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VIliE DAILY YMEI, OWSTONE JOURNAL. VOLUME VII. No. 81. MILES CITY, MONTANA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 20. 1888. PRICE FIVE CENTS. THE DAILY JOURNAL _ th O we4 5 I wp rr of ( ',, e sr ( .o u st . Every Morning Except Mcnday. 6Ilation of Mile. City . . 3,000 Terms or Subscription; T MAIn., IN ADY NCR, VWATAUE PAlD. DeityEdition, ne yeas....« ..........·.. ..... _1111.11 Daly Edition six months ........ ............. ,1 Ds&I EdtLI.n.ou. month.............. _............ IIw1 TO CITY SL'DsC5I5RS, csnlt, Evarl Morning, at 25 cents per Bret, WISELY EDITION. YkLI oW I ALI.k. 050 ear. ............... ......-......-.................... 13.( i 6t Months .............................................. 2.141 Tbne Month........... ............- 1,00 Advertibang Rates. N a I I off; _ nun. 7 n ' oc n" 'c pc I.... .'.... 'IA 8.0 (1 J 0 .00).Q01 14.(11 20.10 SHas..... 31 4 010 7,.01 11.(11 18.11 21.00 25.1A0 I Hate .... 7.0 ill)'i) 14.0015') I £21.00 80.00 5 ' .... ".3 1$)ll 10.4) 1.lU 5l.10 24.14101.00 A' ksi.... .' IllII Is 12.'10 96.() 21,01 12.(j0 45a.I1 * eiwte....'1 II i.'31 14.00 22.314 ~Am :411.(1) 50.00 * L.,Otl ..I-I0 14.01AN 16.110 5.0')A 32.01 12.00 60.00 '4 .ni1$s ' "I 14.(11 22.0Wl :4.3'1 42.011 S2.13) 4.500 'f. n.the., ~1'( 221st 2x.15) 421 0.01. 51,1,S.(I0 '(14.00 6 V Ibh. I ? I ( 2.11) 40.(8 ft0.0) 74.14,.UG.00 150.0 cis I.olk30s-leia rents pr lane for ealh 111,30 Inn. V. rtlelu,.s Afters cents per line. Address THE YELLOWSTONE JOURNAL PUBLISHIN4 COMPAANY. JOURNAL BUILDING, MILES CITY. M. T. PH YNICIANp. C B. LSB~atB, M. D.. - a CPhysicria and M.,I.e. 00. sad nreidenc. over Will. Kiephani. Mainst. D B. U. YKDD, PDR 1.0 W AND EU RGION. 00 . at W. i.Urvqe'drg stwr. 12.1 Di "vuSLMrn.WkUaoN AND OmmTzcrIAM. (An and (.burtabslhr.) 0.. at y gs'ldry mrn, MIle City, M. T. C S). WllITMBY. Daxrur. Mau strst.evr 9tockgrOme Nationl Bank AU work guaraateed and atraoabesm Q B..CORBURIAY. ,a Nestor V¶riaary Surgeon Ath Cavaryo Bas/done Mile City. crib attended day or night. Leav order. at Ravage's drug store. Cor remeendemae promptly ansered. -OFFICE -A r WRIGHT'S DRUG STORE. IO IETLIlb. A. O. 0.-Division No. I merrs irat and serone madaye of meah meth. K. o M.-.-Mee- re-. ad third Wednesdays at 7:0p. m.. a Odd Fellowe' Himll A. . d&A..--Yellowatono ldge, No. 20, Br.t md third Wednedays. IL A. M.-Yeollowtone ('hapter. No. 5, second ThusIday nl each month K. T.-Damaacu omuwmandery.fomrtb Thur0 . 0. O. F.--Cumter ladge, No. I, every Mraday at their ball. L O. O. Y.--hentinsu Encampment, No. 6, irat and third Friday. K. * i'.-Crusader lodge, No. , Thursday *eninaei at Odd Fellown lHil. C. K. of A.--Mles ('ity Branb, every .unday at K. of L.-First and third ,.aturlay'. G. A. K.- '. . . Irant Pot. .N . 14. first an 'I third Tueadas.. I. O.i. I'.--star of it e West, No. 24, every Iriasy evelilug S. of V -'iben CaIImp NoU. 4. !ueeia Brft and hird Moudays of each mouth at boud Tewipliar 1. Ibmaauel (hurch (Epieopal) Palmer 8t.-Mer .leSundaysat 9:31 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Wa. euaetall, rector. Ispiet Chureh-Wm. M. Weeks, actin pastor. Paraeing servioe Sunday at 11 . m. sad 6 p. m. Pra"e and Prayer Meeting, Weinesday at 7:45 p. m. A cordial invitation to all. tbodist church-b ervlice Runday, 11 a. m., 7:lt, p. m PPayr meeting Wedsoa=y evenlng, 7:0. P. Lowry. pastor. Prnebyterian Churc.-ervices nuaday, 11 a. U., 7:5 p. a. T. C. Arnatroug, Iastor. thureb of tacred Heart, (athollc--Suday, 10 a. m. W. J. Lodeemath, chaplain, U. S. A. PIANOS TUNED AND REPAIRED. Oedes tell at W. . Savage's will receive prompt aM tas. T. 1HEK(H)IOO -TAILORING- CBIRLS WASHILLER Ck.lim. aid tpiriug a Specialli. Shop on Park Street. N. PARKER. H. W. TOPPING NORTHERN PACIFIC FOUNDRY PhE & TOPING muabme~ues o rall altae IRON and 3RASS CASTINGS. 33hINERD, MINNESOTA THIS PAPER o."a : s- -- NOJ·, 1e lh New I .1Yl 20%. Reduction Sale We will make the above Reduction on all Goods until JANUARY 10th, 1889. We manufacture cur own clothing. SUITS and OVERCOATS made to order. HANAUER BROS. STOCK GROWERS NATIONAL BANK, MILES OITY. MONT. THE LABREST BANK IN EASTERN MONTANA INTEREST ALLOWED ON TIME DEPOSITS. W. R. STEBBIN8. President, W .I HARMON, Vice President. H. P. BATOHELOR, Cashist. ELMEB N. BATOHELOR, Asst. Cash. FIRST NATIONAL BANK. MILES CIO, o THE OLDEST AD LARGEST B IN EASTERN IONTAIL JOBEPH LEIGhTON, President. W. B. JORDAN Vice President. E. B. WEIRIOK, Oashier. H. B. WILEY, Assistant Oashier. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. Live Stock, Loans, Real Estate and Notary Public LIVE STOCK A SPECIALTY Aguet for tle oldest sad meaet relable FIBE, LIFE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE COS And the old nest ant i wa. Monet Loaned on First Clas Security. Cattle and sheep ranches, and improved farms for sale at a bargain with easy terms of payment. Houses to Rent and Collections Made. Several comfortable and commodious dwellinr houses and well located business and residence lots for sale cheap; also N. P. R. R. Co.s lots and lands, and gruing lands in the Northwest Territory for lease or sale. Montana, Western, Wyoming, Texas and Eastern GATTLE, FOR SALE In lots to suit purchasers. Also several choice hands of sheep and Pennsylvania "Black Top," registered rams and Shot t Horn thoroughbred and grade bulls for sale. WILLIAM COURTENAY, MAIN STREET. _--- BUY YOUR SCRISTIAS PRESENTS " 0- RICI1MOND'S. The LargIt and II .t Assorted stook of FINE JEWELRY Ever brought to MYll City. ROUGE ET NOIR. At Fort Peck Indian Agency a Red Devil Kills off a few of His Tribe and Himself. The Mississippi Blacks are Ram pant, Killing the Whites and Destroying Property. The War of Races Surely Being Precipitated-The Laws Ap parently Powerless. A I)reieke.R IteI. ('OAMP Porl'.A. Itivl, lMont., Dee. li ---. Iirge idy re-uluig in the death of fur ieerorl ahnd tihe fataI wounding "f a li tle ,ecurre d at Fo"rt i'Pe'k Indian H& eyi('y yl'sterdayl . F,,r a week Pr(tt\ I-I,. one of the Yaikton Sioux trilw. has been l.aIded with liqucr. Agent Cowun atteilmpited to disciver Pretty hIy's source of supply, hut in vain. l'le Indian not only got all the wlliakty he wanlted, but had some to spare, which he distributed among the younger bucks at the agency. Yesterday Pretty Boy mede a mur derous attack upon his squaw. helz ing a stick of firewood be dealt the helpless creature a blow on the head whic. cut a deep aab in the scalp and fractured her skull. Not satisfied with this, he jumped upon the pros trate body of the eqjaw and made preparations to scalp her. By this time a crowd of nearly a hundred In diana had gathered around the couple. In the crowd aere a number of In dian police who rushed upon Pretty Boy and dragged him from the body of the 'quaw. This so enraged Pretty Boy that, shaking off his captors, be ran to his teepee and secured a Win chester rifle. He at once opened fire on the police, ilnetantly killing two of them, and fatally wounding a thied. He then proceeded to wher- his squaw was lying, and, placing the muzzle of the rifle between her lips, fired font shots. This done, he attempted to ef feet his escape, firing repeatedly at the Indano*, who were in pursuit of him. Findilg escape imposcible. he halted on the brow of a hill about a mile from the agency, and, after aer ering the arteries in his wrist with his hunting knife, shbot himself through the heart, death resulting instantan eously. A lt'AE FIOGHT. The Mlsesisippi Trmublte. MI-lIlILN, Mia.,Dee.lS.-A number of tehl grams were received here yester dluy oniiiii iig, taltilut r rit had oc e:urred at VIlahIlls, Kemper cournty, fllty wilhe north of, and that Holly Morton, of this pl.ce, as killed. Two parties aggregating sixty lmen were dial•atchced to the. scene. Tt'ey returned last night reporting ev erythlng quieted down. A negro desperado had some wo, d with a prominent farmer and amault ed him with a deadly weapon and then fled. The farmer's triends or ganized a posse and started out no arrest the negro but a counter party war formed by the negroes under the leadership of two renegade white men, who, by the way, will be lynched when identified. In a battle that er surd four or live white men were killed or mortally wounded and the negroes -apled to the woods. It iN impoesible to fiud any negroes within five miles of the scene of the trouble, White people from adjoining town: poured into Wahalla all day and joined n the searob, but a none of the negroes except Maury Is known they accomplimhed noth ing. One negro was seen lurking i_ the w ode and was fired upoo, by s party of whites, but In -lantly dirappeared. It I. beliieved, there will hie no mIlre Irouhle. II Is cerlauli if any tiegrroe who fired o.( thie whiilis are ciulght they will I. killed. The felling, how- ver, iM now against the white lUel, who are .ild to have orgaumlz.d the negroec. Not,a -inglle negro is known to have reosived any injury. Two white men bedlde those already reported are wounded, but their names are not given. It does not appear that the wt liee In making the arrest acted under any legal au thority, but they are sustained by the entire white populatlon of Kemper and the adjolaning onuntle. It Is un likely any proceediugs will be takes eg Inst thenm. The M.thrm L:p.Wpr HRobbery. DvcK Hli,,, Mll*., Dec. I4--* bert Is nothing new oneurnflnl the trait robbery. The popular opinlin is tbht Brob, who iils weeks ago robbed the espres* memarger on on the New Otlle £ NIwthwetrrs slluMway bm,.'a#d thle Duck IHji job. Gov. Low rey lest.rdav offered r a reward of $-i00 foar thIe ,apture of the rbbere, and the Illinois Centlral crffe.s l,(6,1. The ,eat*. will Not Take a Holiday BRcee Wa-hington Dec. l.-T-lbe republi can senatorial thib morning decided the nanate abould oontinue I, rrs~ion without a holiday recema until the tariff bill i. disp .ed of, letting the houwe take a recess if it ao desires. It was also decided to hold two aslrions daily bginrning at 11 a. m. and 8 p.m. HAl) TH.ll DROP. Th. Infatuation of Wolo Iens for a Mar rled Woeman Liedu to HI.* Death. BILl.tINu~s, Dec. 17.-i)-puty Sberiff Iyons arrived from Junction this morning, having in cu.stody V. B Strong. whomn he had arres.ted for kil ling William Houx, a sto.kmran o! Hawk Creek, at that pilace abtut tif miles nrthea.t of llillinsw. Houx, hi. lig enamored of Mrs. Strong, baut, maie repeated a1dvances. toward ter and attemptei d teveral times to nodu,. her to leave htr hu-band, but wit hou wvail. He threatened at nurner.,u limes to kill Strong, on whom he ha twiee levelled hi. Winchester, Mr. strong each time placing herself be tween the muzz!e of the wea;.on and her husband -nd averting bloodshed. Do the morning of the 16th Houx re rewed hib abuse and threatened the Ilfeof8trong, when the latter drew his revolver and shot Hnux through Lhe beart, remarking, "You have ban the drop on me long enough; thle tim. I have te beet of it." The coroner left for the scene of the tragedy at soon. The victim was married and eaves several children. It is thought Sverdict ofjustifiable homicide will e the reeult of the Inquest. ONLY NINE THOU SAND. A malltt Allotment for tlhesarvey of Pabl: Loeds ia Moetana. WABHINGTON, Dec. 17.--Comm'r Stockslager, of the veneral land omice, has just finished the distribution o' the money aspropriated last year for the public surveys. One hundre thousand dollars went into the apprn priation bills for this purpnos at the last session of congress, $20,000 of which was to be used for the ezamin* ination of surveys in the field. This leaves $80,000 for surveytlg, and the commqissioner has made awards cover ion $70,(00I of it. Of this sum Mon tana gete $9,000. The surveyor e no eral of Montana desires a great deal of the money for the survey of 17.5(0,(001 acres recently thrown open to settle mnent In northern Montana. Delerate T'oote ha. drawn the attention of th. commissioner to the feect that whenr the sundry civil bill wu under con sidueratln last ession Mr. Ktndall drew the attention of the h, use to the that the commit tee's amuount for surveys had been doubled in order that the great northern reservation of Montana might he purveyed, and in. sisted that Montana should be awarded a liberal slice of the applropriaiou. It is possible that Montana may get an additional amount. Eprlnlgr' s 'timatum, According to an interview had by the Washingtoo correspondent of the Omanha Bee with Mr. Springer, chair man of the house committee ,on terri tories, that gentleman appears still disposed to adhere to his territorial omnibus bill. which proposes the ad mission of New Mexico. Tbe Illinois congressman made It plain that hi. motive was chieflv partisan. The re publicans he remarked, "must take us for greater fools than we are if they think that we will consent to the ad mersion of four republican territories and a ref.sal to admit one democratic territorv." His assertion that New esico has uu many claims for ad mission a a state as Dakota, or Wash ington. or Montana, Mr. Springer nm.a.t know au well as anybody, in nol ,ul,..,teld by the fants. ('ooonceding t New Ml'xltn a pooulati.n l, nuiieri ,i·ly e(tIal to that of WasbiotgtoI ~r Mntll lis a very wide differ *,e" in tIhe 1 hartctpr of the popul, iti. Qui'e hIlflo tbhc pepople of .w 1 Mlxt· nýc "re aidlnltt'dtly unfit for thie ,toliatI ,cs sndi respjou.ibilltte of t.teillnld and could not wisely ,r safely Ie given the privilege of state c•llltisalhlp, It ls for this reason that there Is republhioa opposition to ad mltting that territory at this time,and not lecrause it vote is demoeratic. That lia ondltion which it would be quite pesible to ohacge rltbh a four years. The chairman of the house commit tee on terrlltorlee i also still favorable to the admatlaon of Daketa as one state, despite the that a represeon ative convention of the people of of north Dakota has Just deolared in favor of diviseon, removing all dsb from every eadid mind as to the rel smtitmet of a large majority of the peple f the en6lhr part of ter ritory. Such o(mtin.a.y .:an only come of extreme partisanship. T'l'h extent of Mr. Sprlnger's Lntdfu ,ence with his party in the house eat. not be known until this( uesrion it orought to a vote, hut there is sonme reauon to hope that be will not be able to carry the full ctrength with him in the effort to give statehood to a terrt. torial popuiation as a whole in no respect fitted, nnleiw it be In its demo cratic effillations, for that condition. Yet be may exert a mumecient influence to defeat all attempts to legislate for the adedissloo of soy of the territories at the present session. Meanwnlle here l nothing more certain than tliat the republican polley of dividing Dakota will be m.teadftatly adhered to, s.ud it I. hardly probaule that any ar rangeument will e accepted by the re publicaLt. iUnvolving the admisslon of A MINERAL C'JRIOSITY Indestructible CIht ;ad Material t Whieb It I . ade. "Do you see anytl i ig remarkable about tftis ha of cloth" asked a Pitt. burg gentleman, who h is quite a col lection of curiosities, tldressing his question toa Dispatch Iv'orter. "Can't say that I do.' ''Throw it in the fire." The newspaper man obeyed. think. mg the owner regarded it as value less. "That piece of cloth was one of the most curious things in my collection. It cost me a neat little sum. *oo." "If I had known that.' began the reporter, "1 would not" 'Oh! it'sallright. Firewon'tharm it," interrupted the gentleman. "See I will pick the fabric out with thes tongs and let it cooL Y will thet see that it is just as aonas ever." "What sort of stuff is tr" asked the wondering visitor. "Asbestus. That is a frgment o a pieee of cloth woven in France, I don't know how long ago. There was a time when it was thought that the making of asbestus cloth would be come an important industry, but as many difficulties were encountered by those who experimented with the stuk that very little was ever made, and such cloth is now a rare curiosity. The ancients wove this curious mineral sulitaleo into fabrics which were used to wrap the bodiesof mummies. "The name is applied to particular forms of various minerals. especialy to certain varieties of hornblende am pyroxene. The word is Greek, and means a substance indestructible by fire. It can he fused, however, but not readily. The fibrous varieties of asbestus are readily picked to pieces with the fingers and look very much like flax. There are various colors, some slpecirnens being white, some blue, others gray and brown. Ther is a variety known as mountain cork, which is found in thin sheets and so light that it will float on water As bestus is found abundantly in the mounltains of Italy and Switzerland and in .evernl states of this country. It is c!ill. uised in the manufacture of liti priofI roofding. steaum packing and tor other purloaes where a light unllrnlliiutble, non-ondllthlctor is .e quisite. '-Pittaburg Dispatch. A Pug Dog Ito a Fl. Amcn: the tirst class pasengers on a steamer bound for New Orleans the other day was a pug dog. which was traveling alone and for whose trans portation $15 had been paid. The por ter had been subsidized to take case of the dog. quite an easy matter,. aspuggy was the most docile of his kind, gen erally stayed "put," and, besides was a favorite with the passengers, whose society he finally enjoyed without rs straint on the hurricanedeck. Onthe last dia v at ea a cry of dismay suddenly arose fronm the deck and that dog be came the sole object of attention. There was the pug, with a blue ribbon around his neck and the tihtest of curls in his tail, on the awning that stretched to the deck below, his had pointed seaward, slowly, but surely, slipping toward the Gulf of Mexico. He was a goner unlessombdy reached him, for be could mo he himself, and if he moved a moele t would only accelerate his por There was a great scramble on d, and then, just as puggy's nos began to pwhoIe over the side, rapaesemg ho d clambered over the rail caught him firmly by the curl and dragged him haci to safety. The news gave the peter a severe shook and pugjy was banished to the hold, where hI nuide the rest of the journey in solitutlv. -Boston Herald. A 4.trn nn Antil-Tpplng bOeiety. Thy rj I1' tioi of tipsig t at length iO be ,.rI' 11i, gruptiled with. A 30e. mnon ps" cn'h''init hIastaken it in hand, and Iian (c'onstructed an elboroat ph. for its &.uition. Tipping, in the maw of this ut(e(ltelson, i a human wInh. near, a deficiency of moraIoon r sinmilurto tippling, and sbouldh del ith int n. way. Aoosg.. Ingly ble has projectd an amoclath. 01 anti-tippes, a kid of una of 6 OW abstainCer, from tpping the amemb of whch will be uNlired to i ar Se dge Itfhraising beo v nomore tips owaiters, iennfsaw and other. psmum tf ithiscu . The beadquaftteof 1 emxtuion are at C aheinitga and ii. thuhits constitution is not Y ru ianrpded am I ( whers it can be rueaal 7 rntb be p 1kaduce tans