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('onttied from Errs ;.ag..) ~Iplain cset where is 3you could havO 'oar overcoat fur lined, andu tiko hmvdl at a tip-top place arnd ;wlk amuid ý Vhk you areU inrc i up l ou~r 1 end 1 wvill just go tlirouli t!riti ce ý part, of this, gr4't eimrI tw jJ es tblt,1Ufeflt 1111d try CICI t~:d IIc'PII the iv'e i! v frni d oti t:. .:d drat. n 4i.. low Li.4 in~ for n o an '1 said . , ý How . l.: . ti \ (I' dIA nit (F , ti. att tA u. 11 :1 . A t.41 t Kt ;d .1 CIt tA hurl ,LI m A tilt . ." \'. ... thiiii .,ut .\AtatelC.iII dj'd tat :'I~ltt 41'. anid III;, ii *Al'IAr Ictiajdt win111 i' 11 d(CI' l'v ' if IA t' .II 11' t\'i.l ''c ' Uall tlA' Lip'., \' * ILt.l1 V.* li 'I I IA\-' d e, i (:j4 Ii N,1 ' 4 . IIUJA? 1 ' I' 1 : .' 1l. , tI ' 11 - kirn, 'n'1~ l I tooA I . ':' 1 . ' 1, I I ' Jlbe nIA i Il _ api' - his' . A 'II' I' t 'I Alit' 1 I ,IA li hl' I. 1 ' !' I ...IIt L I t t : a cur . :v ht ut LI I i. A1' -1 VI r\ IA; -. it '.i jtt il.n A ~II I . i1' , ,11111 I 'I c!ýII. lit' I I l I It"' r1v.i 1.' W 1,l I I till till iii. 4 I . . IrlI. 111, r , I: 1 lii . Fi li . ''I n : { t I j I 'I I %Vi Iurl h .h , " 1" I b al. . V o I 'n 1,1 ll Ii 4 *a ote u uj1 ob peat, tRie cern., Car OralSe across we nations, pisonuing whole generations and lavwing its trail on everyth'n; but after a while it will be cornered and his.iiin and writhing in rago and with er -t lifted and !orkcd tongue shot out it will make final attack oU CLI t, and Christ will ud vanco ulon it, Lnd, lifting his 4anipIatent foot. that foot strtong cnoudh to crush u wvork~i h :in that loot right oC, V I .r 1.1 ,.. <l the 11,l11u t", Iat II W i t I I t t... 1 ..t ° * t'~~ i l taI . l t I a , c Li! I a ci (.rt:nii~Ow or tATAN. If '.. _ it 'l t e 11. full vonlsuntw'a tjio . , i!r.(' will sce it. III Ctw tik1 (1 .4 Alt rrvolution a xl:t l;; rc ui!Iroya carried t.hlrorgth the' t~t a hiiuuwr iithi tho iulbcri'i -;"owr up: T~hough we may fail to do o!'r duty tOil l' is ai I iai Z'iieratien 1,41' lr w-'~1i,1 1i~ -, by! the I q'.'L I .1 , I' all l l1, ii' iIIIle13: ".9 itil' . ý ý~ . ý 1, 11. 1'"I 's 111d 1l i. " L , It ,'' ..*" - 144 I ,.4 ýl' Q' I' ~ i ' I t... . . 1 4 . .. I' 4 1:,,.. *. " . .i i 2.l2_4 1. '.12,l 1ý' . I rI i. i U 4til , 2. , '.1rs .I' h' A th 1L44rI. , ,l "II; * , I Hll 1 l'V'. inr- ry. 4I(ir l.l 441 4i.tI Al Ait. ' I UAc iA i il h~ u~t'ldi ((fu'ui 'itl' ; 4:.\1 U,&t lIt)l r( \, t I hA l(' hir. Of ti;( ha ort', bu("t S.i~i %\ut il. iutt b~t:l,l, t.l' (I)Obº.Ic to *( (911.d V Ii~til' ia t' IS 4id !,Id a4'Z I Ai,."iutt Iaal f-"(t il I IIA '.hi, IJAk W rt that a:i .. 1.,,, *IL4 for *ii e blt , ' th e (1( \" iI 4,111 t"u;,i I:., (,4f ,lle (*(t lO lureIt 1114'tt)t 41 Ii t ,.,' ..tta 'IA (t iAty w llti ulid. .,i ~: '. t.f (( 1 \ V; , altu "aiIle a ll , ..1 1 at> .tl~ 1 u to weh ei'i~t K'r ()Ill IA IJ,ti t 1; Y. ;1 ' ` ( to l4 ' t,. L' , (".d (," 1 "IIu t' I i w c t n f An .%rmn 4of 1;.,:ar.. '11:n I,:% '::a.t ,of tI( I IL ': in tiro flu i~t;:(\(''ian. eiit t,f ( )ull n.;rc .*: Ii. ' I." 4. (Lt., rnt' b. LlrhI Ia~tie ye It up("j t i I,, st 1;,i piai *)1.(I'IUII wiall I", naid :.(I tut ini &t uumuazar of vjines-, 4 i1: iIIII.,I,itanl5tsI re IItr:Il"nI aifr:.,i I," .i 41u1 of1 tI?4'ir own~i f(,,11 'foihI t, '1 l'*'aI Ijil!te(i~li lana 1,4 tn I all Irccia (! * ttae l; 1 r'e iM uvil!, r Iiro 11,1," I .0a to lie foundi t ifla t"Iiii 11 tAo Ilu ; ,.(K !, niad r~.t4 :1 le(a, .ut (Lti'tj turn ( , 1 f,,r th lI, af Imt ii ant, o 3I(,( 1411 nuul I t. r % t. t ,f I 1 f( , , l " r,: . 11 1 ,( 1': li' .tI...' ..: 'I (h.if' I ,(ai(I In'j tilrl~ a vruy 1t't( 11v I; I .. , n full r a(I 1,,l (i 11T V.F thair (I ( (,aaif(,rtul.Ie 1KN h bI( ill a (Li-r tj'z't I('1 'II I, a uiiI overjarun b~y bc~u'.a. -1'14h1 ~.t: II (;::z tte. 9IT . 1; I olvr .U 'I 01 (1l. 'I bends ull miepuw I. I . Iij O u it m dnabful it im, was s 1 srgof 1 h ir a "bI 'IA f MILES C IT Y IH 0 NI AND PUMP WORKS I,,. r.* . \ ,tiunufacturers and Jobtcrs of flt, Caps, Fus JLDVES AND MITTENS. BUFIL RO I AND ALL KINGS OF - FUR COATS Large Stock' -AND - LOW PRICES No, 21,,8. :21,: S r') T 1 S Pa* DR. LIEBIG & CO. :u I I . u i ý "I r r I ii ý I, .I I, I "-- 1 \ it ,". ,. nlý I 1ýý 1r ,,' ,tII i ,I I',,, ,lIJ %I " 7 1 I '1 1 I 1 '' I I ' I ! ! I Lc9<;nnInAnN Licbg World Disp~cn9~r.. M~l PsrIt., Nala Frrna"c,ie.I.Cl I Say! What's the Mafter with' MlLS, S 1< j 1j & fiUlER'S Oh~l -I I't. . .- ... - , ..-. 0 S THE MARCH OF P~GES! OUR LATEST I!rIPItOVE. 2fLNTS ! d omp irt m I". I 1 ;1" of Tr'idl.t r"! -77 I y' - / 'I j t 1" I I." \ II .31 n11"«.-11 t 1', *i I... .. . . .... 1, rlP II\,I" letIIII i.. -I.,.. (h -t.., W ý ,e r.. n I' 1,1," UHariH.? , .I 1,1. If,.,, HI rd f.r r.3.. .H: t' , ~rhI.,., 5 P ....I. j L.Hu PMhoru fromH our 'relcb*.std I...,,.r) lord- ,s.II hy widp.Rwake retaile~rs In all parts of th.rou nary. V," ,r III 'I.,, tin ,.. r *,_Iý LHH'H, ",W rJ u, Us .5 Mut) 'rt~iSH,r Terrrsi wry 1.1 s 8thi iu*. .t eUt. JAM S MEANS & CO., 41 Lincoln St., Boston, Mass. BANKERS Scarl et, r t r 1 Voe: N t vo r pI r alisfaftiall Wilar II PP'II or : p GUIGNON I ;K ) 0001(oE :. 4 . .* 14 4... I» ,ýn Ar"I'u. , .s r .. 1 -1 u gU Mr»11. At~wn .4 .. I I *"4 fIled ID thi I'.' '. I IS'l.. 114 I . *r 44 SAW, *:"'. 'Vt; p . ttn A1 t., . ''V., 6u ,1 I I .t'w. r r ' M.. ... ~t~ fe Am.9r '(ASl & ' -A hItýld 'eitee ee,e s aend It 4 ( se*Ieti:e t'cstegelte'' l I e n,., l 1 -, *'it.'Iti. 1010 I 'I'll. Mitteitind:.l f I 1 A . b 9 t I t . I I S " I ' 9 ;, I ,, . il '. .. i. I * , 1 i 9 I' 9., 1"I ' "r .. ,alat , ., ~ ~ 04 .. ,1ai 1 `ý I 1'"11~ i, ~ I i~ . "l ..ý 1 1 r at as 1 4 n , I 1., : e' ., a. I .It 9 l i .. 1 1~ i,'st..' <l.:it il l(o a rir i9 tIt 999 li lit WRIs ttini'tb e h" .,t I a1t a.'. a:,r ,e.r on Iret 3 i . 9 ` Itli r t r,~, iai' 7. me. tg1444 fl n. tu r i '1199' a'l ..9$' I' ,i C~, II 14I;Y I,tit I wI(I 99n 1l1i' 9', i., ~',~" I -I £ . I a1 c 'l strat teeu! , 1: 1 ,., It te 441's -it di ctu t'isa L,.9aso three 91 '9'I 19 o *ttit o, ell a tti'iiatt' t tte' S'. . 1 a i' ite' ite 1hu , art ), i 1. .t ' til t l it. t-re tiii .".r I .write i ut 1'.mini*Ia ti. -. h 9'I 11.9 1, f r. I' ( I .re tkin. Iche - 1rY.' b t.4',, I 91 o. '" ,Ij r ai oa'y er on el. er w.".. vi nta'.. a'Ii t of habi rlm t imy 'anci. lier *li 4 119 ' . 911 t1" rS i , h1 -t'l.t' a I fill" !.0* In no IporpsNes I a~ I1 %ell. I Rerail 11-1 w nI all ej t9''9i ' r *it 1 t ,v i t er .ItiA of tal I.l* o . lop . 11hank ycu a thmassandI itene ,t -I . 11 r1 ý t.,.' "ha It. . 44. 1s4* 1o nuw, w'r It' ass 4,r:,44~1,% m,.I; on s o c ti~n. 4:4write f , me at a al N `r*r ll. II 1 1) UNI <. It1 111:1: . V1 ..lis.: .: . Il . ' .1 -. r ' n7i 9 1. tt. r. .'I' .19 1., :iAeIt,, Ial. '4,l t,1 . 4'11, 9 ' 97 liii la t-Iruie ''r how I a Iiror* al "I 11 herw.,ntari . 11I. wnd .r lc .1...... .. 11.1,1 K; "r'4' 1ln ' y 44 11 4I 'r . f. thw `4 .I a.." 'r l, r0 ' It lito , .l 4114 * t a .as " 11 1 r p .4,. ,ti 1I II h u* V, 4 1'' an I .1. it .1 r ..4' 1.1, n Os II, 1 1 I I".at ` , ' , " I1I *** 1.4 14-. ,lh '*"u bl.."i I'str list th er 'u11 ', a .,1 a pln" .' ur 1,"d . 11 luhrº lrul.' IP* tail, ."14 .'. e r' " * I' :n" 1 1 1 e 're .'wlr* ;',*Al, It' .,,1 I . s tI , . he-aI', $ If. 1'. 7 ao Y,. -en l 1 r' Il " I'. Iar its, -1m 1-r 7rY"," 1' p.,.... 0, -- 'n r..ti '' II n ..11'' ! u b i lmourn lw bABY'S , \ Iu ;,g: ie ugItII iýºI ' 1 GROOERIES 1 lt l N .. . I. r ,' , lP I, H. n. EAGLE & C F)whooai, lrc. FREE cIIN ?CARiTER'S MONTANA SHORT UNE When traveling every one ihould coa ilder well the questions of economy, comfort, safety and speed, these question9 bking of the same importance in a joun.ey oC ana hour an in one of several days' ride. An cxanaination of the lait' will convince :ay lion that this is the most direct route I1 from all the pri cipl points in t' n- 13T:PAUL_ tral t: %41nN EA~oLI Not ANitCB Xuu R AILWAY. ta. snit Mont.rn'º. (Lu* º odynentl v*oxletaot. ()ur t o'k are or !ºu 'll ,* f.* t 4 . .r T~ en *'It *\ H1A the un1 "f ex Fur i.. I eXn* lor ire. A. M it , \V. S. AuL.¶Nnnu, I,ý ý 11 I th e~t'c t t t j ; 's* I' a re ,. ,Cl 'N'D ., i LINE. , t , , a lu r ut F ~ fl .' fla * *..; ~utA tEtd *, ,~.r A" t... '*~~yW. *I~ . 13r tW~ c t, ,.r" t.-. r."rh. M tiiae... C'9hkosb, I r! !ac. +\ ~u,.a ha. :m - Burling. tot, W tv t" tt"",,., ., tlt. " ".., V M thti. route, SI ,tr i'r rt,. south *tr aset, *r Wt'v. S. MELLEN JAMES BARKER. it.rai ?Ittr ý...r i~it n ..,. 1'i-,,Tck.* F. 14. AN5O4'. ' oIfi P~ati't IPiu~upgw t,. NO1RTI!ERN PACIFIC RA1!4ROAD TV7 ,:ReCT L '. ' VfEl'N Or DULUTH IId lw, 'AItshims Te'rriterl, And all Peints tn Minnesota, Di kota, Montana, OREGON, i;tiM Cola.I , IISK l ai ALASKA. '. 1EtANGE OF CARS B.ETWEl EN $ ' PATHI and PORTLANL, c',1ICPANT SLELEEiS FRE ". I rf A',MS 3. FEB. *.sa.1 IauasugW1