the regimental bend, one in particular-Sitting Bull's March being listened to with the greatest at tention and meeting with the applause a rendition of the pieoe never fails to elicit. The march was composed by Marshall, at one time leader of the Fifth infantry band, and is peculiarly applicable.____ two Womem Fight a Due". St. Louis Telegram: News from the Lima valley in New Mexico gives au account of the tragic and fatal a* nulle of the diliculties between Miss Marsh Bolton and Mary La Moors, who fought a duel last week, the re sult of a quarrel over the affootions of a young cowboy named Whitman. In thid duel Mi.. La Moore was shot through the shoulder, but recovered in a few day+, sad last eveuing, closely welled, went to the house of her bated rival, and meeting her at the gateshot her dead. Returning so her home, she proudly bonded of her crime. She was soon after pisced uoder arrest. As a revnlver was found on the person of the murdered woman, it Is believed that she, too, was awaiting an op ,r tunity to Inlan the work of the duel. O. A. t. to the South. INDIANAP0Ls, May 7.-J 'hn P. pee, commander-to-bhi@e of the a. .ý. B., was given a royal reception by the order Saturday night. H.e eise frues Madison, aoeompsaled by De. partmes t CJomuder V*sedel. m. Rema r ** ble way ben. foes a trip thssgh sM sesthes dtehs, where he found many flourishing porntL of the Grand Arny. Espeui&Ily wa. he p..a.*ed with tit, coudrton of thbuga ito euitt 'Ienuouee. In the tire of war." Iie "aid, "there was muorN loyalty ui proportiun to the pop ulation tAer. thiet Ia idy otbhrrectioa of the couu' r , and the people are tbe same to-day sa there." "Wbatis the eondition of theOraud Army throughout the country at pres. cot?" Itt')uld not be better. The muew uer.bip continues to grow ateadaly and rapidly, though that mjust surely "a-m before twig. During the last quarter of 16$7 the It ereame an lb. number of nreauber.bip was about 12,(00s. (if these nearly 1,(M(#f were ia ludiana and 1,6X) in Mim.aourl. Sudg Ileca left at midnight for Mtisnaspolis, via Chicago. The Alnerlian Wins. CuIcA"o, May 7.-The wrestling match for the world'. cuampiouship between Evan Lewis the strui gler) and Jack Waonop, champion of A.;ng land, took place to-uight. The 'arnis were best three in five falls, nree points down and style. The American weighed 17S pounds and the Britton twenty pounds more. Only three bout. were neces sary, Lewis winning each and tb. champiousbip. 'lime 620, 7 and 1 minute. Three thousand people were preseu t. The Long and ýhort of it. ýr. I'ACL, biay 7.-the ouLtenae k1 the alleged abduction case in which Albert Beaai. was arrested for carry ing oil Mir. Maggie Hoekina, of West tt. Paul, a widget only two feet in beight, was a marriage ceremony be fore Judge Nelson tBaturday evening. T .e bride stood on a chair by the side of her prospective husband and wee then just able to reach to hib shoulder. Tbi. is probably the most notable wedding which ever occurred in the city of St. Paul. Immen.e Mail tit Erma. London Telegram: Dispatches from India state that unprecedented bail storms have occurred at and In the vicinity of Moradobad and Delhi, some of the hailstones weighing two pounds. Upward. of 1.50 persons were killed by being struck by the falling globes of Ice, and the damage to prop. erty Ia almost beyond eetimation. At Bacebarli, an Bengal, 20 pereaas were killed. 200 severely injured sad 2,000 huts were destroyed by ball stoneg. Ba.. Ball Mauday At Iudianapolis-Iudianapalis 6, New York 1. At Cleveland-Cleveland 8, Ath letet 4 4. At Pittsburg-Pittaburg 1, Philadel& phia 4. At Detroit-Detroit 8. Boston 3. .sat. CROOK AT CHICAGO. He take. Command of lbe Divisoa of the Misamrle amTalks Aheet the Cemttims or the Army sad tie laittms. Cblcago Special: Mai. (Gen. George Crook, U. S. A., has arrived bore aid issued his frat general order, annonoa. ing (bat he had assumed command of the department of the Missouri. The tieneral was seen at the Leland hotel in the afternoon, and said: I have had a bad attack of malarta and it took we a long time to get rid of it; but I am well again now and splendidly At for work. What changes? Practically none. Of course there will be ubanges at herdquartern. I have brought with me from Omaha two members of my at fl-Lient. L. D. Breen and Lieut. L. W. V. Kennon. I have not selected the third aid. they will replace Mal. Towle. Capt. Mvriok and Lieut. Hare who were on Gen. Terry's staff They rejoin their respective regiments. The other omtiials at headquarters are appointed at Washlngten,soof cooreGen. Will. aams will be my adjutant general. As to the present condition of the army In tbe matter of dlcipline, it is very good indeed. Numerically it remaine no troubles to affect the army now the Indians are behaving themeelves, and are quite good just now. No, the Idl. ans are not dylnr out. They are is creasing. The Navaloss for inestasee. the same. The army aea rule ranges from 23,09() to 24,000 men. There are At the cloe of the war there were not more than 7,000 or 8,0(00 of them; there are now in the neighborhood of 17,000 or more. They are In New Moule* priuaipally, and there ateosome in Au. sonu. They are anstous to keep the peace, and war will only be as a result of bad treatment or treachery se the part of the whites. This is the esy thing that will briar about 1ay trouble. The point of the sltuatle now is this, that the white moe's sIg grievance agaitst the ludlaes is th$ th e I a d la a h a s e .s .S a g th e I man wansh, eamety, thu i5 lqd re'rvuied . If the teed t Ise Ireatmeat U* have me mdwt