Newspaper Page Text
HF. IIAILY JOURNAL aILES tITY, MONTANA. put Obffe tgutalttier. ster manl closes............ ............1:1 a. m. Wester mall slow»»»»....".*.."*.»..... OU p. m. Olce open Snd? p.m M. 3Jo. McAUsLAND. P M. sorther heile Time Table. LBAVB MILD CITY GOING WEST. I. 1. Pallo Ezpress.... ....... ...... 6::6 . M LPeenger........... ............ A. 1. Express Freight.......................5:2 A.M 16. Freight............-............... .. 11:5 A.. LBAVE MILDE CITY OOING EAST. NO. 2. Atlantic EItress................ 11:45 A M. * 4. Paseenger ...... ... ..........9:12 P. M. ," 16. £Eprem Freight ........... . -......6 . P. M. " 14. Freight............. ...... . ..........12:35 . OFfICIAL_ I.1ECTOTi. FEDERAL DIRECTORY. e.ate to CoUaess.... ..Joleph K. Toole, Helena ..... P H. Leslie. Helena .................... Willam B. Webb. Helena T e& u ............-..............Green Prsuitt, Helena lltor » ..I......Jas... . .ulllvan, Helena BIetrI U O-e '......Y. . G..CoolIr, MHelenIa (iftepben DeWolfe CNest.Mtmto...--- ....... . J. L. lddel A a oueIosse-......*-*Thee. C. Balh. arrerer e oldr......... Be*J. H. G.Ore., Helena urproatendeit of Public Instrction ............ ............. . Logan, Helena U..-. ..... . .............. . Kelly, Helna Cellector U. 8. Internal Revene.....J'm Shblelds egher U. m. Land (ror......A. (irover, MI('it leetr U. .. Land Oce..Abrsm Hall, Mle City -OUIITT OFFICERS. C e llmanI... ...................... . . H. femben of the House..........--.. { JH. M hnolte ohealt..l........... ............. T H. Irtvne Tenerr..... .................M. Brandenburg Clerk a RecordeI .O........ L. C. DeI 'lerk of District Court...... ...Jamese cFarlane uge o Prbate................. . C. Stueble CoAuy Attor .ey...-.....- ...... Oo. . Millburt Assor......... ........... ....... T. 3 Thompon erwyor.... ........--........... ..."..Oeo. Schet o e .. . .......... ....... Dr. . . I dd County Phrlica ............. ....Dr. H. o . t edd sperltoadren ol dcoo ......... la Louisa oolle P-blIc Admlnlutrator.................. 3. B. Welicke I.. A. Ilunlrma Ce-mmUienets ..................... . W. Aiorton MILES CITY TOWISHIP. SWs. W1rkle uitloe of the Peso ........ .............. { Jo bbe. Coutsble....... ........................ Win. H. Carr CORPORATION OF MILES CITY. _a o . .... .. ... . ..... .......... .. .eo. Behet. City Attorney-.-. ... .....................(' K. Middleton Cl.-. .-................-. :.. ..........N. (.ordon Ile .................... .. ..H. F. Batchelor Cblel of Polleo ........a........Frnk C. Woterwelt eollc M LsglaetIzeMe ..................Edmond Butler ALDEMEnK. First Ward-A. . Flager. I. K Holt. beond Ward-Chlm rown., W. H. Hullard LOCAL IT EMS. .FKATIN"l at the Rink to-night. * Clean cotton rage wanted at this Office. Chas. Leseur came in from his Rose. bud ranch yesterday. Children'.s suits from$1.50 to Vi.00 at Hanauer BIroM.' Thos. O vr.w"nor, of Albany, WiS., arrived from the ea.t last night. New line of nen'es bobe from '2.75 to $3.50 at Tower.'. (leo. W. Trask was here yesterday from his ranch on river. Mead is a delicious smlnlmer b4vur age. Try Bollard's iake. * The train from the east was way late last night, cause as usual unknown. School suits from l'2.50 to $..O00 at Hanauer Bro..' * T. B. Geddes came in from him Tongue river stock ranch yesterday. Full line of neckwear in fall styles at Hanauer B oe.' * J. C. Beard registered at the Mac queen House yesterday from Decorah, Iowa. Wanutd Imsmmediu ly. A nurse girl. Apply to Mrs. Win. Courtenay. A oold wave has put in its appear snoe and dreg were comfortable even at midday. Mrs. C. H. Towers departed last night to Helena to pay a long visit to her hueband. A. H. Erwin, a well kinowni St. Paul traveling man. is making his regular western trip and is now vistnlug our city. Mrs. Joi.Leighton. Mrs. Dr. Harvey, and A. C. Leighton were expected on train N,'. 1. lst nlight from Ottumnwa, lows. Mr. and Mrs. W. (. Comstock, Mips Rola C',.mUsl k and D. B. Comtlock are visitors in the olty from the 961 ranch. Mn. C. F'. M. I''ilnting returned yes terday irom a few dlys' visit In the country with her friend, Mrs. W. (. Comstook. F. D. Jaudell, a stock man from Da. Lolt, formerly of Montana, stopped of! Iu the nlty last night oil his way west to buy hormes. Whalln laiby wa , sk k, we gira, !.~I r tadoria When MIN. was a ('hiht,| she tr,, f ,r . Wrtelra, when hel m , rh* "a . n e , 1a144rt, Whien sh ha. hilUdren, mhn eit v. " ,1t 11 ,. all. (ontrary to the Usual rnil,,, .I.,"I'art holding up better at '.1 nn ilhal heer an(I the remson given is tliht re o.lpts are not heavier than usual. The sheep men seem to be posses-ed of more horse sense than their breth ren of the cow industry. The electric lights flickered and failed early in the night and caused a great rustling among the oil lamps and broken chiiuue)s. "I cannot praise Hood's 8arsapa rilla halt enough," says a mother whose son, almost brind with scrofuls, was cured by this medicine. (eo. Liscou and Frank Hughes catme in froum Tongue river last night. Frank has been out in Nebruaka for some mouths, trading in buorses, County Clerk Dear was busy yester day sending out notices to those prop erty owners whom the county cowu midsiouers saw tit to raise on property assessment. Dr. ltedd was called Tuesday night to Glendive to see Master Mechanic u:o,'re's wife, in '.onsultatiou with Dr. Duncan. Mrs. Moore is in a criti cal condition with tousolitie. Hugh Moran, accompanied by his niece. Miss Hattie, returned last night from an eastern trip. Mise Moran bas been eist for several nountbs, visiting with relatives at Kankakee, Ills. Frank Maeder, wanags r of the Salb bury's Troubadours, is iuterested in the Milner live stock ounianuy, whose range is in Chute au county. Note -aisbury is treasurer of the company. It being reported that ducks and wild geese are plentiful with proof of the same, a number of hunting parties are being organized one of which will start out to-day. Bring us a duck, Tom. An Eclectic club war recently formed in the city by the literateurs anud s ientlfle men for research In gieat field of philology and kindred science. Membership -as. been limit ep to eleven. Dr. Galitakl, the celebrated Chicato oculast, is agaln at the Macqueen House, where he will remain for a short time. Those desiring to consult him will do well to call at once, as his stay here is limited. * The seooud of the Northern Pacific harvest excursion traIns arrived at ! "=O a. wi., ruuuing as the first section of No. 1. The train was a heavy one and lost timue from the start, especial y on the Missouri division. Pro.gIsals for Coal. Trustees srhool district No. 1 will feoelve bids to supply school house in Miles City with coal for coming s u son. Bide opened October loth. H. W. MclNT1'niH:, C. E. BHow.y, * Clesk. Chairman. Salecof cattle made at the Union stock yards on Sept. 2,th wert : Ro-en baum for Holt, 3.4'. averagre 1:09, $3.43; :0 5, av. 1:321, $3:;.6i; Geach 31, nv. 1"42. $31.·0; Kleenour fr Boyee lilt, uv. 1223. $4.17; a number of cows, av. 4%4i, $3 5O; Towers es, av. 1196. $3.5'). Frank M. Strout, 'ine of thil* Iineer settlers and who has ten ta sojourner in theeflFte east +in"y I.:3, returned last night to Miles City, wh'lre lie hopes to reulde permaniently. Mr. Strout has been an Invalid almost ever minee his deplarlure frolu Montan:sl, ullt hopes to regain his health rod strengtth in our bracing elitlrte. H- will work with R. C. Richmond In Ihe jewelry business. Old pill boxes ire spread over the land by the thousand after having been emptied by .uflering humanity. What a muan of sickeniog, diuguting I medioine the poor tomach bas to, c(in tend with. Too mluch strong tmdlI cine. Prickly Ash iitttel is rapidly and surely takiLngthb Ile cof all this of drugs, tnd in curing all the ills arising from a disordered condi tion of the liver, kidneys, stomach and bowels. Lights out! At lo u'.'lock laIst night the electric maacline was shut down and recourse had to the oldl cnul oil stand by. Saoue weeks ago it was dll covered by the engineer at the statlon that the use of hard water war play lug the dickens with the flues of the new boiler, and to prevent this anl ar* tesian well was at once started upon. The well is a number of fe t down but nmlishief li now (ldon that it will take some time to repair. In the ntan time work wil! be pushed on the alte slan bore. A Conlirmells Maslier. Yesterday a bulky pallkat'e was de livered at the Jot'aNAls otulce which upon opening was found to uontain an even dosen copies of the 1)etroit f'ree Press of different dates detatlling the recent gamesl of the I)etioit Iai 1Ib1ll club. It is needless to ,iay that III 3y came from that lopeless l*Ilon bull maniac, Abe leltoy. lMany of the papers were decoratedl wif l. Iarrr 'al liOtes c nl:erl llng tile gail -. ,,llme of which w.ll douhtles btI. ," 14 1 t to those who watched thlie 141 !i I' ,' of tlh disease in Abe whenl Ire,. (t1 the game of Meptenllbr 1111,, III * IIohI i.(e De troul did up th e " I',, t' "' '', Abe day : *yuga*. • , , .. .. .. u,' him in thbl game and Bennet ditto.'' On the 18th Boston pounded Detro;t 12 to 2, and poor Abe in sackcloth and ubahes, mournfully wails: "This -gms was awful, and Mike Kelly at his best." On the 1,th Detroit turned the tables and gave it to the Bostous2' to , whereat Abe with a generos:ty that can only be app'eciated by a backer of the broken down D)etroilts, says: "Rad bourn (the Iopton pitcher) fielded his position way up," and add. pareothet leally, ""iau, you ought to have seen this game; it was iwmenine." There are many other gems of local interest. but as the allu.ions are lather obscure to tlhe uultnllltel tlhey canoot be re produced without a chart, which our limited lpace will not pelmit of. This reinuids us of a letter thbat Abe wrote to a chum hero last spring; It was wrilteu Irom Detroit and in re couuntiig the doings of the night be fore, he maid: "1 went to the theatre lat ighlit sitih the JIetruite and itcl with Bennctt." Everybody knew what that aiwp.e ,tatewmet meant; it meant the scuse ou bllss, and the future held for bim no happier el asude than "sit Ling with lHeunet." There is no doubt that if Ate's idea of the future state could be arrived at, it would be pic tured with thle Detroit club occupyiug some pioud ewiuellce in the Midst of a plaiu atrewn with the diltuemubeled fragments of the otuer league clubs, the chaupionship peunliut for all Lime, tlaiuiug over the heads of the "Wolverines," and high up in the centre, Abe, arrayed in a detroit uui forml, "rittlug wlth Bennett," while blazoned on the broad heavens woulu be the smotto "In Hoc Migno Viucis." Fnihuarllnce% ,f hhippers. According to Keenan I& ~onu circu* lar. the receipt. of cattle at the Union stuck yards the pait week bave been by far the largest in the blhstory of the live stock trade of the world-about 10,01)0 greater than the highest pre vioul record. The causes were several outside of mere chance. The farmers marketed their cattle because they beard that the rales were to be raised between Chichago and New York. T'he southwestern ranchmen rushed teir shiipments along tecaume it was given out that the r.ates would be raised from $: to $ti0 a car, from Kansaa City to ('hicauo, and the drouth in -ome sections of the went made .the shipping a neceaaity. The number re ceived tIis week was 7"01,4 head, agsillnt 40,04n) last year, and 6(O,l)O0 the inevltu" we' k. The demland for cattle has been heavy, but the receipts heavier. Fig ures at the olose show a decline of 4(0M l"" grade of western range tattle, 50 0 on mealum grades and 40 on the Camlwwulet, or (alnller,. A MaY.qucrade. Ilvitatlnon ate out fur a calico ma. qluerade, to 1Iw glven at tile Rink oil . ,turdsy evening anext under the mu- Iiicea of Manager Tully. It will be hilf skanllig and half dancing and as the colplUiies are inlllled to calico, it will not te very expensive on this -core. A Iman of five habs helen engag;.ed fur thle whole eveninglll alnd danlciing will conmweuce at 10 o'clock, at which tIne the mansk will be re mo\'ed. Skating lar begun to be very pop.llar again, and as 1th character of this entertaiumnent Il assured there will without doubt be a large attend. alirce. 1Ire- .., mKind. That was fhe title of the play that the Troubadours gave la-t night, but everyone who was tere will letlAry that there was eight of a kind and au almighty liv *;y kind too. It was the ltentionu of tile writer to make wmu tion of the leading featur *u of the per formance but th,.ie followed eacht other so rapidly, and amid such a tor nado eu mrurrimneut, that the ull'tanl fell on the las. act leavlug but a ohaotie remembrance of perfo nluaner that has never beell excellhl ol eqiualled in our opera house. save by its preieeensur of thle ulight before. *"'lmes of a Kind" io an tihee-, uni tlonu of the comupanyu their best pier., and in the light that it gives eve "onil, a chance, Ii. undoubtedly is. Nel:i. Mr.eieury was of course the tle enlll figure, aud fairly outdid hercelf lu helr elfjrtslt 1 ilease, ui which she s*u Irt uiaiphalitly nu'reemful. Her mosqulto Iuterview wiih HuBi FPiush, alid til. usue saw epicode with Jack Plotts in the Iirst act were bits of farce comedy sat. lug in wilich not a point wan lust, and wheu, at thi. tloale o. the act, ebe stood revealed in a faluionable bathb log custumw, a c!liluwn was achieved wblch Is seldom equalled. Her up pearance nl the second aot exacted a round of applause for I beauty of her coitumue, but this was edlately lost sight of in tite furlou that fl. º lowed, of which lhe was UWe chief in Stelrpletr. Mism Miartiles m DaintIy, I the %dopted daughlter, had ltee to do Sthan on the rivrtvluos eveni. but lobt no Bolulcartllllty .mmI II . "J out a millior challlacltr ii a ii1.tI m'ae'atelitlie ItIa. I ner. So t.o d lil maIen lerberl, whoi f wll a imioct "'llarlmi'gK "Country lamlr S wthi '" l,1 *hii g 1i tli h , ltI M 1 I1. i11 w illwh' Ith1 I. '11.1111', 1 11-111*Wll r I. u." a i W %u'l tut. Kit I- I Nr InslL, woll h r I en 'lalVed recall, nI,,l hb'r Juet with Jack Polls to the un , n-d i .,. msa "tue cute ;,r nu.ytthint; Though bard pushed by Webster and Mandeville, Mr. Blair as Jack Polte fairly won the first place among tLe male portion of the company, proving himself to be an eocentric cotetdin of the highlat rank. Particular mention Is due to Mr. Mandeville for the ad mirable and ariatlic hit of pantomime io the aeornd act, and for blh make ust in the third. A nonet excellent and thoroughly laughable caricature was Mr. Jaekaon's Priscilla, whose mitri ruonial endeavore were so rudely thw tited at every turn. Mr. Haney w Fernner Whit le in the first ast, and I~ter us Mr. Delatne, war also first cl'e. In fact, taken In whole or In partr no ger.ter ucceass could have tIi n achieved, and a more thoroughly arnu~ed audience never sat in the Ri'lk. Local hilt were numerous and delivered with telling effect. It will doultl.a, he aome time before this ex cellelnt eoitupllany will visit us again. hoti whenever it may be, they can rest aa.ured of a rousing welcome frow the people of Mile (City. LOCAL ITEMS. A Sumr Car lor PIe'. Dr. Kirk's German Pile Ointment has cured Bhlnd. Bleeding and ltehir g Plles when all other Oltatumeuta have failed. It eIheorbs the tumors, allays the Itching at uuce, acts at a Ipultice. glves Intant relief. Dr. Kirk'a Ger man Ple OIntmrent i. tpreparedlonly for Piles a'd Irching of the private part-. and nothing elme. Every box i war ranted. Sold by IlJhn Wright, I)rug. gist, Mile. ('ity, Mont. W ' i wish to employ a few salesmen on salary to sell our by "ample to the wholyevle and retail trade of Miles (ity, .lltann, and adjuining star's. We are the largest manulacturers, t our line in tihe country. end two cents in stamps fort gprticulars No poetals answered. Centennia 'f g Co, V'incinnnti, O. Mat With t 'omnfort and he Happy. It is by no means uncertain, but, el the con trary, a well ascertained fact, that on the well be ing of mal's Ltomnach depends that moditum of happiness which is vouchsafed to him in this world. DIyspepels, the foe of all others to the stomach's tranquility, anild most to be daeaded, is a complaint to the preliminary relief and eventual cure of which loatetter's Mtomach Bitters is spec itlly adapted. It enables those who use it with a reasonable degree of persistence to eat with relish, beause it it imparts a healthful appetite; to digest with ease, because it strengthens the stolnich;an.d to assimilate the food which is eaten and digeste , thus benefitting health,. promoling flesh and sus taining the exercise of the phy l al and ilelltal faculties. It, moreover, facilitates tre secretion of healthy bile, actuates without disc.ufort tlhe hsl,l ol bodL. anmd tend-. when taken upon retiring, to pro.iute hbaltb slumber Malaria is conluereed by it. Hood's Sarsapadill Thlis ucessful nmedricines acsarefully-prepared extract of thel be.t r.imedti s of the vegetable kingdom known to mednleal science as Alteratives, Blood Puriiers. liluretrs,. anld Tutors. such as SarsaparilLa, Tellow lock. Mti'llingia. iandelion. Juniper Berries, Mntldrake. Wild Cherry Bark and other selc'tecd rosts, b.arks and herbs. A mnedicle, like anythinmg else. c bie ailr!y judged only by its results. 1V,, pi!nt with satisfartion to the glorious record liood'a Sarsapartlla has en tered for itself upon the hl.:erts of thousands of people who have personally or indirectly been relieved of terrthl, suffering which all other remedies failed to ras h. tlld by alldruggists. 51; six for t. uli+ie l . y by '. I. IfMi) A CO., Apothecaries. l,.wetl. M , 100 Doses One Dellar His Pants 1% VICE ELEGANT. , F 'i..f it Uft. wf rre ,ntd to ,.'der from lf"-nC i (tsir, nPrnt, us, for THREE DOLLARS. I I Id three 2 cent stamlp For TwentI) Smples of ('t.lh io slect from, and ru.le for self l easu lel,met. Money returned if not uied. We eheerlully re. r you o saiy |presa t omt pan. r ..Merra tlie ifreet r a to our reponhill y. .end at ne for al the latest style.. Addren, EMPIRE State Pants Co., 1063 I 16 CANlL STKEEr, N"W YIIRK CITT. McIITIRE'S BAZAAR II. removed to the large anl comudi,,uu ,rick lture tIAtween BrandenrulUg , meal i,,arket and lasin·ki Hroa.. New Quarters, New Goods, New Prices. CALl AND SEE U,. 1 nliter 11No.k No\u n 1iIlhilion IcINTIRE'S BAZAAR IESUL! ' PATRI .,..N C~ ' R. -taurai.w V. . M ,, , it. 3,d WM,' 4tk ý t ieth. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castori. qUU. WEIi g PURE EpPRIC CREAM bAKING POWDER WPitsouperior exeollemee proven In millions of homes for more than a quarter of a eoenry. It is uedbythe United tates ( vernmont. Soloreed bytbe heals of the (rea" Univeratlies a the utrontet. Purest and moot Healthful. L)r. PIuce.' r eam r Baing Powder doe not acontain Amol monia. Ime, or Alum, Sold only in PRICE BAKING POWDER CO. NrN YORK CEICAGO T. LOUIS COLD LUNCHES Meals to Oider at al hours of the day or night. WINES, UqUOI AID C1iCt. 4ILVERBERG & CHRISTOPHER. BIRKLE & TRUSCOTT, Wholesale and Retail dealers in -CHOICE FAIRY GROCERIES New goods constantly arriving and EVERYTHING FRESH. We Iandl the the largest and most varied assortment of In the city. We respectfully solicit au increased patronage, pledging ourselves to give he be*t oat ifact ion. NOTICE THE BARGAINS OFFERED IDY C1, BTowers& Co Do not miss the oppor tunities offered each week. CALL AND SEE. .g. Ola. IIft MILES CITY IRON AJD PUMP WORKS B. ULLNII, Prrpriet. TRAHERN P"MPS"' " k rn w' r~'LNY rU l klndl u. work 'Ierao I..l Wood aurlch STOK PUMPS1 4r fd bb "the"s .e RUBBER HOSE I,. 11 1.r. ,,11o,11o,,,ik PROSPECTN TOOLS o,"L'.: :.. I n. propri.tor has Ibel to u mmall e*I~.p to S:il' I w a ,vi.c is of ri ,gtW1, and Workt . Plrtalt S ,i , e f itit hou,,-, @receive pr plt sIt*n . ntral rpalr it kinds of Machle*y inue ou the .bort.nt r,,t e Nat onlt ,ank Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. NORTHfaN piAI RAILROAD TI DI]UOT LIN Bnl w SAINT PAIL, MINNEAPOLIS, Or DILITD Idane, IWa.hibiu Territiry, And all Pintr Is Minnesota, Di kota, Montamu OREGON, Britih Colnaia, ond SouD an ALASKA. NO CHANGE OF C0Il ST. PAUl and PORTLAIN On Anr Ca il o TflkehL EMIGPANT SLEEPERS FRI The Only All Rail Line to tle YELLOWSTONE PABI hp-m 'lTm ae. Daily, o whur b auise d M PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPERS AND ELEWAT DInIS OARS. for tall Ilarmaau s to lim. Mai . a. OMAS. . PEEL 4.u* P1 aes ge `, IaUL. IE1gg IIONTANA SHORT UI When traveling every one should r ider well the question o eo omer comfrt, afety and spd, these questlr being of the mine importance in a joars of an hour a in one of several days' ritd An examination of the map will ocadlas anyone that this is the most direct a~os to and from all the principal paint la Con-I .,a~UL tral neeo-" tAILWA ta. Dakota and Montana. Our epulpmlt and time are excellent. Our rates e the lowest, but this fact is somethin which speaks for itself. Deflnite fasues and mape c n be obtained by applyila i any Agent of ti.' Company, or the Go enrl Passenger Agent. The following are a few of the Prihm e Points reached via this Line: ST. ('LOrD, F.4rK ('nRma, FaRovU Fan. V('uouroW, b~. V\'xcwTrr, tlTr'mOrIa I'Ayxv.ruII.LL, MORRI1 AriPro IOI a IlIAtu. I..De(,3I ... .iW. ateTOwx At. hIVES, E'LLENDALE, WAIT.ION, iaa I;1RND FURKA, (;RAPr.(, DEn LAI li err :A.u A'D BL-, nm), DAOrOA; OI. Fr. ltEY~Ts, (Ui.T Au As, LHlaI Ana A!) ALL '.A' IC iyOAST I'uINTS. Parties F ekinr farmsor buinesseke. ti',l n will tia,! unusual opportunities f Ih th on this hue in Norttern Dakotasa Moutaia,salso it: Minnesota wherethe Company has f,,r sa~e at low prices ela on favorable tel n.i ,., /).,000acrO c of e oellent farmit,,. --: i..:an.. l ti.lber.r d. For maps and c Iher i nformattion addze J. BOOKWALTER, C. 11. WARREI, .ld Commi.'olnr. ,tn'I l 'a. A^ UT. ALL, MINNS. L MAIxr., W. 8. AtuxamsA a'I Mamaw. Oma'lITra. Naý No Other Ri1ay i the NIl IIl has iu so %hort a perhid galord the rep. uiLttion and popularity enjoyed by thb WISCONSIN CENTRAL LI.L FrI & complaratively uoknown thaese in the a,.umiercial world, it bUa bms tratufo~rued to an independent, laI e~rntita grandi Tie lgh reue, with tllagnitlLent depots., superb eqUipesul and Inourpaaesd terminal raollitsl tllroughl areful catering to details b has wn for it.elf a reputation ofeollit Ity, isafet . cn venlenoe and att m kle to its put ron., second to no railroad lh the c,"untry. POllme apleepers, m c.I. of palatial enmtort, dining ars to llwhich the ul cuineand enerrialdppell ments are up to the highest mted~ and r',ohell etspecially built for bis route, are among the ehkf ele.".m8 whblah bhave mntrlbuted towardeelatl Inlg uoenrfully to a dlisalmall g public. Located directly on Its Is| between Minneapolis and St. Paul. Milwaukeeand Cbicago, and Duluthe i Milwaukee and Chicago, are the folkle. Ing tbrivtul cities of Wianmalsa al Mlehlran: New Richmond, Pallt. Eau Clairs,Ashland.,lurs, Ironwood. Mich., Besemer, ish.Sw ens Point, Neenahb, Menashb, 'ObiLS Fond du IAC. Waukesha, and Bedhip ton. Wis. I,,r detailed Informatloa,lowmtsm rent ritoe, b.rth b, ete., via this rets, to any point in the 9S or ih Ily to nearest Ticket Age.t,or Mlade WM. S. MELLEN, JAMES BARKER *ne.rsl Manae.r. (et. aL V 1.alii*t ,r "I WAAI ., F. M. ABS'o1, :. ,, Lwusira . I e.s, '- Oer a* L1,a*.s