Newspaper Page Text
'l 1 L Y JOU RNAL ..'LRS ('TY, MON7TANA. Pont Office It an'tloll P1adr i n I ,141 claws . ..... ...... .........11 Itr, if tVe1.t r waI ,,I *l') u ............................ t,.(i p unice U14U Sunry ' Ill .urthern Parilii Time Table. LVAVE AI MU CITY lu,1M(1 WKIT. So. I. ..i....* *. .... ..P. i -4 . 1. I'Wltexp l Fr t pres... iwi ... ........... .. . i::. F:xpr"c` freight ........................ S L. 1 M 15. Fraiglit ......... .................. ........11 .,16 A.N 1.1.A VE MII.K4 ITY .','ING F ANT \U. . % i llll Ei11rei" ...... - ."" """" II:(:' N. 1 I'AS-Iiger ........... ... l. . . a. ii;. r. p I gx' hgl .L . ....... . ...... . . ?4 HI. Freight ................................_1'l2 v OFFICIAL hhIKECT#II. I'ETIEtAL IDIHECTORY. Lie! gale to (:4Jng .....«.Joemp K·.Tu Tole. H lena governor.....- .......... ....» . Hena Src rta........ . William B. Webb. Helena Treasurer.. ....... (eu I'reuatt. Helena Auditor ...............................a 'ulliI, lelena Chiefl Justice ...«.« .................. . MCIUuuell. He~lena (rlryLn 1h"Wulfe Associate Justicas......«...«....-fh(, · i i Bach. burveyor en.eral ......--Ben). H. (herue, Helena Superiutendent of i'ublic inIt ctwiuo.......... -_ .......... ..... ...... A. A .. l.gaJ, . )lelena C. l3. ý.larwli _l ...R. b. Kelly. Helena Regi-ter 1'. . ' 'lle.... A. cr.reer. Mle C('ity R.,ei' er l'. +Land I tt,,e..\batnrf Hall. 3lalae Cty 'OCUTY OFI('CER. Co, r. il .............................. Ir. l1'. A. itrlpila N..n....... t.... Hui..ý ............._1J M +'i ·ITF ······ . ........7 h."" II. Irviner* Cr, equre. . .......... . I'I . Ik"~ur "lerkc n. U...i...... .................... '. liar rrk f Iatri' '.w t.. ......Jxr." . ` 1, lllJ1 1. I u~le ~ hron, . .......- ~ ...... .t\ -inLhrr II. 'ounty .\. "In ... ..... .......... ............. hl . Is'" Iýu anl r ...... ...1. ........ ·······.. . 'I. . I ' h,ýw pu (I.. IS \\ Irl, - Pnbll...... ... .............. ... ......... I SIr * . I,.·1 'I .- . *1'. - .~~ .1i "' 'A I ~ * I' I· · ' I' St. L'I;tsi P ' j I vv o 4 to:..1 P MAi:'rul t win'e, lIre modl Illdial teratrd u? lull trd'a r '1. C. tjzIjnor,' tlawe i fr'oaa hl-4 trach oil Powdl"r river Z.-e.terday. Leave orders for I ilk' teal at the old Hishbop ataoid and t'ait. Haiwrlou'a k'a.Ch.'t en-h ri jae paid for see'.ud baud alovel. " DlltrtM ýrteeý I tn, & UI.mEK. Y..eorday luoruiupg there wuas a freeze of over an irch of ioe oi still water. Pimpler, boils and other humors are liable to appear wheu Ite hlalou gets heated. To tcure theni, Lake Huod'e, 8ar'aparulla. W. E. Buckkmua left last light for Chticago intendling to remain east for about two we.ks. Hardio & ('auipbt'll will load 57 Htreet cars at Miles City on or about Nov. 2 When Baby was s,.k. we gave heir ('atoris, When she wl a (.lhd, she cried for ('aslria, When she beIIanu M., h, o.seTu1ng to t.aslorsa, When she had CLUdren, she gave them CatLori4 Col. Malone has been away from the eity several da) a but returned to as-ist in the celebration. C'attle sales at Chicago Opt. 14: RIea 24, I248, $3.85; Wood 7io, 1342, $4.1. Receipts I:~f.5M). The Carter ('attle enompany have ordered 14 ralttle ecar to be loaded at HunLtley on (). 20. The Tunuie, ,river poeul shipment will not be made for several days yet on aooount of a scarcity of cars. Rev. Adam Johnston, of Chleago, will preach at the Pretbyterian church to morrow (Munday) at II a. ul. Oon hbls wnr to the gov~rlnauelt .aw mill yesterday 1)r. Firhl kliled a uum ber of prairle chickens, which be said lined the road for miles. An attempt was made by soare of the boys yesterday to get poseeslon of an Indian dog almost a dead ringer for ild Pagel's with which to cap a fght to a inlbh. The Cheyenne papoose aleallrjual toa be lured by lucre, however, and thH tw.wO-'Id-a-half-lplund fight log Ilat! C eIuamt be smatched at paeeent. Jack isaut Itanht her trail, however. (Cul. E. I. Wisteria arrlived from :the wes~t 3atrallay to Lake a baud iu tbe iajubl.acian rally here Ilat nighIt. JI! ln i zi. anhe republi au leun 1 ruLlaý.4 r I'i J orig. Moleahil dnalrI A, ate (:L 111, [ iII ý Il't Oaatorical It aegut 34), 11i.I.I. Cart.-r and Ml ijor Eatton rrn a. (t %a (.tda y 14l'arzImg and had t iaa, i. itsflay ill Milee City to enter tail. trlt fill-. \\"u. ii. I '.alltr'l uiud Jaja~p Rtyau 1*31.1d' i.a. s I gout! gnU.? up Ilhe r,vai on I I:u :111 ilg trip. 'fhe) will bUat iL daown rha- rlvta fIou J orN)l'. A wu'tgU 1lld IteLLU ci L ',rsels from Ib. (1'hyeuue agency was dilveu iii ytatt'rday by two hIal-brecdsa. They wauted to are the town. The \V'aoruma'aChristlia remperance Uliionm will hold a prayer aud IbilIae rtaadiug service thlin naturday, at 3 p. In., at tLb Baptist chu;cph. A big Spanish uloole game at Pep per & Jones' was the tfix'ateuent of t!ist Iacality. One Uman Is repo'rlead to have gitLe ii away with oturly $Lbl. \1rlod.Iy 4 arta-r w as tuik-," up '.n au-i otli.-r.f lii-' 3azata rdiav lbv M'. 1'. 1 1·111 rf 1 1~11" wags 1 being :i( \ 1'51 to 4911 :,I _"ar-. I ~al r Ii W . I I :t\I: flat I lo .. N'*-r, havey~,' " 4.1i.ll 'fatiguea 1 is lkit g for at loac.tta it tlai t!.. rI0 i-a.' aspa.-at It) ,. 'ak %'a itl e at 'll..1 1'I ii .U;*l' at I'.u a it :' N I'. It.L' *I ( 9''*. . " - 9 : % I· · .11111111 9.t9'"Al *1 t i-; (u91b9;·1·.1ý:U al v.3t:1 '.I V,"errmur\ s".IKe.I, It. 1:. 1.t09 UI tII %%I. i VItt3i I !tI p 11 1',ip eI'l r lDr. (tureorata 1, nItIktholitly ZI ijutlii I to praitice -0 Iti .nuih} Iii till. liiw. '1i1e lout; :493Ke4 for amud nmueb h talked of double teamu rtce Iromji d iil. Cu l' I0 AhInud ha' Iwtrti declared (ft'. At l ~iii ladov Ist rCl~lita, ti. t1w Iie it for p~utting op I tlhe wLto o, tlhe $3494 atakee., Arthur Masxw'II waIlk oPn and with h194 m4,onfeV, out Auld not tappear itug. Maxwell claulwed the $5' forfeit and It was Ialid over to him. I)r. FI'b returueu at about R o'u'lot k lat night from a ha94y .~all to atteud the rancher Wohigeuau., at bill plate near the goverunm.nt rawruIl. Ile found Wohilgeuaut in a no wors1e ('o dimion tbau or a previtu9 visit, In lzl.t rather Improved and thluka bis recuv ery most lrobable. Father Pauwelyma, who waa telegraphed for, will arrive on train No. 2 to-ehay fraiiu Helena. tDoe ourlier WMs tmIlwy iuld 0y "%4iie paIslengrts ou thil train frouli Ulleu dive" in regard to an alleoged tuterrup. tion of the republiuan meeting at that place on Thursday night. No sucob ocmurrence a+ alleged took llce, and a diligent enquiry ilto, the matter de veloped the facl that the story was made ,ut of whole cloth for tile benefit of the too credulous Courier man. Th'lli we cau prove, aud moreover pro dice the wman who made up the yarn. 'Th'brse who are trylug to break up tbe Iban'l'ul habit of latemperance will experience great bleef!t from the use of Prickly Ash hitters. Liquor de ranges the system. Prickly Ash Bit. ters will remedy the evil results and restore thbe brain, stomach and liver to healthy action, thereby strengthening the will power, thoroughly cleansing and toning up the system and remove every taint of disease. It Is purely a medicine sud while pltasant to the taste, It cannot be used as a beverage by reason of its cathartic properties. - Th"e MmTequee Hous,. The recent visit of lManager ('alle ban of the Macqueen house to Chlogo having given rise to a rumor that it had Iben decided by Mr. Franklin MoVeagh to lose the house the em Ing winter, a JouIIN.I, reporter yes terday took ocoasion to Interview Mr. Callahan on the subject, and asoer. tained in a remarkably short space of time that suoh a step was not thought of, and that the house would remain open and under,the preeent manage. mealt Indrefintley. This announce. ujent will no doubt he very gratifying to thuoe who hlave put any credence In the. rumwir above weotioled. The Mao ituii hio.e under the able wIan ageulent of Mr. Callahan Ias attaiied the enviable. r.euuati eion ob e.III one of tbe lee·t I, t-kI on the line of thee Northern Pacific rolad, and it. bumi n'essto,, ielrktr ty -a'lkte tery to Mr. MlCVatKe. 1k fatelle ise s o wideselreete thal trave-ir.. on 11cc road muake it a pollet toe -lop~ ever here. to Penet *[lo! r. emruef Ir' io is leIo;; rail tripe, tLue gtivaee our toiwIn a prrominuernce that were tie (oEudi l uid othlerwee, It would never at-quccire. l1 a.. ,"euene're 13 lroleer that our ~imz,-ne shoull Mi shw their appre eiaI 101 of Ihis tfeet by i an )re goi lel*! local let roncuage-, muidw as linter alp promletls and t~eernient patrofnage elatekg ulp, Il hlt sh.Ulu he dnre. V.. C. T. I. A. it mes ieilpre.1 cable for us to respo.eliree Ihte die re-pet of tile World'.. W. C. T. U., preslident,' toe het apart Oct. 14 uu a day of prayer for the bless wlg of G(od up'-e the white ribbon anltly andl our txelover d lsauce "For God and hleege atn acd Every Lilhl," we have set alinre .enludy e-vening, the 21,mt for tiht JeIC'pne. All the lee~tgrw have e,oI-eeiot~e! to g~v.e upI their regular Iper: rl frfr teat eveeaug arid will lull'' te,",r etrert , tit rjjj-4 eailse.Th -fi viev. ie le Iat the Baptist I u, t, I Ljimeeeeg mit thee regular hour. I ! r, en .s - W~I' liii ii." firere terse ".1 '" ,tal Pu It, l e it at; te-m.I to t1tf a l 1 ,4 1'. t.ces I Psi a" fly lItev. 1 e4to- 1 () , me111 . 1' .v \L 1. 1I'.*ii II... 1. 1 · t; I; ll~tin - ~ 1 l111 i + l S.. I . " . i" .i I .4, '1, · A. .' i', t . t\ .' . t iii; ,!Ilk I " - ..1. 1 I. , . !,1' -t, ..1. % II-·LL It'"") 1 i,-111" x 111" "L `I ", .", r, ..y Ir t 1.1,11 Mt, i'i,1't .ý se, - .. , sr" 'c'ur r ( 1c;, - l'1" i- p a1'Ic"lab tti -i re?4:tr4I 4 It'll a*? ".! "n /. , ii :1l"4C . at ctrp I lu" Ilir uiylit iHC*(.: ~ti Pet Ilan heeu .!~r44Uf1 $44~'C tI.'4t a.4 4'11I*f, rl~iI4V I,ts rlrc II'Il ."", t : l, P tert IrlHu t I 1.ulte iiM!1144 I ''U' 3M 3*44 ali tI t I i exa ggeratt'dl. Ie vteictle for th:" un-I iid:aI achi'-verne'I "A ('hip 0' the oldtbe lltiwk' from the p.'nI of Hr.F lftHall Wiznslow, a wouug author. andi one of pr'fltntc. lit haa resihiseti the ut'ctpted teorua of niaiddraiua wile Ic legart saK fru ni t he t44i4 .1*1110 aIIt o'f burlcesque, and between the two the uight pu st l i uiek y and en joy a 1bly. 1iaChip w..i an (slit msalt who had eta of lilood, and tien !adl'"d abfout it all the reIt of is day. He. figured as, the prolector of the inceodratuame lost tcbild, wito had to dantce aazd rin~g CoA 4tautly, In order to keep. her dfhirih under the Indefatigablel pursuit of the "genteel Villain; In the end she itt unaphed, because she wa.4 pert, pretty, plooks, and oni thet co4rrect sitde of .11e law. Hriskness marked all the comedy, anld appropriatenesso was a feature of the musrial trimnmings. Mr. Robt. L. R$eotl, a droll and original comediau, who talks and winks like Leter Wel. la.k, was the Chip, and Mr. Harry Mi1,1 was equally acreptabhle e the horrcy young nllma who loved the hero ine, and wedded her with the Chil''. blessing. 'iheltrformanc(c c was sarooth and spirited. Nothing Ibeter in Its line has been seen this season. Hotel Arrlvnli 1EII MAQ'tUiEKN. Col. Malone, Billingo ; John Bano, T. H. Carter, Helena; (it-o. 0. Eaton, Livingston; (hlo. A. Wood, (ilenllve; J. H. (lailop, Osllop, M. T.; E. D. Boyd, F. L. Graham, Moreland, M. T.; E. ('. Waters, Hillling; M. C. Con ners, Spearflsh, Dak.; U. I). Peavey, Forsyth; J. 1'. Moreland, Dunlap, Iowa; W. E. Van Nees, Chicago; Chas. Leseur, Itosebud. I)ItoVKR O1101::. J. C. Blake, Lake ('ity, Maob.; Jae. Wilson, Minneapolis; Fred Hitzfleld, Texas: J. W. Quinn, 5 Itsuob. Vellouwtoir n Park nll O.Iotwr. The Yellowstoue Park nasoclation have arranged to furnisa transporta tion and hotel accomodations through. out the Park during October at greatly reduced rates t'asenger trainog will make the round trip, Livingston to Clunnabar and return, on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, said a five days' trip from Clnnlbar to the prin cipal points In the Park can be made at an exlpuse of not to exceed thIrty dollars. 'he rail rate from St. Paul, ,Minneapolis, I)uluth or Ashland om the east,and Portland and Tacoma oa the west, to Cannobar and return, will be 6$4.(Xl,and frtom Intermediate poi one and one fifth fare., but not to ex. ced $.O.0o. Tickets will be on sale up to and in oluding October lath. PartlUm glon into the Park shoull call on C. 8. Her. ferlin, ageut N. 1',4t. R., iummdiately on arrival at Ivllngsiytonl. For full particulars Inquire ..f your Dearest agent, or Char,. 8. Fee, general paMsrn. geyr anad ti."ket agenrt. St. Paoul, U runr TiimAmirlrimn Magauzie for ('i:Iober It' i'';'n" with a tirely il iu.trald dt eiirltitvt b'i'ter by Lieut. Walter S. I 'i~lIonr "ii the Sev'entha re.giment of N.-w fork Ahlilj iii'roduIf, a ker. s eutitlid "Aun. rimr's Crack It~iriieuts. oth.'r oif his .Ih.rouing 'q)UtL Amueri (aLn thle, dli..riting in t~lAi% Il-ue the ()riu',. rv.-r. Auiother very in ter s'ina ioIntributioul is a sumwuar drive. with l.-ua and pencil, iii the vale be-y o` the (",nueotirut. by John It. tiha;io. In ailiht . , t) ot her valua ole literary feeturee, an'. a series of l.a pres on practlh~l .j'e~t ion, oif the .153. LOCAL ITEMS. A .Sur Cr.r /ur, I'id-4. Dr. Kintk'a HeimanA Pile (sutuient has curedrl lind, Ilee-dirag arid hti4hj g Pils.i when all otlier O)i ztini-htm lhave tailed. It ab.'oitiý the tumiori, uilat.s the Itchlon at Ult(', aetsi as a poeultice. kives instant reIn-f. Dr. Kink's (;t r mnto P'ile(.intrneut iI.reparn'd only for fiules toild I tching ofth drii-t jiIe ta'ts. tld nothinK elte. Every bo)x) is war ranted. sld by John Wnt'rigt. Ihrug gist, Miles City, Mont. hrreet 31um1" F'ree Any iulano u r organ player iendlng in, t 1ir addrt"r,- ail x two-celnt l talla' to, gI".y l +''1!a "lr rs.. iv- ~nmer , likeee iof lrlet ln.llsl*. r'i::.' rotate if You wiM'I illt- n u- i f'Itr 1' at u ii' O ,rEyiD, ilt.tru. Inflt li .,r itli'w, t,.-y or dllhfl'ui. This <. +rl+'. 1". utliLY.ll' i*i '., f :ii f"1m.' I'. 4 'ai i' ;1 1I+-I+ l.,u -ic I )-nlpr. I) e'r'i, rl. owa. I'7 wi-li t. tr.W'. £ r, tal -l+ man iii .,'ir S l. prri. r" ' * p rel; pa-mrnan.: t ,'t.i 3 lT for etr. ir r- -. :.' ' 8i. . ",r I ,.;iti v;lrs , tI, .r s art . adi tr r '.s . . t l.:tr '. l l. LI r .ir* l.,.*.-- I 'o Le ..: ' .i n . 1 I' i ' 1 1 , Ites . rl' r ': U nio r.ea'' --tre' I i' ' A' l '0.. I ..," ' -,e' , iii . i . I. N',. 1 '' t : -. t . I r- *, r* i ' . '15 ". -. I n' .' ,I ,,' ir ' '., . t n " .[ , , ., .I I - t t, f ,. o f l ' , . I f . 1 - 1 q , s . t. .J , t: ", : l . a, 1i , ,. 1 . . l , , % . . pr . :, r. _ 1 t l , .IV r-. I. . i,, l ' 1 ,I . ' ," *al t ', r Ir' , ' . .ft II . €n.. Ii .r 'A pY. r ..1 at of theer ' Ty, t. ', inl:; I. lew k fur for %l.uia reair, I .,le.lin lh.-o i lie, intler 14thl. 1t, saidi ,r'.,pomal. '.* TInlir tIhe use of ihe i'oullty P'I.ur Falnlt l ' .'o'rnv I th. ''ntrl' i'.m.l f fad na.. cluthr ingt anlii nir -lu g l said *I {K. l.,t.r and iifrlll, and all Itullial exl, l w* thinreo.l. ',.il pn,ro llens mll be re -.ived Ui t il i 4. of %loiday, I.', nile-. r :lrd l$+, &lf. r,.,J to t he utllld rllg.ind and muarked "!'Prl+ n- ttr ' are of Poor ' 'The im),Ot resererr the raiht to rjet all, - or ill By order of t l,e Board. I.. ('. IIEAK. i'munty Clerk. Care for the Children Children feel the dehbtity of the o hanging eas. sons. eveln more thaln adults. iand til'y become iros,. pee.ish ani uonent rllabl'o. T.e blood should be cleat., 4 aid tho syst. in tin. irorated by the use of Hood 1 i r.partlla. I;t, it a trial. "Last sprintg my two , lil4r uro were %.c rinated. oonn after, they broke all out with ruIning ,ores, so dreadfu' I thought I should loe tlhem. Hood'a ".ursaparilla cured thLm e lmpletely; and they have been healthy ever sille. I do feel that Hod's Sarsaparlla saved my children to me." M.i. C. L. TIosurPo.. Weut Warreu, Mass. Hood's Sarsaparilla Bold by all drugg;t,. fl , six for $5. Made only by C. 1. IlL) i& C.O., Lowell, Mass. 100 Doses One Dollar Rink Opera House F. F. TILLY., Manager THURSDAY. October 25th Positive Pr.,luctinl of the Latest anlI ,reatest New Yoik -uccee. "Chip 0' tohe Old Bl0oc An Original, .tattling, hM.ical, Farcical c'omiedy lramls, introducing those unent Mrllthlll Makaer-, SCOTT & IILLS, The lshing. Pretty. Fascinating Little Qu.een of Miulging t tuedienne, Miss JESSIE BONSTELLE, Together with the Islt elseinating Coterie of 'o. ieditas and Irallltic Artists that made the b'l hit tn blew lork last April and May E. D. Stair - - Manager A Great PIa ! A Great Cast ! New tuecmrr! Iew Eiorts! Latest Mngs ! hlDleidt inees! Crictl Nlarebe! Mirthful lehike! A 01. TjDarua and a Iuom/ , iY ?unsaj l Comdy, radl·(lsrlih MparhInirg. Original uswac, Vouie (Gems, Nov.l F..Aua and Anmusing Idulte. C(udemred N. V. Press Upinion: run:-' An Instantaneous hit." World:-The best Vomed7 In ea.*' llermid -A ohavaaahg perfonmanre. N.Y V' 'Ii V:-' A gigl pier and a big bit." Journal;-'i wat ,U legant. itagling haa,.. and ,utio.ln." N. V. mv'te aead Itrama - oWfIt .h theatr chak-n with laughter," Adiewieon batterd fiteat at iRavage's without O"wai ibarge I Children Cry fr PItchers C teria, 1888. CAMPAIGN. 1888. HANAUER BROS. Clothing, Gents Furnishing Goods HATS. CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES. MILES CITY, MONTANA. W\. mxa racture our wn goods~. Suits and Overcoats made to ordw l'erlect tit gurrantred. HEATING AND COK STOVE All the old favorites and several new "Candidates" for public favor are now in the race. We are CUTTING PRICES On nearly ;very articl.. in our stock to correspond with . ..:. , B1. Call and see us. Miles, Strevell & Ulmer. RAILROAD THE DIRECT LINE; iEi WEEI4 SAINT PAUL, MINNEAPOL'S, Or OULUT' I4.o., Wahhblu",a Territar , And all Points ti Minnesota, D0 kota, Montana, OREGON, Britirl Colamia, Plct Sou9a W ALASKA. NO CIANGE OF CAR BETWEEN ST. PAUl and PORTLAN)). OnI Any (nla of Ticaot EMIGRANT SLEEPERS FREE The Ouly All Rail Line to toe YELLOWSTONE PARE lrap.. hti. Daily, to whlegh ai a4tt.aa PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPERS AND CLSAr f Dnllo reKS OARS. e I full tllafriust m to Ti.... ft.Im. ISO OIaS. S. PIL .L.'l . Ag1 -f FaPL. MVtr NOTICE THE BARGAINS FiF'KRKD H1" CB,1Towers& Co Do not mis the opr , tunitieL offered each week. CALL A."DB8E. 4I i imn thU. COLD LUNCHES Meals to Oider ata l hours of the day or nigbt, sI LVERBEIIG &r {I{I8ITOPHEL hises Citv& Speurhl~ Stalgs Un., ~E ~I{E & TH(MII(I'R4IK, Propsk Daily 5tage tot * fl :-ITFINIEbh~TE -:- FIITL Tb. N u I..'. VII.. City Nm4~Z. Wt an·opb· l & Co. /BIRKLE &r TRUSCOTT, WboIleale and Reich dwIem I --CHOICE FAlIIIY GROCEIIII, Newr good. ~omrrtaalt y mMlta I Vt. beadle the· arguS md *6* varid mrortugm eq We respeekllyee~ulsm paimnag, p)dImgy em d"'n Ib WdIUCrtlwlk·