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TIE DYELLOWSTONE JOURNAL VOLUME VII. No. Sa. MILES CITY, MONTANA, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 9, I888. PRICE FIVE CENTS. THE DAILY JOURNAL Ae Oflelal Paper of Caser (Consty. Every Morning Except Mt nday. opulation of Mile. City .. 3,000 Terms of Subscription; BY NAIL, IN ADV %('B, 1'OTAGOE PAID. Dily Edition, one year...--......... ....10. Dily Edition mnth ........................ , DaJly month ..............1................. , TO CITY sI'BBCRIIR.A, Carrier, Every Morning, at 2. enuts per wee_, WsaKLY ErITIr-N. YELLOW ' AFi.R. S ear..... .......................... .................... 1--- Bia Months..................... .......... 2. A T Month ........................................... 1,00 Advertising Rates. qtrs. c 8 I° R S ....... 8 00 .00, 4 .00'10.00+ 14.00''10.00 Da..... .00 11 .00 1 8.00 18.00 .00 Days. .... 1.00 14.00 1 8.00 21. 30.00 I V I. ..:' 4.00 10.0 16.00 18.0 24. 008 .00 .,eks... 7t) oI).ox1 12.10 1).00 24.00 32.00 46.00 4 "wk, ... ( 12.11i 14.10 22.00 24.0(1 ..001 50.G ".,Jfth I .;,1.00O I16.00 2.(1) 12.01 42.00 6O.00 ',,rithe 2 "l 14.0i 22 (10 4.I) 42.10 52.00' 15.00 h .nlbh. 40 22':. 2. 0. 42 I.1 il'.161 66.00 10)0.00 S"h*. '2 x 42.1(1 1,.1c 6(1.010 74.1, 100.I.I 150.0 CI-) nIu(,Il--'Tn eentH .h r nunl otr Ieach IIet Its. itsile-uptl tili'*cn cents pr liue. Address THE YELLWI, TONIE JOURtNAL PUBLI.H IN(G (C'(MI.\NY. C I.. LE W II; *12 NJ. Udi(6 eod resid'enlce ~,. r V. t.l, i-.i.,1.'. . Ien. ain9¶ J I ii, kIDd.PIEN Orat Wuo . . . ct* u dnr. I,. o j'. l. 1 Dum, r:. r. 111f, Yn4 n'. t. "ru'. r. . ANa I1' oTtl~ ' UlIA. (Ant, Wuu Yi-"t n I I. ''rlu urlxad "' 1I.. Al fLIght. titfttjuotidIiwt Inrui np .'y a,...wnd. C'U I BCH Lb. Pnnanurl (Lurch E1.Isopal) I'lnnwrr Hi.-Set A. le r F. a:t. t. a.m n. and ;AIr , pu . in. Wrt . Rat. Chnt c'A\. K~FLIICeurrb Mil's 1y. t'AII, aended dayor. Prialb S ruicy at S; ay at ii a. mI. aM. h p Wn. PaLs sumd Prayer Meetiing, Weineday at : 4p. ., A cordial invitatlui Lu all. MstbodinrChburcb-ilsrmce Sunday, II a. in., 7:11 p. in. n. E. Snider, pastor. Praabyterian Churcb-Iervic Sunday. 11 a. m., ?:A p. a. T. C. Arustruug, tastor. i. urc of Matrrd }leag, cIatholic--Punday, If, a. a . LW. J.Lindnewmtb, chaplain, C. S. A. A. O. H.--livision No. I meets first and seconu madays.oteseb month. K. of H.-Meota first and third Wrdnesda)s at 7:$0 p. m,, at 044 Fellows' Hall A. F. hA. M.-Y-e!luowane Lodge, No. 26, first sa" thrd WedueeSays. K. A. M.-Y'lluowtoe (Chapter, No. 5, scoud Tbarday,in each mo,th K. T.--Damaº.us Guulmandery,fourth Thura O. 0. 0. F.--'uter Lodge. No. 18, every Me day at their hall. I. 0. O. F.-rentinal Encampimenlt, No. 6, irat Bad third Friday. K. of P --(rusder Lodge, No. 7, Thursday evenlag at Odd Fellows Hall. C. K. of A.-Miles City Branch. every -unday a! . of L.-Flirt and third Saturlays. -. A. R.-U. r. ;raut Post, No. 14, first and third Tuesdays. 1. O. G. T.---tar of the West. No. 24, every Friday evening. d. of V -Glbesom Camp No. 4. Meets arst and hIe Mondays tf each mouth at Good Templars I. PARKER. . W. TOPPIN(. NORTHERN PACIFIC FOUNDRY PE & TOPPING alsaetaet .n ef all usdas of IRON and BRASS GASTIN GS, 8RAINERD, IlNN80OT_ CKEEDMOOR AILIOIY. cAUSLANO 'S GUNS. BRVOLVERS, AMMUNiTION eIY.? S II .rSIr. The LLmem 41003 s m UM"/.hue l I" I wualw. NW lt luI mmd bgmerlq of ml kNds 30140 Mewd mW W mbm LEullIGHTON & JORDANU Wholesale -:- Groceries, RANCHMEN'S SUPPLIES, GOODS DELIVERED AT RANCHES. THE -:- OLDEST -: AND - LARGEST:- HOUSE IN EASTERN MONTANA. STOCK GROWERS NATIONAL BANK, MILES CITY., MONT. THE LARGEST BANK IN EASTERN MONTANA INTEREST ALLOWED ON TIME DEPOS~ITS. W. R. STEBBINS. President, WM. HARMON. Vice President. H. F. BATCHELOR, Cashi r. ELMER E. BATOHELOR, Asst. Oash. FIRST NATIONAL BANK. THE OLDEST AID LARGgST BANK IH EASTERN IONTHIL JOSEPH LEIOhTON, Preident. W. B. JORDAN Vie Prededmt. B. B. WEIRIOL, O ahier. H. B. WILET, Assistant Oashier. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. Lire Stock, loans, Real Estate and Notary Plblic LIVE STOCK A SPECIALTY Agent for the oldeet and moat reliable FIRE, LIFE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE COS And the oldet agent to town. honey Loaned on First Class Security. Cattle and sheep ranches, and improved farms for sale at a bargain with easy terms of payment. Houses to Rent and Collections Made. Several comfortable and commodious dwelling houses and well located business and residence lots for sale cheap; also N. P. R. R. Co,s lots and lands, and grazing lands in the Northwest Territory for lease or sale. Montana, Western, Wyoming, Texas and Eastern GATTLE FOR SALE In lots to suit purchasers. Also several choice bands of shooep and Pennsylvania "Black Top," registered rams and habort Horn thoroughbred and grade bulls for sale. WILLIAM COURTENAY, MAIN STREET. -tTAbLISHED 1S77. JAB WNoW.LTAN & CO, PROPRIETORM OF TRH Minneapolis Sheepskin Tar AND DEALERS IN LEDI, .as8 EPELTS, FIS, WOOL, TALLOW Ginseng and Seneca Root. HEEP PELTS a FURS A PECTIAL.TY. 101. 10 10 ee t 9t. eWI . s mth.. Ihlpmren kolated. Write for tirular.. R. G. RIGHMOND, Oiamonds,Watches Fine Jewelry Watch Repairing a Specialty. ST EBBINB BLOOC. 1 aLsB CI'tZ CCTT' COTO 'TT E'TZE NS. SDele I uOle 'I I Iou . I th'r'! Tem. I Clerk I Attyl As'or Ci m I JudE.r.rvy i Cori lupt-I xTm'7. PRECINfTS . 1 a. : I i r ;__ __ It NileCs City .. -4 2 , 191 2 1 ' 217 24 ;) I1 17 1:: 1 .240 Ill 2741 :.J I'41."1 2!C/. I'di _A i- -7 16 21731 211 24 1M91g 217 For yth. . ..3 7. 4 . ~ 2 1 . 7I I : ,e a 1, Po l I0 ": 1'0 7 -2 7 , Cutler . .... .. .... 1' 19 21 2'. I'. Il.1 . . 17 14 22 27 13 19 4 21 I '.6 2. 2 0 2 .21 7 2:S 3 Fallon.. ... I 17 12 15 . 9 1 2, 2 25 2 2 2 25 4 2 :: 24 I 24 41 22 4, - 4' 7 21 athaway.. . .9 19 5 191 7 7 16 li II 14 1 9 I 14 ', 17 7 1 1 8 17 7 16 8 Blatthford.. 1 569 9 4 6. 7 R , 6 12 'i I . , 9 I9 r! I,14' 9 I1.vo rd... .. . 1 110 7 1' 511 7 I 1 1i, 4 14 11 .41 1 a4dle ... ... . . 1 6 11 17 11 22 7 14 12 l- 22 6 l.i 17 2.5 :1 II1 17 li 12 I. l: 16 7 19 12I 1 Rosbl.d .......... ..0 .t. 49 4 46; .0 1 46 4 . . 7 2 42 44 53 :: "1 ::,,1 21 i 64 22 (,vern t aw ill ....... ....... 12 12 7 12, 7 7 13 6 12 7 12 7 IS 9 1 1 1' 12 7 ]; 6i I1 4 17 1a 6= I ieebe'sRanch....... l. 11a 9 9 11 I 1 15 4 12 1 7 9 7l1 1,1 2 14' I 1! :13 7 1 9g 7 1. Hotchkla........ 4 2 4 2 5 25 2 2 7 24 2' 2 I 18 94 4 27, 2 2 6 4 27 91 4 2 Albright............ .. ..... . 6 16 5 1 I' . 15 I 14 7 20 1 14 7 ' I:tI 15 u I 1 161 5 16 5 211 0 16 c2 17 17 25 16 24 17;T 29 ' 12 161 24 29111 $ :4 17 '23 17 2:41 3E 9 22 18 lli anch ................... ...... 1 4 7 9 1 2 6 17 9 14 2 12 4 9 1 1 1 Hllianch ........................... 1"4 71'14 7 . 669717 r 4. II : . '.t .1 5I1, . H. Ranch ......... .. . .. 5 I,0 0 I . 1 0 8 0 I q 0 P 'rin 's Ranch .......... .. ... 17 12 13 17 15 12 141 14 14 17 12 13 16 14' 15 11 14 12. 17 13 1 6 15 1 II 19 16 1 1]11 ---- -------------------------- ' -- ---- I---------------------------- Total ....... ................ ... 43'47 451 iC 48. . i 482 4 471 3- 516 453 519 37"' 2 500 .,i :315 9 489 564 :17,1 , 8' 4IC9 ::11 31 53 g4 1) Where blanks appear in this table ladicate "not heard from." HOW iHE GOt H.3 T1FART. Enrouragemeat for Young Men Witheut a Mtahe. We have beard a good one on Char ley Brown while yet he was poor and not posraesed of the titles of either judge or alderman. Charley did not tell thtl on him.elf and probably will be un ch surprised to see his old record resurrected. but it la too good to keep, aln at the, risk ot bodily injury we give the h:ory in Iubltauce aee an eneour agem int to ntruggliulg young men who have th*- Name chance an had he a.nd to whoml the top rung in the ladder is not imporible. In the 'Thy, about thbe time the N. P. reached Fargo Mr. Brown was not lourishing and to fat was quite wbcri of funds and with a young family on b's hands to ce provided for. L-,okinlu ehbout one day fsrt a chhan e to mak. a -stake he wandered to the depot, that beinug a dilnt of great hustle at each train arrival. Crowds of paveange s topIped oft of every train in those nay aUd mni,'t of them canu,e to stay anld arn no doubt there yet. ''hey had plr1113 of ihgirile along, to,, and deliver\ waegoYl.~ V -r."e h. ai ". C'ra.rl'y iriiiined ately .rao.ped itie .iluatlou aud dte cided on a plan to make a elake with out much labor. Durin. the next 24 holursl he rustled a wagon but had nu, borte but thatdn't bother him to any alarming extent. He ran the wagon down to the depot and backed It up to the platform and waited pa tiently ior the arrival of the passenger train. In it came and as usual crowds of passengersand pies of trunks,bozee and the usual travelers luggage. Char lay moon had his wagon piled way upl, with baggage and theu waited. T'fi ,aaaengers began to grow impatient and Charley relieved hib feelLoug and created sympathy by damning the "'lazy hound if a teamster that had taken his horses to water and should be back long ago." Be explained that the rascally half-breed had probably gone off on a drunk apd that bhe would break his head for him when he ar rived. Finally be struck an attitude and said: "Gentlemen there is no other way out of the difficulty, take bold and help me run the wagon over to the hotel." This the deluded pae seugers and baggage owners agreed to do as they had no recourse and alte gether they pushed and pulled the old vehicle through the streets a quarter of a mile to the hotel. Reaching their destination the wagon was unle.ded and without blinking, ('hialey called upoh them to pay the cartage and not a wan Jack of them demurred. For .eveial days the same racket was worked to perfection and in that length of time enough cash had been taken in by taking in the tenderfeet to en able the future alderman and subttau tial business man to purchase a goeod horse. Iud . ei.tom. W. D. Harlan, lana and mining al torney, Wamhington, D. C, bhas for warded us the following synopsis of land and mioloning decluions: In caue of Adolph Peterson, et. al., decided by honorable acting secretary of the interior, Dec. 3, 1887, it was held that the procurement of qualified parties to make coal entries for the tenefit of an uasotiation renders in. valid such entries, and they will tot be confirmed. The fact that the entries were made with the knowledge of certain officials of the general land offles, will not stop the department from I wuing on the le gality of the entries when brought Ibe fore Itftl aotion. Homestead: J. Falloner ve. Hunt it. al., It was held by Hoon. 4ec. VLa., that credit may be allowed am entry man on the submlssion of home stead pro1u and in the absence o' as intervening adverse claim-for a period of residenoe pre~edlug his homneted entry and while the land is covered by a tlmbr-culture entry previously made by said entry. The tbermompkbr bu been pretty low figuratively and practically since the ide of November. Mr. Clark's Defeat. The defeat of Mr. Clark, democratic nomilu-e for delegate to congress, ap pears to be certalD. If this probability is sustained by later returns it will show the existence of a peculiar state of alairs in the democratic party of Montana. Mr. Clark was the unani nhou. c(*ol( e of the terrltorial conven tiion. He acc'epted the nouminationr vt I)' ymclI arglin-t his own inellu tiDnm aud with r thhe .urauce t he would have the hearty sup;port of hi. party al.muites. He wa, given noble ase.itlnc.- vy maur leaders In the ,party, notably by the presaent delegate, J. K. Too le, and the former dehgate, t\ljor Maowlinis,. anld by others when-e, wo)rl-s hoiuld hbave hia great w'illht. The, (p lotilln resorted to the nI1 t di-reltabhle mehnthiad, to injure the atandiliir f Mr. Clark with miner. und b,:mtuer meni, but it would be an inullt (to the iut-iliifence and fairne-s of the. people, of ..IotIan ueneralle to, concede that there attacks influenced any oo-lderable number of voters. He we- Lot opposed by a man of suptrilr merit or ability in any direc "ion. lout by one, wi ui mIen of hieow n party r*gardedli as. delined to be allughtered at the lhdls. It ic evi. dent. th*eref re, t bat other eaune, mIutt lhave bIeen at work to cause Mr. Clark'e defeat. In come directions be haa eertaluly been the victim of treachery. Before theilection there were rumor, of disaffection In certain quarters, but they were promptly met by denia i from thobºe suspected. It must now oe believed, in the absence of lesatimony to the contrary, that some of thebe de nials were dlslingenuous, and that in truth he was "wounded in the house of his friends."-Iuidelwndert. THE NE:W WILD W EIT. Or Whby trorer WHlbed to be awsed Prom His Friends. (scgN E I. Minister West reading the letter from the all, g-d Britilsh-American at Pomona, Cal., in which oci*urn the f.d lowing: "As you are at the fountain head of knowledge on the question, and krow wheth4r Mr. (leveland's policy is temporary only, and whether he will, as soon as he ecuren another term ,of four years in the pteeidency. suspend it for one of l.dndlbip and free trade, I apply to you privately. etc." '0. blawat me blcoming country. mnau's eyes. you know. It's the inside of Mr. Cleveland's polley be wants. Well, now that I can give him, as I'm at the foluntain-bead, sure enough." Mini-ter Wept from the iueide, write a letter containing the follow ine: The party in power Is. I believe, still desirous io maintaiicing friendly relations with (Great B itain, and is still an deslrouts , uett I itlg all questions withl C. atic'I, whihld have been unfor tuulately re-otiened since the retr-c t.ln of the treaty by the republican majority of the senate, and by the president's message, t.o which you al lude. ' * " It is, however, Impos _able to predict the course which pre Ident Cleveland may pursue in the matter of retaliation, should be be elected; but there is every reason to he lieve that, while upholding the pool tion be hai taken, be will manifest a spirit ofconciliation n dealing with the question involved in him meemage eI'K;N ag. "Blaw me o *y.., you know. th. rountain head bha put hlis blooming rtot in It." Mr. ('luiveland: "M1t'krllle, we all love you and your., old lard; but you mtc how It Is, '.lakvllle, you ir sao hIt Ia. I guwu you'd lwtr I. go. DIa notloe bow mad I l.,k,Osal 'llI.,don't notli'. bow mad I look. Tbat,a poll. Ilea Iikv~llle. that'. polItiI." (]- lDlly Rkerdoi "Mr. ('lark '. efrat," ai told by thb Indep.ndentI and reprnduead In today'. J(It'uRAI. w.ho.w to a dead cerlalnly that tbe p.ople Of Montana dlscovrerl hbeors Nov. 6th who Tom t'arter Is. Clark war, but bhi "morning aum ha goo down at moo.." me C(ol. Maoie aye. Live mtock Sales at Union stock yards, Cbicago, Nov. 7, 1688: C. Keoper, 160, mv. 1608, $4 00; do 210, av. 1430,$4 I'l: R. Cobur, 324. av. 1390, $3.85; do 43 ',we, my. 1200, 12.90; H. Morben, 344, av. 1 I00, 3.90;do 4b cows, av. 1170, $2.85. Sales at Union stock yards Nov. 8th: New York 2.301, av. 1301. $3.60; Myer !,98. av. 1337, $3.60; co 144, yv. 1337, $3.75; do 49, my. 1198. &; 00. Re ri.pts 10,01,1; steady. Prof. therwood arrived last night from Omaba and ten minutes after the train stopped at Miles City was grind ing out music and song at Burke & Ward's parlors. Tommy has lost onue of his old time dexterity in manipulating the keys and enter tertiuned a select party for a few con secutive hours. Mr. W. G. Hayden, the expert aso cou..tant eu ployed by the county eommi.ilonerg to examine into the books of the several county ofces bay oompleted bie work and departed last night for hib be me at Fargo. The report as submitted to the county comminisioner shows only a trifling ueficiency. The JoURNAL acknowledges the re ceipt attbe bands of Agent Tinling of a complimentary ticket from tie Chicago. !t. Paul, Minneap lis & Omaha R. R., to the American Fat stock show. The greed opelnng is to be on Tueday evening, Nov. 13, 1888. Leon Dupont is an old .etler of Terry, and also in the earlier days, of Miles City. For several yese be lon held the oice of justice of the pesee in the first named town and lt some respecte has proved a good pea ofm cer, but broke his record the other day by making a winning fight with (off, J. p. (oft made out a complaint and went through all the formalities consequent upon iucb a move, making unmdvit before himlseltf, etc., and ap pointed Red MacDonald a speoolal dep uty to bring the belligerent to Miles City for trial. Of course the case was thrown out or court and MaeDonald referred to the complalning witness for coset and fees. Judge SteUble also sent a reprimand second band to his highness at Terry, cautioning him against so extrarodinary a prooeeding in the future. A Nuleae. Last evelag a young lad of the Eitee family created a scene at that abnominable dive on Park street which sails under the arnae of a cigar store and whichb I a disgrace to the city. The boy threatened to shoot himself ir his sister because he thought she had disgraced the family. Ofcer Can was sent for and quieted the altir by having the girl leave the bose sad go borne. The city offioials should take steps to abate the onutisne created by the disreputable place a whiob thie o curred. For tre past three weks It has been a rendezvous for disorderly sol. diers and drunken roughe-mostly young fellows who would like to be tough. At unseemly hours the earousale are carried on and It bes be come to be looked upon . s plan ele such Ill repute that ladies besate to pes aalol that strets after dark. With olty government there should be an enforoement of oommon deceasy and the babitues of the place should be oaled to time and compelled lto. ruve from that street or to out of tb u,'lness. There have bees egies at this place long after midtg1ht in whblh the minor sooe of melr of ser mrut respeotable eltisels have bee been Implicated and the time habs som fur interferece by the city gover me.t. Cosetable (str has so asther ily In the premises but i. possesse of suntesoot Ielrmatlieo cause tirbole for some of the poeeoe who request this place as well as the emlalj pie. prietor. We do not dedsre to relr to su ob. ).et agal unles obeed to, M it Isa - ridedly unclean an u s a It publio prilt, but the omlil e we bave bard on all o ld rles , I,, Iwmble to longer bg Igmega f rattron that ba* e s se t lously eAslve.