Newspaper Page Text
Ct i ' 1)A1LY JOURNAL ..fLE.S /ITY, 1/ riTANA. Puct 01.. te wItatiwr. Nastern mall clo ag......-- ....lO............1lI)r a. i. Wwnab n mll Cloes.,............« «..1.:1 p. . OSu op" Sunday 12 1 Jie. MCAvU uo. P K. wrteru Peafi Tim Table. LUzAI MILE CIT G001IG WET. * I. Pacie Kzprm ... .. »....6:11 P. u 1, »...«« ............ ·· ···...(;t)a. 11. upwndFui n'nIt A...................... 5;2 A 1$. Ikllght..........,,..«». ......11: LSYD2 KILE CITY GOING SAI. . 2. Atlatc z ................... .11:45a M. 16. Kx~prn S . "ý it z sa eight.................«101 P. M. "" 1. frolS,......... »«... ».».......« r M OFFICIAL IIUCI*T. FEDERAL DIRL¶DTORY. Dols ON· M C .r..Jamo* H. eatl. Hualv I~mwae y ...-.W- hlam B. Webb. Noisin Tugumvw ..--.......O"re PrstIUat 5.1mg £M"Lmr_---- ...·Jm? M~Itvam. 3shI JeIrUa.... ............. uieeam.U. Helm. &N NW" Jastla» .» (N.J.{ 1444.11 ~Ths. C. bob. ,»_--Be. Oeaet, Halves ~pinta~iin Iaatain.4&au v~. B .r....»........ .8. B. [ave. Unles Doha, U . B. Internl Roesaa»..Jaw BlW1d Hr ag . .. LIed 0 .......A. Grew, Mle. City seesltaw U B. Land O.e..Ab Hatt, Miles Oily COUNTY OFFICERS. Oauasliaa....................... .Dr. W. A. 3.11.4gb umbes. te Heew.............. {7 H arlf ... ,....».......«- .............te. H. Irvias Ii*esr.»..».................... .. Drmmkdeag Omrk sad Rsaerder...................»..L. C. Der Masrk of Otetuies Cout.......... JaU McPsuIee Judge .1 Psbeas..» .._............ .WI. C. BqLo Oaaay Arlorn ......~....... _..... o. R. Wilburn Aaeumr. »...........»»............T. J. flupeo aeyomsr......................_......Gr. ..Bol Oeasyo » i...................Dr. R. G. RId Oaaa h tsrie»...««..».......» .Dr. R. G. Bod M U e~easm toBefooh....... MinauItsaCooley PaleAdlnletrs$.r ..........1. . Weirfck (L A. *UuI1si Osi.iomisies r.... G. W. Altergen IL. J. WhItney. MILEB CITY TUWNMHIP. lataoo bPw -.... ........ Wn. Brl '~"I" ~'""'"""'""" 1 I·o· ilbb. Ooaetl...l --......................... ....... We. HI. Carr CORPORATION OF MILES CITY. Mayer. .... ... so. Behest. City Attwrney ...........................C K. Middleto. Clsrk ................. . ....... . P.ordon tm .enr.. . ,.... .... .......... .....H. F. lHatcblor OhaIf . Pelies.....................Freak C. Weegqeryll t~aa. Nqil~.uma e ...... ........ ...ipglna Bule~r " LD5RU ae Fiut Ward-A. 3. Ylmgr, B. K. Holt. $cond Ward-Chia Brown. W. H. Ballard. LOCAL IT EMS. Returns are in from Hill's ranch. The H. H. Ranch bas been heard from. (lean cotton rage wanted at this Ofice. * 'rlng's tRsoch is unoffcially re ported. Leave orders for (iJbbg' coal at the old Bishop stand and Capt. Harmon'e.* Mrs. John E. Kennedy ia visiting in the eity. Go to Hill Bullard for Belt's Mil waukee Beer in any quantity. * Mr.. A. M. Cree It in the c'ity from Ro.ebtod. J J. T'rflnu.pno and (Gedder. & Alleu wtrere cliisipin yste rdu.,. -El'etinlu bett are ,co(t.c(.dtI by all walerter i'n g't i rl rl .ult.. I' hap. \'. ..\:id r,.u e' n.w ,l,, it o pt ,ni0,t' uI il fri ha n I-'Tr.yth. ,i rk' ,. W: r l iut, . had a ,liit' I, l It ,l h:q d, t •. "I' ( Wi 4 I nw(t W . turh , t"It l, t ~ 't \ . ý. , Hatbaw ay. New lot "I I,..ll .' '.hot-. 4I. ), Rutl 6_.)1 ('all fit C. it. 1 userfs (: at d set- Itba.. .u' ltiardeell went wMet on ls.I nighl's delayed traiu, ell route to Ore gon to Lj;ay hborg. Morritz ete'tz (autI. In. yrPtrrelay with a lard ,t vi br'arblt, Iront bhi rt.och (ill Tungue ri *iet W. G. toni- ujk buni Earle ('Cinna stoc~k Liav. rttul to 1 trim a rig, to tbher rarnh on PIjanil k u Ytte k. 'lbh renusiuiug tltctlon I latrts urts 'if (' itter countny, ot}l b'iuarnd !r..w. ..4nauirima about 15 14.r ct-at ol Ilte total %.tit e.. N.' mnre eulanplete returnsf haa'e been rev anlvedl from thb. jaresldeutial elacttoll thban tbhos givetn iu our laa.t On aea'ivaatat of tie heavy travel east ward a op qC'I train went througl last night conalIting of sev.ral full pauavn ger CoOUIIHu InmpurLtiep of the. bl~ondi often cause Great an a loarut'P at this AcIUob; Hood's 4.rssbarilla arIl" ;rie thie blood, and oU"I all huollb zileetioi. Whlles 3eby wr sick, we AT her l'et alo.I, Wbe i. was a (hitd. .hlalel Ied rur atorlat When heb H d Chlw M. ,,,li. lung W Cauforta, Wham rala bad Chbdreu, she ga e them CmuorI+ Cba. W. Mead Is holdini dowi a dame on the Courier Ba an atit 0o f O('0 buedatlon to tbe proprietors, who have been ,burl banded for two day,. ('bare'v I' an. old typo, hai auw had mest s.u tlh JotI$WNAL In the any days sad hau not forgotten the boxw during the several years that be has been playilog "stick, stuck" on Unoole Sam's domain. We were misinformed as to Editor Russell's destination; he has returned to hib old hme at Madlson, Wis. Miss McCarthy desires to inform her patrons and the publio generally that abe has reoeived her winter bonnets and trimmingi, and is now prepared to furnish the latest and most fashion able shapes to all who wish them. " It was rumored last night that the up town oflle of the Western Union Telegraph oompaoy at Boseman had been destroyed by fre,but no loforma tion could be bhad at the local oMee. Dry Coal. If you wantdry coal take from the Flanagan mine, the only dry mined coal in the market, for Two dollars and fifty cents per too. Leove orders at Birkie's and Prof. Bacb's a WM. GRAU. The city fathers failed to hold a see elon last night owlng to the abisece of three of the four members of the noun. oil. Under the olroumstanooe an ad journment was had until thbisevening Oity Comasl Needng. There will be a regular monthly meeting of the eity souncll this even ing at 8 o'clock, at the city hall. By order of the Mayor. 8. GORDON, * City Clerk. Latter Ls. The follJwing letters remain un called for In the Miles City, M. T., poetofce, November 9, 1888: C Cornell, Lincoln Cameron, Walter,2 Frederick,Mr. J WFisbher, Mark H Harrabh, W M J Jobhnsn, Charley K Kiug, Mrs Carrie L Lee, Michael J Moody, J F Mattock, E E McAvoy, A P Pond, Mlajor J 1 Smith, Wm H $borey, Mrs Hattie Bobuffer, Harry w Willard, Allen M Willey, John White, Gray Welplor, A Pereonuscalling for the above letters will please May they are advertised. JouN McAUBLAND, P. M. pROPOAL-. FOR CAVALRY HOR. s.--OAce of i'ble Quartermster Depas tment of Da kata. .talat Paul, Mine. NOVEMBKK5th, UlI. SEALE PRO)tAl lfor 160 Cavalry honre n. quir d In thi Deparitment. will be received at this office until 12 ,., eaturdra the 8th day of Decem betr 1IAR, andoesed immediately aterwards in presence of bidders. The Govermet rmserves the right to rejestthe whole, or any part of San bid *ceived. Bids will be considerve for a lees number than 16t. Bliak forme of proposals and full Instruetionsto biddeas, ma1 be had on ep pllcation to this oace.-A P. ROCKWELL, Quartermuater I. s.Armr, Chief Quartaerster. LOCAL ITEMS. Deltrate Meachanismn Disorderred and ItiKhtied. Ther loot delicate and Intricate piece of ncllhan intu in the humtan .tru'ture is the uerves. Asl the ta lephinic wrin traliliant thie electric force, 4, d., the.- -ii s-ant:on, the local aintu betng the braian, whlaere nellsatlon (enltren. 'Mential aanxiety wea elkis thi Ien lllilanll, isuddell shat l. panI.iyze it, but d)yslcitls is it. Msat ubdurta, foe I an. lot Ia utlern. deftest i .l th I a Irrel'tn leln- u' i.l, il.iet canl.' rl,,mIch Intt-r-. aI th h e-tair at l:.,arer In tlhe.tlU.a Iat; o t, .rl a it ii, i t r.a n ll i r 'r L. r toired ai.l 'I ull , aI'. tI llr l',:g " t '+ t... mu r1e0t nil.anel , Iri thi. i it IT, rn risWt ll ig r .\ ]tt- ituiii- arhi a l.t auitlisnort ) 'ay . '.. l t, il, ail t ir.: - a' -I . , A' n. fla 'l ao-I L a-* it., .t - - , t,, -a .th- dt ," fit iaI S . .r lit ,ir a ti ' tll., -' II aia I) , ll: al l are et Ad . at. I thae liatt r+ i %a.r I.* aor I'w Pta.. nt, c-urn-te litell, elileailttn' ariil Ia ili ['llna wih .tn Iill ithier ( 1 inioh, iP. hadl e tail. I. It ils.. rn . thn It ltaiir-, :llnav Ih." l hin , tt 111l1" ", clt' t aI I'"'liliit" , tn il**a nrlit-r It. Kalk' (aitr itell i..ll tllil lintoI ir-ar*it'iduily" for PIle nata Itrching ta Ilits priv'ate i-ai t. anal iatthliini elsa.. Iv- ry Ina is twar ranitetI. .Il ai' .iohnali Wright. Driug. tlist, Miles1. ('It, Mout. Hood's Sarsaparilla This u.'.e.41lu1 bwrII'I,, 4i a c:r. flly.prepmred ,ztrat·t f1 Ith r. it ii of 1 if,,- v."K.tahI. gIduti ti,.ui, to IkuIo e to .i,".r'r a. Altirattve. Ibk!d Ijuriti ra. 1 orilt . . and Ti s., suIh ia I Pnnulr""l a, .Ilow r I,"ý k. StilllCL. IM~tltYIon, Jlunaiper lr T~ta. Ihrrt ailriai. 1%ild t Lrry hark sid otter a~ht, reutsIo., Iaok.. and lii I. A 01o7 by its reuhlt.. I p liti V. IIh I a:atiact Ou the Kl1.raUs i l rord hod's Marxpa.rti'a has 411 t,.r it for I.., if i.'oa th Ihelarts of t h,,,.aaut, of p.eopble 'ah. have joersohn!y or 03Imdireet I, bee.n It lb."...1 , f tIrribll .ullfrrbng wlhich all oilier r" tr, dl. filed I. re. I, h.I~ Sldy all druggistI... ut it forr i. only by t . 1 10411) d CO., Apotlo. ain.. Lowell. Ma-~ 100 Doses On. Dellar '111 i itlhc r'r II of tiht(;FrNI TNI:1 Pearl Top Lamp Chimney. Allolhcl-,similar It'iliattl 1tlli k III', BnEi.upon A hr MACSE 0 10a ALI 11n'"1 gi. MADE c'KlY Ef IN., A. YACITYI, Cos, Plttturahh f ., wW~L Wltl~(J ~ .~ PURE p9PRIIEE~ CREAM bIAKINSI It o i t *e e psma n l gm 6 UIneor thallN qanut mi sllis w he...tsrontbu qpurtaotmln. Itla Ue hth United l saIse UOvoimt. 10usd e the sh of the Groat Umlystlios a the * r d Ialstl~gms UoihtL DI. Pe.tai CAmodam B 1 Ptwder does Na Ammonia, Line, or Ala.. 1.11 onlyIn PRICE ICING POWDZR CO. enu yOU CnjCeeg ST. LOUIS WHAT SCOTT'S oloasmu EMUL tnuOnm B3OF CURe OOLD Wonderful Flesh Producer Many have gained one pound per day by its use. Scott's Emulsion is not a se cret remedy. It contains the stimulating properties of the Hypophosphites and pure Nor wegian Cod Liver Oil, the po tency of both being largely increased. It is used by Phy, sicians all over the world PALATAILE AS MILK. so8ad by su Dlugygt. 8OflT 6 BOWIE, COhumist. N. Y. IFPEECEDELTED ATTI IOA ! OVER A MILLION DISTRIBUTED Louisiana Rtate Lottenr Company Incorporated by the egislature in lI68, for FA.cational and Charitable purioeen, and its fran. chime made a part of the present Ptate Countitutlo in 1I79, by an overwhelming pepalar vote. It(IOKAND IXTRAOKDINAYI' DRAW ING.M take plce hbml-Amanally, (June and DecI mbtr.) and Ltsr (GRANU lINIGLE NI'WI.It IDRA WItON take place on each of the otlhr ten .nlonthle In the year. and are all drawn Inpublte. at the Atadeuen of Music. New Orleans, La. "We id hereby eartify b at we supervise the ar rna.ments for all tb. Moutbly and ,emi-Annual Irrawinp of the louisiana M.ta Ilottery Company. and to lerson manage aln rontrol the dsawrour their. ,sens, and! that tl e Caie are conduclted i lll hu.,o.-ty, fairness, and in g,..ed faith tws'd a!l par ti .. ..nd we as,'hlortre tile ('or a'ny to u.r tii' c'r ticate, win ilar -tmlltrs tour pignaturnt . I !n U~ I i , tt at %rut tetr em r t " , . , , ., -a--. t ,%, I, n ' | 'Immi la d n.,' ""• "3. [iank* r. w.Il l ". : a ! :1'"- Ir| I ' I' . bL 1. 'srl:" iN o tr l.."(1, rI1 " M i. l l I 1 fir I. ra. re a? our 01( n,,, tert. I: N.11 1 I \1..l.1:. I ret ! ournianl .t |1411nk. l'lIt1i. .lNAI \, t ree rtale .Nat. bailk. A. II %L)AIN, Pr.'. \ 'w OrIeen. N\, Rank ( 111l. h()ll0 , 'I .l. '~|olo Ntio.U al a.'Ik. Grand Monthly Drawing In the Academl ol Music. New Orleans Tuesda,. soevember 13. 1888. CAPITAL PRIZE 8300.000. Itlk),tM) 'I ick.-ts It( 'I 1 aul 1),,lairt* '1-'1l. 11dlVr, 1i"* tull rtt rt.e t: 'I't nlilhe ';" w*nliltiethe tl. LIST OF PAlIl1R. II i'lEI OF *I.i0.l n i ............ ... ,';,110,00 1 I'K Z I ': O F l ul( .( lY) Ia ................... .... I l l lll I I'ZiE O1F .',ail ................... :I,1.1 SI'RIIE OF 25, 0 i s. . ........................ 21,iel. SI'klZI~ IF l l, l re ...................... Y2 ,.1t i I I'RIZ." OI F 5,t 'are ..................... 2'. e t PalZEI- 0F iM)ll are .................... 2,01il I0ii I RIZ .i O) IOIO are. ...................... :11. + I.uI IKIZE:I ()Ot arl err......... .......... 6(,ral 'n I'KI IZI OF 2.i are ................... Ill,)Il APplOUIMATION PHI1gS: ;..)i c i :lof .'l arl ..... .... ...... ......... I0. l Sdo. 2 are ......................... al.*", SIKhlMINAi A l.17l. !''I o 114 ire .................... ........ 1tl,9()N0 .,.1 di. 10J.i are...... .... ............. ....... ! I.I9, 0 ) '.1 1i ri1zl amounulllil to......... .... l... . I,*lWtR1 .TTr.7-'TII ktIs idrwing (Capital 'rises are not e n lt it e t o t ** r m itt a l l l / t, ll. Flt, I lub Hats or any further Information de sired. rite hgsilhly to I le uldertllgned,clearly elat ing your reidlde.uce, with |ate, ('oulnty. treet andi Number,. Moru raid retumni mail delivery will i.. ansured by rout eiclusiig an Eucelope bearili your Ifull addlre, send POSTAL NOTIIC, lsprel Money Ordors, of New York Plebange in ordinary letter. C·rrency by Expre (aL ourAs.e".) addr.eed M. A. AUrPBIN. NOew Orleams, La.. or M. A. DAUPHIN. Wasislgtel , D. V. address RItistercd Letters to MI-WY (MBLKAr4 NATION AL BANK, Npw Oreama, La. unla enur e urer ar and S E B ER T'nta e l *h,.h1 r In charge u(tthdrmwInnge. to gtatI'. CA of. 'inlutn hlrntce and Isttgrli,. that the rihareta rut rl WIc1iru: and that n,, one cen pe it.), "I In. C r 'mi lleu.i lt Wi tl draw a ri't r Itl ' ~ItIN11II . a- t I t$ t.heY plnn11cnf i'ris.. IN "i1 .'1 L 1.\'11.1 II I1 1 (11 It NA71l111l. I I(H C 141~ t h fN w Ic'Ii.u ard 1h1. iT-hots1 art' elnA ttlb. nd'.1 I f e Ineiltattt., whi..o ,h~taftPlicI Zighli at. Ic cirrfltc 11 ill' highitch I irt h1crr. r . " 1 '", r l iiiiintII ctcj o cci ,11 111 1 ic tl. )(ii Children Cry for Pitcher' sastor;a. BANKERS Prepard Powder carlet, GrNe., 'Jiolet, Black. Ouly 25 cents per Pilt or ONE DIiu LAR per (allon, ment subjeot to your approyal. Satisfati nurutmedor ei Charge GUIGNON INK CO, 06 Cook AvemUe. SI. LeaI , Me Dr. POWELL REEVE PRIVATE DESPENUAIY Established for the Uclemtifle and Speedy Cure of Chrole, Nervouas and Speelal Diseasew. Tue Old Reliable tpecslalta of many years eper. lance treats vita wonderful surcess all LUNG, THROAT, E:ANCERU, PILES. FITW.ILA, RUPTURE,courewitbout KNIFEor CAUSTIC. Treats all terms of Throat. Lunn. Nerve aad Blooddiseases. all Chronlc diseases and Deform. Lies far in advasee of any leslltution in this eaoun try. Those who coutemplate golong to Hot Mpriapg fortreatment of any Private or Blood Diseases can be cured forrme-third the east at our Private Die. pensar, Corner of Maln 1i. and Broadway, Batte, RUPTURE cured without pale or hindermse from buslfues. LADIES By this tratment a pore lovely oem koleon, free from slowness heckles, blackheads, eruptions, etc., Brilliant yes and perect health coo be had. . That *tired" feoling and all female weak neea or mptlyeared. Bloalhing Headache, ie-r rou. Proetration, General Debility, klespleenss, ~epreesion and Indigestion. Ovarian trouble, In Issation and Ulceration, Fallitg and Disple.e aents, Spinal weakness, Kidney complaints and Chao of Lfe. Ce.sult the oldkoctor. lAN DEARl Acute or Chronte Iola. (It I LAE mmwation of the Esalidl or Globe and ar or near silbtednesa. Invere ou of the Lids. Nerofulous Eym, Ulceration lniammaeIoa, Aberee,Dlmmea of Vision of oe or both eyr~, nd Tumoer of Lle. ,laIanmatioa of the Ear. Ulormtien or Camrrh. Internal or external Deeabess. or pardlyls ilb or roerin notee. ThicLend ruam Ls E O U Deblity Hp lmoermarrhu, lr. ota H.rLg o , sight EImiOleas, s of tal Power. r-leeplesmese. I espondency, Loss of Memory, Confusion of Ideas. Blurs before the eye Lastitude, Languor. Gloominess. Depression of spirits. Aveilon to socIety, easil DLiscouraged Lack ofrt'ondenee. Dull, Lstless. Unit for tuay .,r busineq, and lods life a turden, stately per mailen ly anl pr vatel cured. BLOOD AND SKIN -lisee mout borrl bu . its r sultl-com hl.-teiy ral.cated wi hout Iti' ui, ,l. mercury. -crofulta I.rt.!lu'aP. Fever, I1eaa aid, syiliilc pore t bruit. and louth and T.naue, (iatolul,r .a:ot, Iu't .f the * ,t .,, Che !"annt I atas', etc. lernsanently 'tr, d h. , ouilberts hatr failed. DA i aI I RIlNnir *ro U IN I .:,k atk ,nº tn i 'li ,'. lre I U· · . . t t . , I , ' a 1 I( 1 , l " .t ,, , t0 .' it*, l 4c+l .rt), rlIVATE D0SFASESe: . ',t ,1I... ..T. .SA E t... * .... |• I . :t .ra . . I + I , I ,tI l t h11 . 0 11 1-t in oht. ftlr, ],t~ r i.,'' - , ',,H m a. r iUI , al, l,, ,l a r (ai t. ,a i , ,al -r, fullll ,, pa.hlrl and llt of pa til. s icr i ri.tly Iii on our ad Ire's. Cor. s1,i ' 1. , ,an 1 I ,ro.wr lit +,te. Mion t. Cor. \la]'i ,.t. amtJ ItroldirWl B.utteP. Mont. + -"- ----i -' THE IT SHioRE Phe.l. rl . r , , 1 '\ *I ,'l n r, | hh r',, . i i, It ' ':1 t.. r,. l ie frt, , , ra, ' t Ii r au r..eli it. p oabjait il It , ,v a. Iu tl ,t ., I. la h¾ I^ aiew Ijn'tiI, It" rt t r". ,' f a ia' rglion, aud the 1 i- , l ' Itl l :',a a a j rp r In eac h ,' iI . .r - " I) i "-a ra.'. of thl i pro m'. x. l ", In r "", .r An. rll º, t o't , , .a ' -as i, tI.b. 1 - t- F It I as y ,"'' 1t I) ' CI'' 1 Itt the I 1 ' " Il ll 4 . 1 1 arb Ii 'r a 4l Ih ' "" of u rili, .. . ... ' , r t l '. ll I tl * I, 'I i ' i cash1(~· 1ll i S, ' d it , llth11 I ' 1 r, PoI i , rd. Gr'la Sno.Cr "i's Re'tat i ., I ti ' * il a ItIIa 4 t "PA' , It Mo.tF .ed Mo'Nt. Jtl IIto( t 4th Mati. Childien CGy for rIL"er's Castoris 0i 1888. CAMPAIGN. HANAUER BROS. Clothing, GentsFuhmishing Goods HATS, GAPS. BOOTS & SHOES. MILES CITY, MONTANA. We mamuheture our own goods. Suits and Overooe#s made to oebr Pare ft S gearante.d. I Say! What's the Matter with IIIS, SREELL & MIIBR STOVES? Oh, They're All Right NORTERN pACIFi C RAILROAD THE DIRECT LIN} BTL' WEEI SAINT PAUL, MINNEAPOLiS, Or bUL:' i IdIaho. Wahiill,ld Tlr·ili ' , ATd al; Poiuts lt Minnesota. Di 'ota, Morou ., OREGON, ithri Colnmbia, Pakc! a];; ALASKA. NO CHAN6E OF CAES BETWE.IN ST. PAUl. and PORTLAN). On AnI ('raa of , cteoI EMIGRANT SLEEPERS FREE I'h. Only All Rai! Liir ti- fr YELLOWSTONE PARE Kiprwi Tralia h otll , to i..rn rv lrr-nt, PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPERS AND ELEIAMT DINING CARS. Ftr l rail nlformatllUr Mto l al.w Klt, m.e Addr i . OkaS. S. FEE. 'tr ', .YM.k . ARM NOTIOE THE BARGAINS OFRI:D IHI CBTowrs& Co Do not miss the opt or tunities offered each week. CALL AA. DSEE. 8 OO1IM O A. th. COLO LUNCHES Meals to Oider at al hours of the day or nig t. ;|I r..ý, !l ý!I ºll, 1i ItP I -ILN:EI.t;l(G & ('iRISTOPHEa. Ailes Ci & Spearsil Stage Line, \\'. IAE & THORNBURG H,Prop. Daily Stage fot DEADWOOD i1l) -:- ITERt IwITE -:- I11u . TheNlr t4 ae Mile0 Clty Mely. W ad Friday mrumnInp, ma S *eoadk. /Po er San7 i.o·rmlleNI sO y tU h MAg O . Camtu.b.l & Co. BIRKLE & TRUSCOTT, Wboleale and Retail desten la --CHOICE- FAIILY OCRBI New roods .onstantly awrivtg i EVERYTHING FESI. We handle the Ilrgest and oaw varild asortmwet of Tcbca, * Id H*B6~ in the city. We reeleclfully aollet an ILturmeu patronage, pledgllg oursah to Iv thv beet nstlfaolMol