Newspaper Page Text
I'H K DAILY JOURNAL --LES VITY, MONTA'NA. Psnt 0e1 Iegu.lationi. Ruaar mall closes........ ............... 11:15 a. m. Wedtrs mail cloaes...-..............6... 6:0 p m. OBce open Wundqy 7 to 8 tp m. JMO. McAUSLAND, F M. Ierthern Pacific Time Table. LEAYS MIES CITY 01ING WEST. 140. I. Paciflc EZprTus...-............. :P...6: P, * 5. Paisenger .................. ..... ........ 20 r. M 18. Exprese Freight...... ........:6 A....5: A.M 15. reight...................... .....11:. A.M LEAV3 MILES CITY OO1IN EAT. No. 2. AtlaUtle Eoe................12 P.M. S6. Paemngr. .... ............. _*:26 A. _. , 10. Eipriwe Freight.......................6 0K P. M. 14. ?reatgbth....-*..... ................._12:%5 P M. OFFIIAL DL.RlECTORIY. FEDERAL DIRECTORY. Del.gat to Congremg ........Jah K. TOel, Hlena Oor t.Or...« .............. II. Lrie. Helena -rse late a.........l.......... W i B. Webb. Helena T-e ..... Green Preultt, Hieein Aetr.... ......»....... Js. .atllvan, Helena ...... " . C I ,ll. Helena C I~ lo- (lttt.pLbe.n DeWolfte reate . J.atlee-....-.-- M. J. Liddeli . .... rThee. C. Oaeh. ,ber, o,,eeaI ....... ...3". H. Ove. Helena .t--.ate ent od Public InttUo..... ...... U ........ .«........-...... C.C. I.ea Heleon e lI.yor U.-... L... ..........a.... R. . .-J . Rhelda leg orM U. S. Lend O. ee...- .A. Oro cr. MI ke . ey Coalter U. B. Land Ol·e.Abra Hall, iles City COUNTY OFFICERF. CoAnellmnat.... .................. AU W . "Burll gh mbel of t Bom.. ......-... ... J. I. Holt. euef..... .....«.«................. .hos If. Irvine rk and R.ecorder ..........................L. C. D Clerk of District Court .............Jame McFtlane Jde of Prbate.. ..._......... Wm . SB. kle .-s...--or.- .....e...... . eo. R Mllbur Oeraor.. ...Dr. . tI. 3.4dd Co nty Ple.... c ........... ............ R . . .. ed Cogu-H, r . *Ie h*~-t *ool* .........* S I Loule ( ooleor ul AdmlnIsr. , to ................E. B. Weeiritk (L. A. HuEfaa Comuletlonere .................' W.'AltBtoo L. J. Whitn. MILES CITY TOWN~HIP. tWm. Birkle Jutlc of t he P ...... ............ Iobn (bb. Ceetble ............................... Wm. H. Canr CORPOIATIOK OY MILES CITY. .f«..... . . .............. " , hee CLt ... . . .... ..................... . ior. o Tnmusawr...... .»........»...........H. F. Betchelor Qhief of Pollee...................! renk C. WI terwlt Polle YIgIsataie...»....................b dmund Butler ALD3I3LK. Fillt Ward-A. K. Fliger. B. K. Holt. lecond Weri-Cbu Hrown, W. U. Bullard LOCAL ITEMS. And bih name was "Ouan." Saratoga chips at Smith & Haynes'." Again the "ohosen people" won: Boors, 100-67. W. J. Keatin g was a visitor Sunday from Aurora, Ill.. Leighton & Jordan pay caqh for hidae and pe trie. Harmnn Orcbhel has been absent up country for a few daves. S. V. W uliguohn was here Sunday from Fan Franelcio. (o to Bill BulltarJ for Beet's MI: waukee Beer in any quantity. * Capt. Elmhirst's party went out to the ranch on Pumpkin creek yester day morning. W. H. Whiting and James Galls gher, New York traveling men, are at the Macqueen. A torp'd liver means a torpid brain; both are brought into healthy action by Tarrant'e Seltzer Aperient Pael MoCormiek was here from Junoction Saturday and Sunday on buoineas connected with his contracts. Emil Itenaas and Mie IRenar' were visitors from the country Sunday. Mine Renaw has gone on a visit to Iowas. Mr. Wm. Ward's friends tendered him a surprise last night in the nature of a dancing party; ali had a good time. Lieut. Mille arrived y iterday to join his company at Fort Keogh. He has been absent in te erlt severil months. What you need iea medicine which Is pure, eflcient, reliable. Such is Hood's taruaparilla. It possesses pe utilar curative powers. A number of tramps dropped in on the elty BSunday and one of them wre lodged behind the bers foe "begging his bread on the street." C(eo. Colbert, wbo i-' engaged in horne raising, was bhere yeterday. His rahob is ln the viiolnity of Branden burg, on Tongue river. Louis King has returned from a visit to his wining lo:allons west of Livingston and declares bimself much pleased with the prospects. Gor Han auer has gene to Spokane Falls to look after the branch estab lisbmoet there and will return to Mile City in about a week. By a oiroumstance over which it was evident no one bad control-not even herself--gun lub iractice at the range wa greatly shortened Munday. A carload of sheep from Nick ldlel linberg, of Deer Lodge, paused through SIunday. Two more train loads will be skipped and all grades across country from Bismarok to Win nipeg. A man by the name of Bell is asso.lated with Bielinberg in this pro ject. For s1le Cheap Two mules, wagon and harness, one three seated ambulance, one two seated carriage. Inquire at this ofice. Geo. Meyers came in Sunday night from a trip up country for the purpose of buying sheep. He was not alto gether successful in the venture. The renowned "Eli Perkins" pimeed through, west bound, 'on Sunday evening. He was accompanied by his wife and daughter and is en route to Spokane Falls. Dogs tihat are licensed and properly tagged may be declared as much a nuu'ance as others. The worst brutes about town and most troublesome are the licensed animals. The numerous tramps infesting the city could be utilized by the corpora tion in cleaning up the streets. They should be given a chance to earn their board and longing. District Clerk McFarlane expresses hiniself highly as to the qualifications of Judge Liddell. Mr. McFarlane ob served the workings of the Livingston court several days last week. 0. H. Wallop expects to leave to-day for bin Tongue river ranch to take up the small band of horse- received Miat urday. He will return after the carload which comprises horses and doge. W. L. Lansing returned from the Bozeman me ,ting of the grand lodge of K. P.'s Saturday night. Other rep resentatives joined the politicians aud went off with them on their jaunt. Wm. Ferdon and J. Mc(Gurk re turned from a horse selling trip in Da kota, yesterday. Most of the horses they took-three carloadb-wdre dis posed of at fair prices in Oakes, Dak. Capt Kriedler, of the Custer county delegation, returned from Livlrgston alone. The rest of the delegates took advantage of the opportunity of visit the hot springs and enjoying a longer holiday. J. L. Wilson, accompanied by his wife, has returned from a wintering in Net raska and will go out to his ranch on Pumpkin creek in a few days He was running a band of Elmhirsts horres in Nebraska, during the winter. Saturdaysedition of the Helena Her aid reflects credit upon the manage went. They for that day discarded the old blanket sheet arrangement and oppeared in a seven column quarto, out and pasted and beautifully olean. It is to be hoped that style of publication will be made permanent, On last night's delayed train from the west Cot. Bryan, A. T. Campbell, S. Gordon and Dr. Whitney returned from an absence of several days. All but the last named gentleman were delegates to the Livingston oonven lion. Dr. Whitney has been attending the Bozeman meeting of the Grand lodge, Knights of Pythblas. Quite a bit of excitement was occa" sloned by a runaway Sunday af ternoon. A saddle animal r;dden by a )uung laly became unmal.ege able and took a sudden spurt down Bixth street. The fair equestrlenne pluckily retained her seat and guided the horse to the stable wbere she was furnished with a more tractable beast. At Russell's Rink, to-might, Paul t'btllpoteaux's eyclograma painting of the battle of Gett)sburg will be shown, for the beneft of an old sol. dier. This great historical cyclograma was made to order at great cost to the manager. The programme of four parts will all be presented, cost of ad. mission being 50 and 25 cent Att 'nd and bring your cbildren. Andrew 0. Tod, repreeentiig J. Kennedy Tod & Co., a New York banking house, stopped over in Miles City Sunday to pau the day with his old friend Benton Hatch. Mr. Tod went to Bozeman last night to look up certaln mining properties In which the firm are latersted, and from there will proesed to Spokane Flils on a similar errand. Whatever name or designation is given to Fever and Ague, or other in termittent diseases. it is safe to say that Malaria or a disordered state of the Liver ls at fault. Eliminate the inmpurities from the sye*em and a sure and prompt oure Is the iomediate re sult. Prickly Ask Bltleit is the safest and moot effective remedy for all bill. ary troubles, kidney dlsasee, and like complaints that has ever been brought before the public. A trial is its best recommendation. Dola' Let that cough of yours run on. Y\',u think it to a little thing. But it I.ay run into a'Jtrbh. Or into pneunlni~. Or consumption. Catarrh is disgusting. Pnumnonia is dangerous. Consumption in death itse f. The breathing aipeistus must be knot healthy and ,m. a .r l.a-.. tlons and offensive matter. Otherwrlse there Is trouble ahead. All the diseases of these parts, bead, nose, throat, bronchbadl tubes and lunge, can be delightfully and entirely cured by the usa of Boachece' (German Syrup. If you don't know this al ready, thousands and tIhousands of people can tell you. They have been cured by It, and "know how it is, themselves." Bottle only 75 tents. Ask any druggist. Oliver Wallop Is Iridng hblmself upon the thoroughbred stock he Is raislng at his ranch on Tongue river. Besides warm blooded equines a pack of imported stag hound. ire already on the way and Oliver is thinking seri ously of importing a few wavy retriev era and Euglish aetters. It is his dt* sire to establish a lordly demensne in the Tongue river valley, with horses dogs and gamne keepers sccord:ng to Hoyle. It Is recommenldtl that a few foxes be bred as the crop of cayotes will soon be played out. Montaua Aibroad. A writer in the I'liilidelpbla Rail road Record says of us: Montana is the rteheut territory Iu the Union in natural reh.urce", l,articilariy in gold, silver, cohpper, lead, and we might add coal and Iron, which form the basis of so Imuch weiltb. and which go so far toward mnskint a ciuntry great and prosperous. Montana dues not nerd the machinery of exaggeration em ployed by the modern i,oomer to call attention to her advantages. The beautiful ecenery, healthful climate, inexhaustible mines of gold and sil ver, forests of timber and fertile val leyw need only to he known sod un deretood to draw within her borders people seeking emiloyment and homes, tusines8 men, manufacturer., and capitalists desiring to make in veatmentu. An Assurance of Heallh. Amois the assurslces of hesa!h afforded us by the rreglardischarge of the lody functions, nons is more imupoitaut ..od reliable tha. that wh!ch regular'ty of the bowels gives us. If there is any even a temn a, v .n.eiruption of this-the ;irer at dthe ,.toacn rsuler conjointly ,wth aaelt'se orgcrs, and still greater mlschiel ensues if relief is not speedily obtait.ed. A la.ative, above at evald on the score of m!neral compAition or vio lent effect, i iloetettcr s t-tou,ach Bitters, ap prosed by the medical p-ofession and a most im portant item of tle tamily ly ateria medicI o Aw.uri aIn houx holds. It Is oLt lric, pain'les la action, and if persisted ir, effectual. 'lhe atom ach and liver. in no ass degree anld wa l1es promptly and tloroutly than the bowel are r"eg ulated and toned I,y it, and it is an admirable de against mawlaral and rheumatic ailmeots, and a bwi:nn reoedy for kdney complaints, noer vusnesu and debilay. HOBD'S mmo The Imn~prtn.. c of nurifying the blood can not be overeslrna.. . , 'thout pule blood you cannot enjoy good health. At *his season nearly every one needs a goon c.leule to purify, vitalize, and enrich the blood, and Hood's Sarsaparilla Is worthy your confidence. It Is peculiar in that it strengthens and builds up the system, creates an appetite, and tones the digestion, while it eradicates disease. Give it a trial. Ilood's Sarsaparilla is sold by all druggists. Prepared by C. L IHood Co., Lowell, Mass. 100 Doses One Dollar The best ad seanet Remedy or Can C e all diaseue ea ed by my dampsemat of the Luer, ldeera, Stomach sad bowels. Dyapepua, Slek BHesacke, C.outlpatloe. U11ioum Complaintsa sad Maariat all kinds ell eedi lly to the beelesat lhemeue o It I. peaa t e tal, teoee p the syste, restore ad pe.m.r health. It Is parel Vepetable, and earnet il bto ipvo beadelml, both to old uad yo . As a Blood Parller It s sperlor to all oeten. old evlerywhef at $1.00 a bottle. Ir:SU I' OF PATRONIZING Jno. Carter's R.staIurmnt I slb 2d M1t. r d 5 nth. wt .eb, FwU. wseIgr PURE PIPRIIEb bAKING Itsunperlor ezcelleace prove In nmlllons of homes for more than a quarter of a century it i. ued bytbhe United Stteat Government. knired bythe uheead of the Great Univeretien I the stronoet. Purest and most Healthful. Dr. Pl.ces Cr earn Baking Powder dees not contz!n Ammonia. Lime, or Alum. Fold only in PRICE BAK!NG POWDER CO. N;l YORK CHICAGO ST. LOUIS COLD LUNCHES Meals to Order at all hours of the day and night. WINI':, IQUOR( AND CIGARS. NI! RIBERG & CHRISTOPHER. BIl;XLE & TRUSCOTT, Wholesale and Retail dealer. in -CHOICE FAIILY GBOCERIES New goods oonetantly arriving and EVERYTHINS FRESH. We handle the largest and moot varied assortment of In the city. We reespectfully solicit an increased patronage, pledging ourselves to give the best satisfaction. ARTHUR MAXWELL, Dealer in ARTESIAN WAT E R. I am now prepared todeliver freeh ARTEl'rIAN WATER to any part of ibe city. All orders entrusted to me will be promptly attended to. Order slater may be found at the stores of J. H. Conrad & Co., Birkle & Truscolt and at the Drover House. ARTHCR MAXWELL. TIM AMERICAN MAAAZlNE Uurtffllj Illustrated. 25 sts.,$3 aYW. 31 ScwUP-TH3 Ar331OAJ .Sys.po pref Memos se matIn. IIJe m.M 3. IiwSttt and mM an hhah· ~TVml nIrntiIm mthnS mm.e mII nd intohsl Sktisim. t4e týe -.e faoimvumne mm L.. Neaa a j a~luw emot p obm.m N lbS1ý Dltinctively Repmntativ of American Thought md hvopuu Ills MuOWlrdIld br the pv m m gSI Il S mosS pezs~ ed md.aallyt IMPORTANT.L t" lSmlemS Pvims.m IesC .d I. I. umoe Em C.\ or Ve sal Raf be wita. Has tt snwl If U Patew er S. meesmg -o he erruneCrCleaege Isds AUON lARE w1 s 7ets 'ri~,~ B 13 WTEHK8. The OlI rE O1AZETTE will be nimiled, steurmly wrappied to anly ad dree.. in tihe ialted Mtatte for thri e tiUl lhle (iii reref-ijt of ONE DOLLAR. Ibterlne i (H eutlt 'ilo pi ip~ci p I st mealetre agt utm. and c(lus. 4rample copi.s mulled free. Addreuu all order, o RICHARD X. P1'X. FtKaxKW:4rQfglhU3 k STOCK FOR SALE! We have for sale a very desirable lot of about id OF IDROa 1AMI and about 70 Head of Hore, In and Colt, Tbe bulls ar. PUItE IHRED SHOl I - HORNS. Th. rtaree and colt, a,, GOOD GRADES, Iucluding a few EXTRA FINE. Stallions are by MAMBRINO ABDALLAIH. ALL MONTANA BRED. For a bargain apply to PORTER MUTH & CO., _elNes, Mweit. FOR SALE. dome fine full blood and high grade Short Horn Bulls Well acclimated and strong constitu tions. Apply to THOS. H. OANFIELD, Lake Park. Kinn FOR BALE I -A LOT OF CHOICE THOROUGHBRED REGISTERED SHORT HORNt AND EMBB STIC TO BE ROLD.FOR WHAT THEY WILL BRING as I am going out of the bulinew. Apply for pedigree and prioeu to CUYLER ADAMS, SPIRITWOOD. DAK. CORDON & FERGUSON, U*enuatlur ss aud 0f Hats, CaP Fu, GLOVES AND MITTENS. BUFFALO ROBES --AND ALL N10S OF F FUR COATS. Large Stoolk -AND LOW PRICE I No. 216 218. 220, EAT l0roTE SI st. Paul mi* ills Iii& Sp.rfist Stage LiUn, Connecting at pearfbsh with Rodge. Daily Stag. for DEADWOOD STheNt t.oea M..1 Cit7 MYor4., Weha- a. Pn a o o'o k. o.a _ M asliwou SSW NORBTI prciiii RAILROAD THT DIBROT LINl BEIZ WEB SAINT PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS. Or DILrIT Idaho, WaIIzhi.tol Territory, And all Points to Minnesota, Ikota, Montau, OREGON, Brtish Colulbia, Pgct Sud I ALASKA. NO CHANGE OF CiIU ST. PAUI, and PORTLAND. Ohr (ny m of Ttka EMIGRANT SLEEPERS FREE The Only All Rail Line to the YELLOWSTONE PALB ZpreI Traie., whhe amna.s PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPERS AND ELESAU T OIIMS OARS. tr full Iatoatull r a i. Time. Lean 1 s. OMAS. S. PEE. A .'1 P Ja.. ASep FT. PiUL. Mtag OIITAMA SHORT UIl When travella every one should cs sider well the questions of economy comfort, rfty aa speed, these quneticin being of the nme importace in a jours ofan hour a in ome of several days' rid An examinatio of the mp will convin.m anyone that this is the most direct rowe to and from all the principal points ti Cen- tu - tra and 'N N e thornde ness ratlanv t so Dakota and MeMaam. Our epalpesdt and time are excellent. Our rates s~ the lowest, but this btct is eomething which speaks for Itself. Definite figure/ and maps can be obtained by applylaug t any Agent of the Company, or the Gea eral Paenger Agent. The following are a few of the PIadpi Points reached via this Line: Tr. CLOrn, PArt (I 'rn, FnrfI FAIrs 'nuuaTro.%, Sr. "Vr;c..T, Htr-Iamos, PAT xMVILLZ,, ArL'rms s A Bur cjNiiuxsMiiiui. WATrsaToW Aim.. D)EK1, E.LLENDALFE, iUAEH.'.IO, kAau IjA1u~ FuoES, U;nrrN, DvntJ LAsi 1f irrIELU AND Bur( Is, DAzOrA; (aW hw IArA(e (Fr.BELIKNAP), AIuWImOSM iT. l rrNs, Rnuir FALIA, EsHXrA As Srrt, Movr.\.NA; 1XstrNaO, MAIHOag ,Y) .% LL LI'. .rIC COAST PomSm. 'artie, peeking farms or business lom tius w i!l tiit.! unuual opportunities fa i1 th on ibhi lina in Northern Dakota.nd M1ontnia,aRlo in Minnesota wherethe (.oipa.y' has for sale at low prie as on ug, r:J;!le te:ras 2,OO,000 acresof ez. cnleI t farmingli, c.zi~i and t:iuber lada for muai and t. .U ninuorm--io-adna-. J. nTnWAT rea, C. IT. WC ms, land Coammim ioner Gen'! Pau. Ag?. ST. 5' 44L, MLS. A. MArn., W. 8. Anasumu, sl .i nse, Om'lI.&treMema No Otiher Raillm i the I l has In abhort a period gained the rep utstion and popularity enjoyed by the WISCONSIN CKNp TRAL LNL Fromacomparatively unknown hetor' in the commercial world, it has bees transformed to an independent, ilfts. ential. grand Thle.r h Rl ue., with msltidcent depots, superb eyuItmsea and unsurpased termnloal tdUles. through careful catering to detaW It has won for itself a reputation of loUd ity, safety. convenience and atte tles to its patrons, second to no railroad the country. P.detmos leapea s els of palatial comfort, dlning ears which the oulasi addoeloJ appoda ments are up to the hlgheb t ,mtad , and ooaob especialy built fe M route, are amog the cbicf elee.Uts whlobh bhar cotributed towarda eslei' Infsweessfully to a dieesrhlmlatlu pulle. Located direetly on its I between Minneapolis sad St. Palt MItlankee and Chicago, and DIlIth Milwaukle and Chicao. are the . Ollq ag thriving eitles of Wimsesel arN' Micbigaa : New Rieheead, Falls, Rau Cl-ire,Ashland, _tlley, .s Irowood, Mich., Bessemer, Mkh.,leeg4 ens Point, Neemal, Menabsa, Osbh Fond du Lac, Waukesau, and Buly.. ton, Wis. For detailed information,lowsti eg~ rent ratue, btrthb, etc., via thi rneu to any point in the Sbuh or g ply to nearest Ticket Agent,or WM. S. MELLEN, JAMES BARKR. . ,L MsrraI Maes.. ose. Pme,, a Teisb Ag MILWAUKDI i' P. N. M. aS, s eeen u pa 1 lsle ht StasagI