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8UICIDAL TURKEY. Wbich Would |e PnVeprrous Under a Wise PIolicy. Iuserd to be a large conmunree mohalr, which industry was o, value to the people of Asia , ind it co.ihl Ihave controlled world's market. But Turkish I economy is of that kind that u0a nit perceives any industry to a oourishing condition it Imegins unbearable taxes un111l It. and prosdutt!u of this I.autiul was practically stilled. In ad to the uslial four-iftlls there was placed an export tax of 8 percentl Sit hbesides the prolit of the Imid The peculiar system of tax wIn made the goat!- t.i:alI asl Ie\c -itk and their milk as. a food pislunci. hair was taxed when clippedl, agai ni when shipled ablroad. Ihus s whole production of this Iasraitiful ratile died out and other counltries ag begpnining to funjish the Angora The culture of the sailkworm andal the manufac'turu of those unique and al most everlasting silks from Itroussa might be made a source of mnuch rv enue to Turkey, were it not for the p ,cy w'hich taxes every imulherry ee, every ounce of run' ilk and every yard of gpods imanuf'actured, until it is a matter of surlprise lBow the poor wAetches who pro(lu', thiiii can bve. Every fruit eIarinx trie'e' I, atxd, m an also aniiuals, ft e Is aitu i I a niU., and, lastly, labor itself is t.axd, and th6e.age worker has to su rrendear all that the tax gatherers can .lct.cze out of hint without actually ltg him to death. The laborers in hl!" Interior d Turkey and her diL ed',dlen.i'.s aiC tD thin that they look i ~k i,,,\' i munllllllie, and they all have thel cx 3futeon of utter dewo,,,decy and leassnegs on their w neeIItl features. collection of ta,,s iii all the in trior of Turkey and I e.r dependencies up faOrtm prodluce, I iade by Irvenlue [ef ru belonging t, eai. h pa;liiciul;ir pa.halik is made in kinld a hel therel Sno ready money. When the crops bil the anount which each one nmeally must ire given in money, otherwise the sold -rs, or revenue odi ers, seise the a,unnals, implements, pper cooking atensils. and, in fact, everything of so Ilicient value to carry of, and these a,), turned into mon.v, laving whole families utterly desti Ute f they make an outcry they usesive the bastinadoorare thrust into psao. Thost: farners or peasants who lisv within it distance of fifty miles from OOmatantinople bring their scanty itck of salable articles, such as small "ge4ables. fruit, i.oultrv, etc., and all aumse roads converge in two, which have stations for the revenue ollicers a Mashiak, which is near the forestal bsDgrade. and another on the Taxime, meur the Grand Champs cemetery. Here the trains of poor peasants paes with their donkeys, with their bags -pun their shoulders or with baskets _taning a little salad or a few egg> chickens-in short, anything they to sell. They are stopled aund produce appraised., alnd the Ileai ant must s:mnder up part of Ish.s ,'anty tore, letting the otficials take out what they wish ia tax. Tlhen lie inci\ves bit of rid lpalr ahincl I.runits hiiti o go ion selling the dilinlinll'l sti'k. Yoney. hlowever. in always plni't.'im·dY when tl, peasant ihas it, but whli lih. hasl Ino lollty the otiHcials hlie I, lthlili selves always to the best of the sttock. If he complains, which lie idlCnii doe. he nrlcives the bastin.ilo. Nin ither p.rple in these days could ,be s submisaive unlder such iijett slavery. All the drinkinig water hirought -on, long distances in barrels and bag. on the backs of men, and this water is also taxed, with the exception ,of that which is brought for the sul bu's household. Tihe reourves of Turkey proper are various and would eanrich any other eountry in the world, anad when we akmo take into account all the tributary Witioiw and dependencies,, we wonder at 'lie uniiveral poverty. The coun f17 I:arge anid reaclhes into several ch1'.4. There i, tearctely a:ything that could 1ii he llpNII4IwI if the iIn 4IusrIt. 1%erv not, tuIAiJttt tip .1thi uII just ain'd oiitrnge tIu. IdN:Ituin. \\-heat, cotrcc. (raper, 1.1II, tigrr. prunesYT 'wool ,of hc. cail qii.rlllt r Iihoacco of the Iiiuest poa..ihle k ijd. ho is l~. nuiciid nal :arnd airomnatic, such aa, Iaeku the &rkys ta: ,bubrnrb, In:mst ic. honey, Cori. tish of all kinds, itnchtiitl guina, dater, opium, silkUI, cottonI. flax, Petro leui. cattle-. bbeep, rugsb ant caicpeta, altrar oif ryse. the beautiful Brousia elWks ianid eiuhruidcries, the exquisite epd lingreri work which cannot be iiqgUA.d." uoutaidu of luracy, ndm many (tler thingin. TIle Tuklsll i 4V1y.stufi i\\.)1r alwalsl valuable and iii large demand, but tim governnelnt Oftictually killed toe in duatry by handicapping it with taxes and 'xlport duties, until now tih lradel is noaunal. Indeed, the whole policy' dTurkey has been to kill the g~xc that l.iy the golden egg. Ther are valuable coal mine% in many parta of Turkey--one within Iorty mile of Coastantinople- and they are not utilized, though the need lo fuel in that city is reat. The SUr t MJplJy for hastug house h their very rignsous winters is mharal and wood, brought from long lF-'.m on camels andbormes in i Anitestimi&U --m! quantities, and sold r ho chelee or armful.--Cor. New XMj Herald. SheUa Deewr fron LewomoUi. aginer O'Malie, of the O. 8.. L who nra the helte out from Olen YMrrs, killed a deer out of the Window while the train was d S~b headway. There were two 1 bot Ito yarls from the engine and OvMalie took a couple of pijots at them with hii Winchester knocking over 4" of them. The other ran directly Sto the ringine and then ('Malie lost theal. lu got so rattled that he Oould not gql the shell out f, his gun. Then he trind to hitit with tiie niioikey wreneb nIld iaUlly attempted to jump an its back, kut was restrained by the flenan. .\t any rate, durig the ex 4Wmenbt the <(r got awaeThe dead l uPicked< ulp on tile nreurn of the :Ja h) HReport". The Cam t Ni.I el Me a.e The (.ar Nicholas was, in fact, the last real autocrat in Europe. 1 count it among my most instructive experi ences and rncohlections to have ob tained a living picture of the most re markable man of my time, which I was able to supplement and complete from time to tnle by meansof inuner ouscoun.tctions with relatives cmmon to us both. In the person of the Em peror Nicholas all vague abstraltions of state, church and nationahty van ished. On hlooked at himi amnd per Piveld tha:lt aill the force expressed in tlhese ternls was concentrated in his person. Apart from him niothing ex Isted or seemed capable of existing. He stool tangible, but by no means terribl':e o, the contrcrvy. handsome and lordly. ::ttr.,ctive and seductive self uassue.d, Ihold, and like a kind o! religions gunrdiaII spirit before an adoring world And yet this colossal apparition .,f :ia absolute ruler proved on closer exannuiatioi to be mere out ward show, a painterl picture. lie was the mist perfect wearer of uniform ;amom.,g all the princes of Eu rope, a tailor's bhlck (Modellh for every kind of full dnmrs. The principles of his life amn government were uniform and red tlap. He looked both the statesnman and the general in so marked a degree that his complete capacity to till either role seemed to every one a foregone conclusion. Thait and everything else he effected by means of the grand spirit born within him, which was expressed in the phrase. "Nimbus of the Autocrat." He was better capable of maintaining this in the most brilliant style than any of the empelrors and kings of his time. But with equal ability lie man aged to give to the social expression of his feelings a certain air of bonhomie, which c(irrV'sl1)ted to his chainge of uniform. Above all, he understood the art of putting one out of counte nance, while his gallain and chival rous demeanor fascinated both men and women. His influence was every where and nowbere, like that of the Wandering Jew.--Duke of Coburg's Memoirs. Trieks I PBteogipbly. There are various ways for provid ing surprising results in photography, things that in one age would have been called magic, but in ours recog nized as scientific tricks. The ghost picture, for instance, in which a shadowy ghost-through which ma terial objects are visible-is seen be tween twtural attitudes and occupy tions. This is produced by an almost instantaneous exposure of the figure that is to do duty as the ghost, fol lowed by a full exposure of the figures and properties that are to appear natu ral. Another novel trick was shown recently in a photograph reproduced by a prominent trade journal, which presented the photographer seated at a table, playing chess with himself seated on the opposite side of the ta ble. while lie himself stood up in the background,lookiug at his two selves playing. . The ilgures were all on the negative, which wasL produced by three succes sive exls suresof the plate, parts there of lx.iing mnasked each time by a black velvet .liutter. Still another trick is that by which aº person who liked that sort of thing may appear to be photo graphed riding upon a flying goose or a fish. or any other desired style of ridiculous locomotion. This is done by the subject holding upon his lap a huge piece of white or sky tinted card, with the fanciful ligure drawn upon it. His face alpears above the upper edge of the card, and seems, in the picture, joined to the funny little body mounted on the goose or fish. The statue pic ture is made by about the samine device. . -Photographic Review. Norwtegia Iree~nm Even so commonplace a thing as a fence gives character to the landscape. This is a matter of importance to all who are interested in making country places and country life as attractive as possible. The fences of Norway, as described, must be an ugly blemish upon the face of the country. Two thick stakes of pine, from seven to eight feet long, are driven firmly ilnto the ground within an inch of each o.tlhr, and repeated at intervals of four feet. " S;maller sticks are then placed in a slaniting, position between the uprights, w hIIuli x.rve as grooves to keep tlhemn in thecir place, and they are still fur ther ccured by their being bound to get her with twigs of osier. When completed, it makes so com pact a fence that a weasel could scarcely put his nose through. They cannot. however, boast of combining the ornamental with the useful, hav ing a gaunt, monotonous look, which made us long to see them replaced by the pretty edgerows of England. Youth's Companion. NUoeal Sarveys. Tidalt obWmrvation and current obser vation form proper yart of ordinar nautical surveys. Thejpurpose of uch obaervatious is the ummediato and direct one of aiding navigatiou; hence the *election of stations, and the char acter and extent of the observations, will be made to acoomplo this pur uoe. If, however the tidal oberv ions are made or obtaning data whereby the theory of the tides may be perfected if the current obsera tions are mae to discover the eneral laws of oceanic circulation and their resuts, then these considerations will lead to a choice of stations and methods, and amount of observation, which give proise of best -erving that purpoas.-Sienoe. A lady this O t mimd her daily paper day sis Gay nd was very much snoy or laisd it to the earele. n d a.rier, who lid ed that be lt paper on his daily oond. Bhe. oooladed to watch for the culprit, and so about time for the mearer to make his appearce she took her place in the idow jut is time to see the ap thrown over. carrier had hardly 1ot out of t when a dog bounded from the side of the ete seised the pa and was o. like a Iash.-Pet (0a1C Coler. POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder t :e; vari.. A mar velof purity, strength aind whole. somenes. More em.uorlc'eal thanl the ordinary kind. and cilannot hIe "old in competition with the mliultitude of low test, short weight, alumn or phoºs hbate powders. t,old .ily in eouI. RYAL BAKAN(I PI~osWIn: Co.. 106 Wall street New VYirk. If You Have CONSUMPTION. BRONCHITIS, SCROFULA, COUCH or COLD, THROAT AFFECTION, WASTINC of FLESH, Or nny IltEwer .rher the Thrtet mud Lwngm are, Lack qo Str.NwthWr Nerr, Powea, yeo eas be riewed amd urred by SCOTT' EMULSION PURE COD LIVER OIL With Hypophosphites. Pausaau as Meau. Ask for Seefs ?mleaes, and letr s ugda.waeem or elfrtaw Eii.nduee.s Io amgae a .btutIe. sold by al Drufpfits. ScOTT & 101B, ChmlststI. T. $UP4?GS .iIl 1 lPlc aing Ser.L of Health and Strengtht Rencwcd. and of lase anal Cclmfort hIF.1owN th1 .c Ii-i ,,% rup ef Figs, as a1 arts gently on t11 KIIJx~r Le , : 'r I BOWELS Effectually ('h auiimg the system whoa Cosntive or lIu11ous. IispeUmag Colds, Headaches and Fevers andl ;wrenawntly curing HADITUAL COXTIPITTIO w ithout wealkening or irrttating the or gars on which it act". Four M1ale In ?i,0cnd "1.00 Mottle. by all Lead ug Prrugtata. SANI VA4 TI NN( U\LY r1 TIIM CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP 00 SAN IS' III.'I , ('A I.. , 1.M 1011.Ie. I . %r Vos. N. Y. Ihis is the Top of the GENUINE Pearl Top Lamp Chimney. Allotherf, similarareimitation. This cxact Label ison each Pearl Top Chimney. A dealer may say and think he has others as good, ]UT HE HAS NGT. Inist spas the Lzact Label and Top. Nos MaYt £UmU. iy L0 A, L M ET& O. FI b i .. C IN MM~y'd UNOaITHE pACIFI RAILROAD THE DIREOT LINE B'I WBEEN SAINT PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, Or DULUTH Idaho, Washidxiun Territory, And all Points in Minnesota, Di kota, Montana, OREGON, Briish ('olumbia. I'eP t S!ond ; ndl ALASKA. NO CHANGE OF CAPS BETWEEN ST. PAUI. and PORTLANI.l 0 On Any ('lne of Tickets. EMIGPANT SLEEPERS FRPE The Ouly Ali Itail Lietr t e, th YELLOWSTONE PARE Iprmes TTrIln I Dlry, o SwhCn e s rI tacM'h PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPERS AND ELEAAT DINING CARS. Frr 1' tIgoat irmsaiu a. to I lie. Kaier, Ma. OkaSI. . FEE. R.a.' Pmwaenk& ya -e .. rl Mrun gOITANA SHORT UN. When traveling every one should ear lider well the questions of economy, comfort, afaty and speed, these questiozn being of the same importance in a jourre) of an hour as in one of several days' rid~ An examination of the map will conwince anyone that this is the most direct ronte to and from all the principal points in Con- rtt IL .ra' .Ic~ro-l"· s " olu N )Dakota and Y.ntans. Our epuipment and time are excellent. Our ratee are the lowest, but this fact is something which speaks for its:fl. Deflnite Agurc and naps cq" be obtained by applying Uc any Agentof a. Compan, or the Gen eral Passenger Agent. The following are a few of the Principal Pnints reached via this Line: ,r. COrD, FAcK ('trrR,, Fxaous FALI.& r 'woL$1o, Tr. %I\CXart, Hlrwiwn w, PAYNvivIt.L, Morna.z AmPuroa An Bang.siuz maxn,MINS. WA7maOowiL Asa .F.KN., E'LL.EN'DALE, WAIHFurOr , AR aoo, (;AND FOuRKA, GUAr.oN, DaIvN LAsg, IltrrI.NEAl AND But, RD, DAXYrA; GLDA t;ow Lan Ic (Fr. rsd.I .%P), Aestrasons I'r. isrT Ns. GaserT iA.., HAurA AND Purrs, MIn'rA' .; W I\NLI'uo, MANrnosB4 AM) ALL '.tl Ic toMLor i'ulTa. P'arties r (ekin'r farue or business ]Ica tiis will: :.! u.Unal opportuniteI , irhh on 1tis lint in Northern Dakot.and MI,,ntin,a,: o its Minnesota wherethe ('ornlp:,ly lt.l.s fur mleH at low pries and on favr.ilhle tel ss 2 ,000,0f s) acins of ex* cellent f.,r:.':iug. :" ":I'd ti ..horlands For Iaan,s .a :I..r: .irntatiun alddr. J. RooKW.I ,! , C. ii W.RR.N., llad Coumn .., r t. A . Ag', 'T. ..4ALL MINN. LA MANIL, W. 8. AIZxANDA 6.'l 3Maaausr A m'IT'a Mama mnum hildren ry f Pitcher's Cstor. Childrm Cry (br Pitcher's Castoria' THI YELLOWSTONE JOURNAL, DAILY AND WEEKLY. THE OLDEST PAPER IN THE YELLOSTI'ONE VALLEY. WEEKI,' Esfltablished l l UB . IAIIll Established IS2 . Any subscriber to the YELLOWSTONE JOUR NAL who wishes to subscribe to any other publication in the United States CAN DO SO THROUGH US At Publishers' rates. We can save you from ten to thirty per cent. on your subscriptions to eastern magazines and newspapers A RENEWAL OF AN OLD SUBSCRNIPIOI Or the payment of a new one will entitle you to this privilege. BRANDS. We still continue to publish stock brands at the nominal rate of $5.00 PER YEAR For a single cut, with a copy of the WEEKL YE LLOWSToE JOURNA. AND LIVE STOCK REPORTER, Free for the first year. Our Weekly issue goes to Every Ranch in the County And ofers the very BEST MEDIUM AD t2h ADVERTISING of LOCAL BRID. JOB WORK. In this department we are prepare tp el cute all order wth promptnes and ia Ute W1EHI STFIYu OF T A R And, at prioes that will oompare with I. times. Send in your oNsm and we will tee to please yo. AYim S YTllowu Joinial Pb. , Mile. Ot ft. .