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THE DAILY YELLOWSTONE JOURNAL. VOLUME VI. No. six. MILES CITY, MONTANA WEDNESDAY, MAY 16, 1888. PRICE FIVE CENTS. THE DAILY JOURNAL The Oelel PIaper of Cutrer CouNNtd. Every Morning Except Monday. Population of Miles City . . 3,000 Terms of Subscription; 3T MAIL, IN ADVANCE, l('OTAE PAID. Delly Edition, one year....................... ..1... (10 Daily Edition six mntbh.......................... , Dily dltien,one month..............-............. 1,ý4u TO CITY UBCICRIBWlks, fCasrrier, Every Morning, at 2: cents per week, WEKILY EDITION, YELLOW I APaI, Oe Year ....................-. ...... ............. 8 .. M enths........ ........................... ... 2. W Ythee M nths................ . . ....... .............. 1,00 Advertising Rates. 6 1 .- j°a ", _ _ " Isy....... . 6. .00 1.60 1. . 1.60 2.00 Ssys ...., 3. 4 60, 7. 11.0 I1.O l1.1 5.00 " Days_..... 11 6. 10 . 16.00 116.00 21.501 60.66 I genk.. .1 .00 15.11 16.1 18. 24.01 66.00 a Weos.. 7.11O tO.00 1.11 10.00 1.001 1.11 45.11 1 Week.. 6.0 12.11 14.,122.12 0.00 15.11 61.00 I Moath .. k0.e1.i4.00.1L. 25.). 2,.0 42.11 66.10 SMonths... 12 00118.001.1 4.5 42.00 52.10 16.6 SMnth... 16.002L M.1 I.42.O M.00 1 . 100.0 * W.ntbs. 12 00 .12.0014.00 60.60 74.00 11001. .O I1 s.loteoes-Te come per lne for each ieeer. h#. Write-ups steas cents per lino. Address THE YELLOWSTONE JOURNAL PUBLISHING COMPANY. JOURNAL IUILDINYU, MII.EM CITY. M. T. IOIOESEI~OýAL. T~DYOND DTL:R. arrfuasr aT ravv. ,at Courteatqay Mu.a str.. Mile City. C'ONTMAICTOIR ALI' PLXI A ST(AKT1 A uoTaA(c.lO £$D RtLb.D[aa EtInhte furuishet us all ituds of carpenter work P'HtINIC`IANR DL It. U. REUU, DL 1'iu IAN AE) SUR(.EON. OS. a t w. f.. baavte's drug store. 12 tf DL I. F, FAH,~ r *DOl·1 I~l. (Arst, Wuudara usd tnehurtsbr fer. (ttle a Iavag.o'atrug .tore, Mile. taty, M. '1. " U[MHIBY L·TIK, 'm steel., over tNtoekgruwe National Bank. LII wor~k guaraotenI gud at reasonshlt rate.. (- 'HI (H tH Il (,saaa l Chureh (Episcopal) Palmcr in.-ýer vle, n a. at 11:30 m . and ;:,u p. u. Win. Ysaaht, recor. M.iut Chureh-Irrict. suondy, 11 a. s., T p. Methodist Church-ftercee 8uuday, 11 a. at., P p.. b. E. $uldar. Isutor. Pr.,bytrian Churelh-Srorice. Sunday, 11 a. in., 6{:31 p. mm. T. C. Aruutruoug, p.atvr. LbV. .tf Siaced Heart, athhuhlmc-tunday, luI a. e. 1t. W. J. Laumilwulth, cleatlawl, U. ~.A. I ' I.:TI s. A. O. H.-Dlivtnon No. mneta nrst aid secoho tadayeof each mouth. K. of 1.-Mlee first and third Wednesdays at .?:)p. m,, at Odd Fellow' Ilall. A. F. AA. M.-Yelluowtueid Lodge, No. 26, Lfrl tad turd Wednesdays. K. A. M.--Yelowutone t'hapter. No.5, secuud Thuraday.jn each mouth K. T.--Uamascua U oiauluandryfourtn lThure 1. O. 0. F.-- ustt.r Lodge, No. 13, every Mt day at their ball. L O. 0. F --sr~utnal ELecalupetU, No. 6, first lad third Friday. K. of P.-Crusader l.odge, No. 7. Thursday Ovoulta at Odd IYellnts iaItl. p C. C . f A.-Mlel 'ity Branch, every buuday at S. of L.--Frst and third Friday-. O. A. 1.-U. tf. Gratt Po.t, 'o. 14, first and third Tuesdays. I.O.. t .--tar of the W.'~ . No. 21. every eretlnaUg s. of V -Olbson Camp No. 4. Meets first and thira Tne.days of each month at I.wuu Tempulrs' all. . N. PARKER. H. W. W. OPPIN( NOTHERN PACIFIC FOUNDRY PRE & WOPPIIG, Maafaetarert of all tinda of IRON and BRASS CASTINOGS. BBAINBRD, ILNNEBOTA FOR SALE. Texas Saddl Horses, Three Teams Mules. WAGONS AND HARNESS E. J. CHAFIX, Box 71. Jfle Ciy4/,. T. LEIGHTON & JORDANI WHOLESALE GROCERS, RANCHMEN'S SUPPLIES, AND Goods Delivered at Ranches. TE OLDEST A.I LARGEST HOSI IN EASTERN MONTANA. FIRST NATIONAL BANK. o0 THE OLDEST AND LARGEST BANK IN EASTER IONTANA. CAPITAL - - - 0.000 SURPLUS AND UNDIVIDED PROFITS 870,000 JOSEPH LEIGHTON, President. W. B. JORDAN, Vie. President. E. B. WEIRIOK, Ouhier. H. B. WILEY, Assistant Oushier. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. STOCK GROWERS NATIONAL BANK, MILES OITY. MONT. THE LARGEST BANK IN EASTERN MONTANA CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $105,000.00 INTE.REST ALLOWED ON TIME DEPOSITS. W. B. STEBBINS. President, WM. HARMON, Vice President. H. F. BATOHELOR, Cashier. ELMER B. BATCHELOB, Ant. Oash. Live Stock, Loans, Real Estate and Notary Public LIVE STOCK A SPECIALTY Agent for the oldest and molt reliable FIRE, LIFE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE COS. Abd the oldeet apent l town. Money Loaned on First Class Security. Cattle and sheep ranches, and improved farms for sale at a bargaiL with easy terms of payment. Houses to Rent and Collections Made. Several comfortable and commodious dwelling houses and well located business and residence lots for sale cheap; also N. P. R. R. Co.s lots and lands, and grazing lands in the Northwest Territory for lease or sale. Montana, Western, Wyoming, Texas and Eastern CATTLE FOR SALE In lots to suit purchasers. Also several choice bands of sheep and Pennsylvania "Black Top," registered rams sad Short Horn thoroughbred sad grade bulls for sale. WILLIAM COURTENAY, MAIN STREET. I. ORSCHEL & BRO., Clothing and OGnts Furnishings. Hats and Caps. Boots and Shoes. Commercial Block, - - Miles City. R. C. RICHMOND, Diamonds,Watches Fine Jewelry Watch Repairing a Specialty. Three Persons Killed In a Wreck and Explosion Heavy Floods at Alexandria, Mo.-Loss, $300,00o. MacBeth Wins the Louisville Derby-Minnesota's First Choice Gresham. Wreek and zxpltolon.I DEyVER, Say 14.-Advice. from Fountain, on the Santa Fe railroad, state that the train known as the "thunder bolt" arrived at Fountain at 2:41 m.. and bhad been standin; a few minutes when the cabtose and some cars, the brakes of which bad got loose, ran down from the side traok and struck the train with terriflo foroe. Oae car was loaded with napths, which exploded, throwing oil on everything and setting the train on fire. The train men shoved the unin jured oars back from the wreok and were trying to save the depot when I' was discovered that two cars were standiog on the main track that were not wraoked. The nearet one was on fire and tagged powder. Shortly afterwurd the car exploded, oomplete ly d*tuoliehing the depot, several buildings and a number of care. One0 dwelling aid the depot were con sumed. Three persons, one womant and two men were killed und twelv. or fifteen were .injured. is a hole in the ground where the carstood about thirty feet in diameter and fif teen feet deep. ST. LoUIs, lay 14.--8tunday the levee situated soutb of Alexandria, Mo., broke on several places and a vast volume of water began p.iurnog into the town, which wau comuiletely inun dated. A spaanmodic attempt was mad.' to check the Irrel-tlible fl od but with in a few minutes the laborer quit and accepted the Idevitable. It required less thin an hour to inundate the en tire town, which is covered with water from two to six feet deep, cub mnergana nearly every foot of ground. The water is fully three test deep, clrcumscribing the populace and ren dering transportation from one point to another possible only by means of .ktffI or rudely constructed rafts Midawalke are overflowed and skiffs are landed in the doorways of private residences. Husiness is entirely sus pended. There has been no IrAs of life nor damage to property in the town. At this point the Mississippi is fully seven miles wide, and within the range of visIon one vast expanse of water greet. the eye. The area of farming lands In the Missouri bottom, that ls submerged is estimated at 7 000i acres, and a continuance of the flod wiil result Inu an approximate loss to the farmuing cormmuuity of that region of at least $:34,4,0o41. The Loulrvllie Derby. LOUISVILLE, May 14.-MacRetb won the derby after one false start. TheChevalier (Lwis) got off fir.t, the others well up. MeBleth fourth. Running into the stretch MacBeth moved forward likea mightty one, ttk Ing the lead, C dilgaton band;ign him beautifully. McCarty on (tallifet was second and whipping hard. Timu. 13YJ. MacBeth eamily retained flr.t place, pas;nlo under first by a full length without a touch of the whip and looking ready to go another quar ter. Oallilet was second and working hard aud was badly pumped out. Man. Beth l.a magnifluent looking brown geldlng and won this great race in a style that places him up with the very best in the land. It was stated after the race that Hankios, his owner, had won $70,000. It was a great victory for the Chicago stable.. It was rather astonishing that odds of eight to one were obtained against him, looking at his rst-claslus performance In the south. MIn ieota Num mary. RT. PAUL, May 14.-All of tbe Re. publican county conventions have now been held. Twenty-ix ('ounties are for Uresham first oblhe, teu nee orld cholce, and twenly-two are for .Ilalne. Out of the delegate .elected I1I are for Ureshaln, 83 for Blaine, 5 for .hermal, 1 for Depwl) and 89 un. oomiiittd. If Mr. Blaine is out of the tight, tble gives the state solidly to (rrelhati. W ilggls' Erthquake. ()rrtAwA, Ont., May 14 -Dr, E. Stotni Wuzginl prediots an earthquake in Cali1(rLa between now and Oeto. ber It will move aortae the Pacific from Ata.. WASInlNOTON, May 14.--leator Stewart Inirtoduolg a bill propollog s amendment to the eosee.ltest ef the United States so as to reduce frlom two thirds to a majority, the vote in -aeh houee over-riding the president's veto. At2p. m., the animal londutry bill was laid befre the senate as unfln ishd buslnPas, and then the presiding oficer, prresumably under orders agreed upon at:the executive session last Thursday, orldered the galleries cleared and the dlogrr closed and the .enate proceeded to executive sesason. When the doors were reopened the senate adjourned. B ai. all Jounday. At Minneapoli.-Manneapldis 6, ,Mil waukee 8. At Cleveland-Brooklyn 7, Cleve land 3. At Plhladelpbia-Athletis 1, Balti more 4. Five ionings; rain. At Pittsburg-Pittaburg 5, Boston 6. At I[dianpollis-Indianapolis 7, Washington 1. At tM. Louis-- t. Louis i, Kansas City 4. At Chicago--Cicer o 5, New York 1. RIGHt' IE IE IN DAKOtA. What Your Friends and Neighbors sia on Matters of Vital lImportamce. Below will be found a amwple of the multitude of letter. of encouragerent Mea-rs. H. H. Warner & Co., of Itoch. -sier, N, Y. daily receive. The sutb joined un.oli,'ited tietimioni is fri i \ our friends and n-ightiors, ladies angt !eutlemnre you know and esteem to1 tjeir h unr a'd straightforwardneea, and who v oalld scorn to be a party t any exception. What has been don. for o bhers can be done foryou, and it i folly, nay m.ucidal, to long suffer wbhe hbe means of recovery lie at your very door: BO.NILLA Dak., Jan. 2, 18e8,-1 tin k "Warner's safe reme' ies" perforum wonderful cures. I had two doctors and they did not know what was the luatter with me. and the medicine was doing me no good they were riving me. So I told one doctor that I thought be did nut under.tnid my ca-e, and I thought of trying "Warner's Safe (ure;" he just laughed at me and said it was a humbug to get the .people's money, but I bhad no 'aith in him, so I tried a bottle of * Warner's rafe.Cure" and it did me more good than all the medicine I ever have taken. I did not know what was the matter, neither do I now, hut I know it mmkee me feel Ihke adlferent persoo, after using a bottle of it. BRAvroN, Dak., Jan. 13, 1b49.--It gives me great pleasure to express my faith in "Warner's lafe Cure," whih is the only medicine I ever take. Four years ago I wastaken with chills and I had such a pain in my back that it was impssibtle for me to sleep. 1 had also a bladder disorder and at tinels I was st ill that I could scarcel. walk acrosn the flour, and I felt such a "'bearing down" that I at last sent fr my sieter. She came and advised me ta, try ''Waraer's Safe Cure." I pro cured a bottle or it and had taken Iu a few doses when I began to feel bet ter. I have taken six bottles of \Var ner's Safe Cure" in all and to-day I atrn healthier than ever he'or,. in lily life. I owe my li'e to Waroer's safe Cure. I do not think I would be a'ive now if I had not taken it. 'Warner's Safe Cure" is the ohly doc t..r we ever have. I have intdu'ed several ladies to try it for female weak ness. B'oI.;MAN, Montana, Feb. 15, 1887. Two yearn ago I wss no ill that I could not attend to my half the time. I ecarcely knew what ailed me, but was doctoring for Itheumatlem and I coulI not sleep. By accident I tried a d'se of "Warner's Safe Nervine" and I slept four hour and felt refreshbed. I then began to take ''Warner'. safe C'ure." After taking sil bottles I was greatly inmproved lu health and felt so ecouraged that I kept on. I now cont1iler myself sound and well. I can anid do swear by "Waruer's Rafe Remedies." I write this voluntarily. EIII',o,."dl by (iro. M. Monroe, M. D. AM A.'Ce.ICAN WOMAN'S STORY Of 11I 4 '*w h aw In Wexle.-('har.* er. Iles1c .of the Ifeoplt. It i, Frait of the MIl,\icans, as of the R11" ii.+. that in rcPlxw' a d'pi, Imllnems is x1 r-..l il their eyes. ThI,.' Mexicam are goIod clirarct4'r reaulrsn, and espect. ally note, the hearing of strangeras They are very jplite and hotpitable, and very proud. The higher classes of s ty la Mexico are almost as ecluuld as the counWrcICe d lRg. Asidlb . I : ow iag up ; zIr1oo. M. ýican usia I tti ui an. t":.* lmngly .iruiial. Men tall into ea·i' a ti er's ar... and remain thus for .·. r'ta ralinute+. pualing each other on tI. t." d'cider and In.! tlging I all sorts *.t 4'ri.mbaring 1~thi.t. Another rjult Lkw. I' 'Ii I.ietw. n fri. + ds of op pa.ite -i.x I. thus d .cr -ii.: ""Ii the of both ar a arte out tretch.j, they rus.h togetlhr fIr a icuod, their brew t+ barely toueh. aind while the obuerver is watching for ;+ kiss to follow this ardent salute, t[" v separate and the abrazo is finished. The extreme franknews aecompanytlrg it coru p.lIs our to admire the custom : for it nIeana no more than hand shaking rnriu:ig the Amerleans." If friends Intet twenty tiey. day they must pause to shak. andsk. At the capital one day tbere was seen two splendid carriages, e.t iecur ed by one man. The carriage, )ult.d. both men alightel. "removed iJt.. shook hands, embraced, talked or a few moments, again embraced, s:1 uk hands, bowed, took off hats, and *a'h entered his carriage and went his .av." The formal salutation between i~ men Isa tap of the right hand on the let houlder, and then a generous shakt of Ite hand. Women whu are intimate fIr tds not only tap the shoulder, but k y their cheeks softly together for an nstamt. A lady traveler commends th. sot ct feminine salutation, and evidet tnr pl fers it greatly to the American ftrm d greeting on the lips. The Mexican makes really as ing gesturee as a Frenchman. and has ouit an extensive social bign language. T bal blowing of kises from the fingers is a graceful dnem nitnration. A certain poi tuon of the thumb and forefinger signi ties "stop a moment." One arm held half ulrighlt. " th the elbow in the other hand. meanu he is too stingy to pay his d ,btt;" ",one hand rubbed across the fore arm, "he plays on the credulity of his friends;" the palm held outward, with thumb and foreringer formting a circle, "he is very rich ;" the fingers of Onm hand closed, except the thumb and little finger. "lie's a sharper." Educated Mexicn rmiea are great skeptics in relig. ious IlatterN--except when they are very sick. The r'- ple are temperate. Young girls are c.dld 'lpullets:" marriageable men. *"young or old ro.s*irs,"' and the street arabl who ogle ladies are known as "'lizards." Americans \t ho have mar ried Mexican womeln tind it ne-.mstary to live in Mexico. for their wives are very unhappy elsewhere. MtI,:ican children are n, :.r ,truck. c(orporal punishment in schn.l, lprthibittdl by law. Correc tion tal.-s the f, rm of per-uasion and ap peal. The riesult i that in all clames a gentle courte-y and colý.deratiuno for others prevail. 1H odlwum children are unknown in Mexico. A hoodlum child is one who has been cuffed and abused until hbe naturally Ithat is. according to the e. t him i begins to kick and pouad others who are weaker than hmself. The step fromu tins to other deeds of violao. is short. One cannot tell half of the graces and court.yess of the 3l.e:am . h:hiren. "Is the alanmela. with kinuly dt f, rence, they will always yilId to :ly and infirm persons tlhe.r own cozy ali rhady seats. OLn eit, r,., a g.:ala. where there are few or n ynl ciiitS thews exqii-.iely polite httle g~ rt, e,.n will g. all aro.und, shak im;z hati. I- th every .neo lnprsent. They never th.:k it:o the cfnversation, bul when a.hilr,.,d will nito -tfly join it; th, i. \\i-in. t, retire, will iay. *with y:lir 1k:.i1 lerniniion.' an.l. agauin hak. ing Lanlp. movre gracefu!ly from the colp;? y. (Girls are no le imbued with the ~!I.' piirnt of courtesy. A Mexican ian Ii' i. r thlnks himself too near man h, I t, li.y the compliment to his zmother of kijsing her hand every time he comes Ilnts her pre net , TIe Mt \ flowers are vcry deeply c h redl. "Itf red, it is the nt- t glowing and Intense: if yell w or purple. the rll.hII't" If white or pink, the liurist and n.-t ,. ,at." Fre-h flow. r- tre a und nlot inil chiIap throughout the yea.r, in Iluuin. ro, e in siece, sweeft i :a. hello trol.'i. Cetnl Yand mnagniticent tl Ppia. "CalI: lilies, the size of a fan. bloom lux urlaint il everv ditch," and the germ nlunls as tall as a man. The mor reina: kable flower is the "tree of the little hands," a native of the colder roe gion. The bright red flower, are well defined miniature hands. It is slow of growth, not reaching full sai e 100 years. In the Valley of Mexico fifty varieties of liles, rio two alike, bloom aon mountain, crag and Idain. The mortality of the City of Mexico oI fearful and half of it is due to lung and diarrheal diseases. The Mexican capttal can hardly be said to have any system a drainage and sewerage. Catarrh is com mon among the Mexicans, and when they have colds they do not allow water to touch their faces. They have very few nervous diwases. The endenoe d their lives ih too measurel for that. Cincinnati Commercial (Iasem Book I. view. Nomarre of Prew Water. T7he he't water is that which has genm (1,l4;-,-t ihi the1 eth, wlhre thetre is the tiglw.4-At pr'r.wurv. atmospheric andl tI. hivr... cGntinued and intenified fj tr%. tion hIas retined it; but it im hon-, ad nuo in itq o"JI- air cilp-wiure. I i(Drp or after, that tbe %'%ater gmite oaidatlom. 1'Thee re'mrkalehl fnet that water absorbm 1,v-cti in ý,,reethijkg like a geomPtrioca t.iljo t,) Ow m-. ie'r , of jirrsurv. -oupked Mtt1 I Ii.' c 11v.1 ..jiiall ,v lnptrtetr t fIeCt that u'ur i Ca' vsi II pro-41Im kIol te*fllimeraturw orr a Iiv pvt 111-4 vuwe' ti ex I%t 9I I " turn eeeiditilint. lrotracteil fIor the water by I Iontg e 1tcii lltC l iutt tihe depdie. of tlie eart Pwerc*ur tile rarost retitelnnt and ab vietaelization of the Ow.lenu.-4IaaiWY Era. Tie Irish giant (7 fest 5 inh.) is mL An aiepiviW aa 9p01b - 6U 0 bs uag" to hia s ab bha I1·.Y