Newspaper Page Text
THE DAILY JOURNAL rATA ILISIIS El1 II81. 4 Lb' CIrTY. .IONTANA. rHIEOFF'ItA.L I'A'KR )OFCUSTR COtrNTY Ne bills against Tils Ys.LOWSTONS JOt NAL PouLIIaiNO Cu., contracted by any of the employee f said paper or others, will be recognised unless s·companied by a written order signed by the pub laier or buslness manager. The editor of Tal YBLLOWITON[ Juoen.AL Is not respolsible fur any 3f the opu lons or atterancesof its correspondents. Notice is hereby given to all concerned that TrI YUL.,WSTONa JOt'NAL 'ITBILaII'Y O (CO. holds thi ontract to do all printing and ad. ertlsing, of whatever natue chargeable to Cue tr eoalty,and is also the designated an.d on paper It Custer eoonty In whbloh ervices by publication ean be legally made. Legal notices pubashed in ether papeps of Custer county, are vild and worthle. ashas been decided by the courts of Moatana. Wednesday, July 1S, IU. | --i REPUBLICAN TICKET. FOR PRESIIENT OF TIlE UNITEDI STATEs, IN('LUDIIN THE 5OLID SOUTH. BEN HARRISON, OF INDIANA. FOR VICE PREM.DENT OF THE SAMF, LEVI P. MORTON, Or NEW YORK. IMMIORATION restriotion it a topic which has lately come to the front as a subject of interest to our legislators. One phaze of the question waees brought before the house of representatives last week on a motion for the appoint ment of a committee to investigate I and report upon alleged violations of the contract-labor law. The represen tation was made In behalf of the ui lion that there is an abnormal immi gration into this country under inllu enoes which lneed to be inquired unto. The house, after a brief cousideratlo,h of the matter, passed ,he il-lation. Under it the committee i. given ful' authority to .udl for and exawuin Ip"- sons, books and ipper+, to emnptio stenographers, and to me, I at 1-uci. times and plalaces A. it "iay deell prop er. It is expected that the .uvertigr lion will throw mor.e dl~jitle light upon the operation and u ntti.iency , the contract-labor law tLau has hither to been available. TRAVIJ, 0n3 hea N'rth. rr P'.f'tii i" greater than e%4-r at tbIhi eon ot the year. This n,, partlialy due to the ract that the -National Park, the "Wouderland of America" is attract log more tourists and plE-aeure setkerr than heretofore. The earbou i* now fairly open rind nowhere iln tijt- nited Stater, or the 'eio.utier o·f t i'" old world, car ·I;I·h un a .erfu·ill C rpo be fount.i, - c1 r rueiy i: wi hi, varied, grand. Tile poutiun i t'y-rer, hot aprtoz·*, - s.; Let~ !:ill r uw~r ca;lpp·-d InIOUr taiUC, C'lnl:i 1at131,15 and gro.( ttiwyue frrzit Ov-i riy na area of 35 jileii s :,i' rnir ,ii.I a in length- s h" ,.*.h' tv , ' lent scCornu,.iat1:oN rid th e rrr~i: low exeur~iouj ti(. r.''w ..", " Nor: lvrn P e",' fl.. ,zi r. tihis the nen t ter.-tint ;zi:d lire-t country. '"Weinderla:.d," ats:, trated panlsi;!it recentI, ireued iv? fir. Chas. e . Fee, general pia-ee," , agent of iiº," Northern '.'ilke, give full Information riguidiu: this regino and ire one of the nits' interrtjng worth of the kind ever Iwued. It-4 illuarration+ are fronml Iayneo' cel-bra ted views of the Park reglon. CONSOMME AND CUSTARD A Caterer's Cluat Conrerniln Ill t ustam ere-The Disthe Cell,. d Ior. "The ordinary woman lu.ult have a di. gestive appalratus similar to thitt sup posed to be enjoyed by the natrwh," w:as the suggetive comment made ioe other day by the proprietor of a fL.iionable restaurant in the shopping dlltrict up town. Be was checking off the day's orders as he spoke, and a reporter hearing the re mark naturally folowed it up. "Why?" repeated the caterer. "Well, I'll just show you. All orders here are writuen )you know; consequently the ladles have put their testimony in black and white. Here are some of their lunches 'Bouillon and pistache Ieo cream. Fancy a man putting that com bination in his stomach to nourish him for a day's tramp. Here's another: '8trawberry short cake and a cup of chooolate;' that was the first course, fol lowed by 'cream meringue and a lemon les.' I'd like to bet that woman will be visited by both her ancestral grand maohers to-night." "Here's an order in swell English handwriting for a goblet of iced milk and an extra porterhouse steak. Nothing ema. Enough to kill hert I should may so. This extraordinary female relished a chicken mslad and a cup of tea; this ome reveled in fried Little Necks and Vneple ice cream, and a third went Ssh roe to clurlotte rtue without o at any intermediate stations." Wt's the trouble with the ladiesr' asked ths reporter; "lgnorance or econ. myra "Both." was the emphatic reply. "They come in here and purzzle over tihe ar for filftLeen minutes and then order sOeaomme tll frozen custard. Desert every woman must have. and the oc. aopar,, or chp. ambit of fish is a dell cate attempt to leaa up to the sweets. They have no conception of seasonable I food either. They ask for mince pie in June, and iced tea in December. In August, when I have exhausted every resource at hand to reduce the tempera ture of the place, they rush in flushed and gasping, and call for a fan and a cup of hot chocolate. "Very few men eat here during the day, but when one does accompany a lady the order shows at once hli pres ence. I can tell, too, nine times out of ten, if the man is a husband or only the fiance. If the latter, the young woman orders in a lavish, generous way that is most agreeable to my professional taste. but when mademoiselle becomes madame she contents herself with a very nodest luncheon. That is the time the husband is reckless, and spring lamb, early straw berries, and other expensive delicacies just about till the bill for hinm. •"As a rule, however, my patrons dur ing the day are ladies. I had to get used to them. It took me some time, but I've learned the ropes, and 1 let them run the thing pretty much as they want to now. From before 12 to 3 o'clhrk every day my place is filled with women. and. by Georgel they have a good time if I don't. "They sit forty minutes sometimes over a twenty-five cent order. They meet people whom they know and block the aisles and delay the waiters while they interchange small talk and gossip. They stop on the way out to ask me where I buy my bread (which is my specialty, you know) or if thecook would be willing .for compensation, of course,' to disclose the receipt of a delicious souf fe they have just eaten. "I blandly reply that every loaf of bread is made upon the premises. and that my cook. who is a chef, creates those souffles without other receipt than his own high art. 'No ordinary cook, ma dame,' I will conclude sympathetically, 'could produce the same results from the same ingredients.' " "Which is a he, of course," put in the reporter. "Partially, only partially," said the restaurateur with a deprecating gesture; "you know I could not give away my kitchen secnres, and. bebides, that woman will comeo :aiain and again to eat that mouffle and :t1l hIer frinds albout it ,nd get them t .0 i::c. all I'cause of the little mI sltcr. I th:i.t', ;J. .ut it. (urious lot, these w.o.nct." linihed the' caterer. gin eralizin .. , 1:.ul. "Rath.r :Ia a mg lot, too," suggestiI the relport,,r, gl.,nu'ing at the prilperou. :,asl'.ct ,of t he place. Th'[e ,r iinri.r lau,;hIe as h." leaned over the ,ak. "I Ihave just lea.ed the l ilace for .,.nLLtr tnt .tars,"' ie l.i,l.-New York Tuns ,. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. II REK'l'DENTEN A T1º.tt'TIA1 ! OVER A MILLION DISTRIBUT=D Iuuisiana :;tat* I tttrv- finlrunr. if' utjr frt.d '-r r4." T ra"Ldnrn Is t ""', fr I *IuifmhrffI1 u I Ilariia~,I pup e"~ I t.i fraaa lri.-e l a Da. r.,a .. 11.. a.d ( Mat- Iia . r:.[ 1i' 1 uil 7I. *,maalan ., re Ire ! .1 .'', Papa I \r, tlrl. I I t tI . l eat I- 1I, ue ma. la.t mae l \ 1 ar. D ai a~llet- all alkreat ia III J a I 'ri aeat- ..l eell r I LIrl-ame...1L I.: ·ll~ l· Ll1r ~l \1 1113. -a I'll %V 1\ .- ta it. 'Jaau~ uu .;k t Arl I ir lin r itt.!7a, f II tut ow fS ,trIIV .u h . aa faI. IDCr.t~ -lifi~la . t 't -Ii. f-'. LU'" ' ii "'1..{ .'..a "- r'i fre,* aa . Ta nl~t~ a TI .r" "x i1nr t e".. e lr s. i.ynr."1', ·omllll·~yoerr \ lt.r t. nl.r*s ed !Sa. and Bankenr willl ay a I'rlz., drawn in The L.Ullulana Sta. Iutterie, S)it tl, Ily ,. prel.ented at our counters. I: Al, l. IAI.1.1. 'Pr, Louisiana Na'. Batk. PIIB.ItIh-. I.A%.1.\ , Freo. State Nat. Bank. A. ItAl.DW'IN. Prey. .ew Orleans Nat Bank. ( tiI. k(OII0 . I're.. Union National Ba'k. Grand Monthly Drawing In the Academy of Musc, New Orleans Tuesday, August 7, 1818. CAPITAL PRIZE 8300,000. II,lo) T'i'kt. at a It'wIIty Dolloar " t:vh..llalv.. $l;: (Quart,,rs, $;: 'I'rTjth ; ' wenItieth $1. Iay oF PaizaS. : I' IZ.E O(F :u. ) I ..................... |:v ,000 I KPRIZE iF IlNrlii ........................ 1'10,15) 1iPHIZEOF '. o, in.......... .......... 0,<an I PRIZE )OF 2.11ts1 Is.................. 25,1'01 2 I'HIZkl b I' l.,e1 are................ 20,0011 SI'tlIZF.' (IlF 6 ,le) are.. ............... ..25( ) ' IPanlZE : F I , l. a re ....................... 251,.10 leo, I'RI /.F- 1)' O 0s are .................. 5,110u 21(, PKIZE, (I :r are...................... dO,,lEm 99 PilZE- OF 2ri are................. 10l,000 APPR.OZMATIOP PaIS: I1' i tue of tlIr,' are ............................. o0ry)O lri. It :i are ............. . ............ 30,ani lIo do. 3.! are .... ............ .... 21, 110 TRIMINAL P1IL1a. 'Pi do, lEN are ...... ........ :%9I d , 10) are ..... .... ... ........ . . 'JI, . :til rser, amountintg to ..........Il.,I.4l.,A N,Tl-'Tirket. drawlig ap.tal Irises are not entitled to terminal Prinz.l, Fou f'lub ataesor any further information de sired, write hlgibly t., the undernigedi,clearly sta tog your resldene,. with State. ('ouIty, (hree. and Numter, More rapid retlra mill dell ier' wl: It aured by your euclolngl an .Envelop. Itearing your full addraw.. .end POSTAL NOTES. Eaprewa Money Ordern, or New York leschbae In ordinary letter. C'rrency by Eiprres (at our e P.Sle) addressed I A. AUoPHIN. New Orleans, La., or M. A. AUPHIIN, WaehlmEto., D. (: Addre klistered LetterM I 3NW ORLEANS NfATIONAL dAME, New Oroe1sa. La. MW Om s That the preseas of lea E 19 1 eal. iessfrwaard and ly, we r a charge of the drnwlap Is a guarantee of absolute hlrea and iaegrlby, that thehw nes are all equal and that ao em sea poe iahly dilven what number will draw a Pues, KR MEIMBIg that the mpameat of all Prism lo 'il'ARANTlKl) 7I POI'lR NATIONAL ItANKM of New Orlln alllt the TicketLe .. lsgned by lhb Preeldent of an Iolstletll, whose ekartered rightI are recoglnild o the highe.t hurt.; ther.ebe. beware of Iay IIlttI o.U or rel.en yw ehem i An Important Announcement About sla weeks agd, while at buslnru . I was suddenly attacked with exeruclatlng pains In my feet kneee and hands. Ik, severe the attack that I took my bed inmmeliately. and In two or three days mny je*int. acere swollen to almost double their Iaturelnieile, and sleep was driven tr.m me. After suffer lug the most exeruelating pal f(,r a weekL usingi liniments and various other rem.nlledl, a friend who symlathied with n hrmlpless ,endition said to me: SWhy don't you get Swift's 8pailcle and use It. I will guarantees cure, all If it ldoe not the medicine thaill cot , . n,,thn I at once secured the H. 8. 8.. an, after using It tie frst day. had aqulllet Itght and refreshing sleoD. Ina a .ck I felt greatly benetited. I (three weeks I euld sit upll and walk about the room, and alter using six iettles I was out and able to Igo t" ulsinesL. Blate then I have beenregutlariv :,at u Iast of duty, and stand on ety f et tromlll llte to ten hours a day.,nd anle elltlrtel freetrelm pain. These are the plain and .lIplefacts in my case, and I will celerfull) atsl er all qulries relative thereto, elither In persun or by mall. Taonas 11 W. 18th street, New York City. IaurnYl.Lg Tamw.-I have warded off a l ere allttack of rheumatism by a tli.ely resort to Swift's peelick. In all cases here a per manent relief is sought this medielnemtn mends itself for a castiltutlonal treatment that thoroughly eradicate the seeds of dsla ea from the lstem. o D.D. ee. W. P. ia l aos. D. D. NIxw Yo , Il 7ta Avg.-After spending S U to be relinved of Blood Pohlon without any benefit, a few bottles of Swif't. wtked a perlfect cure. C. PegE. VIULa, Ga.-My little girl, aged siand boy. aed four years. had scrofula in the worst aravated shape. They were puny and sic To-day te are healthy e O bust, all teresulot th ar t. . . og T. C.OLlIs. LaDY LR., $rwaM Co.. FPa.-Your S. B. S. has pruved a wonderful success ln my Case. The cancer ,n mlly fa.e, no doubl would have soon hulrried ete to my grave. duo think iti wonderful, and has unequal. B. H. l Bslo, Postmaster. Waco, TE.xAs May, 9,la. .L 8. Co.. Atlanta, ua.: Gentlemenu-Koto Ilni that you appreelate voluntary testllliiioi e.o.. e. Ipleasure in stating that one ,f it our lotd uet.tllers has regained her he-llth I. thlie" u. e'f four LNarre Ieetlel of your great rentlCe , nafte r hslvihng been an lnavlllIfore.verral )3,.-tr. Hlirtrc,ulbl was extreme dte'lllit. Psllr .ued byh) a .tiarlae Ice cullar to her sex. ltt te.s C... Druggi.ts. Three I.o.ks mailed free on appt.ution. Alldruggists sel ar . . S. THut: .wr SiPr'.tF Co., lnrna r I, Atienta Ga. New Yoirk. ; Bruawlaay. .. .11 V ': InsiTt T . insist rpcnthe ra !' FC SLE£VFl I NO. A." ~ `'·:·· l.:l~ for I.i g l %,L&~A( a.t. l III a," Ileicn.. Mt..aat 4/lttca. fas tl,. liheel. ttI,,. A. \.lI ra.aIdul ofl Nlaaat~aa iara- osadiall Hit iI,"i I., calI foe Iret' coma l(:fat liol. DR. LIEBZI & CO. ,".d ; n'- : * I . a' X. rld I'- : , "' '',1 , 'I '~.111, t111~ _;· _-_·~ ' j ru m llaW '1. 11.1 1 .. 'ri IIIU . ,d I , jI0 - 1, ir u l II II dcal I~ramlah lea,, *af % I i a~ta 'van"tia t., Ill,. a,.a8. racailti,,, fi.,i l..aln Irratala..'- c am of 0 ute or -nra i,9" rIri an.. olsra dull. a {uttil. lriial ' a),I 1aaat..rrlaaa'a '"'aailO10 11aaaknae'e alit all aliura ulla aI A r a,1 a. 1ll traua t a {' Io whicb uauldarniauraa I a.' aoou itutLIoa-aigaa Nia.hll it l [l.aay. L-.aoaf Vitality or )l :aa'a, whalai raoU! rehihour Lreatlaa'tl alone can cure. piaetrouble., safely, acatllaleutiatly and quickly cue,(Sar h ofthIe alaua au. aaaetaalaararue ao? thea o~ecompicathedt~ dileax.'a o1 womejan, carefully trae yorvew aaaatlaaaa wlaerebIy none a.? the uxualphysial eauiai,ataouna are required. h'ha'* paa ntofthe l'tsraaandl slc's hal c'oaaplatola lciatofemaale'.,.uoerul treated. All ag age.spket anl a. rhttara. horl i your owl: #Iemoct powerful FIlTj1R IC BELTL ree to pains alon or aulalream Liebig World Dispcnmarv. 4')11 (e1rarl Sit.. leave Francisco, 1'a ROBERT B. OREM PRACTIOAL %I I BLACKESLITH, AND WA(GONNAKRR. Opposite the Macqueen Hoe, Park treet. ALL WO()iK WA RRILANTED Aamuel leeitton. Notice Is berebygiven to the stockholder' uf the Tellowtlone Journal Publishing complayI of Mil.s City Mhnt ,that the annual eIetion of trusteeM will b ld t the lioplhsn a ollso at Mile. City, Mon, on Thlvusy, Jull Y6, I., btweren the heurs of 12 m. and 4 p. ui. 8. gu ary, Macretary. $1,500 in Cash Prizes AFO ITHREE ET The Chicago Daily News has reduced its price from two cents to One Cent per copy. IF,,r . year past its sales have been over "a-million-a-week," and it believes it now sees the way to safely lead in placing an ideal \,inrcan daily paper upon the basis of the lowest unit of American coinage--on cENT'r. To successfully accomplish this end two things are essential: First--'lTo make as gopd a iewslaper as the best, if not a little better; second-to let every man, woman and child la the Notlhwest KNow it's being done, and done at one cent a da4 . THE DAILY Naws believes that it is competent to take care of ithe ist named condition, and knows of no better way of meeting the second than by general newspaper advertising. To do the latter ,:rost efectively it here solicits the co-operation of all who believe themselves competent to write an effective newspaper Ilvertisrn.cnt. To induce the best effort in its service in this matter THE DAILY NeWS will reward the writers of the three best advertisements submitted, with three cash prines, aggregating Fifteen lundred Dollars, divided as follows : First Cash Prize-For best advertisement, - - - - - - - - $3,ooo.oo Second Cash Prize-For second best advertisement, - - - - - - oo.oo Third Cash Prize-For third best advertisement, - - - - . - 0oo.oo Total, - -------------------$,500oo.oo ']The advelrti-cmenlt may lhe, -ingle : uiiutieU!icllet'ii, or a series of announcements not exceeding si in number. The spae ret itrIed must nllit exceed that occupied ly this adve irtiseelnt-cight inches deep, six and one-quarter inches wide. lFor the geni"al guidance (if all who enter te tmpxtitio, the following ten lanmts are briefly stated as being those which THI 1A! v N .ws will resoiuno to be mIost Iprommiently brought out. The advertisement must emphasize: i-Thint 'tEi II).sv Newsra is Art. last and all the time, a ew;s-ipaper. ness, but is hta a very positive eonvictioa that it is eatirely practica Iccaluse Ihta. should be the first and controllinl consideration in the ble, and altogether desirable, to legslate salooslkeeper into their of an American Daily paper,-and at isn't always so. It proper placep as being enaed in a traI cwhich hela everywhere costs money, enterprise and hard work in unstinted measure to else in, the civilized world is only tolerated as, apparently, a neces make a genuine ews s-paper. sary evil. [ tier .aIs e s ae umucuis sea uw dsi thir fa.i~ t a-l hat I efa DAILv NrEw isa daily paper for busy people. Because this is 6-That Tur DAILv News is a happy paper Because it believes in the a coiuntry of busy people, and the N,,rth-west is the busiest part of practical wisdom of being good natured; of being Igerally satisfied it. .Most people haven't the time or patience to read a "blanket. rather than everlastingly dissatisfied. The chronic fault-fander is a sheet,"-they absolutely haven't any use for it Newspaper rcading, nuisance, and THa DAILY News will have he least possible of him. after all, is uat an incident of life, not its chief business. I herefore the world is better than it used to be, and lagetting better every day. l' lt DAtiL News ,s a short-and-to-the-point-paper It's a good place to live in-let's make Ihe best of it. 3 T-'rh.t Tlrp IDAILYv-tews is an independent, truth-telling newspaper. 7-That THE DAILY Nws costs a great deal of money to make. Because Itecaise the American peonle are intelligentenugh t,,prefer hunnst, there is sometimes no way of demosomraling te value of a thing, to impartial j,.rnti.hsm to the misleadling, truth-discolIUr.Eg tithonesty some people, so conclusively as by showing, em in parts, what it of thI, regulattion political " organ.' lEveryliody realy waItIs to i-tsts to make iI. There are oa peopleoe the regular weekly pay-roll mkeIw the truth it putiical matters; the nst violenit partsan doesn't ti '[ie L)ALv News, and their salar rane fro .mSoo to to,.ooo wa.nt misinformation for a daily diet. And as toeditorial expressini, per week, aggregating I poo a year. The white paper cots .csii the most unreasonabic partisan will rarely take lastiii + ffcnce another so., a )ear. The agregate ependitumre d si Daum. . · a", :v'erse ypnion,i so long as he ie cotntdent u! the i n, st;y, Nsws for 888 wll vary but a trile either way from oil.oao. And pIrei 'si back of the upinion. It's not the mere a,ct of disagr. cmelt ,et th. t nakes tro.irle, it's the suspicion cf insincerity. r/.lli t -hi n i p .ni . ty stro-ag ad clear It's /:*case THE Iatoy i 5sks 5-Ihat TsH DAILY News now costs th reader only O na am aD 3. S- n i''s i. a t' tier cr.hd, ir.e ir, readers of pp,' ,all.~a: I'ecause this . the mos wonderful thing in modern joura lmn, r "a' +t /:as a 5.-i l/at:iol oforr " "j I di serves telling o'er and o'er. [ Shere is httle danger of raki' 4 I ., Iist.v News is a family paper. I.ecause this is the ifl t ,o m. ithrsoist. S.. a;..~l-c.r,-. ,s'se" whL.,a ewvrS ht.! reads it .;a ,il a s a;i,: )lipr- 1g-That To I IAILY New. s is now literally everybody's paper. Because ,it ' t i hie e..lsspap, h..hi I be ma'. with direct creerenre to the heres Ire mietroptlitan daily papers have been too expensive, boh e1, . a.; f mnte tirs of the taminly 'r.m in rant her interests m-in pcric and it time required to read them. to make it practicable for i-ver . -:.'! .!. large : mare of the world's thuht as t- la---a Ithe farnmer ,a the mechanic to take them. Now this is changed. The f ct :.. - be v r , I he mnr. '.e .and in;lu iv ., , , I rmr 1,rt n, i arly shiould take a daily paper now that it costs but p I; er . , . ,- ,- " t. w .t he-. f-r chilit n r(s.,, it. T'1 c t Ithl nit r . lb n the hi -time weekly, and is ctndrnsed so that he can I 's Ni .' ,-is t " thie hit. i.nI lthreo,re it f,,l . - ist,io , ah rd the time ito rt.ead it H,'It save its yearly tost over and . t · .- - - il. - s \ i ,r ay..' b kao,;In the uiir khet prices every day, instead of weekly S 'I i t" .. \ iV. ,. a.. , h i, I' .. - th " ] t .s h b ,t fire I ' , p i. -. , i t .I , r1 t, i ..' . i " is t!. t to- hi I It lAit New- nw "iti.u',rates a newspaper revolution, ie ,:..'- - 1"- tt ". 'I r ua t-ier :ii e .. . h . , - ,a , rh , 't, iti n sf.u ss . i i now (i ts th,- reider is Sh . -d , , li .ly a a rth p.r.*I .n~ lme, a n 'd it is I.., 1 i" . \ { a. l , t I' n,1. t I " : Ire 4 .i . I ', " h, r t,',I A th , Ii t i n s n ., ,' - h , -, thi t I l- , r.'-r,, ' in .-r-, i n.igim r w t ir lsd + n,-u.tpag r dii. - -P.-" I I it ,,. r l.. i n w all. ', .:I .I to price anti tt, , to has' tdaly . ,, ,'- ' - ,, i ,,,re i -If, and mtsn Ix ntr.t !:, I .cca rI , .' , th "..,! .nitat i-f -I ldji uti thi i tr t r i e, ii I I. -i u i -- III ' -I " I , ' . rut hl, ntl , h( pu I-I I. r tf ,I I, 1 :1 v N, - t i i S ,"" ! .. . :. ! r.-. n t I u t I- r'.'i-s d I.I- r -t .l-* 1 i , Ii , '' " .! . ti . t"r . . ,r. -hn h , ny x . l. it, l r- mIu! t::i plply I. r th ; ' :; !; ; I ·: . ·II II Is ed In . r tlll 1 II i i \,t i. Pubbbn r Th" n ly v' LANDS' --MINES c-/ ANSWER. It 11 I .I I P I I , I")11 Proe On ..n d ,u Palen''. Film-1 rq i. Is, *rid Cr,'uc'rir 1 oniesi 7trm,. Slnu r rI r 1 HENFRY N. CaPP, " A l ý W , WASNINCTON, D. C. LI~r %rtiarrii.uh I have I p'.;o-h .".tIr. L.ini", ISpr-;purni V~~I. puntegi *0Ianwi BARGAINS IN RANCH PROPERTY I offer for ,ale illthe ollowu ig iir.c* If l; l, u hicoh i ll It argait , viL . : 1200 Acres Titled Land V'ndtrt three-wire tence all ulaler Irrigat-iio with couiplete' of ldlitrthe, nd t,,rfl..t watr ri Lº Lt; iool(i ILI n lin ,annI plac,. wA ll e--lt .)o l tons I iuvy I i h An telegantii huorte or c'atle taiui'l with good open rangre dii "IIinli. . N.11 ila tua t twellty i n Iliba h of Ilultalu. \V'itl Ibe old at a luiaml il. 4120 Acres Titled Land Enelosed with good fernee; under dlltch; perfect right.. tltuated a few miles north of Bullalo, on the line of ('llayenlne & Northern railroad survey I f clthed at once will be sold at $84.i0O per acre. 500 Acres Tilted Land All under ditch; forty scres in allal. fa, balance meadow. Mltuated withln two miles of Buftllo. A GOOD RANCH On ('lear (reek, flfteen milleu from Ituffalo. A fine horse or cattle ranch, plenty of open range. H. R. MANN, Real Estate Ageut, Huffa'o, Wyoming. ties Cit & Spe..ish Stage UnL, Connecting at Spearfish with Rodgers Daily Stage for DEADWOOD The leave l Miles City Monda, Weseeds4 mad FraI meerltagl, t i e'eloe. Fee pmba..e or a7 I l U e apply to I tage ee *t A. * . For MAN * For BEAST I 4.5 . .Mustang Liniment ent I'IOP'ITl.Ti:.e OF THE MYlinneapolis Sheepskin Tar AND) IDEALERS IN EZDES, 8ZEEEP PELTS, 7ES,WOOL,TALLOW Ginseng and Seneca Root. SHEEP PELTS do FURS A SPECIALTY. 101, 103 & 106 Second St North. MINNEAPOLIS MiDN. rnts Solicat. d. Write for ar"culars. e81 Ou F0 nrs on Jib Prit i . Great English Remedy '"''""k Murray's Specific. *1 1uaraneled core for all nervroa t,.aeeas, such as Nieak llemmmrry, Lose of li rat Power, IIrlatrla, Hedache, I'ala Ila tila IIwak. 49! arvouaf Iro..trxil ., Wcaik __________ Ife l llm'armlm . I' gainr wal i.wafta l'al 1th. at ul mii Io 'amk BevnTakItaa. tle..rn. Iarnt.. y irl .rtl'rIl ltOg of poaerof tht' tpoera lte Irgan.; In either Sex caused try Irid, rr.rlun our Tr ec.r lion, and which illiruiitey rad Ira I'r.'aaalmar. Eoid Ar., Insanit a Ia nd 1aa.owamttor. *ItX) a boa air six rut.e for *arnt 3uL try utai on rrca' l or priceI. Full partleuri IIIirariuphiri tr nt free to every .p1"a~rdie We lesaremtem S Uese. to cir allv 'Rar For every :'.i0.1 orderer. Need, wrleauudarls hoses. willt a wllqrt tiuarantit to refund ltre monoy tIf oill ttecala tue. not efecta, rre aft. kiin. ridrru. af ,ll l rttlrunialr'S it rI Ir Iim, t rrrI In IrIt I Itar tomre,., TjIJ MUI'KIAY MEI)I('CINE a a~l. Mt. l'Aft'EHIrN A ('0l.. V'holteAlr and Bretoil tgurue, Ilrlrenu Mont CAMPAIGN GOODS trill x f nun ab.I.Q' I e 'Y ICI I;rrL1.71uµ RI11 4 t ii fu Maraijuga fubs. IL.'III A1f, I ATAAJI U MICH. AI. SPALDIES SIN10S., 13 WTEEKS. TI e P01 f( I (GAZETTE will be aiuled, sec*urely wrapped to any ad. dreso In tIhe United States for three tndb i ha on raeIel p1 o1 ONE DOLLAR. LIerail di1.aoaiut allowed to IN imalE1ri', OLvfllIM and clubs. Sample (al)pl14 ahiaikIl dI ee. Addreus all orders RICHARD K. POX *r t TI n {, 1ý uut 1~E Bg~ld~I N....., 1;nmawew 1. alI Ita. NwIskasai NO l~u. leupr 1 )r"In.TI1~1 ) .1Yrlunrin 6 53w haiga I I runm ~ iam. ..I~ha ' all u oa egnnJT' º' I 11D4P 'In * e Ia.a .mnaY.oweWasu.wr a I A