Newspaper Page Text
FiHE DAILY JOURNAL .aJLES v'ITY. Mai'NTA" NA. Post Office eg lation,. ute mll el ..............................11:15 a. m. Western mall elai .......... ......6:00 p. m. Oe. open lunday 8 p. m. JMO. McAUSLAD. P M. erthker Pacilei Time Table. LAV3 MILES CITY GOING01 W T. 1o. 1. Pacific Exprs ............ .*.......A::f P. M S . Pamsenger................. ...............6 33 A. M 15. Express Freight .......... ....... : A.M 15. Freight......................... .........1:58 A. LEAVR MILES CITY 4OIN0Q AST. No. 2. Atlantic EIDra .................11:45A M. * 4. I'a n.oger.... ...................... .J:12 P. M. " 1. Expres Freight...................... l . M. 14. Freight......... ......... ......121 P M. OFFICIAL DIRECTORIY. FEDERAL DIREC.FORY. Delegate to Congress .......Joseph K. Toole, Helena Govenor....~...... ......... ...». H. elie. HJ1,narl 8ereta a .......... ........... Willitu B. Webb. IHelena Treasurr...... (............... .....reen Preutt, Heleon Auditor........................... -Ja. ullivan, Helen. Chief Juetlc...-............... cC<onnel, Il leg (Itepben IiWolfe Assoeate Justices.... .....*....{M. J. Liddh*ll { Thes. C. Bch burver General......... .Ben H. . OenD, :elena ,uperintendent of Public Iustruction............ . ........ ... ........... ....... A. C. luKgan, lelen U. R. Marhal ......................... K. R . K.lly, llel*.na Collector U. 8. Internal Revenue .....James Shields Register U. 8. Land Ofice.....A. (;rover, Miles 'ity Receiver U. S. Laud Otfee.Abram Hall, Myles City .,OUNTY OFFICERS. Conncilman...........................IDr. W. A. Burielgh Membes of the Hous............... I. tlost. ibserif ...................................Thos. II. Irvine T asuurr ................................ . Brandenbur Clerk and Recorder........................L. C. Dear 'jerk of District ('ourt...... .....James McFarlane u!dge of Probate......................W. '. Stamble 0ounty Attorney......................Go. H. Milburn Assesor ..................................... T. J. Thumpl.un 'aurveyor... ......... ..................Geo. Schestz Coroner............................ ........ Dr. I. G. tadd County Physltetan.....................Dr. .(. Redd H.perlutendent of bchools.........Miss Louisa (ooley Public Administrator.................E. B. Weirick (IL. A. tiluffmian Cormlsitoner ............................ G W. Aulerton L(. J. Whltney. MILE. CITY TOWNrfHIP. SWm. Birkle IJutices of the Peace.................. ..._J ohn Gtbbs. Constabl..................................... 'm. II. carr CORPORATION OF MILES CITY. Mayor.... ............................................. ... eso. Scheets City Attorney...... ... ......C... .... H. Middleton Clerk ................ ............ .............. . '. ordon rreuursr......... ...... ............ II. . . I. . at belor Chibef of 'oulle ...................Frank C. Westervelt pollce Mae M g .......................Edmond Butler ALDEiRME . First Ward-A. E. Fl.ger, B. K. uHolt. Second War I-Chas Brown. W. II. Hu.tart. LOCAL IT EMS. F. E. Mhaffer In here from Chicago. Clean cotton rats wanted at this office. * Nurse girl wanted. Apply to Mrs. .T. H. I vine. * H. 0, Kuhblman was here yesterday from Milwaukee. E. F. Berry, a onunty resident, was at the Macqueen yesterday. The most emeient morning laxative Is Tarrant's Seltzer Aperient. California champagne. rich and sparkling, for sale Ly l!1 BIullard * Oscar Brackett, a Terry wool grow* er was in from the ranch lat night. John Bennett, of Riohland, Ky., is in the city a guest of hit ohl friend Geo. R, Milburn. N. F. Archdaleand wife afterepend ng a few days pleasantly in Miles City, returned yesterday to their ranch on Locate creek. Thirty wou.,hl..lopers at once. Ap ply to N. IouitAoDT. r The case against John Ja'.k, for alleged aauault on !toot's boy, was di. missed by the reluest of City Attor ney Middleton. Dr. W. A. Burleigh has been to Helena last week mud returned last night, bringing with him one of his Ittle grandchildren. Chris Ram tie hag brought his wool clip lu from the ranch and shipped east. Chris claims an average clip of 81 iounds, whlch takes the lead for hria year. The Frame buildlong back f the Stockgrowere' bank is In process of rt moval and will be taken to a vacant lot near the Drover to which hotel it will do duty ua an anner. Down in Dakota and the line of railroad as far we.t as (flendive ut traveler observed that woUmen were doing the work of sheep herders. This may be traced directly to the pasa4ge of the Mills bill. A team beloulgig to, J. 11. Hiy and driven by him, hib wife b~ing in the vehicle at the time, got into a htd holt on the county road near IRolurid Mlnd ran away, breaklip up the wmgou and severely injuring hbl wife. Our Mu thoriiy, C. W. Bevdo, say. tbhat Mr. Hay Ic atout to bring an action ror da. agee agal stI Culter county, in the sum of 4loiN),_ *. Whem Dahy was ick.w we gave her ('`aeh, Whim she was (l'hitl, ,I. crhid for Cautoria, Whm ahe beouase )I.s, she, clung to C.saltM, When she bad, she gave thean Oatale Theeltb receptlon on Friday nighlt promfles to be an eventful one. It is lntended as an extelsion of oourtwy to tObe osllm aid their fanailleu t Keigh and that the soclety people of the city may have an opportunity n gett'ng better acquainted with them. The liver and kidneys must be kept in good condition. Hood's Harsapa rilla is a great remedy for regulating these organs. We can assure our readers that .sone of our best people have oou.ulted Dr. Galltzki about their eyes. The DI)e tor will remain here a little longer and those desiring his aid should not fall to consult him. * Two of the three Crow. taken to Ft. Hnelling and impriloned ftr engaging in the outbreak of last yea r, have been sent to the Indian training schoot.l. I)eaf Hull i. still an Inoate of the guard house at Fort Snelliing and ~, said to be slowly looning his uiid. Prickly Acvh lltters wrm up and Invigorate the stomach, iuiprovew and strenltthenl the (ligd.tliv orgitus, opens the port . prio.otes preplira tion, and equallzes the circulatuon. As a corrector of diord, red .yetem there is nothinu equal to it. Mies May Houston, a populardining room girl in the emplly of the Mac quefen house for labout a year I a', left liat uiglt for the wesr. S~he will g-, to H-le-na for a week's recre.atiol:, and then return to Liviii.-t',n where sl ha- acepeted a posituon at the Alrniarle hLot-l. The old boarlre at the Macequ.eii will mis lithe Ierght little Germau gir. a.u wish her pros peritly in the new location. A Ne. Malon On Maturday Johnny Burke will open to the public the Schrnalle ,,r. ner on main btreet. lie will ktcp only the beet brauds of wet goods and ol gars and atsuren patron. of plediant seiv t , a specialty being made of mixed drinks. All old friends and customer- are Iuvited to call ar.)und and samup!e the t ntertalinment of the new saloon. 1n .t Am too Do The symptoms of Ilillousness are unhapptly too we"' known. They ditlffer in dillerent individuals to some extent. A il;,oue man il seldom a breakfr t eater. Too frequently, asiat he has an excellent uppetlte for liquids but none for soddd of a noruing. His tougue will hardly bear inspection at any time; if it l unot white and furred, it is rough, at al! events. The digestive system IR wholly out of order, and Diarrbtea and Co.nstip,.. tion may be a symptom or the two mray alternate. There are often HeIm orrholds or even loss of blood. There may be giddiness and often headache and accidity or flatulence and tender nese in the pit of toe stomach. To .correct all thI- if not effeot a cure try Gireen's August Flower, it costs but a trifle and thousand attest its efficacy. An Elop'nment With (,ii Ateeosinnl nlrn' On Sunday last a party arrived at the Macqueen house from the w..--. contrnlag of man, wotman and child. They registered as W. Bird, wife atd bhild, Billings, M. T. Nothlnig was out of the comnmon In thil conec"in and no partilelar notice waemI taket. of the persons. ,l'uday night their ,il1 was paid anr they dilapp.a"red, whether by train or team Ia. unknown. :.he next ev.ut in this conneoti,, was the arrival of two detla. ives fr,nm Spokane Falls who are yet In the city and having enlisted the local officers are nearahing hblgh and low for the gay birds, who, it appears, are wanted In Spokane. The man eloped with the female and child, who legalljv be. long to a resident of theeaet-rn Wa.h Ington metropolis. Not only did thhi Bird take his neighbor's wife and child during hi. neighthxr'. absence, but he also got away with Pi(00 and the proceeds of the sale of the household effects of the hetrayed hulsl,and. A Conrdhrah.rtI of the New IFee All In ItI RIelatlon to (oulnly () .ClBe. Through the imedium of local corre |pondelnce to the Helena izlnar, Iomen luterest has been stirred up in regacrd i1 to county politice and lltoe tnqlulry :elcited as to who the noble army of lmartyls are that are re.dy and will Ing to ilinolnate Ihelmtueiles this fall for the pu 'lie public . l'The oorreo nl.d slllt referred to have each tseetl'l toI take it for grenttd that Bill's ('ty would furni14h nil the candidlate, re. quired for enseh ticket, lnad while It may result this way, It Is hardly polite to asume Ithal t t will he ans aid it may be, when thl,, iruolutients attaiched to the varions olllcea under the now fee bill Ie understood, that there will ot i I'inch a serumhil for position as Is antlOipated. The bill reflrred to ALs iawsed by the ligullaturte Marcth 1, 1887, and takes eflfct as to atll tllic s except the coutity treasurer, on the third Monday in I)et, niber, 1,rS%, ialti with the treasurer, on the fIlrt Mon day in March, 1',l,. Under it salaries are the exceptlnn and where allow*d I only nolinal, the bulk of tllih remun eration nla most cases tl'ing looked for through fees. For thsl reaso L it is Ili posmlble to make any close etllHnate of the vaile of the ofloes, but I lle follow Il9 BAllrs will perhaps approximate olosely enough t the result, to enable tbo who bm wtl a desire to serve I f the public, to make up the'r minds whether 'the game is worth the candle:" Clerk of court In Custer county is allowed a salary of one thousand dol lars, with fees that may bring the oflice up to two thousand a year. but this is by no means certain. Moreover the law when framed contemplated Custer county as the residence of the clerk of the district. but should it prove that the clerkship should be re moved elsewhere, and only a deputy act here, the salary proper would prob. ably not ex3ced six hundred dollars. ('County clerk and recorder I. allowed a salary of e'hbt hundred dldiars and Ifee that in good Ilve !y tines might bring the office up to its pr..enut value, which is two thousoand dollars a year, but In the present condition of affairs it is doubtful if titten hundred dollars can be wrung out of it, and what makes it Iore hEnding is that the new law alliws nothing for deputy'ssulary, and distinctly Irovld,* against all "extras." ' hould a rush of work for which fees are paild, render extr:a help ii'ee sar7, the Increased income would warrant the temporary employment of a deputy, bhut it tlh routine work of the offew proves I,, mlch for the In cumlrent, n+ it is lulite likely to do. be will have to "die up" for a deputy w ithout hope of return. h Hs Kulerinlendent of 'ho I t Il - lowed a walary of five hundred dollars and traveling exl .oses to the exitent ct five dollars per district, the latter to he ailowed onlylmn a verified account, whlch probably means that the vari ous dlstriets must be vi-ited in order tc; cnntitute a claim oni thli fund. The salary under the present law is seven hundr I and silty dollars. The allowance for travel expense In the tnew hill Is not fufiicient to warrant the superintendent in vl.ltlng any but dliitri(ts close at hand and contig. untli. The county trearuler of Custer county is sllowed a salary of sixteen hundred dollaI-. and a percentage on licn-a - i.sued, wbhIh based upon the prPernt year's records would amount to at out four hundred dollars, bring inug the sum total up to two thousand dollars, a againsnt twenty-five bun dred dollars allowed by the existing law and a deputy's pay of twelve hun dred more. Th'b asseesor, who now receihev one thousand, ceven hundred and fifty dollars, Is under the new law put on his mettle to earn thl, amount, his compensation being one-half of one mill on the dollar for the first three ntillions assessed, and one-quarter of one mill on the dcllar for all over three millions. On this hbsis our ar cs..or wold have to make a list of four millions, to reach the present salary, which will scarcely be po:-sible next year. dred dollars and teen. What these latter may amount to ie imposslble to approximate. The fees are from one third to one-half lem. than they were four year- ago, when the sheriff's ,lotiee was counted worth from twenty to thirty thousand dollars a year, and as the opportunitle4 for making fees are irolt aly .equally dimlnlbhe.t, it Is doubtful if the ofice can be counted a wor,:th more than iv ye or six thou ,.mrAl dollars a ) ear gross. 'The protte judge Iget4 nothing but fees, and while these are fairly liberal fr a thickly sett ed cunttlutnicy, it is not twp lble in Ct'tter count) to extract anythiung but the beantieat living from the ,lice. From the foregoing it will te seen that with the ipoWihle exception of nheriff, there is no nilloe in the couuty worth a. much under the fee bill as under the existiug law, a st-ate of at faire which, as we have intianted. may detei many public sniritedl ludl viduol troun rushing madly Into the mt e;strctu of pollties this fall. Hfiw ever --. 11 ma, lucy I -. '11eit., iut. of our b(..ii1 trout,,a is 11.1 I;" w,1 eon e ', f thui r,r+ h ta nrua lh~ie'iIW I f path. It la the fauljt of the best of ecwueiuieaIX'~ c ithartt a, wh., Is aret aoiby upon the toe el., til t it, 1. rat:ng l ev Irriju" 41iti Nevaeri these or,; an, Il ira iid t -loiat11a Ititter Iprodluce a I\ uiil iii, ii. iuit l ither Iiaiit, 31pinI nlo weaken. th abdiIiiIl r ieto rLI ~I i ItoLaCl. Tflu. to pro taitai oil~ty ti 4'l 1 reI!te a hl I a Pun Poll pat, d, Irh iou 4 7ap l ilyl sh' Ii %ould use, tine aa resort to it iti," iii b.diV *ii8 oumfelt tiur pt lui, ii a via. it reiaclinll. 1 IIh lM t in iar 1.l. I lire at, Itl a I !, I~ryd pi" III,i,t l cai.u lee a', ltI . lu rho 14iiUicto an! Irt! lly troubeitiu a'rllllttg Ithe IUAltdi0 Lo whichiti rl~icti4 elfiiftiena it "e iirievie it to be' itiji acions. ItIni a wliaoteaaon al 14tl 1wr, and a far imne reliablel tranqjuilizer of Ite na'tvms tha,, st...oact'.utuat.,nieg trsIRlcai s aid aetatir em. Hood's Sarsapw'iIla TIhis sueresaful neidll iie is a earefteiltvwmpared extract of tie.'1», Iet I'ý 1 Ia Of thes vugetablse kingdomll kn "w toi iiieele.ue!l i.,eitq' Si Alteratives, IliIId 1liullhfra. Ityler(uivini and Toicira. suEt, Y I iII I Ip Lia, lelluw lck, Mtllltngta, Iiaouelloaj, .11111 1, Irria, Mi.ndrak. 1% Id W id irthe lk all I , " r . ' I , ,r IIs, tarks aid htba. A Jell mIIi. liv Intit &O* iii I faint7 Judged only I. a! Tel!li' V' It " -Jlt am'h scetiufatt~oato, the' IiJotlou.l 't o ~ i rd 5'~r' t~era.eji ittla ss en taredt for i., iJll a ný at elf t oslluaael of peioplle soh I o I nli e rIIit ly beau It Ilateil 1 r 1 i~ ue, riog whieh all otber reneedie 1 fiii /I ' . a4 icy all .lruggiata. I; sII: fr ., del, I y1'. 1 'l HIt 0, I £ tsiti eacrb( ;.. i'It. DI' 100 Dosos One Della, Children Cry for Pitcher's Catorim LOCAL ITEMS. A sure e C.. e* P4lUs. Dr. KIrk'. (Germau Pile Olntment hasu ured 1llind. Bleeding and Iteblc g Piles whenl all other Onutireuta have failed. It u~laorbu the tumor., allays the itching at once, macse a a poultlo, tivee uinsuUt relief. Dr. Kirk's Our. man Pile Ointment i prepared only for Pile. and Itching of the private ,parte, and nothilrg .Ie. Every box iq war ranted. Sold Iby John Wright. Drug gist, Mile (City, Mont. pPRIpCE CREAM bAKING POWDER BY PERFECT MA lt. uperit.r excellence proven in milllons of homes f,,r more then a quarter of a centur. It is usOebythe tUnited States (;overnment. Enl1ored ,ythe . of the U(reis Universles .a the atroaset. I',lrT.t and muaet Ileaithful. Lr. t'llcea 'r ean tlh.king Powder does not euantatL Amnunia, Lime, or Aluma. old only In ('snit I'RK(Ir BA.ING POWDER CO. S.u. Y')ul C(ICAGOO rT. LOUIo IclTIBE'S BAZAAR .Il hT 'RECI(I'EI)V ti FERRIS A GOOD SENSE CORSET WAIST For tabir., Children and Ladies. ALL SIZES. COLD LUNCHES' Meals to Order at all hours of the day and night. S .I-I 'I'ttit-}1( & CHRISTO 'PHlER. ARTHUR MAXWELL, Dealer tee ARTESIAN WATER . I ai now ja t.1arei todtliverfreab ARtT~iI.AN vWA~i, to nay part ot th hclv:.. All "'rderm e nt rite toi I i will hoc 1'r0rer1ctly atMv!(i'( tIi. Order ulato. Imatly 1o f-lullti at ith' cttoreec o1 .1. HI. ('.eurt, I & ('It., M~r;- l-- xr~rt :iid cat thi*. Iirovt~r Jliuc'r. *itI III l RMAXI'LI. BIRKIE & TRUSCOTT, Wholesale and r1tail dtialers in FAML Y GROCERIES .New yiowla conrtlanLly arriving antl EVERYTHING FRESH. We handle the largeut and moatu. varied aaaortment uf Tobago, Ci!II U kw*l~ In the city. W« reapceotfully solicit an lunereaucd pntro'aiur, silcdKing ourselves to Rive tlli hicKt eatie~faetlcnl. A.1ni 11.t l -:Icc linn. Ncct'V '9 henrAY give. to tre. .ir11c'kh ii.t .,f tice V l. iV wel Drm iui uci ll jiblne · ompany c! )Ml ii ci loonw ,liit t lce. enicca *ee,'tl of trustIei wilb e1at the 'elicjiiaiJS csfltne St Milse city, ruMnt , n Iblhifts. July ili, 1WIMA . tseen tits boor, of i.' M. maid it cc U. aol'I use-u. NOTICE OF TAX LEVY, FOR THE BUILDING OF SIDEWALKS UPON THE STREETSI HB INAFTER NAMED, IN THE CITY OF MILES CITY, M.T., ABI THE TIME WITHIN WHICH THE SAME SHALL BE PAID. To Wlo IT MAY CONCERN:- o To Wuox3 IT MAYl Coxue~sa:- Notice is hereby given, by the undersigned the Street Commissioetr l and for the said city : That. whereas, on the IOth day of May. A. D. iM8, the City Council of the said of Miles City, levied a tax upon the lotw, tracts. sa parcels ot land hereinalter describud,and abutting upon the streets of said eitg. and upon the side of said treet uas hereinafter designated ; and wheres, the said City C;ouucll have made and delivered to me,the said street comnissiowe, a list of the persous, and a descrlption of the property so taxed, together wit. a warrant for tite collection and expenditure of said tax as provided by law * And, whereas, said taxes were levied by the said City Council. jagaiust MdJ lots, tracts, piece., and parcels of land, for the purp.,e of building sidewalks upon and along the streets hereinafter inled,lnsd upon theside of said street as hereinafter setforth, -uch levy based upon the actual onet of buildlmr much sidewalks opposite to, ard abutting upon each lot,tract and parcel of land as hereinafter described. as follows, towit: On the west side of Seventh street, from Main to Palmer street,Forty-e0l 144 oents per foot, and from Palmer to Ohio street thirty-three :13) cents per foot. On the north side of Pleasant street from Sixth to Eleventh street, forty six (46; cetnts per foot. On the north side of W\ashington street from 8eventh to Tenth stree, .,u lu.- u.iI ,aIUV ,u ' Ia Wi UMin u ratrL T irIj ior ocvIyruI LU w LIeiLn sLres thirty-three '3 cents per foo t. O. the west side o! .ixth street, from Main to Palmer street, forty-lZ, 4';; r'.nts per foot; and from Palmer to Vashington street, thirty-three (ll) cruts Irr foot. )II the west side of Sixth street,trom Main to the Nort.t rn Pacific rihbt of w.y. .eventy-two 72! cents per foot, except where laid on treatle, wblhd shall b. one dollar and two cents (1.021 per fot It is provided generally,tbat all frontage-- are excepted wlere sidewahll are all ready built complying with the ordinaoce now In fuce in relatloe thereto. And whereas, it appears to the said street commissioner tni t the permon hereinafter named, are the respective owners, and the reputed .,.ners of the said lots, tracts and parcels of land, as set opposite their respecti n oame., ad of the street frontage as hereinafter set forth where said sidewas are to be construoted. NOW THEREFORE: you, and each of you(the persons hi rein named) .re hereby notified that at any time not leea than twenty days.nor more thea forty days from the date of this notice, you may pay to the undera.lned. the street commislsioner of said city.the tax and the amount thereof,.. a t opposite your respective names in the following list. Sjh payment may be made in labor, materal, or money. proviled; that labor and material offered in payment of such taxe,are such as may be r qulred by the said street commissioner,'and done and furnished to hibl atiltae. tion, and at the market rate then prevailing. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand this 19th day of July, A. D. 1 RR. The following is a list of the names of the supposed own rs,a descriptIoe of the property benefited.and upon which said tax was levied.and the amounts a.sessed against the same, to-wit : GSOR eE RHODE, Street Commliioner. West Ride 8izth Street from Main to Washin.ton. OWNER. DESCRIPTION,. tronf 't Total a..e. .e" o . Aim'S LOT. I aIr. eta. A C. M. $tebhlus................. 1 ....................................... I2,:- 4 ft ......46 69 N M.ary E. Savage ................ 11, 1:, 13, 14, 15, 16............ 3.. 150I ft ......46 B0 T. H. Irv'oe ..................... 10..................................... . 1r,0 ft.. ......46 9 00 Louti Bab.h...................... 11, 12 ............................. ... .. ft..1......46 28 ( J. Q. Dempey............ 13, 14................................. 3:L o ft......46 238 Aun (Gtatam ................... . . 16................................. t.. 5 f..i...... 46: 23 W. F. Schmatle.................................................. ... i3 i .. ft.. ...... 49 G(eneva Richmond............ Part rf 5.................. .. 31.. 511 ft.......33, 16 5 Letlie Smith.................... Remainder of 5................. 34- .1 ft........88 38 O Maggie Mumrtie ............... ;........................................ 150 ft.. ......33: 49 6 Cora L,.M ddletofu.................................................. 150 ft..3......33 49 e WestO.lde MSth Street frotm Maim to . P. I. I. oWNER. DI~WRIPTION. f "ro..tA'j.f Total LOT. B e.mte. `. ock Arowers Nat'l Bank 16 ..................................... al.. 113i ft........ 72 82 Estate Em ma Ruihmtoud.. 1 ...................................... il.. 11i 3 f........72, 82 a Chau . K nowrlton............... !;............. ............... 3 .. 113 fr........7- 82 t Edith Ellsworth ...............Part of 13.......................... .. .& ft.......72' 27 73 I I2."' ........72 212 Robt. White..................... Remainder of 13............... :0.. 47f. ..... 102 47 K , 47ft.' ....102 47 K Levi S.lupon ....X14..... ........................................ .. ift......... 48 John Carter ...........I ...................... .............. . .. .!. ft.. ......721 82 S North aid Nerenuth Ntrset from Main to Ohio I A'nao't Tot OWNER. DES.1IPTION. Front TAtal L ,oU. g pr. Braudenburg. \'aut(iakuu 1...................................... 43.. 1 .1 ft....... 4 69 0 Nancy J. Tolfree ............... 1 I............................. .. . J... 3 ft ......44 2 23 Ja; . M Farkt ne ................ 1:;.................................... 4.. 2:.. ft........ 46 11 N. lrchardt ....................14...................................... 43.. 25 ft........ 46 11 0 J. W . Jolnonn .................. 1, 16................................ 43.. ft...... .4 8 W . E. Savage .................... 1IE...................................... 4"..1.50 ft ........46 69 t. J. N. .\llliot ............... 11..1................................. 4".. 50 ft........4 6 2800 lrandenburg.urV autar kten 13:...................................... 42.. 25 ft .......46 11 0 . W\ . Pop ... ................... 14 ....... .............................42.. ft........461 11 0 .t. .1. N. Alit-,,..... ....... ... lI, 1; ............... ................. 42.. So ft.. ......46 22 0 Lt. 1B. P. Walo right ....... ...................................... 41.. i.) ft.. ......:3 49 50 A. I4. Mwerdnltig r ..................................... ............... 41.. I ft ........33 49 Harold .................. ....................................... 4.1.. 15 a ft........"i 49 50 Eliza (irahani ................... ..........f................ ........... 44.. I. ft......... t 49 50 ('ba*. E. Brown............ ........................ ................... 39..,1~ ft......: 49 IS J. p.................... w..'5.......................................31.150 ft..i......33 49 0 North 1ule. Pleasant Street from M.~lth to EIlecvnth. " .ttI. a g... p ,"'t . a t tl . -d. -Maj. T H . Logan......... ... ,....... ................ 4 ft........ . . '. IIw .... ................ .4...............................:.. 42.. T.' .,,t ....... 4 S S LIt. H TLn..\l.. .......... ........ t................... . 5' S ft....... 4 28 (feo . W . Stav g .. ................ 7, .................................. 42.. 5 f.t ....4 2 W. E. Savag .. ................. . I................... .. 4 ft... 48 2 idney Pacett .................... 1, .. ... .... . " .. I ft. 46 8 M argaret C'olem ..... ... ........... 4 ...................... 1.. .. : ft........46 28 T. H. Irvine.................... I udivldd of.5, 6, 7........ 11.. 37Aft ...4 It7 ('has. Dougla .................. ndivided of 5, 6, 7........ 5 '1.. 371ft......48 17 l Ed. Flinn.. .................. 8, 9, 1O 174.............................. 1 . 75 ft..".....46 A4 1 rs. A . L F l n....... .. .... . 1. ............................... .. 15. ft. .......48 C harlotte lT o er ..... .............I. ................... ............... St.. 5 ft.. .... 40 2s : II. PrrMy ................... 9 10......... ......................... '% .. 140 ft .....I: 4 0 -. I ..Preasy ......H......o.... H alf of ....................... .... 16.. 2.. ft....... hI ('ar Ii. rldelgh ....... ..... · lfof 8........................... ft4.. f. f.l..... 4 1 ('jar, i. Burlaigh · · 6.... . .. 8. ................................. .. m1 0 ft ....46 46 4 ('. F. ('randall ................ Hlalfof 9............................ ft ....48 Ii t C. F. C randall ............... . 1 ..................................... 7 S. t' .. ....4 R .. D. W. Pea·r......Peaw .... . . and half ofl 7................... 72.. 75 f.. ....4.. 8 S (' al ..e ..................................47...................72.. 1(0) ft.. ....44, 46 4North 414. Wwhingtou Xtreqt UW..Ih t. Tenth. I ____ )DW I Front A * AT IARR. i A. M ................ ... .iartnof HantmIll of10........b4'f.... 1$ . J(,hai W righl t........ ..... .., Part otVand al lot ........... » 9O t».. .» K:t n.wrnr Ranlrr y. 41, .......... ....................... b 1 ft.. . FlelixA Krusoh... .... . .................. N \%' m . urr y ................... I ... ...............................:·: 100 ft . H n. W hit......... .......... ' ......................... .. .h M . 0 ... N:o F. FIbh...r..................................... I l'uoº I~tnrr.n. I ...... 60 f I Ioul" Rueoh.......... .....··':..... 3.......... ............. .. .A9»1!N A. ...