Newspaper Page Text
(ti ' DAILY JOURNAL, ..ILR.% (17TV, :;.)N 4NA. Post Office Regiialion!º. Lu lcrn I.laIl cloaca ..... ............. ... . . . a. i. W . 1r.1 I).AiI C Ii w ...... . ........... ......- ....P. I . Office up,.r Suunday $ P. in. Sit. N. 3* ... A . I 3!. northern Parilir Timc Table.· LEAVE M II.Y. CI' Y..-'d'I. %% Sll Ila. I. I'wriIIV I 1prep. ................... ......r. "t.; P. M :1. Pnaares llrr.. .... ................ . ...... ( .. A. M 13. Ezpr.-,. Fntgh................ . .... " CC A M 15. Freigtit ...... ... ... ···........... ....... 1L h A. LEA V9MILE, I IT' t. .IU EAST No. 2. Atlanlle E1Irr C ....... ........II Jr, . 4. 4. I' r eie .............7.12.· Y. M. InIt. E~prn Freight..~ .... .. ·....... .. ·..... I, u., P. M. 14. Freight ................. ..·.................. 12:.i r M. OFFICIIL DIRECTORY. IEDKILAL Ii RECTORY. Delegate to Cogress...».....Joeh K. Toole, Helena Governor ............................. . IS. L slie. Ilelena Scretary ........... ..... Williams B. Webb. helena T.easurer...........................(reen I'reunt, Helen Auditor...............................Js. -ulllvan. Heleus ('lef Justice ... .....................iMc(Connell. Helena ( ,teJbe lk.Wolfe Associate Justic, ............. ... . I. I.lddell (Thoa. C. Bach. bervyer General .........Beaj. H. Greene. Helena -uperintendeut of Public Instruction.......... ......................... ......A. C. Logano , Helena U. . Manhal . ..................... R 8. Kelly, Helena Collector U. n. Internal Revenue...... James Shields register U. S. Land O(Ice.....A. G(rover, Miles (ty Receiver U. Lanud Ofice.Abram Hall, Miles (Cit COUNTY OFFICERS. Co neil an ......... ..................... Dr. W. A. Burlelgh (E. II. Johnson Members of lthbe Hlouse ............ J. M. Hols. heriff ................................... .............Tho. Irvine Treasurer..... ........ .......M. Branden her 'lerk and Recorder ........ .........L. C. Dear elork of District Court.............James Mclailne ledge of Probate...... . .................. . C. 4taeble Comaty Attorney ... .... ..... .(eo. R. Milburo Aseessor..............................T. J. Thompson ore ..... ...... . ....................Geo. Schoost C roaeor..... ..... ................. ..... Hr. H. G. HRedd ('Cat Phyeclan ......................... Ur. P. I. Redd Superintendent of Schools......... Ima Louisa Ctoley Publeic Administrator..... .....E. B. BWeirick I.. A. Ilufmaon Commissioune ........................... .W. Allerton I. J. Whitney. MILES CITY TOWN.HIP. fustioe of the Peace................. oWm uGnibbe. Constable...................................... W m. HI. Iarr CORPORATION (OF MILES CITY. Mayor.................... . Schetr. City Attorney....... ........C I. MIdletun C lr .......... ...... ........... .... ....... ordo reasurer .............. ........II F. Hatchbelor Chief "of P'olle ..................Frank C( We.tervelt Police Magtate.............. ......Edmund Butler ALIDIRMIN. First Ward-A. E. Flager, B. K. Iolt. Second Warl--'bas Brownj. 1. H. Hullard. LOCAL IT EMS. L. . Slav)' i itere from the r~is h. D)unlap list" I.&¶.t -tvl-- :it FTow r'-. * Howtrtd. ('lean i't, ;ii ra 4 w" tut. Itt liii. Office. * Dr. Redd w.1, ut' ih. ron"1 ye-terdity . Iirl i-utt i :. unrrn1 i- * 1"," work. Apply to H. W. N rxin (leo. E. C artwi'riht ' au. u11. fr.iti Te'rrry ytelrrdai' even i u: Ml ead is a it irle 1a. iUllluu I,' over. age. Try HliilItr ,'. In ti. * Earnxest ? 1+ wn Iii ii 111- h !,ee ranch tin l'Ili ~klin vr."kk Ed It. Ilrtiwin of up11er lellglie river, L'Aii' i u tr..In It' r.LI hle p.ter day. It. H. Wy'yn-ti& ,iai iu 3eit.rrhluy from theli ra ith oiu lIItigiiig Waillmjau creek. - At Ifi tl i vayl oil 01-t111-1 16II. lý5'i, girl tnxby. Burke'.. Hull trip .nL iii t e t. :.: g well toigethetr. %ost Ie., I take. thi'4 Imth Ii ei of In furoiigi liy 'rlendF that I have withdrawn iuly Lame a+ a eztcnhtudite for ,ehaci IF * iV'. I). 1 \11'1' . ill good *'end11i'ii.h~(111. 4ndNs 4r ipn. nrlel IN a KieuI¶ retiu.Iy fer ,'wfu!:e tug these org:att.. There will ble a regulr 2jg*st itug of the Free (.ItIzen'w Uth,',, at I) Il F.lI low'i ball, thin Weduqewlmy rventaa amt *o'clo1 . " ties. When Baby was o ui, we gave her ('astoria, Wheo she was a Child, abe cried for cat',ria, When she becwIeIC Mlls, she clung to Castoria, Whom she bad Chld're., she gave the. Cuasrlq loo. 1'. Wood mao, a stockglroWr of Medora. Dak., war In Lb. city yester day from hipranch. Tom Carter's arguwtnt ou tb. tariff question ise. olear au urystal and a. coovlnoing e m oly writ. Make no rtngagrw.llru lot Friday nIglbt xcrpt to1 g'' to I rlin nhI.: innl Iia leo to ( arter anti I,:iritrl. TheIl IK:Ider.Iy Ketil~eilaai riout lIy Ingatutti Iii Survlived huII uneILLiteS, LIi tIll sII 'u"lllIU. $adi hIut true,. 'ilul 'IuiliM 01l the ºerk tom to 1301º Sgre~at iii keL at thu iii'3iL~ iiast ilglit and the iiugll watwh wiw n ewt for. Biefore saly urreche wfer iaade the Will)" wade up L. esplit, but lCarr made them a speech through an inter preler. and they agreed not todlsagree ao boiterouPty in future. What's lh, matter with our juvenile evt.ulng tentemporary? It keeps' grow. lng milder and milder with each I iesue. .\ 1. MCi'Arter wn| infnrnd1 by t-le zratu ye.htrdav of the 'udden death of hi. sisler, Mr,. ('rouch, of Itonme, Ueorgia. \V. W. Aih rso'i ,of t'h, MIudy, ar rivted vyt'etrcld fromll the ran;ge and It with Il.ii Tl' uil ell r 'iver anld I.Ioebud b .e routnd-up. "''Old 144,"'' (o. (iro), ha returned rather unexiw.ctedly from attendance on Judge Liddell's .otirt at Roremllan anrd has leave of abslene until Nov. 8th. Henry loiakuml, of Government Hawmill, was in town yesterday. His family wa. Inereas.d Monday nIeht by the arrival of twins, a boy and a girl. Mrs. C'ha. II. Towers has returned from a somewhat extended visit to Helena, where Mr. Towers is catching on to the boom in brogans and Helena real estat:e in great shape. Halph Bailey's brother, from New B'wtonl, Mo., has teltgraphed that be will arrive from thb east Friday, and the del'ceased cow boy will be taken east for iutelllnnt. Fourteen (.arloads of bIe! cattle will be loaded at Fallon to-day by the Home Land & Cattle Co. Mr. An drews we.t down to Fallon last night to look alter the shlipLent. Chris Itamine brought in a hand of mutton i*seep yesterday and Is holding them a few dave that they may get rested up. ('brb- Is prepared to talk over the sit'uation at Ekalaka. 'Those who remember the magnifl rent oration delivered by Major Eston Sat the Grand Army banquet at the Mtacqlueen house last spring, will not fail to be on hand at the Rink Friday gulht, to hear himu again. At BufTalo, Wyo., Mrs. itldgway ItothwUdrllhas. notaniualed by the rep..i.,ubl a.. for eo.uty sui·wrlnntedntq (t ...*tho-ls for JohUou .'uUUty. Mrs. i ltotlhwelI will I,. rarezntl.ered is the wjilr of an old ewlploye ot tbe Jb'tt SAL. T'oD J. Allen anre in from his 'Toiigue rnv r reach yesterday ev'-inug. Mr. Allen expcltao to go down the road to.Iiiorrow and load a drove of aheeu whirl. lie will take, to the Chicago markelt bIt expect-4 to return aseeral Mays he ''eor. I i , election. Mr. EI d.r. of Ia.I,.c..tor, .lhm4d lwr etj_-xgvr a.- at pullti'.al %triter on tile, ('ririer. I uaIuiidih a.. he has ibeeu witldrawn I. fr..n. thie rostrum Ihe should I Ioise some etnauno I proved. I through wlrti h uiis prtrullu doctrines could reach the p.ubldi. Messrs.. Skew Johtnotin ini ('liot * 4,r .tuo. intond to 'eave f,'r Iheiri Pawoil.r river rsnwh to-day stnld are " d'" for wouve., hsuloug supplied I tietns.'h... with ..everal found.. of strychnine find i'p~uks to adlinlIster to the..e Ipeas of I he runJte. I,*eph It. lirmnr, nmauuger of tihe last uighit fr'.aon I'u~u,'Zoa that hli. Co i *.% earl I 'airelk arrive ait noon to-duy anid I !Iut fill di.alaada~untaiaenL i. po..rlble us (llio-aie led weiththeii play ret "Forgiven'' at to"r 11;,ara House too. H imdht. At tIlhe ('hicI'goj stock yards the fol lowini: wtle a ere mele of Montanut tcatt: ". oMolnday: New York, _"', au. 1241, ;AI40; lito oker :,~, av. 130,l $:4.:ro1 Y , Iv. 13i 1, or ; .7I11 Tu-ler 1 to tw , b1313d I¢ 7d; wSuldith ' o; av. 14il, :l .; l.en s.3, av. I1M5, `3.115. lRcetpts 13,514); watternr -teriv. The liy State c.ttle cuomlpninv will shortly hbgtu to move their cattle from the iig Horn mounitaine to the "'bad laud." where the stock will win ter. The l' t herd whibch thla com pany will turn Ioet on the range in northern Wyolliing iN en route for the Itir Horn umountuane, and will reach tbe deptlnation named (this week. 'his herd numnlbers nearly 3,1000 head and will swell the total number of oatl. put on the range hereabouts by the Inty State company to aboutl4,000, The herds whlch have been grazingon the mountains are In fine condltion. BIuffhlo EhEbo. IHeatrin by Hot Water. Our ikIl!ful mcebaulu, Berthold UIllmuso ad Jua. IBuckoer, have lust ootLplttd i hot water hosting appara. tuw for Major Maequeeu at Fort Keogh whlbki s ISM near pterfect In its work I IngMa anuuythling ctanIt, Iltat Iii the yrcodllcticol of I It IM u~rcl for lp-nlug thU( III tji'4' grreIn lJ Ime, the pr~l~~iim o tiv- IV ititiII~ a I*(Ifll hit .u HVI II IripeI 'turr. 'I lie +ynl n IrerP I tofuh"p uwd by him w n- cul-re·L~luualle fo'r Ciet reimouin thim the -:1t 11101o of fhi hiot water e'iiihI ol'i l to M~ettird by Itihe mId ofl SpjJIMI&.nc *ei id vapor plade wto ll c whii be ach t I had to be Ilyrludicully let uti'ur the cir" culatlon would atop. By the lmenu Ity of Mesawls. Buekner aod Ullman thin diflmculty hawr Ijsiu entlresly donu away with nIiii th," valpor piper re moved. Under the new Nystete, lile water sireulattd a fre.ely and s.uiuLtahl3l, ma~itaiuiui the tempt~erature at a givenl Ip4int wlIWnut aihiy truut,le, stsiI requiring sin!y I IIIsIIIIUIIsU of butll cutai Httiu w:t r f, . !It- siervie. Ihe aboUt 11 f. :,i I .,s.-ahs t'il't. 'I'bia 54yF-i"II s"+ *jr",:\L: el jItid to this' Heat iag of stelI1p leg.11 "s sendi silUut eer taii t b Iwr "i. a eleaper anld iuore de siratjI« thani the iggultituss' of *'oveM Ltht are rI4r,-1, : for at dwelling of ally vi z'-. Msch eil i sce ve.t a.+ hi lure r~eerild d -A'ilt it." usip1 uih.Ie Uzssi1 detssueorat i. f1 .e Irude. (l +ýtlT)y %ren·u Infanlry. A very intt-rer-tlig game of Iae ball wa. ,pl.yel at Fiolt Keogh uu Sunday last, the pt,o. -'?l ulnres beinIg drawn froul Ihi (I. .ry antd lufaltry forces. The dragson.. t,.rovedl too muih for the 'walk-a-heap." ettlturiog the game by a score of ii to 9. For sevenu n nings it was a pitchers Contest, the score being held at 4-4. Many bril liaun feature . tlitiu2lished the game, onle of the uIll, uItabIle of which was a left field drive from O'Leary's bat, with suchl p.ted on it that both short stop and Irit '1hlder gave it i wide bIerth and to.., talwart ilfantryman trotte.d aroundl the cilele on the hit. This makes the third victory for the cavalry. A bllght ('Change. The republican central committee held a meeting yesterday afterno' n for the purpoie of seleetiug a candidate for justlce of the peace, t fill the vacancy caused by the wlthdrawal of W. H. Ross, and to select a candidate for constabhl to fill an originul vacancy. For illstie: of the p.a'e Fred Draper was selewted, and for constrble Chas. E. WVo.od, the latter to be at taohed to Justice Hugin's court. Dadllt Mixdl. If the asse«snaent roll of Custer county, as published in the ('ourler last evening is any indlieation of how the democratic assessor Ia peirformed his work, this county is certainly In tIleed ofa new nllan fir that position. A worse mixed up lot of tfiures never showed up inl tile columnsll of an ama teur newspsaper. It looks as if the boys hadl I.-t playlng na lrhies again. .Another r Ml raw. .1 (iallarin '.ounty jury was piolled on Friday lair, the firet questlon being .on delegate, an.d the yaw w Carter 1i, ('lark :i. 'ruhe vote wan then taken on pre..lutdet and it wau thel anae;Har. rl-on~, ¶, ('.-v.~,,lan .3; and tIhi, in denº o,"nr'tl" ( sll,'in EOnly a t raw. On the west bound pa-u n1r train that ia-l~ed here Mondlay evening, a Ildli!i -al di-cnII*"iont arose whic*h re sulted ini a bet on the vote of the male passengers. The train wai polled and th.e re·ult. was as usual. HIarrison 44, CIeveland 13t. Il"elt of sheep in ('Ihlcigo lal~t week were several th~lou-sluds less than Stiti pr 'eilgeek. All goodi sheep, f hoth laiarIviM anj %-~tetra. soilii readil l r and1 in reline l.'taul :". a i little higther. The iriutlook for the sIieep trade ishaon e sidered more favortahrle, wit !u a few Iieaiv rriiis oceC-Tonially to. et..ouncier. IHi hoI l .rrt.aI.. 711I1E MUl'litEE\. 'I f It. I1. W1 yethI T. J. Allen, Ed It. Coli% Tiongue river; lieu. T. Wood noun, Mednrs; L. 1. W. Side V. ranch;, Earned MtS.dwc t, rr.ue; (t -1. FJ'. 'out - - wrighif, 'Ilewr; J. Mil1). lieuight, S('htiawe'; John Kremhieideif,'r and wife, i"ou~th 'St. I'aul. win1 H. Iltria, ltinne 'I apolie; K. F. llerritk. A.hoka, Minn.; It.H It1iide'y, Minnieapo)liI'. W e. ('. Ctim, WNi. Mletmiki, talIe City. Minn.; Wilu Nieckels, Minneapi.) I lip; H. J. (ire'enway, Namid creek; We. .w E. Keniiedy, J. K. Whitbeck, Pump ,e kin creek; W. I'. Turner, Jr., Fort 1- lienton; Frank Mesuser, D~awson, Dak.; 1- W. W. Aldlersonl, Muddy; Chas. Ma n L an, Hathaway. Ylellua.ulne I'ark In (h tobrr. The Yellowetonle P'ark assoclatlon have arranguied t(o lurnit trangporta tion and hotel accoidatione through out the Park during O'tober at greatly reduced rates. Pa+,enger traing will make the riund trip, Livingston to Clnnabar and retjrn, on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Maturdays, and a five days' trip from Cinulbar to the prin olpal points in the Park cau be mnade at an expense of not to ez'eed thirty dollarm. The rill rate from it. Paul, Minnepolls, IDuluth or Ahlland on the east, and and lt 'l'nma on the weat. to t' andtl return, will be $5.80.N),anii (ro'l' nlt*rnediate pJoints one and ,nlt, fifthI :irt. I Ut. nit to ex. cerd (40.1n1. Tt'I keln. w il! lhe ' ,I , lip II(,t , I llI iII olUditg t.()cidJr . I, I. I'.lrtlin 4,,,I" into the I'nrk -il i, lI,, 11 on I'. -. I 4,f. ferlln, kge,,nI t N. I', I.. It., in111114, iii .t in arrival u I1, illL.I Io . I"'.1i 111t 1 agenlt, or hI'llal. 1. I,' . ie ioral l ll.* Ii. ger and tlcketa.eut, Nt. k'aul, Miuu. LOCAL ITEMS. A usere for PaUe. I)r. Kirk'l (Gern:tti I'il (ot'n* ,:.*t I has tured Ilitul., lIl*ledlrg and itwill. K .Pile's wli.n all otheL r Olitllanut ie have. failed. It Is4(rh s, Ilhe tIllllori , atllava (he itchinlg at io'-., ariSe* a. a prtultie , Siv e Inl.,stnt r li.f. I)r. (Kirk's (}re Ilrrln I'il.'()tttlent -i i-,repiar.dtio ,l fr lh-. 5",1l l t'his < ,,f ths private t art-, aIld nIii h 'ilM.P . .:very box i_ war. ratteld. .\o1. by "Ihtj Wright. l)iug* gi-t, Mit's ('iry," Mmnt. .hI, ..l I re.. Any pitiaot or orgatl p a- er ta-I'lir K ill thelt l tillre.. * oal.l a tWts-t*elit talMltI to pay pI, ..'ag will retceiv. tlut Ipiee* of lau ;.. 'IPtee ,state if you wish lithe nruUi" for ltaiou sir organ, iu.tru llnetal t.r u* ,.!, ea-y ter ditiIultI. T'lsi ottfir is oinly goat .,s l ;iu t 11'e. P. 1'. PI1:I'F.-os, lMuic D)ehler, I)'ecrahl, Itwlas. A4 Double llelp for the tillou.. In addlilon to that chief remnledial eleasure-the use of lloetetter's tomach littler--persons suller ing from an acute Illous attack, will facilitate recovery by the use at tirut of milk bnd lime water aot thin gruel., and by a very gradual return to the use of solid food. Fatty nulo!suces should be excluded from the diet. Itlue pill is a remredy of doubtful safety, particularly if there be mausec and volit'ing. frequent concomitants of liver trouble. The Blitters, urovided its refrmatory action be not retarded and marred by groe, ijuie cr.tlous of diet, will soon restore the equilibrium of and action of the liver, stomach and bowels, all three dlordered by blliousness. In all forms of Malarial dtee,. which in every one of it. phases preseuts indications of liver trouble,. Il.tter's $tomnach Bitters is the foremost of specifies. The light of over thirty years' experience alro show. it tI he a tine remedy for rheumatism. kidney troubles. dyi.epsia, nervousness and debility. Hood's Sarsaparilla This successful medline Is aearefl)y-.prepared extract of tie t".. roledies of the vegetable '.tugdoul hka u t,~ ,.rdlIea s;renee u Alteratives, Blood I'urtlier. Inluretir*., and Tonics, such as barsaparilla, Yellow lek., Stilllnitla. Dandelion, Juniper Iterries, Manwirake. Wild Cherry Bark and other sele, ted r,',ts. b),rks and herbs. A mediciue, like auyth.i. el ... . I be fairly judged only by its reults. We |u.nt a ith satisfaction to the glorious reor.r: Il,..l's Sarsap.trilla has enl tered for itself upoi. the h,:earts of thousands of people who have .persontally or indirectly been relleied of terrlbl, suffering which all other remedles failed Ito re, h. ~lid by all druggists. $0; six for it. M.lde ,onI) y . . I. H110)D CO, Apothecaries, Lowell, M.). 100 Doses One Dellar ' .Ar. i t 2,,,;i thciUTe'oft lic GENUINE t i.ri Top Lamp Chimney. \ilotherý, si;nil;ar::re itnation. Thu-, exact IL.abcl .sO1cach IPearl A dSnclerm:ý ys' and think he insist upon the Exact Label and Tsj' For 5atc Evtuvwntu. IMAGE OwLY rY SEO. A. MACBFTH ICO.. Pifttsbuh. NONTANA SHORT UNEE When traveling every one cl:IT.l con iider well the questions of econo:ny, m~tufort, safety and speed, Uthese qut- !.inr b in: ofthe same importaflne in a j n:::Ie) ou.::t ur as In one of several ,la} : rn'le. S'; ::nination of the nail' wi:l c.,rrir.!: a:.y v:.i that this is thie most dirt t rt: r:' 1t. and from all the ~rirncilal point in Sen- Itre L tra and Ar n DI in 1 tivr, 10 AI WAX. A ti ).akit;L and Montana. Our epuipiment :,::.i tilme are excelltnt. Our rates are tijo lowest, but this fact iv stouwetl;i:,¢ SL.icth Fpcaks fcr itself. I)'.finito fitnrir ;uuud nipsA cln be obtained 1ly applying tC . . ,ent of ti,: Cunrpany, or the jen r." l'aNqoeng. r Agent. !'het f11 ,w iuz are a few of the. Principa i'nz,,itu r?·:hcd via this Line F ..:, '-i. \IXLT, Ilt T'1IU(sON, *\·. ~.u~:, I'1.1 , APPLETON AND II ' I t o~i b' AIU'LTON, FAlnuQ0, u) ~ , .~~rr' 1)LEv1lh LAKE. I1 I 'TI Apt) lit I IIu, DA orA; (i.At I 'I i',(. . i I .r),AslnNWOINK, i;*. (~ow \r Ts, HIIEINNA AND I i i 1 " ( r il' or ,leinepN 1, 4a" l , 4 " 1 ,: i -. t iiopp'3rtuliutts 'I IIItho" ,. n ' rtl,vunl,aktalnd 'I1 hitail! I , 1;*.~ influx, it:', 'here the &Xiiir'. : ' i.:j- f ". tj!' ;tt lt'w pricsa and on f.vrs.lI,. I,', eh1 f cx cecllelltt f.irrl . t ý " I : 1 r I'ran l& SJ. ThMJKw Ii : C. . i knx Land Cuwu~-- .,rr i.": aM.. A('% L MAivht, W. 8. AIZxADa, l Me Yasyas. Wa'lTr5cMSuy SHis Pants l sti 1 I 1111.' 1ii I ' ri tl r . I1 t i . Tli . I i I , ,111 11 I,-" EMPIRE State Pants Co., l$3 1 1c. I. flL STiErT, 1888. CAMPAIGN. 1888. HANAUER BROS. Clothing,1 Gents Furnishing Goods HATS, GAPS, BOOTS & SHOES. MILES CITY, MONTANA. We manufacture our own goods. Suits end Ov~rcotIa made to orMa Perftet fit guaranteed. COLD LUNCHES Meals to Older at al hours of the day or nigbht. WILEs, LIQUORS AblD IGRSS, SILVERBERG & ('iIRISTOPHER. NOTICE THE BARGAINS OFFERED HY C, B,Towers& Co Do notmiss the oppor tunities offered each week. CALL AND SEE. ý316C BVEý000 IG OG, E01d NORTHERN lACIF RAILROAD THE DIRECT LINE BE. lEE! SAINT PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS. Or EiUL'. And al. P icts to Minnesota, Di kota, Montar OREGON, MBritis Colambia, I.ct Son all ALASKA. NO CHINA E OF CARE 3ETWEb BT. PAUl, and PORTLAI P:. On A. Cam Of ThtkLLM EMIGRANT SLEEPEI. FRE The Only All HIaI LlI. ,to tIn YELLOWSTONE PARi Irpmes TlIU D7laI, to I .bieb at StºEhd PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPER AND ELEGANLT DIMINO CARS. I r f inl' o lr lr .''+ nun a t 't I t~o. . iRa I. NI, .. oans. S. FEBL , '1",1 t P Ig' 1164 º"" MIES CITY IR ON AND PUMP WORKS B. ULI4I4tN, Proprietor. 'ITRAHERN PUMPS U' I k A4 of w STOCK PUMPSI.1ned %ulPur. RUBBER HOSE M itdrIort Rb toam ~ PROSPECO TOOLS~l~e ems ` The prgprt.+orr~ lr bu uoll to uo .m~ll as pnr s" lire i. .: "Y,~u of r. ' xlwrt, ro wo A ·u n m r.M d ii. ir..f A . i l" ti, w:1u recene I Iuul pfpt s Wto "6 Ikltortr( ro'ta Ioai, rrp~tr. "" .1 kint. of NaINAhk I .p d aa c .tuaI gote* RINK OPERA HOUSI ONE NIGHT ONLY, The Greatest Attraction ~ II...I Ao. lOB. . GURISI 6 Ii (14A \ .'i. . " romsUO "FORGIVEN" L T in t. e t r . 't n .i "f I ' p l v t v e r p tr duw~rd in Now Yo'rk.-N. Y HtraId. Nvw aid app~rhn~rtsI otwa*ry t nrrfieghan l tr1tir~t. goi ten up1 expf (or thin Iplay will b inr tlugbt heft usd ert . I l'AL PRrICER-ROIIed (tub M 0 If Pane's PInrg moure without uitm t.*aq nrUl:, PATR no. C' i's RPstauraz & d+ MGRIM t fM N m. j `m rl GhIdn Cry for IU %