Newspaper Page Text
HII D)AILY JOURNAL ,alLS c'ITY. M~JNTANA. Lest Ofiee kleglatia,. r a mall eltas ............ .... ............11:15 . m. W~ ,itr mail ela .........................6:00 p. m. OSs* open Iund4ay 7 t 8 I m. JNo. MCAUsbLND, P Y. ertbera Facifie Time Table. L3AYU MILlS CITY 0OIN0 WUHT. I5. 1. Pagle Expro .. ..............:0 r. 5 6. Paseaer ........................... .80 20. N 18. Epress Fregbht.................:...... 5:26 A 16. F igjht ......... ................. 11:8 . LIEAVI ILE CITY 0IS luASTr. N11. 2. AtUitle Bol ... .....-......I..... . M. * 6. P. r........... ............ ...b:26 A. . " 16. Izpr... Frei t................ .. o2 . ". " 14. PF.ab.............................12:35 N. FEDERAL DIRWETORY. IOlpt. to Coeor 1......._..Je.p L. Tele., Holoss awsnor ..... ......... . . »U. IsNa. Stary ................William B. Webb, Helena r...................... en Prsli, Hel.B ..tJu. . ..............Ju.. ·Slli-,e , Helens ( .tepLn DeWolf. lete Jsti.o»...........*. ( . L.4.h*.** Agee DO4late Ja sTh. C. B*cb r eoesoel.........»*en. B. a GIr., Melons I3 temnt .f Publio IltrucUon ...... ................ C. Loges, Helena I. M. sl............ ...........R. S. KeIly, les (Oloeor U. S. Internal Revnu.e......Jsame Phlild Reisier U. S. Leud Ooee.....A. Grover, Mils (ltty Reolver U. . Land OSe..Abram Hall. Miles City COUNTY OFFICERP. aseilmau ...........................r. W. A. Burlo HImbe of the Bes ...-.... . J. H. HoJLo. IbeLW.................... ......t.o...... Tho . II..e Temmeser............................. iBredenbus k ea.d Reseid.......... ..................L. C. Dear (brk of Dietriet ('nurt............Jalu MeFsulean Jud.s of Pebat........................... C. Co ly A r y .................... . ...... R. Vllburs A sor...... ............. .........T. J. Tbhepe, erweer....-........................O.. e. Seoo.-t O.arser....-...-- ......................Dr. R. 0. IRod Ceolos Pl s lela ...........................Dr. R. (. .Red perlktetas t of Shebool.......... . Lout.s Cc rley hPbl Adminltrator.................E. B. We.rlck (. A. AHubaos Ceommtuloeoe..................... 1. W. Allston L. J. Wbttney. MILES CITY TOWNSHIP. W.Wn.rnrk! lsIem.s of the ...« JohW Bfbb. atbl........................................Wa. H. Can CORPORATION OF MILES CITY. Mao e......«.. ............... ... ..... ro. Feb tz Cly AIoIors / ............................ (. ii. Y dlto Ct .Att y........................ M.. t do. FI uwsrr r ..... .......... ..............II. P. Batebelor blsd of Polle ................Frisk C. Wes i..-;t IPolle Magl ete..... ..............Edmond Btloer ALDKAMEN. fint Wrd--A. E. Flag.Ir. B. . llolt. .eeoad Wart-CCb. Brown, W. H. Hular4. LOCAL ITEMS. Goto Rill Bullard for Best's MII. waukee Beer in any quantity. Capt. E. A. Neate, went to his ranch on Tongue river yestorday. Perry Stackworther, of St. Paul, Is registered at the Macnueen house. Duane Becker has assumed the duties of ni4ht clerket the Macqueen house. Mayor Oro. 4heetz is lndisposed sad has been confined to bedhis for a day or ,two. (eo. E. Newman, of Hathaway, In telrsted In sheep with liealey & Bon, is in our alty. Lee Ei*enberr is expecting a new man to take a position in his dry goods establishment, J. M. Sharp the Tongue river horse man, arrived in the city last evening from his horte ratnch. Dr. R. (. }Rtdd way yesterday called up to Rltstbud. }l. returned on the 9:12 train : t night. Bert Rlobertson and I. II. Rolbrtson, left the city yesterday on a two week's bustnles trip to lieieua and Deer Ledge. "A. H. Hersey, of Helena, and well known in Miles City, I. iu town in the interest of the Northweetern Monthly. Two great enemnies --llooid'sn 4arsa parilla and impure blood. The latter is utterly defe.ated by the pecuiisr mnediinw. ,. L,. Kirk, of hi. Paul, and of the Nortiernc I'aeific I xpres. ('ollpaty, is in t Ii ~city) lIookithg ov'r tii- accAiunts of thi hIiId .xpres flee. LiZ, I t'rawtfrd, bram waitress at the Macqi.enll hLou.e (during the win ter, ha returit'd( frolm .t. Paul to us eunme agai tlhe samu.e duties in the dlning room. The Woman's I'briot ,n Temper-* Sooe Union will meet wt t,'e home of Mrs. Prof. Temprlllto \Vedluesday afternoon, May I;bth at : ('cilck. MIs. A. J1, ('o..uv, Ita{. See. Benton Hatch returned from Big Timber on the 9:12 train last evening. This week he will depart for Ht. Paul Ireparetory to to assuming his doltie in oroseetioen with the Park hotel this sumlmer. (l'lef of i'eine Weservelt after re peated warniure, made a haul of four cows for the c'Ity pound. Two of them were pail out by the owner; two ethere being range animals were re leased and driven Irrnl the town. The (Irand Army post of this city held a meetiur last evenlng. The poet commauder handed I his rellgnation, Iad Ihe mesm. rs of the post belonglng to the Fifth intlatry procured their transfer cards. Tihe Vawueo caused by the reUlgmatoe of yCpt. Mearq iomeuy, Ir_ .. ··~-'-Uh IY L the poet o.mmander, will not be filled till th.e nt regular meeting. In the removal of Capt. Romeyn to his new station in Teas not only will the 0. A. R. pnet lose, but thib departmlent will feel heavily the loss of a most earnest and hard worker. The Northern Pacific timetable now in effret and upon whihob the trains yesterday arrived, lesu follows: No. 1, limited, westbound, 6:36 p. m.; No. 2, limited, eastbound, 11:46 a. m., No. 3, local, westbr und, 6:33 a. m.; No. 4 lo oal, eastbound, 9:12 p. m. Bidney PagOe has received informa tlon that he has been aware'-<. by the Chief Quartermaster of this Depart ment, the contract for furnishing 133 head of cavalry boras at $118.95, and M. Brandenburg, also of this city. has the contract for furnishing eleven artillery thorses at $193 per head. "Billy" Bell, one of the old resl dents of Bismarok and for years caso Ier of the Raymond bank, bas shaken Dakota's mud from his shoes, and bled bhlmlf oft to Duluth. For two years past "Billy" has baen part and parcel of Bismarok and be will undoubtedly be missed. It being thought impoeeible to beat the "Heimers" at whist with any ot the regular teams, it is now sought to vanquish them with cooboinations. One of these suffered defeat last Matur day night and anotiher is now being made up, with possibly no better for tune in sture for it than its predecee Conduotor Brow neon, of freight No. 14, met with a severe accident to his right hand last evening. The train made a sudden lurch, which caused the glasu in the cupola of the cabooee to cut the back of his hand so that a consilderable amount of blood was lost. Dr. Fish was called to at tend the geotleman. He sewed up the wound and otherwise oared for the conductor so that he could continue his journey. John \Veart, the engiueer in oharge of the steam heating apparatue at the Macqueen House, has been exercising his mechanical skill; the first result is that the boarders eat hash chopped by steam, and further the board ere are allowed to feast upon Ioe cream frozen by steam In ford minutes. He has made his boiler room a net-work of belting and in the ml.dst he sits quiet, contented and smiling as a spider watching the approach of a fly to his web, for be begins to think that the whole hottl will soon be within the control of his steam valves. On Monday night the Odd Fellows, after their meeting, adjourned to the hotel of Mr. Ueo. Rhode upon invita tion of that gentleman to partake of a midnight lunch whioh he had pre pared for his brethren. The solid edi bles were gi,t up to tickle the palates and the liquid nourishment furnished in variety so as to beighten the pleas ant sensation caused by thle solids. Old Time in his work of tingiug the hair of the 1Miles City Odd Felfows with gray, rested in litS work fir ser eral hours, so pleasantly wia he di - verted from hi. task, by the uustraini attention of M1r. Ithlode to the waut I and pleasures of his friends and brothers. street bprinkling. The experienoe of the past two days cannot fall to conviuce everybody ýt the sprinkling of our main thorough fare s a crying necessity. Under the old regime and before the days of iu corporatlon, tie sprinkling was ar ranged for by private contract be tween the water man and the party who desired the sprinkling done. While this wan. fairly s:isfactory ar ra.:igen:-nt it had Its drawbacks; the paytuent of a weekly or monthly lee by an lidivtdual luerely secured for hlm the s riinkiing of the street itumme diats.:y in front cf his Iremnliee and if r, Ie tiighb'rs on .tither or lothi adee was too )arlionlious to pay a hike t:tx there would be a dry and duty gap in the route of the water tea t esI the+ wman ; ho paid received at tbe t but doutilui bnitil. There are ien in every oonlulunity whose woul sc are too lilintltueslttnia!ly smalli to be reabehd by any appeal to voluItariiy bear their share of tle burden of arty ipuileo ex pence for pubic benetit. We have a few of such here, and their location a;ing the route of the water wagon hba been the cause of dly and dusty intervaln Lu the street that robbed those who paid for the prinklilng of Shalf its hbefits. Then again there were vacant stretches where, nobody lived, that had to godry. Altytyether the sllºscrilltiou plan Is unt as .atislao tory as it might be and llnow that the supreme court of the eSate or 1 ionne sotA has deoided that street spiriukllng is a street Improvemenit. snd is cost properly aeseesahl , to prolrty bene tilted, we look to see a Imiilet '' td adequate system of stree' sprliinliiig adopted by our city gIverttnll'tIt. Tue firsttep to be takeun 'sa I!etItto for, the sprinkling, to be signld ly at least one-half the frontage of re-ilent propl erty owners. Willi this secured, thl counoll can let a ooutract, and when Jthe oet i aoertauind, assess it pro t portionately against the frontage, and then every footot theatreet oontracted for will be sprinkled, and equal bene fit will be secured by all. Let all 'hose who are lnterested in securing the work, give their attention to the get ting of signatures to the petition, and if they act promptly It is poulble that the sprinkling can be arranged for at th neat meeting of the oounoil. A Senaes Fals, N. Y., ltacksmlth Hits the hNll. We stated that a resident of Heneca Falls, N. Y., held the tIcket whluh won the second LpitAl prize of $100,000 in the March drawing of the Louis lana state lottery, and woich entitled tie bolder to the sum of $.,0C0. We h-re since learned that one-tenth of the ticket, No. 60,672, was purchased by Bernard Kirk, of the firm of Kirk Bro.., of this village, and that be bad 10,.000 by the nvesteunt of two dol lare.--eneoa Falls (N. Y.) Reveille, March 30. What Am I toDo? The symptoms of Biliousness are unhappily too well known. They differ in different individuals to some extent. A Billous man is seldom a breakfasteater. Too frequently, alas, he has an excellent appetite for liquids but none for solids of a morning. His tongue will hardly bear inspection at any time; If it is not white and furred, it is rough, at all events. The digestive system Is wholly out of order, and Diarrbies and Constipa tion may be a symptom or the two may alternate. There are often Hem orrhoids or even loss (f blood. There may be giddinese and olten headache and aooidity or flatulence and tender ness in the pit of the rtomach. To correct all this if not eflect a cure try (*reen's August Flower, it costs but a trifle and thousand attest its etlcacy. New Onecer.. The Sons of Veterans held a meet. ing at their hall last evening to receive the resignations of Captain I. T. Tow land, a sergeant of company G, Fifth infantry; First Lieutenant A. W. Noyes, of company E, Fifth, and Quartermaster Sergeant F. P. Smith, belonging to company H, Fifth, all of whom ar to remove to Texas with their reglment, which bay necessitated their resignation The vacanciee were filled as follows: Captain, George W. Savage, of this city; first lieutenant, John Kelly, of Fort Keogh; quarter master sergeant, Fred Tully, of this city. While it is to the members here a matter of regret that these officers and a number of members who have taken such an active interent in the formation of this camp are forced to leave it, it is one of those things which in the course of events cannot be otherwise. Orgaszlin;. The order ot Free Citizens' Union held a meeting on Monday evening at the German club on Main street. The meeting was called to organize a chapter of that order in this city. The order is a new one, having been formed in Helena, where the grand lodge is located. While discounte" nancingthe abuse of any habit or ap p&tite, and favoring the strictest laws for the suppression of the admitted evil of excessive drinking they are in drineiple opposed to a total probibl otoin and are organizing in opposition to the present prohibitory movement in this territory. Beeldee the anti prohibition element there is also the fraternal element with the consequent obligation to care for and furnish means to sick or unemployed mem bers. Fourteen members were initi ated at the mseeting, and officers as follows were elect. d. W. If. Bullard, pres., John Carter. vi. -pren.: Arthur Maxwell, Treasurer, Jliu Iturke, Mecretary. The next lirýtiug of tLL order will be held to uiiiht. ThI IA.t a d Itl.I. The fuueral of the late ('ol. (;. P. Comatock were held at the family re. Ideuoe yesterday morning at li o'clock. the departure of the ea4teru train at 11:45 renoerlog it neoesary that the Pervic'e4 be held at such an early hour. Yellowetone Lodge No. 2., A. F. & A. hi., of whioh the deceased was an h ,iored umember, and to who.e charge :.,i, d..ali~a of the service were coin mitted, a-sembled at the lodge room at an early hour and at half palt nlne inttrsh.d in a boly to the bouse. 4hurtly after their arrival tev. Horn fatI, l. th l' Eud.ooplt ohuroh, read th: (thurtih btuiltl ervine a end gave a brief but elotpieul t review of tlhe. haracter of thie elreh.eI'd. He war followed by (C. It. MLl.tileioo, Mater (of Y'ellow atole lodge, wlo couduolod the beau tiful aud impremalve funeral cere maonlº. of the order. The caaket was then opened and a last opportunity giv n tlhe friends of the de-eased to lonk upt, 1114 familiar face. ' 'li re waerv th.n taken b.hrge of by the frate. .. "I borne to the hearse, Ur. Korrpcr, I'. M Kuhldier, D. J. (evlurul, T. J. Itryan, II. K. Holt and N. t,r ,Ni , Yn.1a , r ll r of Yellow tonn I.'(ule, aritinli p!'! !i aharers. t 'he lituurnful cortex' Iohn tlak nip the line of match t I tI i' "t It, uflou WeiPr'e,on arri 'il of the *'º-t b.ulid train, th -b 'ly was elntba ked for the old hl'nme I , Illinois, I charge u: David Coum. I ul&ok, th Colonel'e only nna. Iroommuniela(t ) Forsyth Items. Editor YILLOWITUNK JoURNAL. Mr. Marcy bae opened a brick yard here and is turning out some ins brick. Mr. T. Alexander buha left for au extended trip to Oregon. Mr.. McElvany received intelill gence of her brother's serious illness and left at once for aen Francisco to see him. Mr. and Mrs. Smrg-nt have returned from their eastern trip and Fred is once more pulling the throttle on ern gin 144. Mrs. 8am Boewortb has been sick for several days but is again around. Sam Moore has gone to "winding on the train" and h-resfter may be seen taking kuvtes and tobacco from the bums in payment of their fare in a box car to Billings or (Ilendive. A lively skirmish took place at the depot between an engineer and a tramp, which was decided an favor of the former. Sunday was enlivened here by a lit tle fracas between a railroad employe and a livery man. The former called the letter a liar and was promptly knocked down and soon rendered hore do combat. It grew out of the for mer's boys throwing stone at the lat ter's little girls and if the boys are up held in their oourse ouch longer by their parents it will lead them to a re formatory or the gallows. We say protect yourselves and children by force if necessmary; still we feel thank ful tbhat we live in a more quiet part of the town than the north side, as it is getting an unenviable reputation for pugillatic encounters. Mr. Wm. Edgerly, of this place, died at St. Paul after a brief Illness. Up to four weeks ago he ran engine No. 290 on the passenger trains be tween Billings and here. He leaves a wife and one child, besides a host of friends to mourn his lose. REPORTER. Tbe f ouritltng the blood eam lot be overestlmrla u -"thout pure blood you cannot enjoy good health. At this season nearly every one needs a goo0 mearcme to purify, vitalWe, and enrich the blood, and Hood's Sarsaparlla is worthy your confdence. It is peculiar in that it strengthens and builds up the system,creates an appetite, and tones the digestion, while "t eradicates disease. Give it a trial. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is sold by alldruggists. Prepared by C. I. Hood I Co., Lowell, Mass. 100 Doses One Dollar IcINlRE'S BAZAAR One case of Hosiery just received, which we will offer while it lasts at very low prices. You are requested to examine at once and get frst choice. 60 DOZEN. COLD LUNCHES Meals to Order at all hours of the day and night. -- - _ WIEtn , IIQtIR, 111. I AIA,. MIIVER ER( a ( 'H I It~ )I'II I: R. Jno. Carter's, l_"fl' ~!ricc~~oý:.: The belsterous Atlaotle Is a terror to timld voyagers, carerly lees on ac -ount of the perils of the deep than the almost er tnlty of eaelkneas. The beat curative of mal 1d mer is Ilusteter's ýtomach Bitters, which se ties the etomnlch at ou" and prrvenh. the distuLb ac. 'rTo all travelers •an tourists, whether by ee or laend, it pre.lntr a happy medium between the nsu.rjus or IneRfoual resources of the medl" ele c(hest, and the problematical b*neflt deriva be tfrue an unuoedicted alooholic stimulant, no matter bow pure. The Jarrlug of a railroad ear ufteu produces stomac.hi disorders skin to that caused by the rolling of a ship. For this the Bit ter, is a pro upl and certain rllu.edy. The use of brackish water, p.rttculiarl on long voyages in the trolbi a. inevtlal.y breed disorders of the stomach and bowels losetotter's tomach Habtter mined with imlrpre water uulliles ite impurltiee tlmnilarly it co,.t.rats:l malarial and other pr.Jul diclal ,"f chl;Uat. or atmosphere, as wel uthe effecta of exl,surr and fatigue. Use it for kidney comlllante, rheumatism and debility. ppRICE CREAM rAKING Itsasuperor ezeelleaee proven I millleas of homes for morn than a quarter of a eetury. It iL used bythe United tates Government. lEaormed bythe sheada of the (Great Universtis as the stronges. Puret sad meet Healthful. Dr. Plees ('r eam Baking Powder dese not contain Ammonia, Lime, or Alum. Bold only iL Cans PRICK BAKING POWDER CO. NuN YOUE CWICaoU UT. L U15 Il. s Cily& Spearfish Stage Line, Connecting at Spearfish with Rodgers Daily Stage for DEADWOOD The stage lhees Vles City Moaday. Wdateunla ad Frnday mornutns. at s o'elek. VFr passg or say Itfsrmeuon appyl to stope ede at A J I arms , . ARTHUR MAXWELL, Dealer in ARTE SIAN WAT E R. I am now prepared todeliver fresh ARTEMI LN WATER to any part of the city. All or'i .rJ entrusted to me will be promptly attended to. Order elate" muay be found at the Mtorea of J. H. Conrad A Co., Birkle & Trurcott and at the I)rover House. ARTIII' M AXWELL. BIRKLE & TRUSCOTT, Wholeale and Retail dealers in -CHOICE FAI IY GROCERIES New gotods constantly arriving rnd EVERYTHING FRESH. We handle the largest and most varietI ancortment of In the rit" We respectfullly ,ili.t tin inlreaeed patronage, ple it,'g ourcelvcs to give the heat eatisfaction. STOCK FOR SALE! 1L' bai. fnr evira ery de.irai t* lot of about and about ' .OMaeafItHo Kr Itre U i 1(4)IN\. Tn. Iuaare and nolte as.' (itL) 4) tit.\I)Et, aadluding a few' I? \ I I\ F! \I F. Ntaullowm are by For a Largaua4 I : ;I' {o POaTIR EUTH " CO., SIkw Ns Um NOaTBRNB pARcI RAILROAD. TI DIOT LI WE 3Nw SAINT PAIUL, MINNEAPOLIS. Or DILUTA Idak. Warhigtde Teritry, And al) Point. ro Minnesota, DO kota. Montaas, OREGON, Britiuh Colibla, .pct Soild ni ALASKA. NO CHiNGE OF OABS ST. PAUI and POIK"LAND. O.W 0A. .m of Tlekets EMIGRANT SLEEPERS FREE The Only All Rail Line to tae YELLOWSTONE PlIl ZKpm.s tram Daily, t whtem an mamb PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPER un ELESANT OININS OARS. aer al iatouaU.e a. is hime. Rawm. . Ada4Ma.. ONAS. S. EES. ýY. Faiw. Masi MONTANA SHORT UIE ,when traveling every one should ea. alder well the questions of economy, comfort, safety and speed, these questions being of the ame importance in ajourney of an hour u in one of several days' rido. An examination of the map will conviace anyone that this is the most direct mat to and from ll the principal poia in Cen- aItat tra1 and li - - Ted Ie neso- " uM l, t4s. Dakota and Montana. Our epuipsmat and time are excellent. Our rates ae the lowest, but this fact is somethir. which speaks for itself. Definite fgurni and maps can be obtained by applyiag to any Agentof the Company, or the Gee. ernl Passenger Agenj, The following area few" of the Prlnipl Points reached via this Line: ar. ('tý'LD, f.t'K ('c*TREx, FERnoa FAts. rn .OKruN, by. "%I cCkr, ii rrcnUm , PAYNL\ ILlEt, M~.RIsB APPLETOI A~r Jl:i ix.it1I I. L, '{ x*WAT.RO WNx Am. DI:aý, ]LL.LNDAL ~tI AIUETO:, / ASO, narnD ['o~It, GRtAr~N, DIirV LArx, lf r"..:-rvLU An Btu' 1I,, DAxxCor; Gug. (. ,>w )Ave (. Pr. Bi AP), Am.Ixmuoaa, i ". bsTGR,(iAT FAIL{, HmalA ANp Trs, MerrAN..; W M.A'3e, A 1 a, a.lul, . I':lc" C tOAST I'ouism. I'.rtie ~ eking farms or ousines loe !i,:s w:11 ti:rd unusual opportunitiese r. 'ith ,n th; h111, in Northern lakotsand 3 lntna, a.o in Mlinesota where the (,nl..nLv has fr olle at low prices and on fie rriil tern r .'IO,(UWIacre dof es ctller.t far?:in.,r.. z:' a'd t':: l rland! . For maps and utbvrnluorrma.*u atidr. Land Cotm:u,: npr. .'r 9a... Agt. A. MA.VEL, I. 8. ALaXANDt(, G' I anager. tic. 'Trafia Mýsa No Other Ralla3j the Noriptl has in so short a iri'd galoned the hIp utatiou and popularity enjoyed by the WISCONSIN CENTKAL LINL From acornparattvely unknown tactoq iu th. eontmmen'erl world, it buas been tralltformed to an independent, inliu eutial. gratId ThroIgh Reute, with iallgnnil.iter!t depote, .uup.rb eqluipmeut and uiu.trpas.'vd trrmiiunl lacllltile. IbrouKgh "arvful oaterltug to detail- it ha, w 'n for it.elf a reputiat(o of solid ity, 'afrty. 'oICn ienwe and attentllb to its patron., .creond to no railroad In the ,,,uutry. Pluto lleeps.s, es4 el. if plalatial enmfort, dinlg eaa le whtlh tile eulalne and reserl appdla* nlnts are up to the highest steedMd, ald coacbes. specislly built fbr thib route, are among the chit f eclem*set which have onatrihuted towardseater. inteuooemfully to a dilcrimlinalngu ubile. lf.cated directlv on Its 1e,. between Minneapolis sand St. Paul. i.i Milwaukee and Chicago, and Dulugha .4 Milwaukee and Chicago, are the Follow. .'1 ing thriving citiet of WlsansoMl Michiran : New Richmond, C Falls, ClaireAshland,H , Ironwood. Mich., Bessemer, Mich. ens Point. Neenah, Menash, Fond du Lec, Waukesha, and Da it. " ton, Wis. Forn detailed informatlon,lowagi ul_ rent rates, berlb., 4'., via Ibls RAe to any point la thl. $.uth .1~,r ply to nearest Ticket Agrant,or iir WM. S. MELLEN, JAMES BARIKE, ';eeratl Malgsr. alnt. Pale. tIi.,h II.IWA:ItlK F. N. AM.O, : Uthe«,tm hanwgragl , Ile. N Wele.M tens, iesmgl f ?