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THE DAILY JOURNAL º,l"A l ItIll l I l MIL R. C)*. M(ONTA SA. THXOFFICIEL PAPERI OF 43('TKR COPNTI TheediLoro' Hii. YKLL.'W TuNI J.'i kSAL Is sot reaponibdbl for anv If the ouin oils or stterae.C'oI Its erre.·.Lndrnt. !otiee is hereby given to all cote u rue' IhsI '133 YFlAuwaT"'.3 In, IsLNA. ItfL'IaIIt~ti 414 holds the c.ntract to do all printing slid ad ,ertlalng, of wi atever natu a chargeable to Cus ter couuatys.d i. also the I.sligiaatd .adlony paperr it, Custer couuty in w! icn service. lby 1ab'icatioil can be legally wade. Legal aotice+ p b'·Iisd iii other papeps of Custer coutiy. are r. '-d aid worthless, ma haa keen deciied by thue conn of Mlaitains. 9o bills Against T S Yct.Lt.uiWilrt Jot RNAL )UaLIIHNlhU C'., contractedt I any of IIoI. enplunyes 0 'aid paper in otbora, will Ih' r. c..g'Iu- I unless sacompanlief by a writtel onler -iguel Lay the pub i'hsr or busler-+s muianager. Saturday, September 29. :388. REPUBLICAN TICKET.1 STATEI-, I .t LI 1U Iil ,!ill: -oIII'1 MOI'TH. B'lEN HAlRI1-rON. LI'I 1'. M&)If 1 U 11N, T1IOs. II. CAl V'EIL. Call fto' I.eputiLcan (r Otutli I4 ll.ntllton. In pur nace of the actlon .I the l.ep:bisca. (eantral oolalttee of llllster ('muty, bl. T, at a nie-til, held in Mil-- 'lty. .1. T.. .lptlemwbe 3rd. 16118, p iniary elet. tlion ar orderred Ito be Biel il the ariOus pretinrl t ll"a l etd rluow. Ia Iatur daty. r.ptlenlwr "?Jind. IN14N, between the bour of 4 a t " o. lu.k, p . In , or the purp, e of .I tfou u egites and a;lrnalt. to Ihe Iltpubli'cau Com ly ( ual o ,lu ,iO Ih. heIld at lile o(urt hlou.. in I .e * ity. .3. 1.. on .IoInday ,t h.lhlr Nill 1 K. 4 at 11 o'clock A. IM. for tlhe purpr.e ol Ilac ing in nottnalionl a fill county tlicket aid hi, tr.llaction of Iau b ut her I ualuss as way prop#'rl) col.e before it. Ibe apportionmenlt of repretnl.t.lion o. tile dii freiot tihe coullty couellltio will b, a toll.ew Malme City............................................. " - urytbh ................... itosebud......... .. .................... ! at haway ............................ .............. loixon .... ..... ........................... . . Al sle .................................... ilatehfor, ...... ................... . ....... Tl*er iy ............. .. . ...................... Fallon ........ ..... .. ...................... Ikaleaka ....... .... ... .................. T. I. Kanch..... ........................... tam4l . ............................ . . . . . .Ilbright. Eeches hta . .................... IMe's liaen. Ito-,tud... ... arpenter & It,,wr -o '. Ranch RK ,u ...... rlam.eyv i , Rll..nch, Ro but ........ t'utler's, Tongue Ilver.... ............. lh, ch khes .... .. . . ....... . .. . .... ........ I I ring's ....... P l.kin crek .. .. P lerbr' Raiclh. PIna pkl , a reek ... ........ I Ise'a Itma.b.., Tuglle River . .......... Lay's Ranch. l'Togu liver ... ...... Power' a'chool Ihue, 'longue I:ivrr. 1 A, bland .. Zook'. Ralaa'l. 1 flngue I: a r. Hills Ranchi . * nwder I:l r .. ............ HIockett.e !Itach. .. .... ...... P;oedevlal . .. ...... A II. Rlanc I.itte I'orL, r Titb'et HItanch bluam crek ... Al sadaI.. y . ................ ,over nent aw 1 .. .. . ........ Allen's loar. h.. ........ .......... Ig -pr n.t itver.... HuoA rd Hlubbard A ThollI -, iu' I'.anch . ......... ludldy .. (,n's -aw !ill Rue'l Ranch, 1: .-*.I . 1 11 rnl y ... .. 1 T otal .... . ..................... .. . . ............. ....... hlir Igate el ci ll. ud la,; r 1 .:- i, i il i,' de sill "r let ,.la" Inns +h," ind , a primary electlnn r ellll t .,1 tl'v" I,. ~c . n orderthattlihlrl al'ht It. t .*' a'd:.. Is lie t".. ,Vetsl on may 1,." l'h'l. n. , l , cK . '' ., | a I 's. l - v u. AIJI TAT'I'-iI NElt.1, II .II li Ih miontal rilurt --Iliuattl that il,l" (raltn ArniIy ill Jillm" ,ltilti hit- it r und ii Atair in 11111 'ON'll alalB r rtnnel numb ·-r· Iicl gl namillsh.'r-, 'lhe grt. l lll i il t. , l i -' '" i the Ian I year laI-l Ie r l,:at t Ii Il..4>-l ha|h werr .41lie" , '.I ].. r th- p. 1: ter enilBin 'Jnli- 341. l.i hi'e Iaan,I'r of I athe wa I I . the "c(Xw 1.4.\" IIrth.A pIKIDM, w' x lrl,', iiill"'. dllr o lallc doettine -o , Mu. v....1tuIV *-r..,'I:t1 tI00 the* demnlcra -. jr " (·.ul I4.; ' m;~ n~ Vit, *lUrit le it se 1 a ,' :o" onto iv 'to". " I'.'w~irr H l'ý' 1I.r': Il two::" AN OLD TIME "HOE DOWN" A Country Party in Canada I. Ili| Days of Long Ago. Did yon cever get a "bid" to a dance in the country? I mean a real, ,nome made, fifth tconcoions, log house, qu:arter of a century tack country party. A spree, a hoe down, a noeghlxtrhood ~hI:,k'r of the simple, ready, rough, pirmtvr .l:iys. 1id, ehf Then you will remnemlh r that on the morning of the lday lix~d for the party the board partition that ran ne.:on the middie of the, how 4.i was pulldu downi, and the teds were piu.d in one 'orn. r, and the bunk was showel up to tih end of the house belide the stve., anl tho stout legged kitchen tal,he was. lplhII nagainst the wall at theoather end of the rootn, and a stout legged chair planted on the table, aid to that chair the fiddler was elevated, aad there hle rolled his gray old head haom side to side, and whisked lightning from his elbow and fingered in ecstatic frusy and beat time with his cowhide boots, and the throb of his euger mn.,ic tboched the very inner keys of life andI irtred the young blood and 'oftenel tlhe ldening musckle and loow'd the ,ettld JdaW of age until the store c hook nld dishWa rttlh*l on the shili .s and ihe be Of the feet on the dancinug floor was e ithe cranhing of a score. of liitll*t*, deadened a. by the swel p of a mighty bosom between. How they dancedl Ilow the tfllow who had a few ste ale hon, nldl ,'al'red and pounded the flWor with hIm roeuwhidlMel And how they swung! Rounl anli romund, aed rolnd saud round, until the per~pira Sias rolled down the face anl the breath .eew. fr a renewal of the Lease. Tamed ,n,.d-. un rate days. They swing no more. And they dance no more. The euighty clatter of the old Scotch reel wlhere old people unlimbered and shook ofl the steps of youth., and the young people gasped to keep pace with the elders; and the opera reel-they called it the uplper reel-which the old folks also invaded; and then the cutting out jig. where the youths one after the other did their tfltt steps. and the girls did the same, and von often got on the track of a liking or an incipient com ls"ny keeping by noting the time and circumstances under wAlich some par ticular girl selected to take the floor, and who thus Ibcame the partner of her choice. and the same with the male end of the performance, white the cut out was much wore likely to have a signifi cance. Do you remember that as a boy you felt if you could grow up to call off dances. ur Ip'rhaps call off and play the fiddle at the samune time, as you once knew a uman do. and whose image lived in dour memory for weeks, that clerking in a store or even teaching schlsd would he nowhere: or perhaps you know a clerk who kept store and could call off also, and you ached to grow up and be as great a man as he? It is hardly likely you knew a male teacher who could dance much. Somehow the worry in the teacher's head over arithmetical problems and the confusion of dates and the eccentricities of parsing seemed to get into the teacher's fees whuen he got on the floor, or, as a native used to put it in a place where I once lived, his left foot was Methodist and mixed him up and diýngraced him every time he man aged to get for a partner a stranger who hadn't been told how badly he danced. It seems singular now, when you ttink of it, that the best dancers among the boys were woodchoppers and farmers and farm hands, while the best among the girls were the daughters of hotel ktepers and village merchants, and very often the village teacher was a mighty spry little thing on her feet, for the reason that she was almost always such a great favorite of the dancers of the other persuabiou that she couldn't avoid holding the floor, and was a dancer in spite of herself. The dances were usually kept up until 4 or even 5 o'clock in the morning, and were then closed with a stupendous breakfast, followed by an effort to get a collection for the fiddler. And these pioneer fiddlers were dlockingly under paid, Very often they were not paid at all. They had the gr:.titudle and the ap pr(,ciation of the time in which they lived. But no more. They liddled through two ,enerations, but the second did for them little better than the first, and they passed down to the grave miserably poor. Toronto Globe. The ltleb Ieggars of Thrace. Perhal~ the most curious of all guihdi in ll Oriental town and oI.e which tflour ishes exceedingly in Cavalla is the be, gars' guild. Like olher guilds, they have their own laws, their president and their council; this council gives a diljlolia to tEiose who wish to beg, and without l*.r. oission no one durst seek auins at the churches, mosques or street doors; all the legitimate beggars would ri.e up in arams against him and his life would int Ir worth much. Friday is the recognzized beggars' day, on which day they go round from di4)r to dor and get their wallets tilled with bread and bca:is: thII.e are divided by the cowmmuWity: nothinig is private property; it is against their creed. The beggars' brotherhood is rich; they pos"ss house property, the income of which is spent for the benefit of the com munity, and once a year-o-n the day of St. John the Charitable-thcw have a feast. They all go to clhur h on this day. It would be diflicult to rcougulize the tidily dressed members ,of this ho n or:lble community in their beht clu'thes; rags and tatters are only de rigu.eur for them when they are on their rounds. Beggary pays very well. If a beggar's daughter marries she is dowered by the community, the president sees to the be trothbl, aid his consent is essential. At Salunica blind Demetrius is the presi dent; he ii teaily rc.ognized as he pa raCes the streets, sinuing his uverlasting wail: Day and right, day and night, I I:va in the dark. Wrech tt h-t oml 1 bhr the word, but I cannut And though you know him to be a rich man, that hLs wife is well dressed, and that his daughter will receive a handsome dower, his pl.:s for alms is -'--- irrsistible.-Cornalu .!."azine. The bent and Pou't Remedy for Cur of all diu.e a ranard by anj deraagement et the Liver, Lidneya, Stomark and Bowels. Dyepepela. Sick IHedache, Constipation. Btillo. Complalut anhd MlahrlAof all klna, yield reiadily to the braeecaent ln/neace of It is pleasmt to the taste, toe" up the system, reature, and p.eserves bealth. It Is parely Vegetable, and eann)t fall to prove bmfleial. both to oli and younK. As a Blood Puriier It I. sawrluor to all others. hold everywhere at $1.00 a bottle. SSU 1, PAT' . "no. C '. Reut . ..,. S I , h "r o l h l I of " th. rdm~i 0 h A lbW YOU are hustling around for your share of the woild's good gifts, and it's hard work: think of something else. This constant work will tell sometime - perhaps it has already- and nervousness, sleeplessness, neuralgic and rheumatic aches and pains are part of the "good gifts " your hustling has won. If you are that way, let us give you a prescription-no charge for the prescription, though it will cost a dollar to have it filled by your drug gist. PAINE'S CELERY COMPOUND o1. Sig. Use according to dlrcctcons. All druggists keep it. It will strengthen your nerves, tone up your whole system, and make you bless u., for prescribing this great nerve tonic. Be sure to get the genuine, prepared only by WEUS. RICHARDSON & CO.. Burlington,Vt. (first! publication Sept.mber .i. 1u.i.. '..fler. tor I'Publicratiun. I.AND OFFI(E AT MILFS('ITY, MIT.. f-eptrwber 25th,) 18VI Notlie is hereby glven that th. following named i.ett.r ha+ tiled notice of his intention to mask. tinal proof in .upport of hill claim, sad that said proot wIt hb' made befuoe register and Iecelver at eal Cli1t Land Offile, on Novcmber th at 10 +nd hW' J Q p % -e. ! t, T.:,n, l: 1. F:. Ilr o rmaa t t·"llowa'g wit iif*Me to prove his conItiiuuIs nri delnce uponi. and cultivattoni of, saidl In't. rie: Ld~car J. Taliiai.rr.. of insr: II. tirc. I. IlIward~ut .tna: ~corg. E t'utler. of I ulur; William hnury it, lll, sat t'ut kr. A. (GI,a"VK, Reiister. Notice a here'. y Rven that a miieetitg of the .i,,-, I ,ldJ. r.i I I. Ia 'srur Paftt. ('nspaIy will b. atl : at rou o Iill. \ Y. troi lici - cha. ge iilld ,n¢, i' it..' t .f t'ftc rol -itwo of \f'w tYork. on ie' 1t u1aJ;' of N.iie.ibv 1r i at In o c.Ilock in the horefn. II. 1Ii I-p cI of "i,.hi ,o tt.e tI to coflmpete the ,riU rcci.. sl l.aid counlia-i by diolititg the -1 c: hire 'f t.' a" i-a..e4 lo i I.r.n a ho iiay It1. it la eutl..le there...: to , b~ett nihcerhl , aasl iiivifIi,' cthe 'i.'" rear f,. ta fke .uc1. action iii f--i..frcfif n, iii 'iimn,,hiiiji ,,r 'iii' coipUjii as e ill,, I ,.'. y .n d it, tra~il st +u Ii othec bii ii' a,, nitiy i g , ly iuid iir..l. nrly jptf'gi~kl to ci . \. AItI' At . J El~u·\HI . (. 1 Tr·I eJ·. .uot l,. Ni-oth,-. is tlereby given that a meeting of the r,alt,~-. fthe ',rkl *r C'tltt 'e n i m I panT will the )wll. t: wat lii. . Y P'rol ie Ex, humilding, ithe 0',t), (."uty iand minde of %ew York. on the lh It if N,,rmtlblm,l 1'~. at elvex u ocltutc. ill the folrenon ' b ject of auh Itin. a ; Inis to taike such (action . laI. necei.ary ani d lprolr to colph to the .rigtdni l tIilon 'f Haid COmIUpally, to ItraanIt lne" tmary tbur in'". in otlllet.tiipn thermellh ian to take* *tith act io with I .tetfrence o I dlssolullon theieyf is may le t..-.ary and proper .AW'tL .. l'Ati.r a. I H-i t Ki I. 'istr t., Traigee. O... 1%..t i t. .i. lt% 3 Noti.e. - - 'i. rri ory 1% o mlla.:.. In the mIlt.r . the cl'uert of ilarlner P. (t'tou. tin k. d1 t-i in Ir it r to Ilihow e why orler of tale of real *tat,- shotn II I I e I tllim l :dary J. i',,.tmt,..L. the almininstratri of thi State' of imllrlnetr 1'. Ilomato(L. hsI. Y it I :ejd ti.' i"e:I in htIr, Ii lrat Illg I. r an order of a lit it the r"-. enstat-. of said aetedent, for thie pur p lealtherein t f rlh. I, I' h. rire* l, ord,.ered Iy the said i'ours, thlld ll ;i -r's Inter. Nmtl in, :he estate of sat'I ,.nc-ars-ed, e.l ," the laid I robtue Cour' on o-;in1A, Ilhe .4. II lay ot i( cttlr. 1,t, at ten o'clock in 1teo fir' t, n *f said day. at the u(',rt room of aid4 a',llrt a' l e ('ity. in ti. oIntIllI y of C('u ter, to h iwue a ll" y en Iri or hootll I lnot I* granted to Sie Nitl stt, ilistrstrix to tell ao nuch of thie real .,Ia. f I he to.d deeeased as shall Ihe u..c.ary. end tIlat a .iop of this order i piuhllqhrd at less lour sccemsitr. weeks In thle WiTlly "Yellowltomn .lurinal."' a nwapllapr printed anti puilihed in tai ctuter (moutty, M. T. Wa. C. 4TAKIILE Tt f vt.: ( I'"t1 Ka.a, I'robate Judge. Altlrney, fir sAilninittratrix. lIatmd 'pt ."ii , I ini. ll .. .f Au te .1.IcInI rl(rato rI Male olf Kral lea teat it j'lule. ' iile. l ro. "herreley Kiven. Ihat in pursuattee of an piader . 1 tlet . . robatiei , itrt of t uldter countiy, Iterni tory ul \%Iloall ut..d. on the 24th day ol %t4"*n Icr, A. I ct"~ s.In tlh mgatter of the' relnta of humien 51I. Ki.ate. t.piaul, the undenitlgted, ilee ii nhuto li ' l.ttr if rahid ,.tale. will rol I at jriniit. -ale, .If, Ilihiestl blldder, ant a lehject to ittlldf. iatrion bIy -.t 1Il l) e couiirt. otn or alter Yrltay the l thl iis y ife luriola-r, llius n, Il ll he uiigt. tItle, It te'Tist 311 11 s Ii i . ft e . of th tcul lli ani :.l anll, li.-i M- e the tmem if hii, de'ath. ant all the t ill. ant ltutenrtl That the alt eriatcr la. lhy 'ailtCalio ot tw io ut iralse w I ure'i otht than i a.'.lteon I., Ithat It telw ji nleettate at ties nun.. ul hit dt.891. 'ni nod ii, all that tlly i. .r pnr' I of loud auoti. lyting antld O M Ill eqitui half1 If lme ,,t1li ast i1itieilir tIal, t Ii. itlI ha].1(tr tif Iis uimmetlu.I ie i tii mit utm sI it -pr i of11 elt Cii, it tanutilg r iK 01I. ive itnr, etc o le-r iii. itwo R Iteialt' tifise l ut Ini iole Allr tlat aw e.r uli-nat ie.? Ue Ifnt wlt I ug anit lef' it, the' Ue of K. A. Krrmldler It, i in tlglia' 'itgp .1u'I'.. iir dlii 'it I. .lijiiah atcli.", ofi Bt' heta, St T'., tim-r. tiahll J i %it ~Ii thu it.. " dnil Ittatgt if tb. c-late of Wltlllaeu M.cheant ii cieiit'i. A;. *s. y utu~t. Miles City & Spelfish Stage Line, 1) it y .,ta re !( DEADWOOD ThI , ,* R , li tie ( 1 %I,', I F. t *i d 4r1 ' I : 1·., ., . llhli l at · * *,.' ,. g .. r ' · * . 0 , . u I . . * S There are Two Distinguishing Characteristics Which, more than any thing else, have contributed to the phenomenal growth of The Chicago Daily News, giving it a circulation larger than that of all other Chicago dailies combined. It seems strange that the first practical, combined application of two such common sense principles in journalism should have been left to a paper as vt only twelve years old. And yet true it is that in this fact lies the real secret of the unparalleled success of The Chicago Daily News. Briefly stated these principles are: First. THE DAILY NEWS Is a daily paper for busy people. Of all mankind the people of Chici.go and the busy north. west are the busiest. And yet perhap. no equal number of peo. ple are to be found who appreciate so keenly the necessity of an intelligent knowledge of the worfl's daily doulLgs. They recog. nice that they, more than anyone else, are the world's providers in many of the most important necessaries of life. How im portant, then, that they shoultl ase their daily intelligence of esery event, the world over, wshclha by any possibility can affect .heir diversitied commercial h,Ildmis. And In all the higher interests of life where can be found a like number of people keenly appreciative of all that contributes to progress in ..:t. literature, science, religion, p,,litic, and the thousand and on,: things which make up modern civilization. And yet. strange to say, right here in this great, busy north .,-t. in its busy metropolis Chicao, there has taken place the i ,i and development of that most cumbrous, unserviceable, -,h -troying thing, the " blanket-sheet" newspaper. With the S, si. s of very fatuity this monstrosity of journalism, this breeder ,t.ltal dspepsia,. ha. teadfa.r!y imposed its mountain of un ', rl straw to the demand of the people for the winnowed grain S. It was ou: of the very Il ngruou.sness of such a condition S"i.;, that "TIE :IAl lY N H ad its ,irth. People wanted the -. -a! the news-Lout the% ,;, rlandld it apart from the over . in' ima- of the trivial and intonequentil.d. It is because :: i :I'y Nirs satislactoril itot., that demand that its circula nI . ovr a millhion a .ec-k." M . I.AWENCE, \Wiliianvtlle, Ill., sys: "The 'big daily' is too much for me. Not that at peron is obliged to read every thing printed in the bI,lanket -h, l t.' but one having anything else to do doesn't have time to hunt through the long-drawn twaddle for a few grains of digestible food." When to two such comprehensive elements of popularity THE DAILY NEWS now adds a third in its unparalleled price reduction to One Cent a day, it offers a combination of attractions at once unique and unapproachable by any other American newspaper, and one which will surely multiply its friends throu:ghout the Northwest by the thousands. The Chicago Daily News is for sale by all newsdealers at One Cent per copy, or will be mailed, postage paid, tf r $3.;0 per year, or 25 cents per month. The farmer and mechanic (,in now afford as well as the merchant and professional man to have his metropolitan daily. Addres VICTOR F. LA\VSON, Publisher The Daily News, Chicago. fIr. Lig'I,1z A 4,.. vr III 1w it. I*lpInia,. %Iul,,I. 4~1.. 14441, 1.0 ,ior :1,.t, 2444444 4414, 44 l II 444' ,,11tl.,,g.. In r,' ',,l~r lI,.t 1..4 .t11 44. v.1 In' .Ire 44mln.'ul~ joien. ilhlt leltot l DR. LIEBIG & CO. 1 144 I.',r4444an \IP4I44ir .'calf an 1 'I''' j441 'Il ynlr.'ll In 1lu'(:r411l144I1 4i4gi441I 1l~n44litI4. 1 t . tur, 4!4'41 1*444 1II1 ll ~rr· (Jl I I teiuie/ \ 4 I Ill d 111( ýý r r.' t I appl la Inc )~lu I'll rlrFit1 NO *I , Joj 4 I t J e n.~~ lIe· aItlel ,al l1r)tr l"tntlt·1I" - I Wa I I444.44 (' Ic *4IC (II f* I'4 I''. 4,r r1 444 114 nu r444 W..a.n41 te 1444411 h41 ."4.4 uIr ililt .,el br 44'h I'4lrlarpr 4' II- I'll4 '. t I. 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I treated4 In~4' 44 I4P (444 II 444 t IW..n w' t ,y I4' 4144 4* 4 e 44'44411 jnln'1 .41 444 w 1144 1114"4,,' 1444 1444T44Ir I,'. 444' 441 1144 1the r44n a 41411411,49P11411 4'141414114 Ir ýla '1 t o 444 141441141. *4'U" e.4,(444I4 144(I.41 .41 an;4 4444,444 '4 ke eI4 nd 411wrilt. it 1 rVI T I'. 4 our 7444wl 1411e'I. 41 moat 444'tn F4lIflr',44 1 A I! fe't Liebig World Dalrnensarv. 41x1 I,,'r'r% S:. an1 I4fl4'r 44"ix . 4 Ia Great English Remedy '" :r Murray's Specific. 003 A co grin« 1.1 ei. for all Flan,. Imo. ..N,., )·I() NO 11 rllk HIr)(r( r $to".Ii o~ Il~rln I'.. .i. 1%8 W. I'SII11 #611 P It n t old li kd glk, I. o. *. *it#n''*Ii hut, %.s kiI. .In s~n 1 I. a .u1 d.",ý.r11)a 11 yl alII - o( ·~1tlf ." ltlr II*IIrPItY C r lyK ll; m rllhr~ Ica d e ". ý,l ) 1114 ,. re I'r ortwee rsrr I itt, .ind whi h ittatg I) tat Lao tt'ti nait hre 4 1.1 1qr II.Hultlh 1441t1 ? 4,.,ulmut a ti[ Itt ni l .t for PAIJ. Sent i MrvI. I) 1 it tt rt ll It t ptria e I ell fain till I III it itt trey t l I.. -very it~itti ant We Su~armule " *.xO tIrit stanr. ir IV rveWry I - no wlit writte, gtaatalnt t.o rIluuiti it aaatottrY It oat, .1'eclitc adou o a f~l . atiaare. to. Tak~ig. AJdr...tall cotta aunica'aionll tohie rolt mart tutI JOHN CARTER'S .11 1 'Ii:IK %tttII tý'JK '( For MAN i For BEAST I Mustang Liniment .. aqIM ANMIqrTA I , t. T %.Tir ,l ,th t ,, tL.TABLISHED 1877. .JAS. McMILLAN & CO., 1'OItOlILTOUitd OF THE Minneapolis Sheepskin Tar AND D'ALEIA IN HIDZS, SHEEP PELTS, FTUS, WOOL, TALLOW Ginseng and Seneca Rout. SHEEP PELTS & FURS A SPECIALTY. 101, 103 & 1056 leeond t North. MINNEAPOLIS, MIEN. Shiwtm nta .oI:cit d. ' rr fr Ie tr I ,iulari. et Our Figures on Job Prinltng. I ,, , I.' ,L& . • 'A l . . ... d'., * ., ,. . v.a .. I .rrlM ,r. a " ...,, sate tedIg VA.. Cr.L ,a , ' Io .h e's rbf Second. THE DAILY NEWS Is an Independent, truth-telling newspaper. The reader can count on one hand the known newspapers whose statements in matters of politics can always be accepted as at least intentionally truthful, and commonly so in fact. On the other han , it is the all-but-universal rule to praise one's party and candidate to the skies, and to cry down the opposition party and its candidate to the verge of the disreputable. So common have such silly and reprehensible methods in jour nalism become that they luss unnoticed, and are accepted as a matter of course-as an evil inseparable from practical politics. But this is only another mistake of the thoughtless. The Ameri can people are intelligent enough, thoughtful enough, fair enough to appreciate and endorse honest, truth-telling journalism-in truth to prefer it to the misleading,the truth.discoloring dishonesty of the " organ." The demand is more and more for the fair, impartial, inde. pendent newspaper which give the reader allike inews, and gives it absolutely free from the taint of partisan bias. This done, an expression of opinion, basud upom fact, will commend itself to the thoughtful reader even when he may rt find himself in agreement with the conclusions deduced from the premises. Disagreements are of small moment if only confidence in honesty of purpose remains. With no mere political ambition to gratify, no "ax to grind," the impartial and independent newspaper may truly be "guide, philosopher and friend" to honest men holding every shade of political faith. And this is why THE DAILY NEWS has to-day a circulation of over '"a.million.a-weck." M. WYGANT, Sibley, Iowa, writes: "I am well pleased with THE DAILY NEws, although I am a 'bred-in the-bone' Re. publican with a carp.t bna e.rerr.wne in the South ending in 1872. The extreme fairness of Tli I)AILY Nt\w, .~liung credit where due regardless of party, meets nmy al1'.ro\!." 111111 1 1 U 1nn1 1l loll ....... .I I Iu·. l C AMPAIGN GOODS ,ii~ig Mnlu1 flb. 10$ Mlllllron atL., $41 randR::JIv·l t1'411, 14 . hi1 ii ~ Ad w.,fIH1 tI 1111 l ( A N 4 I 't *1..'A1 M N. lltl ýii. i £:I fI ( rf'3. CII'.ne i *. I: w 1 r .* I rn I~ I wI ih I"jixY . *·1· ý' "1 " · . t itlý e" I.; . / 1, .rally of1 THIS PAPER 1.,. II 1"r K t'. 1'' a'' ~I \iiý"i e \ 61 a.r~l nd U,~ " I1u " u Ir