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THE I AlH. JOURNA liTABlstBIt l' 1981. MILE. CITY. MONTAJ'A. THZ OPFICIAL PAPER 1'FCC T3RCOiUNTY Thedilter ef Tee T13LoweT0o3 JOURNAL to 3et r.bpasslble for any of the opu*, eas o asteramas of its correspondente. etier is hereby given to all emserned that TYs Tfl.QwSroNs JOUNwAL PflLIHIiO Co. bdt the ceatreel to do all pria1 Gad ad" Sof whatvr makes r to Coa &r e.ani dIalsetes d and oll paper e Osuter *eamy is walsh seales. by publication maa be egally made. Iegal aetiesW published in ther papeps of Caster eeantr, are vold and weatbiasm. as has beam delded by the south of lebills against T4m TYULLOwsONU JOURNAL ag EINGIle Co., contrasted by any of the employes 1111A e taoer or others, will be reeaglaead unless ageompealse by a written order signed by the pub bsr or business manages. Sunday, November 18, 1888. The president has diretwd the re turn to the reservation In Montana of three of the Crow Indian prisouerp. **Crasy Head," "Knows His Nose," and "Carrie' His Food " now at ('at lisle, Penn., Iod'an training scheol, who w .rc arr*sted at the time of and for participating in the "Sword Bear. er" outhr -"k. This action is taken upon inforrustion that these indians are afflicted with scr'fuluus and other dieeases which make their longer de tentlon at Carlisle undesirable toserve any useful purpose. William J. Martin, who killed Pat rick Reardon at Ansoonda lest Fab rnary and about whose pursuit and capture there was so much ado, was acquitted by the jury who tried his aswe at Butte Thursday. The moot important par t of his defense was that Reardon had previously insulted and ittempted to outrage Martin's wife. The Judge 'xpreseed surprise at the acquittal. A 3.orback, LAVAYI.rTE, Ind., Nov. 16.-Scbe Ka, seore ary of t be democratic nation &I oommatre, I, here on private busi ess. Hle denounsee as false the story telegraibed yesterday that be had been su mwoned to New York to see shout a instake in the count. He re garde the election as settled. Will Take a Hand. NEW YORK, November 16.-The HerAld says the Inter-State Commerce Commission will probably take a hand In the west bound freight rate war and proseute the roads which base been secretly entling rates in violation of thelaw. The Pennsylvania company is believed to be the cbhef offender. The End Approeahes. At a late hour last night, Mr. J. F Dickersou's condition remained un changed, and but little hope waa ex. pressed ft him reoivery. Hiss illness, apparestly is fatal, and it would be eons'dered naught out a nmracle should be recover. He is a81 eted with an at teek of so termed double-pneumonia, a diaease resulting generally in death, even the servios of able physicians and kind hands not averting it. The sad approaches, and his survival 1. a question of a few hours. possibly be fore the dawn of today.-Helena Rec ord 16th. New * teal. Qaint.4 r ha Durlaw clubot Philadelphia ought to be popularized and imitated every. whesr, and burlaw should be once more am iastitution of all civiliesd lands. It was a custom in Scotland formerly to mettle any common disputes among the oe by vote in an assemblage of neigh. So quarrels were closed up at cOOS, '"itbout delay or litigation and the irritation of courts and lawyers. The custom was rational; it was a sort of common law. Lawyezr had no chance to swallow a farm while settlig, h'iind ary lines. We have t', mnuh I ghla. 'II too many laws and t'.1 uiaiy ineth .1, ''f dla i'- g jlustmr. '", recov, r t I t , f land a nnum i.nlat v'jiei., lily t:!I. , i-: value LIt u., hate fi .rc I. i tw anl conmmon tel.' apraly Iii i'1 nr ll suý trictd -( ,; znu'x ralt. 'Inile wl tli y Urn;;.. There i., 1, f lks h ;" 1. ". :1 t, , pat th. t" L S t") n " .:hen t'.v 1 a I rr ! , to a "1 11 " ",nr ('It I" 'Od, 0o , ;t Tat is t ey Fend un' f the I tently fl.- IP''.T . I t D~eli" ...,. . (f I o famnilv " 1nr I t,, I , I'.. , t ader no. II' t alin(R*, V 1. LI I. j , V 11 caught :itc'r T g r :Ir, t ., 111 "ru; F ire.-LDr'tigeft I11 (il w*- (:: . It.. Hlogre of Labor. The hiours of labor in England were hel4ve per dlay lip to I '840, when they rteduceI to v~lAven, and nigain re ir "ed to tom in 1874, where they niow si.Iid.-Chloago Herald. ON Jewels7. l'ron $80,000,000 to $40,000,000 vv, th of old jewelry Uno Idl in England, eb. various firms have begun to molt it 'own to make new patternu.-New Vol unf. To. have received many .' ounds wW Ue'..) you it hero in the eves of some, whi'i other wWl repard foursa an in vaji,'.-Carmnen 873wv.. F. reuts are sinngup on the absa doz 1 mine. saed minji towns in C".l or' Ti toe are ( wer uwidor sighti4 in this war: I than that of mat.s % ,JM h 5 mof)-see ho sa-Head,-mot. . No Eerury, N. Potash, Or any other Mineral Poison. It is Nsata's nouw". med eisIi from Roots and Resia. It ls perfectly earmlema It is the only remedy kaown to th weald that has ever ye Cred imiW4UUI Eked Faob" t alU dig eey.. It cUres Merecrial Rheumathim. Camr, Scrofula, and other blood diseases heretotore onsidered incurable It cures any disea caused from impure blood. It is RoW pr.. ecribed by thoussadsof the best physicians to the United Stales. m a toeal. We append the statemeut of a few: "I have uncd S. S. S. on patieats coardSse Ixetfr.,in fever and from mN iiees with the laet rvsujti. J. N. uOal.M D lhagasu Gia.-Willie White was afmietetd with wr"hula seven ,ears. I p cedb L ., and today bet s sfat and raobst be. RIIeJovo. Va.. Dee. IS, lam.-I have taken thrn. hatih ot Swift'sapevttlc for secondary biod oi'lon. It acts much better than pot* ash or any other remedy I have ever uetd. . F. Wi rir-n.D. M. D., Formerly of Sue=e Co.. Va. Da. E. J. .ALK. the well known druggaist sanl physidian1 of NashvIlle, Htoward County. Ark., writes: H1avingsoineknohcd "sMto what 8 . 8. Is composed of. I can safely recommend It ta the remedy fr all skin dis eases, It matters not what the name may be. We have a bhnk giintn a bistori of this wonderful remedy and Its rtur from all over the world, which will cainlew ron that all we say is true, aid whith we i' ll maill frees on 5ppll.IIOO. No faitely should be without it. We have another on Contagious Blood Poison, sent on same ternia. Write us a history of rour case, and our phyreletan will advise jith you by letter. In strictesat enodenoe. We will sot deostive you knowingly. for sel by all druggist'. Tan SwIFT Si ptite Co., Deawer 3. Atlanta. Ga. New York. :St Broadway. Landon. Eng, 33 Saow Will. Notice Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the atockbolderR of the Parker Cattle (Ompany will hw hdld at roomo 101. N. Y. Produce Exchange Build ing, in the ity. County and "ta'e of New York, on th. 17th day of Novembr, 1tw9. at It o'clock in the forenoon. Theoobjectof such meeting is to complete the organization of said company by directing the stock thereof to be issued to the persons who may th- tn h entitle t thereto: to , lect otieer of said compsan for the etsuinr year, to take such action in ref* rence to the tissolution of said company as may Itw n.eseary and to transact such other bust nese as mar be I gally and properly preseuled to said meeting. AM'LM. PAaKR. EDWARD ti. lUlrnGne, } Trustees. GUo. W. A.LLEmtTN. ) Notice. Notice Is hereby given that a meetiog of the trustees of the iarker (attle Company will be held at room 11, N. Y. Produce Exchange Building, in the 4 ity. County and State of New York, on the 17th day of November, 1eonn. at eleven o'cloek in the forenoon. The olgect of such meetinz is to take such action a may b. necessary and proper to complete the organization of said company, to transact neces sary I rasiness in connection therewith and to take such action with referenen to a dtssolution theseyf as may be necessary and proper. '.AM'L M. .LKEta, EDWARDiu HUtiRGtEi, [ Trusttee. Gao. W. AL.t.LarnN Trhilotlalt for Parr ofn l'oor t VrIICE t./' ('IEmtK A.t% 1, CORDUR, 1 ' lla. ity, aMonana. N'4pt. 21, 1A I Yofut, In hmereby ghvcu that. u"ele~l inrojim.1. will lcý received a' time comitty ci.rk'. offie. ". (vi-ter ci..ant, V..r tae rae.:'lfr 7 amid toma i!*ftennce at thetIvn i t..r Fart., lft e ,ick. t~umt amid latin.. aft he (UN.un1 iLr capita. bi tb.. w.. k for *nauin~ year. comimencrinig ilee..mmhee 16th, 19$, Nall projmosal. ii. Inilude the uae .f the ('ounty Poor Fanu,. and cover theenlire roat of fin, ding, clothing and rntm...g of .aid mhck. poir and Infirm. and all iiurial ..xwmnnca lbm~erot. raid propimralma will be re cmledvend; 12t MIi. of !.lo,,lay, Dh.".gn, , r lrd ltuts. alireu.u.d It, the i..dcrrigiucd anJ] uarked "Pr..poahl fiti a.. .4 Pour.' Tie boimmi naerves the right to e.ject amty or all bid". By order of the BoardI. I.. C. IIKAR, C)unty Clerk. Miles Cliv & Spearfishi Stage Line, Doily Sluaze orO DEAD WOOD TYI.t ..s.hv. MI!.. (1t7 'Iou-s, W.4.d.ids Hutt /nday maerofIU, It A u'cloek V., v-.'.,' ofany jl.VIUML api u . iag. .14. *. at A, T. ir Infants and Children. kftesimandasipabseaqpageipmlMen Seah. D4atuto Ame a emN" a &. OE a S m . X. m m. iM pm uM lS & dit . Matta. N. . WuIaglem mAssgem. Tm aman (aw uv, 7 Uwe eek U t, T. alSTABLISHED 1677. JAS. XOMWILLAN & CO., PROPRIETOR8 6O THE MinneapoliL Sh3epskin Tar AND DEALERS IN IDERS, 8U'C : LTS, FURS, WOOL, TALLOW Ginseng and Seneca Root. SHEEP PELTS & FURS A SPECIALTY. 101.o 1o A 10 oo am. t Neoth. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. 4ipmenta Solicited. * Write for Ciroular.. P 1ST ALL PRECEDENT. OVER TWO MILLIONS DISTRIBUTED, Louisiana State Lotter' Company. Incorporated by the Legielature in 16, for Educational and Charitable purposes, and its fran chine made a part of the present Ptate Constitution in 1879, by an overwhelming popular vote. Its GRAND EXTRAORDINARY DRAW. INGN take piee hedu,-Annually, iJune and December.) mad its GRAND hINbl LE NUMBER DRAWINGUtake place in each of the other ten months of the year. and are all drawn In public, at the Acadeauj of Music. New (Irleans, La. "We do hereby certify that we supervise the at. rangements for all the Monthly and .e*mi-Annual Drawings of the Louisiana state Lottery t'uml.any. and in person manage and control the drawings themselves, and that the same are eouducted with honesty, fairness, and in good faith toward all par ties, and we authorise the Company to use this certlfcate, with fac-simillee of our siguatures at* tached in its advertisements." teemmlaaeonere. We the undersigned Banks and Bankers will pay all Prises drawn in The Louisiana State Lotteries which nay be presented at our counters. R.M.WAtLM .LEY, Pr.e Louleiana Nat. Bank. PIERRE LANAUX, Pr.s. State Nat. Bank A. SIALDWIN, Pree. New Orleans Net, lank (ARS. KOHN. Prea. Union National Bank. MAMMOTH DRAWING At the Academy ol Music. New Oriedhs Tender. December IS. ISIl. CAPITAL PRIZE $600,000. 1110,00) 'iickets at $14: Halves $20; $1l; EIghths $: Twentieth, $2; Fort lhtt $1. LIFT OF PRISMS. I PRIZE OF 1600.000 L..s................... gear0.000 I PRIZE. OF 200,00 Is ............ ........» 210.0,00 I PRIZE OP l00,600 s ....... .........» If @,our I PRIZE OF 611.000 b.....»»............... 6n1,00u 2 PRIZES OF !,000 are ................... 6W,00 5 PRIZED* OF 110,004 are ...................... 60.con1 12 PRIZESi OF bssI ses...... .. .... 611,1001 26 PalIZES OF 2.1000e..................... .*.1.01x) 100 PRIZES OF 1100 are..................»». 116,000 210 PRIZES Oe 400are......»............. 80,000 ino PatIZEd OF 200 are ...................... 100,000 APPROXIMATION PRIMS: 100 Prtase of ill, 00 are ............................ 100.010 100 Prises of NW0 are .................. ........... >UMIl I1o) Prise, of 1101 are ...... ..................... 40,4100 TH IE NL~I'MR TERMINALs. !0. Prises of $10611 are ................. ............... 5;'.21I0 10.0 1 rises of 10J are .................. ............... ..',tion Twos NI'MNFER TERRIXALS. !** Prizes of 13111 are..............»................. $11lil,luse ,,go Pir~ss of " .1 are .............. .......... .... . IN11,1111 ,346 I' amountnug to ............. ...._...12 .tl.,M> fos rIn lub at.*..or any farther information de "tr.d.. rar L'} 1.i y b. 1 hr undrr-iRsted,clearly Itat in.; I ..Ir r.-idh1 ."..'w111 ,Iatt' ounty. strree aid Numinir )f.-re rappl 0x'01.1. inail delivery .ill 1N" awa ed v- jo r ae an Envelop. Iearing (,I': ;I abit . 1. PO+111. 14f II N, I'rprrss hiMswe 'rs r,to I (.w t irk E~x. h..ndo min rdinary l-tter. *rr. 1 L Y or f. <a'g ai' AMAi** 1llPA 1,.11 I'HI\.1 New (Orleans, Is.. It.1 A. IOLC'VHIN, 45sahlturrors, D. C'. 1 1*I 11 1AIw y f 6 \. w IOrrioun*, 1'.s R EMEMBER ;t I 1.. 1 ttI Ir s use ltrix r ,. 1i \ :l , ' le1 11 ;l1 1 111 I't' \h ,w a .. . vi l u b 1I k. 14 '.I .I ep d 1 re , 'I .1 :11 11 ,.11 ,1 w t. ,I rtv' 1 it 1', " I, r .0.10 1 ri th., hi.'" t ý r1. 11.0r"/ r w'. e ,In it x lil'a1 ."ic se it MN~ill .I.1 COLD LUNCHES Meals to Oi der at al hours of the day or night. M1 LVERBERU & Clif tiTO$'MIEli. Dr. POWELL REEVES aomer Mai SIt. amn 5rese* way Buttel. mert. PRIVATE DEMPIENbANR Established for the Selentiflc and Speedy (ure of hbroni, Nervous and bpeelal lilseaasc The Old Relislle Specialist of many years exper lence trests wito wonderful aorets all LLNt., THROA1, CAN(EK.@, P1 LE.. FID.T 'LA, RUPTURE. curewithout KNIFEor (', [STIC. Treat, all forms of Throat. Luoo. Nerve and Blooddiseases. all Chronic diweasee and beform tisa far in advance of any institution in this couu try. Those who contemplate going to hot springs fortreatment of any Private or Blood I'iarasescan be cured for one-third the coot at our Private )is p neany, Corner of Mal tat. and Broadway, Butt., Mont. RUPTURE cured without pain or blhdersacs from business. 0ADIE By thistreatmseta pure lovely com LRWI plexion, free from slowness freckles, tilackbe s. eruptions, etc., Brilliant Eyes and perfect health can be had. M That "tied" feeling and all female weak nems or mcptlycured. oleathing Headaches, Nor Yous Prostration, General Debility, Nicepleasens, Iepression and Indigestion. Ovarian troubles. In. Oamation and Ulceration. Falling and Displace ments, Epina' weakness, Kidney complaints and Shsar of Life. onsult the od Doctor. SEr AND EAR Acute or C'hroute Inds AND ERnmion of the 1 valid. or Globe and tar or near, Inversion of the Lids. serofulous Eyes, Ulceratiun Inflammations Abessm Dimness of Vision of one or both eyes, and Tumars of Lit. ..llamatton of the Ear. Ulceration or Catarrh. Internal orezteroal Ieaftees. or paralysis orroSrng noitaThlc kened Druim etc.o 088~a e Dellili.ty permaaorrhrase*uut I U Loses, Night Emissions, Loss of ftat Power. Pleepleasuess. tiespondebcy. Loas as Memory, Confusion of Ideas. Blurs before the eye lAstitude. Languor, Gloominess, Dlepression of spirits. Aversion to society, esaily Dlscouraged lack of odndence. Dull. Listless, Unit forstouy or business, and dads lift a buries, stately per manently and privatel cured. BLOOD AND IN Diseaseesyphi-is toe in its results-completely eradicsted without the use of mercury. herofuls, hrysipelsu. Fever, head and Hones, syphililic sore 1 hroat. and Mouth and Tongue, Gandular Enlargement of the Neck, Kheumatism. i'tlarrh, etc. Permanently ('ured when others have failed. *IMASV Kidney and Bladder troubles URINR g Weak Back, tburning Urine, Fre cy " onnating. 'Irite high colored or milky sediment on standing, tGonorrhea, Gleet, (ystitis. erg . ompil cured. Charges reasonable IVAT'E DISEASES Blood poison renersi taint gleet, stricture, seniinal emmismlons, lose of sex usl power. weakness of the sesual organs. want of desire in male or femial-. whether from imoruden, habits of ouutg and sexual halits in mature sears or any Launw t nt debilitates the Sictloial I"une tiou-, tecdils atn perinare*lly sirHc ti-ulttiiosi free siid stricilv c.ntdentlal MoI in, Inrefr.,t ,loeratiris to Ill parts of the Intu. e I .r ,,rn ,ioldenre receisve prrsipt fi:se I is 1 t. ro , it. its sft1555 , " s s1 tat% st fIsi s l' ti 5 ' 1~ 55.un 1.111 iutu i forI . l ",P al ,i I . 1or.'1,n ' - * ...n " .,,, n .alit, 11slt, Great Eng ish Remedy r. Ii Murray's Specific. ººrrr..JJJJJI!,. :.i," I'9u * II.. '1999999 I. 1 n I ....r 1999919'%9* 999 " ".. "1a i, ul.i99 is LI. a 1.. l . " k" 9,'n n , 1999'" ' rein " y.9 . 1e ~ n II .". r " 'I I l. t L" r, to. (9?~r~ '9 . n. 9 I i t ~ I ..hl hi I .t .''.. I" '. t 1~ ' n m t s .999999 t t ?"9J 01 i ..n . " I I~ ." ,.r n .. 9r~l , nI*I t . ", r I r . We Guarantee B Baoag ~ ,9.I r1'. CIVI L r. .9 ml 9? 999.) P with 999.9119.1 l' 9999'99flt I r9.199r99 If~l. t099 I 91 .,n It. Aft:1a ~kI05. Aduirp£. II Vc99m 9.utiiciOtlu. 99j Ihin "99!' 99ISl In. 199rtr., Ufri.1.M. P' 11M 11 -N & ('(., 11199 9999j. .191ru RIt~ell Age~nts, Hclplnmt. Mhofit .:a l;! PATWr ./4IIvG .Tno. C; , 'e Restaursit .bi9.Iid kgtnlI 4) uiA,ith For AN! For BEAST I I Mustan .imi nt I.0 RSCHEUBRO. LEADING ONE PRICE CLOTHIERS Desire their patrons and the public generally to call and examine the elegant Display of men's Ready Made DRESS and BUSINESS SUITS that for style and finish cannot be surpassed. 1H'INIILLA and II OI ELC0ATS, Genteel, Stylish and Durable. Our Line of Single Pantaloons comprises 1000Pairs of the handsomest patterns ever displayed, WE CALL YOUR SPECIAL ATTENTION TO OUR Endless variety of Gents' Underwear. WE ARE SOLE AGENTS For the celebrated Marysville Scarlet Flannel Underwear, than which there are no better goods in market. OUR BOYS and CHILDRENS DEPARTMENT Is comolete in every detail, Suits, Overoats, Extra Pants, Jeans Pants AND OVERALLS at prices to suit the times. Ii thg uat, cf GITS' !11110 m dn't it dom fuc IW7 In this IDepart enart we carry a Iuo4.. extcusIic Iinc 'if -.tiuaizr. (i o..di..u'1i an IWILS11 BRRN.' white, fancy and fuli dress MINIIK'f, E. & W. Collars and Cuffs, Latest Styles, , X"Ct"("e(rin En d/ess I urit4,(/ u 4Lu l.(j4nl J',obvx~ion (HI'!., II lieuii itconies /0 P.l( LIi. i.XAJ'l;L nIJ(1 Mo3T 'A)MPLETE IN 'rHE CITY. If you have not seen our Fall and Winter Ntock (you certainly ought to, if you wish to purchase the best and the cheapest. . ORSCHEL & BROI, THE ONLY EXCLUSIVE *IOLESALE-:-LIQUOR- :.DEAJLRS IN MILES CITY, M. T. .1 ('onplee Line of Ih'1IJES TIC AE II i~S' l(I11(/ Con.,/nn/it on Hand. I'A.E rICT'CTEL U IPP.LIES' We are A,.iLw frr IIILOWN I1 K IN & ('o.,of New York. NuiI Iku UmeaaureN fur reiiIm and Overrn te to h e wade to order. Every Garnent Guaranteed To Fit or no Sale