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THE DAILY JOURNAL CITABtI.1HEI 18M1. M 1. F,. CIT Y. MONTANVA. THEOFVICIAL PAPER O 'UST3LCOTWTIT Nebills against T -I YILLOWTroxN JOIIiAL PoU.LSLtaI Co., contracted by any of the employes of sad paper or others, will be reogulzed ualess eoompalnod by a written order signed by the paub taber or businese meanaer Theeditor e Tai YI.LOWITONI JOURNIAL is sot responsible for any >t the pina oas or Uttersae of its eonepanondats. Notice is hereby gives to all concerned that Tua YILLOWITONS JoUlRNAL PUBLISHING CO holds the contract to do el' prlntin8 sad ad vertiing, of whatever natute chargeabl to Co. ter oolty.and e aso thbedeignsted and ounl psle r In Custer eosaty in wiehb services by publot ile can be legally made. Legal noticeM publ'shed in other papepe of Custer county. ane ,ld and wortblesr, as has been decided by the courts of Neetans. Saturday, September ts, I88. REPUBLICAN TICKET. FOR PIEiIl,):NT OF THE UNITED STATEs, INCLl'DIN% THE SOLID SOUTH. BEN HARRISON, OF INIIANA. FOR VICE PRElIDENT OF THE SAME, LEVI P. MOBRTON. OF NEW YORK. REI' IILICAN TE~RM .rITOltL CONVENS TION . A Territortal Republican ('otarention will be bhl at the city of Helena on oullday, .eptembwer 17t t, lti. at 12 o'clock nouon. for the purpose of an( ituating a candidate for Dohtgate to (o s., acithetrantsartiot of surb other business as an t'.e Judgment of the utonventiun appertains to the e elfars of the Republican party In Montana. The veral counties will be entitled to represet tlon as follows: :ocsTtNT. No. or DILEGAT-s Beaverhead ..................................................... Cascade . -.......................... ....................... (hotea u...........-.. ............... .......... .........'.. 6 (u ete r ................................................................. 6 user ................... ...............".. D.~. ... . .............. ...... .... ...... ..*.......,,-- .....** ...2 F.arus . . . ........ ..... .. *....... .. ........--*........ 7·: Gallatin ..... .................... ..................... Jefferson ...... ..................... ...................... Lewis and Clar. . ... . .............. ........................14 . sdison .............. ................... - ................... )leqher... ..........»... .... ...... P~rMIh. .. ......... . .......-...o.o* ....*--.. *****-** ·* * Bilver Bow.... ..... ........................................17 Yellowstone...... ..........-................ ................... * Total..... . - .....................................I-;t The County Republican Committees of the sev ral counties (elcept Cascade) will proceed to call County Conventions in their reppctive countlie, and elect Ielegates and Alternate Delegates .o the Territorial Convention as above designated. It is desired that ample notice of such ('onven tiuns be given The following rules have been adopted for the government of the Republlcan Terr.,urial Conven tions in the Territory of Montana e I --Ielegates and Alternate leleaates shall bt el-cted In the futut to Territorial C'olventllons, and In the event of the failure of a Delegate to at tend. the Alternate Delegate at 'I cut the vote of the Delegate wt je alternate he as. 2.-In the absence of a Delegate and his Alternate a majority of the lelegatlon trim that county shall cas the vote of the absentee. 3,-In the absence of all the Delegates and Alter nate Delegates from any county, no vote shall be cast for such county. 4.--n the county n which the Territorial ('on reation shall be hel,t when any IDelegate anid his Alternate Delegate are absent there shall be no vote oast in their behalf. 5.--Delegaq . and Alternates must he Republl can resideuts of the County which they represent Hy order of the Territorial Republican t'unmit tee. A. ALal.ta.l, IrAAc D. Mc('rTCHaFO. Secretary. Chalrman. ( all for JRepubilcan (ouinty Conuventia. In pursuance of the ctlon f the Itepublica,. Centlal c2ostittee of , uster ('ounty. M. T., at a meetl.g head in Mil.' 4ity, M. T., $Lte-lmber 3rd, ISM, prlnmary" .le, tIssn are ordered to be held is the various preeiner nauned below, n *atur dsay. %eptesaulr ':'gmil. Ill4Pt. between the hourt of mnd 7o.,loutk, p ut . or the purpo e of elt. c tug uelegates and aternates to the Republcllan ( uauntyont ('ullltent.lo be heldl a theb(jourt I .se in Miles' ity, .l. T , on .outlsliy Iltolier Ath. IMNM at II o'clock A. M. fur the purpose of ple ing in ensuinatlon a fall county ticket and he transaction of such other tutnese as may properl) come before it. TI€e pplortionment of representation of the dif ferenat prclncts in the county convention will be as folluow oaethiwa .............................. ... ... ............. 2 1ors11bd- ........................«............ ... ............................................... .................. 2 t ......... ............ ...... ........ ................. . ............... oe ................ ..................... ....................... 2 A itlots e .................................................... .. 1 Hltehfor .................................................... . i Serry ..................... ......................... .......... 2 Satll nr ........................... ............................... . 1 rE kalaka ........................................................... 2 1t. It Iancls'....................................... " l t nch ................................»......._...... ..... » • 2 A lbright ........ . . .. ... . .. . ............' Ha h . . . .ud ... ........... 1 le's Ranch. Itonebud... . ... I , arpeuter & Itubereon.' Ranch. Rosebu I ....... I Ralisaev) tHie msna Rlnech, Rosebua. ......... I I utler., Tonlgue Itver ..................... 2 Il'tchkle, _................................. 1 . rlr'. I.aneh, Pumpkin creek ............... I 1 eew's. Ranch, Pumpkin .reek ...... ...... Klitl'. Ranch, Tongue River ............... 1 ly' R ch onguell River ... ............ 1 I'ower.'ehool Houuse, Tongue River.......... . 1 A.tiland. ............................. I1 .ooki' Ranch. Tonlgue Rver... .. ......... 1 I' get hal ,ch .. .. ...... ..... ..... 1 IlfaTl' Ianch, rowdser Riv..r... ........... Ii. ekett,s IRancl h ... ...................... Po er tlle .. .......... I , it. Ranch. Little Powder ...... I ''itbet's Rauch, Bloom creek.. ... ............ Alsad .. .. . ..... ........... .. 1I ',overnll.ent sw xMII . ................. 1 Allen's Raneh ............ ......... ....... 1 ig Tonglu River .... .............. 1 Howard .. .. ............................ Ilubliard & Tbomul n'ss lRanch ................I M uddy .... .............................. 1 bChesnman's saw Mill ............. ..... 1 Rutoe's sRanch, Rosebud ....................... B urney . . .. .. .............................. I S Tot.l ................................................ ........ I lelgates elected under this elil will provide Sthiuemsulve ith credentials from the judges of primaury elections is their respective precinctl. In iader that their right i. s, ats nd. et. s i tbhe convention mqy he determined. 3 u. ,u'. tsN, . DoacwtRA T, Me5. -^ Cm. Ceat. ('em. rh I of tleries. A curius pheninomenon, generally rare, p and attrli' Ili to physiolugical idioyn. w crasy, hae thli year been quite general. -,I Thousands of persons have been mildly p isoned by eating strawberries. The act - t eating fruit is a fine art not generally hun luyuod. Most people sit down to a etion of the first fr sh fruit that they secure. Whm l trawberries corme hey gorge themerlves on that fruit for a ionth or imre. There is no fruit that oes not carry with it a sperial danger if over inhdulged in. The grape is prolhabl brealthiet of all, if the seeds are diicardtd. ient berries have direct medicinal effect, ither laxative or astringent while the Sare irritants. The only concluion thM peopl sbould eaerlcow mas .w. abe eat that Isif tlb omm THE IENTLER SEX. Whas ti.e ewqapn s may ceaseia the Denalhtss .t Rw. A Saratoga woman come out In all red one day, all white the next, all black the third and so on. The Kings' Daughters of Atlanta, Ga., have just opened a hospital there to be under their exclusive charge. A negro woman who recently went in sane at Atlanta, Ga., imagined that the sun had perched itself on her head and she could not shake it off. Miss M. E. Orr is said to be the fastest woman type writing operator in the world. In a recent type writing tourna ment her average was ninety-five and one-fifth words a minute. More than fifty of the beet known ladies of Battle Creek, Mich., have formed a dress reform club and declared themselves against bustles, high heels, tight shoes, stir corsets, etc. Mrs. Bates, the "giantess" wife of the celebrnted Capt. Bates, died recently at their Ohio home, near Wadsworth. They were the largest married couple in the world. Capt. Bates is eight feet tall, and his wife was seven feet and nine inches. Amelle Rives Chanler reads but few books. Shakespeare, George Eliot and Edgar A. Poe are among her favorite authors. She reads French readily, and has begun to take an interest in German. She expects to study English when she has leisure. Mrs. Capt. Tom is the name of the richest Indian woman in Alash. She is worth about $20,000, and lives royally at Sitka, surrounded by slaves. She supported two husbands until lately, having to give one up when she joined the Presbyterian Mission. Mrs. Tom is ugly, fat and over 40, and is a shrewd trader. The young English poet known to the world as A. Mary F. Robinson is now MIme. Darmesteter, having married the enthusiastic gentleman who trans lated her English poetry into French prose not long since, thereby gaining for her some very pleasant piaise from French critics. Mrs. Harvey, of Shanklin, Isle of Wight, has founded an institution there which is doubly philanthropic in its work. It is a home for old ladies and a training school for servants at the same time. Servants who graduate there command the best wages, and are always in demand. Mrs. Harvey has an income of $150,000 a year, and she seems to know just what to do with it. Queen Victoria has won quite a repu tation among English agriculturists as what may be called a royal farmer of the gentler sex. At the show of the Isle of Wight Agricultural society recently she took three prizes for farm horees, one for Jersey cattle and four for Down sheep, winning the champion prize for the best ram and the award for the best pair of ewes. L'st March N. Kate Gentry filed at Washington an application for a patent on a "remedial cosmetic." She failed to obtain her patent I-cause she parted her name in the middle The examiner. held that the signature was defective. as she had failed to write her Christian name in full. On appeal the cmmnis sdoner sustained the opinion. The law recognizes but one name-the first one and unless that is given in full the signa ture becomes worthless from a legal standpoint. Mamo. Dieulafoy, who practically founded the Persian museum in Paris, has formally handed it over to the presi dent of the republic. She has definitely adopted man's dress, and accordingly she aplpared with short hair, and -dresbed in a masculine suit of black trousers and paletot, the latter buttoned up over the waistcoat, and showing shirt front and collar." She was also furnished with the inevitable chimney pot hat, which, all the time she was giving explanations to Mme. Carnot, the wife of the president, she held in her hand with proper mascu line politeness. The person who exercises by far the greatest influence over the queen of bervia at the present time is undoubtedly her aunt, the Princess Constantin Mou rousy. She has been a veritable mother to her niece, and has adkued and con soled her throughout th& long course of her conjugal misfortunes The princess is an elderly lady, in appenrance albout 6O, short In figure. but none the I1eM dig nilled, with a kind, motherly face. lit up by a pair of keen eyes, and shaded by gray hair. She has been a wi iow for many years, and invariably dresses in simple black, with a close black cap and long veil. Although her home is in Rus sia a great part of every year is spent with Queen Natalie, and there is proba bly no one more thoroughly au fait with all that goes on in the court of Belgrade than la princeuse. Oprealm the Dark Catlmeat. The Dark continent is being rapidly opened to civilization. Surveys of the Congo railroad have been completed part the 23.5 miles of cataracts, and this, with the river itself, will, within two or three years, make it possiblo for travelers to visit the interior of Africa without a car.. van. In the upper Congo region is an elevated tableland with fine climate, free from malaria that has proven so destruc tive to visitor on the coast. When the journey that was formerly made pain fully through weeks can be made in a day, the prophecy will indeed be fulflled, which declares that Ethiopia shall setch forth her hands unto God. The opening of Africa to Christian ievilisation is likely to be the most important fact in the his. tory of the next fifty years.-Boston Pudget. Persmbuasteg lee Water Task. The Moderation society of New York has a perambulating tank of ice water, which is driven about the city all day and makes frequent stop that the thirsty may take advantage of the water. The tank holds 800 gallons, and on hot days is filled three times and uses up 9,100 pounds of ice. This is the second season of this mode of iasisting temperance. New Orleans 1 imss-IDmocrat. The lRv. Walter L. Huffman, of Peru, Ind., has married over 1,900 couples and preached 1,800 funeral srvites. HiB emrpasee the record of any in th ates. 011E FIO1 IEE TO ANKLE. Skin Entirely Gone. Flesh a Mau of DI- ease. Letg Diulnished One-Third ltI Stlu. Conudition Hopeless. Cured by the Cutlcur. letenedlee. Furthree years I was almost erippled with an awful ore leg frm my knee down to my ankle; the skin was entirely gone, and the flsh was one mnas of disease. aeue physlcians pronouuosed it incur able. It had diminished about one-third the alse of the other, and I was in a hopeless condition. Altes trying all kinds of remedies mud spendin_ hundr da of dollsar, from which I got no relief whatever. I was persuaded to try your ('UTICURA RttlaEM.I, and the reault,ws as follows: After three days I noticed a decided hangs for the bet ter, and at the end of two months I wascompletely cured. My flesh was purified, and the bone (which had beet, exposed for over a year) got sound. The flesh began to grow, and to-day, and for nearly two eanrs past, any leg is as well as ever it was, sound i, every respeat, and not a sign of the ts.ease to be seen. N. U. AIIERN, Dubole., Dodge County, lie. Terrible Suflering Front skino Dis,:sae. I have been a terrible sufferer for year. from diseases of the skin and bloo , and have been obliged to shun public plaen.s by reason of amy das Igunring humore. Have had the best of physicians and .pent hundreds of dollars, but got no relief until I used the t'urtctCRA ItEMEDIts, which have cured me, and left my skin as clear and my blood as pure s a child's. IDA MAY IANS, Olive Branch 1. O., Mim. Frman 14.1 Pouilnds to 1i7' IPounds. I have taken several battles of ('UTICURA It eOlt vENT with all the resull. I could wish for. About this tialne last year, when commencing its use, I weighed 1lj poun :s, and to-day I weibgh 17 pounds. GEO. (!A MPBELL, Sashington, D. C. NOTE.-The CUTICURA IulSaLVENT is beyond all doubt the gr-atelt blood purifier ever com pounded. CUorIcrA, the great skin cure, and CUTICUtR oAt'. an exquisite skin beautifier, externally, and CUTICc.A RKaoLVi NT, the new blood purifier, in tersally, are a positives cure for every forms of skin and blood disease, from pimples ti scrofula. Sold everywhere. Price. ('T'tc,.ss. ; Oc ; Not, 25c.: REAOLV:ENT. SI. Pre pared by the i'OTTzr DItIU AND I 'HEMIc'.AL Co.. iOutun, , . ass. i'.t-end for"llow to t'utre -kn |1ieases."64 pages. 50 illustratiotir, and U.N) tGet: monials. BABY.SO m kl an s sIp prewlrved and iw.aut Bi ded by CtTI:LcUA MEIICrkTl) "IAP. HOW MI BAC ACilES ! taeck ache. kidney pains, and w, aknesa, SOrene.., IlUnesD Straulll anld ,alin rel'vesl In one Inlnulte by the Cutl. aura Anti-Pain Plaster. The inst and only pain-killing plaster. 2. cents. IFT P RECFDE1TED ATTR.IICTIO ! OVER A MILLION DISTRIBUTED Iouisiana Stat. Litlerv Comlpany. Incorporated by the Legislature in 1868, for Fiucataonal and t harital,l prorlse., and its fran chi.e wade a part of the present t+tate Constitution in 1879, by an overwhelming popular vote. ItOGRKANI EXTRAOI)I INARY DRAW ING(t take place hIml-Annually. (June and D.ecmber.) anod its iRAND sIlNGLE NI'i IER DIRAWI .NG%~ take place osm each of the other ten smmnths in the year. and are all drawn in public,. at lthe Acadery of Mlusic. New Orleans, La. "We do hereby certify that we supervise the ar rangoments for all the Monthly antd taeoi-Anuual Drawings of the Louislana state Lottery Company. and nla person manage and control the drawinats themuselves, and that the saeu are conducted with honesty, fairnoee. and in good faith towa d ail par. ties, antd we authoris the Company to use this e-rtlaeste, with fac-slmilies of our aignatures at Is, bed in its advertisements." ('Uomint am.nouers. W'e the undriigned tan, and BHankerls will pa all Prise. drawn inl The Lolisiana State Lotterie. wbirh may or presented at l Tr counters. It.M .WA L,.,ESi'., I'res. I.oulalana Nat. Bank. PIERRIE IANAIX, Pree. State Nat. Bank. A. RALDIWIN. Pres. New Orleans Nat. Hank. ('ARL KOlIN, Pres. Uniou National Bank. Grand Monthly Drawing It the Academy of Music. New Orleans, Tuesday. October 9. 1898. CAPITAL PRIZE 8300,000. 1lk,,ttM0t ickets at Twenty Dollar, *a'eb. Halves $11; Quarteri .i$; l'eunth 2; ' wentiethb $1. LIST OP PattRa. I PRIZE OF 300,m1 is ........................ t3.,O 000 I PRIZE OF tl,'u i........................ InU..on I PRIZE ) ~e .91,SM iJ ................... :~.10 1 I PRIZE ',F 2.(.t .II................. 2.,s,1s 2 PRIZIF ,) F IU,.l are ..................... 2: ,1111 SI'RIZS (IF b,l J re .................... 25 I',t IZE OF I,Olo t ar.. ................... us. l0 PKIZE O' F 50 r ..................... 0.*y1 210J P'(IZE4 O NOe. are............. N.<ol rI vKl 'Z O.F r1 a.....r................. I10,n, 0 APtaOaINATItf P'itg5: (1J ries of "lrtl are .. ......................... 60.r.Ko lM)t dow ..1 are ..... ...... ............. :,9e1t 119)) do ) are ........... .................., 9YI,1II) TKRMI'iAI. I'MIZIR, EM! do. 1tare..................... :Y1.91 999 do 10)are........ 9:ve . 11 : '13l4 Prises amounting to ................ . .1151,% )1 NoIrT-Tit kets drawing I 'apitl Irilei are not entitled to terminal Prizes Vos (tlub Iatfeor any further Information de sired, rlite legibly to the underligoed,clearly stat itl your ~enidence, with .Mate, (',unty. itreot and Numler. Mlre rapid reu',n mail delivery will Ie sourrd by your oenclosing D Euneloup, your full, Srad POSTAL NtItEN, EKpress uIone, Orders, of New York !atrhanglr In ordinary I. ttr i. C'urrency by Espress (.i our oeapenlO) aldr.u-ae M A. ISA|I'HIN New Oirieless, I.*.. or M. A. DAUPHIN, WashklsgtOne, I. t Adidrea I'gýirmt'rwd L 'tIter tA WKW ORLCAMAN N.AT4INAL HAI'4K, Now Orliam.. La. Ir ~ That Lthe macne of len i, w u an e hopr of the .irawin. tio fara·em of heolete fairln.e and Iltegrl y, Ihut LMghaneea an arll equl and that no one ca, yeoe .DIl)I I)m wihat 'ttee.wt will 4mw a i'nse a IM .k, Salso t .at the Pefyeent of Prig-s S'IIIAIARANTEEI)[IV 11,'0 SX NATIONA HAWNk .1 New Orlean. and the Tgehcta ate gI4Ued 5,y the Prealdeut of ate Iniestitlon. wh,,.e eherteried right, are remcgnlee In the lyhe.I (euertg; thberlre. twear el city Iueitetiuea of anotymoul A.hrnme. K1HUL'J '"PATR . ISO. CE "a Reatauxrw' Wq NU.b Sl b e Ltd waloat 4111 M "Nearly Everybody Reads It." Is biessene e wsst k tow what's golg and ti dPamt daiy.y.baiplag pmpiiy pesed on the variions ghesm e ral lalgenc a meta has the ner kueels, centres of the wrld, ad bd'e eaa w tS ts mt- h doe't eel fr the slow week. he'll es. The wmrklasgaas well aferd time honting for it in a "blaket sheet." I mee. daily paper a "en cmat day." ,F, Grandfather reads the Chitlag ally News Mhabrohods s oCDiaagsDal bleaua Os. admodhrrsadathaChleo Daily Newi Saue it gives all the mews, and , condensd she wase to kaep p with her habad genes l becaus IA want oh what'. golg m. . it doesn't tire him out to read it. And then, lformwadtoa, sad them hea p.eticlady e.joys the And tas comfoert assa daily paper is t. l pn e t is so clear. houekold less ad thisgs of spaial interest to that's cleasand pas,-ea she's sot afraidTUM . weos which ae is it every day. " the chidren see." · - -- - - - , The Boys all want the Chicago Daily News The Polioian always reads the C' cago Daily The C.rls all read the Chicago Daily News because it gives the bae ball news s fully,--to say News because Its as impatial pa i -r, n I whether because ta1 're spru4lly i.terested is its chatty nothing of all the oher shtbgs boys enjoy. And he its is mdeender net v o"r n-. h .nts , I gsps art I. hwons and h matm , to ny t thisl yea . th y . don't b t oLys en IyAI know the trut4. He "suppons"" hIs particular n..up and how a t save e s p a.rty " organ," but when he want. g' I a-ss he fann t i t he es end t sb mer , s tor a ays reids the CHICAGO DALV New. r The Peat Off Rewew, says : "Nearly everybody who reads the F.sgih language mi, around and about Ca. .:., reads the Chcago Daily News." Do ýf Its a "shot sad to the point paper,"-made particularly for busy people, and it costs one cent a day. All n.wsdealcr sell it, and ab poe mastr sbscriptioans it a ( a years er Sm fo four months. Ashress VICTOR F. LAWSON. Publisher The Chicago Daily News. Ckags Dr. Llibigg k Co. will bwe nu fHelenm, ont., Oct. Ilth to thie :"i1t, 11111. anldll Ill havte Oflte l, nu the Holler Illhwk. All reasid.lil of :Molntln atr cordially invited to call for fre oonulhtatiou. DR. LIEBIG & CO. The Euro an Medlral staff annd speirll Pureon, and P'uiy.sitl of the Il eblg World 1l|npensarl auJ Interunational Surgical Institute. The cur. gical ranri rives .p-c ial tentih (L to leforn_ ace r etki n req u 1 ring appld lices for ' U l a ture of the pinee, Ilip J'J 1I , t Ilas, liis I t o rte d = cea.fully treted by oil laewVoI• _- - taic and +l ii e I i C appilunrea. The medlical blranch devote alIrelas nltitnliLn to all I(brook, I',llllicatel. Prlvie and Wiling Di)eaae, relultllg from badly treInLe caseull oI so utI or speIci lnatilre, or trllli indiscretlion of youth, bringing on *lerulatorrhala. elllnlual Wesakne and an unnatural dr.,in tronl the lodiy which undllerrnine t het OI ituiul lon-a ln Il, Itlll Decay. los ofVitality or lanhooI, wrlvil result from eIers of tlaturity The re "cln so lmaul nr Ilnot cured of above com plal1t Is uw iig 0 ato comdlcalviI c led l 'L o tator rhbra, which our treiatmelllt alone can ourr. VarlcoLle, wornli rel usln .crotutlll, rrtor., blood and skin impurtlies swedllly curei(: acute prialte troubles, laely, conldulntially and quickly cured, Catarrh of the mucous mUenULbrance of the eadl or bladderi ucceflully treated; also throat and lung I aeases. Yeosle comUnlelinti and all id, te comnpl1caled ,iln,-cc of romen, Cairefully treated by our new tinIlhal wherebly nune o the ulislul phsical Is. Iiallon aI.e n,utirelI. lis-l min lof i,., I, l tlmand al'pectial rcnuipl lilu's ici'lliar to , ul',e.i . r ll I reat.d a. l Iaillnguara a.pokeII ad t ralll WI, tie in your orW Thelint ipwelrful EI.LI'TTKf' II I.T free to patientsl., Itaillon or addrema Ltebig W orld Disoensarv. 4' i;terar) St . . an Francisc,. ('s Great English Remedy Murray's Specilic. A gusrantrel (an lfor Ill nerrvusi s , Ruch as We'ak Miul)rl-, tr.m, o~f Itraii rowe~r, ilyateria, I!-l-dach, Yai. It, the. Iti'k, \ .r"ritr Prostratlon, Wrak .ru Lwawiltide, pwmtIrel '.%ak. evr.lTi s,.u i,.rlronteulv rgid wernrt Ime el ow.-r olfbe Ileeraru tUOrdla- II either Fae crred by had ,ere. ion or over seec ilon, and wbi. hr ~itn uate.Iy lead to Pre~miature Sltd Ar" ete.. I~ anee lon aci (ehiti ptioii 01.00 a boa or mhz ox tu t " o $500. &nt .* rah Marab hf msll oo recep of ppric. F~ull Dartlclarnln ,unpa, t'. Sent tree to every apply mli'. We Suscetmis a Mae tocureanta alo e oevery $r.MI order reeivedl a, " end six hmix bu with. aitte, --rgrante to Mroluod 1 ie money I f our +pecif~e doe. rio t etlcetacure. Aft.. aklrgl. Aeirpm ll trcn. nuiinelosI to the mote mnuan IDE M(URRAY MXIICiN C') Kanea (City, qH.M. PA I9"HEN " CII., Wheelreale. sad Retlal Agents, Nrlet.. Mont JOHN CARTER'S S 4.IILa 11I For MANI For BEAST ! \ XICAn t'sTAFLiWDIENi imdeathenPnat 4 L d l, o- mune Unimer .. tVTABLISHED t1877. JAS. NoXaIT A & CO., PROPRIETORS OF THE Minneapolis Sheepskin Tar. AND DEALER.. IN ZEIDI, s=PPELMTLT., F, WOOL, TALLOW Ginseng and Seneca Root. SHEEP PELTS & FURS A 8PECIALTY. 101, los * 106 1....d , N ath. MINNEAPOLIS, WIN. Shipments Soliiattd. Write for Lar. ular,. &te Our Fires on Job Pln . PC0ý the v tMd "ft" "" .ru tti . tn pl i@ Amneric a.,'in ,"r , .1 IW uigbte, en. a fr '." 1 e cad ebtaig, vat .u'Is to i'.s .. `' I 1'n""a., sn' · sod alld ,r, I 'r .. r raipH. Me . i s ia".lu.4 d iuJ tI,,r l1.. .1;n. . " uRSll. Dtawn.d .,ea.. :r.n .. ,... Ianold II 1 m n. I 1,, I ~ l"u,. . r t"·aore. l .n t r1.1 o' ' too 1 drser ng. A,,, n .,,,i Ir.. Patnt.o. ' s.1' . '1 a . . t I'.. rof" Ipth" trr ii .i' Pr l' "' \:1 It lt'' 'I - 1.wor ``" "wq ·nllr Of ,'. -d t r.l nu·. r'. .orlW T s...a'sg.e f ..ohb " , p.av a.. ry pataulee Ill rln.n.· ll find ': Illllltr·( tl nrw~psý. hI'. r'. 1 .'e I ,1 as W.\ I aa and Oa. II u..rha(. P, - .-r. a..rk. aSI 2r r I Iflrt f n1 .'i ' . pub. I lnd a, J' , ' (Ii' . ,aS I ·IIII lnIp "e~1 I II 'Itr I.! ''Cr .'..,,Itl6 u I" r fUUI daI. ,ld .l na.'i .' *,' r\ If )mu z ).11v I 'i f "e..n aan i p A MtinlM THIS PAP R M C. D· kW IIIV Inr lrdrrrtlrc y..7, t ..1 UN Mlrrchanl' Karbaup. agsr ". rIae.o Ca.. who. ioutrw.taa tordr,.d alW.1eIu adefor A SAMPMAIGH 600DS drill t(rtkkr LM YY11 Ladnf JinIUI' alrA Arllllllý W·"l' Clrp., g 1Ih.N5 irm f tr~tl. I ri.YE r 1{wlii for S t0 Ii, rr SNHI L*566'i.. Qt rIrrwgq. Childrn Cry fr Pitcher' Cetrhp