OCR Interpretation

Daily Yellowstone journal. [volume] (Miles City, Mont.) 1882-1893, November 11, 1888, Image 2

Image and text provided by Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86075021/1888-11-11/ed-1/seq-2/

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E4I A 1I.ItIif I) I.S%.
CHrl)V /t ' I' T , 4./' IA 1\'I:hlh
Tbheeditor of "iltt: YkLLu'w.LT. .I J.I'oAL
as lot repoutuaiblu fr any " tlMhe 0U.
one or utterancetl itsa corresaoutds"dts.
Notice is hereby given to all collcer:led that
holds the c,ntract to do all printitg anl ad
vertising,of whtver natuli chargeable to ('us.
ter eounty,and Is also the delgnated and only paper
in Custer county in wibch servicrs by publicatiouu
can be legally wade. legal notlces pub'ished in
other papeps of Custer county, are vYti and
worthleu, as has been decided by the courts of
No bills agalnat Tui YELLOWeoT.u JorVtAL
lolLtaitL.U Co., contracted by any of the employes
or aid paper or uother, will he recogni.ed unle_
accompanied by a written order sgnued by the pub
rlbor or business manager.
Sunday, November II, 1888.
Oca juvenuil and at timee pugna
cious contemporary, the Mileu City
Evening Courier, has, in the expres
rive veruacular of the frontier, "paeed
in its chalp." Its miaion actom
phabed it hau retired to the obscurity
from which It emerged leeu than a
month ago. It bas gone to meet The
Press, The Maverick, The Record and
The Democrat, whose headstonep
mark the journallitic graveyard of
.Mile. City, leavung the old reliable
snore alone iIn Its E;ory.
SLOWI.Y and with evident reluc
tance the demotratic authorities and
organs conced- the fullness of the re
public.n victory. Great a, the preai.
dent::l victory 1s, it i au.-menttd by
the foot, now assured, that the repub i
can Marty will not only boli its coo
trol of the senate iin t'e titty-tir.t
cur grteen, but will have a majority of
irn un tfleen to twenty in tLie houte.
' ia uluts ho it h ranlches of clongres Ill
p erfect ucord with thle admlincitratlon
antl en.urre the eUactllteut of wh|ole
*,,e legoo.atitlo withtout (,obetructlion
of any kind. .Adulllls.oonl rth the t
Dakotae. Montantla tud Wishinrugto I1
now certain. and if t:, liftieth con
greca doe, not -ee 1e' tI redeeIi It,,-i
in this regPard, it ' tl e.trtaluly ie tU,
tilnt work that the new coun Les wil,
addree" Itz.vlf to. After the luvaeslol
of the soird oiutb by the repuiblicaus,
to the craptre or West Virginia tht
iI,-t notable feature of the recent el,'i
Iten it. thul gtin of Ua utied .ýtatre seL
.ttor froim the hit hetri ho.ele-.ly deia.
ocratic ,Etet 1, icaware. VWest VaI
IRnih in addllltne to whehlitln. lhie(4 the
reputl ca,; c lUfltt gives us (bIree out
of tour of tier ccilgrelIUttn with the
,lcrt t -tell , otl'ful. ('ahforula g4ver
Harrison ten Ilthouand miaijority aui
elects tilour replublellcau t,i congrcs
au tcl three Itll ni.l!llilig dliti,,te ve.ry
c.ut.e. Mlrhicgu L~lve'S niutle out c.
eleven cuengres.uuen rettublican ciajor
Ities, a clear gtin of three over its last
repre+senttufc t.n Ea, o'f tle four
northern tertltoriee-Dbakota, Moo
tana, Idaho aud W'ashlubgtuu elect re.
publican delegates. Moutana'w record
in this regard I. one to be especially
proud of. Two years aglo l'oole was
re-elected by a decmocratwt majority of
nearly four thou.. u d, and in the face
of this overwhe l g aoddl, Carter is
elected by nearly' e thousand, algln
fying a gain of nearly nine tbouoand
for the republhcans. Taking it all In
all, it is the groanldet victory of thbls
generation,. and ewphaaizea the appro.
val iy the people ot republican doc
trinee. After a brief interval of four
year., the republican party return to
power, with every pro'pect of remain
lug In control fur another clualter of a
century. ,o t lloite I e.
%fll rfo r Waod.
A PNlrl ,'.I I teacher had given her
clams iI "t oar; yV home oral in.,truction
about'lu"t~ib Rtle states, mntio~ning
anong h-·i t~ii ,a that tIl.' IIdjIIiLjtnrt.
were 'triu.wade aw;&l-e and goi
ahead l + n·~lb".· " ''hle rl'xt 't:,. % 1J· c·;r
questi rniai ta'cI,iit ai tIE soiil] *eit. whItn
a smaol I *v% rIli. i ti a qU. I aLn axolut
the ilakltait that theym'ere fh.r
pri. ini. t~'I'i. awalj~e an'i -- hrIru hui itas
stuck for :I word. but cot it tiuually
'"more on Ip,'qic."-- ýpnruy C' I Union.
Dr. t'a "rr %av,. In The I liii:l' iiIplia
Medical I art ', that lIi hasI danmg hli
patient., I ii I hrit of thei Kam'i. f"ianily,
repreuw hti i Iý hi gener:atin, l , II lack.
ing t!ie I. :1 low r luIt'aaI iailir t'itth.
An binr .tirrg ftuhtre oif thi- r. ni:arkabiIe
inita- '- f Ii Iaty ris tt Irno 'it tilu
meuuta~r- I tilhe ainat'ur fanaii. I:i~ 1 +a
jiernunrl lI ", lower incisor. - N-fence.
A Novel Writer'. ?otrougtinres.
Mr. 1K. I' R4-r 'a+ a ljelielrr in an
Johnlunt a i aillrg l Eaay i writing maker
hard ris hiu ." Ile carritd hii ('irrec
oaons i, %, iijt,, thIeo CmposinILg depart.
nerat ul* I i. ,ali,ihor, o~ftenl taking the
proof rl·:ra~r wpiace and making changes
J)K bef2i'" the type was sent tv the pro
taaO03 --l:'*uiolxdltan.
Jus Think de IL
Some o'lple will may thing about
other l"wol'. without thinking that other
people rcan ay things about some people
as big as heams compared with motw.
Think of it.--Galvesto News.
Oed Deuaem Inser .
Gold dkllarn are used for bangles and
rinkets to such an extent that they have
beoome saarce and command a premium
d twenty-five cent.-4loago Herald.
Sir Edwin Arnold, the editor of The
DIly 'l grsph, wrote his "ight of
Asa" whUils travemnll in the railway
mrrmag to sad trl hinewspapr o
Ibe eoli.a a.ps p e meod wa a
r one and was observd at abylo.n
luil l
I runtlrely a veretabl. ptinr.aration l :
t~anlngo rcury,.Ptsh,.Lrwunieruth r
Il..uat.ud hiund.l t of ,,taes of Epith 1..I.
a~i t. or Caneer of the Skin, Iimunds. f uk-..
* f F ei'ma, Blotd Hlumors and. Skir Dl·'as.s.
; il hI:ndn"l h of thl usanli of t.a.e of & ro.
I. a, llo.l Polson and Bloud Talut.
Hlas relievd thousands of cases of Merru
rtal Ploi.ullg,. Rleullnatlisn and SUfitness t
the Joints.
CIrrAIAooe.A TVr'.., June7 U11S-Swift's
el Co.. A lna. a.lan. - -Oentleen : 1 t
rly part of the present year, a bhad cas of
blood pion appeuared upon me. I t..,nn
taking K KS. & under advice of other, alnd
today I feel greatly Improved. I am sill
taking h med cle ad hall continue t, d.
so until I am lerfeatly welL I beUlev it w il
e...t a perfect curen oun truly.
Doc. P. Howain,
Ill West B&th St.
ConLrrma . C., July 7, 1O8-The Swift
peotc on. Atlanta Ga.-Gentlemen: I was
Sgreatsallee fromr nmusoul rheumatism
for two years. I uld get no permanent r
ltet from any medicine praecibed by mny
phlyslclt. I took over a dosen b ttles of
your . S. . ., and nw I am as well as I ever
was In my Ilt. I am sure your metlilcu,
cured me. and I would reo.nmend It t. any
one suffering from any blid ,U.lasue. Yours
truly, O. E. H ours,.
Conductor C. a U. I. a.
Warcn, TrAs. MNay 9. l.et-Gentlemen : The
wife of on.. of my .usloer was terribly
ameetil with a l..athwme ,kin dl.ease.tha
.eoverm.l her whole bIly. the watconined
to her bedal for several years ho hids aflliction,
and 'culd not help herself at alL She could
not sl'eep from a violent itchiing and stlin i
of the skin. The diea.e bSuled the sk llo
the physleians who treated It. Her husbian
La anu finally tlvtin his wife Swift's Specific,
amd the commennedl to nInmlrove alm.sat im
me'lately'.,uynl n a few w.sksshe wasap
sereltly well. Slb. is now a hearty Ane
lookinUlllal). with n., tratu of the athirtlon
left. Yours very truly, J. E. SBAias,
Wholesale Drud.1st, Aurtiu Avenue.
Treatise on RtIslt and Skin Diseases maled
free. Ta:r Sw:rr bIrctrm (',., Drawer 3
Atlanta, Ga.; New York, ": B.Dnrwayv.
w T
ný Wasting~jieas1s
Wonderful Flesh Producer
Mainy have gained one pound
per day I)v its use.
S't't'. Enmulsion is not a se
cret remedy. It contains the
stimualating pr'operties of the,
HIp'ohllosphites and pure Ni'
wegian C(oI Liver Oil, the p'
tency of both being largelyv
increased. It is used by Phy3,
sicians all over the world.
(Sold by all DruggistR.
800TT 6 B&VNE. Ohenist2, . ., .
Notice "iPher'y ~yrivei I that a IleetI rg of the*
atockholdc .-mI I Ire Io .. r Cat Ile 'c.mpany . hi: b,
hel I at ruoom Ill. Y. Prodauct r xeha ge Ibtlid
lg, In ti,.h'. I ,t, int. n, taile of New Yo.k, olon
lite 17th day of Nu..~cnbr, i atv. 1l o'cick itn the
The objct of iuch meeting is to complete the
Frgan YaJionl f t aid company by dlreltinlg ith
stock thereof to be snined to the per .... who may
then be entitle tIl.reo: to elect ortllers f sald
eonlpanly fur the en.*ini.e year, o, take such action
in reference t thle diiollution of said culmpnlV as
mnly .w nleea.ary uad to tranlealt · Acl other busi
nea as may te I g.lly and piruoperly preseuedl to
said meeting.
4 W'L If. PIAKrs.
EuwlARI, G(, tUtll,i.q. Trustees.
ltio. W. ALLEsIIto.
Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the
Irustee.of tohe PIrker CastleC.onpanly will be he*li
at room 1(1. N. Y. Prodl.lce Exchange Hul:ding,
In the 'ity. County altd State of New York, oni the
17th day of Noveulber, lrs, at el. -en o'clokt ill
the forenoon.
The .ouict of such meeting is to take such actlion
Ia imay be neces..ry and proper to comlplete the
organisation of said company, to transact nece*
aury husltnes in connection thereeltn ian to take
such action with referenc:to a dissolutiuon theeyt
as may I.. ice nary and proper
SIM\ AlHW (i . URl,.iE, TrAutete.
Oreu. W. AI.LErRTO
Igr-polfalo lIi ( are of I·'w,r
Ur:TEK I '71 i,
\ llsl. It y. ulf tuna,. .,ept. 21, 1+", J
, Ith L h,.reb. giht. Ihat .ealed urlrpoa il II
th,'C (o- t y I or Farm, of I .* i k. I"u I and mtrli
of lhe -uniy. Ira'uta be the*k w.. k for i.linlg
tlearj, e~m 'i(lg IUr l0--r Ith. IW, Il lad
r,,pa l- t, tri s L, I, II, of I he i outill y I ou r
bL r x , " ,I ,,ign , r . t i l r . -n n - I , o n u I will l 1,e rh II
,* Ired unl tl :. 1 1 of , |, " la. IleHrllr r l
Thle buird rtserr. - th, r Wht to r. Jelt Iay ir all
Iv ordi r of tI,. iii rI
l mlly i irk
Great English Remedy
"" ° * Murray's Specific.
m rve t .inre for all ter.
ruc ar,. W4u1 1.r Ihi , cop
Pait lln o tfile It.1 ,
S"t• Itde, ýems ll0amil H eak
lital Iupon)IIeuy and geKneral lo.I
of i' wer of lhe theerall e Organa,
In eitber 'es <aoUed by tnd.acetllon or over eaos
tlon, and whi, h ultimately lead to I'reanature
Old Age, In-allty and u(oaeusptlos $1.0l
l bo or al hlos lf iir $6.0. 1*nt larade Maru.
hby mail on reeilp of price. Full
rtlculaIrion naiaphlrt. sent free
to every applicant.
tocure anvoaSe. For every $n.l~l
order reae.,ed we aend il bases.
with a written guarantee to rertld
the meney if our .peclsc does not
Ieeta ure. Aft: Tskieg.
Address II coni nunllcilone to the sole Inllu
Kanos" City,
Wholesale and .taLil Agents,
Helena. Most
Children Cry for Pitcher's Cstoroa.
for Infants and Children.
Not~b~wi~po~la.ea Uh~ e.i. eCua e. Omp~tie...
[ roommeud it at..prbr to aa7preocn to Bt oomoh, Diarrbaea ituotucron.
Ir No'n$ med A Hm . r A y A IM. D ="ll Worms, pin. chop, a pr-"'
bmt a 0.I SLlrlZ ptwr N.T.dl .as - -
Tra CmrrAu CuroPun, ? rMuray Reet,: N. V.
* ComaLtitlou th he Life of rade," ad it youea have not rea our lateUs proved Lp .dl y
nmot imagine how lively trade I or how hard our MnP. tltor have to work to . ee within it o(u.
Ask your taietlr for tie JAMSIr MEANL ' 3i .fHo0, or the JAMES MEANIll ' 7(MHOe
aod.,ln i tote f your n ned -
Peively non genuine unles having our name and price s amped pa y as tie Ils. Tour
Wtaller will supply you with shes so tanoll if you insist u{in his dnol sof; If o not at n sI, emn
ealers willcoax youi nto buylag iferior shoe upon which they make a lauuer pn
* rn DURABILITY ine " TO
LsMLE SHOE AMEs g~as'880
Such has t'in itlh' recelnt prngrers In our Iranch (if Inili.tri thllt wi ;.re now al' .to affirm hna the
Janlen, M 'ia* iil,. e i it t ,ery r.-i.?' ilIuil to Ih, ',a - t hih olye) It fiw lear Mati were rt tled st eight
or ten diollart. If ou w .ai try on a pair toill w .llib o e i . ..I i..tt we. d*, not i.aggert.tir. Ours ar" the
origitnal $. and $1i Sh.li., and those w ho Imi ;te nor i. t.t Tl of t' it u.a are unable., t.* I.lilnit' withi us lI
quallty of factory ptri l l.. I,. iour Il .s w arel the Ilr.e"-t in..al..:. ltrers in it hi U llllel ~tates.
Oet o'f our tra.ln ri*alt m s , eaSuo ii s tio l ,tnw a i.ulg the miie rt taill r, if the Pacific CuLoat and Ihtky
Mountialt L",titon a rite, fri iti tiht ." as follows
'I am more tlr'tal satih,tel with the re.ult. of my trill. I hbv' tIhul fir su*eetl, ed In pl:, iny our full
line ln the halnds ofA No. I' diealers l every pelut I hla vl.t ,l " fti. Kots on it, a ' Thli is a
apleadid ri.don f,.r us to well shoes I I. Iseall Itlttt of the rl.drl; ar i'arting liT their , 'Ittomeri at
retail ilotut oiuilI.te tlh IerhPs which ithI.'. hu, hae Iant at whollll.ibll The on. .el e, *' halit the
T"iete who wear .hie' a.r, pa'ing ix or -.. en d , tIlaO p ir foir .h,.. - w ii art ir ot worth - iu muchi as our
.AIk NMEAN'' $3 and 54 S111)lE. Our l.iims mith tltheir ,.r low retail Irl e. ~t·e tlll oil itht
soles of ever) ylalr arl Ielrlakin dowl the higt.ih pr'e.s whi'h Ihave hit herto ruled in the retail markets. h.tre,
and wheni rietatl'r `slts ;afull Ilue of giouils n his stock they at once begin toi go off like ho,,t akei, su great
Ia Ihe dtlllallnt fIr theti."
Na,. kiind rad r, just stop andl c ,sIIller what the above sbnif.Ie s.o far as e are .onll. rned. It
.nsures you that if iu Ike"t o1n ulln lhoes leadrillg nontiauufa.'tulrer-' it.luie or lxtel ritall tpri.-e tanllsd
on the soles., )u cannot tell what al'u are getlllolt:I i our retailer it priltlably m lakitn u .ay double
what your lshoes h.a. Ia ,.st him. I'w, ian u.ou afTrt rto ,lth, while %v are pr,'otttll mu by stampnlag
our nallle land lii thef· reiltll pirl'm up, thSe asole lif ~ur shoe ibefore tih,) leav our f;uct.ory ao that you
catolit It lanate .to pa.' mo re fir sour aa tln they anre worth
"heL.r from sur celebrated factory are smld by wide-awake retailers In all parts of
the country. We a will la.' Ithltll e(a.ly wthiu ytr rLtac.a in any tate or Territory if ))u Will iLvest one
cenlt in" I -.ll card antlld wrll to us.
JAMES MEANS & CO., 41 Lincoln St., Boston, Mass.
Coraer Main It. one Urroge
wav. Lutll. Ment.
Eatahliasid for tie. tmIautlflc atmad %laetIy"
(tare o urC rouh. NSrio ut.l alad
%jacclal Dicut....
lTar (Old kerlihub ;aaaul'it 'f warty years exp.r
heat> trest* with wonrderfual aratetIs al 1.1 \l,,
'I IIrI IAl. a ANtENKi-, I':lEHl- Fll. II.' A.
Treat,* ra!! urniat of ' I roaat. hi ttK % err-a jil
Hl-iodd imeamet.. at Vtaruralr 1i "to msiard I taatarttt
lire far ia saIr Aud. uf IaTy uItaulltatt "t uIl t kits t'atta
If.. IC.,.. Wttat,,tt'rrti1ahtr- palItb tao lint %aprowtaa
las ,r ta .laat 10tf a1, 111%t tare or It. -I Ili, ace, a t
heactaid ferr. i- ttwl tl",at as t or brri, a
(w -tat). (0U11 r ut MaltIt hL. ,ra it , lai a). , IIIIr
I{I.'lib ll. curad a ibrut prait tor Iitt airan 'ct
(rusi btuliuea.
LADIESt l;lit Ivy ra iatratnl ttt tafra ata arynt
pr-xlota fris faroma -i re. tatI,.
perfect heap h ,ll I* han bd.
"1). 1 j51 tr " fer j lingaml tall f, rarala weaJ
111s ,1r a,,at isrurai. Mlust Ing Iltlrtac b,,a Nec
von IIrI urruon,,rurra lillncti I Mllplalli- el
I a prrr..r*Ih , sati 1ar itat' . Or>'.,' tlrttt,, . Ir
ratrtttt att IMI air t bra-,1 ' FullaCn .Int 0,lazeg"llr
Aet.rt .tl watakates, Kr lny t aaaajlalttt- aitI
(Iral, go afb L lotr'lt (liar tril( 1itrr r.
EYE t r n tt UT a IAND E R o.11A.11
EECi MEIU .a't.ar.of aor , I.i. 11
air.tr .la a 116, as 11 ra"ra ..~Italrt ar. L Itart afilar
baj %ctrof ttttol I,.tar-. t' brtaat t I t 1,li 4t,.11t4taalt.1,
Al..rt.r- Iltltttt. ato \lrittr ot tata a 1 tai, * ur
'nlurrar1r al~
*t}.,Ir atattaititn rat a.. bar. ', rtrit nra
faiarri. It.,ta-,.,' ur,"xtraal atr-.. .r a nab.,
Iltrapit g ora r, aul t l-as. Itt rkr-a,, 1t411 rat a
N R O SIall i*a ~artlatat rtt-t a,, rrt f
MCNUUU@ 1 I aa, s 11 of l Ieu Ittr.aaarlta a,
Lalar .tiaa . l..rtguatr. a a a rats Itriia.
slartis u far.taa 1r, U1,- ry a I tt.e. r'L ( , rtria
lar bu I' rarabif arta ia., bttLaira bat ,tat, tt ,
sass I·
41st, it ,y a 1,I pr-ate 1 , ur 1.
t " 111. r"aarit. nn11· aibat -rI a- , a-,.i a. 11
aa. ~ ertrt 01 ' , aI. I. r
l'nll l rud 1, (urrc·· -, pot n I·rli l I1I·I1. e
tbrrth tl ulIa ,,lie . ,iiitill ti it', I, ,
a e:b'Iear ' ar air at. t
I' rrr I C srt.1 ran a. hta aiI.e'I
*E aoY 6º1t1ar V allItIal a
URI.rtrk 111lar 0 nih,ttr;i Int, I r
bIrae altar. IL I tar rtjtIttl,tal.a ct.t.
. ,.SEASES .
.rilartIrlra'. elltlattrS atat1'"ia a ,-.. ~1 .a a
all arapi'wet, rramktear rl rt ltie .NIXta5 t~tl N. ,
a i ,.,r -'' , ;,ails ortrelta1ai .ehc t. ltara o . n itlit 1t tat
Iris11.a rot luuttla ian sexait~ la',tta itI ,,111 a, ,.aos
,ta arty tatter that aehlaltiLal~a saw a 1"larinat1 lttt1a
a tart alraaaalhly aeri perrtaeltiaart . 11airart
I aarstalstailn frare mud .i altiv ir a artila-~iii
Meail atra ftr-e traatt ultarrval Irn taoi all p iarts. tire
United -al elae s trraaetratroflode l.a lirs 1ra,.pt
altct lantao. No loiters Rltwenaal 111a.16 Mar arat
pantled by faa-ar rielts lea slirriara Satial,1 raitgr fur
1rmtapblst and last of qae.usa ut lat~ a trt-ltally
(talt can our add ryas
lir Pl'WV.I.I *tt0:i * q
Car. Malta Ui. and Ifroadwav Hiatt., Monta
ý1l Ill SILT wifb
p *.u i-u a, I rLK
J 1r,11d nr~ 1,,, . I h1 1' 1
Midi NF1I(I11 FLASTIOý1111 I M4(.
~Irdrul Cry f PItcr's "1, Cs.orl."~
11qfNýi !khwol.,n' a , , r, N « . ; : ýýý
Children Cry for Pitcher's Catorla.
9wee9ce LITTLE
tEtr \ASSSant
a!' ',
ý0ý \O\8S PILLS.
7mhZLT tr1 . 1 R ?nTn - "ELZ
l Regautail ;I .t 1. It . Itt I11:. I . 11A
nrin. 4Iº%L h'uLLLA A 1b41.t
1T1 1 . I . ., I ', l n.r I .. I '. u t.
K hl" I 111" life,. ?`. ' I .tl'- ,. al .t I'..= I \i111.
UbII. I h rrely Vegetnble. Itr. I
t ii .i . , .' ii .u. .. . 1' ."t 1"p II ll l
-I a, I. '.t 11".1 p .I i tz al Iie, n1a
iartr ' I~ursatl e, aurt~! I' N"u I~r
Dilloam Headn be,
Dlzaiuieaa, l'oin thin.
lion, maidlaeulloam
il11ll d~rmmceim·usta ofl
Biliou. Atiseka. and
the stomacim anod
bowel., an. a.r..nql'l
a'liec.d and I". ; I ..1 I
.ar.4l t I1' Ii" i- Dr. Pler0.~ PhaumuI
P .11r lll'e P t li. It a . .i. I g.in.att ulir t 11..'
that ti,. ir it, i i up.n Ii.. t.y.t. lin I uniai'ar"
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oratoray '.f Wt'. lua"1 iat~iaS u'a Ten ,Ia t
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lIm* 1 h i Ha w kIn , ,nd ma ,|IIn 1 r
I11.iI lfu,i'ii il 1 |llal'.ll 51511 w lll I),' IIIII e l, It,{
fllr r111t" "x +" I' t," ),tgu ud l , l" atu
st I wrle "t. I t ry 1 . es a;
1A ru m 'I 'h. u t lt s " n own weC ri anr . 1 1 * , I IIQ n I
fair1 tralr to fnnn** notourling, re't,1I uehl r
lIII' 1 11) an " lalr*..e. ,,n r.,oi'lpt of ai t t-'inllt
pi t'It fn st IntI 1 , r*'w,
World's I.i.;.n'nry Medlal Ame1 itlles,
Iare -W. MeaIn e.er. UtirAL4N. ti.
ono. Ca +i''m RIstauran
For MAN I , For BEAST !
Mustann Liniment
Desire their patrons and the public
generally to call and examine the
elegant Display of men's Ready
SUITS that for style and finish
cannot be surpassed. I'llli'Hll,LA and
FI1 O1.EIf'i V.I Genteel, Stylish and
Our Line of Single Pan taloons comprises 1000Pair s
of the handsomest patterns ever displayed.
Endless variety of Gents' Underwear.
For the celebrated Marysville Scarlet Flannel
Underwear, than which there are no better
goods in market.
Is complete in every detail,
S NitD Oercoats, Extra Pants, Jeans Pnt
AND OVERALLS at prices to suit the times.
fcr ADyboy!
III ttl 4 I)lhtlihllr i nt we vTF% x IniI.I *,.flrosiP lit .' i .' tlErtl'I ( ;o)odj such b
SIt4I BIt0,.' white, fancy and fll dress SHIITSN
E. & W. Collars and Cufts, Latest
.i'eclr''e(r in Edrles.'s I arietyll snd Lavisih P'rofusion
iu(dl WhVen it contes to F.1'uIU )' FL.sV'.NEL aend
('.I1S,'I.MEII E 01 'ERSI, IR TS Our
,/dsorhler('nt is the;
If you have not seen our Fall and Winter Stock
you certainly ought to, if you wish to
purchase the best and
the cheapest.
SC'opletet Line of DO.MESTIC KE
E/S"'ST CIGAIIRS' ConstantlU on HIand.
We are AgV. nI tfo, r ltltIWN Ii KING & (Co.,of New York. and take mr esure
Ifr r t lte ul ()ve.r.e*t to lIe made to order.
Every Garmion Guaranteed to 1it or no Sal8

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