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THE DAILY YELLOWSTONE JOURNAL. VOLUME VII. No.. r- . MILES CITY, MONTANA, WBDNESDAY, JANUARY :6, saU. PRICE FlVE CENTS. THE DAILY JOURN AL 3yei Msruing Except Monday. - er it 01.. ,7 . . 3,000 Tsm of mbscuiptbo; "T EAP. In ADS nA. PomvAe PAID. Ad · tmM. -916.91u jILlI r U1. Is amv mussuz. IinT gasmy. YBLoW Pavua. (I." Advrtising Rates. SI.'q.- i13. La . U 1*3.5 ý4 UN A pap.-. U 4 a 1.5 ILUSISSS 5.0S *pqs....".N &A LU 1514.5513.6 1.55 "ssU..k-1. 1.55 LU USL 936A ..5 2LS S M1ýa~":I N $0 1I LW U. 45.5514* 5.630. eaml asagu-To nn pem us rn IO amnw Me. ErM~s-m.Bom in seeb pr ie. *mw. ?8Z YELLOWSTOYE JOURNAL PUBlLISHING COMvANY. JOURNAL 3UILDIMO, MILER CITY. M. T. -OFFICE A r WRIGHT'8 DRUG STORE. IL re . AUZIM. rKYMLLAM AND OURGUON. W~. L 6~8.'dnureg 6 is-& DL AmMlrftW AMD OmtutCIA. ~IW madam ma~d (isbmhuIbs.) 0U. No.: I ium CMly. 1. T. C.orm~ 5. WHIT Dswwr. 1~4 ~5 -4 r Xa saw Bank.uL j~id~mu il Cty. CWb ow""d day o ordain 8 uo agoo drum mwr 06r. M- JM3CE3L M .D.. mm2 oaDD ie Ibpoiej hwKIy·py eaLMr L 0. H.-DtIda No. I meowA ea" sesas 6 r.-e M" Welsesi ys at OIl as. Od Fogi eIs.' ai 4AL Tabsomb lad No. U, Arse cbefler, No. S. mosead ~ Ne 7, Themd. *fN Oý P.-4)m ml thd Is. Oe w at3.dab breatll. . . 4,Is o. F.-lusr a west. so. 6, Amr 't (b . 4Y nm~w ains g. 7s. ·thend IMeiat eseb U494 ast ee Tms. . L reuatPs. No. 14. AntWsa I. IL sIaL ofthet. W.est, Pl . U, vor W-" Cmv 14. 4. suMlq1 GA. im. a AM ILOP =6 7 mes.n Weasm., seel SIMM kinder. Wom Ib.., i W. . J.Usdmwmk ehaia, U.S4. A. NIGRO BR08' ITMAN BAND .. lf . uh u a, pirt· ,r padLa nmeth -OF M r. I. PAlfE. 8. W. TOPPIn , NORTHERN PACIFIC OTUNDRY Iffinw & WIE t4i aoeteams of all As"st l5iToJ a&d flASS G'ASTINGS. NBD, MINNESOTA SPAPER L." t'":- u I Mwrhat' bxhLuamge, rua eisa ""i'c Sot uircwtl BROADHEAD DREK$ GOO.DS. An. MtEANS' 8.00 dHOEt. THE MIGHTY MAGIC -OF LOW PRICES N nich hae hpn potsnIt in mi.log up our big mejuritli in cu.tonr..rasod esih WILL BE AGAIN INVOKED For theb beuet of the publce. There bu bee a further and preparatory prunlog of prieo., sod the bargains offered will amouredly. liie magnets, draw the ladies from their bomes, be theb westber o'ld or warm. ALL ADMIT THAT WE HAVE BEEN THE LOWEST PRICID HOUSE IN CUSTER COUNTY BUT NEVER BE- I{SO CHEAP} ,AVE WE .,OLD We would especially ~ll y.,ur sat-n'l n to our CLOAKS, TOBOGGAN CAPS, SHAWLS. HOSIERY. GLOVES, MIT TENS. FELT SLIPPERS, FLANNELS. YARNS, EM BROIDERIES, WHITE GOODS, LACE8 and RIBBONS. MhoINTTIRE'8 BAZA..AR. BUTTERICK PATTERNS. FERRIS' COR'ET WAIST. STOCK GROWERS NATIONAL BANK, MILES OITY. MONT. TDE IAGeST BArN IN EASTER IONTANA INTEREST ALLOWED ON TIME DEPOSIT8. Wt. I SrEM L, WK. wAInrOn, VI.. PnMmt. 3. F. ILTORELO, Ous*c. ELM I. ATROILO, Ai. Orh. FIRST NATIONAL BANK. OF Tie OLDIST AD LAIST BAIII WASTEIR IOIT.rI. W. 3. JODAN. ?rueat. S. . MILIK, Vi..h . INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. live Stc0k, Iu,KteIl I] ate uad hetary i lic LIVE STOCK A SPECIALTY oF,-,lFE AN ACCIDENT DISr C COS nu, urh an agms ns rn u wos Monev Loaned on First Class Security. Cattle ad shoep ranches, and improved farms or sale at a bargain with ssy terms of payment. souses to Rent and Collections Made. peveral comfortable and oemmodiLous dwelu. houses and well located business and resld.n lots for sal ne; also N. P.L B. Co. lots and lsads, ad graslag ld Is In the Northwest Territory for lease or sale. . mta., rw.m, w T, en m al GATTLE. FOR SA.E ma rer boas fr s4l. WILLIAM COURTENAY, MAIN STREET, BUY YOUR CHRISTAIS PRESENTS L RICHMNOND'S. j iiYTbhe tw ."dB S ptAt rted Wohbo ..JI~ ~ ;:~lp. i. cb FIN J11 EWELRY ~1win C Sixteenth Legislature Assembled at Helena Monday Dr. Cole Unanhmously Elected President of the Council. Lee Mantle Receives a Like Honor In the Lower House Organization Completed. 5I5XT?3NY L3UUI5LA'tVt TM Two Ihu,, iMeet ad at 0*. aet Permam t Orga.ahas. IMSBT DAY-JAN. 14. The seoond Monday of January is the day set by law for the metUng of the blennial sesilon of the Montana legislature. Republican member. of the oounell aucussed last nightand this morlnng. and agreed upon their state. The house mjnrity went Into caucus at 11 o'.*Inck tbis morning and held until afternoon. The galleries and lobbies of both boes. were thronged before noon by ourlous crowds aonious to witness the inaugural scenes. THu OCOUNCIL. It was Just twelve o'clock whem lon. W. B. Webb, secretary of the territory, rapped upon the presldeot's desk and called the oeounll to order, He then called the roll of oounles, at bhe same time reqiustinr the member, to present their eartlneates cf election. All responded but Dawsre, Yellow ate.e and Osllatio. A roese of te minutes wea takes to allow the mI.m. berm to present their esrtleetts. Hion N. W. McConnell, ohlef Justlue of the supreme enert, was present d ad mllatered the oath of oies tI the membeor present, all standing ltb II. tad repeating the oath with uplifted beand and afterward bearlhlng to I,. Meeretary Webb the. mid the Arnt order of bs'lnmss was the app.nltmeer f a clerk pro tee. Hoe. Jerry Onl lite, of Oassad. and Choteae, somt mneod Hoe. W. Y. Thnmpeo. of Deae bndge. lenaded by Ho.. Oerge Y. Hateb. of FPergs and Park. He wa .neanimoumsly elected. The elerk theb called the roll with the followieg result: Preent HeI. L. A. Brow, from Beaver heed. Hoa. Jerry Colllns, from Caeade sad ChMea. Hon. C. B. Mddletne, trom C.ster Hee. W, M. Tbempsee, bher Dev Lodges. HoF . W. A. Ceorad, from Dwse·n sad Yelloweooe. Ham. Geo. Y. reteb, from Perg sad Park. W.e. C. W. He lbau, f~m Gallatin ead Meeuher. Roo. Wilt Kensedy, from J4rbmn. Hoa. C. K. Cole, ftm Lewsle sd Clarke. Ha_ . L. B. Old., fro Madinoe. Roe. W. M. Blaokeed, from Mi. Hae. Win. Thempae, fes Silve.. Bow. KoInalesow for preesidem being tI ardor, Has. Win. Thompsas, of Slver sow, semluoled C. K. hale. of Lewt. and (AmA.. Seessded by L. B. Ol, of Yadlsos. Dr. Ooze was gld .noslmsoaily. Tb.. w as . contest It lb. eleMles of sbodllnast enor. whbleb war rap idly earrlud no. Tb. orgasluatlom was somplted a fellow.: Chief Cletk-Jba s3. COyoft Deer L1Mg.. scroltimu aod Kanlosslu Clark Pndeuok OGlber of Meboash. brgesnt-.S.Anrus-O--t L. F. Wy. man, of Su. OLbslrll--Bn. F. T. Wnbb, et .L. Wmhbmnu-O.. W. "L Pege-Beagese S. DIkrshmi, of Rai. en. Immedlatoly n eompietlag the or gfaauatIou, Donnull took a rams gil I P& Ar(K) r NowarIOl. Iesuedy moved a ommltteo ef two be appontled to ontlfy b. borw it ws reedy for busln.e+ and set with a like enmulile from the boun.s toNON lb. gwernor of the aw.. Mears. Kenmedy. of Jemwss, Mm Coilla of Cbstean sad <kb rrww "upeloted so ash esumltln. Theespun, of Weefn Sal, w- . "`" adal, wrbIIIº. ', 1 tse of the hoes on jolst rules. Car ried. Brown, Middletoe sad Tbomp son, of Balew Bow, were apponted seeb kommlute. Adjourned. Til UOUSL The lower bors will eeoupy the distrit eontrt room tbhse mseon. The loor has boee severed with desks for the members sad the beneb ise Sens ferred Into the speaker's stand. Above the latter Is festemed a large United States aig, partly for the purpose of decoration and partly to help out the miserable aoooust prooeties of the ball. As the orn bhouse dolok blmed twelve to-day Auditor ulilt. va entered the vacant ball and, as o.edlna tbe speaker's stand, rapped for order. He then requested all mehmber of the bore within earshot to come forward and take seats. At this request four lone demoorats, wbo had until now kept in the back ground, segregated themselves from bthe lobby and preempted desks on bt uoor. The audl.or then called them to order, appointed tSzton, ol reagbher, clerk pro tern. and called the roll. Garret, of Chotemu and Ca. teds, Sexton, of Meagher, and Johbn. son, of Custer, snd Flowers, of Galla trn, all demoorat, were all that re spooded, the republican majority be og st*ll out in oaucus. The clerk pro tcm. announced no quorum and the audtor announed a recess untill two ou'lock. ArITENOON SIESION. Hooe called to order by Terrltorial Auditor Sullivan. Clerk pro tem. Seax ton was again ealled upon to set. The members formed a irele before the speaker' desk. Judgl eesk ad ml.netored the e. h as prserlbed by ibe etmse, wbhih oath was afterward igaued by every member. All members of the boeM responded to the roll call but one, .kr. Whitney, of Yellowstone. Certiicates of eleetiea were called for nest. F*r temporary speaker Mr. Murray, ni Mtmoola, was put Ino eminateU., Mr. Heat, of Lewis sad Clarke, de -lei8lg. Mr. Murry was eleeted sad esaoted to thbe char. Thimklag the membors for the honor muferred lI a neat addree,. he moved that a tem porary seeretary be momlnated, and Mr. J. D. Wdale, of FPrgis eematy, was pat ai omosatlom sad sehsed by k.wlemetkn. A motion was earried to presed to permneont orgalpoi and theehalr man Ussemead k Ienileas speaker In order. Heat, of Lewis nod Clarke aad J.e teMs., preeated the memo of Hoe Iee Mantle, of Sliver ow. Seesoded by Moore. of Deer Iodge. There were ne ther neolaatlees and Mr. Matle was elested by meNulmo . vote, the clerk einag one ballet lr all members for him os i.treetlems from the bause. Tbh permanent subordinate ofmner of the hoo were tben elected a fol. lows, *eob by ouslmous vote: Chlef Clerk-BeJuamin Webster, of Choteau onuaty. E.rolling and Engreoing 3lerk-H. D. Arkwright, of Billings. ergtant-st-Anm--O. Lund, of Helena. "atchman-Capt. Davis, of M. souls. P*Ae-DeFo Merriman, of Jef-r Pon. Chaplaln-Rev. B. Alle. of Helen.. The only coolest wa the electloo of chbpla.l. Rev. A. D. Ralleigh ad C. C. Allen being nominated. The lint ballot wae a tie, and on the second Mr. Allen was elcted by a vote of 18 to 10. A oommlltee for the ouncail ap peared to a nounce the orgaosatlon of Its body to st with a like committee from the boum~ to wait upon the gov ernor to receive be message. It was then moved sad einoeded to adopt the rules of order In vogeat the last seslton of the legtlatore. Mr. Moore, of Deer Lodl, offer d N reenluion to extend the thanks of the house to Hoos. James Bulllvan end Thoma C, Bash for favors exteodd. Adop ed. Recrt of Ifv minutes. Aft.r reee tbe order of busmln urd at tb Fifteenth eesion waV adopted pro lmo. O( rmeolUou of Hunt, Mombr, o Deer Ldge, Johbaon, of Cueter, antl Huat, of lawi* and Clarke sad Jlffr son, were appolnted a cenmmitee No wet' on the eounell aud ISafrm tha bndythat bth hous wa (organsisa; also io art with a o44 tt A ern eognfll to wait I tie goveoor. In lbram him of tbhe r anialUon of bwth b*oso and ak what lime. to-morrow be will hie rad to eeomditolea wit the lsgieatwr*. * Mst a itte of baotb h k ' ,.W,..d M ,Ck *!* r ^dH l f i *Irks^^^^^^^Jtu ^A ^^ r^a^j Im Oal moII go at 11 o'co* I so meor morlainlg. Rpet adoptld sau d malute dimbeard. mn.aUe Voeee COLUMSUS, Obhi, Jmeamry 14.-Tbh electoral eolleg. i el at see sad ast. Its vote for the republleia eandidates. ALBANY, J3e. 14.-Tbhe *oeea en e met this aeroos sand at lb vote for Harrsts and Morton. AINAPous, Md., Jam. 14.-Elects. me4 at mnen sad as ballost ler Clee. Ilad sad Thumas. HARTFORD, Conl., JOa. IL-TM. electoral college at soon eass ballets for Cleveland and Thurana. HAkISBUlro. P., Jam. 14.-Tb. electoral college met at noos today and et its note for the repbbliesm candidates. INDIANAPOLI, Ind., Jan. 1.-The electoral col le met to-day sad eat Its vote for Harrison sad Mortm. Boeosr. Jan. 14.-Tbe Masuehe nett. electorsl college met toiay a d cat its vote for Haralon sad Mertee. PFRIUTVUL L A. COLLVUn '. Twelve Presem KlUed--meroese ROW CLEVELAND, Jan. 14.-The panesa gr train, eat bound, oe the New York, Prassylvalts A Ob., eolilded with a freight train this mrainlg. The pnassesr was runalin Aft miles as hour sad struek the freight tals,. head end, near Talmege, Ohio. Boet eagineere, both firemen and sigh passeagers were killed and eeee peseoedn badly Iajured. The blg traln wua attempting to make the dd Inr, and bhad snt out flagmn who hiled to dI the pmsseoger. A few minsten ater the aldest the flames bega tosheet out of the baggage ear sad the meher. The pwangerm and trasn Peeple Immudl s.4ry bega the work eot inmlng e IJred sad dead. The eau bla sar of the smoker wes badly daesged .n the ead of tk epgage ear was crushed hr lot, the emoker. As oa ae tbo IJuued weoe roewed bue tM the two sleepa.r were eashed end pusbed bahk by hbad ela of eka of hbe Afm.. Name of pmaogsm is the slpes were IOjred. AJM pase who eseaped deatabwere placed e Iks ,eep,, and the nest ast train, espled tq them, pseeasded I Le.vlttabmrg. 21. (mmbo Kma. ein..s. The story of the Gambo powder mills a one of the most tmarble in Maine's history. Only one pana now lives who can to the full aps-d ate its horror and that is Mr. aitr B. Hooper whoenjoys the unique di tinction o having pased through a powder mill exploson at Gambo alive s is an old man now and totay blind. He knows theamd ingc am b the lor of friends in this way, toW Shison was killed in the same mu a few yers after i owm dreadfd am peiance Be gives The Kxpr the odlowin" account of a expiaw eean frm the iide: "1b first thiu I amw was mal blinding fah wIhiach inantly grw brihter, ad I umped to get out o theway. I hsdtbsp oedeof i d to tall lat oo the i the food t l. Then the horrible, deafening mpt came, and piece of machbery, aom and ticks of timber ped over head. Luckily I wa not susek ta the missiles bt I was wtribly bed bthe powder, and the esmsed I mwooke up insi&d I lay Ol my lbe for month ad you ms ee how mm now." One other man cme out of a wu a tly unhurt the blow knest =-oe ha-u his fet. but he wuehd up the roed am mitold sme m h about the eaidesL He wea and <»Mrcuena haimuaston ap whben it w" diommr t-l * a: on the bottom of his. at de m with his sboc. ad a few I l later he fell dead from the seel the concussion.-PonJaod O(l.) SW prss P.u oI AMuM As n lgtiuaa ~mm 00 10 now-the foflbwiu IV~b Mb a =_IFP ;tYdbm t "As· when i an k jui Whyl Thi s an socm~ far u pwulimto Ammiesa but r nothing moro U a han arivWo d41 fuhiotid EIngisbh cuvtrs¶1Dr. JAW on. even in addieuing lkis ntiudw 'Doay,' continuaylly upeld 'W.' Hm, Aumican m an mo pei tGM Uglib poop!. It is alytwb WW WI DO U Zh tgbt inda= I roe d .osotes thanJ to cmr aom #rirb aso e daiegur We owe ges Americum Ir astdag usagad a& smuk here at amL, m some OPM-O iiwforb ibe hal" pkyw w M.VAtniL i Ed uB Ir vsotu~ ba emtUa audquas a arms a