Newspaper Page Text
THE I)AIILY JOURNAL E<ýTAfIlI H VIt 1881. THE OPP1! t 1. PAPER OP OUNTPR ('OI'NT\ Thaeditorof THE KLLULw5T'.k Jo.INAI. is lct respondible for any ..f te opt0 - ems or utterances of Its corrnesondonts. Notice is herehy given to all concerned that Tir YELLOWSTONE JoURNAL. PBtL.ISHING CO. beldi the contract to do ill printing and ad. Yertiaig.aofwhatever nature chargeable to Cus ,ee aeaty,and ia also the designated and on ly paper Ia Custer county in which services by publication ear be legally made. Iegal notioes publ'shed in ether papeps of Custer sounty, are void and weethhea. as has been decided by the courts of Me bills arsplat Tie Y3LLOWwSTO4U JoUawAL ' eatrebted any of the mployes of "siA paper or othere, will be receguleed mniem aseompeanie by a written order signed by the pub Isher or bemlnese manager. Wednesday, December 1. 1888. THE United htates government, through the United States district at torney, bas entered sult against vari ous corporations and individuals of Eureka, Nevada, aggregating about 13,000,100, for cutting wood and lum ber off unsurveyed government land. Among the heaviest corporations sued are the Eureka Consolidated Mining company for 473,000 onrds of weod.val ued at $3,500,00):; the Richmond Min ing company, 8.13,000 cords of wood, valued at $d, 5),000; the Eureka & Palisade Railroad company, for 74.000 cords of wood, valued at $750,000. EDISoN promises to put his latest invention, the phonograph, to a curi ous and practical use. His Inteation is to furnish subsoribers a talking daily newspaper. The little Instrument will be charged with a condensation of the news of the day and each subcri ber can listen to it while at breakfast. The Edison raking Newspaper company will supp.y its patrons with phono graphs a: an annual rental of a small sum, These phongraphs ean be used the sane as any otheri to reproduce singin., piano playing, whistling, band 'usia sand elocution, but will be espec ally designed for correrpondence. The phonogram4 of the latter will eon. tame each day all the latest new. in condensed form, and will cover each sub-dlviseon---such as cable, tele graphic, political, dramatic, cornmer cial and ronortary. Each phonogram will be plainly marked, co that the reader, or rather hearer, can chose for himself wbicb one he cares to use tirst. If a new opera has been pro duced the night before, he can listen to an able but etnetie crlticisni and enjoy the novel .ensation of having repeated to deligbted ears the choaoeet passages of music precisely as they were rendered at the theatre. It was stated at the laboratory yesterday by one in the secret that if necessary 20.000 more coplesof tbesamecylinder could be turned out in one hour and can be adjusted to any phonograph, so tbat 20,000 or more of the "talk ing machines" ca repeat the same son tence at a given moment. KEzNAN & SoNS write from Chicago Dee. 7,1888, ooncernlog the stock mar ket: "This Is a week in the cattle trade long to be remembered by those that had cattle here so sell, while the reeipts have not been as largeass sme previous weeks. Cattle have been late arriving on the market each day on aceount of the railroads undertaking to weigh the stock in transit so as to loores.. their freight rates. Therefore eattle arriving late in the day had to be held over night, and with increased receipts each day it was impossible to make a clearance. The receipts for the week will be 66.000 bead sad as a large proportion of them were corn-fed native steers we had more pounds of beef for saie than we had the big week-72,0(00 head-and for reasons given above the market has shadily declined from day to day until we have to quote our market barely steady at 50 cents per 100 lbs. decline since last Friday. Unless we have lighter receipts prices cannot ad vance. Some Christmas cattle sold during the week from $.25%i'. Receipts of sheep up to and includ lug this (Friday) about :4,'e0 head, an increase of nearly 11,000 over last week's receipts. Trade durinpi the week was very satisfactory, hut prices dropped in some cases from 25 to 40c per owt. from the morning's trade up to noon. Receipts became heavier than was expected. Consequently buyers took the advantage. Eastern markets are not very good at present. Wtill we look for good prices for real prime sheep next week for Xmas mar kets. There are still a good many sheep coming from Utah and Montana which met a very fair trade for the last few weeks, selling at from $8.166y 4.10 per ewt. for mediums to prime, averaging from 100(ll2 lbs. Curtrge. soau to Pike's Peas. A new attraction to Cascade canyon a carriage drive to the summit of 's Peak, which was formally opmeda month or so ago. It is not a safe and convenient route, and flat by any eans a mere trail or wood road bit affors a view superior in in extent and grandeur to all others !btnl d from the old trails or roads. t is as much of a roadway for car. [ r4 as can be made in elimbing the ky mnountanas, and froit ('acade to the Mrunnit the drive i , 're'teen anilje curl takel five houri.. I'rrnn the hotel the' d.'iv,' is up (O ead& canyon, tihrtniL .ild and rom&n&it "cC'n ery; and ,limt eight miles u; at uasues nro1" 1 (ken cove, an imposing am phito.:itre with a gmmy pit taversed by t o ýtr amns. our by is the preci. pies, 2J50O feet high called the Devil's leap, end n halanced rock, which may he ws ei 1.} a touch of the hand, yet is twelh or fourteen feet iii %%idth and four feet thick. The Uayden divide and (:rand View are twelve miles from Cascade, and here the traveler is stopped in his journey by the magnifi cent prospect of the great plains stretching eustward. Colorado Springs lies at his feet; Pueblo, fifty miles to the south, and enver, seventy-five mtle to the north.-Dennte HOW I SUFFERED Seventeea Years From a Skin Disease. Could Not Walk or Drees Myself. A Mess of Disease From Head to Foot. Cured In Eight Weeks by the Cuticura Remedies; At the age of three months a rash (which after wards puoveo to be ecsema or salt rheum) made its ppeassance on my face. A physician was called Ue said teething was the cause; he prescribed sorn cooling medicine, but the sores spread to my ear, and head. Another M. D. was called. He pro. feamed to know all about the case, called it King's Evil." and prescribed gunpowder. brimstone, and lard mixed into a salve, but the disease continued. They could not Jo anything with it Atnothlrpre scribeS botaz, water, and (tour: another. linseed poultices. None of them did me any good at all, but made me worse The disease continued ut abated, I' spread to my arsn and legs, till I was laid up entirely, and from continually sitting on the floor on a lpillow toy limbs contracted so that I lost all control of them, and was utterly helplass. 31y mother would have to lift me out anri lut, bed. I could get around the house on my hands and feet, but could not get my clothes on at all, and had to wear a sort of diresting gown. My hair had all matted down or fallen on, and me head, face, and .se were one scab. and I lad to have a towel on my head all the time in thy summer to keep the flies of. My parens consulted a prominent phi sician asd surgeon here in Chicago (the other p"'ry sicians before mentioned were of liundas and Hamilton, Canada). lie said noe could do nothing for me. He wanted to Cit the sinews of my egs,. as that I could walk; but I would not let bun, for if I did aet better I would have no control of them. The disease continued in this manner until I was seventeen years old, and one day in January IS-9, I read an c ount in the Tribune, of your Catti'RA REMErits. It described my cue so ex actly that I thought, as a last resort, to give themo atrial. When I first applied them I w a all raw and bleeding, from scratching myself, but! went asleep almost immediately, something I has not done for years, ihe effect was so soothing. In about two weeks I could stand straight, hut not walk, I was so weak. but my sores were aearly well. As near as Ican judge the cUTtCUaa Rana. ve3s cured me in about six to eight weeks, and up to this date (1. a from January, 1S79, to January. 1987,) I have not been sick in any way, or have had the least signs of the disease reappearing on me. W. J. McliOsALD. 373: Dearborn St., Chicago, Ill..June:A, '97. Sold everywhere. Price. C'rTcoas. 50r ; Mc &A, 25c.: Raaot.vET. 11. Prepared by the PuTTER batDG ANDI tEUrAI Co., Boston, Maas. Oi.rnd for"How to C(iroe skin Diseases." LI PLE', black-heads, red, rough. chapped4 aid oily skin prevented bh tnTiCIkA ,e ei. IT STOPS THE 1Il1. Aching Mas ole Back, Hips, and it,. and all I'ot.t.Intirmmation, and Weak nes rmlleia.d Itn fular mhi atrht tue t uticur. Anti-Pain Pla.ter. The first and only pain-eubduing plaster _' cets. Nuter The annual meeting of the stockholders of th First artional hank of Miles City will he belt at the I ankitg offlce. on Tuesday, J:alnarr nth. I' for the election of directors. II. It 111. J Y. Ass't a Fhier, NotiIe orfsheriff's Sale. J. 11. I ampbell Lout- layette and 'race Payette and the t+ Ik diroatrs Natoital !lank of Mile. City. aontmua To lia sold at oheriff's eale n.n the 2lth day of De14retahr. I'.', at n o'd. k p iu. of that day at the frot dour .f the court h use :i Mil a City in Custer county, Montana, to the hirhl at bte.d r for cash. a I of the right, title and interest of the above named defendants, in and to the following described real estate. to-wit: Lot No. II In bit k No. 44 i£ the town of Miles City in said county and territory according to the survey and plst of the said Mtiles'City filed for record by the Northern Paelfic railroad company in the oftce of the rec order of deeds for said county Tn**s. 1. f arms.t Sherif. Dated Dec. 3rd, IIMS. Not~ice. In the Probate Court, Custer County, Montana Territory. In the matter of the state of William McKean, deceased Natice is hereby gives~that by order of the Judge of this court, issued this twenty-seventh day of November, A. D. Ie . that taturday, the eighth day of December, 18if at 10 o'clock. a. m., at the osee of the Judge of this Court. at the Court House in Miles (ity, said (ester county, hes beeu fixed for hearing the return of the sale made by Josiah Nichols, administrator of the said estate, the property sold being the N ý of rE/, the SEA( of tWW/4, and Lots 5 and 6 of aectiun Township 6 N, Bangs 35 E. Montana meridian. for the sum of two hundred and thirteen 34.100 dollars, the purchasers to assume the mortgage of eight ioun. dred and Afty dollars, sail motqege beting for flre yearn, from March :3rd, 1887. at twe!ve per centuc, per annum, interest thereon from ,aid date. paya ble semiaannually, as will more fully appear from sal I returo tiled in this office. and to which refer ence I. hereby made fur further paJ4tcultrs. Asy person interseted in said estatA, may appear and hile written objections to the conirmnation of said sale. and may produce witnesses in support of such objection. WM. C MI AEIII.E, I'robsae Judge, By WM. C. .TAEILE, P Ea()Ucio 'lerk. Dated Miles City, Montana. November 27th. 14,. Report tr tess, T ad, ' .{Tdwns'es, 00. Fill aid After Forty peae eruer,* tie a har. nse»ts oa ~ll~laadag~ ka ra S ws f o.v P5,45W than the 11ade trges, the petrishen of theIl ~erte":e'tene e rtas seliuteg wIM sad e eieatiomtieegare anes Eeeb. hargelfor e~rnuaga~tº~~rrtImvs drlbr naoUese f~rwme a bawle. Advice by m I free f o~fnN, are -antsd gPICAN. 'ah chs IMargest elrfeu ala datea so a dmao s ls yenmest of 1ta tkis publ shed Is the wsvl utagMe of seek a setse every patestee irs arpan elfddl iirts U~~aelnewewjes admitted to be the hest paper devoted to seaeeae meehansl, InriSnt us. engineweag works, ass er departments of indstrial progress. pub. i1hsd so any runer7. it roisteas the Dames tentss an d 4ts leof e*ery inventt9e pat1" we. k. Ty t f ir ..tuhe for one deli. b, a.: newedeales. Sm'.. , BURKE &WARD, Prtpr's 'The Beae Ideal Resort for Gentl~eme Mas duIl.mi. Card It.omsu. Piiltard,I an~d a Itiar stocked sathbtb ii.. 2~t~O ~iquor* djpwu ed to the beat of l *r.av- .p DON'T FAIL TO CALL.! Corner and Mutgit Ntr..eIa. Mlles ('It,. i3WEES. Kh POLICF t ZF:'/TE will WIIei niaile"I, Plrrl wra1iww t,%1 m d aid dresi Iin the U',ited Stee for thlre e mloothm uu ree'eip~t of ONE DOLLAR. Liberal ci Wv"uuxt a' li .ed t pHes iicutera., agent~:t andh cluhcs..a $ pie copier w~uiled ftee. Addreeiº all,!' a'' RICHAR~D F. FOX. For MAN I For BEAST ! Mustan' Linimnent MIX CAN EJ WiYsdeath toPnrs., O tn (aal Caw Mactue a,1 aU awastioe. THE. MARCH OF PROGRESS! OUR LATEST IEPROVEXENTS ! " Copetite 1 the i Ife of Trade," and If y u have not sen our latest Improved eaan't IrnarltnC how lively trade i, or bow bird our comýwteture iasd to work o keap w'hin'h tnine Ask your rrtaljtr f r the JAMIit MIEANIS W3 M10U . or the JA.1lE MEANW' SHOE avernitig to o.ur needs. Peositvely none genuine unla-ss having our name and price astmped plainly o0 the soles. Year retail.. will supl;iy you with aheia. s' .tamnjset it you Insist u1i"'n li dine o, if you do not baile, soma retailers Wdicona you Into buylag infterur shoes upon whIch thcy soake. lar r pro.ll M MES MEANS' JAMES MEARS' 3 SHOE $4 SHOE Se uNXC uLLED IN CANNOT FAIL STYLE UNEouALLuE -30 TO - N DURABILITY AMtS *> AND.* SATISFY *, RFECTION TNi OSTi $ o r. FIT. FASTIDIO*ý AM s 880 MEEgys 4SHO each has been the resent in our branch of industry that we are now abhe to affirm that the James Means SI Shoe is in evry respet equal to rite tah which tonly a few t are aro wer retailed atelght or ten dollars. If ou will try io a r }on w oll insesi that we do not exaagrerate. Ours are the original I and $4 i ho and th'*e w to imitate 'or t',oem of buslttess are unable ct on eto with us is quality of factory products. In onr hiues wt are the lares t manufarturere in the Untied ittas. Oura of au trating alfs ataea Who In now iatisag the shoe retaiaes of the Pactic Cuest and Rtotcy Mountain Regien writes from thare sat ftllows "1 am more than satisfied with the resultsaof myt t Ihave thus fauseemeeded ntelse.arfnl me to the hands of t A Nat I dealers in every pealt rhve visatie " He goes on to say h a serd idura n fir rs tto sell shnes In Isause m0st0. the retailers are charglag their customers at retal about doubts tht pricet which the. shane hare oat at wholesale. The consequence is that the e wear shaes sy a or seven dollats a pairj f.hoes which are not worth.s miueh a our us W EA i HQO4. Our shoes with their very low retail priase stamped on the sof every t a i n the bith hprte whth bave hitherts ruled ln the retail markets hoe d when a a full tino of goods In his at ack they at care beita to go of like hot ankes.. usea amjus chi.til and consdder what the above sicgalgM as far )/ aereen aseane e0 oe risg lshe. bearintg no meantfacturers' rame or reatul praes mI oan ot till what so arc gettia ad nor retailer I. probably m.aking you paed ..e ma od b le ou r 'et o fow ryoturs t het thiie wor .k A CO .*ww.'., 41.. L lnq aSt., st, M.**ss.Wl X11-- S CO., 41 inacoln St., Boston, fass. * TABLISHED 1877. TAS. XoILTAT d CO., PROPRIETOR$ OF THE Minneapolis Shaepskin Tar AND DEALERS IN EIWD,81Z :'2LT3, FM, WOOL,TALLOW Ginseng and Sencca Root. SHEEP PELTS & FURS A SPECIALTY. lot, 10s 10 os t. WeeM. MIRNEAPOLIU. MDIW. Shapments Solicited. Write for tirwulars. DR. LIEBIG & CO. The European mi dical stall and special surgeons and I hys.Icasm of the idebig World Ilishneaary end international Bargiesal Istit ur. The surgi cal branch givesspecial attention to deformities of every kind and au1 - -f displace ,, menits re - quiring ap Ipliances for ý^ I curvature of .. & torted limbs as g /or arms sue* I a cesafully Js tr sted by ournewVol* a- talc and SB- '111 nett's appliance s e edieal branch devot.e ap* slha attention to all Chronic, Complicates, Prirate and Wsastiug Diseases, resultinm from badly treated cases of acute or special mature, or from indiscretions of oath. brim ion on lNpermatorrhxee Meminal ksemaam ams unnatural drain from the body which ua' vrmines the constitution-also Debility, lieay. [sns of Vitality or Manhnod, which result from excess of maturity. The reason so many are not cured of the above comp'aints is owing toa complcation called 'roe atorrhea, which our treatment alone can cure. Varicocele, wormy veins in tScrotum. vtricture, blood and skin impurities weedily eared. acute private troubles. safely. condoyntialir andquickly cured. ('atarrb or the mucuous membrane of the heal or bladder succesefuily treated; also throat and lung di' Female complaints and all delicate. compliiated diseases of women, carefully treated by our new method whereby none of the usual physaeal ezaminations are required. I)sl placetmeus of the Uterus and Nil .p..cial complaints peculiar to females, succesasisly .reited 'll lacguage. spoken and written. V. rite in)uur own language. The most powerful EI.KCTRIC BIELTh free to patients. Call on or address Lieb:g World Dispensary. 4t0I Gerary at., Man Viancisco. Cal. Great English Remedy Tod ok Murray's Specific. SA guaraateed core for all servo-is diream.r such as IWeak Msauury, Lure, of1 Prlin Potarr. HItatrla Headache, Paln In the liark 4Neriuna P'rulratlon. 1Neak ne.... Leuerarrhura, Enlver. . it ILa..ltudet, ..c.ntmal Weak. flw~41y eaa, Itiotiteticy central luse 0,l41w.* '.1 the. t~eeerauvea Organaa Ini either Leicx .aned~ by iid arereioU or over cxie. I hi."u anI ehI.h I itaiiitely lead to tttru&MtUre 01td Agoe, In~ianlg'. aand (...iau~usuplul .Lau a ox or III l..,x* jot h*i 00. -evil * a...Ma.& blii .II on receipt 0f picr. 1 all nIl.. I ry aplic antllI clIe We Guarentm 0 Ulsa t',. itr aivec-e, l.,r . vry ti ~iVi ot.t r~c. i i, .1.r awiv" "e. Iiic ,"Io- Iri Ic 6r AL. ea tre. Aft.: Tsklag. A idreA.. 11 LII Uilutrat him i.o the rolle manii. f; hitre r., I HlL 'I I'll RY M Ell u l t' I\E II Kan-"Ia Itt.. W liulas~lh, a ild 11.1.11 A ent a. Hl~aen... Mont £ ST RA, for Infants and Children. "OM1U~N~~~r 1 atm . Gel sw, oi"pii.m. (nýINSOni Minm.qbmp,~ I Moo.ý*ý MY. rm . mm." R~. LAm. N.on D. Ia~wM Ilk Wamm, i p. - ami PI 23.l.dr fU., snowg, N. T. wI~iCwo.Jki in-an _T=r CmrrAux (7UUPAM, 7711.-», IWese, N. Y. SOMETEIZG OF I3TEREST FOR YOU TO READ! Having had a very successful fall trade and nearly sold out our entire Fall Purchase of Suit ings, we purchased an entire new line of Winter Suits at EXTREMELY LOW FIGURES We shall be pleased to give our trade the advantage of these BARGAINS. If you are in need of a nice, nobby suit, the b33t material and finish, give us a call. We are convinced that you will find exactly what you are looking for. I.ORSCHBL & BRO., THE COMMERCIAL LEADING BLOCK. CLOTHIERS I, ORSCHEL & BROTHER, W1bo181e lies, Liqllors and Chars. Speelal attention called to our extenslve line of BOTTLED WINES, WHISKIES, BRANDIES, Etc., FOR THE HOLIDAY TRADE, EeliuSIve Line in Key rst and DoBilesUc Cmls