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OLUE DAILY YEILOWSTONE JOURNAL. VOLUME VII. No. 8`. MILES CITY, MONTANA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER$. 888. PRICE FIVE CENTS. THE DAILY JOURNAL e 11ral 9Iper of (Iktr (' euNIw. Every Morning Except Mlnday. pulation of Miles City . . 3,000 Terms of Subscription; By NAIL, IN ADV sCK, P(OTAGE PAID. 0D i tlolt . one ye... ............ .....II.. . D iy iittl n ail months...........- .......... " Sdit n.on nt ............... ......... ... 1 0." TO CIT rt'asCRIsIUW, C.rrver, Ery Morulag, at 2, rents per wets, WSSLTy EDITION. YtLI.W I A I'ft. Owe Year............. .--............-..... ..... . S Me tLba.......-...........-.......................... ; s' Three M uonth ...... ....... .............................. 1.i' Advertising Rates. 0" - ~ r i( F n 1 Oi C r o y....... '.A 0 11 1.10 M.00M 10.00 1.Mq 20.00 * lsays . ii0 4 1'I 7.00 11A1) I0 M. 14.(1) 25.00 * IMIS... 1.'9 i4 1.14)4J0 14 (01 I$.00 21.0 30.A00 .5' r.K... .41 .1.00) 10.1) Iu1C, 1'.0 21.(J0 35.00 11'oeks.... 'Ml$ 12.141 I4.00 22.00 h.00) p .00; 50.00 runtb . 5 1. 16(. i9.011 25.0A' 32.4 12.00 60.00 '1 .d.tha.. 2'01 1900 22.911 .44. 00 2.)00' 52.00 86.00 :, n :.. 6401, 22.53 2.1' 4.2.9 50.0 66.10 100.01 )y nl a.. 4.401 .1$.10() 4(1.101601N 71,14, 100.0016U0.01 ..*·a r.olaeea-Tee ceIn t-er Iane furr ath Ilel Ins. Trlse-1ag0 ffteen cents per line. Addrem THE YELLOWSTON R JOURNAL PUBLISHING COMPANY. JOURNAL BUILDINU, MII.ES CITY. M. T. PHIYSICIAa. C D. LEBC ER, M. 0.. s*Pb ysie laa and urgene. 06mg mmd rsidge over Waits, lephant. MalaMt. 1. (3. IDD. DL PHYSIUITA AND EURGUON. Osea .W. R. Iseqos drug sien. 12-I a drug stem, Miles City, M. T. C . WHITNEY. Maiemusas, over bloekgrowem Natlons) Bauk. All Work guaraatei ami at reseemable iIoaM. Q B. IYC rIY. DuAN, R eD. Halore Vietinary surgeon (ib Cavalry, Residene iles City. ('ails matiadd lay or might. Leave ordeu at Savage's drug store. Cur' *,ioedemce proluptly answered. D' )MV OTOR -OFFICE AL' WRIGHT'S DRUG STORE. A. O. H.-Division No I meets ast and secouo uadays.of aeb nonah. K. d I.--Meets ars and third Weduesdaysa ?T:Up. a,, at Odd Fellow' Hall A. F. & A. .-Yellowsluto Lodge, No. 2M, 6" d blird Wednesdays. L. A. M.--Yellowstone Chapter, No. 5, secon. .nGaiay in each mouth K. T.-I)mascus Goumaudery.fourth Thur, 1. 0. 0. F.--ustter Lodge. No. 11, ever MK aday at their ball. 1. 0.. F --.eatinl E.ucamllllu t. No. 6, tre sad third Friday. K. ef P.-Crusader Lodge, No. , Thunrsdal tonalaoc at 1)1td Fellows Ila,1. C. K. of A -\iles I'ui lfr,,ms, h. every -u1ds' a t p. m. b. of L.-First and third ; uirdalsv (i. A. K.-t'. . lrut I'o.t, No. 1I, or.' an third Tuesday'. . O. I. I'.-- Itar of tll.. 11e t. No 21. ,vr Friday eveline . of V - ib, .,,a.j \,. I Meet'. flr't an, hire Monday ol e.u. oln.h ait (,'".1 TeSmplar I. f'ill It( II1F... maluauel ('hurch (EI-I oplli Palmer .t,--er hee oundays at v.Al a. u. and ;::3 p. ms. Wm Ilrnsll, rector. Ulptit Church-- Win. M. Wea s, actlng a utor. Preslan n ervion lunday at ii a. a. and 8 p om. Praiseo and Prayer Meeting, Weloaeeday at 7:45 p a. A cordial itvitation to all. Methodist (hurch-Servlrce ianday, 11 a. an., 7:L p. m Prayer meeting Wednesdaysevealnlg 7:6. P. Lowry. pastor. Prrbyterian hburch--iervie5c Sunday, 11 a. m. :$gyp, m. T. C. Arustrosg, i,stor. theeh of stalred Heart, t'atholle-uadndy, Ia a. . K. W. J.Liodeantbh. chaplain, U. 1i. A. PIANOS TUNED AND REPAIRED. 04.*w a AIW W I. lagwill r.ce' *lln v proispt a Usee. T. 4HkYERWOOD -TAILORING- * CBARES WASHILLER, Cleauiig ad RIpairing a specialh. Shop on Park Street. N. PARKER. H. W. TOPPINI NOITHERN PACIFIC FOUNDRY ?DKE & TOPMIG treu( .ace l all Od of IEM1N an& BASS CASTINGS. IAINEBRD, MINNESOTA pi, Mp Im. w.m was~~w-mmf"new M M 20% Reduction Sale We will make the above Reduction on allGoods until JANUARY 10th, 1889. We manufacture cur own clothing. SU1TS and OVERCOATS made to order. HANAUER BROS. STOCK GROWERS NATIONAL BANK, MILT.JS OITY, MONIT. THE LARGEST BANK IN EASTERN IONTANA INTEREST ALLOWED ON TIME DEPOSITS. W. R. 8TEBBINU. Praident, WI. HARMON, Vies Prulidat. H. F. BATOKELOR, Oashi.r. ELMER E. BATOHELOR, Anut. Cash. NATIONAL BANK. oP ~ AIDO CITZ T, . ."O'. -.-. lHE OLDEST AD LARGEST BAN IN EASTERN ONTANA. FOsEPH LEIGhTON, President. W. B. JORDAN Vice President. E. B. WEIRIOK, Oashier. H. B. WILEY, &uistant cashier. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. Live Stock, Loans, Real Estate and Notary Public LIVE STOCK A SPECIALTY Agent for the olesot sad most roullale FIRE, LIFE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE COS And the oldest getst to n. Money Loaned on First Class Securitv. Cattle and sheep ranches, and improved farms for sale at a bargain with easy terms of payment. Houses to Rent and Collections Made. Several comfortable and commodious dwelling houses and well located business and residence lots for sale cheap also N. P. R. R. Co.s lots and lands, and grazing lands in the Northwest Territory for lease or sale. Montana, Western, Wyoming, Texs and Eastern CATTLE FOR SALE In lots to suit purchasers. Also several choice bands of sheep ant Pennsylvania "Black Top," registered rams and Sholt Horn thorougbbred and grade bulls for sale. WILLIAM COURTENAY, MAIN STREET. BUY YOUR CHRISTIAS PRESENTS -AT ýý 1RICHMOND'S. The LArgest and BIt AsMorted toek of I FNE JEWELRY Ever brought to Miles City. ROUGH ROUNDS. Hunting Down the Mli'.- .lzlii Negro Law Breuker--Four of Them Lynched. A New President for the B. & O. -How God:- Limited Hi Stay in th: Pen. Thlr.ting for the IMark Mau's Rlool. W.AIIALAIf. I)ec. 19 -A report) bas .ju-t reached hare that -.rmed pmose overtook four of the negr. iarticipant= in Sunday night's tragedy. One re ara ed and waN riddl.d with bulletw, .nd the other three were hanged to -urrotunlldlln tree-. The 1.oio- swoarn ,to run down all the negroes wh, fledfi to the hills ,ot the night of th. affray. There are at leatt llfteen other uneroes in hithing. %ea I. & 1. Preidernt BALTIMziE, Dec. 19 -Chas. F. Mayer has been elected presldent of the Halitinore & Ohio railroad. It is understood he will inagurat, a vigor. ous policy such as characterized the Otrret mranagement, including an en trance to New York via Staten Island Chief Justlce. WASHINoTON, Dec. 19.-The Preai dent sent to the senate the nomination of Thos. Burke, of Washington Terri tory, to be chblefjustice of the supreme court of the territory vice Chas. E. Boyle deceased. A Ammeaa Battle. LONDON, Dec. 19.-A dispatch from Auckland says that news was re ceived from Ramoa that the Samoans under Mataafa, succeeded in captur og most of Atna after a long baltle with Tamese'a forces. The lossesa n cluded 100 killed and several oundred wounded. Latest Chicago Court .enasllon. C.HlcAOo, Dec. 19.-In the now noted Lionauer insolven "y case to-day members of the firm on the witone. stand admitted they ook considerable sume of money from the cash drawer shortly before the failure, which they bhad with them in court. Judge Pen dergast ordered them to produce It. It was counted and aggregated 14,000. rThe court said hie would make an or der in regard to it. Adalph Moses, Londauer's attorney protested and se -*uaed the court of b.rsh and unjust treatment. The judge declared him tuillry of co.ntempt, utlt deferred fling a ji.nalty. The Gentlel of Pth I'Mnlh I, llatncr the" Schlleme I-llndorsed by tIhe I.liaeocrt tit (us.uls. !SALT LAKr:, )e. 17.-Thie lilieral coruoulttie of Utah is.ued the flhoww inu address to-day to the poeople of the coutry : .ait Lake, Utah, Dec. 18s.-The liberal territori l I ommittee, repre .entiug repblicuans and dtmocrats, deslre to call the attention of the countiy to the fact that the Gentiles of Utah unanimously . ppose the Mor mon statthood scheme recently en dorsed by the democratic congreesonal caucus. We are confronted by a con dition, not a theory. Polygamy is no! dead. The law is not supreme. Two hundred and thirty-four indictments were found at the present terms of court at Provo for violations of the United States 8tatee statute, deilgded to suppress polygamy and polygamous living. To give Utah statehood would retard progress, depreciate values, per petuate polvgamy ard hand the terri tory over to Mormon priesthood. We call upon patriotic citizens everywhere to unite In strong protests to congress against the proposed action. The ad mission of Utah to statehood would be a crime agilnot American institutions. (Migned) 0. W. Pt'HERt, ('hirman IAII5 1 ra tp. When tiberit Hathaway maw (oli.s at Calgary, where be went to bring him back to Helena. the half-blrted told hi', how be effected his e.eape from Lbt Lewis and Clarke county Jail and the couree be took afterwards. The plan was originated and carried out by Brown, Finneganll, Davis and White, the two atter emaplllg with (odae. The ""of was made about 9 o'clock uonday ao ornolog July 1.. After getting outside of the jaill yard Godas parted sempsay with White and Davis, who told him they were going to try and make their way to Chlago. It is suppsed they reaebed their dmstnatloo, as they have never been heard from. (lodes struck out Dry guleb, and resebed the olteakltl of the itly without motelg ayoe. He wau supplied with provisi bn enlough to la-t for sever.. days. Alter goin.g ',utb for a few milee he turned wet. By keeping in the woods he gained the main ranre and followed it to the north, traveling two days and nights without beting a Nlan. The third night out he walked over a precipice and lay tIoensolle at the bottom for a long while. Itegaiuing oonoliousuesw he began his tramp, and when near Cadotte'a pasa met two Io dlans, who save him food and fur niahed him with a hore. He reached the Flathead country, where be fell in with a camp of Indians who furnished him with another horse, w;th which be recbhed the Piegan ag, n'y. The Indian concea;ed hunt for several days. Beln., recuperate.d.,he followed the main range aeros, the Britih ili*. Ntar Edmouton he was discovered hIa lodian police and pur-ued so cl'.selI he had to abandon his hor-e and tuk. to the hush. The next day he wa captured, turned over to the rrxountee police who took himn to Calgary where he now is. The mountid polict received a reward of $3h1M, whicl riber. It? Hathaway paid out of his own pocket. The Shipping of the lulted State*. There hu been a general idea enuter tained by the people for many year. that the Merchant Marine of the United States had shrunk away to al most nothing and tbat it was rapidly decreasing. It is with pleasure thai all true patriots learn from stiatlutic tbat thib is an erroneous ide.. It may henceforth be properly blessed with Sir Thomas Browne's "Vulgar Er. rors." The report of Mr. C. B. Morton, ooamlesoner of navigation, for Ibe year ending June 30. 1S88,sbowed that the total tonnage of the country re quirei to be inoluded in his statistio. amounts to $4.191.916 tont and that our Merchant Marine is second only to that of Great Britain. The commie sioner remarks Ihat no much has beel said a. to the decay of our Merchant Marine that perhbaps large pruportiotl of the people of this country have tbh imnreetion that there in but little tonr nage left belonging to the Unit-(d States. This impression i1 erroneous. Wbile the amount as not sn large as it bhould be, considering Ibe growth of the country, and while it i. true its.' tile foreigno-goiug toonante is dscreas log. the domeutio or coast wise toonag i! increasing. The tonnage of the United $tate plsbesbly exceeds the agrrelat. tool inage of Italy, Francse anti Runt-la, an .lnals thIsat of the whole norid,. x eluding a few of tihe prilci.:al coun truts. Stuee las.t yes-al tlere ha- been u material increase U lilth vessels in thie eaUttuLr trade, and Ittere- s ,. ("ol ret- S'u for auti,:i.ating a further Itnrean- dlritg tihe t' If y-ear. A lu..kae Isis.".tIir;aIon CVAtCIlHi .TuN Ii, C. l¶O.-Iiith hi .'xpctled t cirlet o -tia' to hiU VeI 9i The weal tI~be-riettan ILII sti.blIy take ui the charges, a 10 the Ill--testieut o Iiidian wowuJn in Alaiks. Tbe searaent at anus of the hou-, has furnished the following list o witnuess isurnnoilne, all und-ril. o. to hay" hben In ihe Cuylplo If' Alaska Cnirantercal C. Fur Der*. 19 H. H. M"-Intyre. Wret Ktsndoliut. Vermont; Thou. Morgan, (iro oln Corn.; wlo. Wardewan, Pittsburg, Pa Lieut. Nihols, Ilan Franwcio. F. Jan. i-Uieo. P. Tingle, Ugene Kiik, J. C. Redpatl, San Franciaco. J. H Moulton, luwindobarn, Main*; L Hinman, Lafalett., Ind.; H. A U Id den, Albion, N. Y.; John Hall, J. Is. Jobnson and Dr. Lutz, Mau Frauctitco Our Territorial Wealtt. Audltoer ullevau iee gre-itl) aoIISyi " at thy delateeIue-eew "1 *'e e.iUII3 U sessors in nIu mriediiei ll 3.*.r.' rtturun, as 1w Is wuiti'Ie t, &tI '"ii mU*iter in the haodc s ut (h I,, liltI r I', lie' ex"ept Ie.aee'ri'emd no.d ('list i hav'e re.r vtl, ge.uecle lIi ''L' t.I Ii tee I in eLrl)' In1 `sIeiea b, r, .1L. 1 11"11' C Ili lug Intrr Ileian hi It - te t () lote. Iii tutlel mm4el.ed t4I I'ali.& i. nI t fourteenl *ontiesn' that Ie v." r" ge. .4l1 in f$lJ,tJ6I.&,U 711 whwic I" eu .r "~ lb "" tbe total of tie w "IbIcle terrtoery a-I year. Then thee heii.tb a te..t"Ite , Monulala was rfporleel at $6 OU,4108 It I.male tie ay that Ieavesh""a sIl Chbotiwu will show a like proliosUmou ..I Inoreue. Last year their oomtin""d aeueauienel was allot $7 (MUeJ,aJ. be i SCamoedee baa os o takenia avreeat prt of Cbotoau'e terrItoIr, It is fair to pre sums that, Ineluciing tbe Intolei their assesmeunt thieh eat will noot " a seed f1,gWou,(O. IIl. e b mated, tb fore, tbat the total arse-eeee. lot of M te tian this ypar I b, tweet, gU,4WRO G and $70,00,O.(1)--4 utclyytnl inert ely In tazabse wealth witbim twelve months. -ertla. Beauty No o the Samubr, One anecdote to show what an en dowment greater than beauty can do: Charlotte Cushman as we kLmw, had soul but little phystcal attraction. I have heard a genileman say who saw her act in the "lady of Lyons" that when she lirst uppeared on the stage as Pauline. lie felt inclined to question whether Claude Melnotte or any other man could consider himself the lover of a woman so apparently lacking in every feminine grace. 1But by the time the play wab finished ho found himself wondering not if any man could love her. but that every man did not. To such an extent can genius triumph over merely physical de fects. Can women withluut beauty hope, then, for sway not only over the minds but the hearts of men? Yes, if the lack does not extend d.eeper than the skin, which is suPxl. ed to be the boundary line of all plvYical loveli nes.. Tliougl -he ,.it tinmid herself ji tled a.iidle L _mi e d.: zling belle in the crn lded Ihall Irms,. he may look for recoguit i.un where the irt pesires it imost. anl where are I idd,,n those roots wh,., flower atul fruition are the fullc.t honor' and tl, comlpletest happiness - Amtua Katha i to Gren. How Women IR'. How ditf'erentltVy men e . women indulge themselves in wha, ; called a resting spe.ll. "I guess IL uit down and mend these stockings and rest awhile." says the wife. but ler hus band throws himself upon the may lounge or sits back in his arr chair, with hands at rest and feet placed hor izontally upon another chair. The re suit is that his whole body gains full benefit of the half hour be allows him self from work, and the wife only Ir ceives that indirect help which comes from change of occupation. A physi cian would tell her that taking even ten minutes' rest in a horizontal posi tion, as a change from standing or sit ting at work, would prove more bene ficial to her than any of her make shifts at resting. Busy women have a habit of keeping on their feet jst as long as they can, in spite of backaches and warning pans. As they grow older they see the folly of permitting such drafts upon their strength td learn to take things easier let what will happen. They say- "I used to think I must do thus and no, but I've grown wiser and learned to slight things." The first years of house kepcl,j are truly the hardest, for uu trie'd and unfamiliar cares mare almost daily thrust upon the mother at home maker. -St. Paul Pioneer Press. Made to hans. Did you ever notice how women hug thenimselves in cloaks and shawldi I first realized that feminine peculiar ity last evening at a fashion le cou cert. The lobby was crowded by the arriving ladies and gentlemen, the former mostly in new opera wraps. I noticed that nearly all were hugging them.elves luncoll.'ciuvlv but Fondly I found that I was doing it myself The wr::l% were g."erally drawn for ward until they were tense and corn fortin.r around the w:ti.t and Shoul ders, and then the halnds of the wearers wterep ca'.!l alll" held on their own op.xnsite forearirns, or were in some . ay iýýttilc'tive(l? Iladlinll the owner. All thii iah the Is rformaance I inves tigat. I Iv\y u.w thscovery. On ever_ lide. wv It, x')ular' evidenlces of woman bornkt- ir, to be lovingly pettled. They were hhldimng their own armns squees ing thet:a..lves with their own elbows, pressinaa their hearts with their own soft biceps, and in all these uncon scious indulgences they were demon strating that woman was made to hug. --Clara Illle. Quite a Cha Ma. Twenty-five years ago the now Prin cess of Wales and future queeaa , f Eng land was living on the third flour of a corner house in Copenhagen, and her father. who no one ever dreamed then of being a king. was poorer than main a burger in the ame street. She and her two sisters, now the eaarinm of Russia and Duchess of Cumberland, occupied the same room, scantily fur, nished, and instead of a wardrobe a curtain drawn across the wall hid the pegs on which their few dresses hung. They had never worn a silk dress in their lives. Now Alexandra doubtlesm has all the dresses she wants, but it is more than likely that she looks back with pleasure upon those years as the happiest of her life. I do tut kfl"ýI of '..nything that playis t~i i lar a pLaane Ba eiese. ý l'!"' 'c (1, l% scr lIatutr tIlhn a & mIluu'k in the mater play I1l! t "l v ' iniI Citt II. On)e gIW eg a Ii in fraoui ef niu rst'. nod dive~. I I t i. l 'e qui4'a while. duringw which 114 rn . Uip ble comes, alftw s1inlinuruig qulite· a distanioe under waler. NWtat u yell from ever7 th Ava a they go for minI It is a migtd to a IIariard crew to watch. The oarnsuu are now in front, and he wil soon be overhauled i then the flock draws togesher,araTL game begins over again. - p. P. ba 6t. Louis lobe"Dmnicra& Thb Black Hills .ounlq hr a name fur itself as a bosws country. and it iLrsi~ d p bal too yews it will beafamous fOa bur"u(s the Blue QOe uqmgIew ahu iy bkIvits awray tM bona. of bust breeds knoow lb t wol. Kew Yurk Eening W u. S u.0 U