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SON&rQ" ' S, semi t aftw el road Wher barsa at bwdre tudgas mro wadi * Or wai*de bwrb a.e abowend wi.t duIl Or oat ad baD ab.owetan and res. Where ading bocuf whitely taIu Iad buro toe growth n gAlden Walls Oam nos hab warS , comet In eto quet pa Sf ftL by br. thb magled ram. St1igu woodland wvy whe naught I heard & leaves aitr or twittertng bird, WhLe uaetbht lfte where rain drope drp Whoer bhone wes the l elSer' up Oh, come thea wayI "*. La L* In Coiago JournaL Mird athe . l. e Vega When it comes to genuine cures Las aga. can show up some prett tau orie. Most of the cures are ses.ed by the mud baths, which are a novel fature. The patient Is plastered over from head to toot with ztremely hot mud, made by mizing prairie loam with the hot mineral water. The noms, mouth, e and ears are left unovered. He is then placed In a mb o the mud and left there half an hour, after which his dirty cotlng is craped o. A shower bath of the hot water follows, then a plunge in a tank of it; after which comes the mau age of a professional; half an hour's juts-the patient, sleeping, wrapped in a sheet, in a room the temperature of which is about 98 deg..-and after this another rubbing. rheumatism suro vives this treatmenot long the patient's only hope for relief lie in suicidd-At lant Constitution. Ear, by 'teir Oddities. If you have ever visited an asylum for the deaf and dumb you have noticed that the patients at ncoe name all visitors by some peculiarity. If there be a slight facial contortion or a peculiarity of mo tion it is instantly oautght by the crowd, represented in sign ln:guage, and so you are henceforth deignated by them. Their names are m ,ch like those given by Indians to chil .ren-"Tbe Man with One Eye Glass," The Man Who Bas a Mole Under His Eye." "The Man %%o Squits." They know you by your dif. erenc We are working on the same plan when we Jlescribe our great men and leaders. 1'e know them by their oddities. Grart is, in history, the man who smoked .n.d who kept silence. A man with no designative points will never be accepted as a leader.-M. Mau iceM. Id D. MoSageam Deaty Ia Amedam Dress. A Chinese lady in approved modern fashionable drem attracted a great deal of interested attention in Broadway the other morning. To any one overtaking her the figure was that of a medium -sied girl dremed with exceptional ele gance and taste. She wore a silk drum of a dainty green tint cut and slashed and trimmed after the latest Parisian ideas, and a heavy black beaded peam menterie cape over her shapely shoulder gave a wonderful appearance of neatneas to lr unquestionably slim waist. Her coiffure was stylish and becoming, and she wore a chip straw hat of the latest shape and of a delicate gray color. elab orately and effectively trimmed.-1ew York World. Taktng Too Kosb Qulals.. The quinine habit is gaining strength every day. Dizziness, that you hear in. numerable people complaining of in these days. can be traced to excems in the use of quinine. The good edecta, that it is nearly always certain of. are lost by ex oesive doses. Too much quinine will also produce congestion of the ear and vibration of the auditory nerve. The growing habit of taking quinine for neuralgia and other like ailments, with out consulting a physician, is altogether reprehensible, and may lead to very seri ous results. Many cases of deafness are produced by overdoses n. d long continued use of the drug.-Physician in Globe. Democrat. The Herb of Praphery. A plant grows in Mixteca, Mex., which the natives call the "herb of prophecy." A dose of it produces bleep similar in all respects to the hypnotic state. The sub ject answers with closed eyes questions that are put to him, and is completely insensible. The pathologic state brings with it a kind of prophetic gift and double sight. Furthiermce he loses his will and is completely under the control of another. On returninz to himself he remembers nothing of wlhat he has done. -Chicago Times. Making Fireproof Breuery. Tepper. of Berlin. is credited with the invention of a meterial for scenery which is incombustible, with none of the disad vantages of processes heretofore triedl. He applies to very fine wire cloth a tire proof insoluble yellow plaster, quite fluidl as first, but it soon becomes lirrn. To this the painters apply their pIgments. The plaster is not heavy, and is so tough and flexible that drop scenes coated with it can be rolled upon small poles without cracking. -Boston Transcript. A PIes of Toothache. A Chicago hank clerk obtainled a leave of absence on the ilea of toothalche. When he failed to return the lankl of dmlals went to the rot of the matter. and dand that his plea was tooth in, so to sr and his accounts too short.-Nor lton Herald. Rise at WVsddlagp. The throwing of rice at wevddings Is evldently a heathen custom, as in Indin d some other countries to this day rice .. showered on the expectant youth when he goes to the house to get his bride. Ies is the emblem of fruitfulness. -Chi. ago BHerald. sbd oIf xaemIet History. Manms-Dot, keep away from that .; It willUsratch you. Don't you see r m angrily at is swinging Its tall Let r oat slone and play with the dog. Ibis Dot-But doggie is wagging his g, boº-Omaha World. Oret cites are tombs thlr,t mark was-ed nervous energy to the mad rush -r wealth and social prtferment.--. B. Lbe rte of mortality among the InlJ Sm I amaur s about 10 pr cent. a ytar. rlaq Is Sid to esprading as as T esmery7 d a wremwe.. A noble gentleman of Brittany. In high favor with the king, married a lovely lady. There would have been no limitto their happines but that three days out of every week the gentleman mysteriously disappeared. When pressed by his wife for an explanation he confessed that he was a Bisclaveret or werewolf, and for three days in the week was condemned to assume a wolf's shape. The lady was more troubled and determined to rid her self of so objectionable a husband. Learn ing that if the lord's clothee were stolen after the metamorphosis was effected he could not resume his human shape, she and a false cavalier who loved her watched him and got possession of the castoff garments. As from that day the husband was no more seen she married the cavalier. One day the king was out hunting when a wolf that had been sore pressed by the hounds made its way to him and looked at him with so pitiful and human an expression that the king's heart was touched. He spared it and brought it home to his court. The animal proved gentle and tractable and became a great favorite. But one day when the false cavalier came to court it jumped upon him with a wild cry and bit bku severely. And when some days latR the wife claimed an audience with the king the wolf flew at her, too, and bit off her nose. Swords were drawn and the wolf would have been killed, but that a wise man counseled the prince to find out first what could be the reason of the wolfs grudge to the lady and her husband. And, being threatened with imprison ment, the lady, terrified, confessed all she knew, and when the clothes of her former husband were given to the wolf he was transformed into human shape and the king rejoiced to recognize his old favorite. The guilty pair were igno miniously banished. They lived several years and had many children, all the girls being born without noses.-Ameri. can Notes and Queries. Plain Leeturee on Heflth. If the women's colleges would add to their course of study a series of very plain lectures on the care of health, it would be worth any amount of Anglo Saxon literature on political economy. Nothing would make a school more popu lar than to supplement such lectures with strict persrnal care of the habits of each pupil. It would become a "beauty school" in the full sense of the word, as celebrated for sending out young ladies with brilliant complexions as H arvard for its athletics. And why is it not as necemary for young ladies to have their faces chased as to have their manners and their grammar corrected? Now, the most high minded and fastidious of Lady Sylvias has a slender body. which works over daily not less than seven pounds of food and drink, or ought to, and throws at no less than five pounds of waste by its great ducts, the bowels and kidneys. and its millions of needle ducts in the skin. Reapy this is very terrible for dis sussion, and L warmly agree with her majesty Victoria in thinking stomachs >ntirely unfit for mention to ears polite. But thousands of women are losing teauty and dying of painful disease for want of knowing the full significance of :heir internal economy and the care they >we it.-Shirley Dare. Painting the Baby's FPe. A letter from Paris informs us that the loctors are again at war with silly mothers belonging to the fashionable cir -les. The latest fanaticism of La Mode is to apply the horrors of face painting to little children. In the public gardens txtles of 3 years old may now be seen whose eyebrows have been blacked or dyed by their sene'elss mothers. Other anxious parents, distressed at the vul -arly ruddy. and rustic hue of their chli. Iren's cheeks. carefully Iswder theml in'fore sending there forth to meet the ,;aze and criticism of the world. Little :oquettes of 10 years are not permitted to go abroad until the regulation black ,troke has been panintedl beneath their eyes. The doctors wa:rn the mothers that when the children thus barbarously treated reach the age of 16 they will have a colorless and ruined complexion. to say nothing of the injury to health. which is an arj.ument less likely to pro duce much tffect. -Pall Mall Gazette. Who Are the Lucky Ones? After all, what is luck? She is the handmaiden of every man at one time or mother, awl in oune form or another. the is ever by one's side. ready to give a aelping hand. The blind do not w- her; thie timid or irresolute dechine to take her utstretche.l hand. The unlucky nman is .he man who forgets to strike when the ron is hot. The lucky rnl:n is the one w'ho takes nl vantage of irolfered fo irtune. 'irculs.ilanies, it is to hIe corlfessed. airow more of such proffers in the way f one thain I n1'he.r. But if on(e will fol ow the fIGtl-rints of the lucky men of ihe world it will Ise found that aat the ,lants whe re the i wzime.l fortune at the hssl thlere, are tracks which show that lhere were Iainy faltering and he'sitating ines near hy, any onei'f whom heel % ith. n his reach Ite..llu:le opportunities as the fortunate one I:hal.--Chicago Times. The lull Hadl It, Too. There waZ a slight iglpeliment in a Kittle oston, .i'git d, and slie had _'eeA "drillhd" ,ntt of nill paittiene by well ntentiornl. t,' aIh,.r' anl fu ,enl,. When dihe recei4 iI ;t udoll for a birthday pressnt, ihe was dtlighted to fied tlint by pulling ,utp green stl lng a very piIbleI, "*naau wa" was pruduced. But the "*papa" which followed the twitching of a white string was imle.rfe.t. and wlhen the little nother diwcovered that her child had in terited her own infirmity, her heroic natatre was show n. She los t no time inl putting to aieount her own training. umil pulling releiat.lly on the white string, with ant unlfaltering hand, she said firmly: "Dolly, you lmust be tramled till you learn to say that plainer. "-Detroit Free Alphabet of Preelol Stonsem Home one has got up an alphabet of precious stones s follows: Amethyst, beryt, clhryoleryl, diamlond, emenrld, feldspar, garnet, hyacinth. Ilocrase, ky an~te (mor, com .only cyanite, a blue milneral), lynx-sapphire, ndlk-opal, na trolte, pal, pl)ro, quartz, ruby, sael phire, topns. uranite. vesuvlanite (a earrdof p ), wate~-sapphire, sao i, loon (a Cl`ages stone.)-New laL u. POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thls powder nevr: varies. A mar vel of purity, strength and whole. someness. More eenuomical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competition with the multitude of low test, short weight, alum or phose phute powdee.. 4.old only in cans. R.YAL BAKING POWDER Co.. 105 Wall street. New YVrk. Dr. POWELL REEVES Osmrer Male 5t, and Bread way, Butte, Moet. PRIVATE DEI'PENSARV Established for the rlceatiflc and npeedy Cure of Cihrolic, Nervous and special Ilseae". The Old Reliable r.seciallt of many years exper ience treats wlto wonderful success all LUNG, THROAT, CANCERtS, PILE., FIST)LA, RUPTURE, curewithout KNIFEor CAUSTIC. Treats all forms of Throat, Lung, Nerve and Blooddlseases. all Chronic diseases and Deform ties far in advance of any institution in this coun try. Those who contemplate going to Hot Nhrings iortreatment of any Private or blood iseases can be cured for one-third the cot at our Private bli pnisary, Corner of Main lt. and Broadway, Butte, Monlt. RUPTURE cured without pain or hlinderanee from uhinues.. L nAlDE It lthis treatment a purelovely com AE~Splexion. free from slowness freckles, blackheads, eruptions, etc., Brilliant Eyes and perfect health can be had. a n, That "tired" feeling and all female weak aes wor uptlycured. Bloa, bing Headaches, Ner vous i'rostration, General Debility5, leepleeness, I epressior and Indligestion. Uvarian troubib , Il. tiamation and Ulceratiol. Falling and Displace meants, tlpinal weakness, Kiinejy complaints and ('han e of Life. onsult the old Doctor. NM EARh Aiute or Cthronie Indl -lha L Ananitin of the )'.lids or Ylobe ad tar or near e¶dhtedn, .e Inverlon of the Lid., *crofulous F.yes. 'icerathon inlammations, Abce+ . Iitumlsse of V\'lio of one or both eyes, and Tumorn of Li . Thimnflamation of the Ear. Ulceration or Catarrh. Internal orlexternal I eafness. or paralysis sInglng or roaring ln.en,. Thi.kened Drum etc. NiERVOUSE l 1 lility 'rrlatorrh' a, e r.nall l n LosUes. Night E:misaion, Loss of tat I'Power. leepfilsaness. I -espondency, Los* of Menll 'ry, I 'ulusin of Ideas. Blurs beufor the eyes lasattude, Languor, I,loooinese, Depression of spirts., Aversion to society, easily Discouraged Lack ,fConfideice. Dull. Listless, Unfit for study or business, and finds life a burden, stately per ianenily and privately curi-d. BLOOD AND SKIN :ea ' mothr ble in its results-completely eradicated without th,. use of mercury. scrofula, F.ryals las, Fever. Ilhad and Iones, .yphlllic sore ' broat. and Mouth and Tongue. tandulrr Entllargenment of the Neck,: Iheun atismn. Cattarrh, etc. I'ernanently ('ured when others have faijled. IURMI AkV Kidney antd ladder troul.les S eak Iack,. aurning rine, Fre uency , .matingl. Urine high cololed or milky .edli. ,t on stainduhn (iGnrr.l ai, Idelt, 4 yattlis. et, I omotly cured. Ch.,li ne reasonrblr. .'RIVATE DISEASES, ,,,.,, ,,., aleet, stricture, seminal enmllll sio.l , jose of sex uil lpower, weakness of the sexual organs, want of 4desire In male orfellal, whether from Imprudent habits of yutalg and sexual hiai,its It mature a-ara Ir any cause thatdebilitates thi., ellutonal Func. tions. lspeedily and pIerllanletllly I nred, I onsulltatllon :free and strictly re,nldentlal %teadieie free fruom observation to nil ; arts of the Inited tll tew . I orrespndilene riessives prompt attention. No letter asuswertd it s* accoml" i siswl by f'sir cents in stail.ts end tliamp for paiipll t anid list of questiloilr lerll strictly castli. I all on our address dfr. PIWEIl.. 11.I01 Es, ('or. Main St. an I Broadway lButte. Mont ROBERT B. OREM PRACTICAL I DLACKSXITH, ANIP WAGONMAKER. Oqppmsit the I.s ateen House, Park Street, ALL Wi 1ItK WVAJ(t1ANTI'EI) f il4 jf ,A A for Infants and Children. H Msell·L rrw 'M ~d~dr cW aYII· aorr Oel, de---u--os, ~m· *aet wrr Y.D, Ier o , OmrJrRIlparoce. I roinomId Mm sd aby praulpdomi r !tomb. Diabm,. M Woe. bws b m.`" a A. Ano. K D.. u Wo nm, Siva dap, aAM promOaS ý . 112UsW 54k.kggJ, X. Y. WNC' uh..u ini-- Tur CIWA&v. COUp*N. 77 Uuwsyl Swet. N. y. FINE JOB WORK. THE JOB DEPARTMENT YELLOWSTONE JOURNAL Is now prepared to do all branches of printing, such as Labels, Deeds, Sermons, Drafts, Tax Lists, Leases, Shop Bills, Circulars, Catalogues, Transfers, Newspapers, Bill Heads, Flock Cards, Ball Cards, Concert Bills, Blank Notes, Road Notices, Bills of Lading, School Reports, Prices Current, Concert Tickets, Deposit Checks, Festival Tickets, Wedding Cards, Railroad Tickets, Shipping Receipts, Excursion Tickets, Insurance Policies, Tags of Every Style, Certificates of Stock, Apothecaries' Labels, Certificates of Deposit, Orders of 'Exercises, Bills of Exchange, Rewards of Merit, Railroad Receipts, Dry Goods Tags, Letter Headings, Lecture Tickets. Express Orders, Coupon Tickets, Business Cards, School Records, Note Headings, Blank Orders, Visiting Cards, Bills of Fare, Bank Notices, Show Cards, Check Books, Wood Cuts, Stock Lists, Pamphlets, Envelopes, Magazines, Way Bills, Tax Bills, Lectures, Billets, Bonds, Books, Briefs. And all other kinds of GOOD PRINTING AT LOW PRICES. BLANK BOOKS AND BINDING, ONLY FIRST CLASS WORE TURNED OUT OF THIS ESTABLISHMENT. The Yellowstone Journal, Main IStreet, NORTUlRN pAUIfeU RAILROAD THE DIBEOT LINE BElWEEN SAINT PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS. Or DULUTH Idaho, Wahhbusu Territory, And all Points in Minnesota, Di kota, Montana, OREGON, Britih Colaibia, Pict Sould and ALASKA. NO CHANGE OF CARS BETWEEN ST. PAUI and PORTLAND. On Any Cla. of Tlokma. EMIGRANT SLEEPERS FREE The Only All Hall Line to tnr YELLOWSTONE PFBI Express Train Daily, to whieb at. eattebe PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPERS aN ELISAIT DININI OANS. ror tull IntormaUon a to Time.. LRat . , ONAL L. IFEr ron'l Paemgu Ag BT. i AUL. MI NOINTAIA SHORT UNE, When traveling every one should om' sider well the questions of economy, comfort, safety and speed, these questions being of the same importance in a journey of an hour as in one of several days' ride. An examination of the mar will convince anyone that this is the most direct route to and from all the principal points in Cen- tt , uL I tral "ndU . I.Dm'.g --,m N gor. neso- ITUI 1. t , , I akota and Montana. Our epuipment ,and time are excellent. Our rates are the lowest, but this fact Is something whlich speaks for itself. Definite figures and maps can he obtained by applying to any Agent of t.3 Company, or the Gen. ecrl Passenger Agent. The following are a few of the Principal Points reached via this Line: ST. ('nOrD, PAt'K ('amTR, FER.ts. FALLs. I'u ,oK-rTON, HT. VINCET, litTHIMBNOX, P.'YN.\VILLE, MORRIg ArPLTONx AND ]BW.aI.!IN I.IX.,1,lN. ATr OWIIx ABER. unI'I:., ElI.I.ENDAL, WAIIRETION, FARGO, -l.t.ND oR`K4, (;RAtroN, DEVIIS LAKL .iLrTI::Ar AND Brl, ll, DAKOTA; GLAP . iw I' tn (FT. B .L. NAP), Azx.mcPIOIE, I r. ifcrNTlN,( IRAT FAI.Ia , HlLuiA AND * -r, M 'Irv:; WINxNSno, MANUtonA, :: Al.L I.ACI' :C A( AT P'o.INT. I'.artie. el" :n farms or business loon. ticks will I:.,l unusual opportunities 'or hth on this line in Northern Dakota and Mont.Lna, alo in Minnesota where tlh Conmp:uay has for aleo at low prices and on favorable ter n1t4 2a(O,OO ,0acr.s of ez* cellent farmi,.. t " :. aind ti::lAtr lands. For maps and .er t. ,r::uatiou addrea, J. BOOn wAL.T:'t:, ( . . IV tiREY, Land Commwwi.-,r 1(,n'! fas. Ag't. tl. .AUL, II.N. A. MANrEL, W. 8. ALExAND.R, Gsn'l Manager. Gen'lTramc Maoa No Other 11'l8a in the Norfl lhas in so short a period gained thl rep utalion and ,opularity enjoyed by the WISCONSIN CENTRAL LINi. Fronta coniparatively unknown factor in the .onmmercial world, it has been transformed to an nrdependent, influ ential, grand Tihegh Route, with magniftlent depots, superb, equipment and uuwurpaseud ternilnal facilities. through careful catering to detail It has won for itself a reputation of solid ity, safety. convlniiteoaud attention to its patronfs, sotU.nd to no railroad In the country. Pullman sleepers, mod els of palatial romfort, dinling cars in whbih the ulsinIt riand iteneral appolnt ments are up to thel highest standard, and coachesle esperllly built for blis route, ar emno.lung the chi f elen, ent which have eontrll,uted towardsoaster inq Aucce~*fully to a dlscriminating publli. Ioatsd direotly on its IIne ietween Minneapolis and It. Paul. and Milwaukee and Chicago, and Dulutand Milwaukee and Chicago, are ther foow. ing thrivingr itlre of Wisronsln and Ao lehigan: New Richmond, Chippewa Falls, Eau Claire,Ashland,Hurley,Wis., Ironwood. Mich., Blessmer, Mich.,lter. ens Point, Neenah, Menashs, Oshkosh, Fond du Lac, Waukesha, anlld Burling. ton, Wit. For detaileld Inforlation,lowest cur. rent rates, Ierth c, etc., via this route, to any point in the South ,r IIst, ap. ply to nearest Tieket Agent,or address WM. S. MELLEN, JAMES BARKER. nheeral Manaser. e'e,lI. I'sr, & Ticket Aigi MILWAtlK .r -. N. ASOi, No.rthw, st ru Prseager Al, We, 19 Nieolaot Ilieu, Yisasepoll, Miss