Newspaper Page Text
THE DAILY J)OU1N Al. -'l AF .ie Fll l't$I1. JILE. CITY. MONTANA. TRBOFFICI AL PAPIE or ? UT3R cOO NT Th.eitellor Tt 1.a LLOWITONI JO('kNAI. il s resposlbl. for o any f the opll m esr auteranee of its corree..ondents. Natiel Is herbyl given to all conourlld that Tur Yu.LOWaTOUN JotrNAL IUBLIsIIdNG Ito holds the countract to do all prtutinl and ad vwetlalg. ef whLt, evr natu,. chargeable to Cue are oaty.aad Is also the dllgnated an onlrpa pr la Caster enly ton wtch s ervices by pub lcallon sa be legally made. legal notloes puDl"shed in ether pepeps of Custer ounty, are v. l and werthllesl, has been decided by the courts of Meatuas. No bills aganst T4 YILLOWST..E JOCIRNAL PUBISHINItCo.,Contractedby any ot lleemployes of said pear or others, will be recognised unless sceompailed by a writtel, or.ler sigued by the pub isher or buslnass manager Priday, September sn, l88s. REPUBLICAN TICKET. FOR PMIi1IIok.%1 *' F TLEi- UNITEID ZSTATEr., I NCLtUDINta TiHE .SoLID ?SOUTH. BEN HAIIRIION, FOB VICE P1ME.IW T OF TIlE SAME LEVII P. MORTONS OF NEW YORK. Fois JEL4C;ATE T) CONGIRE, THOS. H. CARII ER. Call for Republican County Cont~enioLa. In .urauaace of the action of the Republican Centl at Committes of ('uatr County. M. T., at a amet aS hbold in Mile. City. M. T., eptember 3rd, I~M primary weletions are ordered to be held iat t e various precincts tnamd below, ..n * r sdui. iep4untber 1aul. 1 NMI. between the heour of and 7 .clock, p. m.. for the purpo, of elcet. in, uslegael and alternates to the B-epubliesa C. .anty be held at the Court boure it Miles City. M. T., on Monday tbeicher thb. I.hs at !1 o'clock A. M. for the purpo.e of ple iog ia nomination a full county ticket and the - raaaectioa of such other Iustiaes as may properly i eme before it. The apportionment of representation of the dif toreet prectcta in the county convention will be as follows Mi City............................. . . ..... ............... Forsyth .....»............................. , : Rosebud ............................................ .......... Hathaway.............................. .................. 2 l iIgse ...... ..... ............................................ 2 A ,slse............ ......................................... ....... 1 iltehfor ........................... . .I Toerry............................................ . . ............ Fallon ......................... . ......................... ikataka ........................................................... T. D. Reach ........ ..... ......................... iastie ..................................... .... ................. Albrigt. .............. ... ................ ELchaah. . ........ Le's Ranch. Ro*cbud... .... ............. arpenter d Rober .o, " Reach RoseIu I ...... Ramsey & Reman's RHech. Rorsbuu .......... 1 Sutler's. Tongue Ilver ........................ 2 H o hkki ....... .. ......... ...... ..... ....... I Srlang's Ranch. Pumpkin creek.. ............. 1 Peeb'a Ranch, Pum,.k.s r.n ee . ............. I KI as'. Ianch. Tongue River ............... .1 lay's Ranch. Tnngue River..... .........1 Power's rebool House. Tongue iliver....... .. . Ashlald........... ........................... 1 Zoek'. Ranch. Tongue K er ................ Pe 's oanch .......... ....... .......... i HIll's Ranch, I'owder Riv.r......... ......... lockett, Ranch .......... ............ I Poudervile .... .......... ............ I b H. Ranch. Little Powder ............. 1 Titaht's RPach. Rtleom creek ................. I Alsada....... ......... ............... . 1 veruwt aw Mill........................... Allen'. Kanch ....... .......................... 1 Big pr n,. Tunlue River...... .......... I Howard ...... ........................ ......... Hubbard & Thompaos' Ranch ............... 1 M uddy ........ ............ ................... Cbeesina's raw Mill .......... ........... Ree's Rach, Roebud ..................1 lim ey .... ... ...... .... .. . . ' o ta l ... . ............... .. ... ... . . ..... .... .. ...... . ; itel.gaiteelectel under iti. c~ll will provide them.aeves aith credential, from the judges o rimary elections in tlheir reapetive p lrec' "*. it orderthat their right to seat*. androlu r the conrention may be determined. . IitUODON, 5. BccnHAtt'i, iccy. Cato. Centi. 'oti. PFUIDFNT C'L'VEI.ANI received Buffalo Bill and the noted representa tives of the Wild West show at the White House Wednesday. the. at paint of thi ndians and buckski a' the cowhnly mummers created a wensa lion in Washington. A Austin,. Tel*a,. mant cliaimr to have disaovered an Infallible remeds for yellow fever and offet. to enmpt*t for the proposed reward of $1041O1I offered for curh a remedy. He ha. wrltten aenator Plumb toIn that efft and declares he ia ready to enter the yellow fever diltrlet and cure any ease in frona ffteen mintt.f tA an hour. BOMB Mormon mluslolarier were headed off at New York Wednesday hy Collector Matone, and twenty-one little girls between the ar"e of 9 and 13 werestarted on their return trip to Europe. The Mo,rmon elders had In tended shipping them to Malt Lake ('ltybut their nefarlu4 design was de feated by the meritorious conduot of the IT. S. omRail. IERVANT GIROL FROM INDIA. gue.e Vietoria Delnght4d with Them. VaseI. Veeus khteesm. Queen Victoria. according to Truth of London, has become perfectly delighted with the female domestics that one of the ladise of the royal household brought to her from Bombay several years ago. She has recenty sent orders for servants enough to perform the work in Osborne, Balmorml and Windsor caaUt It is sid that these girls from "India's coral tr d" represent all the virtue and none ef the vices common to the average city demntc. They entertain no beaus in the kitches. eat none of the choice meat left over from a meal have no imp-. I ilo relatives to supply with sugar d spies, do not want to go to a pclnio hery week, and never ive notice that they ri going to leave jst before house ebasag time. Theiy are rpresented " quick to ea.n, while they coa Ilmr obedienme a a virtue. They m acquire enough of the English ian. lpg to enable them to understand all is samid to them about their work, but aeer harn the words Neasesary to use *'Is jawln back." T are M OrOp Ilqjr syet .and oederl pdoin ths wort When ih t is omplMea tey go their own apartments and notling is beard from them. It is thought that the fashion of em. ploying Indian servants will extend from palace to mansion and from there to smaller houses. With all the complaints about the difliculty of obtaining employ. ment in Great Britain, maost housekeepers have trouble in securing domestics. As a rule no girl will accept domestio ser vice if she can obtain employment in a store, shop or factory. There has been so much said and written about higher occupations for women that few are willing to work on the ground floor of a house. Female human nature Is the same in America as in England. The disposition In both countries is to leave the occupa tions that nre fairly remunerative and which offer constant employment for those wheret the pay i small and the tenure uncertain. Housework is con sidered as menial, while doing piece work in a factory is regarded as elevat ing. It is claimed that there is a certain independence about work in a factory that does not pertain to employment in a private house. The sort of independence that girls have in establishments where cloth is made into garments that are to be sold to a great clothing house has been shown in the various articles now being printed in the newspapers. An exhibit has also been made of the pay they receive. A better state of things exists in factories where wool and cotton are converted into cloth, and even in places where cloth is made into garments by the firmus that sell them directly to customers, but in neither case is there as large pay, as good treatment, or as much leisure as can be found in a private house presided over by an intelligent woman. In a factory a girl learns scarcely knyl thing that will be of benefit to her if she ever has a house to keep of her own. In the house of another, managed as the home of a refined family, she will have an opportunity of learning almost every thing that will be of advantage to her in after life. She can acquire the art of cooking, if she is deficient in it, learn how to take care of furniture and how to receive and entertain company. A man and a woman who have a few do mestics take an interest in them and are ordinarily good friends to them. It is hardly to be expected that the overseer of fifty persons will take an interest in any of them.--Chicago Times. Optimistlc Vlew of Life. Putting aside the question of revealed religion, poets and philosophers have be gun to see a dignity in human nature, a wisdom and beauty in life as we know it, and to abandon those dark and dan gerous selwulations which mort comr monly lead thought into gloom and de spondency. Things exist according to fixed laws. some of which we have dis covered and know to be just. We reason, therefore, that those laws which we have not yet penetrated. and may never penetrate, whose manifestations seem cruel and unjust, would, if properly un derstood, be found equally beneficent. us, therefore, obey those laws which we comprehend, Iear with patience that which we control, hold fast to the happi ness which comes in our way, and not trouble ourselves too much about the mysteries of our existence. Especially let us recognize ourselves as a part of humanity. Let us be charita ble and sympathetic, so that others will grant us similar favors and the sum of happiness be increased. Let us not curse men for faults for which from the na ture of humanity they are not responsi. le. Let us rather study the causes of those faults and try if there be remedies for them. Let us consider that nations are only aggregations of single men, each of whom is bound by the same limitations as ourselves.-Charles Ltin Uildreth in American Magazinu. Iondoe sad mreach Shopkeeper.. London shopkeepers expect their cuu tomers to know what they want and take it if they find it; French shopkeepers dis play more wares on their counters than they haw ,got on their shelves in the hops of; g weak human nature-the weak ftrziiine nature-to buy what is shown, whether needed or not. In a London shop a customer will always be treated with great civility; in a French shop a customer will not be treated at all -she will simply be endured. Some. thing of this lawsive disrespect of the cus. tom. r is to be encountered in those great private shopping institutions of England, the co-operative stores. A set off for its unpleasantness in this case. however, is the undoubted cheapness of the articles, which are actually sold at wholesale rates.-Olive Logan in Boston Transcript. To htop a Dog Fght. A certain means of stopping a dog fight is showering something over the logs that will produce sneezing. Be hid will ever so good, the motion of sneezing involuntarily opens a dog's jaws. Pep per answers very well, but snuff is proba bly the best, as it can be used ad libitum, and will certainly produce the effect ii enough is used. In a large kennel a supply of snuff should always be kept onb han.-Forest and Stream. Traem for the (Orssboopers. There are three principal methods of destroying these inserts. Where the land had been plowed for wheat none batched out, as inverting the soil de stroyed the eggs, and no hoppers found in the fields of growing wheat. But from adjoinmng fields. especially those where wheat was grown last year and then abandoned without plowing, they came in armies, sweeping the fields before them. In traveling this way a line of march is formed before which very green thing disappears. When Dr. left, some of the fields were eaten into several rods. The method adopted prior to the arrival of kerosene and tar was to dig a ditch two feet deep and two feet wide just in advance of the approaching host. A few inches of straw is then placed in the bottom. and the locusts are driven into it by walking slowly along hehind them. They cannot jump out and are burned; or, if straw I not to be had, they are killed by draw ing a log through the ditch. The tar i used by placing in a shallow sheet Iron pan two eet wide and eight feet log, with a wide board fastened to me side. This is drawn sidewise across the field the boujcers umpin aalst the bo and talifng into the tar, where they per. hlb. But the handler, more rapid and more completo method is to use kerosene on canvas. against which the pests jump. B.rong muslin or canvas, a yard wide and fifteen feet long, is stretched on a frame and carried on a sled like arrange ment pulleo by a team. The canvas lwts back, and is constantly saturated with kerosene. Every one that hops against this and touches hIl body to the oil dies instantly. One barrel of kerosene will go over about 120 acres and will kill 100 bushels or more. Each farmer is given one barrel of oil, and promises to use it only for destroying in.ccts.-Min nespolia Exchange. lTe eaults ofr Chesp.aMs." I heard a milliner girl who worked in one of our great bazars where things are "so cheap" nay once: "There's no en. couragement in this establishment for a girl to do good. conacientious work. The girl that is best paid and most praistl by the forewoman is the one who rui.hes the most thread through the worot ribbon trimming and cloth and make.. the hat or bonnet just hang together."--Prentice Mulford in New York Star. Wonderful Jumping A remarkable jumping feat was ac. complished at Kidderminster on July 20. Derby. in jumping a successaion of twenty jumps. covered the extraordinary distance of 88 yards 6 inches, Icing S feet 6 inches beyond anything previoutly accomplished.--New York Sun. ParD's MILL, TRas. June W.0, IS-The Swlift b)prIns C.lnpary, Atlanta. Oa.-G-en tieliuen: One of my children was troubk-l with rheumatilm and bols for about two years. We gave her various kinds of mrni clue, but without Inuoft,and began to despair of curing her at allwa I w persuaded to try your Swltt's IBpjlaf. After she had used ~reral bottles the ldisease all dlsauwarel. antl she Is now a hale, hearty and healthy girt twelve years old. Another child has Just amlicted In the mame way, and I am using the B. . I. and anticipate a lprcIml and permanent eura e . C. WAauisa. Rýmn ts, Mo, July 7, Il-t--The Swift Sperltel C'o. Atlaia.I, O.-rGuetleanW Our Ittle irl when but three weeks old broks out with sec:na. We tried the preacription. from several good di toars, but without any spocial bleneft. We trkd S. .& 8. anl by the time one bottle was pgue her head t.gat to Ieal and by the tlte n -ho had taker six ottales she was m. llpletely cursd how ,lla has a full eanl heav. head of harl-a robu-r. harty child. I feel It hlot amy duty t. ra:ci.ka tlus statement. ltespectfully, H. T. bso-.. CarTYYAuoMn. TuI.. June i.", l~'-The Swiftl SecilCo., Atlanta : Ito 14s . contracted bloud plonm, and at wI..* woughta Ia ysille. who teated me for s.e. ral months. By his ad•l.e I weat to Crab urahard SIpings, Ky., where his colres of treatment was carefully observed. Ireogs. rred. as I thought, but the next sprlng pll. tile IbganU to appear on my fa.e al bod). These gradually inreased to wors and nru ulng ulcers. I was advsrld to try L 8. B., and Immadiatelyafter takin tl I Cn mmenced to Improve. slowly at orst, but loIno rlaidly Ifterwrdls, and soon nothlin rcaluedl to gtell of miy trub.a. My Wold Is now thor euglhly cleasu, and any stelm free fron railt, and I owo any I.s-eelit comitit'n-a ,arfect ure--to .our medicinle. Icheerfully ivre thii s statems-t that others who hase I terd as I have may reap Ihe sane he.tIL. 11ARDY I. ·Ita, It West Ninth St. Romga, Lt., May I,9t-The Iwift Speralne Co., .t,:aut. UO.--elntlm. : Ailut two )years agJ any general health rate wary in trely. I wa.s a debilitated that I alm.-t red of ever feeling well again. All th the phyaltia l done forme thgought it.o pelmalent reilhf. Friends Isted l at should glee S a It•faletral, although I thought it would be throwing away aime). After taki a tihorough cosurse. my health and stren. returned. anid mist that L . S. alne cured u.i as I alcald all others while usllg It. As a tonol I rea ment Lheartily recoummend It foer nteral debility, ioesrtalnlyela i specii W. F. I J. . osan. La.-I know Mr. W. F. Itdgee. and will say that his J statemnet Drugsiwt. Joearm aWsro. Dragglt. Treatlse on Blood and Skin Diseases male I free. Thy swoT rectiro Co., Drawer .1 At hflta. (lie Notice is berety gives that a meeting of the .toakhiullers o the I'ar:;.r ('ttile (Co.paniy will h, held at room 101. N . . roduce , I;1aild aig, l tihe"'ity, ('Cunts atad -taleof New York, on Ihe Ii7h day of Novrctubr, I ,. at tI'o cl.ock in the furenion. 'lThe laiect of sach umeetlng is to cotln'ee the ,rga.. zitiUn of said coumla'y lby directing the stock thereof t e aissued ut tlhe personsl who may alln-t be eentitlea trhecto: to elect olters of saad coalnIIya f.r the ensuing year, to take such actioll In refetence to the disolution of said cmnipanly as umay he Is.essary Isad to transact such olber hbllu ness as may be I Islly and properly pre-ssed to said euirting. SAMLM. PARK R. EUWA II G, Hues e ,r. ' Tristees. (i.u. W. ALLEkto.s. Notlire. Notlce is hereby given that a meeting of tIle tiust.s of theo P'rker Cattle ('ompaiy will be held at room 101. N. Y. Produce Echillate litilding, In the ('ity. Couty and state of New Yotk, onI the 17: h day of Novemb*r. 1S. t Sitel ve o clotk In the foi.tioon. The I o ject o such m.ngletia I to take such action as may be necessary and Iaropir to complete the organisation of said company, to trn naet nee'* eary business In connectllon iberewlth and to take such action with reference a dassolutlon tbhelay as ally be necessary and plroper. SAM'L M. I'PAUr., I lIWARD (i HUilGafis. tr,•tae. (Ga. W. ALI.LEtTUS Prnlglalma for ('are olr roor. I 'FICK (oF ('1.KIK AN) ItI COIti.K, ' ( 'gaKIt (4.C% TTY. ,lii Cityly, Moonta, ,epi. 21. 1,. J Nothe as here"by gi en thaI sealed oromposll. will be received at the ountly clerk's urce, of 'uster county, fIr the cale. suppor.t and mai0ntentrl at the ('onty Poor Farm, ,t the sick. p.let sad Infirm ou tlhe ciuatr, ic rcapitsa h, thewlla. k lfr *ns.uuing year, comumencing iece.mlner It.ih. IMMk $aId proposals to Include Ith) ue of th I'ourntl I'. or Farml., MOd cover therno re coe of tof 11 n.l, 'hiI in(, and nllr.tlg of said eik, po.r and intrllrm and all bilrlilelpensi therve-r. Bald prolpwnlt lrh ll t rIe crived until 12 el. of lnday, lee. .nu) r :'rd IP'., addmrerd to the underiglned aInl mauirked *Propoaals for ' are o I'oor By order of ttle Hoar. . ('>u ty I 'lark. Noltaw eof Adn.inlIratr's MSai.e of ItealI Es late at Privalte .e.. toltce i. hereby givn, that In pursuance of aI order of the probate court of( uIter coullt. Terri tory of Moltana. mead on the "lh day of ...l4m er., A. D., IleIt. in the Illtter of tie r.anel of William McKean, Ise card. Ibthe udertslgi.,rd. hI, administrator of said estate, will s:l Lat trIvt sale to the highel t hiddler, said subject to coulfr. -otIo. by m.ld probteo court, an or after iday the fiLth day ol Otot r. ltlt, all the rightll title, latretato I esatl of lthe said William ~ImKlan, de-easd, at use time of his death, ant Ill he right title and Inter sit that abe amid estate has, he operatile of law or othierwles acquirel other than orl. iditilmn P, that of the a i I entlestte at . l. t .eof his death, 'I end to all that Il a!I. l.t, pl(ee or parcel of laid eituate. lying and hrll Iri the eounty lIt c'utsr, Mh. T ,It 1'a l.rI as ollltows North half of the ,olmtlheat quarter iant the southeast quarer of t:e southi. ., *itiu'*ir ilmI lots a e and sll of .lirtin two. of It..i 1.hl, "il north, rangelI hily-le. e. rmet., i his nm-mi dreadl and seventy-one antd 5,. I' Ride or ffeirs may the wade a "11 .i , ' tt'e iAr. pullicatlec llo this notIe'..' I II. Inl of the sale. All tile . or i r. Ing and left al the o1,e of I. ' '. In Miles city. M T. *i ,. , ,, I, . , l. h Nichols, of RL. ht, M. Ni .. tr .oin . S1 ~e1 . a 11,. Admisistralor 1 the P4sle of H'illiai .hilm.II de*ased. E. A. Kauslmls, Al.trn Y. "Nearly Everybody Reads It." The Merchant reads theChicagL. ·elly~ wMa fheu r Not a ah se he knowthate na.LmaeSy w hhadels becaue he must know what's gol.g oi i the Ut dayby ~ d ii the more rE .l tein the me busine cen tre d the world, cad he ea't wst e mabkee-he dopsPte ed for the ow twee. hel sn The wr n nmn 8 iell aeed t h I a Grandfather reads the Chi o Daily Ne is theseestieChicago Daily News because Uenadmother d5s theCateag. Daily 5wg C.raida&the reads th Cilego Deiy News '.ause it gives all the mew, ad yet so conden.irt she was" to keep up wh her heband general becasme she stli wa.ts to hnw what's golg ea. l it doesn't tire him out to read it. And thIi ledormao , and this she pscslarly enjoys the And it'es comfgort sa daily paper Is th Ile prit it so clears ld his sad things special interest to that's clan and pure, e she's ot afra l wome which Ue la it evewy day. " the children ee " The Boys al want the Chicago Daily News The Politiaan always sads the Chicago Daily The Cirs all read the Chicage Daily News because it gives the bae bllnews so fully,-to ry News hbecause its a imp.eal paper, and whether l.-aus thry're speaily interested in its chatty nothing of all the other thiegs boys enjoy And he likes its indepdentb o , h w tt rs boys a go st lash.ns and hotme mate. Ir, to say this year ven the boys ddo't skip the political know the trr'". lie "s) s i.s I a.ol.r n.,thlnI adout the exdellent setal story always "org. par y an. " Li1t w noe he w -ant colJ.d/ . hr r The Po#t Ufc rd, uys : " early everybody who reads the Fhis lauu;e in..ruund C*hd *biut .'. .. the Chicago Daily News." I o lts a "short aid to the point paper,"-made partiul.rlv lor busy people. a.d It wci one cent ada. All nrewdealern sll it, and all po. unta"-wnr d smbecriptim for i at 3.0e a year, or $.oo for loue nonths. Aiddrec SVICTORL F. LWWaUN PubhLheu The Chicago Duly News, Chicago. I)r. lI. b·I & Co. will Imn Helena. Mnnt., (Wc. lMth ,..the :1 lt, IMNM. iammi will havu Elfle. Ian tihe Boler IBlock. .All rrsideesn. orl nnltaa are mordially InciLted ton cull ror frert eoumeltatleaa. DR. LIEBIG & CO. The Eairupran Medical staf ant 'ipea'al itaaretu Sri Pl'yt.aa. o" th'e l.lohln World I llpemaIl san luaernatlooal Surgical InstituLe. The sure £'eal ranca re aieurtc ltitie of a. lal Leulieg 1 *let1Ir tu - p I ,cetrpatg ruq Ia I s ano,' alce, tine of the r ? a r. Hip Q J Jolatglt , Came, I)' UIt f torted t. Lmb. or W A roil .vle. rC ill III? ) ooar geeVol. NO ll e i Magguetic The medical branch dlevotaaepaala. alcnscia, )to all hbronic. (5omplicated. Private a, 4 %%atling Diqaemm. resutllting fromli hbad', Ireaca r1esIot ae ate or mraoral nakar". or ltoan i'al" f re, ana of 'mth, tlrginlg on ".p*rmalotr'iO. aneminal Vasakneue r ea. aunnatural hlrtho gron Ir I ·Iy which eauoaratal alau he caaa t ii aaon- a 'a Isr a. 9' Decay. l".a. of Vitality or MIanhood, wrico re-v' Iroua a.1Oek of maturlty. The re 'son ' Imaia are not cured of ataove aom plaIInt I owflig toa ct.allC loul calledl I'rostator the. which ouar treatmlet alonaccan cure. Varlcoa-wle. wormoy vlins In crotuam. P-rltctue. blnd and akin Impurities ;sauallyl acute private trouhle.. safely, conlaleutially ana quaickly cured. (alarra al the mncous maemlaernceo' the heMaderhladder suocaulully trraed; also tlroat and lug diaruca. FewasleW complaint. and all dr; 640 couplicated dlmeme of oeusa. carefully treated ly our new method wherely nuola. the usual physical sauialasllnat are required. 1)1. placc-nteute of the Iterus and al.' edal moamsplainte pecaular to females, souerual ly tratrd All aatguagee janken mud written. Writs in yousr owe ian guqye. Tliemat aoanwerfl I.LKFTKIC IIEL.TI fresto aatleete. (dll on or adJreua Liebig World Dilsensarv. 410f (lerart It.. Pam Franolsco, ;a Great English Remedy 1Sb lrkMurray's Srecific. A guarautued core for all nervcils 14MG. ..sch on Weak Nesssssri, t us.. .sf liraiss rower, Hysteria. Il9,dahe, Maiss In the IBak, '.4r..uw P'rpsltrallua. Week as.u-. Lcmmc·srrheha. IlaiveP. .asI Lassltud.,$ P.sUal Weal.. SeTakie Ir . Iusnvnontenc. p..d general use of I over of the (Ges4'rraIf 43ean..; In ltbs-l .i epiised I,.e Ni erelon or f'-T user t on, anou wbhie I. tlwael'Iu lead to l'seuastiire Old Ag.. .lasasli aswel Cosseufu LIss. *lIj0 a box of alt Ogg a fer P.CO. M1Aheat 7r"ý. 1les. by wsll..jI n I.-001, oj f prios. FIul pp. ilele,' n g.'ilpt, bent free (011511) epp·llsell. We Summeg. " mem tocur eves~c a Firsevr, "5 00 oiler rreslveel ws, sed six bowss themese I f our spustle doee not effects cure. tgs akieg. Addreall on* asmtealons to the sole man. factuten. IkE EMRRAY MKDICINK (1) IFEMK. ACE('11KN S CO., Sbl.ltsaIr ead Dktall Agems. Heleaa. Most JOHN CARTER'S ffUq will Jcnn 9111f For MAN I For BEAST ! S u an LUniment V V L ;TABLIUHED 1t77. JA.l WOnw.IAN & CO., PROPRI"TORS OF THE Minneapolis Sheepskin Tar. AND DEALkRS IN =D . , n8r PlLTS, Ur , WOOL, TALLOW Ginseng and Seneca Root. SHEEP PELTS & FURS A SPECIALTT. o101. 10 o 106a oo ....a s ke. a Iusz moUas, nrm. Shapmenta Sollioted. Write for Ct. ula.u . Get Oir F es on Jo PnI ,. 1T .., rl gun oI I1 . ", uo·· )ludr Thonauid a a flealrlr~ or pl 01 lIly L'nIIII·J .d ,. and I.'nt.. lt ss} trlru, lbea nub s .hrr of t ..i ci !.· Amaarteag ounlll n. in M *i as eo*ItIfl I rpatnata, r. I.. Mr6.. KN. eight., .o, vo.e the I17.,.dI tIlS L.18s lt,.tni { E'ana,la Vt~gljudUaq inuuY. Dad oali.r ci. n vnm.e Thi sce is usanuwatd sged tLher I(aoIIItM 51 SNO ýa..d. Unwlnp and e tltloelnna Ffr T D .IrtshI'lwul anti .peei o"iwr ncw 1100- sad 6*11 tea. cud,'. K1n'e hlerfoe. eai..~oae1aIU e K drawinge A'Ssrie. i' tee.." Ire. I'al"Il . 'da(~)aw(( he.... ti nIII .11'n u~netIW t blt.. "l II %1'IVII' AMPf1.II.whYe bineh lb. .l~·, "n' mn ýIle~l mn and rllr t 1n·Iura Telle r ro l e'e. ',I elt e Ite Mo I" T$. ad+wilie of.u 'eb a out... D...w paeeO 11 ý~ l"' I a an .,, "' ,i'lIl Illu.taud n**i I £1, l'," i. 1. t. Ine ' .' t p,., ·r ii'. oi to In,·" " I~l 111Y l'rI1e' %, -iri'" ''lll t/erka 1 IiI py1.1 . "' . .,r)0, w- '.I it, I.. nl~l ynua yrrb a.,',, ',uy It "l~n l~pa e~ alI.t, " lr I-ca,. Ir. I lue '0 IA ra,,{ ýe 7r I t er u for e ys II . 1 .r a .nl.·ýn to p$W 5111 aDboe) aiit M~&aI a Le 6 Children Cry for Pitcher's Casteon. thbr rLl tALOIy i A.1. SPALIMUH&U #4wlrfr w Io THIS PAPER'' SU 6 n 16j·" UU4 hri . *r t l .i g Asti ma d . belle " r biial cg The "d t I.. I