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Daily Yellowstone journal. [volume] (Miles City, Mont.) 1882-1893, January 08, 1889, Image 3

Image and text provided by Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86075021/1889-01-08/ed-1/seq-3/

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hit SEw ke utsrw.
wIsia mail .li......-....................l.:. . m.
We Ma mll oo sha..... ala AM
kada - .ch
Tome rivet mall sm Mase " nd Thnn
......--.U.-. .
Crcb ~ ~ n. MCASLN~ I'Y Nrr·,,,, I.
s. I. isid e. ..»..........»....» . l: P. n.
J8B hp ~lghI.................. N......6:A.u
PS. I ...I. .... ..10tA . U.
U. PMIM Vreh »..........._«....,1 : H A. .
.............. ............Oftbn P . .
..........U &WIllYe Hln
lideeipee...........a............e.'. .....s:6H. He.n
1esa4 Jumktoi....»« .».. . » »....( .»J. 10 P. K.l
0ý1ý1 T DR 919191911=9Y
leles U. I.. land A. WInv . me, Ie.4in
Cemnelman. .»........on . es PMR ddle
AMINr».h.,.. ..E .haHm. {n I.H, ohlns
Lshln( . Beko.
Ab s i h i f . - . . . .... . ..ý b oH . I m eW "
Tsrwee Oe,.,. ». .. C., 1.ai Meril
.... »l Ue.dse......_ .... L C. L du e
U. S. Mak...........»......»...R. A. Yolar lvu
Amsesr..-ak ~ . T.L 5.nr Team ps.
OellnmeU. S .... Isb.a Pees._ H.~o flnrli
Raver U.S. .8 Ln Oiee.Au i Nal, MYkke C y
Qennettlw..... » ..........C. R. M alsddL.
Haab,. Phymk How...........» Dr H 0. a. d
bLaident ellebseb.,,....M. Leelee Coolsr~:
IkerK . ..............»......... .........a H. IWviaa
<M wl Pro~~n,..,.. ....C. R Merrillc D
TIeM i.a»..l»........ 40. V. Alltcs
@17 Ausy... » Clark............C. .. MDdleas
Wr.UI.....................S.GelrH s.
Vemevet.. ...........HT. P. Ieehelet
bOmie" P Idea.-.: .raa Ct . Weeerol
Pem linbi~rats........... ...m lut..a
OeeA3a. . SHalt.
"s WaILLd ChTY T . H.
Jaua o a Fe.................. { wM. RIrkleL~·
ryrna~-be.........». ..... ......,..... IL. T IrW·
lpl ---- - -.C...C. . Middleto
.H..I. P.I bekele
owd of Falhn.....-..,...../rusk C. Wi.Nrrel(
Fallen Mag r.-a.s.. ....................N iM Rflo
Fire ward-Ai. R. nrw. R. K. Holt.
Molts waN-Ckn lm4 . H. LII1ard
Boy a dynamite ha at Towera'. "
Charley Taber is a the city from
A few more felt s.oe, at Tower.'. *
The oesuty ommuimomera meet
*amn today.
Tom and Jerry at the Club Blooa.
G. P. Dior, of St. Paul, was as arri
val lst aigt.L.
Red hot beef tes at the Club Saloon.
Malqga LeLv ls in the clly from
1rW York C.nte 860 eto. per eas at
John Cter's..
A. C. Maursman was a arrival
bem Pag. lst leght.
Clean esear rag waaled at tbhs
oa~ __________*
Chai. W. Admaomn eme doews frou
egtmbh ywSteey (·fo*ee*.
Grand sdaoaem lee of goods at
assmar Bro's. *
m.e basa o Veenas me last sight
sad e mast eleas for She asemlng
N. tramble to prepare mlzed drinok
t ts OClb Saloes.
-Thla will au another one of thse
eeybleh slma gives by Prof. Potter
this eveamlg.
iullwud' battled os ad mlaeral
wstels re the btes I thb market. *
J. 1. Frelburg, represtlag Mo
nlbblm & Co., 8t. Paul, was thes
Basser Bro's. oert S per emt. re.
di m ll gedg saUlU Jau' 10th,
The semi -annual lvetory of stock
is being taken by most of the commer
elal houes in the clty.
Ibquire of J. C. Callahan for ticketA
In Montana Investment Company's
lottery obheme; $800.000 for 6. *
The current number of the "Wet
Sbore" oontalne a usual a fund of In
tWretlg matters eoncering the torrit
torie and Paflo states.
The attntion of dog owners I
direoted to an offilal publlaton In
the issue whoh It will be well for
them to observe, nad observing a&t
upono If tbey wish to preerve the
Ulve of their oalne pete.
Whre Btr was ik we pave bet OteI,
WIm s Mdbu Mift, do sm e o ~b o
Upo b clhedeatheL ritge em b GOe
- r, t UW bet wi*A whm nMr
as hrsemlngseqialataaes,
sm of Othe yo membloms of the
ML me-ated p-oes Md rede to tk
whos sr- 3M or a o the
1, Vgg w rhot, tke atol
beg that the sprtI ef
the hom se oreompny thb spirit of
the ebht to the happy bunting
gounds. Colory was over 70 years
The worst feature about catarrb s
its dangerous tendeony to oonsum0P
lion. Hood's .arsebarlla eureseaserlh
by purifyingl the blood.
It is fixed that Custer county's legis.
lators will leave in a body for Helena
on Friday night. The legislature
meets on Mooday, Jan. 14tb.
In order to reduce stook before tak
log inventory, for the *et toen days
we will ofr big bargalns in dry goods,
boots and shoes, elothing, and ftr
shblng goods, eta. Call and get prices.
lee harvesting has commenoed il
earnest sad Is is high time, as the win.
ter, such as it ls, will not last mucb
Regular meeting of the Miles City
Building Assoelatloo will be bheld at
the store of Miles, 8trsvell & Ulmer
thibe vening. H. B. WILEY,
* oeo.
A genuine otbinook, the second of
the winter, visited as Sunday, and set
the "eaves a dripping." There was
very little snow left in exposed places
when tble grateful breeze swept on
NoUee to Dog Owners.
All dog licensee expired January 1st
and notice is hereby given that unless
such hIlenees are renewed at once, the
work of slaughter will begin.
" Chief of Police.
For the Information of holders of
tickets in the Aborn House lottery
schbeme, we are requested to announce
that the drawing, wbhloh was to have
taken pl.e yesterday, bas been post
pilned until March 80th, 1889, when it
will positively take plane.
A 1lIeuia mew
Of health and strength renewed anad
of one and comfort follows the use of
Syrup of Figp, as it lcts in harmony
with nature to effectually cleanse the
system when costive or bilious. For
sale in 60c and $1.00 bottles by all lead
ng druggists.
Dr. Fish, who is the attending pbhy
siiolan, stated yeterday evening that
Mrs. Silverman was in his opinion out
of danger. This estimable lady has
been in a eritical condition for a num
ber of days and the friends of the fam.
ily will be pltased to note a speedy re
Life is burdensome, alike to the suf.
ferer and all around him. while dye
pepsia and its attending evils bold
sway. Complaints of this nature can
be speedily cuared by taking Prickly
Ash Bitters regularly. Thousands
aone amllited now bear hberfal tesU
meay as to its merits.
The Harrison & Morton olub. of
Deever, ol., willlattnd thePrealdea
tll inaguratiom attired a cowboys of
tho "wild sad wooly" weot. It is
umderstood t:at a number of non
members have been invited to mesm
pmsy the elmb; by this provlslon prob
ably few genmle cowooys may be
eabled to palms Washbilton, sad
thom Live a semblmee of gesmlmseme
to he reel of the party.-Ez.
Mr.H.B. Wiley reodved by tole
ram em lteurday last, the sad naw
of the death of ble ater at the Uhmlly
bhome n DetrCt. Theegh alling for a
year t, her bIlame was set of as
alarmilg naturo and o tho ght of a
serlous oumlmatieom wa eatertalned
by Mr. Wiley atil Saturday . oralng
when be reolved a letter fereshadow.
lags Sbead reult whbleh was oarmed
by pslra a leo boou later. The
deesed we thee ear. youn .ger tha
Mr. Wiley and I eobldhood bhad bees
bhi eonto t eompeaaes. His mamy
frleds sympathle deepiy with him
I bhl sad bereavemet.
Good Nrws.
Our readers will doubtless remember
that on November last a postal route
inspeotor visited Miles City, and on
Information gathered here, saw fit to
reoommend the suspenlon of the
Miles City and Speartish route, sa
the establishment of a route from Miles
City to Powderville and another from
8toneville to Ipearush, leaving a gap
of Oome sixty miles in the middle
without mall faillities, oad cutting off
dtonevllle and the southeastern por
tion of Custer county from mail oom
munilation with the county set save
via St. Paul and Chioage over the
Fremont oad Elkhorn branob. No
knowledge of thbe proposed actlon
oame to the people of Milee City until
Mda wer advertised for for serviee of
the *w routee by notice displayed in
th peIofloe here. It was at once
Me t the proposed ohabs wea a
ra k laJ.Ue to the people living
Msle le Ule of the ld rmoae, ad
mIw to b he meehMi.la of Mila
VIy, who an ¢ mtlo b1am -,
woaosi o withie , WA* o t orS
waslset rT e e , du.s nt --
' Jefrau o Mr. P.a . K ,o.ehr
whl gave ia s sin udsa-P.
e Iat to the sssa AISUynm9,
memi.L The dimmstm, .* -f
*-^^^ -o~ lied Its - ugl e
for under date of Do.. 2Wb, the Mecorid
Aue't P. M. 0. informs Mr. Kelly that
no obange will be made s the route
uas I now ia, auil that no couttlals
will be awarl.d on the newa bide ad
vertlehd for under the report of the
route inspector.
This rout" is o of the mlo-t Irn
portaut in ('u.t-r county. and though
under the Maxwell regime the servrne
was execrable and worse than none at
all, it ban, inos it ben fallen Into the
bands of Messrs. Wears and Thorn
burgh, become a model of punctuality
and effeotive service. These gentle
men have ~boroughbly equipped the
route with exoellent stook and
vebloles, built new stations at ooaven
lent points, and made every dort to
please and aooommodats travel.
Thourb their schedule time from
Hpearflsh to Miles City is 47 hoursn,
they are regularly making their trips
in 38 hours, thbl belng aeoomplished
by ample relays of fresh stock. Under
this schedule, the stage that leave
here at 8 o'clock one morning ie In
Stoneville at nouon of the next day.
By making the end of two divisions at
either side of Powder river, the dan
ger and inconvenience of crowlng the
teams over that stream Is obviated,
and a safe and commodious boat ie
kept for the transfer .of p.engers,
maill and express. Under the present
competeut management the "Dead
wood Route" will speedily re3over
f-om the curve that hu bung over it
and beoonre deservedly popular.
First Iupr.setoes r a It8 CLI).
Through Mr. oureInon, a coumer
cial traveler from New York, who was
here on Suuday, we learned some lun
cidents of Col. Malone's trip to New
York la.t month, which, by the way,
was the genial Colonel's first visit to
the great metropolls. Mr. Sorenson
bad the pleasureof being Col.Malone's
escoort for two days, in viewing the
eights of the big city and performed
this duty so consoloentously, that on
eaobh occasion the Colonel's "morning
sun went down at noon," or sbortly
thereafter. Notwithetandiug these
miehaps. "8im" found muob to enjoy
and comment upon in the maouers
and oustoms of the New Yorkere.
Here is a specimen brick; 81m, "how
pleasant it is, after tramping around
all day long to got Into a richly ap
pointed elevator at your hotel, be
transported to your room in the sixth
story, where alter removingyourouter
clothing, you press the button, and
sit down before a coal fire, aed wait
for the bell boy to come. to order a
cocktail; and you wait, and wait, and
wait, and then get up atnd press the
button agaln:and wait and wait until
nobody comes, and finally you put on
your bat and slide down the bannis
toers to the bar room, where you order
It yourself and take it over the bar in
true westoer style."
We await CoL Maloneo' return to
Miles City with pleasurable antiulpe.
tlon, foelilg sure that bhis experenees
Into New York will, when narrated is
hisbl imitable manner, be as rub as a
Metanls geld mse.
Custer County Horss.
That there are a few horrse in Cus
ter oounty it evident from the following
llst of owners ol lfty bead or more and
numbe. of horoe s seot th territor
ial auditor by County Clerk Dear:
N. F. Arubdale, Mile City........... 865
F. W. Allen, Camp Crook, D. T... 128
D. H. Baker, Miles City.............. 170
Benj. urt, Rosebud..................... 117
(eo. M. Beasley, Rosebud............ 162
R.O. Bean, Rosebud............2... .22
Bourne & Neate, Brandenburg.... 68
Boston Live 8tock Co., Rosebud... 76
Conoord Cattle Co., Mile City..... 106
Cometook H. A C. Co., Mileo City 3u6
L. O. Caswell, Rosebud.............. 7
Cartwright Bros., Terry............... 57
Col. A Mont. L. I. Co., Helena. ... 70
Columbia, L. A 8. Co., Ft. Custer.. 65
Clay & Forest, Chictao, 111........... 76
M. C. Conners, Spearfl, D. T..... 60
Continental L. & 8. Co., Camp
Crook, D. T.......................... ..... 61
T. Cotter. Etobetab........................ 68
Dole & McKay, Cutler.................. 173
Elmblret A Lindsy, Miles City.. 621
UreenMoautaln(CaUeCo.,Fory tb. 100
Orlnnell L. . Co., hberidan. W o. 76
Harmono HaleCa. .o.,MileC ty 885
Howee. HSrevell & Mile. Ashland 61
Hubbard & Thompeoo Muddy..... 86
0. B. Howard A Bro., RoMbd..... 62
Ill. & Wis. L. 1. Co., Mile City... 66
Joseph Isas, Etobetab............ 6
Johnson A Grabam, PowdervlUe. 60
W. B. Jordan, Mile City............. s
J. B. Kemptoo, Terry..................
Kirwla & Lanjle, t............. 178
Cbarle Lux, ll City............... 0
William Leltor, Miles City .........
A. J. Maxwell, Mile City.......... 76
Mispab L. 8. Co., Miles City....... 70
Pasrik Monarty, Sheridan Wyo. g8
Northern Cattle Co., Mile City... 466
Poneao L. 8. Co., " ... 18
Rea Cattle Co., ... 70
Lorila B, Rfa, " ... 76
RiKa. Davis Clarke, " ... 146
i C. B. Rustin, Rosebud.................. 64
I H. A. Robereon, " .................. 30
Jame M. 8harp, Brandeburg..... 96
Marstos Tebbet, MU City...... 44
H. Tussler, " ...... 16
SVine Cale. " ......
J. C. Van Blainom, Ot. Iale, Mo. J17
R. G. Wear, Mile City.............. U12
J. 0. Willitts, ug owm, Wye.... 19
I Watkis Bros. T .......,., . 14
I W.D.Woodsbe. U, CI D.T. W
PoW Wlw ., A ...............
0. H. Wallo~, " .................
Jobh WeOWlt, Mwie. O ............ I1
I1M l Wattes, Al<e,...,... --.....
aI m---- e smt
me emir " eosP u Its
aV *n *1Ms ei laatM
do a kia lo
Ib.elekmnf Fdmond Botler, acting
Justle ot l1l peace, in the natter of
the SBoneville work. Mr. Butler's
claim was consider d tillegal, in that
be bad Dot wrfurmned the duties of a
magsltrate regarding the Stoneville
affair. Mr. Butler was Wbfore ti
board endeavorang to explain, and
there was quit. astormy seetono, Btw
ler endeavoring to explain hbl psitiou
in the conduct of the ease, averring it
to be sooording to lIstruotion from the
obairman of the board and from tbhe
couoty attorney. The county attor
ney and Ihe chamrman replied to btu
arguments made by Mr. Butler, the
latter geotleman leaving the audience
in high disgust but saUtised that the
stand be took was correct. Bridges
and read building and needs of legisla
tion oecupied the remlinder of the
Art We to Have Amether War?
ome political prophebt aver that we shall. Be
that as it may. the beatle waged by mediel
clse. againat dieaso will mver sene mutil we
arrive at that ewteplam peeb wheo the bhmann
family shall eseam tLo e aliLed with bedily all
westa ONe of the meas peteat waepe.s which
bth armory of meticlei fnrnaalbm, is Hiotetter's
t.tmach bitters, which is et ileel utility as
a family remedy, as it adapted t the immediate
'lief and ultimate lure of thes dieorders of the
stomach, liver and boeels whick are of commonest
occurreae. Indigestion, biou neess and eoastl
pat ion are lasIparnble eeampsloes, and these all
ments are completely erdicated by the Bitters.
Blut the remedial scope of tiles uperlatively whole
sone and genial medicine takes to also nervous
ailneont, rheuunaim. and kidnaey troubles; its
action in these, as in the other complaints, bel.g
h .aracterisd by un, qualled I botmgb. ...
We doubt if thoe Is. or cta be, a pCIleL
remedy for rheumatlsm; but thousamis who
have suerted Its pae s have been leaty b
ected by Hood's Sarspalls. If you have failed
to d relief, try this great remedy. t e aerret
the solddy at the blood which Is the earse 5 the
diease, and bueds ul. the whole system.
"I was aleted with rhematihm tweatlyears.
Previous to IM I loed o relf, but pew wre,
util i was almost helplees. Hood's ardparulla
did me more good thea all the other mesdliso
I ever bad." HL T. BAIA0u , ihiriy VUlegs, Mass.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
*old by all druggss $1; sh for OIL Md
oly by C. L HOOD a C)., Lowell, ]Mau.
100 Dome One Dollar
11m wini l o ew emf
o. r.en am" a MY cs e m
as use . as ·L--·k ..
-t, u. to
As a nMt hoer M I. ir _
qe meglil put vuh l.
Wodard IN ar.
dmiu i mg 'Uam
pur mu e hiseuAuuy
is = ots a *s*
f o leg
-.... Bdis bi
A2 W1. I
PM arMme
SIa tr .. -M
~~SOON *
Ilaggglff .zmllrsm Plem mllfllk e. .1
ff mtetLIIhan B · at Ofiru a Ui
b tbe hoal, at Oe rt USIYUSUOS the
Pus* Dair w ngI Poa der ºu
alAueul .a Lie.L , AIu.. la ealy in
*nr~ol c~crou ~raI
Meals to Older atall
hours of the day or
WilA. IJi ill gIGAM
Oay sem poe PeL or ONR I uL.
LAS per Gall.. ml iubjms,
to Your approval.
006 Cmb Awums. 1, tLash M
6NHI wrgvrmr"I
WholoMal. ad Retail 4deal t
New goodse otalUy arriv.Wg sa
We bandle the larges s( d m
varied amstmatt eo
In the eity.
We retmpetully oUetl s a m ibtWsm
patronage pledgieg ouelven to oh
the beat iatifmtlon.
L .IJUJAI, lrqis.
TEAK.c rmýl .SP
- wnts 1
Do @u S
30 ,fit
ED.is Wr&iI

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