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TE DAILY YEILOWSTONE JOURNAL. VOLUME VII. No. 35. MILES CITY, MONTANA, SATURDAY, OCTOBER to, i888. PRICE FIVE CENTS. THE DAILY JOURNAL Every Morning Except M. nday. Population of Miles City .. 3,000 Terms of Subscription; BY MAIL. IN AD' V -,,K 'I'4,TAl2K VAIl'. Dolly liitiw, *.rt )3l ............... ......? iii IUaily 1`1111i1,01r,,~- I AN ý.u............. .......... To I. 1T Y 'I;,,In..21 (arrier. J,-very > ,urg at Y, . , tin p."1 s WFKKIAt I. Ili 1 . Y'II. .,w . i i, One Yur ....................... ...................... sIx Months................ ................ :tar Three M ,t IIh ............. .............................. 1.1 Advertibing Kates. - -J o iv v Sts c' 1 ýý.7.. .14 '.U ld 4x.00 4. (YJ 10.00 14.00 D0.00 d Ja110 7.4 1.0 11.011 13.01i 114.14 2h.00) s Days.... 1p 'PI t 9.001 141.13) 15.00' 21.00. 311.00 A ·....I 1 .11 Ii.10 . 16.011 I44.00. :1.110 35.(0 t1.,eki...' .n) .u,.01 i2l9 211*~.110 21.(1) .42.001 15.00 t% .Mk.~... .1 !2 l1913 1.)21.00) 2A.001 (1.1)1' 50.00 31.. p.:h 1. 'p 16.'a l1 Z,;.I~i 12 43) 1!.00 601.00 'I.,hP Pa 211 lIlt)'l.' 1) .{ Il 11:.41 ',I2 '1) MAP0 , r .fP',2', nt " 11.w .0 1'1.11) 511.011 "4'.(1)J 1(y) 11: V. 44. " w . P1. 614.1A) ;1.IP pwi' p 1N5l 4 p.... o.-T" n ,I- Icer in, '"'r ex, Iili THlE V11.14 ViwIrON I. JOURNALI P1'IILI'-II I (. ('OM\I'.ý\1'. \1 1 I I"-. ( II ;* Y. M. lbr.1, 1 I I XI E'''"..' '. ''~ OdicrreI·~ · t - .rl, I .· \,c- filli a" is' " 'qia ! jt t. I I"" I :1 'I x j {+ 5 * 1u 1'.1k1 A' II I I I 1 lgeit K . *"!....s DRt. 1". . F t wIVu, r t e trilary urell.n Nh (.v alry, %ear'ldene Mii4 Is. t'1. attede ds r CI. ght. rreo e 11 lirtiiptIY tasired Irumname hurcla (4Imopel) Palmer FR.-Ser A wSrndays NU .:. a. ui. and ' p:. . al. Wan. U..eCl. rectr. Implsi bhLurch-WOrla. r. Sregeo, ncn Catevr. ealmehat Mrow iulyd. at g, a. atn. mid S dy or PraL e and Praer Neetlmg, Weineadm ml 71:4 p. U. A o grdlal aivutatpo m l a all. YMethalos Church(Erpisco Sunday, II a. an., e:k, p. an. at I.. anidar, padt.r. Prahyaarll. 4'lrrth-Ikrriee sunday. IIa. oa.. 7.30p. u rh-r. 'I'. MI . Week. stUI. NIOr. bthu cli of Ch u.r hert. cSutdali-iuda. m., a. m. l*.. N . l~li,,Ietnuih, Ihasla.13a C. l'. A. A. 0. Ii.-IFrl Ion No I eta flirst a -d 4..ont iuadayatif eaac atatatl It. K. of H.-M.v t.. ti~S and third Wedauaa.dayi al A. Y. & A.-% I,,wet.ia L..lwe, N,. !f, B·· sfad tiari Weiiacrtiaya. It. A. N .- .1 ItO'Iln. ,aa~t r~ r, No. 5, tee..,z, Thursday 1eatcIh 111011111 K. 'I.-ijaza aa.c isUna at, saery fourt Ia 1 hars days. 1. U. U. F.-IusIrlr I'Ar(e No. 1.4. ertr) Nfradmy a' their hall. L. U. 0. F -,nttaaI I.taciulaaawaeaat. Not. t, rirmt sad third Fridtay. *Yeelnp at 4)11 tra-l. I C. K. of A.--Ille (flay Blranch, areryrtuaaday a 7 W. Kf. o.L.-Flirt and iarlx.1l taturtayt (,. A. R.-f'. P. tarautt Itta, Not. 14, tia.? and third Tuet.liayt. 1.a. a,. I.--Star oft the Nest. No. 24. every Tharadtu *,erlutt U. of V u' - ahrnn ('aap No. 4. Meets flit and hiro Mondays of ea. h monah at Good Tsaajlar 0.31. PAILKKK. K. W'. TOPPIN., NOINHERN PACIFIC FOUNDRY PARKER & TOPPIN u Wanuaftaetrs of all gui.d of IRON nad BRASS GASTINGS. BBIINERD dINNE8OTAs CUeDIOOR ARMORY. EMAUSLANE) 'S GUN~S. NEVOLVERS, AMMUNITION itmem deig 'I -a. The U~uwini Sio of mavy Isr * lu gA to i wet. Isaw 6in0 W~ wunma si LEIGHTON & JORDAN, Wholesale -:- Groceries, RANCHMEN'S SU PPLIES, -) (--) ( GOODS DELIVERED AT RANCHES. THE -:- OLDEST -:- ND -:- LARGESI' -:- HOUSE IN EASTERN MONTANA. STOCK GROWERS NATIONAL BANK, MILES CITY. MiýONT. THE LARGEST BANK IN EASTERN I.ONTANA INTEREST ALLOWED ON TIME DEPOSITS. W. R. STEBBINS. Preai,.lnt, WM. a -i:IC:N Vic- Pres.,-ut. H. F. BATOHELOR, Cashi r. ELYLI E. BATCHiELOF., A.+st. Cash. FIRST NATIONAL BANK. MIL.ES CITTY, MOUA'TIi.A.. THE OLDEST AD LARGEST BANK IN EASTERN MONTANA. JOSEPH IEIGhTON, President. W. B. JORDAN, Vice President. E. B. WEIRIOCK. ashier. H. B. WILEY, Assistant Cashier. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. Live Stock, Loans, Real Estate and Notary Public LIVE STOCK A SPECIALTY Agent for .he oldest and most reliable FIRE, LIFE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE COS And the oldest agent an town. Money Loaned on First Class Security. Cattle and sheep ranches, and improved farms for sale at a bargaiL with easy terms of payment. Houses to Rent and Collections Made. Several comfortable and commodious dwelling houses and well located business and residence lots for sale cheap; also N. P. R. R. Co.s lots and lands, and grazing lands in the Northwest Territory for lease or sale. Montana, Western, Wyoming, Texas and Eastern GATTLE FOR SALE In lots to suit purchasere. Also several choice bands of sheep and Pennsylvania "Black Top," registered rams and Short Horn thoroughbred and grade bulls for sale. WILLIAM COURTENAY, MAIN STREET. I. ORSCHEL & BRO., Clothing and Gents Furnishings. Hats and Caps. Boots and Shoes. Commercial Block, - - Miles City R. G. RIGHMOND. Oiamonds,Watches Fine Jewely Watch Repairing a Specialty. TEa3INB BLOCK, Y ILEsorrr. Carter and Eaton With Brains and Brillianc' Tear Down the Air-Castle of b ree Trade. IDtmocrats of Custer Shculd Now be Able t" Say Who tarter is. The Eloquent Eptakers Hold an Audience as Spellbound for Hours. IOISINS : EIHLAC %N tALI.Y. FaIlaeie~t of IieiaoeratIe .Krn Iu~rof t'u'Ie. Trader Hrought to Light. The. Ilrnt political naeetion of the re publievi.E of Custer county wai a me.,t celc;.iclu. one. Neve-r before in the )Il.lury of Jlile City bam sou Iargu and InteiliMeounf aureiiebeeteeeo gathered to I -teli to idolitiel Uc' trranve. and never hilt. Ili. in 'Eri.t awakened in au audi euce bweni '.o ijij iue-l ma It wtas by the 4'*a' in the Itiiik war of iei;,iI aiid IIe"4)!i slid er.e elrt:p Irer c· r.iil.eol ti. arnd Itror, I Ihe .x j'e'n'it. of i he- ldejn 'el atielabit Ieu 1 Iudav lia-t. uift el. the- oneLtramry tamirly tri..t !.el wiI hi iii e"ofnrelr i. ie riiit~oc, fully exposing 'lie. flueItII liltLy cc iite fi iecritic h'at , ru h, th teorriiol ml 'ind ii Lnna le I. ecrrileel a! c 1(1 ii.. I'eaf:tiv,( :nee -t/. - fit ili.: Iti(ft~t~lle- lra' the one thar : !el ci oidi heur hIe -r». Iler suel $i j 'einiw n tlerselh·y 4a-t we cajnnot but hsVe- :t te, lu1g it iylpvitnh% heor oair Wie-ieUi'fe d fvlI'nw (-St zeUn will pr . e- au Il mor twi,er~g ..n lilee urt leaoh lug on thee eteuieer. into p1 ,jzurrx A- Cc e.'cIo k, tic.- Ftaen~tv weetid re-g nte-ni bate ulzinlig, the- vana match.-. Iin h lttluqce- o lieu ti the- tRink. followoed ty a larg~e numbih. r ef cItIzen.. wl~o ae'ted e.r a guaerc oit henuor toe the distingulabed gureat of t! e evening There was lo attempt a' a prtoeeson( but by the timre the bnlld reacheu Main street the fi,;lowing had assumed that cbaracts. Arriving at the Rink live or ten minuteM were spent in weas ing the large audience, and at 8:31 Judge erevelllstpped forward and i., the briefelt manner poselbl intro duced Milor Eaton. Major Eaton delivered an effective -pecech a synopsis of which ls here with given: Mr Chairman, Ladies and tentlemen: Having the distinguihbed honor of standlog in your presence to-night Iii comlpany with the standard bearer o the republiauan party, a man who IL ill every way fitted to reprcsen,, the Ipeo pie of this* treat and glorious eoutttr3 known au Montana, a man who is one of those good republicans who ihsv brought success to the repuiliesttn partTy unll crowned it with succe-. III all its unldertaking-; a nman who i. worthy oI litttug up his Vu. ice it tit h ,lls of congress; one of thiose rare lu dividuals through whom weipprehenui a .rotinuity iof the succeesful histlr3 of the republlltan Iparlt; atutl, my dear Irieuds, it I. through ucti ien . as th i that tie r *puhlic tns of this rnta try ldrive iltirtasinl ,heutives to at tion. nut ... realise that through aueb lurnl only talt thei proud hopes of the peotle of thi territory hlossom in a tenrign harvest of golod to be garnered biy lith cowing generations that shall follow in an endltls procession. In using the term free trade, as it Is commonly understood, I have this to say: That we have no such thlng in civilized ultinno ofr the warth , mh.... lute free trade; it is a term adopted by Great Britain, and to that I wihb par. Iteularly to call your attention, a+ that country io the prototype of free trade. England do.e not open her markets to every product that may be brought within her borders which involveothe baudlerat, of man. Tbere are certain speclfted things to which she doe. apply a protective tariff; and luat year. four istance, Eolland collected from this source, as a tax on certaiu articles of foreign production, sometlhng over one million dollars. Her rule and theory is this: She will collect a tarif on such articles as are not made by Britirb workmen. Auything she does not produce she protects by a tam. Ters and ooffees are taxed by that so called free trade country. ''he dem, orata have adopted that name idea and publicly declare that they wish all articles of Europeau manufacture to bh allowed te, monm Into this country without regard to the oft ot that it will produce on our homrne market; without regard to to tthe efrt that it will have on the intreets of our owe people; and if our people cannot pro. due" thlem as ("ti. aply as l-ure..teata uinutd*'uryr.4" tliry wu-t es-t to do bu-lauks. The republli"ai Iparty, on the other hand, eays w. will +.(iiit every article whieth heiri tii"" handli. a trk of buwauity; i, . ub-; arc, w will (lillt ev.uryto i., ;,to vld.d tilt yoU pay' a tax WliW h w. will proartiii" M(neorIItIg 10 thI fe;ºt ii-", ii N'b.,- II, .* t our f.". lith- ar tile workiujwu rIi and d~ not I ropoe eto s I tliher) redua ed tu a Ilvel with Ib pU per labor of Europe. We will not se- Chet pluetwl al a di-advantage I n May lart, while the Ji-iU~loi, wae iaoing, on1 under this bill, a r(eput lellan repre#.euttative in 'fotlegtrei uwatde- thesec re-nar:a; "Why, In this debate, has every friend ifthe Milla bill lauided the Eiiglirh free trade ywsyst which only levier duties on the articles not produeed at homie?" The answe- it: That the debatore were moutbero dew (;rats, oppe.e-d to the inierets of the t,- tot and in favor of anything tbhi will detract froji the advancement of our pr~grel-sive leojple. [Vuie-: Itight sou are.) 'L'The Iavorite statetueot of the dew- ocratmc party, which, pcrh-q'. you hiave ail beard Many tiie-, is 1i1.w worn) 'lire-itihjt- I- Ili a; ih-v K r- .a Sre-t-ti, or theier l.o-tiltv t" ;r I..r Iive Lariff that t i-- sty-I'd Itsr"I:, ar arp pliled o aituinufactured arttici.- doet. Iaoi! Iii the lasrt protect iIity, iI bur the ai,.arlufa.-c urer; that it is- a ev.herea tdlst d r b lot prote-ut lalor. I w i- It" pall your ut'erti co to thue', )coel It it. eX\,uIannie.- *. i~i..- +p-a~ker i.*~i. 'aart fully detuji.-.l tr h workings. of 11w tar. Iltr3..teU i tizl i.;ove l tlio. tLr .ii.i'U. fitt iirrr rit di not staiid on a . i,!Ulg 'It Bt!.'.,t 'umtn, etier p, uple. '1'hhI he t- otily I~ro.ruc t'd agauirjt Ifr lorcigo itiirtrIatiouui Ihtot worud, if Iree traule prevailed, rt~luuee th watitei 'if out 'ut-t wag""workers. 'The. tfei t it this; I llutl, * tl ,ails are etCnIttuettallý Iirohibmitedl hiour c* wiu g in huter. aut h tirotit beuau... of thIe tariff thou tbhee artlilee, auid it i. thet ttiiit' wu Hin other im'ortatolouu. a li1 of whlnch I [eulfl now ,tdºie, but reulirrze tl tact tb-t nmy addir. e mwst !,e sbort a' there are other speaker'. to eUlertalin yuu to niglht, and, for is reason, I aill not detain you further on (thts 'sulnect. The logilal orator then demountrated to the people blor protcrtiou hiad inn creased the manufacture of sIlk tn tIhl eountry, ehuwing that the 00.4 of silk lid benu itreatly reduced wbhl-t the il.k manufascurers had iucreased v-Jy lualerially. Referring to the wool question Cmol. Eattan stsil that it we'. tin, of the great industrieso,~four Montana people: that it was a .ucecesuul buwlmlsas, gnv. inu emmap1oymiemti to thousands of rues anld coOtdiA&IUtiIO Ia a laraze degree it, the jtruspenmlv of out territory. Thiat the ?Mlll1 bll' woIulad cPuuse tie wucl grower to toote ten cents per tuluiid of *alts and every ploUnd of wool thisi ruined. Tae CouCluriouai (ft lthe slueCh wa" punctuated tvy applmuaue ant cover. t the enltire leat industry of the coun try, ,'ii, lug I' I t ~ul it ic" t " n the M.i:Il bill s moildl have' oil thmi' Ill du'.tr3 . The chlairni it ile·i hIotrwtiacel '1.' speaker of thii .. euote. thie Hloi. liii. H.Car'er, wie '' , ' rit .1 thei autiern, byV his m'.gmet'" s1ueih if oiii. hi U and a half, in 'u ii na he1 traver'.-, V'. whole of the I'.'.'i II!rrUI' d IIn t li i camioangn and etpo-et P'. aIlin - iv free trade. IIi. reiark', noI rii f were as foillow.: Ladle'. atid (iiin tl,,rtw: 'Two eventf ll .yets have clome. all genpe.ncee lel I 14,1 tli pleaariire o addre a.ilg y' u. 'I'ie o.c.i.i,ll w.. llimlar to, he ,'isr which aill. for I hr aaemIt)Il. teor-list. W.-. hadi coillc. ed tog'tlher bhen to. onle dI r ilie tl.a r of g.ov'erlnmetU; . . a. i.ler the »l. I - til.n of some policy resl lve to ,dr io I materi+l luire.t., but hIle, was one wllch dealt very Iargely w.-,i oollditions and propolitieo for dith tant from ourrslvae. A' lise prei.elt tilme, however, we are cailledl ug.n to eonllIdr lmattetr relutillg . tbhe Ioe diate present and dlesti.c.d ' exert a controlling ilfluence ol the future it, a remote perlod of timne. We aIe called upon to onwlider the rel*atlloll o publio law; t, the codditllus whl' In priete lift; we arrecilld upon to.Olnider nltters wblob re sle di to the eomfrt, conve-nl-en happlncee and prospertlly of .ase aid every home In the county of CuLter. sad to the life of ea.h and every lea,r residing here. [Loud applaus.] It I eoly rare In the II e of a ntlatol that leae. is destined to Ie fee lowed by .o raplidly and dire', Ii -e nlet ieosererl ly be the result of the premet electi II. I.'ur years sat, tI. oels whib ch apptare iat the time t the people to 1.e .sIl,'itnt, the wbkd,,n of lte sation formally decreed that Wth admlnlhtratlon or the federal govern ment shoull be transferred to a polill cal orgaiizittiun litirrrtut from the which coaatroie-d tit gtavtru met for =1 year. ; iire. edlug. Tb. ain'ni-,ra il ua, traurftrred. All r ir the c.auitrV tliere appemred atthe t"l e pro-p.--r. ua t,,.uuod; !h-;, euple we-re happy; eyr 1., -ly rp.-icrt1 slid w. re u·rlne l : the~ government ."rits Irurnediat" ly w."it to w".rk to fer re, out nom- fIlda iju tt(I adsauistra tio If the r*'ubl.crau party that wouald fauten ulloh it the stIgma of di.grace; but after at thorough lnveeti gatron, it.was aace: "aaned and so oer tllifd Iw the people that the 24 years of republican rule bad hieed marked by tidelity to public trurt; by the utrict uet po-- tile rystew of accounta, and by ia perfect ba lasucul oa crb with the recorld. (Loud and oontinued ap plause. I Th, brilliant, di~t.iguished and gifted speaker then rel.. ed In detail the effect that the Muil. bill would have UcD ti e lodustria+, prueperlty, barpinee. and future gr( ,th of this territory. cleariy and dist.tctly show ing to tbe sati-factior ol t,1.. audienoc that it was against tll. ilt trewt. of rvery meon, ainy or ev'ery 1-i.ines or prufcddin.,. ;o vote tillh lrhlocratlO tailket, uu.l t aciug tb." th..try of ire. trade Naiue. tbe e .riy 0d3Mlii our onion ies, tour -howarrg tihat at all timee wbhu he :re- trade tbeories Lad pre vxrled in Idir ulIll1t thre peop.!.e bad beLe ca-'t Ito a -tole ,: IaactLivIfY; dep,ived ",i the cori:,rl.e that are proIut* d by a liviir t' civ, d throued trou& Iv t heU o t tIk. ulI a * i s apI uT w lOch i- the p~r.-rg::, i'v vof t' perjIt that hav. car oft ' ..- %ii av .. foreign ,onr.-ct mud jpott*Itatrt., ziud were plung'-d ut-.. a vort-x .,f rinio that call tile piate sIbadow of Iear, Illi rier, Care aiid want on the jubdihalnutb 4? a fla. tiohu thata bud by it. IIwu Vohitiou hrwnwa awa3y Ihth e up.urtuulty, by rlretiU6 tl.iii PI1Srti. i I'rrad.-ldt, of cnntu..uitIg it. oIts ard and upward career a" the first uatihn oi earth. 'rue elithlutI'ºtAC· and large audience that `rented the -speuker litened at tentively, and carefully followed him. d1rilkinpg in the i'r'..ectiVe tariff do." tIme t.,t wtri ws ahoy pr ,euted m the Eullysyateie t upon whith the An*.ri cau people could hope to maintlal theilr lpo-ion0 a. Ihe tinut nation on earth and r4 in the oomrtaercial and dnaucial succe.a that ha. so chleat tresed our people. T'be meeting terminated with three " peers andl a rowing tiger for tbh -*ple-kr that had co aby and .1. 1v.-ftity (IiicuW'.d our protective tariff -y-tre.. The famous military band !r.,a.i fort Keogh discourued patriutlo ,jp. and re.. tveit all ovation from the I-t:eiri)Lu vr ,wd that hadl a.ewbled In hb-er thi. wv.rthy de'egat- that will tiring us .t:ateh ".d curt pr..jeriy by liltimng up his vote.- iti thie iItt.r. t4 6J( .1s M. Utat~a "'in1i Itit. hailf iii A Ch.(ryman's CrItlItam. A clergyman who has married hue dreds of couplles among the fashionable ci:'clhs (.f our F.a'b.rd cities. said lately:t 'The critic-unI ti.ay saem uncharitable, but it f a matter of i-,lbr fact that ih half of Tle marriages which come under my observation, there was reaon to sup. pose that the motive of either bride or bridegroom was to better her or his worldly condition." The reason of this is. not that the young Americ'an is less capable of deep, unslrtish I.cli:il. than the . oung met, o other nati,,urs but that he has learned to attach more inmprtanoe thanl they do to the luxuries and display of life. ie has not the money to provide as comfortable or splendid a home for his wife as his father has given him, hence ho looks out for a "girl with money." wno will ad can provide it for herself.-Youth's Com pacion. Boum at Alsh Pres. A tooth f Sir Isaac Newton was sold in 1810 for the sum of $3,650. It was purchased by a nobleman who had it set In ring i hich lie wore constantly ona bh finger. The hat worn by Napoleon Daon. parte at the battle of Evlau was sold In Parsin 1'33 for 400. It was put upf sale at $100, and there were thirty-two bidders. The coat worn by Charles ][I at the battle of Pultawa, and preserved by one of his offliers and attendants, was sold in 1823 for $110,878. The two pw employed in signing the treaty of A em s were sold in 1825 for ,$,00. Awi that had belonged to terne was sold a public auction ln London for 41,01. The prayer buok used by Chars I wh Sthe cffold w sod in ldmgl to 1825 for $328. A waloCat hoSt to J. J. Rousesms ws sold for $1i0, l his metal watch for $lqp.-A-s.igM Notes and Queries. A Prea.h PibU st de The Frnchb polio have reoel e I structions t~ the authos of a Ingenious political trick, wldoh at defacing the colas i Il mud suslituting the name of I, etapereur. with tih date l iL the subtitution has bee omalad osentlime p sec. nd has base a political jok..--Kew Y.k ·